Joshua Chauvin, Marcello Guarini
Department of Philosophy, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset, Windsor, ON, Canada
Christopher Abeare
Department of Psychology,University of Windsor, 401 Sunset, Windsor, ON, Canada
Keywords: Confidence, Face-based attractiveness, Face-based personality assessment, Face-based sex classification,
Prototypicality effects, Intraclass correlation (ICC).
Abstract: In this work we have explored facial attractiveness as well as sex classification through the application of
feed-forward artificial neural network (ANN) models. Data was collected from participants to compile a
face database that was later rated by human raters. The neural network analyzed facial images as pixel-data
that was converted into vectors. Prediction was carried out by first training the neural network on a number
of images (along with their respective attractiveness ratings) and then testing it on new stimuli in order to
make generalizations. There was strong intraclass correlation (ICC) and agreement between the neural
network outputs and the human raters on facial attractiveness. This project’s success provides novel
evidence for the hypothesis that there are objective regularities in facial attractiveness. In addition, there is
some indication that the confidence with which sex classification is performed is related to attractiveness.
This paper corroborates the work of others that suggests facial attractiveness judgments can be learned by
To what extent can an artificial neural network
(ANN) be trained to mimic human performance on
facial attractiveness classification? Can ANNs learn
to make human-like personality judgments? Could
an ANN, trained to do sex classification, provide
any evidence in support of the view that averageness
(or prototypicality) is a contributing factor to
attractiveness? This paper presents the preliminary
results of a research project that engages the
preceding research questions.
While facial attractiveness is recognized almost
instantaneously (Locher et al, 1993), and personality
characteristics are said to be assessed within a tenth
of a second of seeing an unfamiliar face (Highfield,
2009), researchers are only beginning to explore
neural network modeling of these human
evaluations. The notion that beauty, namely facial
attractiveness, is simply “in the eye of the beholder”
has been effectively challenged and confronted with
a “data-driven” (Eisenthal et al, 2006), or rather a
biologically inspired, explanation for beauty.
Despite historic and cross-cultural differences
in overall conceptions of beauty, assessments of
facial attractiveness have been, on the whole,
consistent throughout the world (Cunningham et al,
1995). Attributes such as facial averageness
(Langlois & Roggman, 1990; Rhodes et al, 1999),
facial symmetry (Grammer & Thornhill, 1994;
Rhodes et al, 1999), sexual dimorphism and facial
feminization (Perrett et al, 1998) are just some of the
important features thought to aid in determining
whether or not a face is considered attractive.
Furthermore, evidence indicates that people not only
judge an attractive individual to have more positive
personality characteristics than an unattractive one
(DeSantis & Kayson, 1997), they also tend to feel
more personal regard and ascribe more power and
competence to individuals they find physically
attractive (Feingold, 1992; Fiske, 2001). For
example, university professors are less likely to be
blamed when a student receives a poor grade, and
Chauvin J., Guarini M. and Abeare C. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, pages 473-479
DOI: 10.5220/0002322504730479
are more likely to be rated as better teachers if they
are judged by the students to be more attractive
(Romano & Bordieri, 1989).
Since there appears to be congruency among
cultural representations of facial attractiveness, there
is a strong likelihood that there may also be some
biological criteria that guide such judgments. Given
the preceding, it would seem plausible that a neural
network, serving as a very powerful pattern
classifier, could learn to recognize what humans find
attractive, and effectively reproduce and generalize
these assessments.
In previous attempts to model attractiveness,
manually derived measurements between features as
inputs were used and found to be successful. In
contrast to this, researchers have extracted image
factors associated with facial attractiveness from
ratings of those images, and then designed a neural
network to train and generalize based on those
factors with strong correlations to human raters
(Bronstad et al, 2008). Averaging, morphing digital
images, and geometric modeling have been used in
other work to construct attractive faces. Like
Eisenthal et al (2006) and Bronstad et al (2008), we
have not attempted to morph or construct attractive
faces. Instead, we have used largely unmodified
faces in order to retain nearly all aspects of face-
based attractiveness assessments. Pixel-based
images were inputted into an ANN –an approach
that has been largely successful for other types of
facial judgments, such as emotion classification
(Dailey et al, 2002), sex classification (Cheng et al,
2001), and race categorization (Furl et al, 2002).
Using the images themselves, we try to train
and test an ANN on attractiveness ratings as
determined by human raters. We also train a
network to carry out sex classification in order to
determine if confidence in male and female images
plays a role in attractiveness ratings. Initial results
on training an ANN on personality features will not
be discussed herein since they were based on raw
data that is yet to be analyzed fully. Further analysis
of that data will be reserved for discussion in a
future paper.
2.1 Participants
There were two separate groups of participants
investigated during data collection. For the first
group, image data was collected on 100
undergraduate students (54 females and 46 males),
aged 18 – 30 (mean = 22 and mode = 20 years),
along with personality data for assessment. A second
group of 104 undergraduate students (52 females, 47
males, 1 self-classified as other” and 4 with missing
data) aged 18-61 (mean = 23 and mode = 20 years)
rated the image data collected for attractiveness and
personality traits. Both samples were noticeably
diverse, with a mix of racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Participants were recruited on a volunteer basis
through the university psychology participant pool
during separate semesters and were not allowed to
participate in both parts of the study (i.e., the ‘image
collection stage’ and the ‘image rating stage’ were
exclusive). All participants provided informed
consent, and course credit was given for
participating in the study.
2.2 Description of Measures
2.2.1 Procedure for Image Collection
Participants who volunteered for the first part of the
study were asked to fill out a consent form specific
to having their picture taken. After consenting,
participants were asked to fill out a brief
demographics form. Participants were then
photographed and asked to complete a shortened
version of the Big Five Inventory (BFI) personality
(John & Srivastava, 1999).
2.2.2 Image Ratings
Those who participated in the second part of the
study were asked to fill out a brief demographics
form and to take part in a short personality
questionnaire (the BFI) after having consented.
Subsequently, a questionnaire with the images
collected from the prior phase was presented in
DirectRT, a computerized stimulus presentation
program, and the participants were instructed to
evaluate the images according to ten propositions
that coincide with the dimensions of personality
measured in the BFI. (The BFI measures the “Big 5”
personality traits, which include: Extraversion,
Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and
Openness.) Additionally, participants were asked to
assess the facial attractiveness of the presented
image. Before evaluating the individual faces on the
various dimensions, participants were prompted to
indicate whether or not they recognized the
individual they were rating. All images that were
recognized by the participants were not evaluated,
IJCCI 2009 - International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
and participants were required to move on to the
next image in an attempt to ensure zero
Attractiveness ratings were evaluated using a ten-
level Likert scale (i.e. 1= Very Unattractive, 3=
Unattractive, 5 = Somewhat Unattractive, 6 =
Somewhat Attractive, 8
= Attractive, and 10 = Very
Attractive), while the other ten personality questions
were formatted according to a typical five-level
Likert scale (i.e .1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree
a little, 3= Neither Agree Nor Disagree, 4= Agree a
little, and 5= Strongly Agree). All questions were
asked in a randomized order aside from
attractiveness, which always appeared at the end of
the list as the eleventh item. The order of test
administration was counterbalanced and randomized
with the purpose of controlling for order effects. All
of the above mentioned methods were approved by
the University of Windsor Research Ethics Board.
2.3 Images
A total of 100 photographs were taken (54 women
and 46 men), yielding 99 usable images. One image
was removed from the dataset due to image file
corruption. Lighting and background were held
constant, and a 3.1 mega pixel camera was set in the
same position for every participant. Each image was
converted to 8 bit grey scale (i.e. 256 shades of grey)
and reduced to 180 x 256 pixels. These grey scale
images were the ones reviewed by the raters.
Given that in real life attractiveness
assessments are made under less than perfect
conditions, accessories such as glasses, headbands,
hair clips and headscarves were allowed to remain
on in order to assess whether accurate neural
network attractiveness predictions
would still be
The images presented to the neural networks
remained as 256 shades of grey. However, to
minimize training times and maximize the number
of training runs, the networks were presented with
64 x 91 pixel images (the reduction preserved the
aspect ratio).
3.1 Architectures
PDP++ 3.1 was used to create, train, and test all
ANN simulations. Fully interconnected feed-
forward networks were used in all work discussed in
this paper. The generalized delta rule was used for
all training. Images were converted into vectors
suitable for input to the ANNs. In all cases, the
networks had 5824 input units, one for each pixel of
the image (each image was 64 x 91 pixels). The
value of each unit varied from 0 to 255,
corresponding to the 256 shades of grey in the
images (see Figure 1).
The number of hidden units in the ANNs varied
with the tasks they were asked to perform. We
found that with respect to rating attractiveness,
networks with 60 hidden units performed best. With
respect to the task of classifying images into either
male or female, networks with 120 units worked
All networks discussed herein contained 1
output unit.
For attractiveness rating networks both
nonlinear sigmoid and radial basis activation
functions were used. All training and testing results
discussed in this paper refer to sigmoid networks
since results for attractiveness rating using the radial
basis function were inferior to networks using the
sigmoid activation function.
Figure 1: Attractiveness Network. Visual depiction of
fully interconnected feed-forward neural network model
(not to scale). Image is 64 x 91 pixels and is taken from
the sample of participants.
Image was vectorized and
inputted into the ANN
(values ranged from 0-
5824 Input Units
60 Hidden Units
1 Output Unit
Attractiveness Network
3.2 Training
3.2.1 Training the Attractiveness Network
For training a network to make predictions about
facial attractiveness, the desired output for an image
that scored 3 out of 10 was set to 0.3. The desired
output for an image that rated 4 out of ten was 0.4,
and so on to images that scored 8 out of ten, where
the desired output was set to 0.8. (Since none of the
images averaged scores of 1, 2, 9, or 10, desired
output values of 0.1, 0.2, 0.9, and 1.0 were never
SUM training and COUNT training were used.
Since there is only one output neuron for the net, the
sum of squared error (sse) for the output layer is
simply the squared error (se) of the output neuron.
In SUM training we set the sse for the entire training
batch (i.e., the error level at which to terminate
training) to a number of different values, finding that
values around 0.35 worked best.
In COUNT training, we set the desired se at
0.0025 (or less) for each image, and set the simulator
to count the number of images having that level of
terminating training when 0 images had
errors. With these specifications we could not get
the network to train. When we tolerated more error,
terminating training with 3 errors, the network
trained, but it did not generalize as well as networks
trained using SUM training. Using the COUNT
method, we experimented with tolerating varying
levels of error per image and varying levels of error
tolerance for the training set, but we never achieved
the same level of success as we did with SUM
We discovered that with both SUM and
COUNT training there were four images in the
training set that consistently failed to train over
hundreds of runs. We removed these images from
the original training set of 66, yielding a training set
for attractiveness of 62 images and a testing set of
33 images. Even using SUM training on 62 images
there are errors, but the errors vary from training on
one set of initial weights to other randomly selected
sets of initial weights. Results discussed below with
respect to predicting attractiveness refer to training
with 62 cases and testing/predicting with 33.
3.2.2 Training the Sex Classification
For training purposes, the desired output for all
female images was set to 0; the desired output for all
male images was set to 1. Again, we used both
SUM and COUNT methods. When using the
COUNT method, we were able to train the network
to successfully classify all 99 images. This was
done by setting the error target for each image to
less than 0.25. The simulator was set to count the
number of images for which the network had errors
and to terminate training when it had 0 errors. (Any
male image with an output of above 0.5 was
considered successfully classified, and any image of
a female below 0.5 was considered successfully
classified.) 120 hidden units were required to
achieve a network that trained on all 99 cases.
Networks with fewer hidden units consistently failed
to train.
When using the SUM method, we set training
to terminate when the sse for the entire batch of 99
images was less than 2.5. While the network did
train to that level of error tolerance for the whole
batch, there were still errors with individual images.
To get the level of success we did manage to
achieve, again, 120 hidden units were required. We
experimented with different levels of error tolerance
without improving results. When the sse for the
entire batch was set below 2, we could not get the
network to train.
4.1 Participant Ratings
Mean attractiveness ratings for each face ranged
from 2.27 to 7.83 with a mean of 4.97 (SD = 1.11).
Missing values for facial attractiveness ratings were
replaced with the mean for that target face.
Attractiveness ratings were calculated by sex of rater
and sex of target (See Figure
2). There was a
moderate correlation between the ratings of female
and male faces, r = .59. Males and females rated
females as most attractive. Average male ratings of
females (mean = 5.29 SD = 1.02) was higher than
male ratings of males (mean = 4.19, SD = 1.34), t
= 5.21, p < .001. Average female ratings of females
(mean = 5.50, SD = 1.09) was also higher than for
males (mean = 4.69, SD = 1.08), t
= 11.60, p <
.001, however, males were rated higher by females
than by males, F
= 4.07, p < .05.
Reliability was assessed through intraclass
correlation (ICC) as an index of absolute rater
agreement (Shrout & Fleiss, 1979). The two-way
random effects ICC for the sample (ICC
= .962)
reflected a high level of absolute inter-rater
agreement. In order to be consistent with reporting
practices of previous studies, internal consistency
IJCCI 2009 - International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
reliability was calculated, Cronbach’s α = .978.
Separate ICCs were calculated for males (ICC
.950) and females (ICC
=.969) and were
comparable to each other and to the overall ICC.
* = p < .05
** = p < .001
Figure 2: Mean Attractiveness Ratings by Sex of Rater
and Sex of Target.
4.2 ANN & Attractiveness Ratings
After training on attractiveness ratings for 62
images, the network’s performance was assessed by
testing on 33 novel cases. There was a substantial
degree of agreement between the neural network
output on novel cases and the participant ratings.
The average ICC for the four simulations was
= .696, demonstrating that the scores
produced by the neural network were closely related
to the scores produced by the participant raters (See
Table 1 for values for all four simulations). More
specifically, 56% of the neural networks ratings
were an exact match with the participant ratings and
an additional 29% were within one point of the
participant ratings making for 85% of the neural
network’s ratings falling within one point of the
participant ratings.
Table 1: Pearson’s Correlation Coefficients and Intraclass
Correlation Coefficients (ICC) between Raters’ and
Neural Network Simulations’ Attractiveness Ratings.
Simulation Pearson’s
1 .608 .677
2 .612 .707
3 .612 .707
4 .559 .693
Mean 0.598 0.696
4.3 ANN & Sex Classification
As indicated above, COUNT training was used to
achieve 100% success in classifying all 99 images as
either male or female. The closer the output for a
male image was to 1, the lower its se. The closer the
output for a female image was to 0, the lower its se.
The closer the output for an image is to 0.5 (for
either male or female), the greater its se. We took
images with a lower se to be more confidently
classified as male or female (with respect to the set
of 99 images) since higher se means the image is
approaching the opposite classification. After
training a network using COUNT to correctly class
all males above 0.5 and all females below 0.5, we
compared the se of the images in the sex
classification task with the attractiveness ratings of
the images. If attractiveness increases as confidence
increases, and a decrease in se in the sex
classification task means an increase in confidence,
then one would expect that as se in the sex
classification task decreases, attractiveness
increases. What follows is some of the evidence we
found for this trend.
In one training run of the sex classification net,
we received a very impressive result. We used the
sex classification se for each image (processed by a
fully trained network) to compute the mean sex
classification se for images rating 8/10; we did the
same for images rating 7/10, and so on down to
3/10. It turned out that the lowest mean se (or
highest mean confidence) in sex classification was
for images scoring 8/10. The second lowest mean se
(or next highest mean confidence) was for images
scoring 7/10; and the pattern continued right down
to 3/10. While very impressive, the finding at that
level of detail was not robust. We did an additional
four training runs (starting with randomly selected
weights every time) and did not achieve the same
results (e.g., sometimes 7/10s had lower se than
8/10s). However, we did find a result consistent
over all five training runs. If we take the mean sex
classification se of all images with ratings of 3/10,
4/10, and 5/10 (the low end) and compare them with
the mean sex classification se for all images with
ratings of 6/10, 7/10, and 8/10 (the high end), it turns
out that the mean se for the low end is higher than
the mean se for the high end in all
five training
runs. In other words, on average, the ANN more
confidently assigned male or female classifications
to images that scored in the high end of
attractiveness than to those that scored in the low
We have presented a neural network model, trained
on a diverse sample of images of both males and
females (with their respective human ratings), to
predict facial attractiveness means with a high
degree of correlation and agreement with human
raters. This study helps to reinforce the claim that
attractiveness assessments are data-driven, and
further expands on existing research using
computational modeling to make facial
attractiveness judgments. Given a larger dataset, it
may be possible to create a neural network that is
capable of producing human-like evaluations with
stronger correlations and agreement with human
In addition to learning facial attractiveness, we
have trained an ANN to distinguish between both
males and females, and found some evidence that
would suggest confidence plays a role in sex
classification. If it turns out that these confidence
ratings correspond to prototypicality
or averageness
– the more confident the network is that an image is
male (or female) the more prototypically male (or
female) it is – then we would have an especially
interesting result. This speaks to a larger and more
difficult question we have insufficient room to
explore at this point: why is prototypicality a
contributing factor to facial attractiveness? If an
ANN, in solving for sex classification, yields
prototypical male and female outputs in a way that at
least roughly corresponds to attractiveness ratings,
then one starts to wonder about the following
hypothesis: the contribution of prototypicality to
facial attractiveness could be a neurocomputational
consequence of mastering the task of male-female
facial classification. In other words, the
contribution of prototypicality to attractiveness may
“fall out of” the solution to male-female
classification (of course, as literature surveyed in the
introduction suggests, prototypicality is only one of
several contributors to attractiveness). That said,
any link between confidence ratings and
prototypicality needs to be independently
motivated. Moreover, much more work is required
in neuropsychology and computational modeling to
examine the preceding hypothesis, but it is at least
worth mentioning at this point.
All training of the sex classification network
made use of the sigmoid activation function. We
have not yet trained sex classification networks
using the radial basis function. This is an important
consideration for future work since the radial basis
function may make it easier than the sigmoid
function to motivate a link between confidence
ratings and prototypicality.
In conclusion, this work has produced useful
results. There were significant correlations with
human ratings of attractiveness despite the
ostensible difficulty of this computational task.
Corroborating other research, it would seem that
there are grounds to believe that human assessments
of facial attractiveness can be learned by a machine.
The authors would like to thank Kaitlin Tremblay
and Emrah Eren for helping to compile and compute
some of the data. An additional thanks is extended to
the participant in the above picture for allowing the
use of his image as well as to Kate Hargreaves for
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