A Web Platform for Knowledge Management
Élise Garrot-Lavoué
Université de Lyon, INSA Lyon, Laboratoire LIESP, 21 Avenue Jean Capelle, F-69621 Villeurbanne, France
Keywords: Interconnection of Communities of Practice, Knowledge Indexation, Contextualised search, Web 2.0,
Human–Computer Interface, Online tutoring.
Abstract: Our works aim at developing a Web platform to connect various Communities of Practice (CoPs) and to
capitalise on all their knowledge. This platform addresses CoPs interested in a same general activity, for
example tutoring. For that purpose, we propose a general model of Interconnection of Communities of
Practice (ICP), based on the concept of Constellation of Practice (CCP) developed by Wenger (1998). The
model of ICP was implemented and has been used to develop the TE-Cap 2 platform which has, as its field
of application, educational tutoring activities. In particular, we propose an indexation and search tool for the
ICP knowledge base. The TE-Cap 2 platform has been used in real conditions. We present the main results
of this descriptive investigation to validate this work.
People belong to Communities of Practice (CoPs) at
the local level of their company or institution. The
emergence of such communities occurs when people
have informal discussions, help each other to solve
problems and use this to develop their competencies
and expertise. CoPs centred on a same activity can
have similar practices without being necessarily
aware of it, mainly due to the fact that they do not
belong to the same company or institution. As a
result, every local CoP develops its own practices,
each one reinventing what is certainly being
replicated somewhere else. Our work is illustrated
throughout the article by the example of tutoring,
which we define as the educational monitoring of
learners during courses. CoPs of tutors from
different educational institutions prepare their own
pedagogical contents for their students, and there is
currently no possibility of reusing and sharing them
(Garrot et al., 2009). The result of this is that tutors
lack help in their day-to-day practice, professional
identity and practice sharing.
The problem which is challenging us is the
creation of relation between local CoPs of actors
practicing a same activity so that they exchange their
knowledge and produce more knowledge than
separate communities. We aim at developing a Web
platform to capitalise on all produced knowledge by
contextualising it, so as to make it accessible and
reusable by all members in their working contexts.
Our work is based on the concept of
Constellation of Communities of practice (or CCP)
developed by Wenger (1998). In this article, we first
present the main characteristics of this concept on
which we base our research. We then situate our
works by studying existing knowledge management
systems and social networking services. In the third
section, we propose a model of Interconnection of
Communities of Practice (ICP), as an extension of
the concept of CCP. This model approaches the
actors’ activity according to the point of view of
interconnected practices and considers CoPs’
members to act as the nodes between CoPs to
support knowledge dissemination. In the fourth
section, we present the implementation of the model
of ICP by the development of the TE-Cap 2
platform, meant for CoPs of educational tutors from
different institutions, countries and disciplines who
would tutoring. We finally validate our works by
presenting the main results of a descriptive
Explaining that some organisations are too wide to
Garrot-Lavoué É. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 13-20
DOI: 10.5220/0002273500130020
be considered as CoPs, Wenger (1998) sets out his
vision of these organisations as “Constellation of
Communities of practice” (or “CCP”).
We first define “Communities of Practice” (or
“CoPs”). Communities of Practice gather people
together in an informal way (Lave and Wenger,
1991) because of the fact that they have common
practices, interests and purposes (i.e. to share ideas
and experiences, build common tools, and develop
relations between peers) (Wenger, 1998; Koh and
Kim, 2004). Their members exchange information,
help each other to develop their skills and expertise
and solve problems in an innovative way (Pan and
Leidner, 2003; Snyder et al., 2004). They develop a
community identity around shared knowledge,
common approaches and established practices and
create a shared directory of common resources.
We identify three main aspects of the concept of
CCP, on which we base our works so as to develop a
platform to support several Communities of Practice
(CoP), summarised by Figure 1:
To Favour Interactions among CoPs. Brown
and Duguid (1991) brought the notion of
“communities-of-communities” to develop the
innovation within organisations, considering
that the productions of separate communities
can be increased by exchanges among these
communities. The concept of Constellation of
Communities of Practice (Wenger, 1998)
resumes this idea by directing it on practices.
The advantage to define several communities
around shared practices is to create more
knowledge and to develop more interactions
than in a global community (Pan and Leidner,
2003). An involvement of this vision is to think
about interactions among practices, rather than
to favour information flows.
To Consider the Boundaries of CoPs as
Places of Creation of Knowledge. The
relations between communities can be
supported by boundary objects (Star and
Griesemer, 1989) and by brokering. Boundary
objects are products of reification and they
constitute the directory of resources shared by
all the communities. Interactions between
communities relate to this knowledge.
“Brokers” belong to multiple communities and
have a role of knowledge import-export
between these communities. According to
Ziovas and Grigoriadou (2007), the
combination of brokering as a product of
participation and the boundary objects as a
product of reification is an effective way to
create relations between CoPs. The meetings
on the boundaries of CoPs arouse interactions
between the members, what makes boundaries
the places of creation of knowledge;
To Establish a Balance in the Duality
Local/Global. A person belongs to and
involves in one or several CoPs, each bound to
its local practices. But the concept of
constellation approaches the CoPs in a global
point of view, as a set of practices negotiated
with only one shared resources repository.
Every member, as broker, operates the
dissemination of knowledge from a level of
practice to another one. That is why it is
necessary to supply all CoPs with multiple
means of communication between practices
which feed the shared directory (Wenger,
Figure 1: Modelling of the concept of Constellation of
Communities of Practice (CCP).
In this section, we situate our works with regard to
KM systems and social networking services so as to
show that we cannot use existing complete solutions.
A KM system has to support the KM process
following three stages (Von Krogh, 1999): capturing
knowledge, sharing and transferring knowledge,
generating new knowledge. The KM platform of a
company is aimed at its organisational entities, what
implies that:
These systems are not designed to CoPs which
do not correspond to traditional organisational
The proposed computer tools are the only means
for the employees to communicate remotely;
they thus have to use them if they want to
exchange their practices;
The employees meet during meetings within
their organisational entities, so weave relations
except the platform.
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
The employees belong to organisational entities
for which they already have a feeling of
Since our works concern actors who do not
necessary belong to the same institution or the same
company, we cannot use an existing KM platform.
The most important difficulty to overcome is to
arouse interactions between persons except any
frame imposed by an organisation. For that purpose,
it is necessary to bring them to become aware that
they have shared practices and to provide the
available means to get in touch with people from
different CoPs.
Some Web 2.0 applications as Facebook or
MySpace are social networking services which
“connect you with the people around you”. They are
very good examples of services which aim at
connecting people who have common interests.
Some social networking services are for more
professional vocation, such as LinkedIn and Viadeo.
But these sites are used for socialisation and to meet
people. A consequence is that the tools offered to
classify and to search for knowledge are not adapted
to CoPs. Indeed, they often rest on collective
categorisation in the form of tag clouds (O'Reilly,
2005) (folksonomies) or on full text search. But this
system of ‘tagging’ lacks structuring (Guy and
Tonkin, 2006). Within the framework of a CoP, we
consider it is necessary to bring a knowledge
organization to help users to index and search for
knowledge. Tags systems work well for
communities of interest where the users want to
navigate within the application without precise
intention. But these systems are not really adapted to
CoPs where the users search for resources bound to
working experiences. Users must be able to find a
testimony, a discussion, an ‘expert’ or other
resources (document, Web link…) very quickly, so
that they can use it in their practice.
To sum up, we can use neither complete KM
solutions nor existing social networking services but
we can use existing components. We adopt one of
the Web 2.0 principles: “innovation in assembly”
(O'Reilly, 2005). When there are a lot of basic
components, it is possible to create value by
assembling them in a new way. We chose to develop
a platform partially composed of existing Web 2.0
tools (Wenger et al., 2005), available as well for KM
systems as for social networking services, to
capitalise knowledge and get in touch with people.
Other part of the system consists of a knowledge
indexation and search tool specifically developed to
answer specific needs of CoPs, based on the model
on Interconnection of Communities of Practice
depicted in next section.
The concept of CCP is based on the assumption that
considering a global community as a set of
interconnected CoPs increase member participation
and creation of knowledge. Furthermore, this vision
of an organisation takes into account as much the
local level of every CoP as the global level formed
by all the CoPs. We adopt this approach to develop a
model of Interconnection of CoPs (ICP) which
proposes to approach a general activity according to
multiple points of view depending on actors’
practices. The development of the Web platform Te-
Cap 2, depicted in section 5, is based on this model.
4.1 General Model of ICP
In the case of informal professions, such as tutoring,
it is difficult to define exactly the field of practice of
the actors. Actors’ activities can be seen as a set of
different practices which are similar in some points.
For example, tutors’ roles can be different as their
interventions could be punctual or long-lasting; the
learning session could be computer mediated or not
and the learners’ activity could be individual or
collective. But some roles are shared by some of
these contexts. We propose that this group of actors
should be seen not as an endogenous entity defined
by a field of practice, but rather as a set of CoPs
supported by a Web platform where individual
members acting as nodes of interconnected practices
are the connection points (see Figure 2). We suggest
developing this concept that we have named
Interconnection of Communities of Practice (ICP).
This model aims at making existing local CoPs of
actors (e.g. within an educational institution), who
are engaging in the same general activity (i.e.
tutoring), to get connected. This model also proposes
active support for the dissemination of knowledge
from CoP to CoP.
Figure 2: General model of Interconnection of
Communities of Practice.
At an individual level, an actor’s activity can be
approached according to multiple points of view
depending on the working context. In the ICP
model, a CoP corresponds to the elementary level of
actors’ practice. The CoPs to which they belong are
defined by their working context. At a general level,
an ICP is composed of all the elementary CoPs
defined by all the actors who participate in the Web
platform. We could see it as a single community of
actors practicing a same activity, brought together
on the same platform; a group which can be
approached from multiple points of view and
accessed through multiple entry points.
For example (see Figure 3), Tutor 1, working in
the industrial engineering department of the
University A in France who is monitoring a
collective project about maintenance can belong to
five different CoPs: tutors who monitor collective
activities, tutors who are interested in maintenance,
tutors who monitor educational projects, tutors of
the industrial engineering department and tutors of
the University A. Tutor 2 from another educational
institution, for example University B in Canada, can
belong to several CoPs, some of which Tutor 1 may
also belong to.
Figure 3: Tutors as nodes of Interconnection of CoPs.
These two tutors, from different countries, will be
put in touch since their working context can be
approached according to several similar points of
view, which imply that they belong to same CoPs.
Tutor 3 will be put in touch with both tutors because
he belongs to the same educational institution and
the same department as Tutor 1 and because he
monitors the same type of activity as Tutor 2. So this
example illustrates the fact that it is the tutors who
are the nodes of Interconnection of CoPs. In this
example, tutors’ activity can be approached from
several points of view: the context of the activity
(collective, distance), the learning situation (project
based learning, courses), the discipline
(maintenance), the curriculum (industrial
engineering) and the educational institution
(universities). These points of view are categories of
CoP and we propose in section 4.3 an approach to
define a model of actors’ practices, which implies
determining all the categories of CoPs and which
CoPs correspond to a given activity.
4.2 The Reasons for using ICP instead
of CCP
We based the model of ICP on the model of CCP
since they suggest both considering wide
organisations as a set of communities of practice
which have common characteristics (Wenger 1998):
They share members: the ICP members belong
to several CoPs, each corresponding to a point
of view of their working context;
They share artefacts: the ICP members
participate on the same Web platform;
They have access to the same resources: the
ICP members have access to the shared
directory of resources stored in the platform
However, an organisation defined as an
Interconnection of CoPs (supported by a Web
platform and composed of individual members who
act as nodes of interconnected practices) does not
form a Constellation of CoPs as defined by Wenger:
Contrary to a CCP, the CoPs of an ICP do not
share historic roots on which the mutual
engagement of the members could base itself.
The ICP members do not know apart the
platform on which they join. This difference is
fundamental because it raises the difficulty
bringing persons who do not know each other
to interact, what requires supporting a high
level of sociability on the platform.
In a CCP, the CoPs have interconnected
projects which connect them whereas an ICP
consist of actors practicing a same general
activity who want to exchange on their
practices with others, the community emerging
by “propagation”. So that members are
interested in the practices of the others, it is
important to bring them to be aware that they
have rather close practices which they can
Contrary to a CCP, the ICP members do not
belong necessarily to the same institution. Since
we aim at supporting exchanges as well in
members’ local working context as at the
general level of the activity, it is necessary that
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
there are actors of various institutions.
The CoPs of a CCP are in close proximity to
each other, in particular geographically,
whereas an ICP is constituted of persons who
meet themselves on a Web platform and can
thus be from countries of the whole world. This
model does not thus include geographical
So, we propose a new model of ICP to represent a
close but different type of organisation which could
be seen as:
An extension of the model of CCP in the sense
that the conditions are less restricting. We
showed that only three conditions on seven put
by Wenger (1998) are necessary to validate the
existence of an ICP.
A transposition of the model of CCP in the
sense that it concerns persons gathered by a
Web platform and not by a given institution or
4.3 Management and Dissemination of
the ICP Knowledge
The ICP resources are stored in a database according
to a hierarchical classification composed of subjects
based on a model of actors’ practices. In the case of
tutoring, resources correspond to explicit knowledge
(documents and Web links) and tacit knowledge
shared among members (e.g. exchanges of
experience, stories, and discussions). We built a
model of tutors’ practices which defines at most four
levels. The first level corresponds to the main factors
which differentiate actors’ practices (e.g. educational
institution, curriculum, discipline, activity) and are
the main categories of CoP. Each category is divided
into subcategories and so on. The terminal nodes
correspond to CoPs. This taxonomy of tutoring has
been developed by an iterative process, based on
interviews with six tutors (first development cycle)
and on results of an experiment of a first prototype
(second development cycle). The classification
cannot be exhaustive because it is only a base which
will evolve through modifications and additions
made by the ICP members themselves.
When creating a resource (message, document,
Web link), the author decide that it belongs to one or
several CoPs by associating the name of the CoP
(subject in the lowest level of the classification) with
the resource. When they find a resource (result of a
search), members can also associate new subjects
with this resource so as to spread it to new CoPs.
They can either associate the name of a CoP to
spread the resource to only a single CoP, or
associate it to the name of a category of CoPs
(subjects at higher levels in the classification) to
spread the resource to all child CoPs. Indeed, Child
CoPs (hierarchically lower level CoPs) inherit all the
resources of a category of CoPs. So, ICP members’
participation not only consists of creating new
resources but also of creating links between these
resources according to their relevance to the CoPs.
This relevance is estimated by members themselves
who consider a resource to be useful or interesting
for a CoP. The supply of a resource to a CoP can
lead to a debate on this resource and possibly to the
creation of new resources for this CoP. Events
reported in a precise context can lead to experience
sharing (solutions, cases, scenarios), being used as a
base to generate rules or recommendations which
become global knowledge within the ICP.
We have developed the TE-Cap 2 (Tutoring
Experience Capitalisation) platform according to a
co-adaptive approach based on an iterative process
including three development cycles. Each cycle rests
on the development of a prototype, on its evaluation
by the users by means of interviews or experiments
and on the analysis users’ activity (Garrot et al.,
2009). This approach aimed at making users’ needs
emerge, at leading users to explicit these needs. The
platform specifications evolved according to these
emerging needs. We were particularly interested in
developing a knowledge indexation and search tool
for an ICP. We describe this tool in the following
5.1 User Profile Management
The knowledge indexation and search tool is based
on the user profiles used to personalise subjects
proposed to them. Users define their profile by
filling several fields corresponding to categories of
CoPs of the hierarchical classification. Values given
to fields define CoPs and imply tutors’ membership
of these CoPs. The profile is composed of three
main characteristics: identity profile, working
context and secondary interests. The working
context is about all the CoPs directly bound to
actors’ working context. The secondary interests are
about all the CoPs which are not directly bound to
their working context but which could interest them
(give access to other resources able to interest them
and to profiles of other people who share similar
practices or experiences).
Figure 4: Knowledge search tool.
As a tool provided for the use of members of a CoP
in their daily practice, this one offers them fast
access to the relevant resources for them by two
means (see Figure 4):
A link between the search interface and the
profile allows users to only see the subjects
from the classification which concern users and
which interest them according to their profile.
So users only have access to the resources of
the CoPs to which they declare themselves to
belong and can create resources only for these
Users have the possibility, according to their
intention when connecting to the platform, to
apply a filter to display on the classification
interface only those subjects bound to their
working context or to their secondary interests.
In their daily practice, it is advisable to offer
users at first only those subjects which concern
their direct working context, this being the most
efficient. If users do not find the information
they look for in their direct working context,
they must be able to extend the search to the
other subjects of interest bound to their activity.
In this manner they can find interesting
‘unexpected’ resources, which they can then
bring into CoPs in which they have a central
5.2 Knowledge Indexation and Search
The knowledge search and indexation tool,
illustrated by Figure 4, rests on the classification
built for the ICP. The main panel (at the centre of
the screenshot), composed of three tabs, allows easy
and fast navigation between the results of the search
and the classification. The tab ‘Search’ gives the
possibility of navigating within the classification and
of selecting search subjects. These subjects are
represented in the form of bubbles, to bring
conviviality and attractiveness to the interface. Users
can navigate in the classification by a ‘double-click’
on a bubble which explodes it into more bubbles
representing the sub-subjects. When reaching the
last level (corresponding to the CoPs), subjects are
represented in the form of a combo box allowing a
multiple selection. Users can return to a superior
level thanks to the navigation path. The platform
proposes the same interface to search for posted
messages and for member profiles, by separating
them by the way of two tabs. In this way users can,
at every search, consult the profiles of found
members and ‘discover’ people who have similar
practices or who offer expertise.
The secondary panel (on the right of the
screenshot) gives the possibility of storing the
subjects chosen for the search (by a drag and drop
from the main panel). The subjects in this column
are always visible when users navigate in the tabs of
the main panel and from one request to another.
Once in the “search column” users can deselect or
select a subject (so as to refine or to widen the
search), delete a subject by sliding the bubble
outside the column and move bubbles inside the
column to choose a preferred order. This principle of
category selection can be compared to carts on
commercial Web sites. This original human
computer interaction has been chosen to promote
navigation within the classification and to simplify
the selection of items.
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
The indexing of an initiating message (starting a
discussion) is made according to the following
principle: users classify the message according to its
context (bound subjects) at the same time as they
write it. This principle aims at leading them to
reflect upon the experience they relate. To facilitate
this action, an interface in the form of tabs ensures
an easy navigation, at any time, between the writing
and the indexing of a message. The selected subjects
in the classification column are then associated with
the message, meaning that this resource belongs to
the CoPs or categories of CoPs. Every user can
associate the discussion with new subjects so as to
spread the resource from one CoP to another one
and from one level to another. Regulation is carried
out by the author of the initiating message who has
the right to remove the subjects which they do not
consider relevant for the discussion.
5.3 Classification Evolution
Users can make the resource classification evolve
through their participation on the platform, so as to
lead to a classification using a vocabulary which
gradually moves closer to the actors’ practices. For
that purpose, the interface gives at any time the
possibility of adding a new subject to the
classification, be it when filling in a profile, when
classifying a resource, when searching a resource or
when consulting a resource. The subjects used are
recorded which allows for example the deletion of
those considered useless. Unused subjects are later
deleted, meaning that they were not adapted to the
actors’ field of practice or not located at the right
level of the classification. This evolution of subjects
is necessary so that the classification made a priori
becomes closer to the reality of actors’ practices and
can follow the evolution of actors’ uses and
practices. It is also an important point for ensuring a
coherence of all the CoPs forming the ICP and for
offering a common identity to all the members.
We conducted a descriptive investigation in real
conditions, from 25 February 2008 to July 5 2008.
Our role consisted of encouraging registered tutors
to participate by sending regular newsletters. The
Web address of TE-Cap 2 was disseminated to
several communities of tutors (ATIEF, t@d,
PALETTE) and to virtual campus (VCiel, FORSE,
E-Miage, Téluq, Master UTICEF, did@cTIC, FLE).
We also sent an email to the users of the first
prototype TE-Cap. We wanted to develop the
community around this existing core, hoping that
they would encourage new users to participate.
Discussion threads created during the first study
were kept to be used as a base for new discussions.
To help in the understanding of the how the platform
works, we posted online demonstration videos: one
general one and three specific ones (how to do a
search, to write a message and to fill in the profile).
This study aimed at validating the TE-Cap 2
platform as a support for the interconnection of
CoPs of tutors. We defined indicators to measure
sociability, levels of knowledge creation and sharing
and utility of the platform (Garrot, 2008). Results
come from three types of data: use tracks, answers to
a questionnaire and usability tests.
42 persons from nine francophone countries
registered on TE-Cap 2. We present in this paper
only the main results regarding the indexation and
search tool. First of all, the answers to the
questionnaire show that our aim to put local CoPs
and online CoPs (general CoPs) into a relation
answers an existing need. Indeed, tutors look for
information as much at the local level of their course
(eight answers to the questionnaire) as at a more
general level such as tutors’ roles (twelve answers),
technical and educational tools and resources
(twelve answers), learners (ten answers) or learning
scenarios (eight answers). Although quite a few
messages were written (fifteen) more (twenty-seven)
users simply viewed discussions. This is explained
by the fact that, according to the answers to the
questionnaire, the users registered as much out of
curiosity regarding a new tool as out of a desire to
really participate. Furthermore, participation in a
community will always be lower priority than
teaching or tutoring. A positive result is the rather
large number of subjects added to the classification
(45), which implies a significant evolution in the
classification and thus an appropriation by the users.
Finally, usability tests carried out with three tutors
according to a scenario, highlight the fact that the
indexation and search interfaces of TE-Cap 2 are
very easy to use and effective. But the use of these
interfaces requires a learning stage, as is normal for
an innovative interface which proposes new features.
Furthermore, twenty-three users did not fill in or did
not use their profile which, we must assume, means
they not did not see the interest or did not take the
time (it requires 5 to 10 minutes). The emphasised
reason according to the questionnaire responses was
that they did not understand the link between the
profile and the proposed classification. It would be
necessary to explain this link better so that they
could see the interest. The help brought by the
videos was either not sufficient or not adapted and
an improvement could be the addition of a
contextual help or a software companion.
Further results will be obtained only by a use by
a large number of persons and over a longer time
period. It is only in these conditions that the
platform and the proposed tools can be expected to
reveal their potential.
In this paper, we defined a general model of
Interconnection of CoPs, based on the concept of
Constellations of CoPs. This model aims at
supporting knowledge sharing and dissemination for
local CoPs interested in a same general activity, in
our case tutoring. We validated the implementation
of this model by the development of the TE-Cap 2
platform. This platform was designed to connect
several CoPs centred on same general activity and to
manage their knowledge. We conducted a
descriptive investigation lasting several months with
tutors from various disciplines and countries. The
results of usability tests demonstrated the ease of use
and the utility of the proposed tool, although not all
the offered possibilities were taken up, as
highlighted by use tracks.
The aim of this study was not to observe the
emergence of an Interconnection of Communities of
Practice because it was unachievable in only four
months. So as to observe such emergence, we plan
to conduct another type of study, across a long-term
period and with the addition of a software
companion to facilitate the understanding of the
innovative interface. It would also be interesting to
address other communities than that of tutors or
teachers who often tend towards rather
individualistic professional behaviour and who are
not always used to sharing.
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