Berenike Litz, Hagen Langer and Rainer Malaka
TZI, University of Bremen, Germany
Information extraction, Machine learning, Mining text and Semi-structured data, Lexical knowledge acquisi-
tion, Ontology learning, Ontology population.
In this paper we propose a novel approach that combines syntactic and context information to identify lexical
semantic relationships. We compiled semi-automatically and manually created training data and a test set for
evaluation with the first sentences from the German version of Wikipedia. We trained the Trigrams’n’Tags Tag-
ger by Brants (Brants, 2000) with a semantically enhanced tagset. The experiments showed that the cleanliness
of the data is far more important than the amount of the same. Furthermore, it was shown that bootstrapping
is a viable approach to ameliorate the results. Our approach outperformed the competitive lexico-syntactic
patterns by 7% leading to an F
-measure of .91.
Lexical Knowledge Acquisition (LKA) is a highly
relevant topic for many natural language applications.
As the manual creation of their knowledge represen-
tation is a cost-intensive task, it is desirable to autom-
atize this process as much as possible. Furthermore,
the proposed representation sooner or later becomes
obsolete and needs to be renewed or extended.
The idea to automatically acquire lexical knowl-
edge dates back to 1981, when Amsler (Amsler, 1981)
investigated the possibility to create a taxonomy from
machine readable dictionaries (MRDs). He stated
that the investigated machine-readable pocket dictio-
nary offered a fundamentally consistent description
of word meaning and in the future may provide the
basis for research and applications in computational
linguistic systems. The emergence of freely avail-
able online dictionaries such as Wikipedia
has im-
proved the quality of lexical knowledge acquisition
tremendously. While Snow et al. (Snow et al., 2005)
achieved an F
value of only .36 on the task of hy-
pernym extraction by using the Internet, Kazama and
Torisawa (Kazama and Torisawa, 2007), who used
Wikipedia, achieved a value of .88 with comparable
In this work the data from the German version of
URL: (last access: 9th January
the online encyclopedia Wikipedia was chosen for the
task of hypernym extraction. This was done for the
following reasons: Firstly, it contains up-to-date in-
formation, as it is editable by anyone. Therefore, e.g.
named entities referring to persons who got famous
recently are included. Secondly, it offers easy access
to the whole encyclopedia and related data by a for-
mat convertible into a database. Thirdly, it is free to
use, in contrast to other encyclopedias.
For the task of LKA lexico-syntactic patterns as
proposed by Hearst (Hearst, 1992) are commonly
used. Hearst patterns yield a much higher recall
for information extraction from dictionaries such as
Wikipedia than from the Web as a corpus. Further-
more, recent approaches have tried to automatically
learn such patterns with the help of machine learn-
ing algorithms (Choi and Park, 2005; Etzioni et al.,
2005). While these approaches perform considerably
well, there is still enough headroom for increasing re-
call and precision as shown by our solution presented
in the next paragraph.
The Trigrams’n’Tags (TnT) Tagger by Brants (Brants,
2000) is known for its high accuracy and its multiplic-
ity when it comes to new corpora, languages and tag
sets. We employed the first sentences of the German
Litz B., Langer H. and Malaka R. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, pages 18-25
DOI: 10.5220/0002292100180025
version of Wikipedia to train the tagger with a seman-
tically enhanced tagset. By means of this approach we
got hold of entities related by the hypernym/hyponym
The structured Wikipedia data promise already
high F-measures for heuristic methods as shown by
Kazama and Torisawa (Kazama and Torisawa, 2007)
for the Japanese. Therefore, we implemented two
baseline approaches, which we compared with our
syntactic-semantic tagger. The first one applies the
following notion: As the texts of encyclopedias fol-
low some loose syntactic patterns, relevant informa-
tion can be extracted with the support of heuristics
about the syntactic-semantic distribution. This proce-
dure is described in more detail in Section 4.
The other baseline implements an individual ad-
justment of the widely applied lexico-syntactic pat-
terns by Hearst (Hearst, 1992). In comparison to com-
pletely unstructured text, the recall of the patterns is
comparably high for encyclopedia entries. Section 5
presents the approach applying such patterns.
However, both heuristic methods have shortcom-
ings. The simple employment of syntactic infor-
mation is comparably low in precision whereas the
lexico-syntactic patterns are rather low in recall. Our
novel approach combines syntactic and context infor-
mation to identify lexical semantic relationships. This
can be exploited to determine hypernyms with very
high precision and recall. Our method outperformed
the highly competitive baselines by 7% leading to an
F-measure of .91.
In the following sections the creation of the test
and training data as well as the employment of the
heuristic method, the lexico-syntactic patterns and the
probabilistic model are described.
For all approaches, test data, which represent the gold
standard need to be created. For the probabilistic
model as described in Section 6, furthermore, train-
ing data had to be assembled, which consist of the
first sentences of Wikipedia articles together with tags
giving syntactic and semantic information.
Example 1, which was taken from Wikipedia, can
illustrate this. The pattern Hyponym is a Hypernym
can easily be detected.
(1) Oliver Rolf Kahn (* 15. Juni 1969 in Karl-
sruhe) ist ein deutscher Fußballtorh¨uter und
derzeit in Diensten des FC Bayern M¨unchen.
(In English: Oliver Rolf Kahn (* 15th Juni
1969 in Karlsruhe) is a German goalkeeper
and at the moment employed by FC Bayern
3.1 Training Data
For supervised learning the training data is usu-
ally created by manually annotating a considerable
amount of text. Therefore, obtaining training data
by combining previously annotated data with manual
work is of advantage.
Wikipedia articles include metadata for different
named entity types, which can be applied for such
a semi-automatic annotation. Especially interesting
are so called person data, which are included in arti-
cles about persons to be automatically extracted and
. The data consists of fields such as name,
birthdate and -place, deathdate and -place and a short
description of the person. For the task of hypernym
extraction the fields of name and short description
were applied. A database was created, which includes
these fields as well as the whole texts of the Wikipedia
entries. For this work about 70,000 entries in the
database were used for training and test.
The first paragraphs of the entries were annotated
with the help of the part-of-speech (PoS) tagger Tri-
grams’n’Tags (TnT) by Brants (Brants, 2000) (for
more details see Section 6) and with the tags PER-
SON (in case the token was the name of the per-
son the article was about) and HYPERNYM (in case
the token was a hypernym of PERSON), which re-
placed the PoS tags. For the semi-automatically cre-
ated training set the tag HYPERNYM was given to
part of the words of the sentences which were con-
tained in the short descriptions (see Example (2)) as
later described in more detail. All tags are part of the
The final training file consisted of 291,388 tokens
and experiments with smaller subsets showed that
the biggest size slightly outperformed models with
smaller data size, as shown in Table 1 in the Evalu-
ation Section.
(2) Tamara Ramsay/PERSON war/VAFIN
eine/ART Kinderbuchschriftstel-
lerin./HYPERNYM (In English: Tamara
Ramsay was a children’s book author.)
All training data was annotated with PoS tags.
The SHORT DESCRIPTION (in the German tem-
plate KURZBESCHREIBUNG) was used to extract
For German:
(last access: 9th January 2009); For English: (last
access: 9th January 2009).
stts-en.xhtml (last access 19th January 2009).
hypernyms. As nouns are generally capitalized in
German, all capitalized words were considered to be
nouns and, therefore, hypernyms. The short descrip-
tion in Example 3 for the Spanish sailor Magellan
could be utilized to extract Seefahrer (sailor) and
Krone (crown).
(3) portugiesischer Seefahrer, der f¨ur die spanis-
che Krone segelte (In English: Portuguese
sailor who sailed for the Spanish crown)
PoS tagging was not applied here, as the short de-
scriptions are often only sentence fragments or single
words and a tagger could not yield reliable results.
However, in German, the selection of all capitalized
words as nouns and named entities is nearly unfail-
ing. The wrong annotation of non-hypernyms as e.g.
crown in this example was considered a “repentance”
to get hold of such a large amount of completely au-
tomatically annotated training data.
To sum up, for the different approaches, variations
of the same training data were utilized. In all cases the
untagged text were the first sentences of Wikipedia
articles, however, the tagging was done with different
tools. The only tag, that was given in advance was the
tag PERSON for the named entities, which were the
subject of the article.
Syntactic Information. The creation of the train-
ing set for applying syntactic information was
done with the help of a PoS tagger and the in-
dication of nouns in German capitalized part of
speech. In case there was a capitalized word, the
PoS tag was replaced by the tag HYPERNYM.
Probabilistic Tagging with Semi-automatically
created Training Data. First, PoS tags were
added by the same tagger and then the data base
with the person data information was consulted.
In all cases of capital words in the SHORT DE-
SCRIPTION the PoS tag was replaced by the HY-
Probabilistic Tagging with Manually anno-
tated Training Data. For this approach the semi-
automatically created training data was proof-read
by a person and in all wrong cases the HYPER-
NYM tag was replaced or inserted.
3.2 Test Data
For the creation of the test set a separate set with 4.000
tokens from the training data was corrected by an an-
notator and rechecked by another person. This data
not only included the first sentences but also larger
extracts from the Wikipedia texts, so that the gain and
loss in precision according to the various approaches
are apparent (see Example 4).
(4) Margaret Rutherford war eine britische
Schauspielerin. Nachhaltige Ber¨uhmtheit er-
langte sie in den fr¨uhen 1960er-Jahren durch
die Darstellung der schrulligen Amateurde-
tektivin Miss Marple. Sie war mit Stringer
Davis verheiratet.
(In English: Margaret Rutherford was a
British actress. She became famous in the
1960s through her role as the detective Miss
Marple. She was married to Stringer Davis.)
The untagged version of the test set was then
tagged by each of the proposed methods and then
compared with the tagged version, also referred to as
the gold standard. All together the set contained 450
The following two sections describe simple,
straightforward applications, which were not in need
of the presented training data. The supervised learn-
ing approach in Section 6, however, requires this data.
The first paragraphs of encyclopedia entries usually
contain one or more hypernyms of the word the en-
try is about as well as few other nouns. Hence, it
makes sense to take syntactic information about the
words into account and to use this simple approach
as a baseline. The most straightforward approach in
this case is to tag any token marked as a noun (NN in
the tagset) by a part-of-speech (POS) tagger as a hy-
pernym. It can be expected that the recall of this ap-
proach is very high with a loss in precision. Example
(2) shows a case where the approach performs well,
Example (5) shows how the loss in precision can be
explained: The sentences contain some nouns, which
are not hypernyms at all.
(5) Neil Ellwood Peart/PERSON ist/VAFIN
Schlagzeuger/HYPERNYM der/ART Rock-
Rush./NE (In English: Neil Ellwood Peart is
the songwriter and drummer of the rockband
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
A more sophisticated approach is the employment of
lexico-syntactic patterns. Opposite to the previous
method, this one is expected to be high in precision
with a loss in recall.
Observing the data, it appeared that the two pat-
terns in (2) and (3) are representable for most ex-
amples. For both patterns the typical constituents
of a noun phrase (NP) are important (see Pattern
(1)), which are article (ART), adjective (ADJA), noun
(NN) and named entity (NE). Even though a hyper-
nym is generally not a named entity, this tag was in-
cluded in the pattern due to inaccuracy of the tagger.
NP = (ART) (ADJA) ((NN)|(NE)) (1)
Pattern (2) takes the tag PERSON into account,
which means, that the entry topic is part of the ex-
pression. The German verb forms war, ist, waren and
sind all refer to the verb sein (in English: be).
(NP, ) (NP)((KON)(NP))
The data of Wikipedia texts is only structured to
some extend as it is mostly entered by laypersons.
Therefore, a pattern disregarding the PERSON tag
should also be tested, as the recall is likely to be
higher (see Pattern 3).
(NP, ) (NP)((KON)(NP))
Example 6, taken from the test data, can present
this circumstance.
(6) Quirinus Kuhlmann, auch Culman-
nus, K¨uhlmann, Kuhlman, war ein
deutscher Schriftsteller. (In English: Quiri-
nus Kuhlmann, also known as Culmannus,
K¨uhlmann Kuhlman, was a German writer.)
The sentence includes an insertion between the
PERSON, the verb and the NP and, therefore, Pattern
(2) will not be successful. However, the precision is
likely to decrease with Pattern (3), as wrong sentences
such as Example 7 are found.
(7) Ihre bekannteste Figur ist die blonde Arzt-
tochter Annemarie Braun. (In English: Her
best known character is the blond doctor’s
daughter Annemarie Braun.)
For the creation of a statistical model we applied the
Trigrams’n’Tags (TnT) Tagger by Thorsten Brants
(Brants, 2000) trained with the NEGRA 2 corpus
6.1 The Trigrams’n’Tags Model by T.
TnT (Brants, 2000) utilizes second order Markov
models (Rabiner, 1989), where the states represent
tags and outputs represent the words. Transition prob-
abilities depend on the states and the output probabil-
ities only depend on the most recent category. For
a given sequence of words w
of length T and
the elements of the tagset t
Formula (4) is cal-
culated. For a more detailed description see (Brants,
, t
) (4)
Furthermore, TnT applies linear interpolation for
smoothing as trigram probabilities generated from a
corpus usually cannot be used directly because of the
sparse-data problem
Unknown tokens are handled by taking into ac-
count the word ending, which is also important for
hypernyms of persons, as those are often professions.
For instance, a frequent ending for professions in Ger-
man is -er (e.g. Maler, Musiker, Politiker; In English:
painter, musician, politician) and the corresponding
female word form of it with the ending -erin (corre-
spondingly, Malerin, Musikerin, Politikerin). In Ta-
ble 1 (described in more detail in Section 7.3.1) the
necessity of such a method can be seen. The higher
percentage of unknown tokens for smaller data sets,
which was 42% for 1.25% of the training data in com-
parison to 19% for 100%, only slightly decreased the
accuracy in our training data. There, the value varied
between 0.936 and 0.948 for the corresponding per-
centages. The optimal length of the suffix tries was
evaluated as presented in Section 7.3.3.
The NEGRA corpus version 2 consists of
355,096 tokens (20,602 sentences) of German news-
paper text, taken from the Frankfurter Rundschau.
For more information visit: http://www.coli.uni-
corpus.html (last access: 9th January 2009).
the additional tags t
, t
, and t
are beginning-of-
sequence and end-of-sequence markers.
This means there are not enough instances for each tri-
gram to reliably estimate the probability.
During the parameter generation step, the lexicon
and an n-gram file are created by TnT. These files con-
tain the frequencies of tokens and tags in the training
data and are needed for the prediction of the proba-
bility for a specific tag at a specific location. The lex-
icon file contains the frequencies of tokens and their
tags as they occurred in the training data. These fre-
quencies are needed to determine lexical probabilities
in the tagging process. The n-gram file contains the
contextual frequencies for uni-, bi- and trigrams.
With the help of the lexicon and the n-gram file,
predictions about the probability of a particular tag
can be made.
The quality of the results was measured by the values
precision (P) and recall (R) and combined by the F
measure (F
) (Van Rijsbergen, 1979). Furthermore,
the accuracy (A) was calculated.
7.1 Syntactic Information
Figure 1 shows the results that were calculated for
the syntactic information approach. For the PoS
tagging we compared two different taggers: The
Trigrams’n’Tags (TnT) Tagger by Thorsten Brants
(Brants, 2000) and qtag by Oliver Mason (Tufis and
Mason, 1998). As shown in Figure 1, with an F
.55 the results of Tnt are much more promising than
the one of qtag with .47 for the approach taking only
nouns (NNs) into account.
Figure 1: A comparison of four different possibilities for
applying syntactic information for lexical knowledge ac-
quisition: All nouns ((NN); and named entities (NE)) are
tagged as hypernyms with the taggers qtag and TnT.
For a description of the TnT algorithm see Section 6.
The recall of the best method was not near 100
% (as can be seen in column 4 of Figure 1) because
in many cases nouns (NN) were tagged by the POS
tagger as named entities (NE). Once the named enti-
ties are replaced by the HYPERNYM tag the recall
yielded 97 % with a further loss in precision as shown
in the first two columns. The loss in precision gave
reason to the resulting lower F
of the approach in-
cluding named entities. Therefore, the approach tak-
ing only nouns into account outperformed this one by
.03 for qtag as well as for TnT.
7.2 Lexico-Syntactic Patterns
The lexico-syntactic patterns presented in (2) and (3)
were applied to the test data and compared with the
gold standard. Figure 2 shows the result of the two
patterns, which were tested with and without taking
NEs into account as hypernyms. The precision of
Pattern (2) which only takes NNs into account, was
highest. However, highest overall results with an F
value of 0.85 were achieved for Pattern (3) including
NEs. The diagram depicts the similarity between the
precision values of the patterns and the comparatively
higher F
-value of the pattern including NEs but ex-
cluding PERSON.
Figure 2: A comparison of lexico-syntactic patterns for lex-
ical knowledge acquisition from Wikipedia.
7.3 Semantic Tagging
The evaluation of the approaches with the probabilis-
tic training data is presented in the following. As a
first step we evaluated the performance of the semi-
automatically created model as presented in Section
7.3.1. Afterwards, we compared the results with a
small amount of manually annotated training data in
Section 7.3.2. In Section 7.3.3 we calculated the best
suffix length for the suffix tries for unknown words.
The best results for linear interpolation are presented
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Results of the training data and percentage of Un-
known Tokens (UT) with respect to the corpus size mea-
sured with Recall (R), Precision (P), F
, Accuracy (A).
1.25% 12.5% 25% 50% 100%
R 0.767 0.802 0.818 0.807 0.802
P 0.696 0.722 0.72 0.742 0.75
0.729 0.76 0.766 0.773 0.776
A 0.936 0.943 0.944 0.947 0.948
UT 42.13 27.59 24.89 21.04 18.90
Table 2: Results of percentages of manually annotated train-
ing data with respect to the whole semi-automatically cre-
ated training data measured with Recall (R), Precision (P),
, Accuracy (A).
1.21% 2.49% 3.17% 4.16%
R 0.919 0.908 0.895 0.917
P 0.792 0.831 0.844 0.847
0.851 0.868 0.869 0.881
A 0.963 0.968 0.969 0.972
in Section 7.3.4. These results and the ones from the
suffix trie were taken into account for the bootstrap-
ping method in Section 7.3.5.
7.3.1 Semi-automatically Created Training Data
First experiments with the semi-automatically created
training data showed that the total size of around
300,000 tokens played only an inferior role for the
quality of the results (see Table 1). Even 1.25% of
the data yielded promising results. Therefore, even
considerably smaller data sets can be taken into ac-
count for this approach. This is particularly interest-
ing for approaches, where no annotated data is avail-
able. Even though the number of unknown tokens
(UT, in Table 1) increases with a decrease in training
data, the tagger performs competitively.
7.3.2 Manually Annotated Training Data
The findings about the data size described in the pre-
vious paragraph led to the idea of manually annotat-
ing a small amount of training data. The results in
Table 2 show that the quality increases slightly but
steadily with the size of manually annotated data.
As the 4.16% model outperformed the other ones,
it was taken for the experimentswith the suffix length,
the linear interpolation and the bootstrapping.
Table 3: Results of percentages of manually annotated train-
ing data of the evaluation of suffix length for four percent
manually annotated training data. Suffix length (SL) 0 to 7
measured with Recall (R), Precision (P), F
, Accuracy (A).
0 0.606 0.946 0.738 0.951
1 0.861 0.771 0.814 0.955
2 0.913 0.831 0.870 0.969
3 0.922 0.838 0.878 0.971
4 0.930 0.844 0.885 0.972
5 0.928 0.845 0.885 0.972
6 0.924 0.846 0.883 0.972
7 0.922 0.846 0.882 0.972
7.3.3 Suffix Length
The word ending is an indication for the presumptive
part of speech of an unknown word in a corpus. For
the task of hypernym tagging this is also applicable.
We conducted experiments with varying suffix length
to see, if the default of length=10 was the best choice
for the task.
The results in Table 3 show that the suffix lengths
of 4 and 5 were nearly the same for F
, and that they
both outperformed the default.
7.3.4 Linear Interpolation
Due to the sparse-data problem, trigram probabilities
generated from a corpus usually cannot directly be
used. TnT uses linear interpolation of unigrams, bi-
grams, and trigrams, as this smoothing paradigm here
delivers the best results. The trigram probability can
be estimated with Formula (5), where
P are maximum
likelihood estimates of the probabilities. The sum of
, λ
and λ
is 1 as P represents probability distribu-
, t
) = λ
, t
) (5)
The default setting for TnT is computed with
deleted interpolation. This is an individual adjust-
ment of the values according to the model. In the
case of our model the values λ
= 0.1629941, λ
0.2463481 and λ
= 0.5906578 were calculated by
this algorithm.
We evaluated an adjustment of the λ values for
our task and it appeared that the values λ
= 0.1 and
= 0.0 yielded only slightly better results (from
.88075316 to 0.88272923 for F
) as shown in Figure
3. However, even if the improvement was marginal,
for a bootstrapping of the approach it made a differ-
ence as shown in the following section.
Figure 3: F
results for all possible λ
and λ
7.3.5 Bootstrapping of Training Data
The increasing F
-values for an increasing amount
of manually annotated training data gave reason
to conduct experiments compensating lacking train-
ing data. However, the first experiments with
semi-automatically created data were not successful.
Therefore, an approach needed to be chosen which,
on the one hand, makes use of the manually created
training data, and, on the other hand, can countervail
cost-intensiveannotation. These points led to the con-
clusion to perform a bootstrapping approach as it is
interpreted by Abney (Abney, 2002): “ a problem set-
ting in which one is given a small set of labeled data
and a large set of unlabeled data, and the task is to
induce a classifier.
The experiment was accomplished with the fol-
lowing steps:
(1) Split unlabeled data into files containing 5000 to-
(2) Take manually created trainset to tag first unla-
beled data file.
(3) Concatenate the manually labeled data and the
newly tagged file.
(4) Create a new model with the concatenated file.
(5) Continue with Step (2) till all split files are tagged.
The findings of the best choice of suffix length
and for the λs for linear interpolation were utilized
to boost the results of bootstrapping.
Figure 4 shows the values of the three bootstrap-
ping approaches: the default one; the one considering
the best λ values; and the one considering the best λ
values plus the best suffix length. For the default it ap-
peared that after a considerable increase between the
inclusion of 26 and 28 files a maximum of F
was reached.
For the results including the best choices of linear
interpolation with λ
= 0.1 and λ
= 0.0 (see Figure
3), the best model was created with 40 and 41 boot-
strapping files and the F
measure yielded a value of
nearly .9123.
As the results of the suffix lengths 4 and 5 were
nearly the same, they were both evaluated for the
bootstrapping. Here, it turned out that the suffix
length=5 performed better. The best results for F
suffix length=4 were .90831554 for (48 files) and for
length=5 it was .91257995 (52 files). These were the
highest results measured for all evaluations.
Figure 4: Bootstrapping results for F
with varying file
number for thedefault, for linear interpolation with λ
= 0.1
and λ
= 0.0 and for linear interpolation with λ
= 0.1 and
= 0.0 including suffix length=5.
Figure 5: Classification with Dictionaries: Comparison of
the Syntactic Information, the Lexico-Syntactic Patterns
and the Statistical Model Approach.
7.4 Comparison of Approaches
Figure 5 shows a comparison of the results created by
the best statistical model and the syntactic and lexico-
syntactic pattern approaches. The syntactic informa-
tion baseline outperformed the lexico-syntactic pat-
terns slightly with the recall value but was inferior
in all other aspects. The lexico-syntactic patterns ap-
peared competitive with the statistical approach.
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
In this paper we presented an approach, which yielded
outstanding results for lexical knowledge acquisition.
Even though the lexico-syntactic patterns performed
competitively with the first test runs of the statistical
approach, some adjustments could outperform them.
The first run utilized a semi-automatically created
training data set containing 300.000 tokens, which
resulted in F
.78 . It appeared that a fractional
amount of the data (around 4%), which was manually
corrected, outperformed those results with F
A suffix length=5 and an adjustment of the λ val-
ues for linear interpolation only gave slight improve-
ments on the third position of the decimal point. How-
ever, for the bootstrapping appoach these minimal im-
provements became apparent and resulted in an F
value of over .91.
Future Work involves the deployment of other sta-
tistical models to the given data. One choice is to ap-
ply conditional random fields (Lafferty et al., 2001).
Here, the evaluation of the performance of Hidden
Markov Models and other statistical models on an un-
seen domain is an important step towards generaliza-
tion. The transfer of the model (initially adjusted to
persons) to e.g. general processes or things will not
be a challenge as the first sentences in Wikipedia are
mostly identically structured.
This research was only possible with the financial
support of the Klaus Tschira Foundation and the
CONTENTUS Use Case of the THESEUS Program
funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics
and Technology (BMWi).
Abney, S. (2002). Bootstrapping. In Proceedings of the
40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Compu-
tational Linguistics, pages 360–367, Morristown, NJ,
USA. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Amsler, R. A. (1981). A taxonomy for english nouns
and verbs. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meet-
ing on Association for Computational Linguistics,
pages 133–138, Morristown, NJ, USA. Association
for Computational Linguistics.
Brants, T. (2000). TnT A statistical Part-of-Speech tag-
ger. In Proceedings of the Sixth Applied Natural
Language Processing (ANLP-2000), pages 224–231,
Seattle, Washington.
Choi, S. and Park, H. R. (2005). Finding taxonomical rela-
tion from an mrd for thesaurus extension. In Dale, R.,
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