Collaboration between an SME and a Research Team
Vladan Devedžić, Jelena Jovanović
FON – School of Business Administration, University of Belgrade, Jove Ilića 154, Belgrade, Serbia
Viktor Pocajt, Ksenija Nikoletić
INI d.o.o., Milana Tankosića 27, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: Learning organization, SME, Learning scenarios, Learning services, Collaborative learning.
Abstract: This paper proposes learning scenarios and learning services to support collaboration between Small or
Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and research teams. Successful SMEs take special care about constant
improvement of their business processes. To do this, they act as learning organizations – they acquire new
knowledge, facilitate the learning of all their employees, learn collectively, and use various approaches and
tools to support learning processes within an organization. However, competition on the market and
deadline pressures often reduce the time the employees can use to learn in their organizations. To this end,
collaboration with research teams can provide useful guidance to learning SMEs. The paper discusses such
collaboration between a specific SME and a specific research team, but the scenarios proposed can be easily
generalized to other cases of collaboration between SMEs and research teams.
Intelligent Learning Extended Organization
(IntelLEO) denotes a learning community emerging
as a temporal integration of two or more different
business and educational communities and
organizational cultures (Stokić et al., 2008). The
integration happens on the grounds of common
interests of the organizations/institutions involved,
in terms of knowledge transfer and harmonization of
interests/objectives of the organizations/institutions
and their members. For example, there may be one
or two companies from industry, a university, and a
training institution. They may want to collaborate
and share business and educational efforts through
performing various vertical and horizontal learning
and knowledge-building (LKB) activities. Vertical
LKB activities are performed within the
organizations involved, whereas horizontal LKB
activities can be performed within and between the
organizations (Tuomi-Gröhn and Engeström, 2003).
The effectiveness of using the IntelLEO concept
in practice in practice is currently under study within
an ongoing international research project
(http://www.intelleo.eu/), being conducted within
the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) of the
European Commission (European Commission,
2006). The project has officially started in February
Three application cases are designed to conduct
the study, one of them being an IntelLEO involving
an SME and a university research team.
The paper focuses on this specific IntelLEO and
discuses its objectives, learning scenarios, LKB
activities, harmonization between individual and
organizational learning goals, and design issues
related to learning services envisioned to support the
learning scenarios and activities.
In this specific IntelLEO, the partner from industry
is INI (http://www.ini-int.com/home.aspx), i.e. its
branch from Belgrade, Serbia. INI is a successful
SME doing its business in the area of e-Engineering
and e-Manufacturing. INI's major product group is
Key to Metals, the metal properties database and
applications, fully operational on Web
(http://www.keytometals.com/). The company has
c V., Jovanovi
c J., Pocajt V. and Nikoleti
c K. (2009).
LEARNING SCENARIOS AND SERVICES FOR AN SME - Collaboration between an SME and a Research Team.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 218-223
DOI: 10.5220/0002330302180223
clients around the world. In addition, its sites offer a
knowledge base of 500+ related articles. INI's
employees and experts include metallurgists and
software developers.
The research partner is the GOOD OLD AI Lab
(http://goodoldai.org) from the University of
Belgrade, Serbia (GOOD OLD AI, for short). The
lab members focus on research related to intelligent
systems, semantic technologies, user modelling,
Web engineering, software engineering, and
technology-enhanced learning (TEL).
INI and GOOD OLD AI have already
collaborated on other projects in the past. Figure 1
illustrates INI's typical communication with GOOD
OLD AI and other parties (external communication),
as well as internal communication between INI's
employees. Here 'communication' denotes both
business-related and LKB-related communication.
Figure 1: INI's collaboration with its customers, GOOD
OLD AI, and other partners.
It is obvious from Figure 1 that all of INI's
external communication goes only through some of
the employees. It creates communication
bottlenecks. Note that most of this communication is
currently reduced to email and phone calls. Also, it
increases the intensity of internal communication
between INI's employees. Still, it further reduces the
time needed for organizational learning.
LKB activities in INI are currently performed
attending relevant seminars and conferences;
in-house courses and knowledge building;
collecting technical articles and publishing on
the Key to Metals sites;
communicating with academic institutions;
exchanging ideas with users and partners;
implementing innovative tools and methods.
Recently conducted interviews with INI
employees revealed their common feeling that:
formal external communication and exchange of
information in terms of LKB are more effective
than informal, ad-hoc internal communication;
a centralized technical environment (a set of
advanced software tools) for communication
and exchange of information would produce
better and more efficient LKB results;
subscription to information feed coming from
relevant Web sites is welcome (in addition to
already existing subscription to electronic
resources relevant for INI's work process);
increase of awareness of available relevant
information on the Internet other than the one
the metallurgists from INI are already aware of,
as well as of awareness of new trends in the
area, is considered highly beneficial in terms of
improving the work efficiency;
knowledge building should be more formal and
more structured, e.g. adapted seminars and
training courses focused on specific topics (but
not standard and expensive seminars);
the ratio between guided learning and ad-hoc
learning should change in favour of guided
As a result, INI and GOOD OLD AI have
decided to team up in an IntelLEO and implement an
IntelLEO platform – a centralized technical
environment encompassing a number of LKB
services to support the above objectives, Figure 2.
Examples of such services include learning resource
provision/discovery, human resource discovery,
learning group composition, collaboration tracing,
and the like.
Figure 2: INI's collaboration with GOOD OLD AI through
the IntelLEO platform.
In addition, the platform should also encompass
some services to support harmonization of
individual and organizational learning goals.
Examples include learning path planning and
generation, organization policy handling (e.g.,
LEARNING SCENARIOS AND SERVICES FOR AN SME - Collaboration between an SME and a Research Team
displaying organizational rules when necessary),
selecting and filtering learning content/context
according to the organization policy, and the like.
The IntelLEO platform is supposed to reduce the
communication bottlenecks featuring current
business processes at INI (compare the directions
and the intensity of communication in Figs. 1 and 2).
Note that both LKB services and harmonization
services in this IntelLEO target not only INI
employees, but also GOOD OLD AI members. The
idea is that collaboration between INI and GOOD
OLD AI in this IntelLEO is a two-way LKB process:
INI obtains guidance from GOOD OLD AI in
finding more easily content, tools, technologies
and human resources relevant for the company's
business (metrics, evaluations, best practices,
and the like);
GOOD OLD AI gets access to real-world
business cases and situations where they can
apply their research results and ICT tools and
validate them in an industrial setting.
In this specific IntelLEO, several learning scenarios
are envisioned and the IntelLEO platfotm is
designed to support them. Two such scenarios are
described here.
Each learning scenario, in turn, is further
analyzed by one or two more specific usage
scenarios, and each usage scenario is illustrated by a
UML use-case diagram (Fowler & Scott, 1999). In
these diagrams, use cases roughly correspond to
simple learning services that the entire IntelLEO
concept is structured about. Hence usage scenarios
actually represent specific and more complex
application services, composed by orchestrating
more atomic learning services. Application services
are specific to this IntelLEO. However, many of
their parts – the constituting learning services – are
rather general and can be used as components of
application services and learning scenarios in other
SMEs that might want to collaborate with external
research teams.
3.1 IntelLEO Pedagogical Baseline
The pedagogical baseline of all learning scenarios
presented here and of the IntelLEO concept as a
whole is based on the knowledge conversion modes
(Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995), a handy framework for
characterizing LKB processes in a learning
organization pedagogically. In this framework, one
can speak of:
socialization of tacit knowledge (knowledge
accumulation by individuals in an
apprenticeship manner);
externalization of tacit knowledge into explicit
(when individuals articulate tacit concepts or
create new concepts);
combination of explicit knowledge (primarily
group-based learning activities);
internalization of explicit knowledge (personal
learning from activities the individuals have
participated at).
3.2 Scenario 1 –
Supporting Guided Learning
At INI, in-house seminars on specific topics are
organized for employees time after time. The
IntelLEO platform can be used to support guided
learning in this context. Occasionally, selected
employees are sent to seminars organized outside the
company. This kind of learning is welcome by INI
employees, which is a good example of
harmonization of the learners' individual interests
with organization's needs.
In-house seminars at INI are given either by an
expert from INI (i.e., a metallurgist giving a talk to
selected other employees on a topic of interest for
the learners' job responsibilities), or by an external
presenter (socialization of tacit knowledge). The
external presenter may be from any area the INI
management decides is of interest for the employees
and for the company (from various areas of
technology to language learning).
The IntelLEO platform can be used to support
this kind of learning in several ways. For example,
when a seminar is organized, IntelLEO Wikis can be
used to upload the learning resources and structure
and workout assignments and practices (learning
path creation/documentation), Figure 3. The
assignments and practices can be conducted
individually (personal learning management) or in
groups (which requires support for team
composition and collaboration, and can also benefit
from enabling social networking activities through
the IntelLEO platform). To do assignments and
practices, the learners may want to use various tools,
which makes a case for ePortfolio management.
The role of the GOOD OLD AI Lab in this
learning scenario is to recommend and possibly
provide tools to support learning activities through
the IntelLEO platform, relevant ontologies and
annotations, and support for seminar planning. For
example, working collaboratively with INI
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
employees through the IntelLEO platform in other
learning scenarios, researchers from the GOOD
OLD AI Lab will learn enough about INI business
needs and interests to provide relevant information
feed through the platform. For instance, the
researchers may recommend INI employees to
attend a seminar on a topic of interest given by a
distinguished researcher or practitioner at the
University of Belgrade. Typically, there is a lot of
posts on such events that researchers are aware of,
and employees in industry are not. To some of the
INI employees, this may easily turn into a human
resource discovery case.
Figure 3: Supporting guided learning.
Examples of application services (usage
scenarios) envisioned in this learning scenario
include (but are not limited to):
planning a seminar
handling assignments
specifying learning policies
collecting and analyzing learners' feedback
The following subsections illustrate some of
them in more details.
3.2.1 Application Service 1 –
Planning a Seminar
When planning a seminar through the IntelLEO
platform, the INI employee in charge (INI) can
create a list of topics to be presented at the seminar
(Create topic list), Figure 4. On the long run, such a
topic list can be also a "wish list" of topics that INI
employees may want to attend seminars about. A
Researcher from the GOOD OLD AI Lab who
knows enough about INI business needs and
interests can post suggestion to include another topic
in the list (the Post topic use case / learning service),
or information she/he is aware of and related to an
event of interest for INI employees to attend (a
conference, another seminar, a lecture, and the like)
(Post event). Both INI and the Researcher can
browse the posts and the list of topics (View topic
list, View post). INI may decide to Update topic list
with a topic from a post, and/or contact the seminar
instructor about it (Contact instructor).
Figure 4: Usage scenario: Planning a seminar.
3.2.2 Application Service 2 –
Collecting and Analyzing Learners'
After a seminar is over, the INI employees who
attended it (INI) may be asked to provide some
feedback about it through the IntelLEO platform
(Post feedback), Figure 5. After a substantial
feedback is collected that way, both INI and
interested researchers from the GOOD OLD AI Lab
(Researcher) can analyze the feedback collected in
order to learn more about the attendees' evaluation
of and feelings about the seminar they attended
(Analyze feedback). Specifically, they may want to
obtain and analyze statistics about the topics
covered, the learning resources used, and the
seminar instructor(s) (View topic statistics, View
resource statistics, View presenter statistics). These
can be useful indicators of the employees' individual
motivation and learning needs and objectives, as
well as indicators of the topics and instructors for
other in-house seminars to possibly run in the future.
Note that in this application/usage scenario the
Researcher is also a very active learner, since the
feedback analysis can provide a number of useful
indicators about the real-world acceptance of certain
topic and resources.
Figure 5: Usage scenario: Collecting and analyzing
learners' feedback.
LEARNING SCENARIOS AND SERVICES FOR AN SME - Collaboration between an SME and a Research Team
3.3 Scenario 2 –
Specifying Customer Profiles
It is one of INI's most important business interests to
characterize their customers precisely, in order to
attract more site visitors and registered users to
become subscribers. On the other hand, user
modelling is a topic of high interest to GOOD OLD
AI researchers. They can collaborate with INI to
devise and apply suitable user modelling approaches
to characterize INI's customers.
All registered users of INI's products have filled
the registration form. This is how their basic profile
is extracted. However, not all registered users are
subscribers to INI's products. Attracting a registered
user to become a subscriber (if this user is not a
subscriber already) implies:
studying business interests, behavior, and
typical interactions with INI products of both
subscribers and other registered users;
discovering differences between the two groups
of users;
undertaking appropriate business decisions
(such as marketing campaigns) related to
registered users who did not subscribe to INI
products yet.
Currently, an INI employee can extract very few
relevant facts about INI customers from their basic
profiles and log files that track the customers'
interactions with INI products. Standard tools used
for tracking visits to INI's Web-based products, such
as Google Analytics (www.google.com/analytics/),
generate statistics about the site usage and can be
relevant for site re-design. INI also uses a
proprietary log file analysis tool, but it can discover
only statistics about specific page visits and what
data the visitors have searched for.
The IntelLEO platform enables INI employees to
learn more about user modelling, user profiling
tools, and how to apply them to their products. For
example, an INI employee in charge of taking care
of customers' profiles can consult the IntelLEO as a
"hub" for learning about user modelling (available
Web-based literature, tools, reviews, events, and the
like), Figure 6. Continuous contacts with the GOOD
OLD AI researchers will enable socialization of her
tacit knowledge. Likewise, using the experience she
acquires this way in her efforts to characterize INI
customers better, she will externalize her tacit
knowledge into explicit. It is up to the GOOD OLD
AI researchers to take care of a continuous relevant
information feed to the "hub" and structuring of this
information, thus providing a kind of guided
learning support. These researchers are especially
interested in trying out the user modelling tools they
have developed (or other tools they are familiar
with) at INI (harmonization with organization's
needs). Note that through the use of the IntelLEO
platform they can try out such tools in two ways:
to profile (model) INI's customers, working
collaboratively with selected INI employees
(this may include selection of suitable profiling
tools, extraction of customer profiles, more
precise definition of stereotypical customers,
and the like);
to model the INI employees involved as the
learners (of user modelling) in this BC instance.
Figure 6: Specifying customer profiles.
Examples of application services (usage
scenarios) envisioned in this learning scenario
include (but are not limited to):
selecting profiling tools
learning to use a profiling tool
extracting profiles
defining stereotypical customers
The following subsections illustrate some of
them in more details.
3.3.1 Application Service 1 –
Learning to Use a Profiling Tool
In this usage scenario, an employee from INI is
supposed to learn how to use a profiling tool
suggested by GOOD OLD AI Lab researchers,
Figure 7. Typically, such a tool will enable INI to
create a stereotype of a customer profile (Create
stereotype profile) that characterizes a new
customer. Such a tool may also support using data
mining and Web mining techniques to extract more
interesting, dynamic details about visitors of INI
Web sites (INI customers). A Researcher from the
GOOD OLD AI Lab and INI can collaboratively use
such tools to Extract customer profile, i.e. to infer
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
about the customer's needs and intentions from
her/his interactions with INI Web site and products.
This requires a lot of collaborative effort; it is
necessary to View customer profile often and for
different customers, in order to Extract customer
profile in a meaningful way. To characterize a
customer better, Researcher and INI may need to
learn more about the category (group) of a customer
(a special case of View group) and about the subset
of INI tools and products the customer typically
interacts with (a special case of View portfolio).
Note that these two characteristics are of dynamic
nature and should be updated regularly.
Figure 7: Usage scenario: Learning to use a profiling tool.
The specific application services presented in this
paper are based on use cases that can be easily
interpreted as not-so-specific learning services.
When we rewrite these learning services in
sequences, it is easy to notice that they can be easily
applied to other learning scenarios and other
learning application cases as well:
Create topic list, View topic list, Post topic,
Post event, View post, Update topic list, Contact
Post feedback, Analyze feedback, View topic
statistics, View resource statistics, View
presenter statistics;
Create stereotype profile, Extract customer
profile, View customer profile, View group,
View portfolio.
Moreover, even a quick overview of these
learning services suggest means of implementing
some of them (e.g., using Social Web, user
modelling, and Web portal technologies).
This document is the property of the IntelLEO
Consortium. This document may not be copied,
reproduced, or modified in the whole or in the part
for any purpose without written permission from the
IntelLEO coordinator with acceptance of the Project
This publication was completed with the support of
the European Commission under the 7th Framework
Programme. The contents of this publication do not
necessarily reflect the Commission's own position.
Stokić, D., Pata, K., Devedžić, V., et al., 2008. Intelligent
Learning Extended Organizations. In: Proceedings of
TELearn2008, Hanoi, Vietnam. CD Edition.
Tuomi-Gröhn, T., Engeström, Y. (Eds.), 2003. Between
School and Work: New Perspectives on Transfer and
Boundary-Crossing. Pergamon. Amsterdam.
European Commission, 2009. ICT in FP7 at a Glance.
Nonaka, I., Takeuchi, H., 1995. The Knowledge-Creating
Company: How Japanese Companies Create the
Dynamics of Innovation. Oxford University Press.
Fowler, M., Scott, K., 1999. UML Distilled - A Brief
Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language,
(Second Edition), Reading, MA: Addison Wesley.
LEARNING SCENARIOS AND SERVICES FOR AN SME - Collaboration between an SME and a Research Team