IT System and Case Study
Mirko Auerbach
Research Institute for Operations Management, RWTH Aachen University
Pontdriesch 14/16, D-52062 Aachen, Germany
Andreas Hauser
Ebcot Business Solutions GmbH, Kreuzherrenstrasse 2, D-52062 Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Process orientation, Knowledge management, Case study, IT-System.
Abstract: The paper describes the methodology of process oriented knowledge management and an IT system which
has been developed in a German publicly funded research project. The case study describes the activities
while implementing the ideas of process oriented knowledge management in a large German infrastructure
service provider. The description includes the occurred challenges during the implementation, e. g.
organisational bottlenecks and the question, how detailed a process has to be modelled. The solution of
these challenges is described as part of the paper as well as examples of the information considered and
identified potentials for benefits of the approach.
As a result of today’s knowledge and innovation
oriented communication era, the existing knowledge
capital of a company turns out to be increasingly the
decisive factor of production (PROBST ET AL.
2006). As an example especially in the industrial
engineering service sector knowledge management
plays a significant role. The products of these
companies are based on complex, non standardized
solutions. The companies realize that the efficient
management and goal-oriented handling of this
factor of production contributes to an increase of an
organizations’ competitive advantage in terms of
product- and service quality. A study in which over
2300 companies from Germany participated, is
confirming this thesis (see figure 1). In addition to a
higher quality and the offer of customized solutions,
the interviewed companies declare the goal-oriented
handling of knowledge as significantly responsible
for their own competitive advantage (PAWLOWSKI
ET AL. 2006). More than 60% of the interviewed
companies of the service sector in Germany are
saying that the enhancement of the product quality is
the main motivation when thinking about the
implementation of knowledge management (PA
Consulting 2004).
Practical experience is showing though, that
many initiatives which want to implement
knowledge management in an organisation aren’t
successful. The calculated cost frame has been
exceeded in most of the knowledge management
projects as well as the defined goals haven’t been
A possible solution for the difficulties while
implementing knowledge management is to focus on
the business processes of a company. Knowledge is
emerging in the business processes of a company
and is being asked for as well as needed by the
employees in business processes. The process
oriented approach is taking this circumstance into
account by structuring the knowledge needed for
routine tasks according to the real processes in the
company. With this approach, the knowledge can be
offered systematically to the employees at the right
point during the completion of the task (REMUS
2002; HEISIG 2005).
This article is introducing a new ontology-based
IT system to support the process oriented knowledge
management and is evaluating the benefits from a
practical point of view.
Auerbach M. and Hauser A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 262-265
DOI: 10.5220/0002272302620265
higher quality
customized solutions
goal-oriented knowledge handling
better image or higher level of awareness
special know-how
faster development of new offers
shorter delivery time than the competitors
additional offers like s ervice, maintenance, training
higher productivity
mor e i nn ovat i ve pr oduc t s
more favorable prices than the main competitors
patents, rights, copyright master
Competitive advantage is „very important“
Figure 1: Estimation of competitive advantages.
The described IT system is one of the core
results of a publicly funded German research
project. In the course of the project, the IT system
was evaluated by a number of companies, tested
successfully and reviewed favourably. This paper
describes the experience with the operation of the IT
system in the pilot phase at a large-sized German
infrastructure service provider.
The process oriented knowledge management is
based on the assumption, that the employees of a
company normally complete their tasks within
defined business processes (REMUS 2002, S. 82;
HEISIG 2005, S. 15). A knowledge management
concept should therefore support the efficient
handling of knowledge in the operative business
processes. The use of business processes as context
of knowledge provides the opportunity to distribute
the knowledge to the employees along the path of
their tasks. Additionally an easy way to put new
knowledge into the system should allow the
employees to instantly document new knowledge
”on the fly” within their normal work. The process
orientation is helping to avoid problems of
traditional knowledge management systems like
additional work and lack of time (BACH 2000,
S. 52; HEISIG 2001, S. 13). The business process
can be used to structure knowledge for knowledge
management solutions in company networks as well.
To avoid communication problems arising from
differing company processes or languages, it is
necessary to develop company independent process
and knowledge structures.
The concept proposed here envisages that every
employee can document his knowledge of any
individual operation during the completion of the
task. Since the technical and process context is
known due to the embedment into the business
process, the operator does not need to assign
keywords or categories to his knowledge.
Employees who need to do the same task later on
can access the saved knowledge directly.
Important results of the projects are two
standards in the form of publicly available
specifications (PAS) for the introduction of
knowledge management in small and medium
enterprises as well as in networks of small and
medium enterprises. These standards allow a
structured and therefore promising introduction of
knowledge management regarding achievement of
objectives as well as planned costs.
3.1 Technology Description
The IT system developed in the research project
consequently implements the approach of process
oriented knowledge management. Process oriented
knowledge management begins with modelling the
business process in the company. The modelling of
the business processes is done with an especially
developed process designer. This tool allows the
graphic modelling of organisational structure and
process organisation including company specific
roles and persons. Additionally it is possible to
model the relevant knowledge structure of the
company using the process designer. For this
purpose the designer offers the possibility to gather
the semantics of the sector and link them to precise
implicit (e. g. persons) or explicit (e. g. documents)
knowledge objects.
The system “translates“ all business processes
modelled with the process designer automatically
into executable workflows. The user interface to the
processes and the knowledge is a web portal. This
portal includes a workflow-area in which users can
work on their tasks. The portal contains as well a
Process management area which allows users to
view current or finished processes or to start
processes if necessary.
The suitability of the software for the use via
Internet is necessary for the use in networks of
organisations and in the actual early stage of
development for an easy and quick updating process.
The operation in networks is connected with
difficulties concerning the lost of know-how to
network partners. To ensure a selected knowledge
transfer within a network a security mechanism has
been integrated. It allows giving access rights for
knowledge objects, which are described and marked
out by definable knowledge classes.
3.2 Business Case Description
Currently the method of process oriented knowledge
management and the IT system are introduced to a
large-sized German infrastructure service provider.
In this case, the business processes for the planning
and building of infrastructure are challenging. The
processes include multiple locations and take several
years, leading to complicated coordination processes
and updated documents. Furthermore an employee
experiences only a couple of these processes in their
complete duration and can only resort to a limited
amount of experience. Therefore a good
documentation of the processes themselves and the
availability of templates and experiences within the
processes are necessary for a high quality of the
Until now, the company has countless documents
like templates, specifications and field reports,
which exist in different versions and are not
completely harmonized. To make matters worse,
some of the documents are named in different ways,
thus making the communication even harder.
To solve these problems the company has set up
a pilot project with some experienced persons with
different points of views to these infrastructure
project. With the implementation of the IT system it
is now feasible to provide the person in charge of a
business process with the needed documents and the
know-how of earlier projects for his current task.
Additionally the information flows without delay
and comprehensible between operators at different
The following potentials for benefits of process
oriented knowledge management and the supporting
IT-System have been identified; most of them are
applicable for the organisation:
Processes get documented which is a first step to
quality management.
Processes are more part of daily business than it
was with paper based process documentation for
traditional quality management systems.
Processes can be controlled better as there is
information on the actual status available.
Processes can be automated by using work-
flows, so that the flow of information is quicker.
Knowledge can be better structured for example
with ontology.
Knowledge is given to employees in a pointedly
way in processes.
Horizontal integration of information sources
like wikis, document management systems and
Types of knowledge which can be provided to
employees are on high level expert knowledge,
practical knowledge, process knowledge, knowledge
on methods and knowledge on standards and rules.
The infrastructure service provider started with
information about processes. The first knowledge
documented in the system is the following:
A description of the activity and available
A description of the intended result with quality
Participants and contact persons (person
responsible, persons acting, decision maker,
contributors, persons to be informed).
Efforts and lead times, which are very important
in the long term running projects for
infrastructure planning.
Submittals and filed in examples as good
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
The granularity of the process modelling has been an
important challenge which had to be solved. Not
well selected granularity either leads to too long and
detailed processes which require immense efforts for
maintaining and which block the creativity of the
employees or it leads to management view to the
processes which is not useful for daily business.
After having modelled the processes too detailed
activities have been taken together. For this action
the following criteria have been identified. A new
activity should start when:
A new person is acting.
A milestone has been reached which shall be
used for information on the process status.
A new subject area has been reached in the
process, so that the employee needs other
information which can be given pointedly.
As a possible limitation of the approach of process
oriented knowledge management might be seen that
in most organisations there is much which is
unrelated to business processes. But these things are
also activities means mini-processes. If these
activities are knowledge-intensive it is possible to
provide this knowledge to the employees by
describing the activity.
This paper described the approach of the process
oriented knowledge management and a new IT
system for the implementation in a company and
presented a case study.
The approach of process oriented knowledge
management is the consequent merging of process
management, quality management and knowledge
management. The approach can be supported by IT-
systems and leads to more efficient handling. Even if
activities are not part of processes in the
organisation the necessary information can be
provided via ontology for different topics.
In the currently running transfer project the IT
system is being refined and implemented with the
method of process oriented knowledge management
in ten companies, where it is extensively used and
evaluated. The experiences from these
implementations are used to document and publish
the methodology of implementing the process
oriented knowledge management in form of a
prestandard together with German Institute for
Standardization as DIN SPEC (PAS).
The project on which this publication is based is
funded by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und
Technologie (Federal Ministry of Economics and
Technology) under the project number 68676. The
authors have full responsibility for the content.
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