Christos Tatsiopoulos, Basilis Boutsinas
Department of Business Administration, University of Patras, Artificial Intelligence Research Center, 26500, Rio, Greece
Konstantinos Sidiropoulos
School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University West London, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH, London, U.K.
Keywords: Ontology Merging, Ontology Alignment.
Abstract: Ontology merging/alignment is one of the most important tasks in ontology engineering. It is imposed by
the decentralized nature of both the WWW and the Semantic Web, where heterogeneous and incompatible
ontologies can be developed by different communities. Usually, ontology merging/alignment is based on an
ontology mapping that has been established in a previous phase. In this paper, we define a new problem
within the alignment process: the problem of detecting and then updating only interesting parts of an
ontology, based on the knowledge included in another one. To this end, we define and evaluate a number of
different measures of interestingness of parts of ontologies. We also present experimental results for their
evaluation on test ontologies.
Ontologies are used to handle complex situations,
due to the continuous growth of the Semantic Web,
where they are used to describe the semantics of the
data. Due to the decentralized nature of both the
WWW and the Semantic Web, it is inevitable that
different communities within the so-called
information society represent and treat the same
basic concepts in different ways. For example, the
basic concept ``Person" is treated entirely differently
in a medical ontology than in a business one. The
need for merging/alignment arises when such
ontologies have to be integrated.
In this paper, we consider the task of aligning
source ontologies, which may use different
vocabularies and may have overlapping content.
More specifically, we define a new problem within
the alignment process: the problem of updating each
one of the source ontologies using the knowledge
included in the other but the update is performed
only to the parts of each source ontology which are
considered interesting by its designer. Of course,
updating is taking place if the knowledge included in
the interesting parts of the one ontology is a superset
of knowledge included in the interesting parts of the
ontology to be updated.
All merging and alignment techniques presented
in the literature (such as Chimaera, FCA-Merge,
PROMPT, Ontomorph, OntoDNA) consider
merging or alignment of the entire input ontologies.
The key ideas of any of them could be applied to the
alignment of interesting parts after the latter have
been located.
We reduce the problem to automatic detection of
the interesting parts based only on the structure of
the ontology and not to any user input. This problem
is important for agent oriented applications of
ontologies, whenever an agent need to update its
knowledge from other agents. In this paper, we
define and evaluate a number of different measures
of interestingness of parts of ontologies. The term
"interestingness" was first used in data mining as a
measure of how much interesting an extracted data
mining rule is, with respect to a user judgement.
"Entropy" and "support" are such measures of
There is not any generally accepted definition of
interestingness. In fact, each of the proposed
measures concerns a different aspect of what
"interestingness" in ontologies could mean. Note
that the proposed measures exploit only the structure
of the source ontologies. Thus, the proposed
measures are application independent.
Tatsiopoulos C., Boutsinas B. and Sidiropoulos K. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 363-367
Interestingness of concepts within an ontology
has already been explored. The DIaMOND plug-in
for Protégé (d’Entremont and Storey, 2006) defines
interestingness based on user’s browsing activities.
It continuously calculates the degree of interest for
each concept by tracking user’s navigation activities
on an ontology. In (Tu, et al., 2005) the importance
of concepts is used in filtering large scale ontologies
in order to obtain efficient visualizations of them.
More specifically, the importance of a concept is
calculated as a weighted combination of the depth of
the concept in the ontology and the sum of the
importance of its direct child nodes. In (Wu, et al.,
2008) interestingness is defined for both concepts
and relations based on the structure of the ontology:
1) a concept is more important if there are more
relations starting from the concept, 2) a concept is
more important if there is a relation starting from the
concept to a more important concept, 3) a concept is
more important if it has a higher relation weight to
any other concept and 4) a relation weight is higher
if it starts from a more important concept.
In the rest of the paper we first present the
proposed measures of interestingness (Section 2)
along with their evaluation on test ontologies
(Section 3). Finally, we conclude (Section 4).
We consider that the alignment of interesting parts
of two source ontologies follows a mapping process,
where correspondences between elements of the
source ontologies are established (see for instance
Doan et al., 2002, Giunchiglia et al., 2004, Hovy,
1998, Kalfoglou and Schorlemmer, 2002,
McGuinness et al., 2000, Noy and Musen, 2000,
Prasad et al., 2002, Stumme and Maedche, 2001,
Tang et al., 2006, Tatsiopoulos and Boutsinas,
Given such a mapping and a set of interesting
parts for each source ontology, an alignment
algorithm could be used in order to make the
interesting parts of ontology O
consistent and
coherent with ontology O
. Of course, such
alignment is applied if O
represents more
knowledge than O
, as far the interesting parts of the
latter is concerned.
The contribution of this paper concerns the step
of the identification of interesting parts. Any
mapping and alignment algorithms could be used. In
what follows we define some measures of
interestingness. They are all based on the structure
of the ontology. Note that we have investigated
several others. However the proposed ones exhibit
significant results during empirical tests.
Figure 1: The test ontology.
The proposed measures can be applied to
ontology structures forming a directed acyclic graph.
Thus, it supports multiple inheritance. The required
formal definition of input ontologies contains two
core items shared by most formal definitions of an
ontology in the literature: concepts and a
hierarchical IS-A relation. Thus, we define an
ontology as a pair G=(C,r), where C is a set of
concepts and r is a partial order on C, i.e. a binary
relation rCC which is reflexive, transitive, and
The proposed measures are all based on
detecting interesting concepts within an ontology.
Then, we consider interesting parts of the ontology
the subgraphs rooted at these interesting concepts.
Thus, the following measures assign a value to each
concept representing its interestingness:
1) Percentage Direct Child Nodes (rel_cD%): the
number of nodes which are directly connected to a
specific node, as percentage of the number of nodes
in the ontology. Note that the higher is the value of
the measure for a node, the greater is its
interestingness. For example, in ontology shown in
Fig. 1, node oo250 (value=10.71%) is more
interesting than oo180 (value=0%) or even oo40
(value=7.14%), since it has more direct child nodes.
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
2) Percentage Indirect Child Nodes (rel_cI%):
the number of nodes in the subgraph rooted at a
specific node, as percentage of the number of nodes
in the ontology. Note that the higher is the value of
the measure for a node, the greater is its
interestingness. For example, node ooo95
(value=42.86%) is more interesting than oo185
(value=14.29%), since there are more nodes in the
subgraph rooted at ooo95. Also, now node ooo40
(value=64.29%) is more interesting than oo250
(value=14.29%) for the same reason. Note that in an
ontology with a deep concept structure, very general
concepts (owl:Thing in the extreme case) would get
higher value than very specific ones. One could
claim that a specific concept is the interesting one,
not the fact that something is an owl:Thing.
However, we consider interesting parts those rooted
at interesting concepts. Thus, according to rel_cI%,
large subgraphs are more interesting than smaller
ones, either the latter are disjoin or subsubgraphs.
Note that in implementation level interesting
concepts are searched within concepts with level
greater than a threshold t, i.e., l(i)>t.
3) Percentage Brother Nodes (rel_b%): the
number of Direct Child Nodes of the father node(s),
i.e., of immediate ancestor(s), of a specific node, as
percentage of the number of nodes in the ontology.
Note that the higher is the value of the measure for a
node, the greater is its interestingness. For example,
node oo250 (value=7.14%) is more interesting than
node oo180 (value=3.57%) and node ooo90
(value=3.57%), since it has more brother nodes
having both oo175 and oo170 as father nodes.
4) Mean Distance of Brother Nodes (mdisbr): the
mean distance of a specific node from its Brother
Nodes. The distance of two nodes d(x,y) is
calculated using the dissimilarity measure presented
in (Boutsinas and Papastergiou, 2008). The
dissimilarity between any two attribute values is
repesented by the distance between the
corresponding nodes of the tree structure as defined
by the following formula: d(X,Y) = 1/fl(X,Y) *
Average((l(X)-fl(X,Y))/max(p(X), (l(Y)-fl(X,Y))/
max(p(Y))) * ( p(X,Y)/ (max(p(X))+max(p(Y))),
where X and Y represent any two nodes, fl(X,Y) is
the level of the nearest common father node of X
and Y nodes, i.e. the level of the nearest common
predecessor, l(X) is the level of node X, i.e. the
depth of the node, max(p(X)) is the length of the
maximum path starting from the root to a leaf and
containing node X, p(X,Y) is the length of the
directed path (number of edges) connecting X and Y
(p(X,X)=0). If there is not a path connecting X and
Y then p(X,Y)=p(X,fl(X,Y))+p(Y,fl(X,Y)).
Mean Distance of Brother Nodes is calculated by
the following algorithm:
for each Brother Node i of node j
calculate d(i,j)
set count+=1, dsum+=d(i,j)
return dsum/count
Note that the lower is the value of d(X,Y) the
greater is the interestingness. For example, node
oo110 (value=0.003%) is more interesting than node
oo610 (value=0.0115%), since its father node is
located deeper in the ontology. Finally, note that
similarity (1-mdisbr) could be used instead of
dissimilarity, for compatibility with the rest
5) Network Density of range k (nden(k)):
Network Density of range k of a specific node i is
the number of nodes that are connected to or can
be reached from i, via a path of length at most k,
which does not include direction changes. Note that
we have implemented the calculation of nden(k)
dynamically. Note that the higher is the value of the
measure for a node, the greater is its interestingness.
For example, for node oo610 nden(2)=4, since there
are 2 ancestor nodes (ooo40, ooo50) and two
successor ones (oo650,oo700). Thus, it is more
interesting than node oo110 (nden(2)=2).
6) Percentage Incoming Paths (in%): the
indegree (d
(i)) of a node i, i.e., the number of edges
which have i as their end-node, as percentage of the
total incoming and outcoming paths, i.e., of indegree
plus outdegree of i. Note that the higher is the value
of the measure for a node, the greater is its
interestingness. For example, node ooo90
(value=66.67%) is more interesting than node oo250
7) Percentage Outcoming Paths (out%): the
outdegree (d
(i)) of a node i, i.e., the number of
edges which have i as their start-node, as percentage
of the total incoming and outcoming paths, i.e., of
indegree plus outdegree of i. Note that the higher is
the value of the measure for a node, the greater is its
interestingness. For example, node oo250
(value=60%) is more interesting than node oo90
8) Percentage Level distribution (n_l(i)%): Level
distribution of a specific node i is the number of
nodes belonging to the level of node i, i.e., l(i), (i.e.,
the length of the maximum path -number of edges-
from the root to node i), as percentage of the number
of nodes in the ontology. Note that the higher is the
value of the measure for a node, the greater is its
interestingness. For example, there are 4 nodes on
the same level with node oo100 (value=14.3%)
which is more interesting than node oo250
(value=10.7%), since there are 3 nodes on its level.
Empirical tests aim at evaluating the defined
interestingness measures on test ontology G
in Fig. 1. It is constructed with respect to Gene
Ontology (http://www.geneontology.org/). Node
naming is compatible with Gene Ontology.
To evaluate the defined measures we used a node
ranking with respect to their interestingness, defined
by a human expert (a researcher of the Institute for
Language & Speech Processing http://www.ilsp.gr).
The values for all the measures, along with expert's
ranking (column H) are presented in Fig. 2. Note
that expert's ranking assigns "1" to the most
interesting ("0" is assigned only to root node).
Figure 2: Summarized results.
For instance, nodes oo100, ooo95, and oo250 are
of great interestingness to the human expert, with
oo100 to be the most interesting and then the ooo95,
and the oo250.
After testing several test ontologies, like the one
in Fig. 1, we can conclude that many measures
assign interestingness in a way that reflects expert's
first choices.
Moreover, some measures discover additional
interesting nodes. For instance, both the n_l(i)% and
the out% measure identify both oo100 and oo170 as
interesting, assigning the value 14.3% & 66.67%
respectively. This result was returned to the expert
for additional comments. Then, this result was
accepted as valid according to expert's criteria.
However, some other measures have not provided
successful results in a consistent manner.
We defined a new problem within the alignment
process: the problem of aligning only interesting
parts of ontologies. To tackle the problem we
defined and evaluated a number of different
measures of interestingness of parts of ontologies,
each one representing different semantics of
Despite the support or the controversy of the
statement that ontology mapping/alignment is
similar to database schema matching/integration
(Kalfoglou and Schorlemmer, 2003, Noy and Klein,
2004), the proposed measures could be applied to
both of them.
We are now working on an integration of the
different measures, for instance by introducing a
unified model as a function of them: f(w
..., w
n_l(i)), where w
is a weight. Preliminary
results show that a different unified model is needed
for each different type of structure. For instance, a
unified model of the form w1rel_cD% +
w2rel_cI% + w3rel_b% + w4mdistr +
w5nden[2] + w6in% + w7out% + w8n_l(i)%
results in almost 100% accuracy w.r.t. expert, for
shallow ontologies, where w1 ranges between 0-60,
w2 0-55, w3 0-80, w4 0-95, w5 0-90, w6 0-100, w7
0-45 and w8 0-80.
Moreover, we are now working on taking into
consideration the linguistic analysis of concepts
represented by the nodes with respect to a corpus of
documents or the WWW. More specifically, we are
investigating the use of term weighting techniques
adopted in text mining (such as Document
Frequency, mean TFIDF, Term Frequency Variance,
Finally, we are working on applying the
proposed measures for detection of interesting parts
to a system for knowledge transferring between
mobile phones storing ontologies and holding by
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