Scenarios as an Enabler and a Product of Organizational Knowledge Creation
Hannu Kivijärvi
Department of Information Systems, Helsinki School of Economics, P.O. Box 1210, 00101 Helsinki, Finland
Kalle Piirainen, Markku Tuominen
Department of Industrial Management, Lappeeranta University of Technology, P.O. Box 20, 53851 Lappeenranta, Finland
Keywords: Personal knowledge, Organizational knowledge, Communities of practice, Virtual communities, Scenarios,
Scenario planning.
Abstract: This paper discusses conceptual basis for facilitating knowledge creation through the rehearsal of plausible
futures in the scenario process. We discuss the foundations for creating knowledge in an organizational
context and propose a concrete context that supports and stimulates the conversion of personal knowledge
organizational knowledge and decisions. Based on the discussion and our experiences with the scenario
process, we argue that the scenario process facilitates creation of organizational knowledge. We propose
that the scenario process acts as a vehicle for exploring and creating organizational knowledge.
Knowledge and knowledge sharing are important to
any modern organization. The quality of decision
making depends on creation, transformation and
integration of knowledge across individuals and
organizational groupings. Knowledge enables
effective decision making and management. As
organizations have become larger and more
diversified, and as individual roles and tasks have
become more specialized, there is a growing need to
convert personal knowledge to common usage.
Every decision situation in organizational
decision making involves a decision maker or
decision makers, desired outcomes or objectives and
goals, at least two decision alternatives, and an
environment or a context. In addition, an implicit
assumption of every decision situation is the future
oriented conception of time; decisions are
meaningful only with reference to the future. They
are made for future not for past or present.
The rapid rate of technological, economic and
social changes that have an effect on organizational
environment has increased the need for foresight.
Because the future in absolute term is always at least
partly unknown, it cannot be predicted exactly. The
external environment is not under the control of the
organization and therefore the environment is a
source of uncertainty. Still, every organization can
practise foresight. The ability to see in advance is
rooted in present knowledge and in partially
unchanging routines and processes within an
organization. The quality of attempts to foresee is
finally grounded on our knowledge and ability to
understand deeply enough the present position.
A class of such foresight action is the process
aiming to produce plots that tie together the driving
forces and key actors of the organizational
environment (Schwartz, 1996), i.e. scenarios.
Although future oriented, scenarios are also
projections of the known, extensions of the present
situation over into the unknown future.
Nevertheless, even if scenarios are projections of the
known, they still have value as representations of
organizational knowledge.
Concepts like the community of practice (Lave
and Wenger, 1991) and networks of practice (Brown
and Duguid, 2001a) are used to explain the
organizational conditions favoring knowledge
creation and sharing and innovation. The most
favorable contents of these arrangements certainly
depend on factors such as the organizational context,
the experiences and other capabilities of the
members, and management style.
This paper discusses the theoretical basis for
creating conditions to support formation of a
community to enable knowledge sharing and goes
Kivijärvi H., Piirainen K. and Tuominen M. (2009).
REHEARSING FOR THE FUTURE - Scenarios as an Enabler and a Product of Organizational Knowledge Creation.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 46-54
DOI: 10.5220/0002297700460054
on to propose such a condition or an artifact. The
paper presents a possible means to support
knowledge transfer and creation through the
scenario process. We argue that the electronically
mediated scenario process can act as a community
and enable the participants to share their knowledge
while exploring the future. In this paper, the
potential value of the proposed approach is
evaluated mainly by epistemological criteria.
The question to which we seek answer is: ‘What
kind of organizational arrangements are capable to
increase organizational knowledge creation?’ and
also more specifically ‘Can the scenario process
support organizations in their strive towards
knowledge creation?’.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. The second section discusses knowledge
and its creation in organizational contexts. The third
section presents the scenario process and discusses
its properties as a venue for knowledge creation. The
fourth and last section discusses the results and
presents conclusions at theoretical and practical
2.1 Knowledge and Knowing
Knowledge is traditionally interpreted as a singular,
independent object. Another, procedural
interpretation of knowledge is to see it as a path of
related steps (Carlile and Rebentisch, 2003). When
defining knowledge, Tsoukas and Vladimirouv
(2001, p. 979) relate knowledge to a person’s ability
to draw distinctions: “Knowledge is the individual
ability to draw distinctions, within a collective
domain of action, based on an appreciation of
context or theory, or both.” According to this
definition, a person who can draw finer distinctions
is more knowledgeable. Making distinctions and
judgments, classifying, structuring, placing order to
chaos, are capabilities of an expert who has
If decision making is not a synonym for
management, as Simon (1960) has argued, decision
making is still undoubtedly at the core of all
managerial functions. When a decision is made, the
epistemic work has been done and the physical work
to implement the decision can start. The value of
knowledge and information is ultimately evaluated
by the quality of the decisions made. Making
decisions involves also making distinctions,
categorizations and judgments – we need to search
for and structure alternatives. According to Emery
(1969, p. 67) information has value only if it
changes our view of the world, if our decisions are
sensitive to such a change, and if our utility is
sensitive to difference in decisions. Thus,
information is valued through decisions and because
information and knowledge are relative, the same
logic can be used to value knowledge, too. Kivijärvi
(2008) has elaborated the characterization of
knowledge further and defines knowledge as the
individual or organizational ability to make
decisions; all actions are consequences of decisions.
Also Jennex and Olfman (2006, p. 53) note that
“...decision making is the ultimate application of
When Polanyi (1966) talks of knowledge in his
later works, especially when discussing tacit
knowledge, he actually refers to a process rather
than objects. Consequently, we should pay more
attention to tacit knowing rather than tacit
knowledge. Zeleny (2005) characterizes the
relationship of explicit and tacit knowledge much in
the same way as Polanyi. He (Zeleny, 2005) sees
that knowledge is embedded in the process of
‘knowing’, in the routines and actions that come
naturally for a person who knows. Cook and Brown
(1999) also emphasize that knowing is an important
aspect of all actions, and that tacit knowledge most
easily becomes evident when it is used, that is, it
will manifest itself during the knowing process.
Polanyi (1962) tied personal dimension to all
knowledge and his master-dichotomy between tacit
and explicit knowledge has shaped practically all
epistemological discussion in knowledge
management field. According to Polanyi tacit
knowledge has the two ingredients, subsidiary
particulars and focal target (proximal and distal,
Polanyi, 1966, p. 10). Subsidiary particulars are
instrumental in the sense that they are not explicitly
known by the knower during the knowing process
and therefore they remain tacit. Thus, “we can know
more than we can tell (Polanyi, 1966, p. 4) or even
“we can often know more than we can realise”
(Leonard and Sensiper, 1998, p. 114) and we cannot
directly convert tacit knowledge to explicit
Tsoukas and Vladimirou (2001, p. 981) write
“Organizational knowledge is the set of collective
understanding embedded in a firm”. It is “the
capability the members of an organization have
developed to draw distinctions in the process of
carrying out their work, in particular concrete
contexts, by enacting sets of generalizations
(propositional statements) whose application
depends on historically evolved collective
REHEARSING FOR THE FUTURE - Scenarios as an Enabler and a Product of Organizational Knowledge Creation
understandings and experiences” (Tsoukas and
Vladimirou, 2001, p. 983). Similar to the way the
definition of personal knowledge was extended, the
above definition of organizational knowledge has
been extended as the capability the members of an
organization have developed to make decisions in
the process of carrying out their work in
organizational contexts (Kivijärvi, 2008).
2.2 Contexts for Knowledge Creation
and Sharing
Lave and Wenger (1991, p. 98) introduced the
concept of community of practice and regarded it as
“an intrinsic condition for the existence of
knowledge”. Communities of practice have been
identified as critical conditions for learning and
innovation in organizations, and they are formed
spontaneously by work communities without the
constraints of formal organizations. According to
Lesser and Everest (2001, p. 41) “Communities of
practice help foster an environment in which
knowledge can be created and shared and, most
importantly, used to improve effectiveness,
efficiency and innovation”. In other words, a
community of practice can form the shared context,
which supports the recipient decoding a received
message with the same meaning the sender has
coded it (Gammelgaard and Ritter, 2008). Although
the communities develop informally and
spontaneously, the spontaneity can be structured in
some cases (Brown and Duguid, 2001b).
When people are working together in
communities, knowledge sharing is seen as a social
process, where the members participate in
communal learning at different levels and create a
kind of ‘community knowledge’. According to the
studies on communities of practice, new members
learn from the older ones by being allowed to
participate first in certain ‘peripheral’ tasks of the
community. Later the new members are approved to
move to full participation. After the original
launching of the concept of community of practice, a
number of attempts have been made to apply the
concept to business organizations and managerial
problems (Brown and Duguid, 1996). Recent studies
on communities of practice have paid special
attention to the manageability of the communities
(Swan, Scarbrough, Robertson, 2002), alignment of
different communities, and the role of virtual
communities (Kimble, Hildreth, Wright, 2001).
Gammelgaard and Ritter (2008), for example,
propagate virtual communities of practice, with
certain reservations, for knowledge transfer in
multinational companies.
To sum up, the general requirements for a
community are a common interest, a strong shared
context including own jargon, habit, routines, and
informal ad hoc relations in problem solving and
other communication (Amin and Roberts, 2008). An
important facet of a community of practice is that
the community is emergent, and is formed by
individuals who are motivated to contribute by a
common interest and sense of purpose. A cautious
researcher might be inclined to use the term quasi-
community or some similar expression in the case of
artificial set-ups, but in the interest of being
succinct, we use the word community in this paper
also for non-emergent teams.
2.3 Scenarios and the Scenario Process
Kahn and Wiener (1967, p. 33) define scenarios as
“Hypothetical sequences of events constructed for
the purpose of focusing attention to causal processes
and decision points”, with the addition that the
development of each situation is mapped step by
step, and the decision options of each actor are
considered along the way. The aim is to answer the
questions “What kind of chain of events leads to a
certain event or state?” and “How can each actor
influence the chain of events at each time?” This
definition has similar features as Carlile and
Rebentisch’s (2003) definition of knowledge as a
series of steps as discussed above.
Schwartz (1996) describes scenarios as plots that
tie together the driving forces and key actors of the
environment. In Schwartz’ view the story gives a
meaning to the events, and helps the strategists to
see the trend behind seemingly unconnected events
or developments. The concept of ‘drivers of change
is often used to describe forces such as influential
interest groups, nations, large organizations and
trends, which shape the operational environment of
organizations (Schwartz, 1996; Blanning and Reinig,
2005). We interpret that the drivers create movement
in the operational field, which can be reduced to a
chain of related events. These chains of events are in
turn labeled as scenarios, leading from the present
status quo to the defined end state during the time
span of the respective scenarios.
The scenario process is often considered as a
means for learning or reinforcing learning, as
discussed by Bergman (2005), or a tool to enhance
decision making capability (Chermack, 2004).
Chermack and van der Merwe (2003) have proposed
that often participation in the process of creating
scenarios is valuable in its own right. In their view
(Chermack and van der Merwe, 2003) one major
product in successful scenarios is a change in the
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
participants view to the world and the subject area of
the scenarios. This is another feature that has echoes
in knowledge management field, as Emery (1969)
proposed that one of the conditions information has
to fulfill to have value, is that it changes our
worldview, and here Chermack and van der Merwe
(2003) argue that participation in scenario process
will potentially change the participants worldview.
They argue further that even the most important aim
of scenario process is to challenge the participants’
assumptions of the future and let them to re-examine
their assumptions analytically. In short, they argue
that a learning process enables the participants to
examine their assumptions and views, challenges
them and as a result, improve the existing mental
When we contrast these properties of scenarios
as a product and a process to the discussion about
knowledge, we will notice that knowledge is
manifested in knowing, decision making and action.
Scenarios on the other hand enable simulation of
action, through analysis of the current situation and
analytical projections from the assumptions. So we
can propose that scenarios 1) as a process can be a
learning experience, but scenarios 2) as projections
of future can be manifestations of knowledge about
the present and future, and lastly scenarios 3) as
stories of plausible futures can act as a rehearsal for
the future, testing of present knowledge and routines
in different environments.
To put these proposition to plain terms: Firstly,
the process forces the participants to think about the
present, the drivers of the situation and where does it
evolve, and through critical discussion in the group
the process guides the participants to critically
examine their mental models and to converge toward
a commonly agreed statement of futures. Secondly,
the scenarios as a product codify and make the
assumptions explicit and illustrate the created
knowledge of the future at that given point of time.
And thirdly, when the group creates plausible stories
of the world of tomorrow, they can be used as a
framework for reflecting existing knowledge and
mental models, and their fitness to the new
2.4 Linking the Conceptual Elements
We proposed that in its deepest sense knowledge is
and manifests as capability to make decisions.
Scenarios, as discussed above, can be linked to
organizational learning and knowledge on multiple
levels. Scenarios aim to increase the organizational
capability to make decisions and are thus, by
definition, a type of organizational knowledge and
most of all projections of present knowledge.
Knowledge is also tied to action and scenarios are a
kind of ‘quasi-action’ where knowledge items can be
tested in relation to other items.
In addition to the scenarios, the process of
creating them helps the members of the community
to use their deepest, subsidiary awareness of the
future. All foresights have a tacit, hidden dimension,
which is like all tacit knowledge partly consciously
known, whereas the other part is instrumental and is
known only at the subsidiary level. Subsidiary
awareness forms a background or context for
considering the future. It is a part of our foresights
that cannot be directly articulated in explicit form
but when those foresights are used in the knowing
process their content will be manifested. Thus, the
scenario process is a foreseeing process where the
subsidiary awareness of each participant is
transformed into organizational scenarios. The final
measure of scenarios is how well the subsidiary and
focal awareness of the community members are
stimulated. Organizational scenarios are a future
oriented type of organizational knowledge grown
from the individual as well as organizational
knowledge concerning the past and present.
If we accept these premises, we can argue that
scenarios enable ‘rehearsing for the future’ and
presenting knowledge of the present as well as
future. The remaining question is then how to
manage the process effectively to organize and
transform available knowledge to logical scenarios.
One question is whether the process satisfies the
conditions of being a community, and if the
community in the case is not emergent, but
purposefully set up, is still a community? The
answer of Amin and Roberts (2008) would most
likely be ‘yes and no’, and the short-lived
community this paper presents would be classified
as a ‘creative community’, where the base of trust is
professional and the purpose is to solve a problem
The experimental community we propose in this
study is a group support system facility, which is
used to mediate the interaction and to support the
community in the task of composing scenarios. The
method adopted in this study is the intuitive
decision-oriented scenario method, which uses
Groups Support Systems (GSS) to mediate group
work in the process. The method is introduced by
Kivijärvi, Piirainen, Tuominen, Kortelainen and
Elfvengren (2008) and later labeled the IDEAS
method (Piirainen, Kortelainen, Elfvengren,
Tuominen, 2010).
REHEARSING FOR THE FUTURE - Scenarios as an Enabler and a Product of Organizational Knowledge Creation
Figure 1: The IDEAS scenario process and support tools (adapted from Lindqvist, Piirainen, Tuominen, 2008).
The discussion above presented the argument that
scenarios can enable knowledge creation and storing
it. We already referred to the IDEAS method which
has been developed to enable efficient scenario
creation with electronic mediation. The method uses
a group support system to facilitate group work and
to enhance interaction.
The often cited benefits of using a GSS are
reduction of individual domineering, efficient
parallel working, democratic discussion and decision
making through anonymity on-line and voting tools
(e.g. Kivijärvi et al., 2008; Fjermestad and Hiltz,
2001; Nunamaker, Briggs, Mittleman, Vogel,
Balthazard, 1997). These features are important
features where the subjects may be sensitive or
controversial to some of the participants. The
mechanical details of the process has been described
and discussed in detail in previous publications
(Piirainen, Tuominen, Elfvengren, Kortelainen,
Niemistö, 2007; Kivijärvi et al., 2008).
3.1 The Scenario Process
To illustrate how the scenario process works, we
walk through the main tasks. The phases are also
illustrated in Figure 1.
The phases I-IV are completed in a group
session under electronic mediation, preceded by
common preparations and after the session the
collected data is transformed to the final scenarios.
The phases from III-post-phase can be also
supported by mapping tools beside GSS.
The first main task during the process is to identify
the drivers of change, the most influential players,
change processes and other factors, which constrain
and drive the development of the present. The
second is to identify events, these drivers will trigger
during the time span of the scenarios. As a third
task, the group will assign an impact measure on the
events based on how much they think the event will
affect the organization or entity from whose point of
view the scenarios look upon the future, and a
probability measure to tell how probable the
realization of each event is. These measures are used
to group the events to sets as the fourth task, which
make the scenarios. The grouping is inspected and
discussed in the session and consistency of the
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
events is inspected. The event and drivers will act as
a base for the final scenario stories that will be
written outside the session.
When we compare the process to the discussion
about learning process and knowledge presented
above, we learn that the process follows the formula
where the participants articulate their assumption
when generating the drivers that change the world.
The subsequent discussion will subject the
assumptions to scrutiny and the group mover toward
new critically chosen set of assumptions when they
vote for the most important drivers. Then they
extrapolate assumptions when identifying the future
events and when evaluating the events the
participants effectively have to picture plausible
actions and their effects. This makes for two of the
three suggested uses of scenarios. The final
scenarios are presented outside the session.
3.2 Cases
The conceptual discussion above presented the
premises for the argument that using a scenario
process would form a community that encourages
knowledge creation and sharing within an
organization. To pave the way for the evaluation of
our argument, we preset two concise case
descriptions to illustrate the process. The first case
focuses on strategic planning and positioning in a
university (Piirainen et al., 2007). The second case is
taken from a project where the objective was to
develop measures to identify and assess business
opportunities at an intersection of industries
(Piirainen et al., 2010). The cases both use the same
process context although the communities are
The members of the semi-virtual community in
the first case hold personal knowledge and
experience in a number of areas such as research,
teaching, and administration in different departments
and in the administration of the whole university.
The purpose was to discover new opportunities for
the future position and operational environment of
the university over the following ten years. The
community was composed of individuals most of
whom had met but who were not very familiar with
each other. Thus, the most apparent link between
most of the individuals was the presented problem of
creating scenarios for the organization.
After the preparation, definition, and briefing of
the problem, the actual work within the community
started by brainstorming the key external
uncertainties and drivers of change. The drivers
form the backbone of the scenarios. This phase
comprised an idea generation with a brainstorming
tool, followed by a period for writing comments
about the ideas and clarification of the proposed
drivers. The discovered events they were grouped
into initial scenarios by qualitative graphical
clustering and discussed during the meeting. The
GSS-workshop phase of the process ended in the
evaluation of the events and graphical grouping,
from which the data was moved to the remainder of
the process.
The authors of the scenarios reflected on the
cause and effect between drivers and events inside
the scenario through systems thinking. Using
systems analogy, the drivers of the scenarios form a
system with feed-back relations, and the event are
triggered by the interaction and feedback between
the drivers. After mapping the drivers and the data
cleanup, the events were organized into a concept
map and tied together as logical chains with
appropriate linking phrases; these described the
connection and transition between the events. The
names for the scenarios were picked after examining
the general theme in the scenarios. In this case, in
order to test the reactions and validate the logical
structure of the maps, after the initial maps were
drawn they were presented to some of the closer
colleagues familiar with the sessions in the form of a
focus group interview.
The final scenario stories were written around
the logic of the concept maps. Other than some
minor adjustment to the maps, the writing was a
straightforward process of tying the events together
as a logical story, from the present to a defined state
in the future. The process might be characterized as
iterative, a resonance between the drivers and the
scenario maps conducted by the writer.
The purpose of the second case was to discover
new opportunities at the intersection of a
manufacturing and a complementary industry. For
this case, the members of the semi-virtual
community were selected from each industry, as
well as from academics and general experts in the
field. The working process followed the same
outline as the previous case described above. The
process outline was similar and the community was
able to produce plausible scenarios also in the
second case. Regarding this paper, the contribution
of the second case was to confirm the observations
together with the first case, following the replication
REHEARSING FOR THE FUTURE - Scenarios as an Enabler and a Product of Organizational Knowledge Creation
Table 1: Epistemological criteria for evaluating scenario processes.
Theoretical concept Evaluation criteria for the support system
Personal knowledge The support system has to
1. Object
Support in making categories and distinctions and organizing primary knowledge elements
from the huge mass of knowledge and information overflow.
2. Path Support creation of procedural knowledge by related steps.
3. Network
Help to create new relations between the knowledge elements and to relate participants over
4. Tacit
Stimulate sharing and usage of tacit knowledge by providing a shared context for social
processes; accepts personal experience.
5. Explicit Support codification and sharing/diffusing of explicit knowledge assets.
6. Knowing
Integrates subjective, social, and physical dimensions of knowledge in the epistemic process of
knowing. Support the interplay between the different types of knowledge and knowing.
Organizational knowledge
1. Knowledge
Support creating organizational knowledge within the organization and with value chain
2. Knowing Support organizational decision making by applying organizational rules of actions.
1. Participation Allow equal opportunity for participation.
2. Spontaneity Diminish bureaucracy but allow to structure spontaneity. Keep the feeling of voluntarity.
3. Self-motivation
Support self-determination of goals and objectives. Allow the possibility to choose the time of
participation. Explicate clear causality between personal efforts, group outcomes and personal
4. Freedom from
Manage participants from different organizational units at various organizational levels.
5. Networking
Allow traditional face to face communication to promote mutual assurance between
participants. Allows freedom of expression, verbal and non-verbal communication. Maintain
social networking among participants.
1. Subsidiary
Engage subsidiary and focal awareness of the past and future.
2. Focal awareness
3. Foreseeing Support the continuous process to integrate past, present and future.
4. Driver Enable electronic discussion voting tools to identify of important drivers.
5. Event Enable discussion and voting tools.
6. Chains of events
Provide maps and other representations to organize the knowledge of future drivers and events
to scenarios.
7. Phases of the
Accumulate information about the future and converge toward shared knowledge toward the
end of the process.
3.3 Evaluating the Proposed Approach
Reportedly, the presented scenario method has
served adequately in each context. The participants
of the sessions have generally reported the approach
as a viable tool for large and important decisions,
even with its flaws. In addition to the concrete
scenarios, some interviewees also saw the process as
a kind of learning experience, promoting open-
minded consideration of different options and ideas,
and as a possibility to create consensus on large
issues and goals in a large heterogeneous
organization. However, the knowledge production
properties have not been explicitly investigated in
the reported cases.
The answer to the question of whether
knowledge has been created is not straightforward.
One factor influencing the outcome was that the
definition of ‘knowledge’ or knowledge creation
was none too familiar to the subjects and the
definitions were somewhat equivocal. In any case,
the results still point to the fact that the subjects in
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
the sessions were forming a community, exchanged
and diffused knowledge through the system, which
in effect supports the argument in the paper. If we
accept that conceptually scenarios are an
embodiment of organizational knowledge, then a
process which produces scenarios successfully
indeed does create knowledge. Together with the
fact that the reported satisfaction to the results and
general buy-in to the scenarios is high, we can at
least suggest that the scenarios done with the IDEAS
method do have properties of organizational
The results may also apply to other scenario
methods, as long as there is a group of people who
actively participate in creating the scenarios, so that
the conditions for community and knowledge can be
satisfied. IDEAS is in that sense a well
representative example, because the main substance
in the scenarios is essentially a product of group
discussion, where the group expresses their views,
discusses and reiterates the scenario material
towards a consensus where they can agree upon the
drivers and sets of events.
Table 1 summarizes the evaluation of the
scenario process by epistemological criteria
discussed in section 2. Generally, the properties of
the semi-virtual community and the scenario process
meet the conceptual criteria set up for the scenario
process The GSS in general and also reportedly in
this case allows democratic participation to the
process and enables people to share their knowledge.
The properties of GSS also support transfer of the
input to the rest of the process quite conveniently.
The properties of GSS as a tool for the scenario
process are discussed in the cited cases and the
system has been evaluated as suitable.
Here we would like to conclude that the
properties of the IDEAS-method as a community
will also facilitate knowledge creation. However, we
must leave a reservation that these conclusions are
based on theoretical reasoning and two cases, and
thus our results serve to highlight an interesting
direction for further research in scenarios as both as
a product and enabler of knowledge creation in
We started the paper by arguing that scenarios are a
piece of organizational knowledge and can be linked
to knowledge creation in different levels. The main
premise was that knowledge is capability to make
decisions. A further premise is that the shared
context can be provided in a community of practice,
or in the absence of a community of practice, in a
semi-virtual facilitated community. We also
presented a method to create scenarios and examined
a case study which offers some support to our
argument. Generally, proposed approach fits to the
conceptual requirements and the empirical
experiences with the system suggest that the process
is able to promote knowledge creation, sharing.
Examination of the results suggested that the
cases supported the theoretical propositions about
supporting the semi-virtual community. In the light
of the results, it seems that the concept of utilizing
the supported scenario process to create actionable
knowledge is feasible. Nevertheless, we would like
to be cautious about drawing definite conclusions,
but instead we would like to encourage further
research in to knowledge creation in the scenario
process and scenarios as a product of knowledge
In the academic arena, the paper has contributed
to the discussion about communities of practice and
tested the use of communities for promoting
knowledge creation. As for practical implications,
the results suggest that the scenario process can
facilitate integration and embodiment of
organizational knowledge otherwise left tacit.
The subject of scenarios as an embodiment of
organizational knowledge can be studied further in a
variety of directions. One interesting question is that
how much we can in fact know about the future, and
how much scenarios are representations of current
knowledge. Also the properties of scenarios as a way
to rehearse for future actions would be an interesting
subject for further study.
To conclude the paper, we propose that as far as
knowledge is capability to make decisions, managers
can raise their knowledge and capability to make
decisions by undertaking the scenario process.
Altogether, the case experiences suggest that the
approach was at least partially able to engage the
group in a semi-virtual community and to facilitate
knowledge creation in the organizational context.
The proposed scenario process seems to be a
feasible way to integrate multidisciplinary groups to
create knowledge in the form of the scenarios, which
can be used to promote knowing future opportunities
and decision options. The properties of scenarios
promote and even require open minded
consideration of the plausible beside the known and
probable, which raises situation awareness and
improves ability to act. With these conclusions, we
would like to encourage further study into scenarios
as a product and enabler of organizational
knowledge creation.
REHEARSING FOR THE FUTURE - Scenarios as an Enabler and a Product of Organizational Knowledge Creation
Amin, A., Roberts, J., 2008. Knowing in action, beyond
communities of practice. Research Policy, 37, 353-
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KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing