Empirical Study on a Successful Project
Shouzo Hori, Takako Nakatani
Yaskawa Information Systems Corporation, Graduate School of Systems Sciences, University of Tsukuba
1-2-3, Manpuku-ji, Asou-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, 3-29-1, Japan,
Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Keiichi Katamine, Naoyasu Ubayashi, Masaaki Hashimoto
Kyushu Institute of Technology,680-4 Kawazu, Iizuka, Fukuoka, Japan
Keywords: PM (Project Management) patterns, Requirements elicitation, Empirical Study, PM knowledge, Framework
of PM patterns.
Abstract: We propose PM (Project Management) patterns in order to prevent schedule delays caused by requirements
changes on empirical studies. Changes or late elicitation of requirements during the design, coding and test
processes are one of the most serious risks, which may delay the project schedules. However, changes and
late elicitation of requirements are sometimes inevitably accepted during the development processes.
Therefore, the PM method for preventing schedule delays caused by changes and late elicitation of
requirements during the development processes should be studied. In this study, we examined the actual
conditions of a project. The project succeeded in preventing schedule delays, though it did accept changes
and late elicitation of requirements during the development processes. As a result, we were able to extract
various typical PM techniques for preventing schedule delays caused by requirements elicitation. The
techniques were also applied to other projects. Thus, we call them PM patterns. Moreover, weve
arranged the patterns on a two-dimensional framework. The first dimension is a set of nine knowledge areas
of PM such as scope, time and cost management. The second dimension is a group of PM processes such as
planning, executing and controlling processes. We also break down the project goal, in this case, the
redevelopment of systems for future modifiability, into issues such as keeping lead time and educating
engineers, and arrange them on the framework. Then, we discuss the relationship between the project goal
and PM patterns on the framework.
In most projects, the software requirements are
changed and elicited during the design, coding and
test phases. Requirements changes and late
elicitations throughout the project can be one of the
most serious causes of project schedule delays
(Johnson, 1995). However, it is often inevitable that
we must accept requirements changes and late
elicitations after the requirements analysis phase has
been completed in order to achieve customer goals
(Davis, A. M, 2005).
To clarify how we cope with problematic
requirements changes, we have examined the Project
Management (PM) techniques of an actual project
which was successfully completed within its
schedule parameters, even though the project
accepted requirements changes and late elicitations
after the requirements analysis phase had been
completed (Nakatani et al., 2008) (Hori et al., 2008).
As a result, we derived three types of
requirements elicitation processes and seven PM
patterns useful in preventing schedule delays caused
by the requirements changes.
The purpose of this paper is to propose PM patterns
that prevent schedule delays caused by requirements
changes. Prior to introducing the patterns, we
discuss a framework of PM patterns aimed at
Hori S., Nakatani T., Katamine K., Ubayashi N. and Hashimoto M. (2009).
Successful Project.
In Proceedings of the 4th Inter national Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 115-120
solving the problems caused by requirements
In this paper, Section 2 describes the three types
of requirements elicitation processes and show the
results of our empirical study through the
observation of requirements change processes.
Section 3 describes the framework of PM patterns
and, the patterns themselves. Section 4 discusses our
research. Section 5 describes our conclusions.
We first give a brief description of the types of
requirements elicitation processes. Secondly, we
specify the purposes of our study on PM patterns for
managing these types of requirements elicitation
2.1 Types of Requirements Elicitation
There are three types of possible requirements
elicitation processes, as shown in Figure 1. The
vertical axis indicates the requirement elicitation rate
of each software component determined by the
software architecture of the system. The rate is
defined as follows:
(Requirement elicitation rate) = cumReq / allReq
where allReq is the total number of requirements
elicited for the software component until the end of
the project, and cumReq is a cumulative number of
requirements elicited until the target elapse date.
Each type is as follows:
E_type (Early maturation type): It completes
the requirements elicitation in the early stage of the
development. It appeared in the software
components to which the existing system had similar
ones or reusable ones.
L_type (Later period maturation type): It
represents a continuous process of requirements
elicitation throughout the development. This type is
observed in the software components, such as the
user interface in order to compete with other
companies’ products.
U_type (Unforeseen maturation type): It
represents the requirements elicitation process that is
caused unexpectedly in the later stage of the
development unexpectedly. It is observed in the
software components that have an interface
connected to the outside components developed by
third companies.
Elicited Requirements Ratio (%)
The early stage The later stageThe middle stage
Figure 1: Types f Requirements Elicitation Process.
Of course, the E_type process is desirable, since
eliciting all the requirements of the system in the
early stage of the development is advantageous.
However, the process may become time consuming
if there are few skilful engineers. Moreover, the
quality of the requirements is doubtful. Therefore,
the processes of L_type and U_type were accepted.
We examined the development history of an
actual project which reengineered a restaurant
ordering system in order to improve its
maintainability (Nakatani et al., 2008) (Hori et al.,
2008). Figure 2 hows the results of our examination.
The horizontal axis of the figure represents the
elapsed days of the project.
According to the study, the studied requirements
elicitation processes could be categorized into the
three types of Figure 1. Then, how to manage these
types in real projects?
2.2 Goals of Our Research
The above described E_type requirements elicitation
process is desirable. And, although L_type and
U_type may pose a risk with regard to causing
project delays and disruption of the planned
schedule, it is effective to clarify the methods of PM
to which the L_type and U_type are applied. We set
our goal to extract those PM methods as PM patterns.
Concerning the concept of patterns, Alexander
shows that although every building is unique, each
may be created by following a collection of general
patterns (Gamma et al., 1995) (Buschmann et al.,
1996). In other words, a pattern is a general solution
to a common problem or issue, one from which a
specific solution may be derived (Buschmann et al.,
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Cumulative elapsed days (days)
External Design
(The early stage)
Internal Design
(The middle stage)
(The later stage)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
TT_C Sys_M Inst.Support
DB OES_C Others
Ratio of requirements maturation(%)
Figure 2: Type of Requirements Elicitation Process.
Before we describe the PM patterns, we show a
framework for selecting adequate patterns to apply
for a specific situation of the project. In selecting the
adequate patterns, the patterns need to be related to
the goals of the specific project, such as the
reengineering of systems for improving
Within the framework, we must define the
structure in order to locate any conflict among
patterns that are selected and applied to any given
project situation. Furthermore, the framework should
present a solution for the complications.
This section describes a framework of PM patterns.
In order to apply the patterns to a project, a manager
should decompose their goals. We describe the way
to decompose the project goal into the issues in the
framework, and then introduce the PM patterns into
the framework.
3.1 Framework of PM Patterns
To construct a framework of PM patterns, we
propose two dimensions for the framework structure.
One dimension is the nine areas of PM knowledge
(PMBOK Guide., 2004). The areas are specified in
the leftmost column of Table 1. However, in this
paper, the Project Procurement Management Area is
not specified because the actual example project
didnt need procurement. The other dimension is the
five groups of PM processes (PMBOK Guide.,
2004). The five groups are specified in the right part
of the top row of Table 1. However, the Initiating
and Closing Processes are not specified because they
are not important in this paper.
In order to relate a project goal and the PM
patterns with each other, we decompose the project
goal into various issues to be solved. We arrange the
issues in the nine knowledge areas as specified in the
second leftmost column in Table 1.
We also decompose a PM pattern into the
solutions intended by the pattern (Buschmann et al.,
1996). Further, we also arrange the solutions on the
cells of the matrix, which is determined by the two
dimensions. The matrix [(specifications are) is
specified] in the three columns on the right-side of
Table 1. The individual numbers following the
solutions in the cells indicate the individual PM
patterns described in Subsection 3.3. If the solutions
can solve the issues in each of the nine areas, The
PM pattern is applicable to the project.
Next, we confirm that there are no imple-
mentations contradictions among the PM patterns
selected for a project. If two or more PM patterns are
related to a solution, we must examine whether the
CHANGES - Empirical Study on a Successful Project
Table 1: Framework of PM Patterns.
solution or not. If no contradictions are found, all the
PM patterns selected are applicable to the project.
3.2 Project Goal Decomposition
In order to select suitable PM patterns for a project,
the goal of the project and its specific environment
are broken down into the issues to be solved with
regard to the project management. We enumerate the
goal and specific environment of the actual example
project, and its issues in the following (Hori et al.,
Goal: An existing restaurant ordering system
which was developed by another company is
redeveloped in a short period in order to
guarantee the delivery date and, to ensure its
maintainability. This goal is broken down into
the following issues:
a. Guaranteeing the delivery date
b. No detailed system specifications
c. Short development period
d. Variety of function and external interface
Environmental Constraints: The redevelopment
environment constrained the project with the
following issues:
e. No experience with similar systems
f. No efficient communications path to
external interface specifications
g. Inefficient communications among
h. Training maintenance engineer
Environment Margin: The redevelopment
environment has the following margin:
a. Fund margin of training team
The above-mentioned issues are described in
Column “Project Issue” of Table 1.
3.3 PM Patterns
Seven PM patterns are extracted from the actual
example project. The patterns are described as
1) Early Elicitation of Requirements
Context: The existing system is redeveloped.
Problem: There are a lot of functions to be
redeveloped. In addition, the delivery date and
cost projection must be guaranteed.
Solution: The requirements of the existing
components are elicited in the early phase.
B) Plan ning
Proc ess Gro up
C) Exe cu tin g
Proc ess Gro up
D) Mon itoring &
Contro llin g
Proc ess Gro up
I) Proje ct
Inte gratio n
Man agemen t
- Integrated
Management: 2), 3)
II) Proje ct Sc ope
Man agemen t
- Variety of function
and external interface
- Scope planning &
definition: 1), 2), 3)
- WBS definition:
1), 2), 3), 5)
- Scope verification
& control: 1), 2), 3)
III) Pro jec t Time
Man agemen t
- Short development
- Project
scheduling: 2), 3),
- Schedule control:
2), 3), 4)
IV) Pro jec t Cost
Man agemen t
(- Fund margin of
training team)
- Cost control: 2),
3), 4)
V) Pro jec t
Man agemen t
- No detailed system
- Quality planning:
2), 3), 4)
- Quality
assurance: 2), 3), 4)
- Quality control:
2), 3), 4)
VI ) Proje ct
Human Re so urc e
Man agemen t
- No experience of
similar systems
- Training maintenance
- Human Resource
Planning: 2), 3), 7)
- Project Team
Formation: 2), 3), 7)
- Project Team
Training: 7)
- Project Team
Management: 2), 3),
VI I) Proje ct
Commun ic ation s
Man agemen t
- Inefficient
communications among
- No efficient
communications path to
external interface
- Communication
planning: 2), 4), 5),
- Information
Distribution: 4), 6)
- Performance
Reporting: 4), 5), 6)
- Stakeholder
Management: 2), 4)
VI II) Proje ct Risk
Man agemen t
- Keeping delivery date
- Risk response
planning: 2), 3), 4)
- Risk monitering &
control: 2), 3), 4)
WBS: Work Breakdown Structure
Kn owle dge Are a
Proje ct Issu e
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
New Problem: If the qualities of the existing
components are not good, a problem may
occur in the last phase of development.
2) Phased Elicitation of Requirements
Context: There are a lot of functions to be
redeveloped. However, the project members
do not have the domain knowledge.
Problem: If all the requirements are elicited in
the early phase, a risk of decreased quality and
schedule delay arises.
Solution: The requirements are elicited
gradually. The customers become involved in
the elicitation process (Camel et al., 1993)
(Beck et al).
New Problem: If the process of requirements
elicitation is not monitored and controlled
adequately, a risk of decreased quality and
schedule delay arises.
3) Late Elicitation of Requirements
Context: The system satisfies the customer
needs in the market.
Problem: Changing the requirements in the
last phase of development may not be able to
guarantee the delivery date.
Solution: In the last phase of development,
skilful engineers analyse the demands of
changing requirements, and determine
whether they should be accepted or left for the
next version.
New Problem: If the process of requirements
elicitation is not monitored and controlled
adequately, a risk of decreased quality and
schedule delay arises.
4) Rapid Elicitation of Requirements
Context: The development time is short.
Problem: The usual requirement elicitation
may cause schedule delay.
Solution: The communications among
stakeholders are planned for rapid elicitation
of requirements.
New Problem: If the process of requirements
elicitation is not monitored and controlled
adequately, a risk of decreased quality and
schedule delay arises.
5) Elicitation of External Interface Specifications
Context: The system is connected to a product
developed by another company.
Problem: There is no information of the
product specifications among the development
team. Moreover, there is no efficient
communications path to obtain the
Solution: The development team participates
early in open meetings concerning the product.
New Problem: If the specifications obtained in
the open meetings are insufficient, a problem
of interface mismatching arises in the
integration test.
6) Communications among Subcontractors
Context: Two or more subcontractors work
together to develop the system.
Problem: The communications among the
subcontractors are inefficient. Therefore, they
may cause a schedule delay.
Solution: The subcontractors gather
information in a repository.
New Problem: A security problem of the
information repository may occur.
7) Training of Software Maintenance Engineers
Context: Software maintenance engineers are
needed to extend the system often in a short
period of time.
Problem: There are no software engineers who
possess the knowledge of the system
Solution: Software maintenance engineers are
trained from the early phase.
New Problem: The cost of training is incurred.
In Table 1, each number of the above-mentioned
PM patterns is specified on the side of the PM
process to which the implementation of the PM
pattern is related. Using the framework specified in
Table 1, we can conclude that the problematic issues
of the project are solved by the PM patterns, and the
PM patterns have no implementation contradictions
among them.
The PM patterns described in Subsection 3.3 were
found in projects other than the actual example
project. Some of the projects were successfully
completed. Therefore, the PM patterns are useful,
and will be applied in the future. However, some of
the projects to which the PM patterns were applied,
such as the Phased and Late Elicitation of
Requirements, ultimately failed. One of the main
causes of failure was an unanticipated large quantity
of requirements to be obtained by the phased and
late elicitation. These kinds of failures can be found
in projects developing embedded software. In such
projects, the hardware and software are often
concurrently developed. If it is decided that a
CHANGES - Empirical Study on a Successful Project
problem within the hardware is to be solved through
the software, an unanticipated large quantity of
software requirements arises. This may delay the
projects projected schedule. To prevent such
schedule delay, the condition in which we apply the
PM patterns should be made clear and, proven to be
satisfactory before starting the project.
Although the PM patterns are useful, non-experts
of PM can not apply the patterns to actual projects
by themselves. The non-experts cannot conceive the
whole picture of actual project management.
Therefore, it would be difficult for them to apply the
PM patterns to actual projects. The PM patterns
would be useful for experts of PM in order to
prevent the mistakes of PM. Moreover, they would
be useful for the experts to teach and lead non-
In this paper, a kind of whole picture of actual
PM is given by the framework described in
Subsection 3.1. After PM patterns are selected in
order that they may be applied to a project, the
consistency among them can be approved within
each of the PM processes specified in the framework.
Moreover, the consistency between the PM patterns
and other parts of PM can also be approved in the
same way. Thus, the consistency of approving is
restricted to each of the PM processes in order to
make it practical.
In the future, PM patterns other than the ones
described in this paper, which are aimed at
preventing schedule delay, which are caused by
requirements elicitation, should be extracted.
Furthermore, the PM patterns should be
systematized. The framework of PM patterns is one
of the most important issues in the technology of PM
patterns. Therefore, the framework should be studied
in order to make the application of PM patterns more
In this paper, we proposed seven PM patterns in
order to prevent schedule delay caused by
requirements elicitation. Moreover, we proposed a
framework for approving project goal
implementation through the PM patterns, and non
implementation contradiction among the PM
In the future, other PM patterns should be
extracted and systematized. Moreover, the
framework should be studied in order to make the
application of PM patterns more practical.
This work was funded by the Joint Forum for
Strategic Software Research (SSR). We would like
to thank our colleagues at SSR. We would also like
to thank Mr. Masao Shimoji and his colleagues at
the Yaskawa Information Systems Corporation who
cooperated on our study as interviewees.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies