Hassan Saneifar
, St´ephane Bonniol
, Anne Laurent
, Pascal Poncelet
and Mathieu Roche
Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Micro´electronique de Montpellier (LIRMM)
Univ. Montpellier 2 - CNRS
161 rue Ada, 34392 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Satin IP Technologies
Cap Omega, RP Benjamin Franklin, 34960 Montpellier Cedex 2, France
Natural language processing, Information retrieval, Terminology extraction, Terminology ranking, Log files.
The Information extracted from log files of computing systems can be considered one of the important re-
sources of information systems. In the case of Integrated Circuit design, log files generated by design tools
are not exhaustively exploited. The logs of this domain are multi-source, multi-format, and have a heteroge-
neous and evolving structure. Moreover, they usually do not respect the grammar and the structures of natural
language though they are written in English. According to features of such textual data, applying the classical
methods of information extraction is not an easy task, more particularly for terminology extraction. We have
previously introduced EXTERLOG approach to extract the terminology from such log files. In this paper, we
introduce a new developed version of EXTERLOG guided by Web. We score the extracted terms by a Web and
context based measure. We favor the more relevant terms of domain and emphasize the precision by filtering
terms based on their scores. The experiments show that EXTERLOG is well-adapted terminology extraction
approach from log files.
In many applications, computing systems generate re-
ports automatically. These digital reports, also known
as system logs, represent the major source of infor-
mation on the status of systems, products, or even the
causes of problems that can occur. Although log files
are generated in every field of computing, the charac-
teristics of these logs, particularly the language, struc-
ture and context, differ from system to system. In
some areas, such as IntegratedCircuit (IC) design sys-
tems, the log files are not systematically exploited in
an effective way whereas in this particular field, the
log files generated by IC design tools, contain essen-
tial information on the condition of production and
the final products. In this context, a key challenge
is to provide approaches which consider the multi-
source, heterogeneous and scalable structures of log
files as well as their special vocabulary. Further-
more, although the contents of these logs are similar
to texts written in Natural Language (NL), they com-
ply neither with the grammar nor with the NL struc-
ture. Therefore, In order to extract information from
the logs, we need to adapt Natural Language Process-
ing (NLP) and Information Extraction (IE) techniques
to the specific characteristics of such textual data. An-
other key challenge is evaluation of results. In fact,
according to the particularity of such data, and then
due to the high noise ratio in results, the classic eval-
uation methods are not necessarily relevant. To em-
phasize the precision of results as a must according to
the accuracy of context, we have to define the noise
filtering method which comply with the particularity
of such data.
The creation of a domain ontology is a primor-
dial need for our future work on information extrac-
tion from log files. Defining the vocabulary of do-
main is one of the first steps of building an ontology.
To analyze vocabulary and lexical structure of a cor-
pus, extraction of domain terminology is one of the
most important phases. We thus aim at extracting the
terminology of log files. The extracted terms will be
used in the creation of domain ontology in our future
works. Also, we will use extracted terms to study the
Saneifar H., Bonniol S., Laurent A., Poncelet P. and Roche M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, pages 77-84
DOI: 10.5220/0002307200770084
different lexical structures of different logs in order to
enrich our information extraction methods. In this pa-
per, we introduce a new version of our approach EX-
TERLOG (EXtraction of TERminology from LOGs),
previously presented in (Saneifar et al., 2009), that is
developed to extract the terminology from these log
files. In this approach, we study how to adapt the ex-
isting terminology extraction methods to the particu-
lar and heterogeneous features of log files. We also
present in this paper a filtering method of extracted
terms based on a ranking score in order to emphasize
the precision of extracted relevant terms.
In Sect. 2, we detail the utility of building domain
ontology and thus the terminology extraction in our
context and the special features and difficulties of this
domain. Our approach EXTERLOG is developed in
Sect. 3. Section 4 describes and compares the vari-
ous experiments that we performed to extract terms
from the logs and specially to evaluate the precision
Today, digital systems generate many types of log
files, which give essential information on the sys-
tems. Some types of log files, like network moni-
toring logs, web services interactions or web usage
logs are widely exploited (Yamanishi and Maruyama,
2005)(Facca and Lanzi, 2005). These kinds of log
files are based on the management of events. That is,
the computing system, which generates the log files,
records the system events based on their occurring
times. The contents of these logs comply with norms
according to the nature of events and their global us-
age (e.g. web usage area).
However, in some areas such as integrated cir-
cuit design systems, rather than being some recorded
events, the generated log files are digital reports on
configuration, condition and states of systems. The
aim of the exploitation of these log files is not to an-
alyze the events but to extract information about sys-
tem configuration and especially about the final prod-
uct’s condition. Hence, log files are considered an
important source of information for systems designed
to query and manage the production. Information ex-
traction in log files generated by IC design tools has
an attractive interest for automatic management and
monitoring of IC production. However, several as-
pects of these log files have been less emphasized in
existing methods of text mining and NLP. These spe-
cific characteristics raise several challenges that re-
quire more research.
2.1 IE & Log Files
To use these logs in an information system, we must
implement information extraction methods which are
adapted to the characteristics of these logs. Moreover,
these features explain why we need a domain ontol-
ogy to extract information from the log files.
In the field of integrated circuits design, several
levels need to be considered. At every level, different
design tools can be used which make the generated
log files the multi-source data. Despite the fact that
the logs of the same design level report the same
information, their structures can differ significantly
depending on the design tool used. Specifically, each
design tool often uses its own vocabulary to report
the same information. In the verification level, for
example, we produce two log files (e.g. log A and
log B”) by two different tools. The information
about, for example, the “
Statement coverage
be expressed as follows in the log A:
Lines 10 11 12
statements 20 21 22
But the same information in the log B, will be dis-
closed from this single line:
EC: 2.1%
As shown above, the same information in two log
files produced by two different tools is represented by
different structures and vocabulary. Moreover, design
tools evolve over time and this evolution often occurs
unexpectedly. Therefore, the format of the data in the
log files changes, which make the automatic manage-
ment of data difficult. The heterogeneity of data exists
not only between the log files produced by different
tools, but also within a given log file. For example,
the symbols used to present an object, such as the
header for tables, change in a given log. Similarly,
there are several formats for punctuation, the separa-
tion lines, and representation of missing data. There-
fore, we need intelligent and generalized methods,
which can be applied at the same time on different
logs (multi-source textual data) which have the multi-
format and heterogeneous data. These methods must
also take into account the variable vocabulary of these
logs. To generalize the extraction methods, we thus
need to identify the terms used by each tool in order
to create the domain ontology. This ontology allows
us to better identify equivalent terms in the logs gen-
erated by different tools and so to reduce the hetero-
geneity of data. For instance, to check “
Absence of
as a query on the logs, one must search
for the following different sentences in the logs, de-
pending on the version and type of design tool used:
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
"Do not use
map to module
"Do not use
one cold
one hot
"Do not use
enum encoding
Instead of using several patterns, each one
adapted for a specific sentence, by associating
the words
map to module attribute
one hot
enum encoding attribute
the concept
Absence of Attributes
”, we use a
general pattern that expands automatically according
to different logs using the domain ontology. The
ontology-driven expansion of query is studied in
many works, see (Voorhees, 1994)(Dey et al., 2005).
The ontology will allow us to better identify
equivalent terms in the logs generated by differ-
ent tools. Several approaches are based on the do-
main ontology to better guide the information extrac-
tion (Even and Enguehard, 2002). An ontology also
defines the common vocabulary of a domain (Moll´a
and Vicedo, 2007). In our context, the domain ontol-
ogy allows us to categorize the terms associated with
a concept sought on the logs. The creation of ontol-
ogy requires a lexical analysis of a corpus to identify
the terms of the domain. We hence seek to identify
the terms of the logs of every design tool. We will
then look at these terms in order to make the cor-
respondence between them and to create the domain
ontology. Thus, we aim at studying the extraction of
terminology from log files.
Also, the language used in these logs is a diffi-
culty that affects the methods of information extrac-
tion. Although the language used in these logs is En-
glish, the contents of these logs do not usually comply
with classic grammar. Moreover, there are words
that are often constituted from alphanumeric and spe-
cial characters.
Due to these specific characteristics of log files,
the methods of NLP, including the terminology ex-
traction, developed for texts written in natural lan-
guage, are not necessarily well suited to the log files.
2.2 Terminology Extraction
The extraction of domain terminology from the tex-
tual data is an essential task to establish specialized
dictionary of a domain (Roche et al., 2004). The ex-
traction of co-occurring words is an important step in
identifying the terms. To identify the co-occurrences,
some approaches are based on syntactic techniques
which rely initially on the grammatical tagging of
words. The terminological candidates are then ex-
tracted using syntactic patterns (e.g. adjective-noun,
noun-noun). We develop the grammatical tagging of
log files using our approach EXTERLOG in Sect. 3.2.
are used in (meng Tan et al., 2002) as
features to improve the performance of the text clas-
sification. The series of three words (i.e. trigrams) or
more is not always essential (Grobelnik, 1998). The
defined rules and grammar are used in (David and
Plante, 1990) in order to extract the nominal terms
as well as to evaluate them. The machine learning
methods based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)
are used in (Collier et al., 2002) to extract termi-
nology in the field of molecular biology. EXIT, in-
troduced by (Roche et al., 2004) is an iterative ap-
proach that finds the terms in an incremental way. A
term found in an iteration is used in the next one to
find more complex terms. Some works try to extract
the co-occurrences in a fixed size window (normally
five words). In this case, the extracted words may
not be directly related (Lin, 1998). XTRACT avoids
this problem by considering the relative positions of
co-occurrences. XTRACT is a terminology extrac-
tion system, which identifies lexical relations in the
large corpus of English texts (Smadja, 1993). SYN-
TEX, proposed by (Bourigault and Fabre, 2000), per-
forms syntactic analysis of texts to identify the names,
verbs, adjectives, adverbs, the noun phrases and ver-
bal phrases. It analyses the text by applying syntactic
rules to extract terms.
As described above, we have previously studied
the extraction of terminology based on identifying the
co-occurring words without using the syntactic pat-
terns from log files (see (Saneifar et al., 2009)). As
explained in (Saneifar et al., 2009), the terminology
extraction based on syntactic patterns is quite relevant
to the context of log files. We shown that the accu-
racy of terms extracted based on syntactic patterns is
indeed higher than the precision of bigrams extracted
without such patterns. Despite the fact that normaliza-
tion and tagging the texts of logs is not an easy task,
our previous experiments show that an effort in this
direction is useful in order to extract quality terms.
But according to the need of high accuracy in this do-
main and the fact that manual validation of terms by
an expert is expensive, we develop here the automatic
evaluation phase of EXTERLOG. This evaluation of
terms is detailed in Section 3.4.
The statistical methods used are generally asso-
ciated with syntactic methods for evaluating the ad-
equacy of terminological candidates (Daille, 2003).
These methods are based on statistical measures such
as information gain to validate an extracted candidate
N-grams are defined as the series of any “n” words.
as a term. Among these measures, the occurrence
frequency of candidates is a basic notion. However,
these statistical methods are not relevant to be applied
on the log files. Indeed, statistical approaches can
cope with high frequency terms but tend to miss low
frequency ones (Evans and Zhai, 1996). According to
the log files described above, the repetition of words
is rare. Each part of a log file contains some informa-
tion independent from other parts. In addition, it is
not reasonable to establish a large corpus of logs by
gathering log files generated by the same tool at the
same level of design. Since, it just results the redun-
dancy of words. Evaluation of terms based on some
other resources like as web is studied by many works.
The Web, as a huge corpus, is more and more used in
NLP methods specially in validation of results. How-
ever, in our context, we study the corpus of a very
specialized domain. The terms used in this domain
are the specialized terms and not frequently seen on
the Web. Then, we could not use the classic statis-
tical measures based on simple frequencies of terms
in corpus in order to give a score to every extracted
term. Furthermore, our approach aims at reducing the
noise ratio in results, thus emphasizing the precision,
by filtering the extracted terms using a web based sta-
tistical measures which considers in the same time the
context of log files. We detail this aspect in Sect. 3.4.
A lot of works compare the different techniques
of terminology extraction and their performance. But
most of these studies are experimented on textual
data, which are classical texts written in natural lan-
guage. Most of the corpus that are used are struc-
tured in a consistent way. In particular, this textual
data complies with the grammar of NL. However, in
our context, the characteristics of logs (such as not to
comply with natural language grammar, their hetero-
geneous and evolving structures (cf. Sect. 2)) impose
an adaptation of these methods to ensure that they are
relevant for the case of log files.
Our approach, EXTERLOG, is developed to extract the
terminology in the log files. The extraction process
involves normalization, preprocessing of log files and
grammatical tagging of word in order to extract the
terms. EXTERLOG contains also a filtering phase of
extracted terms based on a scoring measure.
3.1 Preprocessing & Normalization
The heterogeneity of the log files is a problem, which
can affect the performance of information extraction
methods. In order to reduce the heterogeneity of data
and prepare them to extract terminology, we apply
a series of preprocessing and normalization on the
logs. Given the specificity of our data, the normal-
ization method, adapted to the logs, makes the format
and structure of logs more consistent. We replace the
punctuations, separation lines and the headers of the
tables by special characters to limit ambiguity. Then,
we tokenize the texts of logs, considering that certain
words or structures do not have to be tokenized. For
example, the technical word
is a
single word which should not be tokenized into two
words “Circuit4” and “LED3”. Besides, we distin-
guish automatically the lines representing the header
of tables from the lines which separate the parts. Af-
ter the normalization of logs, we have less ambiguity
and less common symbols for differentconcepts. This
normalization makes the structure of logs produced
by different tools more homogeneous.
3.2 Grammatical Tagging
Grammatical tagging (also called part-of-speech tag-
ging) is a method of NLP used to analyse the text files
which aims to annotate words based on their gram-
matical roles. In the context of log files, there are
some difficulties and limitations for applying a gram-
matical tagging on such textual data.
Indeed, the classic techniques of POS tagging are de-
veloped using the standard grammar of natural lan-
guage. In addition, they are normally trained on texts
written in a standard natural language, such as jour-
nals. Therefore, they consider that a sentence ends
with a fullstop, for example, which is not the case
in the log files that we handle. More specifically, in
these log files, sentences and paragraphs are not al-
ways well structured. Besides, there are several con-
structions that do not comply with the structure of
sentences in natural language. To identify the role
of words in the log files, we use BRILL rule-based
part-of-speech tagging method (Brill, 1992). Since
existing taggers like BRILL are trained on general
language corpora, they give inconsistent results on
the specialized texts. (Amrani et al., 2004) propose a
semi-automatic approach for tagging corpora of spe-
ciality. They build a new tagger which corrects the
base of rules obtained by BRILL tagger and adapt it
to a corpus of speciality. In the context of log files, we
need also to adapt BRILL tagger just as in (Amrani
et al., 2004). We thus adapted BRILL to the context
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
of log files by introducing the new contextual and lex-
ical rules. Since, the classic rules of BRILL, which
are defined according to the NL grammar, are not rel-
evant to log files. For example, a word beginning
with a number is considered a cardinal” by BRILL.
However, in the log files, there are many words like
that must not be labelled as cardinal”.
Therefore, we defined the special lexical and con-
textual rules in BRILL. The structures of log files
can contribute important information for extracting
the relevant patterns in future works. Therefore, we
preserve the structure of files during grammatical tag-
ging. We introduce the new tags, called Document
Structure Tags”, which present the different structures
in log files. For example, the tag \TH” represents the
header of tables or \SPL” represents the lines sepa-
rating the log parts. The special structures in log files
are identified during normalization by defined rules.
Then, they are identified during tagging by the new
specific contextual rules defined in BRILL. We finally
get the logs tagged by the grammatical roles of words
and also by the labels that determine the structure of
3.3 Extraction of Co-occurrences
We extract the co-occurrences in the log files respect-
ing a defined part-of-speech syntactic pattern. We
call the co-occurrences extracted using syntactic pat-
tern “POS-candidates”
. The syntactic patterns deter-
mine the adjacent words with the defined grammatical
roles. The syntactic patterns are used in (Daille, 2003)
and (Bourigault and Fabre, 2000) to extract terminol-
ogy. As argued in (Daille, 2003), the base structures
of syntactic patterns are not frozen structures and ac-
cept variations. According to the terms found in our
context, the syntactic patterns that we use to extract
the “POS-candidates” from log files are:
\JJ - \NN” (Adjective-Noun),
\NN - \NN” (Noun-Noun).
These extracted terms at this phase must be scored to
favor the most relevant terms of the domain.
3.4 Filtering of Candidates
All the extracted terms are not necessarily the rel-
evant terms of the domain. Because of some huge
log files and the large vocabulary of the logs, there
exists so many extracted terms. Also, according
to the particular features of such data, in spite of
adapted normalization and tagging methods that we
used, there exists some noise (no relevant terms) in
POS: Part-Of-Speech
the extracted terms. Moreover, we are focused on a
specialized domain where just some terms are really
bidden to the domain’s context. Thus, we score, rank
and then filter the extracted terms in order to favor
the most relevant terms according to the context. The
statistical measures are often used in terminology
extraction field to evaluate the terms (see (Daille,
1996)). The following ones are the most widely used.
Mutual Information. One of the most commonly
used measures to compute a sort of relationship be-
tween the words composing what is called a co-
occurrence is Church’s Mutual Information (MI)
(Church and Hanks, 1990). The simplified formula
is the following where nb designates the number of
occurrences of words and couples of words:
MI(x, y) = log
nb(x, y)
Cubic Mutual Information. The Cubic Mutual
Information is an empirical measure based on MI,
that enhances the impact of frequent co-occurrences,
something which is absent in the original MI (Daille,
MI3(x, y) = log
nb(x, y)
This measure is used in several works related to noun
or verb terms extraction in texts (Roche and Prince,
Dice’s Coefficient. An interesting quality measure is
Dice’s coefficient (Smadja et al., 1996). It is defined
by the following formula based on the frequency of
Dice(x, y) =
2× nb(x, y)
nb(x) + nb(y)
These measures are based on the occurrence frequen-
cies of terms in corpus. Scoring the terms based on
frequencies of terms in corpus of logs is not a rele-
vant approach in our context. As we have already ex-
plained, the techniques based on frequency of terms
in a corpus (e.g. pruning terms having low frequency)
are not relevantto this context as a representative term
does not necessarily havea high frequency in log files.
That is why we score the terms according to their
frequencies on the Web as a large corpus where fre-
quency of a term can be representative. Working on
a specialized domain, we have bias scores based on
the simple count of occurrences of a term on Web.
Indeed, on Web, we capture occurrences of terms re-
gardless of the context in which they are seen. Thus,
we should consider only the occurrences of terms
on web which are situated in the IC design context.
We use therefore an extension of described measures
called AcroDef. AcroDef is a quality measure where
context and Web resources are essential characteris-
tics to be taken into account (see (Roche and Prince,
2007)). The below formulas define the AcroDe f mea-
sures, respectively based on MI and Cubic MI.
) =
6∈ M
where n 2
) =
6∈ M
where n 2
In AcroDef, the context C is represented as
a set of significant words. The nb function used
in the preceding measures represents the number of
pages provided by the search engine to given query.
Then nb(a
+C) returns the number of pages apply-
ing query a
+ C which means all words of the term
in addition to those of context C. In our case, for
example, for a term x
like “atpg patterns” consist-
ing of two words (so i = 2), nb(atpg
is the number page returned by applying query “atpg
pattern” AND C on a search engine, where C is a set
of words representing the context. The AcroDef
formula based Dice’s formula is written as follows:
6∈ M
× nb(
6∈ M
where n 2
In (Roche and Prince, 2007), C is represented
as a set of significant words (e.g. encryption, infor-
mation and code to represent the Cryptography con-
text). The authors made some experiments with dif-
ferent number of words represented as context. In all
cases, authors use AND” search engine operator be-
tween the words of context. That is, they request the
pages containing all words in C”. However, work-
ing on a very specialized domainwhich contains some
more specific sub domains, we do not get the best re-
sults by using just an AND” operator for the words
of context.
To specify the words which represent the context
of log files, we build a corpus of documents including
the reference documents of Integrated Circuit design
tools and tree other domains documents. We rank the
words of corpus by using tf-idf measure (see (Salton
and Buckley, 1987)). Tf-idf gives higher score to the
frequent words of a domain which are not frequent
in other ones. Then, we choose the first ve words
(ranked in tf-idf order) of IC design documents as
representing word of the context. As argued above,
we look for web pages containing a given term and
two or more words of context (using the operators
OR and AND). Finally, the extracted terms are ranked
by means of their AcroDef scores. We favor the
most ranked terms by filtering those having most low
AcroDef scores.
In all experiments the log corpus is composed of logs
of five levels of IC design. For each level, we consid-
ered two logs generated in different conditions of de-
sign systems. The size of the log corpus is about 950
KB. All the experiments are done using the Google
search engine.
4.1 Evaluation of Terms by AcroDef
The extracted terms by EXTERLOG from the log files
are so numerous which make difficult the final vali-
dation by experts of domain. Thus, we experiment
by taking a sample of extracted terms. We select the
200 more frequent terms extracted from logs of every
IC design level. Note that in few levels, there exists
less than 200 terms. The taken sample consists of 700
terms at all.
To filter the extracted terms from log files, we
rank them by AcroDef (cf. 3.4). To apply AcroDef,
we determine the context words as described in Sect.
3.4. Then, we use the Google search engine to cap-
ture the number of pages containing a given term and
two or more words of context. Suppose a given term
like ”CPU time” where C
i {1 5} are the con-
text words, the query used in Google search engine is
“CPU time” AND C
Once AcroDef scores are calculated, we rank the
terms based on their AcroDef. The more AcroDef
has a higher value, the more the term is representa-
tive (seen) in our context. Then, we select the most
rated terms in the goal of emphasizing the precision
by reducing the noise ratio (no relevant terms) in re-
sults. Once the terms filtered, we asked two domain
experts to evaluate remain terms in order to determine
the precision of our terminology extraction approach
from log files. First extracted terms are tagged by a
domain expert as relevant or not relevant according
to the context and their usefulness in the logs. Then,
another expert reviewed the tagged terms by the first
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
expert. Then, the precision is calculated as percentage
of remain terms (after filtering by AcroDef scores)
which are tagged as “relevant” by experts.
Precision =
= terms validated by expert in sample scale
= terms remained after filtering
We calculate the recall as the percentage of all rel-
evant terms (tagged by experts in sample scale) which
remain after filtering.
Recall =
= terms validated by expert in sample scale
= terms remained after filtering
We also calculate F-score as the harmonic mean
of precision and recall to measure our approach accu-
F score =
2 (PrecisionRecall)
We experiment with different numbers of the most
ranked terms as the ones which remain after filter-
ing. That is, suppose n terms in sample, we filter
the terms by selecting the m most ranked terms by
AcroDef score. Table 1 shows the results of filtering
with different m as threshold of filtering. In m = 500,
for example, we take the 500 most ranked terms. In
m = 700, we do not actually filter any terms. Thus,
the recall is equal to 100%. The results show that by
means of our filtering approach, we favor more rele-
vant terms and emphasize the precision.
Table 1: Precision, Recall, and F-score of terms in each
level of filtering based on AcroDef
m Precision Recall F-score
200 80 % 38 % 52 %
300 78 % 56 % 65 %
400 74 % 71 % 72 %
500 72 % 87 % 79 %
600 66 % 95 % 78 %
700 59 % 100 % 74 %
Table 2 demonstrates the same filtering results but
based on AcroDe f
scores. Table 3 shows the same
experiments using AcroDef
as scoring measure.
According to results, AcroDef
is more relevant
to score the extracted terms in our context. By us-
ing AcroDef
we reach better precision. That is,
score better the relevant terms of domain.
Table 2: Precision, Recall, and F-score of terms in each
level of filtering m based on AcroDef
m Precision Recall F-score
200 86 % 41 % 56 %
300 79 % 57 % 67 %
400 76 % 74 % 75 %
500 72 % 87 % 79 %
600 66 % 95 % 78 %
700 59 % 100 % 74 %
Table 3: Precision, Recall, and F-score of terms in each
level of filtering m based on AcroDef
m Precision Recall F-score
200 85 % 41 % 55 %
300 79 % 57 % 67 %
400 74 % 72 % 73 %
500 72 % 87 % 79 %
600 66 % 95 % 78 %
700 59 % 100 % 74 %
In this paper, we describe a particular type of textual
data: log files generated by tools for integrated circuit
design. Since these log files are multi-source, multi-
format, heterogeneous, and evolving textual data, the
NLP and IE methods are not necessarily well suited
to extract information.
To extract domain terminology, we extracted the
co-occurrences. For that, we apply the specific pre-
processing, normalization and tagging methods. To
reduce the noise ratio in extracted terms and favor
more relevant terms of this domain, we score terms
using a Web and context based measure. Then, we se-
lect the most ranked terms by filtering based on score
of terms. The experiments show that our approach
of terminology extraction from log files, EXTERLOG,
can achieve an F-score equal to 0.79 after filtering of
To improve the performance of terminology ex-
traction, we will develop our normalization method.
Given the importance of accurate grammatical tag-
ging, we will improve the grammatical tagger. Fi-
nally, we plan to take into account the terminology
extracted using our system to enrich the patterns of
information extraction from log files.
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