Nastaran Fatemi, Florian Poulin, Laura E. Raileanu
HEIG-VD, Univ. of Applied Science of Western Switzerland,Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
Alan F. Smeaton
CLARITY: Centre for Sensor Web Technologies, Dublin City Univ., Ireland
Mining multimedia data, Association rule mining, Video indexing, Inter-concept relations.
In order to achieve true content-based information retrieval on video we should analyse and index video with
high-level semantic concepts in addition to using user-generated tags and structured metadata like title, date,
etc. However the range of such high-level semantic concepts, detected either manually or automatically, is
usually limited compared to the richness of information content in video and the potential vocabulary of
available concepts for indexing. Even though there is work to improve the performance of individual concept
classifiers, we should strive to make the best use of whatever partial sets of semantic concept occurrences
are available to us. We describe in this paper our method for using association rule mining to automatically
enrich the representation of video content through a set of semantic concepts based on concept co-occurrence
patterns. We describe our experiments on the TRECVid 2005 video corpus annotated with the 449 concepts
of the LSCOM ontology. The evaluation of our results shows the usefulness of our approach.
Indexing video with high-level semantic concepts,
such as events, locations, activities, people or objects
is an important requirement of video retrieval applica-
tions if we are to move beyond information retrieval
on video based on user tags and structured metadata.
Currently, mainstream video access is based around
exploiting video metadata and user-generated content
such as tags and text comments and such approaches
are the basis for systems such as YouTube. During the
last decade, the automatic identification of high level
semantic concepts in video has received a lot of at-
tention yet has still proven to be hard to achieve with
good degrees of reliability and is not present in main-
stream video search.
A common approach to concept detection has
been to model them based on the occurrence of low-
level visual features such as colour, texture and mo-
tion, in sets of both positive and negative example
video segments, relative to the high level concept.
Approaches using Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
(Ebadollahi et al., 2006), Hidden Markov Models
(HMMs) (Dimitrova et al., 2000), and Bayesian Net-
works (BN) (Pack and Chang, 2000) for example have
been used to train semantic concept classifiers based
on low-level features as inputs. Generally, these have
varying degrees of accuracy and realiability and hence
varing usefulness in the retrieval process. Manual an-
notation is normally still used for semantic concepts
and in applications such as broadcast news or film
archives, video retrieval is based almost exclusively
on manual annotation of video coupled with structural
metadata (Smeaton, 2007). Manual annotations have
their own drawbacks. In (Volkmer et al., 2005) Volk-
mer & al. highlight the difficulty and the timeliness
of manually annotating video. They argue that the ef-
ficiency of manual annotation is still lower for more
complex concepts. However, image and video sharing
and retrieval tools such as FlickR and YouTube, and
the expansion of social Web applications have created
new incentives in generating an increasing amount of
manual annotations, or tags. These annotations are
still strongly dependent on the users, the annotation
context and the subsequent application. In an infor-
mation retrieval context, applications usually have to
do with a “partial set of annotations”, partial in the
Fatemi N., Poulin F., E. Raileanu L. and F. Smeaton A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, pages 119-126
DOI: 10.5220/0002275701190126
sense that the annotation set is incomplete in its de-
scription of video content when considering the vo-
cabulary of possible concepts. This problem is also
relevant when tackling automatically generated an-
notations. Hence, even though there has been a lot
of work to improve the performance of automatic or
manual concept detection, our goal should be to make
the best use of whatever partial sets of semantic con-
cepts are available in order to maximise overall re-
trieval potential. Furthermore, one thing that we can
leverage is that we know that there exist inter-concept
relationships based on how they are used in indexing,
even when there are only a small number of them.
In this paper we address the issues of exploiting such
relationships, increasing the coverage and quality of
a partial set of semantic concepts for video archives,
not by building new automatic classifiers but by lever-
aging existing ones and mining previous annotations
using association rules.
The paper is organised as follows. In the next sec-
tion we present a brief summary of related work. In
section 3 we introduce the video corpus we used and
our approach to enriching the set of semantic concepts
used to index it. Section 4 presents the results of our
experiments, including an evaluation of the impact of
enrichment from association rule mining and the im-
pact of removing synonym concepts. Finally section
5 presents our conclusions.
A number of recent research works have studied the
question of how to best exploit a partial set of video
annotations in the retrieval process. (Hauptmann
et al., 2007) discuss finding a trade-off between the
number of concepts to be detected and the utility of
these concepts in the retrieval process. They show that
only a few thousand semantic concepts could be suf-
ficient to support highly accurate video retrieval and
argue that when sufficiently many concepts are used,
even low detection accuracy can potentially provide
good retrieval results if the concepts are combined in
a reasonable way. (Lin and Hauptmann, 2006) iden-
tify the semantic concepts of a large scale ontology
which are likely to benefit many queries. They show
that frequent concepts play a more vital role in video
retrieval than rare concepts. Unlike rare concepts that
benefit none or only one specific topic, frequent con-
cepts can help multiple searches, either by filtering
out irrelevant results, or by promoting relevant shots.
(Koskela and Smeaton, 2006) higlight the impor-
tance of inter-concept relations for semantic analysis
in multimedia repositories and propose several meth-
ods to analyse concept similarities. They measure vi-
sual similarity by comparing the statistical distribu-
tion of the concept-models (clusters or latent aspects),
trained from low-level features. The co-occurence of
pairs of concepts is calculated using the distance be-
tween the vectors of concept occurrences in the shots.
Semantic similarity between concepts is then calcu-
lated based on human assesments and hierarchical re-
lations are exploited based on a manually constructed
hierarchical ontology. The authors reveal the useful-
ness of co-occurence of concepts in the context of
assisted annotation and automatic concept detection.
(Garnaud et al., 2006) present an application of co-
occurence relations in an assisted video annotation
tool, comparing different approaches to assist con-
cept annotation. They evaluate the ability of an un-
trained user to perform fast and exhaustive annotation
and conclude that concept recommendation based on
co-occurence, gives best results.
More traditional data mining techniques can be
used to discover patterns of semantic concept use in
video which may benefit subsequent video informa-
tion retrieval. (Xie and Chang, 2006) describe their
application of four data mining techniques: frequent
itemset mining, k-means clustering, hidden Markov
modeling and hierarchical hidden Markov models
(HHMMs). They use the TRECVid’05 corpus an-
notated with 39 LSCOM-Lite concepts and evaluate
the discovered patterns using a 192-concept subset of
LSCOM. They highlight the difficulties of computa-
tional load when using frequent itemsets and conclude
that HHMMs has the best average prediction among
all models, but that different models seem to excel
for different concepts depending on the concept prior
and the ontological relationship. However the impact
of different ontological relationships on the obtained
results is unknown.
(Yan et al., 2006) use probabilistic directed and
undirected graphical models to mine the relationships
between video concepts. Their experiments, also on
the TRECVid’05 development data, show the effec-
tiveness and potential of using undirected models to
learn concept relations. (Zha et al., 2007) propose to
refine video annotations by exploiting pairwise con-
current relations among semantic concepts. They
construct a concurrent matrix to explicitely represent
such relations. Through spreading the scores of all re-
lated concepts to each other iteratively, detection ac-
curacy is improved.
In recent work of (Dasiopoulou et al., 2008), a
reasoning framework based on fuzzy description log-
ics is used to enhance the extraction of image seman-
tics. Explicit semantic relationships among concepts
are represented using assertions of description log-
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
ics. Automatic detection is realised at both object and
scene levels. The reasoning framework is then used
to infer new concepts and to resolve inconsistencies
in order to lead into a semantically meaningful de-
scription of the images.
(Ken-Hao et al., 2008) propose the use of associ-
ation and temporal rule mining for post-filtering re-
sults obtained by automatic concept detectors. This
work has a different goal and approach comparing
to ours. (Ken-Hao et al., 2008) use association and
temporal rules to improve the performance of auto-
matic detectors. They discover association rules on
the TRECVid’05 corpus annotated with 101 concepts
of the MediaMill ontology. Among the 101 concepts
of the MediaMill vocabulary, they find 32 concepts
that have statistically significant rules for inference.
When applying merely association rules (with no tem-
poral smoothing) the results of automatic detection
are improved for 24 concepts.
In our work we apply association rules on man-
ually detected concepts with the goal of concept en-
richment, i.e. discovering new concepts. We focus on
a large vocabulary, the LSCOM 449 concepts. Our
results show that association rule mining can be used
with reasonable computational cost to automatically
add new concepts with good performance.
3.1 Video Corpus
We use an older TRECVid corpus from 2005
(TRECVid’05) (Over et al., 2005a) because it has
been manually annotated using semantic concepts
from the Large Scale Concept Ontology for Multime-
dia (LSCOM) (Naphade et al., 2006). TRECVid’05
consists of a collection of broadcast TV news videos
captured in October and November 2004 from 11
broadcasting organisations. We use the development
set of TRECVid’05 consisting of 80 hours of video
segmented into 43,907 shots. A detailed description
of the corpus can be found in (Over et al., 2005b).
LSCOM is a large multimedia concept lexicon with
more than 1,000 concepts defined of which 449 have
been used to annotate the TRECVid’05 development
set in an effort by TRECVid participants (Volkmer
et al., 2005).
Annotations on the TRECVid’05 corpus are done
at the shot level. For each of the 43,907 shots and
each of the 449 LSCOM concepts, there are three pos-
sible types of judgment namely “positive” (meaning
that the concept appears in the shot), “negative” (the
concept does not appear in the shot), or “skip” (the
shot remains unannotated). In our analysis we only
take into acount the positive and the negative judg-
ments. For each shot the judgments are done only
on their selected keyframes, which raises the issue of
how representative these keyframes actually are, but
that is beyond the scope of the present work.
3.2 Semantic Concept Mining and
The use of a rich set of semantic annotations holds
much potential for video retrieval and the goal of en-
richment is to add new semantic concepts, automat-
ically derived from the set of existing ones, to the
video index. To determine new ones to be added to
a video’s representation, our approach is to use asso-
ciation rule mining. We proceed in two steps. In the
first step we discover association rules among seman-
tic concepts used in video indexing by analysing co-
occurences of the concepts in a set of fully annotated
video shots. In the second step, we automatically en-
rich concepts. i.e. using the previously discovered as-
sociation rules we automatically derive semantic con-
cepts missing from the original annotation. We now
describe these two steps in detail.
3.2.1 Mining Rules from Fully Annotated Shots
Association rules are used to identify groups of data
items that typically co-occur frequently. They can re-
veal interesting relationships between items and can
be used to predict new ones. Mining association rules
has previously been applied to information stored in
databases. Datasets in which an association rule is to
be found is viewed as a set of tuples, where each tu-
ple contains a set of items. Let I = {i
} be a
set of items and D = {t
,. . .t
} a database of trans-
actions, where t
= {i
, . . .,i
} and i
i j
I. An
association rule is an implication of the form A B,
where A,B I are sets of items called itemsets and
A B =
0. The support of an item (or set of items)
is the percentage of transactions in which that item
(or items) occurs. The support for an association
rule A B is the percentage of transactions in the
database that contain both A and B. The confidence
for an association rule A B is the ratio of the num-
ber of transactions that contain both A and B to the
number of transactions that contain A.
The association rule problem is to identify all as-
sociation rules that satisfy a user specifed minimum
support and minimum confidence and this is solved
in two steps. Firstly, all itemsets whose support is
greater than the given minimum are discovered and
these are called frequent itemsets. Frequent itemsets
are then used to generate interesting association rules
where a rule is considered as interesting if its confi-
dence is higher than the minimum confidence.
We use Frequent Pattern Trees (Han et al., 2000),
to mine the frequent itemsets and then apply the gen-
Rules algorithm (Agrawal and Srikant, 1994) to these
to generate interesting association rules. As the com-
putational complexity of genRules depends largely on
the maximum number of items in the rules, we sim-
plified the algorithm by calculating only those rules
which have a single item in the consequent. This is a
sensible approach as in the following step we then en-
rich the absent concepts, one by one. Our simplified
approach is presented in Algorithm 1 is not recursive.
Algorithm 1. Simplified genRules algorithm.
In : C : target concept for enrichment
In : m : minimum confidence threshold
In : F : list of frequent itemsets
Out : R : list of association rules having C
as consequent and confidence m
for all i F do
if C i and size(i) > 1 then
if Support(i)/Support(i C) m then
R = R (i C C)
end if
end if
end for
3.2.2 Applying Rules to Partially Annotated
We treat each shot as a transaction and the set of se-
mantic concepts corresponds to the set of items, I.
Therefore, any subset of semantic concepts annotated
positively in a shot corresponds to an itemset. Alg. 2
presents our process for video concept enrichment.
Algorithm 2. Enrichment algorithm.
In : C: target concept for enrichment
In : T : list of altered transactions (i.e. without C)
In : R: list of rules sorted by
decreasing value of confidence
Out : E: list enriched by applying R to T
for all t T do
e copy of t
for all r R do
if antecedant of r t then
e = e C
skip the remaining rules
end if
end for
E = E e
end for
This uses an altered set of transactions, which
consists of the set of shots annotated with all the con-
cepts except C which corresponds to the target of the
enrichment algorithm. For each transaction of the al-
tered set, we apply the discovered association rules
having C as consequent, if the transaction contains the
antecedant of the rule. For example, a rule A,B C
would be used to add C to every transaction contain-
ing A and B. The resulting set of transactions is called
the enriched set. Association rules used are sorted in
decreasing value of their confidence which allows us
to stop iterating as soon as a rule is applied.
4.1 Cross-validation
We used a 5-fold cross-validation approach, meaning
that the whole corpus of of 43,907 transactions was
randomly partitioned into ve subsamples, a single
part, the validation set, was retained and the remain-
ing four parts, the training set, were used as training
data. The process was repeated five times, with each
of the five parts used once as validation data. Results
were calculated as an average of of the five rotations.
4.2 Enrichment Evaluation
To measure the enrichment performance of a concept,
we calculate two measures, precision and recall. We
compare two sets of transactions: the totally anno-
tated set of transactions, T
re f
, and the set of trans-
actions after the enrichment, T
. T
re f
to the validation set, and T
corresponds to the en-
riched set. A transaction in T
is relevant to a con-
cept C, if it contains C and its corresponding trans-
action in T
re f
contains the concept too. A transac-
tion in T
is non-relevant, if it contains C, but its
corresponding transaction in T
re f
does not contain the
concept. Precison corresponds to the number of rel-
evant enriched transactions divided by the total num-
ber of transactions. Recall corresponds to the num-
ber of relevant transactions divided by the number of
all transactions in T
re f
containing the concept. We
note that, depending on the value of the minimum
confidence used in genRules, different values of pre-
cision and recall are obtained for the same concept.
This can be explained by the fact that the higher the
confidence of applied rules, the lower the probabil-
ity of producing false positive enriched transactions,
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
which in turn causes a higher precision. At the same
time, the lower the minimum confidence threshold,
the bigger the number of applied rules and therefore
the greater the probability to generate true positive
transactions. This in turn causes higher recall. We
therefore calculate different pairs of precision-recall
values for different values of minimum confidence
thresholds. Also, in order to measure the impact of
the enrichment in terms of both recall and precision,
we use the harmonic mean of these values, the F-
Measure. We choose the best F-measure value ob-
tained for each concept enrichment as a representa-
tive evaluation measure. In practice, the question of
whether to favour precision or recall would be de-
cided by the application.
4.3 Description of Results Graphs
We generated results representing recall, precision
and the F-measure for the enriched concepts. In these
experiments the minimum support used by the FPTree
algorithm is fixed to 0.001 which allows us to produce
a wide range of frequent itemsets (including concepts
appearing relatively rarely in the collection) within
reasonable computation time. With such a value, con-
cepts appearing at least in 36 shots of the training set
are taken into account, corresponding to 285 of the
LSCOM concepts. The complete set of graphs are
provided in (Fatemi et al., 2007). As an example to il-
lustrate our findings, we use the concept Soldiers. An
excerpt of the rules derived to enrich this concept is
presented below:
{Person, Military Personnel, Rifles} Soldiers
{Person, Rifles, Military Base} Soldiers
{Person, Military Personnel} Soldiers
Table 1 shows an excerpt of the concepts used for
the enrichment of the LSCOM concept Soldiers and
their distributions in the applied rules. To correctly
interpret these distribution values, when enriching a
transaction with a given concept selected from among
the applicable rules only the most confident rules will
genuinely imply the concept. Figure 1 shows the eval-
uation of enrichment performance for this concept.
The x-axis presents the minimum confidence values
ranging from 0.5 to 1.0. As can be seen, for the
concept Soldiers the graph shows that the best recall
value, is obtained when a minimum confidence of 0.5
is used, while in terms of precision the best obtained
value is when a minimum confidence of 1.0 is used.
The F-measure combines both precision and recall is
more representative if recall and precision are equally
significant and so when analysing the results we focus
on the best F-measure obtained among F-measures
Table 1: Concepts used to enrich Soldiers.
Percentage Concept
86.4% Person
74.2% Military Personnel
34.0% Rifles
25.5% Armed Person
. . . . . .
Figure 1: Performance of the Soldiers enrichment.
for different minimum confidence values. As shown
in the graph of the Figure 1, for the concept Soldiers
the best F-measure is obtained with a minimum con-
fidence value of 0.7 and is 0.6141.
4.4 Impact of Removing Synonym
As can be seen in Table 1, among the concepts
used frequently in the enrichment of Soldiers we find
the concept Military Personnel which is contained in
74.2% of the applied rules. This concept is indeed
a synonym of Soldiers. We consider that the auto-
matic enrichment of a concept is interesting if the
video does not already contain synonyms of the con-
cept. In order to examine the impact of the synonymy
relations on the final results, we produced all the en-
richment results in two ways: firstly by taking into
account all concepts, and secondly by ignoring syn-
onyms of the concepts in the collection. In the latter
case, we kept only the most frequent concept in each
synonym group and in order to determine the syn-
onym groups we used an automatic technique based
on association rule mining (Fatemi et al., 2007).
To globally analyse the impact of synonyms on
the performance of the enrichement, we compared
Figure 2: Distribution of the best F-Measures over support
the values of precision, recall and F-measure of all
enriched concepts before and after removal of syn-
onyms. We distinguish two kinds of enriched con-
cepts: those involved in synonymy relations, and
those which are not. For concepts not involved in
a synonymy relation, there is no real difference be-
tween the quality of results obtained whether keeping
the synonyms or ignoring them, whereas for concepts
involved in a synonmy relation there is a significant
difference. For example, the best F-measure of the
BoatShip concept, is 0.5617 when considering all the
concepts, and 0.5578, when ignoring synonyms.
We compared the best F-measure scores of these
categories of concepts before removing their syn-
onyms to those obtained after removing their syn-
onyms and we obtained an average decrease of 30%.
An example of a concept whose enrichment is totally
biased when keeping synonyms is Backpack. When
keeping synonyms, the Backpack concept is enriched
with a recall and a precision of 1.0. When ignoring
synonyms, recall falls to 0.0. This is due to the dis-
tribution of the concept Backpack and its synonym
Backpackers, in the corpus. In fact, the only associ-
ation rule employed to enrich Backpack is the rule
Backpackers Backpack . These two concepts al-
ways appear together. This illustrates to what point
keeping synonyms can actually bias the results so for
our set of enrichment experiments, we ignored them.
4.5 Overall Performance Evaluation
Among the 285 enriched concepts, 137 obtain a posi-
tive F-measure and 148 concepts an F-measure equal
to 0. Figure 2 shows the distribution of the support in-
tervals of the 285 concepts. This figure distinguishes
between the concepts with positive best F-measure
and those with 0 F-measure. The x-axis corresponds
to the classes of support values. The classes were
chosen to reflect the distribution of the support val-
ues of concepts in the corpus and have a non-uniform
Figure 3: Distribution of the best F-Measures over mini-
mum confidence values.
distribution. There are concepts having a very low
support i.e 0.005 and concepts with a relatively
high support i.e > 0.01. The y-axis corresponds to
the cumulated number of concepts.We observe that
the majority of the 0 F-measure values correspond to
concepts having low support values. More precisely,
from among the 285 concepts considered in our ex-
periments, 95% of concepts obtaining 0 F-measure
have a support less than 0.01. Also 60% of the con-
cepts obtaining a positive F-measure have a support
greater than 0.01.
We then analysed the 137 enriched concepts hav-
ing a positive F-measure. As discussed in 4.3, the
values of the F-measures vary as a function of the
minimum confidence of the applied rules. The best
F-measures of concept enrichments are obtained at
different minimum confidence values. Figure 3 illus-
trates the distribution of the best F-measures over the
minimum confidence values for the 137 concepts. We
observe that the highest best F-measure values are ob-
tained at highest minimum confidence values. Figure
4 shows the histogram of values of best F-measures
obtained for the 137 enriched concepts having pos-
itive F-measure. For 66 concepts we obtain a best
F-measure greater than 0.5, representing good per-
formance quality. Table 2 provides the complete list
of the 137 concepts enriched with positive F-measure
grouped by their best F-measure value intervals.
We have presented an approach to automatically de-
riving semantic concepts from existing video annota-
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: F-Measure scores for various concepts.
F-Measure Concept
[0.9,1.0] Civilian Person, Weapons
[0.8,0.9] Residential Buildings, Outdoor, Adult, Individual, Sports, News Studio
[0.7,0.8] Face, Rifles, Ground Vehicles, Suits, Waterscape Waterfront, Athlete,
Armored Vehicles, Exploding Ordinance, Ties, Female Anchor, Vehicle
[0.6,0.7] Single Person Female, Indoor Sports Venue, Female Person, Armed Person,
Flags, Smoke, Car, Actor, Interview Sequences, Road, Sitting, Male Anchor,
Singing, Soldiers, Building, Body Parts, Speaking To Camera, Caucasians,
Apartment Complex, Group
[0.5,0.6] Grandstands Bleachers, Head And Shoulder, Soccer, Explosion Fire,
Election Campaign, Entertainment, Standing, Boat Ship, Talking, Overlaid Text,
Ground Combat, Address Or Speech, Head Of State, Furniture, Running, Sky,
Government Leader, Child, Microphones, Windows, Congressman, Airplane,
Election Campaign Address, Attached Body Parts, Hu Jintao
[0.4,0.5] Golf Player, Golf Course, George Bush, Windy, Politics, Walking Running,
Non-us National Flags, Meeting, People Marching, Commercial Advertisement,
Fields, Host, Crowd, Male Reporter, Airplane Flying, Lawn, Urban Scenes,
Dark-skinned People, Single Family Homes, Dancing, Celebrity Entertainment,
Text On Artificial Background, Business People, Reporters, Female Reporter,
Asian People, Office Building, Computer Or Television Screens, Guest
[0.3,0.4] Male News Subject, Interview On Location, Glasses, Streets, Fighter Combat,
Walking, Sidewalks, Police Private Security Personnel,
Commentator Or Studio Expert, Funeral, Landscape, Scene Text, Mug,
Agricultural People, Oceans, Boy, Telephones, Us Flags, Weather, Newspapers,
Greeting, Mountain, Vegetation, Yasser Arafat, Dresses, Celebration Or Party,
Muslims, Store, Dresses Of Women
[0.2,0.3] Flowers, First Lady, Nighttime, Conference Room, Girl, Cheering, Maps,
Network Logo, Truck
[0.1,0.2] Beards, Demonstration Or Protest, Hill, Room, Street Battle, Computers
[0.0,0.1] -
Figure 4: Distribution of the 137 concepts having a positive
tions by association rule mining. We described exper-
iments on a video corpus manually annotated using
a large scale multimedia concept ontology, LSCOM.
In order to fairly evaluate our concept enrichment, we
also studied the impact of synonymy relations in the
results obtained. We showed that enrichment exper-
iments are biased for the concepts which have syn-
onyms, and we realised experiments and evaluated the
results when removing such synonyms. Analysis of
the results showed that among the 449 LSCOM con-
cepts that we studied, there are 66 which can be au-
tomatically enriched with an F-measure greater than
0.5. This suggest the usefulness of automatic enrich-
ment in concept annotation for video.
There are several directions for us to continue this
work. It would be useful to determine a minimal set
of concepts which can benefit a maximum number of
enrichments. Manual as well as automatic annotation
systems can then focus only on detecting concepts of
the minimal set and rely on the automatic enrichment
procedure to derive the rest. Optimisation methods
should determine the minimum number of concepts
required to produce a maximum number of enrich-
ments with good quality. Another possibile way to
improve results would be to mine association rules on
a set of consecutive shots. The shot granularity used
in these experiments could be too small to discover
all possible associations of concepts. This can be par-
ticularly penalising for concepts which have low sup-
port in the corpus. Finally, it would be interesting to
realise the enrichment experiments based on both the
absence and the presence of concepts in shots. This
could increase the complexity of the procedure and
would require new optimisations to keep the compu-
tation manageable.
This work is supported by the RCSO-TIC state-
gic reserve funds of Switzerland, under grant HES-
SO/18453. Alan Smeaton is supported by Science
Foundation Ireland under grant 07/CE/I1147.
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KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval