Mauro Caporuscio
Dipartimento di Elettronica de Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Alfredo Navarra
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universit`a degli Studi di Perugia, Italy
Content-based publish/Subscribe system, Sensor networks, Distributed computing, Overlay network.
Publish/Subscribe systems are nowadays largely accepted for coordinating applications over wide-area net-
works, whereas they still suffer when applied to mobile environments. In fact, the typical tree overlay network
implementation of the event service, which provides scalability in the context of wide-area networks, fails
when a run-time reconfiguration is needed. This might happen when dealing with the dynamic and mobility
characteristics inherent to the pervasive environments. In this proposal, we address such an issue by envi-
sioning a context-aware approach in order to build and maintain the dispatching tree overlay with respect to
the context sensed through the environment. The resulting distributed control system optimizes on the energy
consumption aspect, which is the key cost measure for a mobile environment such as sensor networks.
Continuous improvement of wireless network tech-
nologies and the miniaturization of electronic equip-
ments are de facto enabling the exploitation of wire-
less sensor networks as distributed control systems
for monitoring data within physical environments. In
particular, a sensor network consists of a number of
sensor nodes randomly disseminated within the envi-
ronment. This requires for protocols and algorithms
that let nodes to self-organize and cooperate with each
In this context, content-based publish/subscribe
system is considered. Indeed, it is a well suited com-
munication infrastructure for dealing with distributed
applications over wireless networks. In fact, the loose
coupling characteristic of publish/subscribe together
with content-based routing protocol, where the mes-
sage routing is determined by the interests of the re-
ceiver rather than by the explicit destination address,
allow for dealing with the dynamism of such environ-
ments (Carzaniga and Wolf, 2001).
As depicted in Figure 1, a content-based pub-
lish/subscribe system is composed of two main en-
tities: clients and servers. Servers are interconnected
This research has been partially funded by the Eu-
ropean Commission, Programme IDEAS-ERC, Project
Figure 1: Tree overlay implementation of the event service.
in a distributed network, referred to as event service,
and provide clients with access points offering an ex-
tended publish/subscribe interface. Clients are of two
kinds: (i) publishers use the access points to publish
events and (ii) subscribers use the access points to
subscribe for events of interest by supplying a pred-
icate, called subscription. A subscription is applied
to the content of events and it allows subscribers to
select the events they are interested in. The event ser-
vice is responsible for selecting and delivering events
of interest to subscribers via the access points. The
idea of a publish/subscribe system is quite mature,
and a fair number and variety of publish/subscribe
systems have been proposed, including research pro-
totypes (Carzaniga et al., 2001; Cugola et al., 2001;
Caporuscio M. and Navarra A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization,
pages 305-310
DOI: 10.5220/0002247703050310
Pietzuch and Bacon., 2002; Meier and Cahill, 2002),
commercial products (TIBCO Inc., Palo Alto, CA,
1996), and attempts of standardization (Object Man-
agement Group (OMG), 2004; Sun Microsystems,
Inc., Mountain View, California, 1999).
The typical implementation of the event service
is a tree overlay network (as shown in Figure 1),
which provides scalability in the context of wide-
area networks (e.g., Siena (Carzaniga et al., 2001)
and Elvin (Segall and Arnold., 1997)). In fact, hav-
ing a unique path between any two nodes simplifies
both the matching algorithm and the routing scheme,
and avoids network flooding. Even though such an
overlay topology has been successfully exploited in
ad-hoc environments (see e.g., multicast tree (Royer
and Perkins, 2000)) there are issues concerning its
application to publish/subscribe systems in the con-
text of mobile environments. In fact, the high degree
of dynamics inherent to sensor networks requires to
continuously reconfigure the event service and, con-
sequently, to reconfigure data structures and routing
tables. Such structures, distributed through the event
service, are created by considering the interest ex-
pressed by the clients and evolve at runtime when sub-
scriptions are added/removed/modified. This makes
the reconfiguration process expensive (in terms of
both message exchanges and computational opera-
tions) and hard to accomplish.
Many works have been published so far con-
cerning publish/subscribe systems in mobile environ-
ments, such as (Huang and Garcia-Molina, 2004;
Fiege et al., 2003). However, most of them focus on
the clients mobility while the event service remains
stable (Caporuscio et al., 2003). On the other hand,
in (Huang and Garcia-Molina, 2003) and (Mottola
et al., 2008), the authors concentrate on the event ser-
vice topology reconfiguration in the field of ad-hoc
This paper deals with publish/subscribe systems
over sensor network by proposing a context-aware
technique to build and maintain the dispatching tree
overlay with respect to the context sensed through the
environment. Our proposal is to exploit the Connec-
tionless Probabilistic (CoP) protocol (McCann et al.,
2005), originally designed for sensor networks, in the
context of publish/subscribe systems. The CoP proto-
col assumes battery powered mobile devices that in-
teract with each other in order to establish a virtual
infrastructure for routing purposes. Namely, a virtual
grid infrastructure is built by considering the physical
position of the devices. Further, the protocol takes
care of the energy consumption by benefiting from
mobility and network dynamics.
We envision an extension of the CoP protocol in
order to build a rooted tree on top of the virtual grid.
This would realize a new protocol, called CoP3D,
where the tree is used to accomplish publish/subscribe
transmissions (i.e., the overlay network), whereas
the underlying grid maintains its original aim. The
main property of the proposed CoP3D protocol is
that it builds the overlay network taking into account
context information sensed through the environment.
Namely, the devices representing the tree nodes will
be selected according to their physical location, avail-
able energy, computational resources and expected
mobility rate.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes the CoP protocol and the virtual grid construc-
tion. Section 3 presents CoP3D and describes how the
tree overlay is built with respect to the sensed context.
Section 4 points out interesting peculiarities of the
considered context that must be carefully addressed.
Section 5 discusses future work.
In this section, we outline the CoP protocol (McCann
et al., 2005), which aims to manage communication
for sensor networks. We have chosen this protocol
since it efficiently performs in mobile ad-hoc environ-
ments and well fits our purposes.
We assume the devices can move over some given
area A. From now on we refer to devices also by
nodes. As it will be clear soon, our approach can be
adapted to any kind of desired shape for A. It may be
suitable for any building like offices, airports, com-
panies and so forth where the network has to be de-
ployed. For the sake of clarity, A is assumed to be sim-
ply a square area of side d. At the border of A there
can be some fixed infrastructure, if required, that sup-
ports the survivability of the network. In the context
of publish/subscribe systems, whenever a publisher
wants to provide a service on the network, it has to
inform the network about its publication. In the wired
context this message was routed along a fixed tree re-
sponsible of the matching among publishers and sub-
scribers. Since in our wireless and mobile context we
cannot have such an infrastructure, the basic idea is to
build a virtual one along which messages are routed.
Virtual infrastructure means that activenodes have
to take care somehow of its feasibility and mainte-
nance. The only thing that each node needs to know
in order to participate in the network, by means of
the CoP protocol, is its own physical position with re-
spect to the area A. This can be achieved by means of
either devices powered by GPS systems or some in-
ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
sink #1
sink #2
Storage Device
Figure 2: The area of interest covered by a virtual grid in-
frastructure of grid unit
. Nodes inside each circle of ra-
dius ds compete to represent the corresponding grid node.
stalled beacon external nodes that inform about rela-
tive positions (the mentioned infrastructure at the bor-
der of A), or other positioning techniques (see for in-
stance, (Capkun et al., 2006; Caruso et al., 2005)).
According to the expected population inside A, CoP
builds a virtual infrastructure. Namely, a square grid
G covering A is considered with grid unit d/u (see
Figure 2), where u is determined according to the den-
sity of the nodes. From the “balls into bins” theory
(see (Raab and Steger, 1998; McCann et al., 2005)),
by choosing an appropriate distortion parameter ds,
according to the density of the nodes in the area of in-
terest, we can compute our desired value u in such a
way that for each grid node there will be some device
inside the circle of radius ds centered on it with high
probability. We can choose for instance u =
. Note
that u can change according to the established density
of the network over the time. Its current value can be
part of the beacon message sent by the external border
Whenever a device in A starts its interaction with
the network or just moves from its current position,
it is aware about its location with respect to A and
hence to G. This allows for determining whether it
can be elected as representative of a grid node. For
this step of the CoP virtual grid construction, we refer
to standard leader election strategies suitably adopted
in wireless environments like ad-hoc and sensors net-
works (see (Malpani et al., 2000)).
In doing so, at the expenses of some communi-
cation needed for the evaluation of a suitable value
for u and the local leader elections, CoP builds a vir-
tual grid G that can be used in order to correctly route
desired communications. G covers all the given area
A. One of the most important properties of such a
construction is that it does not depend on the current
nodes acting as leaders but only on the density of the
nodes. The CoP protocol was originally applied in the
u = 0 means there are not enough devices in the area to
build the network.
field of sensor networks where sensed data needed to
be route outside A to a fixed sink. Hence, the routing
was performed in a multi-hop fashion over the grid.
The main steps that must be performed by a sensor in
order to participate to the CoP protocol can be sum-
marized as follows.
1. It discoversits position according to the used tech-
nology, the area covered by the network and the
size of the grid needed for the routing
2. If the received value for u is zero then it just waits
3. According to the previous information it evaluates
its position with respect to the grid and decides
whether it can represent any grid node or not. If
not, it just assumes there is someone representing
the closest grid node to its position and whenever
needs to send a message it delegates such a node
for the correct routing. If yes, it checks whether
there is someone else playing or not that role
4. If it represents a grid node then it has to take care
of the associated traffic that has to be route
5. One hop of the communication is made over the
grid in such a way that the transmission can be
received inside the whole circular area associated
to the target grid nodes. This is due to the fact
that a transmitting node does not know the exact
position of its neighbors but it only assumes that
someone is inside the circle of radius ds surround-
ing the target grid node
6. Whenever a device changes its position, i.e., ei-
ther enters or exits a circular area, it has to change
its role accordingly. If it was responsible for the
routing, it has to take care to send the needed in-
formation to at least one of the current candidate
to become its successor
7. If a device is running out of energy, it has to be-
come a passive node even though still continues
to receive its desired communications until it can.
Starting from this routing protocol and infras-
tructure, next section shows how this can be modi-
fied and suitably adapted in the case of mobile pub-
lish/subscriber systems.
In this section, we describe our proposal concerning
the management of a mobile publish/subscriber sys-
tem. In particular,we exploit the CoP virtual grid con-
struction in order to obtain a tree overlay implement-
ing the event service. The main differences with re-
Figure 3: The tree construction based on the virtual grid
spect to a typical structured environment can be sum-
marized as follows:
(a) Energy Efficiency: mobile devices have scarce
power capacity and they can be required to stay
alive for long periods without any support
(b) Scalability: it is desirable that any solution to
manage such type of network would easily scale
according to the number of devices and the corre-
sponding area. Due to the mobility feature, man-
ual deployment of devices is just not feasible
(c) Fault-tolerance: even though wired networks are
also usually designed to cope with fault-tolerance
issues, in a mobile environment faults are much
more frequent. A device can easily disappear
from the network due to either its movement or
its low power level
(d) Absence of the Infrastructure: Due to their move-
ments or to some handoff strategy, a given device
is not always linked to the same set of neighbors
at different time. This implies that assumptions
about the topology of the network cannot be done
unless they are straightforward from the area of
interest (for instance networks along a street can-
not differ too much from a line). The only fixed
infrastructure that can be assumed can reside at
the border of the area of interest
As shown in Figure 3, virtual grid nodes become
the leaves of the tree overlay. Over the basic vir-
tual grid infrastructure previously described, we build
several levels of grids. What in the typical pub-
lish/subscribe system was the routing tree now is a
4-ary tree rootedat the center of the grid. Dividing the
grid into four sub-grids we iteratively discover other
4 centers (one for each subgrid) to which the previous
one is virtually connected. We iterate such a process
times in order to obtain a full coverage of the
grid by means of a 4-ary tree of logarithmic height
with respect to the number of grid nodes (see Fig-
ure 3). Starting from the bottom layer, once the basic
virtual grid is built, all the nodes also know their loca-
tion with respect to the overlay tree and hence, each
one can play its corresponding role. By referring to
Figure 3, for instance, node v knows that in the over-
lay tree it plays the role of parent for node z.
As it was for the virtual grid construction, many
devices may cleverly compete in a leader election
in order to become nodes of the tree overlay, hence
responsible for routing publish/subscribe events and
subscriptions. In particular, such an election is per-
formed by considering context information. These
include: (i) available energy and physical location to
be compliant with the CoP protocol (see Section 2),
(ii) mobility rate since the more a node is stable the
more a node is qualified to play the router role, and
(iii) computational resources since powerful nodes
can better accomplish routing tasks.
In this way, the devices representing the virtual
grid nodes of the 4-ary tree are responsible for the
routing of the messages to realize the desired pub-
lish/subscribe system. Such nodes will be clearly
more loaded than others and hence they will spend
more energy. In order to distribute the energy con-
sumption, changes to the grid structure can be done
by means of shifting procedures or changing the grid
unit u. It can also be implicitly obtained by means of
a certain mobility ratio. Whenever a device changes
its position, in fact, it has to evaluate if its role is
also changing according to the distortion parameter
ds. When a node moves out from the virtual circu-
lar area of radius ds defined around each grid node, it
cannot be anymore representative of such a grid node
hence it has to delegate someone else for doing its
job. This means that mobility can play a central role
in this routing process since it implies a more uni-
form distribution of the energy consumption. Once
the tree overlay network is built, the event service can
act as in the case of the typical structured environ-
ment. This allows us to apply such an approach to any
publish/subscribe system that relies on a tree overlay
Concerning the properties outlined at the begin-
ning of this section, we want to point out how our
approach is suitable with respect to them. For (a) it
is worth to note that the only resource of the devices
is their energy. Moreover, both the virtual grid infras-
tructure and the tree overlay are heavily dependent on
the devices survivability. On the other hand, this is the
only resource that we can rely on in order to avoid the
installation of typical structured environments. The
tree overlay network construction is quite lightweight
since it requires only some basic calculations. Fur-
thermore the routing is well spread among all the de-
vices and it is made in a multi-hop fashion. It takes
ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
into account both the maximum distance covered by
means of a transmission (hence the maximum energy
spent) and the time needed to deliver a message (that
in the worst case requires only 4log
steps). As last
remark, our strategy makes use of the mobility rate as
a mean to save energy since roles change accordingly.
Concerning (b) and (c), our approach is easily
scalable. It is in its nature to adapt the network cov-
erage based on the density of the devices with respect
to the area that must be served. It also suitably copes
with fault-toleranceissues. In fact, devicesmight con-
tinuously appear (disappear) in (from) the network
without breaking virtual connections up to a certain
threshold. Once reached such a threshold, communi-
cations among the devices become unfeasible.
The last property (d) is easily solved by means of
the virtual grid infrastructure, hence avoiding the in-
stallation of both structured environments and more
powerful devices.
We now focus the attention on three main properties
that must be carefully addressed in our approach.
(i) As it was for structured event services, it is ev-
ident that starting from the root and descending until
the leaves, nodes are differently loaded in terms of
routing messages. As already outlined, one mean to
avoid this unbalanced energy consumption might de-
pend on the mobility rate or the shifting procedure.
On the other hand it is worth noting that our construc-
tion can be easily modified in the case we prefer to
not deploy the root at the center of the grid since we
may have information about the distribution of the de-
vices. The previous discussion is in fact based on the
assumption of a uniform distribution of the devices in-
side A. Consequently, it is easy to understand that the
area of interest can be subdivided into several areas
according to the expected density, hence applying our
methodology to construct different subtree overlays.
(ii) Another very important issue that must be ad-
dressed before practically apply our method concerns
the maximum distance that devices’ transmissions can
cover. With our construction, in fact, not only the
root is the most loaded node in terms of communica-
tions but also it is required to perform the most distant
transmissions overall the network. In order to avoid
such a situation and to better balance the energy con-
sumption among the nodes of the network, we may
think about a reversed structure. This implies that the
more a node is far from the root (with respect to the
tree overlay), the more must be its transmission dis-
tance. In Figure 4 it is shown how the tree overlay
Figure 4: The tree construction based on the reversed vir-
tual grid infrastructure. The aim is to better balance energy
consumption among the devices.
may become. In any case, when a device belongs to a
layer in which its power cannot cope with the required
transmission distance, it does not mean that it cannot
perform the required communications. In the header
of the messages can be added information in such a
way that a long transmission, in terms of covered dis-
tance, can be emulated by multi-hop transmissions of
shorter range. This recalls what was used in the field
of ATM networks by the concepts of Virtual Channel
and Virtual Path communications (see e.g., (Flammini
and Navarra, 2009)). It is not in the aim of this paper
to go into details of such discussion but we want only
point out that the underlying virtual grid structure at
each layer can be used for this purpose.
(iii) Finally, CoP was based on another assump-
tion for which some communications can be wasted
due to the absence of a sensor representative of some
virtual grid node. According to the parameter ds, such
an event can happen rarely but still there is the pos-
sibility. Since in our context the tree overlay must
be somehow guaranteed until it is feasible, we need
some strategy to cope with this possibility. Due to the
underlying virtual grid structure, in fact, the transmis-
sions directed to a missing node can be easily rerouted
to some other grid path. For this issue we can re-
fer to (Mostarda and Navarra, 2008) where CoP was
modified in order to address security issues. Clearly,
at the expenses of a higher energy consumption, such
situations can be addressed.
In this paper, we have envisioned a new approach to
achieve content-based publish/subscribe control sys-
tems in the context of sensor networks. In particular,
we have proposed a context-aware technique to build
and maintain the tree overlay network for communi-
cation purposes. Specifically, our approach builds on
the CoP protocol and takes into account context in-
formation sensed through the environment. In fact,
the devices representing the tree nodes are chosen
by considering their physical location, available en-
ergy, computational resources and expected mobility
rate. Once the tree overlay network is built, the pub-
lish/subscribe system can act as in the case of the typi-
cal structured environment. This allows to apply such
an approach to any publish/subscribe system that re-
lies on a tree overlay network. It is of main interest
to study both the theoretical feasibility and the effec-
tiveness of our proposal. Moreover, our methodol-
ogy might be also applied to other distributed systems
rather than just the publish/subscribe ones (e.g., peer-
to-peer) and to build other topology overlay networks.
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ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics