César Pardo, Francisco J. Pino
IDIS Research Group, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering Faculty, University of Cauca
Street 5 # 4–70, Popayán, Colombia
Félix García, Mario Piattini
Alarcos Research Group – Institute of Information Technologies & Systems, University of Castilla-La Mancha
Paseo de la Universidad 4, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Keywords: Harmonization of Models for Process Improvement, Software Process Improvement (SPI), ISO 9001,
Abstract: Since almost two decades ago, process improvement has been evolving considerably. Proof of this is the
increase in the amount of models (models and fact standards) that have been able to be referenced and taken
as a basis on which to carry out process improvement. The heterogeneity of available models, together with
the need to solve problems from many dimensions and organizational hierarchies, lead to organizations
facing problems in improvement process projects which have to deal with different models at the same time.
To balance these models, this paper sets out a homogenized structure as a support mechanism for the
harmonization and integration of their different characteristics.
It is increasingly important and necessary for
organizations to take up work that allows them to
broach process improvement in a multi-model
environment. This is due to the fact that often the
“addiction” to new or better practices in this kind of
environments exists without any attention being
given to the coordination and considerations needed
to make the harmonization, integration and
interaction of the models (Jalote, 1999) easier.
Similarly, multi-model environments in software
process improvement are present when an
organization decides or needs to integrate into its
processes different practices or characteristics that
are present not in one, but in several models (Siviy
et al., 2008a).
A difficulty in tackling process improvement in
multi-model environments is the heterogeneity of
how different models describe the process elements.
This heterogeneity of those models is one reason
why many organizations get overwhelmed and
confused when making a decision about the choice
and application of the model which is most pertinent
to their needs. Such heterogeneity also comes about
because these models describe elements of different
knowledge areas and organizational requirements. In
some cases similar practices may even exist. In
general, each model specializes in a set of specific
practices and in a different level of abstraction and
detail. However, organizations can benefit from this
heterogeneity and variety if they suitably select and
complement the software processes from these
models which fit well to their contexts.
Of the analysis carried out in (Pardo et al., 2009)
and their upgrading with a systematic review, the
most important works with related this proposal are
(Biffl et al., 2006), (Ferchichi et al., 2008), (Siviy et
al., 2008a), (Siviy et al., 2008b), (Siviy et al., 2008c)
and (SPICE., 2008).
Related to the literature, this paper presents a
common structure that allows us to carry out the
homogenization of the process elements of two or
more models as one of the aspects that is important
in supporting the harmonization and integration of
models. The proposed structure allows us to analyze
Pardo C., Pino F., García F. and Piattini M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 151-156
DOI: 10.5220/0002245801510156
the process elements described by different models
under a common schema, to make harmonization
easier. The structure is also a tool that supports the
identification of differences and similarities, thereby
making it more possible to understand the different
models involved in the efforts in process
improvement made by a given organization.
Apart from the present introduction, the paper
presents: in section 2 the description of the structure
for homogenization and an example of its
application. Section 3 sets out the application of the
structure and homogenization of some process
entities of ISO 9001:2000. A set of lessons learned
is summed up in Section 4. Section 5 features
conclusions and future work.
To define the structure for homogenization, it was
first necessary to identify the process elements that it
would be made up of and that were also common to
any process model. Based on the analysis of the
studies about the commonly-identified process
elements presented in (Cugola et al., 1998),
(Derniame et al., 1999) and (Fuggetta, 2000) and the
most modeled process elements presented in (Benali
et al., 1992), (Finkelstein et al., 1994), (McChesney,
1995), (Fuggetta et al., 1996) and (Huff, 1996), it
was possible to establish a set of basic and common
elements for any process model.
Likewise, when making a comparison to analyze
the degree of correspondence with standard SPEM
2.0, it is possible to note that the process elements
identified are present in the standard. This helps to
prove the generality of the homogenization of our
purpose. The process element “resource” isn’t
defined in SPEM, however, this is just a
generalization of roles and tools that may be found
in a process model and that are defined in the
Other possible elements can manage to shape the
set of basic elements, like directly associated
elements or decomposed elements from other
elements, for example, steps and tasks of activities,
in-out appliances, human resources, time and so on.
Decomposition of elements allows us to detail and
match the information of models with more
granularity and/or detail. Thus, it will be possible to
evaluate the granularity of each model throughout
the structure. The generic structure is based on the
following works (Fuggetta, 2000), (Cugola et al.,
1998), (OMG, 2008), (Derniame et al., 1999) and
(Acuña et al., 2001).
2.1 Modeling of the Structure
Figure 1 presents the conceptual modeling of the
structure that uses the elements of a previously
defined process model, covering the object model,
attributes and its respective data types. As shown in
this figure, in general each model grouped together
all processes in different categories or processes
groups, in the same way each process is formed by a
set of elements or characteristics such as: activities,
tasks, roles, products or appliances, measurements,
and so on. This first version doesn’t aim to deal with
characteristics of all existing models. It does set out
to take account of the more common ones, as well as
the ones defined in the models analyzed, making its
future adaptation possible.
2.2 Structure Description
Common structure for the homogenization of
different models is divided into four sections, which
are described next:
Figure 1: UML modeling of the structure for
Section 1: Description. Includes the process
description, process group, process, activities
and related tasks;
Section 2: Roles and Resources. Includes the
tools, resources, roles and work disciplines
defined to carry out the process development,
activities or tasks;
Section 3: Control. Relates the work products
or appliances, deliverables, results, goals and
measurements that serve as verification
milestones in the execution of an activity or
Section 4: Additional information. Involves
related processes and methods needed to obtain
a purpose.
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Table 1: Comparison of models at a high level.
Section Stereotypes and elements
Section S1D: Description SD1.1 Process group
x x x x x
SD1.2 Processes
x x x x x
SD1.3 Activities
x x x x
SD1.4 Tasks
x x
Section S2RR: Roles and resources. S2RR1 Roles
x x
S2RR.2 Tools
Section S3C: Control. S3C.1 Artefacts
x x x x
S3C.2 Goals
x x
S3C.3 Metrics
x x
Section S4IA: Additional information S4AI.1 Related processes
x x x
S4AI.2 Methods
In table 1 an example of the structure application
is set out, comparing several models at a high level
of abstraction. This comparison allows us to know if
a model defines or not the process elements in
comparison to other models, taking as a basis the
process elements established in the structure.
If we analyze one of the homogenized models in
the table 1, for example CMMI, we can notice that
according to the process elements of section 1 or
SD1, the match will be equal to: process groups
(Category), processes (purpose, introduction notes,
and specific or generic objectives), activities
(specific and/or generic practices) and tasks
2.3 Steps for Homogenization of
Models using the Structure
To describe the process elements making use of the
proposed structure, we suggest three steps:
P1. Structure Analysis and Terminology. The
analysis of the structure of a model can turn out to
be one of the initial implicit steps in carrying out the
implementation or improvement project.
Homogenization supports an exhaustive analysis of
terminology, syntaxes and identification of specific
words for the models. Although it won’t be
necessary to perform a rigorous analysis on all
models, it is important to bear in mind that the
analysis will serve as a way to identify criteria that
allow us to establish an objective matching of
information and model process elements in relation
to each one of the structure elements.
P2. Identification of Requirements. Once the
analysis has been done, it is possible to carry out the
identification of requirements of software process to
be homogenized. That allows us to identify which
information of the model will be matched and
organized in the structure elements. The effort
involved in the first two steps depends on the
granularity level and the detail of the model.
P3. Correspondence. Element Correspondence is
the last of the steps to perform in a model
homogenization. Such correspondence shows the
models reorganized in the four sections of process
element described by the proposed structure. The
object of homogenization is to prepare the models
for harmonization in multi-model environments.
In this paragraph we describe the steps carried out
for the homogenization of models and requirements
contained in ISO 9001:2000 (ISO, 2000).
To perform a first homogenization we decided to
take ISO 9001, for two reasons: (i) because it is one
of the standards which is useful and widespread at
the present time and (ii) because it is one of the most
subjective standards about what to do and how to do
3.1 Homogenization of ISO 9001:2000
We will now give a brief summary of the application
of the steps described, implementing the common
structure in homogenization of the ISO 9001:2000
standard. The analysis of the standard was carried
out in the same way as other authors (Paulk, 1993),
(Paulk, 1994), (Paulk, 1995), (Mutafelija et al.,
2003a), (Mutafelija et al., 2003b) and (Mutafelija et
al., 2003c), where the requirements are identified by
analyzing the “Shall” and “Should” statements. A
syntax that allowed us to better identify the practices
required by the standard was established , thereby
decreasing a large part of the ambiguity and
subjectivity that is an integral part of trying to
understand it; see table 2.
An example of the result of the homogenization
is shown in Annex 1. On the Annex, clause 4 is
organized and structured according to the quality
management system. In this table we can see that not
all the elements of the four sections of the general
structure found any correspondence, this is because
the standard “doesn´t define” or set out detailed
information for that correspondence.
ISO 9001 neither defines nor documents clearly
many of the requirements that it suggests should be
put into operation (for example activities, tasks and
appliances). Correspondence and formalization of
the information presented in it with regard to process
elements of structure, had made it more possible to
understand the requirements associated with it. An
example is the identification and correspondence of
activities and appliances.
Due to the limitations on space, the information
presented in Annex 1 have been summarized. For
greater detail about the models analyzed, we suggest
the corresponding reference be consulted.
Table 2: Syntax to identify the requirements in ISO 9001.
Syntax Description
1. Shall [verb]
2. Shall [verb] …
and [verb]
This statement indicates the actions,
activities, tasks or procedures that the
organization that will develop it will
have. It is probable that this statement
will be used to describe one or several
actions or to derive processes.
3. Begins for [shall]
or shall [verb] that
Identifies a list of derived requirements of
processes, procedures, activities or tasks.
3. Shall be [verb]
Indicates the characteristics associated
with a process, or possible roles or work
4. Shall [include] Indicates the details that the organization
must include in a process or work product
5. Shall be [verb] +
[by], [to] or [on]
This syntax helps to identify the detail of
some procedures or processes.
The proposed structure has been also applied to
COBIT 4.0 and PMBOK.
Having put this proposal into practice, we have
learned a series of lessons:
Correspondence of process elements is carried
out according to the investigator’s criterion. A
set of basic criteria for supporting the analysis
and identification of requirements in the
models needs to be found and recorded, along
with the steps suggested for homogenization.
ISO 9001 neither defines nor sets out clearly
many requirements that it recommends
implementing (for example activities, tasks and
appliances). Correspondence and formalization
of the information shown on it according to the
process elements of the structure, has made it
easier to understand the requirements
associated with it.
Granularity and flexibility in the incorporation
of process elements allow us to address the
description of new elements that are only
present in specific models. An example is the
correspondence of subpractices of CMMI.
Analyzing the models from only the
identification of the amount of declarations
and/or requirements, either indicates only their
correspondence (strong, medium or weak) in
relation to other quality models. It might not be
the best option in mapping or comparison of
models, because in this kind of mappings it is
only possible to identify the matches at a high
level of abstraction. This leaves to one side
other characteristics that could turn out to be
Differences in words and structures used in the
different models, makes the comparison with a
simple mapping at a high abstraction level
improbable. Dealing with that problem by the
translation of a model into the terms of words
and structures of other model, is even more
difficult and less flexible. An option in solving
this problem is to define a guide or process that
guides and provides the tools needed for the
harmonization and integration of different
Process elements are components of great
importance in the homogenization of models.
Besides this, they make it possible to perform
more objective mappings and or fine grain
comparisons. They allow us to identify at a low
level of abstraction how a model can be
complemented with another in terms of its
process elements and not only according to its
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
It is important to emphasize that the models from
different representations are not incompatible and
that there is the possibility of mapping
characteristics to harmonize complementation in the
improvement projects. In this sense, this paper
proposes a common structure as one of the aspects to
support the homogenization of different models that
are used to carry out the process improvement of the
organization. The goal of this work, besides
allowing the organization of the different elements
that are belong to each one of the models in a
common structure for homogenization, is to make
better comprehension and identification of the
relationships or differences between different
models more likely. It will thus be easier to carry out
the identification and analysis of the level of detail
(depth or granularity), overlap, complementarity,
synergy and all the other concepts that may be
present in the harmonization of multi-model
This work will be the starting point from which a
line of work will be developed. This is related
initially to two aspects mentioned previously: the
depth and overlap levels of different models. Depth
and granularity would be characterized by the level
of detail and the description of each one of the
elements present and defined in a model. The
overlap would be represented by the level of
similarity, coincidence or differentiation between
processes that each one of the models is made up of.
This comparison would be carried out to allow the
organizations to choose the most appropriate process
for providing better practices that help give solutions
to their needs. Additionally, practical reports will be
carried out and written up on and here is where the
benefits of the homogenization and harmonization of
models can be seen easily.
This work has been funded by the projects:
ESFINGE (TIN2006-15175-C05-05, MEC of
Spain), MECENAS (PBI06-0024, JCCM of Spain),
Collaborative Environment to Support Process
Improvement for the Colombian software industry
(3531-403-20708, Colciencias of Colombia) and
ARMONIAS (PII2I09-0223-7948, JCCM of Spain).
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Annex 1: Homogenization of Clause 4 of ISO 9001:2000 in the process elements of the common structure.
SD1.1 Processes group
4. System of Quality Management
ID Clause 4.
Name System of Quality Management
Purpose The organization shall establish, document, implement and maintain a system of quality management
and continually improve its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of this international
Description General Requirements. The organization must: literally) identify the processes needed for the system of
quality management and its application across the organization.
Objectives Are defined implicitly.
SD1.3 Activities S3C.1 Artefacts
1. Clause 4.1 concerning the general requirements, referred to in subparagraphs a,
b, c, d, e and f, a set of responsibilities and processes that the organization must
take into account in the System of Quality Management, for example ensure the
availability of resources and information, tracking, measuring, and so on.
Note in this clause also refers to processes to include: management activities,
provision of resources, product creation and measurement
1. In clause 4.2.1, literal a, b, c, d and e, are
listed artifacts which the documentation system
of quality management should include. For
example, the statements of a documented quality
policy and quality objectives, quality manual,
documented procedures required by this
international standard, among others.
2. Clause 4.2.2, literal a), b) and c) lists what the
quality manual should contain. For example, the
scope of the system of quality management,
including details and justification of any
exclusion, the documented procedures
established for the system of quality
management, or reference to, and a description
of the interaction between the processes’ system
of quality management.
2. Note 1 of Clause 4.2.1 describes the term "documented procedure" as referring to
a procedure that must be supported by processes to establish, document it,
implement it and maintain it.
3. Clause 4.2.3 Control of documents relating to the list in the literal a, b, c, d, e, f,
g, a set of controls necessary to carry out this procedure (for example, approve,
review, update documents, and so on).
4. In clause 4.2.4 concerning the Control of records, records that are established,
maintained, remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable. There should be a
documented procedure to define the controls needed for identification, storage,
protection, retrieval, retention time and disposition of records.
S4AI.1 Related
The system of quality management ISO 9001 can relate clauses of its own or of others, for example in clause
4.2.1 General, subparagraph e), the clause 4.2.4. is related In clause 4.2.2 Quality Manual, literal a), clause 1.2.
is related and in clause 4.2.3. Control of documents clause 4.2.4. is related.
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies