A Method based on Balanced Scorecards
Michela Chimienti, Michele Dassisti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Gestionale, Politecnico di Bari, Viale Japigia 182, Bari, Italy
Antonio De Nicola, Michele Missikoff
IASI-CNR, Viale Manzoni 30, Rome, Italy
Keywords: Ontology Building Methodologies, Evaluation of Ontology Building Methodologies.
Abstract: Ontology building methodologies concern techniques and methods related to ontology creation that starts
from capturing ontology users’ requirements and concludes by releasing the final ontology. Despite the
several ontology building methodologies (OBMs) developed, endowed with different characteristics, there
is not yet a method to evaluate them. This paper describes an evaluation method of OBMs based on
Balanced Scorecards (BSCs), a novel approach for strategic management of enterprises that we apply to the
assessment of OBMs. Then, as a case study, the proposed evaluation method is applied to the UPON OBM.
Finally, we show the major strengths of the BSCs’ multi-disciplinary approach.
An ontology is an explicit specification of a
conceptualization (Gruber, 1993). Development of
ontologies requires collaboration between a team of
knowledge engineers (KEs) with a technical
background, and domain experts (DEs) with
adequate know-how in the domain to be modelled.
An ontology building methodology (OBM) is a
set of techniques and methods, aimed at ontology
creation, that starts from capturing ontology users’
requirements and concludes by releasing the final
ontology (Chimienti, 2006). Five approaches to
ontology building are available (Holsapple, 2002).
Using the inspirational approach, an ontology is
built starting from its motivation. With the inductive
approach, an ontology is built starting from
observing, examining, and analyzing one or more
specific cases in the domain of interest. With the
deductive approach, an ontology is built starting
from general principles and assumptions that are
adapted and refined. Using the synthetic approach,
an ontology is built starting from a base set of
ontologies that are merged and synthetized. Finally,
according to the collaboration approach, an
ontology is built reflecting experiences and
viewpoints of persons who cooperate and interact
with each other. Existing OBMs usually adopt
approaches that can be considered as hybrids of the
five above mentioned. From a literature survey,
among the most important OBMs, we cite: SENSUS
methodology (Swartout, 1997), On-To-Knowledge
(Sure, 2002), Ontology Development 101 (Noy,
2001), Methontology (Corcho, 2003), DILIGENT
(Tempich, 2006), and UPON (De Nicola, 2009).
Despite a growing literature on metrics aimed at
assessing quality of ontologies (Burton-Jones, 2005),
(Guarino, 2002), works related to evaluation of
OBMs are still preliminary. In (Fernández-López,
1999), an approach to analyse OBMs inspired by the
“IEEE 1074-1995: Standard for Developing
Software Life Cycle Processes” (IEEE, 1996) is
proposed. Since ontologies are part of software
products, the author asserts the quality of an OBM is
connected to the compliance with the processes for
software development. The analysis criteria are
established without defining how these should be
measured and no additional perspectives, e.g.,
training facilities, development time, and involved
human resources, are considered.
(Paslaru, 2006) proposes a framework to
estimate costs of ontology engineering projects,
consisting of a methodology to generate a cost
model, an inventory of cost drivers, and the
Chimienti M., Dassisti M., De Nicola A. and Missikoff M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 141-146
ONTOCOM cost model. This methodology mainly
focuses on the economical aspects of ontology
engineering and does not provide a complete
evaluation of OBMs, considering also ontology
quality aspects (e.g., syntax and semantics).
Finally, (Hakkarainen, 2005) proposes a
framework to evaluate ontology building (OB)
guidelines according to five categories, mainly
focusing on the usability of OB methods. The
framework does not focus on ontology product and
economic criteria, as development time and costs.
The aim of this paper is to present a method to
evaluate an OBM based on Balanced Scorecards
(BSCs) (Kaplan, 1996). This method takes into
account different aspects of OB (e.g., financial,
modelling, and ontology quality). The paper is
organized as follows. Section 2 presents basic
notions on BSCs and their application in the OB
domain. Section 3 describes the proposed evaluation
method and Section 4 demonstrates its feasibility by
describing the evaluation of UPON OBM. Finally, in
Section 4, conclusions and future work are
BSCs approach is defined as a multi-dimensional
framework for describing, implementing and
managing strategies at all levels of an enterprise
and linking objectives, initiatives and measures to
an organization’s strategy (Kaplan, 1996). It
allows assessing business and enterprises according
to four perspectives or scorecards:
financial/stakeholder, internal business process,
innovation and learning, and customer. Each
perspective is analysed according to four
components: objectives, metrics, targets and
initiatives. BSCs approach has been applied in
several contexts and, among them, in the ICT
domain (Buglione, 2001), (Ibáñez, 1998). We
propose to apply BSCs to a particular ICT scenario:
ontology building that, together with ontology
maintenance and ontology reuse, constitutes the
three areas of the ontology engineering process. The
basic idea is to assimilate OBMs to organizations,
ontologies to products, and DEs and KEs to
employees of an enterprise. The perspectives already
listed in the organization context, respectively,
correspond to methodology engineer, processes for
ontology building, innovation and learning, and
ontology user in the OB context.
In this section, BSCs in the OB context are analysed.
Based on the assertion that you cannot control what
you cannot measure, authors tried to refer to metrics
as more objective as possible to support ontology
modeller in evaluating an OBM. Since BSCs should
consist of a linked series of objectives and measures
that are both consistent and mutually reinforcing, in
few cases, the same metric has been used to assess
different but tightly coupled objectives.
3.1 The “Methodology Engineer
This perspective addresses the problem of assessing
whether an OBM adds value to company adopting it
and, consequently, to whom have designed it. This
evaluation is left to ontology engineers (OEs), a
team of KEs and DEs, executing OBM tasks in order
to build an ontology.
The first objective, ontology engineers’
satisfaction, is measured using a multi items ordinal
scale, as Likert’s one (Likert, 1932), widely used to
measure attitudes, opinions, and preferences. The
adopted scale is constituted by a set of statements,
with specific format features, related to the
explanation of the methodology process steps, the
provided knowledge resources (e.g., manuals,
training material, procedures, etc.), and the
functionalities supporting OBM development. The
agreement of the individual to the value statement is
assessed by grades anchored with consecutive
integers. Ontology engineer satisfaction is thus
measured by the ontology engineer satisfaction
overall score (OESOS) based on the arithmetic mean
of the response levels for the statements of the scale.
Resources optimization objective concerns time,
financial, and human resources (KEs and DEs)
involved in OB process. These resources are tightly
coupled with the specific ontology to be realized and
with the selected OBM. Metrics to be considered are
knowledge engineer-month effort and domain
expert-month effort (KEE and DEE), representing
the amount of time that KEs and DEs spends in
OBM implementation (Paslaru, 2006).
3.2 The “Process” Perspective
The process perspective addresses the simplicity and
efficiency of ontology building processes.
The first objective to reach is the degree of
simplicity of methodology implementation. The
related metrics are: ontology building needed time
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
), measuring time spent, in man-month, by
modellers in ontology development and maintenance
activities; methodology granularity (MG) quantified
by the number of methodology process steps, and
degree of details of methodology process steps
(DoD). DoD is an important aspect in evaluating
whether a methodology covers a particular process
step (Dam, 2004). It will range in a scale from very
high to very low judging how well the process steps
are identified, explained (e.g., whether examples are
provided), and elaborated.
The second objective is the requirements capture
excellence and the associated metric is competency
questions compliance (CQC). Competency questions
(CQs) are questions, at a conceptual level, an
ontology must be able to answer (Grüninger, 1995).
They are essentially identified through interviews
with DEs and ontology users brainstorming. CQC is
measured by the ratio of number of answered CQs
and total number of CQs.
The third objective is the methodology
adaptability. The correspondent metric is the domain
applicability (DA), quantified by number of different
domains in which the methodology can be applied.
Pointedly, historical experience would be preferable
to subjective judgements, unless collecting a
significant number of expert’s judgements.
The fourth objective is the reuse of existing
knowledge bases and information, measured by the
amount of imported concepts (IC), imported
properties (IP), and imported relations (IR). These
values should be written in percentage terms with
respect to existing ontology.
The fifth objective is methodology consistency.
It is measured by the contradictions count (CC), i.e.,
the number of contradictions detected in the
methodology implementation.
The last objective is ontology quality. Here we
consider both syntactic and semantic aspects of
ontology quality. According to (Burton-Jones,
2005), the former aspect measures the quality of the
ontology according to its formal style, the way it is
written, while the latter aspect concerns the absence
of contradictory concepts. Concerning syntactic
ontology quality, the metrics to be used are
lawfulness (La) and richness (Ri). La, the degree of
compliance with ontology language’s rules, is
assessed by the total number of syntax error reported
in the ontology. Ri, referring to the proportion of
modelling constructs (classes, subclasses, and
axioms, or attributes) which have been used in the
ontology, is assessed by the number of different
modelling constructs. The higher is this number, the
richer is the ontology. The semantic ontology quality
metrics are ontology consistency (Co) and ontology
clarity (Cl). Co is checked by using a reasoner, such
as Racer (Haarslev, 2001) or Pellet (http://www.
mindswap.org/2003/pellet). This task is mainly
performed by KEs, since the use of a reasoner
requires technical skills. Besides the absence of
contradictions, semantic quality also requires
modelling constructs are correctly used (e.g.,
absence of cycles in the specialization hierarchy or
the fact that classes and properties are disjointed)
(Ide, 1993). Therefore consistency is assessed by the
reasoner’s result: true or false. Cl evaluates whether
the context of terms is clear: an ontology should
include words with precise meanings and should
effectively communicate the intended meaning of
defined terms (Gruber, 1993). The metric is assessed
by the ratio of the total number of word senses and
the total number of words in the ontology.
3.3 The “Innovation and Learning”
This perspective analyses whether people involved
in OB activities have the adequate competencies and
skills to perform the work and whether a certain
degree of self-learning and capabilities improvement
is allowed.
The first objective is personnel capabilities
optimization (Boehm, 2000), representing both
ability and efficiency required to each single actors
involved. The capabilities are measured by
professional/technical interest (Q
), and by
teamworking and cooperation ability (Q
The second objective is personnel experience
optimization. It is related to the required experience
of KEs and/or DEs in conceptualizing a specific
domain and using the selected OBM and its
supporting tools. It can be measured by
communication skills (Q
), experience in using the
), experience in using supporting tools
), and knowledge of domain (Q
). Differently
from Q
, metric Q
considers the ability of DEs
and KEs in interacting and interoperating among
The third objective is the OBM flexibility; the
associated metrics are: methodology customization
(MC), repair/cost ratio (RCR), and self-learning
capacity (SLC). MC, i.e., the capability of OBM in
adapting to new, different, or changing
requirements, is assessed by the percentage of
customizable steps. RCR measures, ex post, the cost
(in man-month) required to search and repair
methodology defects detected and reported by
ontology users. Finally, SLC metric addresses the
methodology attitude in pushing OEs to implement
self-learning functions and to improve methodology
development process through a feedback process
with methodology engineers.
The last objective addresses the supporting tools
accessibility, i.e., the availability and usability of
tools during the OBM development process. This
objective can be measured by the supporting tools
coverage on OBM (STC), namely, the percentage of
OBM development’s steps covered by supporting
tools, and by the quality of supporting tools (Q
ranging from excellent to inadequate
3.4 The “Ontology UserPerspective
This perspective addresses end-users satisfaction
with respect to the built ontology and its quality. The
quality of ontology is a multidimensional feature and
should be evaluated with respect to different
characteristics (Burton-Jones, 2005). Besides the
above discussed semantic and syntactic quality, the
objectives to be also considered are: ontology user
satisfaction, ontology social quality, ontology
pragmatic quality, and ontology extendibility.
Ontology user satisfaction has been assessed by
the ontology user satisfaction overall score
(OUSOS) based on the response levels of a five-
grade Likert’s scale. The scale addresses the
ontology completeness, its terminology consistency
with general usage, and its ability to cover the
domain it claims to cover.
The ontology social quality reflects the fact that
ontologies exist in communities. It is measured by
authority (Au), i.e., the number of ontologies that
link to it by defining their terms using its definitions,
and history (Hi), i.e., the total number of times the
ontology is accessed (when public) from the internal
or the external of the community managing it.
The ontology pragmatic quality refers to the
ontology content and users usefulness, regardless of
its syntax and semantics. It is assessed by fidelity
(Fi), relevance (Re), and completeness (Com). Fi
concerns whether claims an ontology makes are
“true” in the target domain. It is measured by the
ratio of number of terms due their description to
existing trustable references and the total number of
terms. Re, checked in conjunction with Com,
assesses the correct implementation of ontologys
requirements. This metric can be assessed by
performing two tests (De Nicola, 2009). The first
test concerns the ontology coverage (Cov) over the
application domain. A DE is asked to semantically
annotate the UML diagrams, modelling the
considered scenario, with the ontology concepts.
The second test concerns the CQs and the possibility
to answer them by using the ontology content. The
metric competency questions compliance (CQC) can
be again used for this test.
In dynamic environments such as business one,
ontology’s usefulness highly depends on its
extendibility (i.e., whenever new concepts can easily
be accommodated without any changes to the
ontological foundations) (Geerts, 2000). This
objective can be assessed by ontology extendibility
score (OES), ranging from very high to very low.
In this section the application of the proposed BSC-
based method to UPON OBM is illustrated. The
built ontology represents the knowledge underlying
the exchanged eBusiness documents in the
Procurement domain. UPON is an incremental
methodology for OB, developed along the line of the
Unified Process, a widespread and accepted method
in the software engineering community.
The application of the method is demonstrated
by evaluating each metric of each perspective
previously described. Most of the metrics were
based on human judgments and thus were evaluated
by means of interviews with the group of experts
involved in the OB process (i.e., two KEs, two DEs,
and two ontology users).
According to Table 1, UPON fits well in the
methodology engineer perspective. Since both
human and financial resources optimizations are
reached, UPON adds value to its designers.
Furthermore, both KEs and DEs are satisfied by the
methodology development process.
In the process perspective (Table 2), the values
of all the metrics respect the predefined targets.
Although the methodology process steps are
effectively and efficiently performed additional
examples and explanations will increase the value of
DoD. Note that IR metric is really far from target:
the number of imported relations has to be increased.
The analysis of the innovation and learning
perspective (Table 3) shows that personnel
capabilities and experience do not completely
accomplish the targets: an improvement of their
capabilities and skills has to be pursued. Since the
Athos ontology management system (http://leks-
pub.iasi.cnr.it/Athos) covers only 70% of process
steps, improvement of the coverage of supporting
tools is also needed.
In the ontology user perspective (Table 4), the
objective “ontology social quality” is not reached
mainly because the developed ontology is not public
and external actors can not access it.
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 1: The methodology engineer perspective for the eProcurement application.
OE satisfaction
Close to 4
Not needed
Resources optimization
Smaller is better
Not needed
Smaller is better
Table 2: The process perspective for the eProcurement application.
Degree of simplicity of methodology
=2 man-month
Smaller is better
Not needed
Range [10,25]
Very high
Provide more examples
Requirements capture excellence
Close to 1
Not needed
Methodology adaptability
Bigger is better
Not needed
Reuse of existing internal and
external KB and information
Close to 1
Not needed
Close to 1
Close to 1
Increase imported relations
Methodology consistency
Smaller is better
Not needed
Syntactic ontology quality
Smaller is better
Not needed
Bigger is better
Semantic ontology quality
Not needed
Close to 1
Table 3: The innovation and learning perspective for the eProcurement application.
Personnel capabilities optimization
Very high
Personnel capabilities
Very high
Personnel experience optimization
Very high
Personnel experience
=Very low
Very high
=Very low
Very high
Very high
Methodology flexibility
Close to 1
Not needed
RCR=Not Avail.
Smaller is better
Very high
Supporting tools accessibility
Close to 1
Supporting tools coverage
Table 4: The ontology user perspective for the eProcurement application.
Ontology user satisfaction
Close to four
Not needed
Ontology social quality
Bigger is better
Ontology publication
Bigger is better
Ontology pragmatic quality
Close to 1
Not needed
Close to 100%
Close to 1
Bigger is better
Ontology extendibility
Very high
Not needed
The positive features of this method are motivated
by the following considerations.
The method focuses on different perspectives. In
fact, there is not a unique way to correctly model a
domain, but there are always several alternatives
depending on several aspects (e.g., objectives of
ontology users, skills of OEs, available economical
resources, etc.).
The proposed method is supported by detailed
usage procedures, relies on modellers’ knowledge
(by means of with DEs and KEs involved in the
building process), and specifies quantitative and
qualitative measurements. The former measures
assure more objectivity whereas the latter involve
matters of perception (i.e., human judgements based
on the experience of OEs and ontology users).
The proposed evaluation method grounds on a
benchmarking process, it is based on the quality of
results (defect detection), and it also considers how
to improve them (defect correction). This allows
future improvements of the methodology.
The idea presented provides a ready-on-hand
procedure for ontology developers to assess different
methodologies. As future work, we intend to adopt
the BSCs-based method to evaluate other OBMs and
to compare them. The benchmarking results will
support ontology engineers in selecting the most
appropriate OBM for a particular application.
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