Josef Spillner, Bastian Buder, Torsten Schiefer and Alexander Schill
TU Dresden, Nthnitzer Str. 46, 01062 Dresden, Germany
SOA, SLA management, SLA management, Contracts.
Contract services let service providers and consumers manage service level agreements (SLAs) and other
contractual documents. These services let users negotiate SLAs, select tariffs, submit selected service offerings
to auctions, view and manage running contracts and finally submit feedback about the satisfaction with the
usage of contract-bound services. We define a number of contract services specifically for consumers which
run as platform-level services with a common associated user interface called Contract Wizard. The increased
interactivity over purely autonomous approaches is crucial for a wider acceptance of contract-bound service
Service discovery is the process of matching func-
tional and non-functional consumer requirements
against provider offers. Many interesting algorithms
for the matchmaking exist, but most descriptions stop
at the interesting question: Once a service is found,
what can a consumer do with it? Technically, service
discovery returns a service description and a commu-
nication endpoint, both of which can be used to in-
voke a service from another service or, if the search
was initiated interactively by the consumer, integrate
associated user interfaces into the client system or
render a form dynamically. Sometimes, however, ad-
hoc invocation is not desirable. Instead, guarantee
terms shall be negotiated so that the service consumer
can rely on the offered properties.
Contracts can be established between service
providers and service users to obtain verifiable and
legally valid records of specific agreements regarding
service quality or other potentially conflicting goals
on the technical, business and legal level. Accord-
ing to (Truong et al., 2008), contract management
involves several phases, including specification, ne-
gotiation and monitoring. Other approaches add re-
negotiation and feedback as additional aspects. Usu-
ally, research on this management is restricted to au-
tonomous agents. However, in order to let the con-
cept of contracts gain acceptance in service-oriented
computing, concepts need to be developed to let users
(both providers and consumers of services) control
each phase.
In our approach, the web application Contract
Wizard handles all contract-related matters from a
consumer’s point of view, including the initial nego-
tiation of non-functional properties (NFPs), selection
of tariff options and handover to auctioning platforms
in the negotiation phase. The monitoring and feed-
back phases are supported with a contract visualisa-
tion and management tool and the collection of feed-
back regarding the satisfaction with the contract, re-
spectively. The contract services implementing this
functionality are seen by us as a set of useful, stan-
dardisable parts of service brokering architectures. In
this paper, we first describe the usefulness of contract
services and report on existing approaches of contract
management. We present a reasonable set of them
on a conceptual and logically linked level. To illus-
trate the concept, we then show to which extent our
current prototype already improves the user experi-
ence on service marketplaces. Finally, we report on
open issues which need to be solved before contract
services can eventually replace inflexible manual con-
tract management approaches.
In next-generation networks, service usage contracts
also known under the acronym SLA, for Service
Level Agreements – are said to play an important role
Spillner J., Buder B., Schiefer T. and Schill A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 369-375
DOI: 10.5220/0002285903690375
to ensure a high quality as well as technical, finan-
cial and juridical reliability (Braun et al., 2008). Such
contracts usually contain clauses about minimum or
maximum average values of technical characteristics,
tolerance ranges, usage constraints and other restric-
tions. In addition, they may contain compensation
rules. Finally, any contract will have a set of metadata
such as the unambiguous identification of the partici-
pating partners – or parties, in legalese –, the duration
of validity, associated tariff models and disclaimers.
Without the metadata, the contract would just be an
agreement without legal relevance. Often, the term
SLA is used to refer to purely technical contracting
approaches and Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees.
On the other hand, formal service interface defini-
tions as described by the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) or the older Interface Description
Language (IDL) are also named contracts in the con-
text of software engineering. Our understanding of
contracts requires the mutual acceptance of an SLA
by at least two involved parties.
Several declarative languages for expressing agree-
ments and contracts have been created over the last
decade. Among them, WS-Agreement, WSLA and
SLA-ng have been subject to a considerable amount
of analysis, critique and proposed improvements
(Tian et al., 2004; Frankova et al., 2006; Truong et al.,
2008). A number of service execution platforms have
been specifically developed or extended to exploit the
contents of such contracts and act accordingly in de-
cisive situations where the contracts conflict with the
state of the platform. Depending on the nature of
the situation, either the contracts can be modified by
renegotiating or cancelling them, the service execu-
tion can be modified by terminating, reconfiguring,
rebinding or otherwise adapting services, and the plat-
form can be modified by acquiring more resources,
migrating workload to other servers or equivalent ac-
tions which help solve the conflict. These technical,
corrective actions belong into the functionality of all
adaptive platforms for contract-bound service execu-
tion. The term Service-Level Management (SLM) en-
compasses adaptivity but especially includes changes
of a contract within its lifecycle as well as admission
control functionality to reduce the need for adaptivity.
An approach to SLM is proposed by (Wang et al.,
2007) and refers to technical QoS management and
admission control using a custom QoS specification
language. Some of its goals like end-to-end QoS guar-
antees are feasible in closed environments but unsuit-
able for Internet-scale service delivery. Furthermore,
no contract lifecycle guidance for users is offered by
the system. In (Ludwig and Franczyk, 2006), current
SLA languages are compared and evaluated for suit-
ability for automated contract management in service
grids. The authors conclude that several ambiguities
are present in all of them which makes automated ap-
proaches hard or impossible for more complex condi-
tions. When elastic infrastructures are used beneath a
user-oriented participative Internet of Services (pIoS),
user guidance through contract services becomes even
more important.
While the autonomous handling of contracts is suf-
ficiently covered by existing approaches, additional
SLM aspects are needed for conveying the conflicts
and decisions to the user in an intuitive and compre-
hensible way. No previous concepts are known at this
point which could fill this gap. Hence, we introduce
dedicated, reusable contract services as a novel con-
cept. Furthermore, we propose Contract Wizard as
an intuitive user interface to contract services in the
context of pIoS.
Given that the processes of creating, storing, man-
aging and terminating contracts encompass multiple
steps, we propose a set of individual contract services
which are loosely coupled so they can be used both
as standalone platform services and as a composite
service which manages all of the contractual aspects.
The research is focused on initial, user-driven ne-
gotiation of SLA parameters (technical perspective),
tariff selection and auctioning (business perspective),
contract monitoring and status visualisation, interac-
tive feedback collection and the adherence to contract
law (legal perspective) in any of these steps. We do
not consider contract services aimed at providers who
place service offerings at marketplaces in this paper,
although it can be assumed that the basic functional-
ity would be comparable. Figure 1 shows the overall
3.1 Initial SLA Negotiation
The scope of the initial negotiation is the user-driven
transformation of a service description or an SLA
template into an SLA. A set of templates is attached to
a service description within the service registry, from
which the user may choose one to initiate the negotia-
tion process. If no templates are present, an uncon-
strained negotiation can be initiated. The resulting
SLA will be linked to the user to form the base for
a valid contract between two parties. The term ini-
tial serves to differentiate this step from autonomous
renegotiations which may happen once the SLAs have
become binding. It is assumed that only NFPs are
ACT4SOC-EHST 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 1: Contract relationships between pIoS hosters, ser-
vice producers and consumers.
subject to negotiation, while functional properties are
fixed from the moment of service selection. The ex-
tension to allow the contract peer to find function-
ally equivalent or similar services is not considered
by us. The negotiation service runs as an agent act-
ing on the user’s behalf and representing the user’s
will. The negotiation peer would usually be pro-
vided by the service execution environment. In sev-
eral projects, an SLA manager agent assumes this
role. The transformation uses form generation tech-
niques to create a user interface representing the pos-
sible options and NFPs for negotiation. It contains
fixed values as well as variable properties which may
be altered by the user. Alteration can happen either
on a per-contract basis using roundtrips to the negoti-
ation peer, or for more sophisticated needs and more
intuitive understanding of inter-property dependen-
cies on a per-property basis. Property ranges may be
initially restricted and preset by importing the user’s
preferences from the service discovery process. At
the moment, we are not aware of a standard file for-
mat for expressing and transmitting user goals. We
propose to leverage the prioritised requirement/offer
match from the discovery, which may be expressed as
a semantic query in the Web Service Modelling Lan-
guage (WSML). The preferences are expressed as ei-
ther a quadruple consisting of property name, value,
unit and comparison operator. Each preference item is
thus transformed into a service level objective (SLO)
in the contract as shown in figure 2.
3.2 Tariff Selection
Tariffs regulate how much a user has to pay to ac-
cess a service. Every tariff is based on an economi-
cally viable pricing model which aims at maximising
Figure 2: Preference-influenced negotiation example for re-
sponse time (rt).
the income for the service provider while keeping the
price competitive enough to not drive potential and
current users to competitors. In addition, there is a
mutual relationship between the applicability of tar-
iffs and the set of outcomes of negotiation processes.
For example, selecting a low-budget tariff restricts the
guarantees on response time and encryption strength,
whereas negotiating an agreement of near-100% up-
time will lead to the expulsion of low-budget tariffs
in subsequent tariff selections. Due to the loose cou-
pling of contract services, either order of initial nego-
tiation and tariff selection will be possible. Techni-
cally, either a reference to a tariff or the tariff terms
themselves are added to the SLA.
3.3 Contract Monitoring and
While the creation of a contract only takes a lim-
ited amount of time in the range of minutes up to a
few days, the contract validity period can often reach
months or years. During this time, the user needs
to stay informed about the set of running contracts
(passive control). There should also be facilities for
modifying, terminating or otherwise managing con-
tracts (active control). It is generally expected that
the user-centric Internet and user-driven actions like
service composition or content creation will increase
rapidly in the pIoS. Giving information and control
back to the user is mandatory for the broad acceptance
of these concepts.
The information gathered by the various moni-
toring sources in service execution environments can
be used to present contract status information to the
user. In particular, generated graphs related to ne-
gotiated properties as well as to the overall con-
tract compliance of the service execution are of great
help to decide whether a renegotiation or cancellation
will be beneficial. Further information such as de-
tailed lists of incidences can be retrieved through a
Monitoring-as-a-Service (MaaS) interface to the mar-
ketplace monitoring database. Of course, the trans-
parency and level of detail for such views can be re-
stricted at the discretion of the hosting operator. There
are various reasons for such restrictions, including the
fear for providing hints on the used infrastructure to
competitors and the risk of leaking data due to tech-
nical glitches. For the purpose of our research, we
assume full access of users to data directly related
to their contracts. Some of the features will hence
not apply if restrictions are in place. Key relevant
information displayed to the user ideally includes a
timeline of values per monitored property, a timeline
of incidents linked to explanations by the provider
and statements about whether the user’s specific con-
tract has been affected, payment status information
and overall average and current values. In practice,
it again depends on provider policies of how much of
this information will be available to the user.
3.4 Feedback Collection
While monitoring data gathered from service execu-
tion will be objectively accurate, there might always
be situations in which the user’s perceived quality of
a service deviate from the measured value. A classic
example is a fully-operational host with a broken con-
nection to the user’s computer. In such cases, addi-
tional feedback from the user regarding the fulfilment
of the contract by the provider can be very helpful and
might indeed protect the provider from greater dam-
age of having to compensate a number of consumers
when problems propagate. Such ratings provide in-
novative value over traditional, contract-agnostic ap-
proaches to automatic and user feedback on service
execution (Maximilien and Singh, 2002).
3.5 Adherence to Law
In order to turn an agreement (or SLA) into a widely-
recognised contract, the peculiarities of contract law
need to be considered for the whole process of con-
tract creation, modification and termination. Even in
legally harmonised systems like EU member states,
the acceptance and legal relevance of qualified digital
signatures, electronic contracts and terms of service
varies greatly. Therefore, we only consider the legal
issues for a limited number of countries in our work
on contract services. The issue is complicated further
by the nature of consumers as either business users or
private consumers. Already identified requirements
encompass the prominent display of the court loca-
tion of the provider company and double confirma-
tion according to the Rome Convention of 1980 and
its successor e-commerce laws, the unambiguous act-
ing of Contract Wizard on behalf of and in full coop-
eration with the user, and the possibility to print con-
tracts for postal delivery in case electronic contracts
are not recognised by law (Parrilli, 2008). Users must
be able to modify all parts of SLA offers before fi-
nalising them. Contracts must explicitly inform about
potential renegotiation attempts in the future. Detail-
ing these requirements and adding further legal safe-
guards is an ongoing process in the definition of use-
ful and legally viable contract services. We plan to
report on the outcome of these activities based on a
cooperation and continuous review from researchers
in the area of contract and civil law.
We have implemented all mentioned contract services
and consolidated them into a single application called
Contract Wizard. The name reflects the user-centric
step-by-step guidance nature of the application. In ad-
dition to the application itself, this section is going to
present major integration points with additional bro-
kering components, namely the service discovery for
the initiation of contract creation, as well as the back-
end services for all of the steps in Contract Wizard:
The pricing models and corresponding pricing model
repository, auctioning and brokering platforms, the
usage feedback service, the monitoring history ser-
vice, and finally the SLA manager. The architecture
and workflow is shown in figure 3.
4.1 Contract Wizard
Contract Wizard is typically invoked in the match-
making or brokering phase of any service usage life-
cycle, directly after the service discovery step and
before the service usage phase. It also extends into
the usage and feedback phases. It is located on user-
focused portals. The use of this application is aimed
at service consumers. The application itself is imple-
mented with eRuby and Java/JSP. It acts as a shell
containing page modules for all the possible steps dur-
ing the creation and lifetime of a contract. Each page
module interacts with a platform service, which is in
turn connected to a repository or another web service.
Page modules can be skipped if no choice is avail-
able. In particular, service providers may opt to not
offer configurable SLA levels or tariffs, or only in-
clude fixed SLA templates without negotiable parts.
In parallel to the active page module, Contract Wiz-
ard permanently displays a list of running contracts
for easy access. The figures 4 and 5 demonstrate typi-
cal negotiation controls as seen by a user and a result-
ing SLA section.
ACT4SOC-EHST 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 3: Contract document workflow within Contract Wizard.
Figure 4: Screenshot of initial negotiation in Contract Wiz-
ws ag : G uar ant e eT e rm N am e = " A vai lab ili ty " {
ws ag : S erv ice Sco pe S e rv i ce Nam e = " Ex Ser vic e " ;
ws ag : S e rvi ceL e ve l Obj e ct i ve {
ws ag : K PIT ar g et {
ws ag : K PI Nam e " A vai lab ili ty " ;
ws ag : C u st o mSe rvi c eL e vel " 90 " ;
}} }
ws ag : G uar ant e eT e rm N am e = " R eli ab i li t y " {
ws ag : S erv ice Sco pe S e rv i ce Nam e = " Ex Ser vic e " ;
ws ag : S e rvi ceL e ve l Obj e ct i ve {
ws ag : K PIT ar g et {
ws ag : K PI Nam e " A vai lab ili ty " ;
ws ag : C u st o mSe rvi c eL e vel " 84 " ;
}} }
Figure 5: Resulting WS-Agreement SLO definition in com-
pact notation.
Both the initial negotiation and the feedback mod-
ules are driven by the NFPs offered by the service.
Our implementation supports configurable category
systems so that most users can opt to only configure
the most interesting properties, e.g., performance and
price, while advanced users can negotiate all proper-
ties separately.
4.2 Service Discovery
Contract Wizard provides a direct initiation mode
which requires the user to give it the URL to a service
description and contract template. Usually though,
service discoveries like ConQoMon link several ac-
tions to found services, including the option to invoke
the service directly and to negotiate a contract with
it (Stoyanova et al., 2008). Either way, the descrip-
tion and associated contract templates are fetched by
Contract Wizard through HTTP GET or passed to it
through HTTP POST and used to create the contract
creation session.
4.3 Pricing Models Repository
In order to increase the acceptance of autonomous
service hosting, rather complete pricing models and
taxonomies have been developed on an abstract level,
such as (Lehmann and Buxmann, 2008). This model
can be expressed in either XML or in ontology lan-
guages. Eventually, Contract Wizard’s tariff selec-
tion will be based on this model. Currently, an older,
less complex model derived from an implementation
called WS-Accounting (Br, 2008) is used for this pur-
pose. The tariffs are expressed in XML and stored
in a file system repository. We have implemented a
helper application called tariffguide which scans this
repository and is able to select the best tariff based on
criteria like the number of expected invocations. In
addition, a web page lists the tariffs and offers them
for selection and inspection of details. Both parts of
the implementation are considered to be reusable once
the more complex model will be used.
4.4 Auctioning Platforms
As soon as service users have several contracts with a
provider, the optimisation potential moves from the
modification of all single contracts to the improve-
ment of the set of contracts. Multiple services might
be offered for less cost than the sum of all of them
when contracted individually, for example. In these
situations, Contract Wizard allows the user to sub-
mit a negotiated offer together with the preferred tar-
iff to an auctioning platform. Two such platforms
for multi-attributive and combinatorial auctions (van
Dinther et al., 2008) have been integrated on a con-
ceptual level. The integration efforts are currently still
ongoing and are based on HTTP references to con-
tract offers and tariffs. During the auction, the Con-
tract Manager does not proceed. Once an auction is
finished, the respective auctioning platform invokes a
re-entry page of Contract Wizard, therefore signalling
it the results of the auction and triggering it to pro-
ceed to the contract finalisation step. Due to the ex-
pected delay until a contract becomes final and valid,
the auction will only be applied to contract creation
processes without realtime requirements. The combi-
natorial auction needs information about a set of ser-
vices. This is realised by having the discovery expose
the BPEL structure of composite service.
4.5 Service Usage Feedback
Explicit feedback and rating on the usage of contract-
bound services is collected from the user through an
automatically generated form. The contents of the
form are submitted to the usage feedback aggregator.
The form is shown in figure 6, with figure 7 explain-
ing the process.
Figure 6: Screenshot of completed rating form in Contract
Figure 7: SLA negotiation and feedback loop.
4.6 Monitoring History
For the purpose of integrating the monitoring results
into Contract Wizard, several possibilities exist. In
order to display lists and tables, our prototype can
connect to the Monitoring-as-a-Service interface and
query for relevant data such as daily average response
times. Displaying graphics, on the other hand, inte-
grates the results of visualisation components which
themselves use the MaaS interface. In most cases,
Contract Wizard embeds references to already gener-
ated graphs.
4.7 SLA Management
While the SLA negotiation part of Contract Wizard
turns an SLA template into an SLA offer, the task of
the SLA manager component is to evaluate the offer
and accept or reject it. The two services communicate
with each other using a negotiation protocol which is
the on-wire representation of a negotiation algorithm.
There are a number of algorithms around, but only
a subset can be used for this communication: Some
algorithms only exist on paper without or with only
insufficiently performing implementations. Likewise,
some algorithms are bound to the SLA format in use.
Avoiding these two subsets, the remainder is the junc-
tion of all SLA format-agnostic algorithms and WS-
Agreement-based algorithms. The default negotiation
mandated by WS-Agreement is known to be insuffi-
cient, though. In our work we closely watch the de-
velopment of a successor with more modular split be-
tween file format and negotiation protocol, while at
the same time looking into creating a generic negotia-
tion toolbox with pluggable algorithms. That way, we
can cover multi-phase negotiation, incremental con-
straints and other advanced algorithms.
In the future, we want to discuss the general idea
of contract services and the specific implementa-
tion Contract Wizard within the wider research com-
munity. There is generally a high interest to treat
SLAs as contractually valid contracts to enable the
semi-automatic creation and management of contracts
in real-world applications. Contract Wizard is al-
ready offered publically as part of our SOA plat-
form TECLA
, in which it cooperates with other
components, especially the service discovery. The
TECLA and Contract Wizard website:
ACT4SOC-EHST 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
focus of TECLA is to provide a well-integrated,
open source platform which covers all important as-
pects regarding contractually guaranteed properties
and quality. TECLA includes additional compo-
nents, such as a dynamic invocation tool (Dynvoker),
a context- and quality-aware semantic service discov-
ery (ConQo) and another step-by-step web applica-
tion aimed at service providers who want to publish
services (Provider Wizard). We believe that both the
theoretical foundations for a real-world adoption as
well as a ready-to-use and freely available implemen-
tation are mandatory to raise awareness and accep-
tance for the idea of contract services.
Our research on establishing and managing con-
tracts between service users and service providers has
turned up a number of concepts for individual, yet
loosely-coupled platform services which we call con-
tract services. Aligned with the vision of a participa-
tive Internet of Services, we have identified the need
to incorporate these concepts into the marketplace and
link them to related research activities by various re-
search groups concerned with contract law, pricing
models, auctioning and brokering as well as SLA
management. Therefore, we have introduced Con-
tract Wizard, an essential user-visible service market-
place component for contract management. Its inte-
gration with semantic service discovery helps users to
find suitable contracts based on initial preferences and
custom negotiation.
The project was funded by means of the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Economy and Technology under the
promotional reference “01MQ07012”. The authors
take the responsibility for the contents.
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