A Semantic Web Perspective
Dimitrios A. Koutsomitropoulos, Georgia D. Solomou, Andreas D. Alexopoulos
and Theodore S. Papatheodorou
High Performance Information Systems Laboratory, School of Engineering, Dpt. of Computer Engineering
and Informatics, University of Patras, Building B, 26500, Patras-Rio, Greece
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Metadata, Interoperability, Ontologies, Reasoning, Digital Repositories.
Abstract: Information management, description and discovery, as they are today implemented in digital repositories
and digital libraries systems, can surely benefit from the stack of Semantic Web technologies. Most
importantly, the ability to infer implied information over declared facts and assertions, based on their rich
descriptions and associations, can span new possibilities in how stored assets can be accessed, searched and
discovered. In this paper we propose a process and implementation that provides for inference-based
knowledge discovery, retrieval and navigation on top of digital repositories, based on existing metadata and
other semi-structured information. We show that it is possible to produce added-value and meaningful
results even when existing descriptions are only flatly organized and we achieve this with little manual
intervention. Our work and results are based on real-world data and applied on the official University of
Patras institutional repository that is based on DSpace.
The Semantic Web infrastructure mainly relies on
specifications for expressing ontologies in web-
compatible format, like OWL or OWL 2 (Grau, et
al., 2008) and, lately, on programming efforts for
manipulating such ontologies, like the OWL API
(Horridge, et al., 2007) and the Proté 4.0 code-
base (the CO-ODE project,
To be able to fully reap the benefits of a Semantic
Web, reasoning over ontological information is of
exceeding importance, a fact that was sometimes
overlooked in the past, possibly because of the
immaturity of available tools and techniques. To our
belief, the ability to infer implied information over
declared facts and assertions is one of the most
prominent reasons to investigate and implement the
Semantic Web, in a sense that adds an “AI” flavor to
the current Web (Hendler, 2008).
Therefore, in this paper we present and document
a process that builds upon the well-known digital
repositories paradigm and enhances it with the
Semantic Web‟s features. The main goal that drives
our efforts is not to re-implement a digital repository
system using Semantic Web APIs and technologies,
but to provide inference-based knowledge discovery,
retrieval and navigation on top of such a system,
based on existing metadata and other semi-
structured information.
To prove our concept, we describe a concrete,
working prototype that provides for inference-based
search and navigation on top of the DSpace digital
repository system. DSpace has become a popular
open-source digital repository solution with one of
the most rapidly growing user bases worldwide.
DSpace metadata follow the Dublin Core (DC)
specification by default, while it is possible to
import and use other metadata schemata as well.
This paper is further organized as follows: First
an overview of related work on digital libraries and
semantics is given; then, we introduce the process
for constructing the repository‟s ontology and point
out its most important aspects. Following, we
document our extensions to the DSpace system and
the implementation of the ontology management,
search, navigation and reasoning services. Finally
we give specific examples and results that
demonstrate these new capabilities and summarize
the conclusions of our work. A partial description of
Koutsomitropoulos D., Solomou G., Alexopoulos A. and Papatheodorou T. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 117-122
this work and source code are freely available at: index.php/User:Kotsomit.
Some widely adopted mechanisms for digital
repositories that, similar to our work, appear to
utilize Semantic Web technologies are BRICKS,
SIMILE, Fedora and JeromeDL plus the more
recently appeared Talia.
Both BRICKS (Risse, et al., 2005) and Fedora
( provide the basic
architecture upon which digital library applications
can be developed and deployed. Their functionality
is further enhanced by supporting some basic
Semantic Web technologies, like the expression of
relations between objects in RDF and the retrieval of
data through the evaluation of queries using
SPARQL or other RDF query languages.
Through the application of RDF and Semantic
Web techniques, SIMILE (
offers DSpace improved support for arbitrary
schemata and metadata and provides an architecture
for disseminating digital assets. Among SIMILE‟s
implemented tools, the one that pertains mostly to
our work is a faceted browser, known as Longwell
(its DSpace version is called Dwell), that gives the
ability to cross-section the data along fixed
dimensions of structured metadata. Furthermore,
SIMILE provides tools to merge lexical or semantic
variants via simple inferencing. Nevertheless, the
current implementation of SIMILE does not seem to
offer reasoning based querying.
JeromeDL (Kruk, et al., 2005) is a “social
semantic digital library that stores its metadata in
RDF all along, by utilizing a corresponding RDF
store (Sesame). A level of inference is supported
through a simple recommendation engine based on
Prolog. JeromeDL seems to solve the “semantic
bootstrapping” problem following a bottom-up
approach, since the ontological schema is
constructed and populated in advance. In such a way
the problem of retrieving semantic implications and
inference-based results, also from flatly organized
relational data base sources, is circumvented.
Finally Talia (Nucci, et al., 2008) is a library
platform that stores its metadata into a relational DB
schema and keeps it “in sync” with an RDF data
store (Redland). In addition, it provides a unified
query interface for both database and RDF metadata
using SQL or SPARQL, as required. However, Talia
does not do any inferencing on the RDF data and
leaves this responsibility to the underlying RDF
In this section we give a brief outline of how we
have developed a Semantic Web ontology out of the
repository‟s metadata, based on which we can
employ our complementary, semantics-aware
services. A more detailed description of this process
is out of the scope of this paper and can be sought in
(Koutsomitropoulos, et. al., 2008b, 2009b).
Based on the DC RDF(S) schema (Nilsson, et al.,
2008) we have developed a semantic application
profile (Koutsomitropoulos, et al., 2009a) in three
main steps:
First, we transferred the DC original schema in
OWL format.
Then we augmented its semantics, by using
property characteristics not available in
RDFS: for example, we have identified some
DC properties to be inverse, symmetric or
transitive and declared them as such.
We further profiled the model by including
refinements for our particular application, that
is, the University of Patras digital repository.
We have modelled vocabularies in
taxonomies, introduced new properties for
DSpace relations („author‟, „sponsorship‟) and
new classes for DSpace notions („item‟,
„collection‟) that the original DC does not
provide for. Further, we used OWL 2-specific
constructs, like role-chains, to represent
intrinsic complex relations, like the „co-
author‟ relationship between authors.
A naive attempt to model the DC domain as
thorough as possible, by representing each and every
potential semantic relationship, can easily render the
ontology undecidable (Koutsomitropoulos, et al.,
2008b). However we have identified that the
punning feature, introduced with OWL 2, can
reasonably deal with ambiguities and meta-
modelling requirements, inherent in the DC
The resulting ontology, including the new
refinements, is then populated in an automated way
from metadata already existing within the live
DSpace installation of the University of Patras
institutional repository. These metadata are
harvested through the repositorys OAI-PMH
interface (Lagoze, et al., 2002) and mapped to the
ontology using an XSLT developed for this purpose.
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
In this section we discuss the design decisions and
the implementation of the semantic enhancements to
the DSpace digital repository system.
4.1 Design Goals
Most of the design decisions stem from a set of
requirements that where posed beforehand, in order
to guarantee reproducibility and applicability of our
efforts, as well as to ensure the potential of the
semantic services offered. They can be summarized
as follows:
Interoperability. At its core, interoperability is
achieved by adhering to information standards, at
any level: Repositorys metadata are structured
according to the XML format, ontology models are
represented using W3C‟s OWL and OWL 2
specifications and the semantic gap between the two
is bridged using an XSLT transformation. Further,
this transformation upgrades interoperability to a
semantic level, by rendering the repository‟s
metadata descriptions semantically compatible to the
ontology‟s structures. Lacking a communication
protocol for the exchange of OWL information, we
at least opt for wrapping and transforming OAI-
PMH responses that offer a standard way for
harvesting metadata from data providers. This comes
in contrast to accessing the repository‟s database
directly, as this could be dependent on the
proprietary DB schema. As a result, our approach
could be seamlessly integrated with other resource
management systems, at least OAI compliant ones.
Support for OWL 2. The need to support this
newly proposed extension to OWL comes from the
fact that OWL 2 is able to represent a richer set of
semantics than its predecessor, thus enabling more
advanced inferences. On the other hand, this reduces
our choices of inference engines to only supporting
ones, such as FaCT++ and Pellet. Performance is not
our main concern here, since the OWL 2 reasoning
algorithm is known to be scalable (Horrocks, et al.,
2006) and its implementation in these reasoners is
heavily optimized. However, we are forced to use a
direct in-memory implementation, since none of
these reasoners supports a communication interface
other than DIG, which is currently incompatible
with OWL DL, not mentioning OWL 2
(Koutsomitropoulos, et al., 2008a). Therefore, high
expressivity comes at the cost of a truly distributed
3-tier architecture.
Extensibility. A major design decision was to
totally implement our extensions using the OWL
API, while avoiding references to DSpace specific
methods and classes. OWL API equips us with a
satisfactory layer of abstraction on top of which
further extensions can be implemented. In addition,
it does not restrict us to any particular inference
engine or a specific reasoning approach: The
selection of the reasoner class constructed can be
easily parameterized, while the reasoning strategy
can stay the same, rendering our implementation
reasoner-independent. Furthermore, it is easy to
support other querying protocols and/or methods: In
our implementation, a query is given in the form of a
Manchester Syntax class expression (Horridge &
Patel-Schneider, 2008). Just as easily, query
formulation can be extended to follow another
paradigm, such as SPARQL/OWL (Sirin & Parsia,
2007), as soon as its specification grows mature and
a supporting parser is implemented.
Figure 1: Semantic Search interface and the auto-complete
User-friendliness/Intuitiveness. Unfortunately, a
common way for querying OWL knowledge bases
has not been standardized yet. SPARQL is a
language for querying RDF graphs, but it does not
take into account OWL‟s richer semantics. To build
a “user-friendlyservice and keep the complexity of
query formulation as low as possible, we
implemented a query interface based on class
construction using Manchester Syntax, in a way
inspired by the DL Query Tab of Protégé. Query
results are formed by all individuals that are inferred
to be instances of the constructed class. Manchester
Syntax has the advantage to offer a pseudo-natural
English language expression of classes, thus
facilitating, to some extent, the end user to formulate
a query. In addition, we have tried to make this
process intuitive, by implementing an AJAX-based
suggestion and auto-complete mechanism, where
matching entities names are suggested to the user, as
the query is typed in (Figure 1).
Figure 2: Architectural model of the Semantic Search extension of DSpace.
4.2 Architectural Overview
An overview of the services we have built around
DSpace is depicted in Figure 2. The most important
modules and interfaces that enable semantic services
in our digital repository are the following:
Semantic Search interface, which, in
collaboration with the appropriate inference
engine, allows for the construction,
submission and evaluation of a semantic
query. Retrieved results are displayed here in
the form of a list.
Semantic Navigation interface is where detailed
ontological information about a selected entity
(individual) is presented.
Ontology Population refers to the dynamic
construction of the ontology, which comes
from DSpace‟s OAI harvested metadata, after
applying the appropriate XSLT transformation
on them.
The Inference Engine is responsible for
processing the ontological documents and for
performing reasoning over them. We have
chosen FaCT++ but any other DL reasoner
may be used, as stated in section 4.1.
Context with DSpace itself is indirectly
maintained, since it is still possible to open
DSpace‟s simple item view page from within the
navigation pane (Figure 3).
In this section we give some examples of how
semantic-enabled search and navigation can work
towards discovering and acquiring new and implied
knowledge. This knowledge is impossible to be
retrieved through a traditional querying interface, as
there is not even a way to express such requests
using solely combinations of matching keywords, let
alone reasoning and inference themselves (Horrocks,
2008). Further, we see that these services allow
retrieval and presentation of entities of any type, not
just items.
5.1 Entity Retrieval
In DSpace, the main information unit is the item,
which represents a specific resource (document,
image or other) that has been uploaded in DSpace,
as well as its containers, namely collection and
community. DSpace search, therefore, is targeted
towards retrieval of items only, i.e. search results are
always a list of items or collection and community
In Figure 3, we notice that the item 1987/117 has
a dcterms:type „Book‟. Clicking on „Book‟ we
now see detailed information regarding „Book‟ as an
entity itself. We also notice that we have indirectly
retrieved every item that has type „Book‟ (through
the inverse dcterms:type property). In addition,
we find out that „Book‟ belongs to the dspace-
ont:dspacetype class, clicking on which we
trigger semantic search to fetch all instances of this
class, which of course are not DSpace items. The
same naturally holds for other indirect DSpace
entities we have reified, such as authors, formats etc.
5.2 Improved Search Results and
Knowledge Discovery
Another advantage of semantic search is to allow
retrieval of more as well as more precise results.
These results may be implied by the current data
model, but there is no way to retrieve them using the
standard configuration.
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Figure 3: Individual view and navigation pane for item 1987/117.
As an example, suppose we would like to
retrieve all items that contain image files. Searching
with the keyword „image‟ in the traditional
repository search returns 2 items. However,
examining each of these items metadata reveals that
only the latter has actually an image/gif‟ format; the
other has a format of „application/pdf‟. The reason
why it is returned by traditional search is that
DSpace searches also inside the document‟s text and
happens to meet the word „image‟.
On the other hand, the corresponding query
through the semantic search interface (Query 1 in
Table 1) fetches just one item, exactly the one that
has format „gif. In this sense, a better level of query
precision could be sought, since more precise and
semantically accurate results can now be obtained.
Suppose now we would like to find out who
draws sponsorship from a specific institution, for
example, what is funded by the „Hellenic Ministry of
Culture‟ (Query 2). Searching with these keywords
through traditional search returns an item that
includes this organization‟s name in its
„sponsorship‟ metadata field.
Semantic search however retrieves also the
author of this item, aside from the item itself. This is
a direct consequence of a role-chain we have
declared in our ontology, conveying the fact that
authors of items are also receiving sponsorship from
the same institution. This example then suggests
how semantic search could also improve the recall
of retrieval, by obtaining a greater number of results.
Table 1: Example queries using the semantic search
Query (in Manchester Syntax)
Ask for:
dcterms:format some dspace-
Items that contain
image files
dspace-ont:sponsorship value
Items/authors that
draw sponsorship
from a specific
inv(dspace-ont:author) some
(dcterms:format min 2
Authors of items that
have at least two
different formats
dspace-ont:co_author some
(foaf:name value “Bekiari”)
The co-authors of an
In the „image‟ example above, semantic search is
able to fetch the particular item, despite the fact that
its format is declared just as „gif (i.e. it does not
contain the keyword „image‟). This is because in our
DSpace‟s „Item View‟ page for item 1987/117
Members of the „dspacetype‟ class
Ontological info about the „Book‟ individual
ontology, „gif‟ is an instance of the „image‟ class
and thus the underlying reasoner is able to conduct
an inference; that is, since we ask for an „image
format, we also ask for every instance of this class.
This knowledge discovery capability can also be
determined by asking, for example, for the authors
of those items (Query 3) that have at least two
different formats, using a cardinality restriction on
dcterms:format. It is easy to see that such a query
is impossible to be expressed through traditional
search. Similarly, with Query 4 we ask for the co-
authors of an author, based on her surname. Due to
the definition of the co_author property as a role-
chain, this request becomes possible and the result is
In this paper we have shown how to augment
traditional digital repository services by
implementing an extensible semantic search and
navigation facility on top of DSpace. This facility
relies purposely on the OWL API and is designed to
be independent of the underlying system, following
a “plug-in” philosophy. In combination with the
ontology creation and population process, this
facility could semantically enable any web-based
digital repository system.
Our results confirm that it is possible to navigate
among a repository‟s metadata in more flexible and
associative ways. In addition, semantic search can
improve traditional keyword search by retrieving
more items, but also by fetching more semantically
accurate results. And of course, semantic search
allows the expression of queries that cannot be
expressed by simple keyword-based retrieval.
Finally, it can be seen that the use of ontologies
in digital repositories and other information systems,
in the way it is suggested in this paper, can benefit
from an ontology harvesting and exchange protocol
(just as OAI does for metadata), as well as from a
standard and semantics-aware language for querying
OWL documents.
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