Miguel A. Laguna and Bruno González-Baixauli
University of Valladolid, Spain
Keywords: Software Product Line, Feature Model, Mobile System, Communicator.
Abstract: Software product lines are a proven development paradigm in industrial environments. However, its
application in small organizations is not easy. Our approach uses the package merge mechanism of the
UML 2 meta-model as representation of the variability in the product line. The structure of the variability
models is directly reflected in the relationships between packages in the architectural models, so that the
traceability of configuration decisions is straightforward. A similar strategy is applied at the implementation
level, using packages of partial classes. The combination of these techniques and the conventional IDE tools
make the developments of product lines in small organizations easier as it removes the need for specialized
tools and personnel. This article reports a successful experience with a communicator product line case
study, representative of the mobile systems domain. People with certain communication problems can use
these systems as a low-cost help in their everyday life. As problems vary from a person to another, a
communicator product line is the indicated solution, allowing the adequate personalization of the final
application to the disability of each concrete person.
Software product lines (SPL) are a proven reuse
approach in industrial environments, due to the
combination of a systematic development and the
reuse of coarse-grained components that include the
common and variable parts of the product line
(Bosch, 2000). However, this approach is complex
and requires a great effort by the companies that take
it on. The research we carry out in the GIRO
research group aims to simplify the change from a
conventional development process into one that
benefits from the product line advantages in small
and medium enterprises (SME) or organizations. For
this reason, we have proposed, among other
initiatives, an adaptation of the Unified Process to
include specific techniques of Product Line
Engineering in a process parallel to Application
Engineering (Laguna et al., 2003).
As specific SPL development techniques, we
must pay special attention to the variability and
traceability aspects at each abstraction level. We
need models that represent the product line and a
mechanism to obtain the configuration of features
that represent the best combination of variants for a
specific application. Additionally, we must connect
the optional features with the related variation points
of the architectural models that implement the
product line through traceability links. There is wide
agreement about using a model that shows, in an
explicit and hierarchical way, the variability by
means of a feature model in some of their multiple
versions like FODA (Kang et al., 1990) or FORM
(Kang et al., 1998). FODA features are nodes of a
tree, related by various types of edges (Figure 1).
The tree root is called the root feature, or concept.
The edges are used to decompose this concept into
more detailed features. There are AND, X-OR and
optional decompositions. Several extensions have
been proposed, using directed acyclic graphs instead
of simple trees or changing the visual syntax.
Figure 1: A simple FODA feature diagram.
Laguna M. and Gonz
alez-Baixauli B. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 5-12
We have also proposed the use of the goal and
soft-goal concepts (van Lamsweerde, 2001) for the
analysis and definition of the variability in product
lines. In fact, we have built an initial prototype that
permits the optimum set of features to be selected
with respect to the desires of the users, expressed as
a set of goals and soft-goals with different priorities
(González-Baixauli et al., 2004).
The second aspect of the problem focuses on the
connection of the feature model with the design of
the solution or product line architecture, usually
implemented by an object-oriented framework. This
explicit connection allows the automatic
instantiation of the domain framework in each
specific application. In a previous work (Laguna et
al., 2007), we proposed the UML 2 package merge
mechanism to orthogonally represent the SPL
architectural variations, their relationship with the
optional features and finally, using partial class
packages, with the structure of the implementation
We planned, as a continuation of this work, to
test the proposal in realistic situations. Our group
has agreements with associations of handicapped
people with the aim of developing useful tools for
people with several types of disabilities. This
background has guided the selection of the
application domains. This article is a report of the
practical experiences with these techniques in the
development of a product line of personalized
communicators for people with disabilities, based on
mobile devices, typically personal digital assistants
A distinctive characteristic is the use of
conventional CASE and IDE tools. This is a pre-
requisite imposed by the general objective of our
approach: to simplify the adoption of the product
line paradigm by SMEs. In particular, we have used
.NET and MS Visual Studio as development
platforms. The personnel involved vary from granted
and volunteer postgraduate students to
undergraduates finishing their term projects, but they
are not specialists in SPL development.
The rest of the article is organized as follows:
Section 2 briefly presents the proposed techniques,
based on the package merge relationship of UML 2
and the partial class mechanism. Section 3 is
devoted to the description of the case study. In
Section 4, the related work is analyzed and, finally,
Section 5 concludes the article, states some lessons
learned and outlines future work.
Each concrete system in a product line is derived
from a complete architecture, selecting or not the
optional parts, with respect to the particular
functional and non-functional user requirements.
This activity is basically a selection process that
yields a feature sub-model. This sub-model, through
traceability relationships, guides the composition of
the code modules. The key aspect of the process is
the traceability from features to design and from
design to implementation. This traceability is not
easily managed for several reasons (Sochos et al.,
2004). On the one hand, an optional feature can be
related to several elements in a UML model and vice
versa. We must therefore assign the traceability
relationship between elements of the two levels with
a “many-to-many multiplicity. This fact quickly
complicates the global model, making it poorly
scalable. The second problem is summarized in the
fact that the same basic modeling mechanisms of
variability (the specialization in class diagrams or
the <<extend>> relationship of the use cases
diagrams) are used to express two variability levels:
the design of the product line architecture and the
design of a specific application that also has
variations (for example two valid and alternative
payment forms within a sales system).
The solution to this problem has been achieved
by modifying or adapting the UML structural and
behavioral models, moving from the standard (see
the references of the related work Section). In our
approach, one of the initial restrictions imposed was
to maintain unchanged the UML meta-model, in
order to use conventional CASE tools to model the
product line. Other obligations were:
a) The technique must allow the location, at
one point on the model, of all the variations
associated to each optional feature to
facilitate the management of the traceability.
b) The technique must separate the SPL from
the intrinsic variability of the specific
c) The selected mechanism must have
continuity with the implementation models
(“seamless development”).
To achieve these objectives, we express the
variability of UML models using the package merge
mechanism, defined in the UML 2 infrastructure
meta-model and used in an exhaustive way in the
definition of UML 2 (Object Management Group,
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
<<merge>> <<merge>>
Categories ProductInformation
Figure 2: A partial Feature Model and a possible UML design.
The package merge mechanism adds details to
the models in an incremental way. The <<merge>>>
dependence is defined as a relationship between two
packages that indicates that the contents of both are
combined. It is very similar to generalization and is
used when elements in different packages have the
same name and represent the same concept,
beginning with a common base. Selecting the
desired packages, it is possible to obtain a tailored
definition from among all the possible ones. Even
though, in this work, we focus on class diagrams, the
mechanism can be extended to any UML model, in
particular use cases and sequence diagrams (Object
Management Group, 2003).
This mechanism permits a clear traceability
between feature and UML models to be established.
The application to our problem consists in
associating a package to each optional feature, so
that all the necessary changes in the model remain
located (maintaining the UML meta-model
unchanged and separating both variability levels).
The package model is hierarchical, reflecting the
feature model structure. Considering each pair of
related packages recursively, the base package can
be included or not in each specific product, but the
dependent package can only be included if the base
package is also selected. This is exactly how experts
decide which features are included or not during the
configuration process, and is directly reflected in the
final product configuration of packages. Therefore,
the application to SPL consists of building the
architectural model (including structural class
diagrams-, behavioral -use cases-, and dynamic
interaction diagram- models) starting from a base
package that gathers the common SPL aspects.
Then, each variability point detected in the feature
model originates a package, connected through a
<<merge>> relationship with its parent package.
These packages will be combined or not, when each
product is derived, according to the selected feature
configuration. Figure 2 shows an example of
application in the e-commerce domain.
Additionally, using partial classes organized in
packages, a direct correspondence between design
and code can be established. The use of partial
classes is a way of managing variability. The aim is
to maintain a one-to-one correspondence from
features to design and from design to
implementation. As an added value, the package
structure of the code for each final product of the
SPL can be obtained automatically (and passed to
the compiler) from the features configuration
(Laguna et al., 2007).
Table 1: Comparison of different writing methods.
Writing method
Speed required
Very slow
Very little
Very little
Sweep (with sound)
Very slow
Very little
Very little
Sweep (groups)
Very little
Repeated pulsations
Very rapide
Grouped characters
The case study is not very ambitious if we judge it
by the number of considered variations but presents
interesting problems, due to the constraints imposed
by the specificity of mobile device development.
The domain analysis has been accomplished starting
from the experience with several PDA systems
developed in our laboratory. Each one of these
originally solved the particular problem of a
concrete person with some degree of disability.
These systems have been built in collaboration with
Asprona, a Spanish association that maintains
several schools specialized in children with
medium/severe disabilities of several types. The
main utility of these communicators is that people
with different degrees of disability can compose
messages using text (selecting the different
characters as in a keyboard) or images (that
represent different concepts) in a suitable (and
usually mobile) device. The suitable methods are
compared in Table 1. Once composed, the device
can reproduce the message using a text-to-speech
conversion (or send it to another device). The
product line approach has a clear intention: separate
the common parts of these systems from the
specialized ones, developing these parts as optional
packages. As an immediate result, we have
multiplied the number of different available variants.
3.1 Feature Analysis
All the final applications must reproduce the text
composed by the user. But, due to the different
abilities of the users, it is necessary to consider
different writing methods, adapted to each type of
disability. For example, if the user is not capable of
clicking a button, it is necessary to use a sweeping
method. We have considered several (textual and
image based) writing methods. Some of them are the
Figure 3: Feature model of the communicator product
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
the limitations of the mobile platforms have forced
to an ad-hoc solution, developing a simple syllabic
synthesizer, with the collaboration of the students
who lend their voices.
The product line includes eight thoroughly
functional applications, compiled from different
package combinations (some examples can be
appreciated in Figure 6). Pending integration is an
optional feature already implemented that will allow
wireless and SMS based communication with a
desktop computer.
A first working prototype has been delivered to
the Asprona association specially configured for a
person with speech problems but good manual
coordination, as a result of a traffic accident. In this
case, the grouped characters method is a good
election. The use of the system, fixed to his wheel
chair, is helping him to get a greater level of
Figure 7: A final prototype, configured using the grouped
characters method.
Though there are many projects that describe
variability management mechanisms in terms of
requirements and designs, few of them include
implementation details. Different authors have
proposed explicitly representing the variation points
adding annotations or changing the essence of UML.
For example, Von der Maßen et al. proposed using
new relationships ("option" and "alternative") and
the consequent extension of the UML meta-model
(Massen & Lichter, 2003). John & Muthig suggest
the application of use case templates to represent the
variability in product lines, using stereotypes (John
& Muthig, 2002), though they do not distinguish
between optional variants, alternative or obligatory.
On the other hand, Halman and Pohl defend the
modification of use case models to orthogonally
represent the variation points (using a triangle
symbol with different annotations) (Halmans &
Pohl, 2003). As for structural models, either the
mechanisms of UML are used directly (through the
specialization relationship, the association
multiplicity, etc.) or the models are explicitly
annotated using stereotypes. The work of Gomaa is
an example of this approach, since it uses the
stereotypes <<kernel>>, <<optional>> and
<<variant>> (corresponding to obligatory, optional,
and variant classes) (Gomaa, 2000). Similarly, Clauß
proposes a set of stereotypes to express the
variability in the architecture models: <<optional>>,
<<variationPoint>> and <<variant>> stereotypes
designate, respectively, optional, variation points
(and its sub-classes), and variant classes (Clauß,
2001). Though this type of approximations permits
the evolution of the variability to be traced at the
different levels, they do not solve the requirement of
a one-to-one correspondence between the different
Another solution proposed by Czarnecki in
(Czarnecki & Antkiewicz, 2005), consists of
annotating the UML models with presence
conditions, so that each optional feature is reflected
in one or, more realistically, several parts of a
diagram (perhaps a class, an association, an
attribute, etc. or a combination of elements). This
technique does not artificially limit the
representation of a variant with a unique element
and even the color code helps to emphasize the
implications of choosing a certain option. However,
this visual help is not scalable when more than a
dozen variants are handled. In all these approaches,
the modification of the UML meta-model (or at least
the use of stereotypes) is required.
A completely different approach, focused on
implementation instead of requirements or design, is
the Feature Oriented Programming (FOP) paradigm
(Batory et al., 2004). The optional features are
implemented as increments (refinements) in a java-
like language. Starting from a base class, these
increments are combined using a set of tools,
provided with the AHEAD tool suite. Other
commercial tools, such as Big-Lever Gears or Pure-
Variants offer functionalities. Though these
solutions are valid, the learning of new modeling or
implementation techniques and the need of
specialized CASE and IDE tools represent barriers
for the adoption of the approach of product lines in
many organizations; we therefore believe that the
solution presented here improves the
abovementioned proposals.
In this work the viability of a product line
development approach, based on the package merge
and partial class mechanisms, has been shown. The
use of the proposed mechanisms enables the
automated generation of each product from the
features configuration. Furthermore, the use of
conventional CASE and IDE tools can simplify the
adoption of this paradigm, avoiding the necessity of
specific tools and techniques as in previous
The approach has been successfully applied to
the design and implementation of a product line in
the domain of communicators for people with
disabilities, and implemented with mobile devices.
Current work includes the development of other
product lines with industrial or social interest, and
the enrichment of the communicator study. In this
case, the objective is to evaluate the scalability of
the proposal as the optional features increase (which
implies an exponential increase in the number of
final products). On the other hand, the experience
with this type of mobile platform is being used in
other domains that combine information capture
through PDAs and smart phones with delivery to a
central system, configured as a set of Web services.
An example of this is a recently launched product
line project for monitoring health parameters (such
as heart rate, temperature, etc.) in the context of a
senior citizen residence, using a combination of
wireless sensors and mobile devices. The utility of
the product line approach in these domains is
evident, as the variety of sensors, parameters, alarm
signals, and visualization aspects in the central
computer is potentially unlimited.
This work has been founded by the Junta de Castilla
y León (VA-018A07 project) and Spanish MICIINN
(TIN2008-05675). We also recognize the
collaboration of the ASPRONA association, and the
students involved in the development of these
product lines.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies