Takahiro Kawamura, Nguyen Minh The and Akihiko Ohsuga
Graduate School of Information Systems, University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Ontology, Mining, Weblog.
Recently, context-dependent recommendation services for smart phone users have been publicly available,
which provide any of useful information related to the users’ current situation. These services are based on a
technique called Human Activity Mining. However, a method collecting every event all the day, which is seen
in some projects on ubiquitous computing has some problems. Therefore, this paper proposes an approach to
build human Activity Correlation Map using ontologies from users’ behavior logs on weblogs. Then, we show
its efficiency through a preliminary evaluation.
Recently, information recommendation service for a
smart phone depending mainly on its location has
been publicly available. In such a service, several
kinds of daily events like web access logs from the
phone, and informations from GPS and sensors like
MEMS accelerometer are recorded as personal activ-
ity logs, then any of regular rules, that is, frequent
event sequences are discovered in the logs, and the
related information to the user’s current situation are
provided (weather, train schedule, traffic jam, daily
schedule, etc), further the next possible activities are
recommend (have dinner in nearest restaurant?), if
For example, “My Life Assist Service” (Kitsure-
gawa, 2008) which is a service of Japanese na-
tional project “Information Grand Voyage Project”,
and “Life Log” (Ohashi, 2008) which is a joint re-
search project organized by a telecom carrier, KDDI
are providing such services. Furthermore, one of
those are already commercialized. Another telecom
carrier, NTT DoCoMo just started an activity assist
service called “i concier” (Yamada, 2008) on Novem-
ber 2008, which is sort of an agent service for mobile
However, a background technique of those ser-
vices, Human Activity Mining currently has the fol-
lowing problems.
A. Because the events have lots of noise data, it’s dif-
ficult to find meaningful event sequence.
B. The personal logs are not enough to find elements
of surprise for him/her. However, Using other
users’ logs has difficulties of data amount, secu-
rity, and privacy, etc.
C. Further, to find regularities from enormous size
of the event data and make them rules, it needs
substantial cost for building and maintenance.
Therefore, this paper proposes a way to build the
human Activity Correlation Map by first extracting
users’ activity metadata from CGM (Consumer Gen-
erated Media) like weblogs and SNS, and combining
the similar activities referring activity ontology. The
actual activity recommendation, that is, the agent ser-
vice would be realized by searching on the map from
a certain topic node and selecting some adjacent in-
formation and activity nodes. We note that, however,
this paper discusses part of building of the map.
First of all, the Activity Correlation Map in this paper
is like Figure 3, 4. There is no definition of this term,
but we consider it as a graph which expresses the re-
lationship and its strength among a target activity and
other activities most users tend to do with/after the
target activity. Our proposed map has a unique fea-
ture which shows a modification relation between a
subject of the activity and its object.
Kawamura T., Minh The N. and Ohsuga A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 346-352
DOI: 10.5220/0002241203460352
Figure 1: System Architecture.
Figure 1 shows an overall architecture to build the Ac-
tivity Correlation Map. In our approach,
1. Firstly, we extract sentences include a certain
topic key (search key word) from CGM like we-
blogs and SNS.
2. Next, by morphological analysis and syntactic
parsing we find modification relations among the
topic key and words (instances) of the activity on-
tology and product ontologies from the sentences,
then organize them the activity metadata which
are triples of S, V, {O,C}.
The activity ontology is a graph representing
types and names of human activities (see Figure
2). Then, the product ontology is a graph repre-
senting category and names of products (see Fig-
ure 2). Both of ontologies represent a type of ac-
tivity and a category of product as a class, and its
actual names (includes paraphrases) as instances
of the class. They are based on SUMO (Pease,
2008), and their main classes are retrieved from
SUMO, then the Japanese instances are added to
them. As a result, those ontologies become rel-
atively instance rich. The extraction of ontology
from the sentence uses a word match with the in-
3. Then, we combine those metadata referring the
classes of words (instances) found in the meta-
data, and create the 2-dimensional Activity Cor-
relation Map (Figure 3). We also combine the
words in the case that one of which is included in
the other one, even if the corresponding word is
not found in the instances of the ontologies. Here,
the activity and its subject, object are represented
as nodes, and their modification relations are links
between them.
4. Finally, we put weights on the links according to
co-occurrence function considering consecutive-
ness and occurrence order of the activity metadata
in the original CGM.
Additionally, when we recommend the possible
information and activity to the user, we are now con-
sidering to select the related activities by searching
around the topic node and some nodes representing
the user’s current situation (station name, etc), if any.
On the other word, we would handle the information
recommendation as a graph search problem.
3.1 Experimental Result
This section shows an example to build an Activ-
ity Correlation Map for a topic key “Harry Potter”.
Firstly, we collect blog pages, etc. which contain the
term “Harry Potter” using any of keyword search en-
Secondly, we extract the activity metadata, that is,
lists of words which have the modification relations
from sentences in the above pages. The modifica-
tion relations are extracted by the syntactic parsing
using triggers like: the term itself “Harry Potter”, the
Figure 2: Part of Activity Ontology (above) and Product Ontology (below).
classes and their instances of the activity ontology like
look, read, rent, etc., and those of the product ontol-
ogy like subtitles of “Harry Potter”. The extracted
metadata is as follows:
Original Sentence: “The LEGO: Harry Potter game
is also rumored to be published by Warner Bros.
Extracted Metadata: {Subject: Warner Bros, Verb:
publish, Object: LEGO}
Then, by looking at the ontology classes of words
(instances) in the metadata, we arrange synonyms
among the metadata as one node. Further, we build
the map by representing the modification relations be-
tween the words as the links between the nodes.
Finally, we put the weights on the links based on
frequency and order of the word occurrence, and the
words semantic closeness in the ontologies.
Figure 3 shows the actual output of the Activity
Correlation Map. But, currently the system can only
take Japanese sentences, because the morphological
analysis and syntactic parsing engines depend on lan-
guage. For illustrative purposes, therefore, Figure 4
shows a part of the map for the topic “Harry Potter”.
This map was composed of the activity meta-
data extracted from 149 sentences of 26 blogs about
“Harry Potter” collected by Google Blog Search on
November, 2007 by using our reputation extraction
engine from blogs (Kawamura et al., 2007). We
should note that the size of the activity ontology cre-
ated for this experiment is at most 85 nodes.
Currently, the weight on a link between two nodes
are calculated as co-occurrence ratio of two words.
The co-occurrence ratio of word A and B Co
(%) =
+ O
× 100
,where O
and O
are the number of sentences
with occurrence of word A and B respectively, and
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
is the number of sentences with simultaneous oc-
currence of word A and B, that is, the modification
relation from word A(B) to B(A).
3.2 Preliminary Evaluation
3.2.1 Map Analysis
Although we definitely need more accurate evalua-
tion, we can at first qualitatively confirm that the fol-
lowing points are contained in the map.
Practical activities the user would like to do such
as seeing the movie, renting the DVD, reading the
book, etc.
Activities or topics of surprise that the user might
feel interested such that:
dubbed-in voices in the movie attract lots of at-
tentions (a dubbed version of this movie is more
popular than a closed-captioned one, in spite of
the fact that close-captioned movies are usually
more popular in Japan),
there are many talks on “Detective Conan” (a
cartoon program in TV) in the same blogs (we
imagine that their audiences and readers would
overlap with each other),
there are also many talks and even EC sites on
hat coming up in the movie (the audiences and
readers of that age seem to yearn for such an
people tend to be getting tired and sleep just af-
ter seeing the program (we guess that’s because
the screen time of the “Harry Potter” movies
are relatively long).
3.2.2 User Test
Furthermore, we conducted simple user tests for
quantitative evaluation, since it’s difficult to have
comparison with other systems
In this experiment, we measured precision and re-
callconcerning the activity correlation maps for cer-
tain topics like “Harry Potter” from 10 users. The pre-
cision means here “how many nodes within a given
distance from the topic node are useful activities
(verb) or informations (subject, object) for the users”.
Also, we made a list of the related activities and infor-
mations to the topic which are interesting for the users
before the experiment by questionnaire. Then, we
Although we considered the comparison with collabo-
rative filtering systems like Amazon.com, Amazon can nei-
ther output products not available on Amazon, nor the hu-
man activity such as other systems.
measured as the recall “how many of those are con-
tained in the nodes within a given distance from the
topic node”. The distance is here product of weights
(co-occurrence) on links from the topic node, and we
conducted two cases of 5.0% and 3.0%. In the ex-
periments, we took the average of the precision and
the recall of 10 users regarding three maps for three
topics. We note here that the number of nodes within
5.0% distance was 38 as average of three topics and its
link length was average 3 links. The number of nodes
within 3.0% distance was 177 as average of three top-
ics and its link length was average 6 links. Also, the
number of nodes listed by the users in advance was 9
as average of 10 users. The result is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Precision and Recall.
Topics Topic A Topic B Topic C
Distance (%) 5.0 3.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 3.0
Precision (%) 18.4 8.4 14.3 10.9 18.9 14.0
Recall (%) 77.8 96.2 62.5 87.5 75.0 87.5
Table 2: Precisions according to distance from 2 topics.
Topics Topic A Topic B Topic C
Precision (%) 40.0 40.0 36.4
As a result, we found that both of 3.0% and 5.0%
distance have high recalls, but remain low precisions.
A reason is that sort of common activities and infor-
mation which are not necessarily related to the topic
are frequently revealed in the map, since a mass of
general words are also co-occurred to the topic in the
modification relation extracted from the ordinary blog
sentences. So, we are considering to exclude them
from the map by adding the general words to a filiter
which is currently used to take out adverbs, etc.
Additionally, it is not preferable to show lots of
choices with low accuracy to the user in the actual
information recommendation service. Therefore, we
should try to put more useful activities and informa-
tion for the user in less choices as possible by narrow-
ing range from the topic node. An approach is, for ex-
ample, to obtain the second topic which is interesting
for the user from a search history, etc., then select the
nodes close to both of the first and second topic node.
So, we made the users specify the second topic for
each map in Table 1, and measured the precision for
the nodes within the same distance (co-occurrence)
from the first and second nodes. The result is shown
in Table 2.
As a result, it was found that this approach can
raise the precision in comparison with the case of a
topic node. Thus, we can confirm that it is possible to
extract practical activities and information related to
Figure 3: System Output of the Map (in Japanese).
a certain topic from the Activity Correlation Map. In
future, we will plan to realize a highly accurate rec-
ommendation service applying this approach.
In addition to the above, it is known difficult to
set any metrics to measure the elements of surprise
in recommendation technique, and to have objective
experiment on this issue. So that, we simply measured
by a questionnaire the number of nodes of activities
and informations which are unexpected for the users.
However, it is expected that the unexpected nodes for
the users would increase because co-occurrence falls
according to the distance from the topic. Then, we
measured the average value of 10 users in the case of
5.0% distance. The result is shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Ratio of nodes of surprise.
Topics Topic A Topic B Topic C
Surprise (%) 5.3 4.8 10.8
As a result, we found that the nodes within relatively
close distance from the topic include a certain amount
of the elements of surprise. In future, we will con-
sider how to present the above practical nodes and the
node of surprise to the users in the recommendation
The proposed method in this paper is trying to solve
the three problems mentioned in section 1 by the fol-
lowing approach.
A. We are handling CGM, which has less noise than
the daily event data from the sensors.
B. There is a possibility to find elements of surprise
from any other users’ blogs.
C. Since the Activity Correlation Map represents the
links and its strength among the topic and other
activities,searching on the links makes writing the
rules unnecessary.
Also, we can make a group node which contains
semantically similar nodes in the map by referring
more abstract class of the product ontologies and the
activity ontology. Then, if there is no exact node for
a topic, we can recommend any activities or informa-
tions from similar topics (grouped nodes). It’s a han-
dling to a problem that we will not able to collect lots
of the activity metadata for minor movies, etc. from
On the other hand, the Activity Correlation Map
can be useful as a visualization tool for BI (Busi-
ness Intelligence) which is a IT system supporting
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 4: Part of Map for “Harry Potter”.
corporate management. Here, data mining is attract-
ing some attention as a core technique, and already
many package vendors commercialized the mining
tools as add-ons of DWH (Data Ware House), ERP
(Enterprise Resource Planning). Now we are consid-
ering this map can be applicable as the visualization
tool for customers’ activity, which would help prod-
uct marketing and merchandising. One similar tool is
a product recommendation service like the collabora-
tive filtering system of Amazon.com. Another appli-
cation is BTA (Behavioral Targeting Advertisement).
Recently, big companies have increased ads to BTA,
especially combination to social media like SNS com-
mands considerable attention.
In addition to the projects mentioned in section 1,
there are related researches in the area of ubiquitous
computing and web. For example, (Kamei et al.,
2007) is trying to combine the real-space events, that
is, the user’s activity history taken from sensors which
are embedded all over the space like other many ubiq-
uitous researches, and some general knowledge got-
ten from the web.
Moreover, (Perkowitz et al., 2004) is also focus-
ing on the combination of fine-grained sensor data
and high-level structured information like time and
space, and conducting an experiment on a certain data
In our approach, on the other hand, the granular-
ity of data model (Activity Correlation Map in this
paper) are predefined by the activity ontology. We
would discuss the design of the activity ontology in
the other paper.
In addition to the above, our Activity Correlation
Map would be similar to ConceptNet (Arnold, 2008),
a common-sense project of MIT with respect that its
representation is a semantic network of human activ-
ity. However, it’s different that ConceptNet is based
on collective intelligence, that is, relying on human
volunteer via the web. Therefore, it would be diffi-
cult to incorporate unconscious correlation of activi-
ties, and the element of surprise which is important in
the future activity recommendation service can not be
found in the network. So that we believe that our ap-
proach which is mining from CGM is complementary
to ConceptNet approach.
As a future work, we are considering to develop an
application to recommend the activities to the users
related to his/her current situation and page views,
based on the pre-build map for several topics. As
mentioned before, a marketing application as part of
BI is also under review.
In technical aspect, the development of the orig-
inal co-occurrence function considering consecutive-
ness and occurrence order of the activities, and how to
search on the map, i.e., how to determine the next pos-
sible activities to recommend when a topic is given
are scheduled to be studied.
Arnold, K. (2008). Conceptnet 3 - a semantic network rep-
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Sakurai, Y., and Okadome, T. (2007). Tagging strate-
gies for extracting real-world events with networked
sensors. In Proceedings of 1st International Workshop
Tagging, Mining and Retrieval of Human-Related Ac-
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(2007). Mobile service for reputation extraction from
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies