Successful Application of Ontologies in Product Development
Reiner Anderl, Kai Mecke, Andre Sprenger and Oliver Weitzmann
Department of Computer Integrated Design, Darmstadt Technical University, Darmstadt, Germany
Ontology for Industry, Company Data Management, Product Development.
Today knowledge management is a very important factor for the success of enterprises. To support knowledge
management ontologies have been established. In the product development a lot of knowledge, methods and
workflows are used, which have to be protected, managed and distributed. The challenge to manage the diver-
sity of product development knowledge is to combine knowledge management methods and requirements of
product development. For this purpose we present functions to support access rights for ontologies, integration
of new information, release and storage of information (workflow). Another function to support the efficient
work with knowledge is to use templates in order to reduce time and mistakes while integrating information
and knowledge in the system. These functions are integrated into the ontology-based product development
system (OPDS); the system fulfills the requirements of the product development and used knowledge repre-
sentation forms.
Enterprises are discovering the importance of knowl-
edge and identified knowledge as an important part of
the success factor for enterprises (Staab and Studer,
2004). To become a more successful enterprise they
have to store, distribute and use their knowledge.
Knowledge management becomes significant and en-
terprises are willing to invest into knowledge manage-
The problem of the acquisition of knowledge is
that knowledge is bound to humans. If an employee
leaves the enterprise, the knowledge will be lost. Es-
pecially in the current demographic situation, a lot of
the employees knowledge will be lost, when they are
going into retirement (Schuett et al., 2007). Thus en-
terprises try to keep the knowledge in the enterprise
and this leads to the necessity of using knowledge
According to Probst (Probst et al., 2003) knowl-
edge management is defined as a knowledge process.
We can subdivide the knowledge process into two
categories. The first category containing identifica-
tion, acquisition and development, relies on the hu-
man ability to generate and extend knowledge. Com-
puter abilities in this field stayed limited, but become
useful in the second category. In the second category
it is possible, that the elements of the knowledge pro-
cess can be supported by computer and new technolo-
gies. Knowledge distribution, Knowledge utilization
and Knowledge storage belong to this category. The
commitment of computers and information technol-
ogy (IT) contributes that the vast amount of infor-
mation will be controllable and guarantees the dis-
tributed use for everyone, who has access to the in-
A descriptive representation of knowledge in IT is
the ontology. Ontologies are abstract models of some
aspects of the real world (Gruber, 1993).These mod-
els consists of a collection of knowledge concepts,
properties and relationship between the knowledge
concepts (Kashyap et al., 2008).
Ontologies have been established as important
tools to represent knowledge for human and machines
in the knowledge management (Staab and Studer,
2004), (Tempich et al., 2006).
Because of the high flexibility of ontologies it is
possible to use them in various thinkable contexts
to represent a part of real circumstances. Especially
complex structures like products and the product de-
velopment can be represented and supported by on-
For creating ontologies, special-editors are used.
These editors are applications, which are developed
Anderl R., Mecke K., Sprenger A. and Weitzmann O. (2009).
ONTOLOGY SUPPORT FOR PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT - Successful Application of Ontologies in Product Development.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 177-182
DOI: 10.5220/0002298201770182
for designing and manipulating ontologies. They vi-
sualize the complex structures of ontologies in clearly
presented graphs.
The question is, how enterprises could realize
knowledge management and what functions an enter-
prise would need to do it well. Ontologies are a pow-
erful method to implement knowledge management.
Therefore this paper will focus on enterprises in the
producing industry and especially in product devel-
There are only a few approaches that described
conceptual solutions of applications, which expand
ontologies with further functions to improve their
functionality. These approaches are our starting po-
sition and are presented in following paragraphs.
Montoni et al. (Montoni et al., 2004) present an
ontology-based Enterprise-Oriented Software Devel-
opment Environment tool. With the help of Taba
Workstation, a software development environment
(Montoni et al., 2004), the different software pro-
cesses will be controlled.
Wu and Chen (Wu et al., 2006) developed an
ontology-based Role-based access control model. In
the ontology they integrated all information and their
relationship, which are necessary for security policy.
Especially the expansion of semantic information to
the model is an innovative approach.
Using ontologies in industry requires, that an
ontology-based application is supported by ontology-
lifecycle model. Tran et al. (Tran et al., 2007) devel-
oped an information-model for lifecycle management
of ontologies. In a second step they presented in (Tran
et al., 2007) a generic OIS Architecture with lifecycle
In this contribution will be discussed which ele-
ments are necessary in regard of developing knowl-
edge management system, which applies all industry
requests. In the second chapter the requests will be
defined. In chapter three the concept regarding the
defined requests will be proposed.
For a successful introduction of semantic technolo-
gies in the industry, a number of requirements have to
be met. Existing workflows of product development
have to be supported and additional requests regard-
ing security, collaboration and social networks con-
Figure 1: Product development and Product Life (Birkhofer
et al., 2009).
2.1 Product Development
Product development is the process, which is neces-
sary to get a product from an idea to a salable solu-
tion. This process is subdivided in several succeeding
processes. The single processes are shown in figure
1. To support the product development process the
VDI-guideline 2222 has defined tasks for these pro-
cesses (VDI, 1997). The product development pro-
cess is also documented by several authors (Spur and
Krause, 1997) and (Pahl et al., 2003).
The product development is part of the Product
Lifecycle. This process describes the whole life of
products from planning to disposal. It is divided in
the major categories of a product life: plan, design,
build, support, and dispose. (Grieves, 2006)
The key to success of enterprises is the reduc-
tion of time consumption of the phases of Product
Lifecycle plan, design and build. For this purpose
the methods Simultaneous Engineering, parallelizing
processes to decrease time and Concurrent Design,
subdividing construction space and working simulta-
neous at each space are developed.
Product Data Management (PDM). Product data
management is part of the product data technology
and it is used for the processing of product data
(Grabowski et al., 1998). In the product lifecycle
product data management (PDM) supports the man-
agement of product data and controlling of product
data flows.
2.2 Practical Requests
Distributed Product Development. The develop-
ment of a product at multiple research centers around
the globe is a special challenge for every company
dealing with complex products. In case of the inte-
gration of a subcontractor or supplier and the con-
sideration of variants of the product the challenge in-
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
creases significantly. Several concepts, like ”‘follow
the sun”’, ”‘Function sharing”’ and Module sharing
have been developed.
All approaches rely on common distributed data,
which is presented to the participating developers in
an intuitive manner. Ontologies have the basic pos-
sibility to make everyone understand the relation be-
tween concepts. As a web technology, the distribu-
tion of information in an intranet, analog to the World
Wide Web, is easy.
Styling, Design and Management. Styling deals
with shapes, impressions and appearances of a prod-
uct in early phases of the product development pro-
cess. Contrary to this, the design process from the en-
gineering side considers technical requirements, func-
tions and construction space, an abstract approach
considering a high granularity of the product (Klug,
A common knowledge base is a necessary step for
interdisciplinary product development. An important
support of this step is graphical, intuitive presenta-
tion of relevant information and relations which can
be provided by ontologies. The development process,
supported by graphical mapping techniques (”Design-
mapping”) is described in (Malzacher et al., 2008).
Intellectual Property Protection. Impressive occur-
rences of plagiarism have sensitized the industry to
protect intellectual property as a key factor to stay one
step ahead of competitors (Nitterhouse, 2003).
Industry espionage has increased over the last
decades. Therefore access control to information is
needed, ensuring that it is available at the right place,
to the right person at the right time (iViP Association,
There are two basic strategies for intellectual
property protection information hiding and informa-
tion filtering.
The idea of securing electronic business docu-
ments is an increasing necessity nowadays. (Alkassar
et al., 2007).
2.3 Need for Action
From the compact overview of industry requirements
the need for action can be derived. Even though on-
tologies can easily satisfy some of these requirements,
such as being a web technology, some requests lead to
unsolved problems.
The storage of distributed information is not a
challenge for a web technology. The unique and uni-
fied identification of ontology elements in the web
and the vast possibilities of interconnection of dis-
tributed ontologies can be a strong support for global
collaboration in product development.
The emerging structures in interdisciplinary prod-
uct development can be reduced to graph structures.
With additional rules of an appropriate expressivity
level, these structures can be represented by ontolo-
gies as a uniform datamodel.
The lack of a suitable specification of semantics in
enterprise models leads to inconsistent interpretations
and uses of knowledge. Reasoned by (Grueninger
et al., 2000) it is necessary to establish a uniform data
The protection of intellectual property is a central
challenge for the use of ontologies in product devel-
opment. Basically knowledge in ontologies is acces-
sible to every user. Data, which are referenced by
the ontology, is protected by access control mecha-
nism of an additional datasource or data system. The
basic idea of information for everyone is useful for
the application in the World Wide Web, but not in a
company environment of research and development,
where data leakages can be fatal for the product suc-
Contemporary ontologies-editors are not suitable
for the use of knowledge-management in enterprises.
Therefore, an enhanced ontology-editor/access sys-
tem has to be developed, which increases the usability
for enterprises.
We defined a system called Ontology-based Product
Development System (OPDS). This sketched system
is able to support every phase of the product develop-
ment process. It allows retrieving information about
the design, the decisions and the know-how of a prod-
uct. Especially know-how from manufacturing, uti-
lization, recycling etc. like uncertainties (e.g. dimen-
sion tolerance, production accuracy etc.) can be rel-
evant factors of designing of high-quality products.
So the information from later phases of the product
lifecycle can be stored in the system, design engi-
neers get the information and consider this by the
design process. This system is distinguished from
PDM-Systems, because the use of ontologies for rep-
resenting knowledge and especially the representing
of knowledge is not possible for PDM-Systems today.
To manage these requirements it is necessary to
integrate new functions in the ontology-editor, in or-
der to become an Ontology-based Product Develop-
ment System.
In the following sections the different functions
and templates will be explained.
ONTOLOGY SUPPORT FOR PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT - Successful Application of Ontologies in Product
3.1 Functions of OPDS
The requirements of enterprises towards an applica-
tion to manage their knowledge are to save and to
protect their knowledge, so that the application has to
control the access and also to control and to support
the enterprise workflows.
Based on the requirements the application must
have different functions, which are
the elementmanagement,
the rightsmanagement,
the workflowmanagement and
the datamanagement.
The functions will be explained in the following sec-
3.1.1 Elementmanagement
Ontologies’ main function is to store and to manage
knowledge and information. To reuse and retrieve
knowledge and information it is necessary to build a
uniform described element model. The component of
this element model is attributes to identify and clas-
sify the elements. This information is stored in meta-
Identification attributes have to be interpretable by
application and user. An attribute consists of an iden-
tification number and of a human interpretable name.
This name is subject to a naming convention, which
is given by the enterprise restrictions.
Through the classification of elements the belong-
ing is given, the element is extended by codification,
which includes the organizational structure of the en-
terprise. The codification is a part of the classification
The elementmanagement supports the organisa-
tion of the knowledge management and the users to
retrieve data.
3.1.2 Rightsmanagement
Standard ontologies provide information to all users.
Everyone has access to get this information. There-
fore a restriction of access is necessary in form of a
rightsmanagement, so that only authorized users have
to access to the information. The rightsmanagement
includes user management, aggregation to groups,
controlling the access to information amd controlling
the access to functions.
To control the rightsmanagement a system module
called role-based access control (RBAC) will be inte-
grated. A concept to implement an ontology-based
RBAC is mentioned by (Wu et al., 2006).
In the following paragraphs the elements of the
rightsmanagement will be described in detail.
User Management, Groups, Roles and Rights The
access to the system is only for authorized users. The
authorization process requires a restriction of the user.
In conjunction with the account, the user belongs to
special groups and roles. This helps to organize the
user into groups and roles and which different rights
to access the different information they have.
A user will be a part of a special ontology, which
includes all information about users, their groups,
their roles and further information about the person.
The Access Control Module uses the user-ontology to
check, if the user is allowed to access the application.
The module distinguishes between the two basic
roles of the system: user and administrator.
Controlling the Access to Information. The pieces
of information of the ontology are the central el-
ements and have to be protected by the system.
Through the protection code, which is part of the
metadata, the information about the kind of access
rights a user has got is stored.
Controlling the Access to Functions. Analog to the
access to information it is also necessary to control
the access to functions. To support the product devel-
opment process and to organize the system the OPDS
have to provide functions, which supports e.g. several
Not every user should have the possibility to use
every function, because he has not got the competence
to decide the circumstances. The restriction of access
to function is a protection against misuse.
3.1.3 Workflowmanagement
In the product development there are a lot of work-
flows like releases, change, versioning etc., which are
supported by the OPDS to get consistency. Even in-
formation and knowledge are subjected to changes,
releases and versioning.
Through the distributed work, which is required
by Simultaneous Engineering and Concurrent Design,
the OPDS is suited to control the exchange workflow
and to start workflows automatically(Schuschel and
Weske, 2003).
A general function of workflowmanagement is the
management of information, which has been stored
in OPDS. Further functions for workflowmanagement
are constrained by the requirements of the enterprise.
Besides the automated control of workflows, the
knowledge about these workflows is also represented
in workflow ontology. Doing so, the staff understand
the flow between the processes.
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
In following paragraphs the three basic functions
for the management of knowledge and information
will be explained.
Inspection Procedures. To guaranty the consistency
of the ontologies, inspection procedures like change-
management and releasemanagement are necessary.
These inspection procedures consist of a set of rules.
The modified structures are checked against these
rules, before they get the release to be published for
State Change. The knowledge is subjected to per-
sistent change, new experiences lead to new knowl-
edge, which has to be stored in the ontology. Before
new knowledge will be used, it has to be checked by
authorized staff, which has the competence to decide
(Tempich et al., 2006).
Versioning. A permanent Knowledge acquisition is
a factor of success. One part of Knowledge acquisi-
tion can be the modification of information. By the
modification of information a new version of infor-
mation with a version number to distinguish will be
stored in the ontology. The versioning supports the
integration of the new information in the existing on-
tology, therefore there is a versioning assistant nec-
essary, which tracks the relations of the old version
and give the choice to integrate the new version with
existing relations.
3.1.4 Datamanagement
The use of Ontologies leads to a lot of data and infor-
mation. To store this data and information a database
is preferred. Because databases enable a structured
storage and scalability, fast access and save transac-
This character of databases permits a central man-
agement of data. Another reason for using database
is the factor of safety; through the encapsulation it is
not possible to access the database without the mid-
3.2 Templates
A Template is a standard pattern, which includes
abstract information about repeating data constructs.
The benefit of templates is that they are implemented
once and they can be used for several similar cases.
Templates will support and improve the imple-
mentation, the unification and the recognition of sim-
ilar structures. The users only have to complete the
data content and have not build up a new structure.
With template features are being integrated in
OPDS, it is possible to generate templates for spec-
ified problems. The templates are independent from
application versions.
To support, for example, projectmanagement the
basics structures of a project will be represent in a
template, so that a user only have to complete the
specified project data. This reduces the time to ini-
tialize new projects and minimizes the probability to
make mistakes.
3.3 Model of OPDS
Based on the representation of knowledge in form of
ontologies a model for a system to control knowledge
management in enterprises was developed.
Through the presentation in form of a graphical
user interface the user/administrator can access the
Before he can enter the ontology, he has to log in
and the RBAC checks if he is authorized. The RBAC
belongs to the workflowmanagement, which as well
controls the workflows Versioning, Change Manage-
ment and Inspection Procedures.
Authorized user have the possibility to create tem-
plates, therefore they can use extracted structures
from the ontology and for further knowledge acqui-
In this paper we discussed, that knowledge manage-
ment is an important factor for enterprises to become
successful in developing new concepts. The integra-
tion of knowledge management is a challenge for en-
To support knowledge management, ontologies
have been established as form of representation. Es-
pecially in the product development the complexity
of knowledge, information, methods and workflows,
which are necessary to be protected and to be man-
aged, requires the commitment of IT and knowledge
representation forms.
To fulfill these tasks and requirements we devel-
oped an Ontology-based Product Development Sys-
tem (OPDS). The OPDS has several functions to con-
trol permission to ontologies (RBAC) and manipula-
tion of the ontologies. Furthermore OPDS supports
the enterprise workflows to assure the technical and
the content consistency.
To make work with ontologies easier and to guar-
antee the consistent description, templates will use
master to provide the integration of information.
The commitment of OPDS in enterprises leads to
faster access to information and knowledge; therefore
ONTOLOGY SUPPORT FOR PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT - Successful Application of Ontologies in Product
Figure 2: Model overview of complete system.
products can be developed faster.
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KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development