The ENEA e-LEARN Experiences through Technology and Research
Anna Moreno, Francesca Caminiti
ENEA, Italian Agency for New Technology, the Energy and the Environment, 301, Via Anguillarese, 00123, Rome, Italy
Celestina Coccia, Anna Amato
ENEA, Italian Agency for New Technology, the Energy and the Environment, Rome, Italy
Clara Martin, Alessio Carducci, Sergio Grande
ENEA, Italian Agency for New Technology, the Energy and the Environment, Rome, Italy
Keywords: e-Learning, Knowledge, Research, Innovation, Technology.
Abstract: ENEA is the Italian Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment. The paper will deal with
the ENEA challenges and initiatives to better spread scientific knowledge and promote research and
innovation technology supporting innovative processes in the production system.
Indeed, as in the mission of the organization, ENEA aims to disseminate and transfer technologies, provides
managerial and technical-scientific support to both public and private bodies and enterprises and, finally,
helps the Country's competitiveness and sustainable development underling the relevant role of training for
developing new skills. An e-learning platform has been designed and implemented in order to achieve all
these goals: an open and distance learning system that can be considered as a self training one by its users
because they can learn whatever, whenever, wherever they want. The ENEA e-LEARN model has been
considered to be one of the best ten practices internationally by CEN. The structure of the e-learning
platform called MATRIX Multi Platform has been successfully used in the frame of several projects and in
more than 150 on-line courses. Statistics show ENEA success in carrying out its knowledge objectives.
In recent days, the European Community has
reaffirmed the importance of:
strengthening scientific and technological
bases across Europe;
developing its competitiveness in pursuit of
sustainable development including the
environmental protection;
satisfying the needs of its citizens, by
achieving a European Research Area (from
here on, ERA) in which researchers,
scientific knowledge and technology can
circulate freely.
ERA constitutes a core element of the
Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs.
One should stress the necessity to guarantee
that ERA is fully operational and
completely contributes to the “knowledge
triangle” o f research, innovation and
education showing the international
competitiveness and sustainable
development of Europe and underpinning its
ambitions to become a leading knowledge-
based economy and society.
The Italian Agency for New Technologies, Energy
and the Environment (from here on, ENEA) has
designed and implemented an e-learning platform in
order to better spread scientific knowledge and
promote research and innovation technology
supporting innovative processes in the production
system. Actually, as in the mission of the
Moreno A., Caminiti F., Coccia C., Amato A., Martin C., Carducci A. and Grande S. (2009).
WHEN KNOWLEDGE MEETS INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY - The ENEA e-LEARN Experiences through Technology and Research.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 161-166
DOI: 10.5220/0002300501610166
organization, ENEA aims to spread and transfer
technologies and provide managerial and technical-
scientific support to both public and private bodies
and enterprises, underling the relevant role of
training for developing new skills. For this reason,
ENEA is one of the key actors about Italian e-
learning, thanks to the knowledge and the highly
specialized skills of the researchers in supporting
innovation. The Agency has been involving for a
long time in the process of knowledge transfer
towards enterprises and schools. Transferring and
spreading the results of its research, and promoting
their valorization with social and production
purpose, ENEA supports the technologic innovation
processes of the National production system with
particular attention to Small and Medium
Enterprises (from here on, SMEs).
The ENEA e-learning platform was born in 1996
and now it is a well-established reality offering a
number of about 170 courses, which are more and
more increasing, with more than 18.000 users in the
last two years (from January 2006 to June 2008, as it
is shown in the charts below for a depth analysis of
the end-users).
2.1 Our Experience
ENEA offers a system that can be considered as a
self training one by its users: it means that they can
learn whatever, whenever, wherever they want. The
ENEA e-LEARN model has been considered to be
one of the best 10 practices internationally by CEN
(Comité Européen de Normalisation), the European
Committee for standardization (CWA 15660
Providing good practice for E-Learning quality
approaches). The structure of the e-learning
platform, called MATRIX Multi Platform (that will
be better described below) is the result of years of
work and experimentation of a panel of researchers,
which leads to the fourth generation of the
aforementioned platform.
A lot of studies (ASTD, 2001) have shown the
advantages of e-learning in being able to provide
flexible, “just in time” learning with smaller learning
“components” than traditional course structures.
This has fuelled the movement toward modular or
unit based learning and the development of learning
objects. Learning objects are based on the idea of an
open standard supporting the creation of small
components of learning. The key benefits of object
based e-learning materials are seen as follows:
Content of learning objects can be more
readily reused for different purposes and it
can be easily updated by replacing only the
outdated content rather than having to
rebuild a new course;
Customized learning can be created to meet
specific individual needs;
Learners are able to locate the particular
information they need according to the
context of their own work.
In our modular approach, the subject is decomposed
into its essential parts and each of them starts from
very basic concepts going to deep details in the
successive modules. This learning system enables
personalization within a learning design, so that the
contents and activities within a unit learning can be
adapted depending on the preferences, portfolio,
previous knowledge, educational needs, and
situational circumstances of users.
The so built courses are suitable for any worker at
any educational level. Indeed, this modular approach
by itself can solve the problems of those, with more
expertise, who would be bored if they had started
from the beginning. A self-evaluation test has been
introduced between successive modules: in this way,
any user can make the test to evaluate his knowledge
of the subject and, then, decide whether to study the
course from the beginning or skip the simplest
The platform, has been successfully used in the
frame of several projects such as the awarded project
DESIREnet, (Sustainable Energy Europe Awards,
Category Co-operation Programmes), the DEPUIS
Project (one of the six Europe INNOVA Standards
Networks (2006-2008) working towards achieving a
more successful exploitation of existing standards
and enhancing innovation in Europe), the
deployPromis, e-QUEM etc.
DESIREnet project on renewable sources of energy
(www.desire-net.enea.it) produced some e-learning
courses on:
photovoltaic energy;
solar thermal energy;
geothermal energy;
biomass energy;
energy efficiency for building;
wind energy;
hydrogen energy and fuel cells;
geographic systems to support decision
makers energy scenario.
All those ones were produced using both traditional
hypertext e-learning courses and video-web-
The DESIRE-net web-seminaries have been
transmitted both in synchronous and in
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
asynchronous modalities toward more than 30 not
European countries. The courses have been also
translated into French by the African Engineers
Association, who wants to promote renewable
energies in French-speaking African countries. The
DESIRE-net project was awarded during the 2008
SEE week as the best cooperation project in Europe.
The strategic objective of DEPUIS project has
been to enable more companies, particularly SMEs,
to use Life Cycle Thinking to decrease the
environmental impact of their product by the design
of new products, in conformance with the
Communication on Integrated Product Policy of the
European Commission. DEPUIS has developed a
multimedia handbook with more than 30 e-learning
courses, the majority in English, about 40 hours of
video lessons and a few data bases to share the
knowledge of the ISO technical committee among
all the stakeholders. The multi-media handbook is a
compilation of information from many sources and it
is frequently updated. The main components are:
A self-evaluation questionnaire to identify
requirements for information about
A searchable database of standards for
product data technology and for LCA;
A searchable database of the e-learning
courses, already available and planned;
Relevant technical documents for
Example of applications and good practice.
The aim of PROMIS project was to provide SMEs
with integrated service for managing quality,
environment, health and safety in the respect of
existing European legislation. The objective was to
give a holistic approach to SMEs supporting them in
complying with the complex legal, commercial and
social requirements at National and International
level, by means of specific e-learning courses,
qualified consultant’s advices and a tailored
legislation database.
e-QUEM is a project of the EQUAL initiative
whose goal is to promote the skill of the energy
manager also among the SMEs. For this purpose, ten
e-learning courses have been developed on the
different competences that an energy manager
should have:
Energy, development and environment;
Fundamentals of energy;
Duties of an energy manager;
Rational use of energy;
Renewable energy sources;
Energy accounting;
Normative, standards and contracts;
Organization and management;
Communication and marketing;
Economy and finance.
Simplified courses for public administration are
under development.
2.2 What is the MATRIX Multimedia
The MATRIX Multimedia Platform (from here on,
MMP) has significantly defined the real integration
of heterogeneous web based applications in a single
standard end-user interface by means of a portal site.
The main issue of this project has been the idea to
overcome the difficulties that a single end-user can
face in the access of a new web site, of new on-line
courses and the extremely repetitive actions of
registration and login. In particular, the MMP can
visualize in a single course catalogue e-courses
retrieved by different e-learning systems and
manage information like user-ID and Password and
course accesses. The end-user is always informed to
which e-learning platform the course belongs and by
personal profiles the courses that he can access. The
web interface of MMP is based on the structure of a
Portal site for services and contents.
2.2.1 How the MATRIX Multi Platform
Matrix Multi Platform solves the issues concerning
the integration of different systems through a unique
graphics interface and unified number of tools and
functionality. The main elements that characterize
the integration of different e-learning services are:
The Unified Course Catalogue
: it visualizes
the e-learning courses by a standard graphic
and minimum data set valid for all the
external e-learning systems;
The Tracking/Report tool
: it is a standard
module for the tracking and reporting of the
end-user actions during the studying time on
the offered courses; MMP has defined an
end-user tracking based on the data
recorded by the system during the
connection. The information is not intended
as a standard method but is sufficient to
make a knowledge valuation on the access
frequency. These criteria are based on the
total connection times in relation to the
minimum studying time that the docent
gives for the specific course.
Technology and Research
The Auto-valuation Test
: it is a defined
minimum number of questions necessary to
qualify the end-user's knowledge after the
study session. The questionnaire builder
associates a set of weights and points at
each correct and incorrect answer defined
initially by the docent and tutor of the
course. There is the possibility to insert a
significant explanation for each answer
The Authoring system
(from here on, AS):
it is an advanced tool aimed at the creation
of hypertextual courses in order to simplify
them, from their creation to their
AS is included in the Matrix e-learning platform and
can be used by both the lecturer and the Content
Creator (CC). CC has the task to add the didactic
contents provided by the teacher in the system, using
the standard methodology and formats. To get to the
AS, it is necessary to enter the “Services” section in
the ODL (Open Distance Learning) Main Menu and
to get to the “Teachers Management” page, entering
the password and login.
Fourth generation ODL is available on the following
web address:
Authoring System interface is divided into three
main areas:
Figure 1: S.A. interface.
In the A area (top) there are the tools for creating
page of the course and its properties. First of all, CC
has to pick up one of the courses, whose framework
will be displayed in the B area (Course Framework)
and then he will insert or modify the contents of the
single pages (modules, lessons, units) in the C area
(Content). A area includes the standard formatting
tools. In such way, CC can use an interface which is
similar to any word processor. The AS will update
the course framework and will check its consistency,
while the lecturer supervises the contents of the
2.3 Who are the ENEA E-LEARN
Thanks to the collaboration of the ENEA ODL
(Open Distance Learning) users, filling in the
questionnaires about customer satisfaction, we could
realize a series of statistic researches that have been
helping us to manage the catchment area and, above
all, understand the end-users’ needs, expectations
and opinions just to improve the given services.
This activity has been working since 2002: the
period 2002-2005 can be found at the website
ex.htm (click on Services and then Statistics).
The statistics concerning the period from January
2006 to June 2008 are divided into five main areas
“Users’ gender”; “Users’ geographic distribution”,
“User’s job”, “User’s age” and “Courses’ subject” as
you can see below:
number of
users' gender
1497 3656
1342 4463
1451 6276
Figure 2: User’s gender: The statistics show that more
than two- thirds of the ENEA ODL users are men, even if
the proportion of female users redoubled in less than two
numbers of
2006 2007 2008
Regional areas
North Centre South Islands Not Declared
Figure 3: Regional areas: Taking into account that almost
one third of the users have preferred not to declare where
they are from, it is anyway meaningful that the 43% of the
users come from the North of Italy.
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
numbers of
2006 2007 2008
users' age
>20 >30 >40 >50 >60 Not Declared
Figure 4: User’s age: The statistics demonstrate that the
ages 20-40 is maybe the most productive period for a
person to increase their knowledge with self learning
numbers of users
2006 2007 2008
Others (housewives;
retired people)
Figure 5: Job: The majority of the users did not declare
their job. Probably, even though they are still working
they are trying to keep themselves updated: that’s the real
sense of long life learning!
courses and topics areas
ciety & culture
lity & certification
number of users
Figure 6: Courses and Topics area: ENEA includes 170
courses. Energy, Environment, Safety and Informatics are
the topics areas mostly taken by the users: it depends not
only on the main subjects studied by ENEA. As a matter
of facts, the Agency's activities are carried out in the
following four areas: Clean Energy, Technologies for the
Territory, Technologies for the Future Advanced and
Technology Applications) but even on the more and more
increasing interest in such topics.
2.4 Some Considerations
The Italian production is undertaken by 97% of
SMEs: most of them have less of 15 employees and
are in the North of Italy (see fig. 3). It’s rare that
Italian employees can be involved in traditional
learning courses because they cannot leave their
workplace. The culture of innovation in SMEs is
hindered because of a low scientific education level
of the workers. Only 0.6% of SMEs workers, in fact,
have got a technical university degree. It’s so rare to
find enterprises being able to translate the research
results in success actions for their enterprise
competitiveness. These peculiarities lead to the
difficulty of transferring research results from the
Italian research centers to SMEs. The New Economy
can be considered as a Learning Economy, in which
learning is a strategic resource for the growth and
the economical development of industries and
countries. ENEA launched an e-learning scientific
platform in order to overcome the difficulty of
technological transfer and, currently, ENEA offer
includes 170 free courses (see fig.5). The Platform
user interface is very friendly and it has been
developed in the Usability Laboratory of ENEA.
The courses are built thanks to the Authoring system
(AS) which is an advanced tool aimed at the creation
of hypertextual courses in order to simplify them,
from their creation to their publication. The
statistics showed that ENEA courses reinforce the
virtuous circle, Knowledge-Training-Learning–
Innovation: indeed the e-learning facilitates the
training and learning processes. The ENEA ODL
courses feedback reveals that many people got a new
job, other ones grew professionally and someone
else re-skilled thanks to these lessons. Finally, the
courses are in Italian and in English for
International users.
The European Union Recently issued
recommendation and directives in order to make the
circulation of the professional skills easier over the
EU and the recruitment in each EU country
(Recommendation of European Parliament and of
the Council 18 December 2006 n. 962 related to key
competences for permanent learning; 23rd April
2008, concerning the European Qualification
Framework (2008/C 111/01); and the Proposal for a
Directive of the European Parliament and of the
Technology and Research
Council on the promotion of the use of energy from
renewable sources (COM-2008- 30 final).
The European Qualification Framework aims at
the free and easy circulation (mobility) of people in
Europe. A common reference Framework is needed
to make the learning final results transparent,
formally and semantically understandable and then it
Neutral –for the training and certification
systems of the different countries based on
units consisting of learning objectives or
“learning outcomes” consisting of different
levels the training objectives at each level
are: knowledge, skill and competence.
based on units consisting of learning
objectives or “learning outcomes”
consisting of different levels (the training
objectives at each level are: knowledge,
skill and competence)
According to the EQF, ENEA is going to develop
new skills in the framework of ENEA-CEPAS
agreement (Italian certification body) for:
Designer of photovoltaic plants;
Installer of photovoltaic plants;
Inspector of photovoltaic plants;
Expert in energy efficiency for buildings;
Consultant for integrated management of
QEHS, Quality Environment Health Safety;
Expert of information management of
product data
In conformity with ISO/IEC 17024 standard
“Conformity assessment - General requirements for
bodies operating certification of persons, CEPAS
has developed a certification schema, which takes
into account the whole study and work experience of
the candidate. Here the schema.
Thione L., 2003. La certificazione delle figure
professionali, un valido strumento al servizio della
qualità, Sincert ASTD, 2001
CEN Comité Européenne de Normalisation Providing
good practice for E-Learning quality approaches CWA
Anna Moreno, Sergio Grande, 2005. Knowledge
management and life long education in science, Data
Science Journal, volume 4
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing