Observing Delegation of Personal Data by using Digital Watermarking
Sven Wohlgemuth, Isao Echizen, Noboru Sonehara
National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan
G¨unter M¨uller
Institute of Computer Science and Social Studies, Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany
Privacy, Business processes, Usage control.
Privacy in business processes for personalized services is currently a matter of trust. Business processes require
the delegation of personal data and users are not able to control their delegation and so their usage. Existing
privacy-enhancing technologies consider access control but not usage control of personal data. Current work
on usage control considers especially formalization of usage rules, so called obligations, and their enforce-
ment by using mechanisms of Digital Rights Management, secure logging of access requests for an ex post
enforcement, and the non-linkable delegation of access rights to personal data. However, either these enforce-
ment mechanisms do not consider a delegation of personal data or they assume trustworthy data consumers
or data providers respectively. We investigate on digital watermarking in order to observe the enforcement of
obligations for a delegation of personal data without mandatory trusting in service providers.
Business processes for personalized services require
the collection and delegation of personal data. De-
pending on the purpose of the data usage, service
providers act as a data consumer (DC) or as a data
provider (DP). As a data consumer they collect, use,
and save personal data. As a data provider they del-
egate personal data to other service providers. An
example for such a change of roles are customer
loyalty programs (Customer Relationship Manage-
ment - CRM). The challenge faced is whether the re-
quirements of the European data protection directive
(European Commission, 1995) and the Japanese Act
on the Protection of Personal Information (Japanese
Government, 2005) are fulfilled so that users are able
to enforce respectively control the enforcement of the
agreed rules for using personal data.
Anonymity services and identity management
systems focus on the collection of personal data and
Concerning a delegation of personal data, the corre-
sponding user has to give his agreement in advance. The
data provider has to inform the user before a delegation
about the personal data to be delegated, the purpose of the
delegation, and about the recipients.
so on the access to it. Identity management systems
protect users against an undesired profiling by using
pseudonymity. If they are applied on a delegation of
personal data, users will lose the control on their per-
sonal data (Wohlgemuth and M¨uller, 2006). Current
work on usage control focuses either on the formaliza-
tion of obligations (Hilty et al., 2005), on enforcement
of obligations by using mechanisms of Digital Rights
Management (DRM)(Pretschner et al., 2008), on au-
dits concerning the usage of personal data by secure
logging (Accorsi, 2007), and on protocols for a non-
linkable delegation of rights in order to get access to
personal data at service providers (Wohlgemuth and
M¨uller, 2006). However, DRM mechanisms do not
consider delegation (Rosenblatt et al., 2001), secure
logging does not consider delegation when authorized
data consumers have got access to personal data, and
non-linkable delegation of rights assumes trustworthy
data providers in order to enforce delegated access
rights of service providers as data consumers.
Our contribution is a scheme for observing dele-
gations of personal data. This scheme makes use of
digital watermarking but without the need of trust-
worthy service providers, i.e. data providers. Since
this scheme abstracts from watermarking algorithms
Wohlgemuth S., Echizen I., Sonehara N. and Müller G. (2009).
ON PRIVACY IN BUSINESS PROCESSES - Observing Delegation of Personal Data by using Digital Watermarking.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 27-32
DOI: 10.5220/0002260600270032
by focussing on the model for embedding and detect-
ing watermarks, it is suitable for any medium format
and presents thereby also an approach for enhancing
DRM to a controlled delegation of digital content.
Section 2 describes a privacy threat in case of non-
compliant data providers in the case study of CRM.
Section 3 presents our approach for observing a del-
egation of personal data. Section 4 investigates on
the use of digital watermarking for our scheme and
presents the conceptional weaknesses of digital wa-
termarking concerning mandatory trustworthy service
providers. Section 5 presents our scheme DETEC-
TIVE for using watermarking to observe delegations
of personal data. Section 6 reports on related work.
Section 7 concludes the result of our work so far.
An instance of CRM are loyalty programs. Participat-
ing users get discounts on services if they use their
loyalty card at the service providers of this loyalty
program. At the same time, these service providers
collects personal data about their users, e.g. customer
number, goods or services, payment, time, location,
and amount of discount by means of loyalty points,
and delegates this data to the provider of the loyalty
program. A loyalty provider offers on behalf of the
participating service providers personalized services
and advertisements to the users and manages their dis-
In practice, loyalty program providers publish
their privacy policy as part of their general terms
and conditions.
If users want to participate in a
loyalty program, they have to accept their general
terms and conditions and thereby give loyalty pro-
gram providers full authority to process their personal
data. A loyalty program provider collects personal
data of users whenever they use their loyalty card
while buying goods and services of the participating
service providers. We assume that a user and the loy-
alty program provider have agreed on a privacy policy
and so obligations for delegations of his personal data
d to service provider 2 and d to service provider 3.
Additional delegations of d and d’ are not allowed.
A violation of these obligations has occurred if
personal data has been delegated to non-authorized
service providers. Figure 1 shows an exemplary flow
of personal data according to the model of (Pretschner
cf. the privacy policies of PAYBACK at
http://www.payback.de and Miles & More at
Figure 1: Delegation of personal data in contrary to obliga-
et al., 2006) and two violations. The first violation
stems from the loyalty program provider, since he has
delegated d’ in addition to d to service provider 2.
The second violation stems from service provider 3,
since he has delegated d’ to service provider 2. Also,
the second delegation may happen indirectly by link-
ing user’s transactions, e.g. if the user uses the same
identifier in several transactions with service provider
2 and service provider 3. The challenge is to detect
the permitted information flow and to identify untrust-
worthy data providers.
Since it is unlikely that service providers will give
users some control on their information systems, we
treat them as a black box. Our approach considers the
fact that personal data has been delegated and focuses
on the observation of delegations of given personal
data between data providers and data consumers. In
order to identify these participants, all delegations of
given personal data should be traceable. Secondly,
in order to prevent indirect information flows, users’
transactions should be non-linkable as far as obliga-
tions do not consider the delegation of identifying
data. Traceability in this context means that an in-
formation flow should be uniquely mapped to a data
provider, data consumer and the corresponding user.
Data providers should not be able to repudiate a dele-
gation but they should be able to prove that they have
not delegated given personal data.
We propose to tag an information flow between
two parties and to get a proof for data providers and
data consumers concerning the delegation and receipt
of given personal data. The tag for personal data d
consists of data provider’s identity ID
, data con-
sumer’s identity ID
, the corresponding user’s iden-
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
tity ID
, and of a link
to the agreed obliga-
tions: tag = (ID
, ID
, ID
, link
). The
obligations are indirectly part of a tag by a link to
them (link
), since they should be modifiable
due to a change of the business process or an ex-
change of the authorized service providers. The tag
should be sticky to d similar to (Karjoth et al., 2002)
so that d
= (d, tag) is going to be delegated while
assuring the integrity of d
. If d
is going to be del-
egated further in compliant to the obligations, the tag
has to be updated by replacing ID
with the iden-
tity of the former data consumer and by adding the
new data consumer ID
. A sequence of tags for the
same personal data describes an information flow by
a delegation chain. In the following we apply sym-
metric and asymmetric digital watermarking schemes
on the scenario in order to find out their suitability for
our approach.
Digital watermarking aims for detecting unauthorized
copies of digital content (Cox et al., 2008). Recent ap-
proaches consider watermarks for text, e.g. by mak-
ing use of the structure of XML messages (Zhou et al.,
2005). The main characteristic of digital watermark-
ing schemes is the use of a symmetric watermarking
key in order to produce noise to embed watermarks
in (Cox et al., 2008). If one knows this key and the
watermarking algorithm, he is able to embed, detect,
and remove watermarks. Since neither data providers,
data consumers nor users should be able to forge a
digital watermark, e.g. in order to obscure a delega-
tion, the watermarking algorithms and the watermark-
ing key are to be kept secret from them. For this rea-
son, a Trusted Third Party (TTP) has to be introduced
in order to embed and detect digital watermarks so
that solely the TTP knows these secrets.
Figure 2 shows the application of digital water-
marking in combination with the use of a TTP. For
simplicity, user’s profiles are not shown. The user
has already disclosed d* to service provider 1 with
the obligation that he is allowed to delegate d
to ser-
vice provider 3. According to the symmetric scheme,
service provider 1 requests the TTP to embed the tag
for the authorized delegation and sends ID
user’s authentication, ID
= ID
and d
. The
TTP gets ID
= ID
SP 3
and link
from ser-
vice provider 3. The TTP returns the embedded tag
by d
to service provider 1 who redirects it to service
provider 3. Thus both service providers get d
. If one
of them delegates it to service provider 2, neither user
nor arbiter can decide whether service provider 1 or
service provider 3 has violated this obligation. Also,
service providers have got no proof that they have not
violated the obligations. In addition, every participant
has to trust the TTP that she will embed and detect
digital watermarks according to her policy.
Figure 2: Applying digital watermarking on delegation of
personal data d.
Asymmetric fingerprinting (Pfitzmann and
Schunter, 1996) solves this problem of undecidabil-
ity. In principle, asymmetric fingerprinting combines
a digital watermarking scheme with cryptographic
commitments and the digital signature of the data
consumer. Data providers embed the watermarks
consisting of a random ID
chosen by data con-
sumers together with a text, here the obligations. The
protocol of (Pfitzmann and Schunter, 1996) assures
by using commitments that only data consumers
get the watermark. The obligations are signed by
data consumers and sent to the data provider. This
is the proof of the data provider that the given data
consumer will get this data with the watermark.
However,asymmetric fingerprinting assumes con-
flicting interests between providers and consumers.
This contradicts with our trust model, i.e. service
providers may violate user’s obligations, since they
have an interest to collude. A solution is again
the introduction of a TTP who checks whether ser-
vice providers as provider and consumer have run
the asymmetric fingerprinting protocol as expected by
verifying the results of the protocol.
With DETECTIVE, we propose a modification for
the asymmetric fingerprinting scheme so that it can
be used without a TTP. Concerning the embedding
and verifying of digital watermarks, the main differ-
ON PRIVACY IN BUSINESS PROCESSES - Observing Delegation of Personal Data by using Digital Watermarking
ence of DETECTIVE to the scheme of (Pfitzmann
and Schunter, 1996) is the integration of users’ agree-
ment by means of delegated access rights to the re-
quested personal data. Thus our scheme should gen-
erate only valid digital watermarks if the delegated
access rights of data consumers to the correspond-
ing personal data are used. We modify the proto-
cols of (Pfitzmann and Schunter, 1996) and combine
them with our previous work: the DREISAM proto-
cols for a non-linkable delegation of rights (Wohlge-
muth and M¨uller, 2006). The outcome of a proto-
col run of DREISAM is an anonymous one-show cre-
dential for the data consumer which is linked to his
identity which is represented by his cryptographic se-
cret key k
.(Camenisch and Lysyanskaya, 2001) An
anonymous credential consists of users access right
to personal data stored by a data provider and of his
obligations for a further delegation of personal data.
If a data consumer wants to get access on this per-
sonal data, he will show his anonymous credential to
the given service provider as the data provider. The
messages of a showing protocol’s run are written in a
transcript which is used for solving disputes and de-
anonymizing a dishonest participant.(Camenisch and
Lysyanskaya, 2001)
Our scheme consists of three protocols: init, tag,
and verify. The init protocol generates the crypto-
graphic key pair (pk
, sk
) of the data consumer
if necessary and broadcasts it via an authentic chan-
nel, e.g. a public-key infrastructure. If the ser-
vice provider acting as a data consumer has not
got rights from the user, this service provider starts
one run of the DREISAM protocol with the results
anonymousCredential(rights, DC, DP, obligations,
CA) and transcript(DP, DC, anonymousCredential).
If the data has not been disclosed, the user discloses
it to the requesting service providers and embeds a
watermark by running the tag protocol.
The tag protocol involves two service providers,
one as a data provider and the other as a data con-
sumer. The data provider uses a symmetric water-
marking scheme in order to embed the identity of the
data consumer together with user’s identity in his per-
sonal data d. In order to distinguish between the ser-
vice provider as data provider and the service provider
as data consumer, the data provider uses the identity
of the data consumer k
as cryptographic commit-
ments, embeds them in the personal data, and com-
putes a commitment of the watermark. This commit-
ment is not the resulting watermark. Otherwise the
service provider who is acting as the data provider
would also have it. Therefore, the data consumer
opens his commitments. The result is the product
of data providers commitment with the opened data
consumers commitments. This is the watermark of
the personal data. On the other side, the data provider
needs a confirmation that he has got the identity of
the data consumer, i.e. his commitments, and the
rights which the data consumer has got from the user.
This requirement of non-repudiation by the data con-
sumer is fulfilled by the digital signature on the tran-
script and the commitments concerning k
. After
getting this signature, the data provider will compute
the commitment of the embedded data and send it as
a commitment to the data consumer. Figure 3 shows
the tagging function.
Figure 3: Tagging personal data with delegated rights
based on (Pfitzmann and Schunter, 1996; Wohlgemuth and
M¨uller, 2006).
The tag protocol is as follows:
1. The data consumer chooses the right which
the user has delegated to him by means
of anonymousCredential(rights, DC, DP, obligat-
ions,CA) as the watermarking key k
a given watermarking algorithm and sends
transcript(DP, DC, anonymousCredential) to the
data provider.
2. The data consumer sends his identity k
means of commitments comm
)) to
the data provider. The data provider cannot use
, e.g. for impersonation the data consumer.
The data consumer sends the commitments of
l 1 shares to the data provider,
so that k
be embedded at various places in d. The data con-
sumer shows the correctness of his commitments
and their relationship to the shares of k
by using
the verifiable secret sharing scheme of (Pedersen,
l < n shares are at least necessary to reconstruct the
key(Pedersen, 1992).
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
3. The data provider embeds comm
in the representation d and stores these places as
marks. Afterwards, he computes a commitment
(marks, comm
))). The re-
sult is the tagged personal data as the commitment
of the data provider.
4. The data consumer computes the hash value of
transcript(DP, DC, anonymousCredential) and
his identity (comm
))). Afterwards,
he signs the hash value with his signature key
and sends it with the digital signature to the
data provider.
5. The data provider verifies the digital signature. If
it is valid, he saves it with the commitments of the
data consumer. Then he sends his commitment of
the watermark to the data consumer.
6. The data consumer opens data provider’s commit-
ments. This results is the valid watermark of d.
Since only the data consumer is able to open his
commitments, the data provider has not got this
The enforcement of running the tag protocol de-
pends on the correctness of the verification. Dishon-
est service providers who either does not embed a wa-
termark or modify respectively remove a watermark
must be identified by running the verify protocol. Ei-
ther the user or an arbiter starts the verify protocol.
The assumption is that one of those has found per-
sonal data and want to check whether the data con-
sumer where this data has been found has the autho-
rization to use it. At the beginning of the verify proto-
col, they re-construct the delegation chain of personal
data under investigation by delegated access rights. If
the user has delegated the corresponding rights to this
service provider, then there is no violation of the obli-
gation and the verification is finished. Otherwise the
obligation has violated and the aim of the verify pro-
tocol is to identify the dishonest service provider who
has non-authorized acted as a data provider.
The user or the arbiter extract all watermarks of
the found personal data by using the anonymous cre-
dentials of the delegation chain as the watermarking
keys. By mapping these watermarks to the delega-
tion chain via the anonymous credentials, the verifier
knows the last data consumers of the chain. In the
worst case, this is the watermark which has been cre-
ated between the user and the first service provider
by the init protocol. If one of these watermarks is
identical to the found one, the user request the the
digital signature of the data consumer from the cor-
responding data provider and checks it. In the next
step, the user requests the data consumer to open his
commitments. The verifier compares these opened
commitments with those found in the watermark. If
the digital signature and the commitments of the data
consumer are correct, then the data consumer has vio-
lated the obligation. Otherwise, the data provider has
violated the obligations.
Current work on enforcement of a policy for infor-
mation flows concentrate on formal methods (Mantel,
2001) or on encryption (Casassa Mont and Pearson,
2005). However formal methods consider an infor-
mation flow via covert channels or an indirect path
from a data provider to a data consumer. In addition,
a corresponding verification of a system implies that
this system doesn’t change afterwards. Otherwise, it
has to be verified again.
Obligations for a delegation of personal data are
realized by sticky policies (Karjoth et al., 2002). An
implementation of sticky policies for delegation of
personal data is the adaptive privacy management
system (Adaptive PMS) by (Casassa Mont and Pear-
son, 2005). Sticky policies are linked to certain per-
sonal data at the time of their collection by an encryp-
tion scheme. A data consumer will get the decryption
key from a TTP, if he is authorized by the sticky pol-
icy. After the decryption of the personal data, these
data consumers are able to delegate the decrypted per-
sonal data further.
We have shown that using digital watermarking and
asymmetric fingerprinting schemes for observing a
delegation of personal data results in the introduction
of a TTP. By modifying the asymmetric fingerprint-
ing scheme by adding data consumers rights to get
this personal data, we have proposed a scheme where
users will be able to control the delegation of per-
sonal data according to their delegated rights. Since
the suitability of watermarking schemes depends on
the existenceof watermarking algorithms, our scheme
may also be used for personal data which is repre-
sented by images, e.g. x-ray images in case of elec-
tronic health records (EHR). The model of EHR ser-
vices is the same as the model of CRM. Especially
the providers of EHR should not be seen as trustwor-
thy in contrary to doctors or nursery services. Cur-
rent technical infrastructures and services for EHR,
e.g. for the German electronic health card (gematik -
Gesellschaft f¨ur Telematikanwendungen der Gesund-
heitskarte mbH, 2008), uses encryptionof patient data
ON PRIVACY IN BUSINESS PROCESSES - Observing Delegation of Personal Data by using Digital Watermarking
in order to protect them against non-authorized use by
the EHR provider. Consequently, the EHR provider
cannot use this data and so cannot offer additional ser-
In the next step we will specify the cryptographic
protocols of our scheme and apply a proof-of-concept
implementation on the use case of EHR. The proof-
of-concept implementation of DETECTIVE will be
evaluated against attacks on the protocol layer, i.e. on
the tagging and detecting protocol. Attacks will be
derived from the German IT Baseline Protection Cat-
alogue and from the Japanese Act on the Protection of
Personal Information. Secondly, the evaluation will
consider the economic requirements of services based
on electronic health records and investigate on its fea-
sibility for personal data as, e.g., x-ray images in the
EHR scenario.
This work has been funded by the Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The cooperative
work between the University of Freiburg and the Na-
tional Institute of Informatics has been done within
their Memorandum of Understanding.
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ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business