Process Structuring for Multi-party Conflict
John Rohrbaugh and Shahidul Hassan
Rockefeller College of Public Affairs, University at Albany, SUNY, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12202, U.S.A.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Values, Judgment Analysis, Resource Allocation, Analytical Mediation.
Abstract: Value knowledge management (VKM) comprises the process structuring required to make individual and/or
group values explicit in a manner so that such initially tacit knowledge appropriately informs decision
making. This paper presents a case in which VKM is used for structuring an organizational preparation
process for a new and substantial initiative. Fundamental group conflicts exist with respect to this initiative
and, more immediately, with respect to the extent of preparation envisioned. The relative importance of two
key values is at issue: increasing human capital and reducing project costs. The case illustrates a three-stage
approach to VKM and demonstrates how the articulation of group judgment policies, the development of a
shared resource allocation model, and the application of analytical mediation can make a substantial
contribution to organizational problem solving or opportunity seeking.
In the field of knowledge management (KM), the
distinction between tacit and explicit knowledge has
remained an important touchstone (Liyanage, Elhag,
Ballal, & Li, 2009). While explicit knowledge has
been articulated, codified, and communicated
already in some symbolic form, tacit knowledge,
though perhaps equivalent in its coherence and
correspondence (Hammond, 1996), remains as yet
implicit and unexpressed. Tacit knowledge must be
inferred by others over time as actions are observed.
Both individuals and groups are viewed as
possessing tacit knowledge; some have argued that
organizations also can be considered to be
repositories of tacit, as well as explicit, knowledge
(Easterby-Smith & Lyles, 2003).
One of the most important domains of tacit
knowledge pertains to values, that is, personal
values, group values, and organizational values.
According to Scott (1965), a value is a standard
which influencesin full or in partcommitment to
preferred actions and goals (i.e., what ought to be
accomplished or what ought to be achieved). When
one value alone fully explains commitment to an
action or goal (e.g., the standard for preserving all
human life or for speaking only the truth), this value
is absolute. In most situations, however, two or
more relative or competing values differentially
influence such commitments.
Surprisingly, value knowledge is not identified
as a type (e.g., declarative, procedural, causal,
conditional, relational, or pragmatic) in knowledge
taxonomies (Alavi & Leidner, 2001). Value
knowledge management (VKM), a proposed domain
for KM introduced in the present paper, is absolutely
central to any explication of organizational problem
solving or opportunity seeking. VKM comprises the
process structuring required to make individual
and/or group values explicit in a manner so that such
initially tacit knowledge appropriately informs
decision making and provides necessary
retraceability and sufficient accountability. Without
VKM, an organization is unable to maintain its
intentional course because it lacks capacity either to
articulate or to exercise its priorities.
Values cannot be articulated meaningfully in the
abstract, of course, and any general statement of
their relative importance is useless (Keeney, 1992,
147-148). Therefore, the foundation of VKM is the
assumption that the most informative expression of
individual and group values always will be in
reference to specific and well-understood situations.
The management of value knowledge must originate
in particular circumstances that can elicit statements
of preference. Since values are the standards which
influence commitment to preferred actions and
Rohrbaugh J. and Hassan S. (2009).
VALUE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - Process Structuring for Multi-party Conflict.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 63-68
goals, the clearest insight into their relative
importanceif trade-offs are induced at all
emerges where they are ―put to the test.‖
The present paper presents a case in which VKM
is used to structure an organizational preparation
process for a new and substantial initiative.
Fundamental group conflicts exist with respect to
this initiative and, more immediately, with respect to
the extent of preparation envisioned. The relative
importance of two key values is at issue: increasing
human capital and reducing project costs. In turn,
these two values influence the level of individual
and group commitment to five preferred
organizational actions: process planning, process
scope, process staffing, trainer skill, and suitability
of facilities. In this case, VKM entails a sequence of
three stages: the articulation of group judgment
policies, the development of a shared resource
allocation model, and the application of analytical
One of the most well-tested and applied methods for
measuring individual and group commitment to
preferred actions and goals is through the use of
judgment analysis (Cooksey, 1996; Rohrbaugh,
2001). Sometimes identified as ―policy capturing,‖
judgment analysis typically involves the presentation
of a series of realistic cases, scenarios, or vignettes
that systematically differ on several well-specified
dimensions. By regressing numerical judgments that
are expressed in response to variations in these
dimensions, an explicit model of the judgment
process can be inferred that algebraically
representsand can predictthe assessments made
in a judgment process.
In the present case, five dimensions of
organizational action are contemplated: process
planning, process scope, process staffing, trainer
skill, and suitability of facilities. The judgment to be
made is the extent to which these dimensions
influence increases in human capital of relevance to
the new and substantial initiative.
Three groups
teams from human resources management (HRM),
budget and finance (B&F), and new project
coordination (NPC)with long-standing conflicts of
value within the organization independently meet in
a brief session to articulate their respective judgment
The initial series of 35 hypothetical scenarios
presented to each group for consideration is
illustrated by three cases shown in Figure 1; a full
description of the method is beyond the scope of this
paper (see Reagan-Cirincione, 1994). The relative
weights and function forms that the three groups
produce for the five dimensions of organizational
action are displayed in Figure 2. Note, for example,
that HRM places the greatest relative weight on
planning, which is least important to B&F. Both
function forms for the dimension of facilities are
positive for HRM and NPC; B&F, however,
generates a negative function form. Even in this first
stage of VKM, these three sets of relative weights
and function forms make explicit the nature of the
organizational conflict that exists between the three
Case 1
Planning Level 3: one-day meeting on-site
Scope Level 2: 25 participants; 6 one-day
Staffing Level 3: full-time manager
Trainer Level 4: regional contractor
Facilities Level 1: in-house space
Case 2
Planning Level 5: two-day meeting off-site
Scope Level 3: 15 participants; 4 two-day
Staffing Level 2: half-time manager
Trainer Level 4: regional contractor
Facilities Level 3: conference center
Case 3
Planning Level 3: one-day meeting on-site
Scope Level 1: 15 participants; 6 one-day
Staffing Level 1: half-time senior clerical
Trainer Level 2: in-house staff with
Facilities Level 2: in-house space with
Figure 1: Examples of three scenarios presented for group
A resource allocation model identifies the full set of
activities, projects, or programs vying for support, as
well as the multiple levels at which investments
could be made in each. A full description of the
method for constructing resource allocation models
with groups is also beyond the scope of this paper
(see, for example, Adelman, 1984; Carper &
Bresnick, 1989; Phillips, 1985, Schuman &
Rohrbaugh, 1991, Vari & Vecsenyi, 1992). The
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Figure 2: Relative weights and function forms for three groups.
Figure 3: Joint resource allocation structure with costs (in thousands).
shared resource allocation model for the present case
is presented in Figure 3. Five levels of resource
investments are being considered for each
organizational action; levels are listed from left to
right across the rows in order of their increasing costs
as the B&F team estimates.
The five ―Level 1‖ allocations for planning, scope,
staffing, trainers, and facilities would cost $115,000
altogether; the five ―Level 5‖ allocations would cost
an additional $435,000 or $550,000 altogether. From
the entirely lowest to the entirely highest resource
allocations, there are 3,125 possible combinations of
investment levels (i.e., 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5). If all three
groups shared the absolute value of reducing project
costs, there would be no conflict with respect to the
extent of preparation envisioned. Planning would be
conducted as agenda points for currently scheduled
meetings. The scope of preparation would involve
VALUE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - Process Structuring for Multi-party Conflict
one group of participants in a series of six one-day
sessions. Staffing would be provided by the
commitment of a senior clerical employee on half-
time assignment. Trainers would be selected from
current staff members. One of the regular meeting
rooms in the central office would be reserved for
instructional space; no food or beverages would be
provided. These are all ―Level 1‖ allocations that
minimize project costs.
The introduction of a second and competing
valueincreasing human capitalleads to the trade-
offs being considered here. In an organizational
preparation process for a new and substantial
initiative, enhancement of human capital is achieved
with the expenditure of ever greater monetary
amounts. The three teams from human resources
management (HRM), budget and finance (B&F), and
new project coordination (NPC) somewhat uniquely
consider the relative importance of cost containment
and human capital expansion. In this case, the
application of VKM is critical to locating a specific
proposal, expressed as one particular combination of
investment levels out of the 3,125 possible, to which
the three groups will agree and make a genuine
Analytical mediation is a computer-supported process
used in conflictual situations to identify potential
settlements with high joint benefits (Mumpower,
Schuman, & Zumbolo, 1988). Integer goal
programming provides a means for readily
identifying settlements that lie on or near the efficient
frontier. The basic objective for the application of
analytical mediation is not to prescribe a specific
settlement but, rather, in the spirit of the single-
negotiating text idea proposed by Raiffa (1982), to
provide a concrete, externally authored proposal
which the negotiating teams can criticize and use as a
springboard for developing a settlement that might be
considered as even more mutually satisfactory.
The use of analytical mediation for VKM in this
case follows closely the method described by
Mumpower and Rohrbaugh (1996) and extended to
multi-party resource allocation by Darling,
Mumpower, Rohrbaugh, and Vari (1999). As
illustrated in Figure 4, all possible settlements are
arrayed in the joint utility space for each pair of
teams. If a pair of teams share a similar commitment
to preferred actions and goals, the points that are
plotted appear around the diagonal from the lower left
Figure 4: An illustration of analytical mediation.
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
to the upper right (as shown for HRM and NPC). If a
pair of teams differ in their commitment to preferred
actions and goals due to opposing values, the points
that are plotted appear around the diagonal from the
upper left to the lower right (as shown for B&F and
HRM, also for B&F and NPC).
Highlighted in Figure 4 are two regions
containing 1) all settlements carrying a cost that is
25% of the total increased cost from minimum to
maximum; and 2) all settlements carrying a cost that
is 75% of the total increased cost from minimum to
maximum. Many more such regions could be defined.
Also identified are the points of minimum cost (all
―Level 1‖ allocations) and of maximum cost (all
―Level 5‖ allocations). The degree of overlap in the
two regionsclearly visible for all three pairs of
teamsindicates that considerable joint utility can be
achieved without incurring large costs. In other
words, the organization does not need to expend
upwards to 75% of the total increased cost for the
three groups to agree and make a genuine
commitment to a shared organization preparation
process; in fact, increased cost reduces the utility of
settlements for the B&F group.
One proposed settlement identified in Figure 4
stands out in these graphs:
Planning Level 4: afternoon and following
morning meeting off-site ($12,000)
Scope Level 4: Three groups of 15 participants;
four two-day sessions ($115,000)
Staffing Level 3: full-time manager ($90,000)
Trainer Level 2: in-house staff with
consultant support ($75,000)
Facilities Level 2: in-house space with light food
and beverages during breaks ($6,000)
At a total cost of under $300,000 (that is, about
40% of the total increased cost from minimum to
maximum), this proposal provides between two-thirds
and three-quarters of the total utility that would be
gained by each group had their own ―ideal‖ plan of
action been adopted.
On a utility scale from 0 to
100, this proposal provides the HRM group with 69,
the B&F group with 67, and the NPC group with 77.
Movement away from this proposal to other possible
settlements appears to advantage one or two teams
more greatly at the disadvantage of the other(s) but
certainly is deserving of the groups’ consideration.
The present casea decision about the allocation of
resources to an organizational preparation process for
a new and substantial initiativeoffers a prime
example of the importance of value knowledge
management (VKM). Although value knowledge is
an under-represented domain of study in the KM
field, the effective articulation, codification, and
communication of individual and group values
remain highly consequential aspects of any
organizational problem-solving or opportunity-
seeking process. Since values, whether relative or
absolute, are the standards which influence
commitment to preferred actions and goals, an
organization maintains its intentional course by acting
in a value-coherent and value-correspondent manner
(Hammond, 1996).
Many organizational conflicts have integrative
potential, that is, where the nature of the problem
permits solutions that are better than zero-sum for all
parties (Walton & McKersie, 1968); in such
situations, each party can gain reasonably well and
not necessarily at the expense of the others. Of
course, the nature of the favorable ―solution space‖ as
depicted in Figure 4 would not be known without the
application of VKM. In fact, the relative values of
the three teamsHRM, B&F, and NPCthat
undergird the plotting of joint utilities would not have
been evoked explicitly without the use of the
judgment analysis method in the initial VKM stage.
Even in organizational circumstances in which a
single team is called upon to allocate resources, the
challenge is made difficult because of the number of
activities, projects, or programs that request (or
require) support. Furthermore, experienced
professionals realize that resource allocations rarely
should be simplified as dichotomous choices (i.e., ―go
or no-go choices between full investment versus
non-investment); intermediate levels of resource
commitment almost always exist and should be
considered. In the present resource allocation model
with merely five organizational actions being
considered at only five levels of investment, the total
number of alternative combinations exceeds 3,000, a
highly complex task that increases geometrically with
more actions and/or more levels.
When resource allocation decisions are shared by
multiple groups bringing their own respective values
to the process, the complexity of the task is made
even greater. VKM provides an extraordinarily
valuable approach for process structuring in multi-
party conflict. The present trade-off between two key
valuesincreasing human capital and reducing
project costsis considered from the unique
perspective of each of the three teams. At a total cost
of under $300,000 (that is, about 40% of the total
increased cost from minimum to maximum), the
proposal described in this case provides between two-
VALUE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - Process Structuring for Multi-party Conflict
thirds and three-quarters of the total utility that would
be gained by each group had their own ―ideal‖ plan of
action been adopted. Arguably, without VKM
substantial joint project gains and/or resource savings
might be forfeited.
In conclusion, the importance of knowledge about
individual and group values, as well as the
management of such knowledge, should be an
increasingly important domain of study within the
KM field. This is especially true where the
development of lateral relations and knowledge
sharing across professional subgroups is of
organizational interest (Rangachari, 2009; van der
Spek, Kruizinga, & Kleijsen, 2009). The present case
illustrates one approach to VKM and demonstrates
how the articulation of group judgment policies, the
development of a shared resource allocation model,
and the application of analytical mediation make a
substantial contribution to organizational problem
solving or opportunity seeking. The further
development of VKM and the possibility of more
frequent VKM applications should follow.
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Phillips, L. D., 1985. Systems for solutions. Datamation
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Rangachari, P., 2009. Knowledge sharing networks in
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Reagan-Cirincione, P., 1994. Improving the accuracy of
group judgment: A process intervention combining
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Human Decision Processes, 58, 246-270.
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K. R. Hammond & T. R. Stewart (Eds.), The Essential
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Reductions in project costs are considered in the next
In cases where teams disagree on cost projections,
additional meetings to achieve consensus may be
required. The use of ―sensitivity analyses‖ can support
such meetings by identifying which differences have
little or no consequence on outcomes.
For HRM, the ideal would be levels 5, 5, 3, 1, and 5,
respectively, at a cost of $385,000. For B&F, the ideal
would be levels 2, 1, 2, 1, and 1, respectively, at a cost
of $134,000. For NPC, the ideal would be levels 5, 4, 4,
3, and 5, respectively, at a cost of $395,000. These
levels can be identified directly from Figure 2 as the
maximum points on each group’s set of function forms.
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing