Sergei Evdokimov, Benjamin Fabian and Steffen Kunz
Institute of Information Systems, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Spandauer Straße 1, 10178 Berlin, Germany
Keywords: Security, Access Control, Knowledge Federation, Semantic Technologies.
Abstract: Based on ongoing work in the Aletheia project on knowledge federation for the product lifecycle, we
present the most urgent challenges for designing access control solutions for semantic-based knowledge
federations across multiple companies.
The expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) and
the Internet of Services (IoS) will result in
rapidly growing volumes of distributed and
heterogeneous information and knowledge.
Providing the right knowledge, at the right time, in
the right place, and to the right people will be one of
the major challenges of the future Internet
(Benjamins et al., 2008; Ameri and Duta, 2005).
Today’s information systems are not able to deal
with this challenge because most of them work in
isolated domains instead of supporting a federation
of knowledge, and due to a lack of semantic
integration and reasoning capabilities.
This is also true for knowledge created
throughout the lifecycle of a product. Corporate
information systems are virtually not capable of
federating the necessary product information, though
a huge amount of information is already provided by
information sources such as business applications,
databases, data warehouses, but also from the Web
and Web 2.0 (wikis, blogs, social networks etc.),
web services, and smart item infrastructures using
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), sensor
networks, and the emerging EPCglobal Network.
Product knowledge created from these information
sources is crucial for many business processes and
would offer improvement potentials for various
stakeholders in the value chain of a product.
The Aletheia project (Aletheia, 2009) – funded
by the German Federal Ministry of Education and
Research and organized as a consortium of industry
and academic partners – tries to face those
challenges by developing an information system that
is able to federate all information created throughout
the lifecycle of a product. Through semantic
technologies and logical reasoning, the federated
information is transformed into product specific
knowledge that can be accessed by various
stakeholders of the lifecycle.
Orthogonal to the issue of federation and
orchestration, the problem of assuring security in
process and information flows, especially
controlling which parties are allowed to have access
to what knowledge, is a big challenge.
In this paper, we especially address the security
issues of the Aletheia system. In particular, the
questions of access control (AC) are investigated.
The structure of the paper is as follows: First,
Aletheia’s application scenarios along the lifecycle
of a product are described (Section 2). In Section 3,
a draft of the Aletheia architecture is presented.
Section 4 focuses on the security requirements of the
Aletheia system. The challenges for AC are
presented in Section 5. Finally, in Section 6 current
and future work are presented.
The aim of the Aletheia project is to build a
prototype for federating and creating business-
relevant knowledge across all phases of a product’s
lifecycle. We adopted the definition by Ameri and
Duta (2005) in the following, stating "knowledge is
evaluated and organized information that can be
used purposefully in a problem solving process".
Evdokimov S., Fabian B. and Kunz S. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 224-229
DOI: 10.5220/0002331602240229
In order to assess the requirements for Aletheia,
the different phases of a product’s lifecycle (cf.
Ameri and Duta, 2005) have been analyzed,
including product requirements analysis,
development & design, manufacturing, sales,
operation, maintenance, recycling, as well as the
connections between those phases, represented by
the logistics processes (see Figure 1).
Aletheia’s application scenarios for knowledge
federation in the product lifecycle as well as the
corresponding requirements have been identified
with the help of several industrial project partners,
who conducted interviews in their operational
business units, complemented by personal face-to-
face interviews. With the help of these interviews,
we identified different use cases in each of these
eight stages of the product lifecycle. This allowed us
to develop a holistic description, interpretation, and
understanding of relationships and the processes in
the product lifecycle phases. From these uses cases,
we derived requirements, which were collected
according to the specification of the Volere
Template (Robertson and Robertson, 2006). This
approach helped us to reduce possible
misunderstandings during the process of data
collection resulting in broader understanding of the
requirements and challenges.
In the following, we will present the current state
of the requirements analysis and the desired
functionality of the Aletheia applications.
Figure 1: Federated Knowledge for the Product Lifecycle.
2.1 Customer Requirements Analysis
During this phase of the product lifecycle, the basis
for the subsequent development & design phase is
provided. Knowledge about the individual product
lifecycle phases of current, older, or similar
products, e.g., about customer satisfaction or
problems during operation, can have a major impact
on the requirements analysis of a new product.
Through Aletheia, important product knowledge
about current, older, or similar products could be
federated and provided to the product requirements
2.2 Development & Design
The processes in this phase are rarely standardized,
but highly individual. Accordingly, most practices
and knowledge of the product developers and
designers are implicit and difficult to share. Aletheia
could support this phase by documenting the design
processes and approaches (e.g. the choice of tools
for designing a product) of the individual developers
and designers, thus giving their colleagues access to
their implicit knowledge and fostering knowledge-
sharing among them.
2.3 Manufacturing
Generally speaking, we can distinguish between two
major forms of production: mass and individualized
production. In the case of mass production,
knowledge does not play a major role because
processes are highly standardized and automated. In
contrast to mass production, individualized
production requires frequent changes of the
production processes and practices. Accordingly, in
case of individualized production the same problems
as in the development and design phase arise, i.e., to
make implicit individual knowledge explicit and
accessible to other employees. Aletheia could
provide best manufacturing practices or recommend
toolsets for certain individualized products.
2.4 Sales
E-commerce and online shopping have gained
increasing importance in the last few years.
Nevertheless, many online shops do not provide
sufficient information about indirect product
attributes that can be easily obtained in regular shops
– e.g., how loud the fan of a laptop is, or how the
material of a certain dress feels like. Aletheia could
deliver more knowledge about indirect product
attributes by extracting and federating information
from distributed and highly heterogeneous sources
(e.g., blogs or wikis).
2.5 Operation
Especially for products with long life spans, the
information that is generated in the operation phase
of the product lifecycle can be extremely valuable,
e.g., software products in the B2C market or turbines
in the B2B market. Knowledge created from error
messages or log files is extremely valuable. This
knowledge could be used for monitoring the
operability of a product during the operation phase,
but it is also important for other down or upstream
2.6 Maintenance
During the maintenance product lifecycle phase, it is
important to support the maintenance processes by
providing historical as well as up-to-date knowledge
about a product. Examples include historical
information from the operation phase, or information
about previous maintenance jobs, as well as up-to-
date information about problems with suppliers’
parts and the corresponding solutions. Aletheia
could provide the necessary knowledge base to
realize these benefits.
2.7 Recycling
The recycling phase of the product lifecycle is
increasingly gaining attention. Especially the
recirculation and recycling of old products through
the manufacturer is a major issue, due to stricter
environmental laws. Furthermore, detailed
knowledge about the materials incorporated in the
product would help to keep valuable materials in
circulation rather than disposing them. Knowledge
from all previous phases of the product lifecycle,
provided by Aletheia, would considerably improve
current practices.
2.8 Logistics
Though logistics cannot be considered as a phase of
the product lifecycle, it builds the bridge between
the other seven lifecycle phases. In logistics, the
major focus is on the tracking and tracing of
products with location-aware technology, as well as
gathering context-aware information (e.g., with the
help of sensors). This knowledge is valuable for
many stakeholders in the value chain of a product.
Since the amount of the generated data is
tremendous and stakeholders who need access to this
knowledge are distributed across company borders,
smart reasoning and federation technologies could
be of great use.
The application areas of the Aletheia system
presented in Section 2 assume that the system is
maintained and accessed by a variety of stakeholders
participating in different phases of a product’s
lifecycle. A natural way to achieve such
functionality is to implement the system using a
decentralized service-oriented architecture (SOA), in
which Aletheia’s components are implemented as
web services (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Aletheia Architecture.
The core component of the Aletheia system is the
Aletheia Service Hub (ASH) that provides the main
functionalities. It constitutes the technical basis for
inter-organizational communication using the
Aletheia services, which besides semantic-aware
query mechanisms also include different types of
Information Extractors (IE), adapted to the specific
source environments. The IEs, as well as individual
stakeholder-specific applications, connect to the
ASH in order to pull (or push) information from
(respectively to) the Aletheia system.
As displayed in Figure 2, the ASH serves as a
gateway from a stakeholder’s local domain to other
remote domains. In order to leverage the information
of other domains, each ASH connects to a global
registry that contains information about all ASHs in
the Aletheia system, as well as public information
about their local information sources.
Aletheia will enable knowledge sharing and
federation between several stakeholders of multiple
product life cycles. However, in real-world settings,
not every stakeholder should be granted complete
access to every piece of information a company
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
possesses about a certain product. On the contrary,
there will be a high demand on keeping certain
information confidential, and share it only on a
“need-to-know” basis, which is also referred to as
the established least privilege paradigm of
information security (Ferraiolo et al., 2007, p.5). For
example, production costs or the failure rate of
certain products may be kept confidential from
shops or consumers, while the latter is of high
interest to service technicians using Aletheia as a
product source for maintenance and repair.
An important special case is the flow of personal
data through the system, where national data
protection laws govern special confidentiality
requirements for data about individuals (e.g., data
drawn from Customer Relationship Management
Systems). Further, in some cases users may want to
stay anonymous in Aletheia to avoid a profiling of
their buying habits by untrusted companies.
Depending on access control policies, filtering and
perturbation mechanisms in the information flow
could provide anonymity. Like with confidentiality,
a similar reasoning applies to the integrity of product
information: only authorized entities should be able
to modify it.
An established method for satisfying
confidentiality and integrity requirements is to
provide mechanisms for AC: detailed policies can
determine who has access to what kind of
information, possibly taking also different contexts
into account.
The currently established model for access
control is based on roles (RBAC, Figure 3): Users
are mapped to roles, which in turn are mapped to
permission sets (Ferraiolo et al., 1999; Sandhu et al.,
2000; Ferraiolo et al., 2007; Neumann and
Strembeck, 2002). This enables the creation of role
hierarchies and permission inheritance, as well as an
easier maintenance, and improved change
management of the resulting policies in typical
business environments where the user population
changes quite frequently.
Figure 3: RBAC Relationships (Ferraiolo et al., 2007).
Further, the service-oriented architecture of the
Aletheia system implies that the components of the
system are communicating with each other by
exchanging messages over networks, especially the
Internet. This poses the requirement to ensure the
confidentiality and integrity of these messages.
In the following, we discuss the important
challenges we encountered so far during the process
of designing an access control solution for Aletheia.
The distributed nature of Aletheia and a sensitive
character of data that such a system can contain
make it extremely important to consider security
requirements when planning the system architecture
and proceeding with the developments process.
However, the complexity of the system, the
heterogeneity of its data sources, and the fact that
the data is stored with semantic annotations make an
implementation of these requirements a challenging
task. In Figure 4, we list the security topics we
identified as being highly relevant to AC in the
Aletheia system. We briefly discuss each of them
and the challenges they introduce.
Figure 4: Important Security Areas
5.1 Federated Identity Management
Aletheia’s support of AC implies that the system has
to distinguish between its users. Usually this is
achieved by deploying an identity management
system to assign each user an identity. The identity
management system is responsible for authenticating
and tracking identities of the users during their
operations and interactions with the Aletheia system.
The users can belong to different security
domains (e.g., to different companies). To manage
identities of such users, a new dedicated identity
management system could be deployed, thus
creating a new security domain dedicated
exclusively to Aletheia. Though straightforward and
simple, this solution, however, first, does not follow
Aletheia’s distributed paradigm, and second, results
in users having extra identities (e.g., a user name and
a password) that are used exclusively for accessing
An alternative approach would be to use a
federated identity management system, relying, for
example, on the OASIS SAML standard (OASIS,
2009). A federated identity system enables the
portability of the existing identities between several
security domains, thus reducing the number of
identities a user has to keep track of. On the other
hand, building a federation embracing a number of
different identity management systems can entail
significant effort.
5.2 Federated Roles and Policies
Different stakeholders of Aletheia can have different
AC policies and have different roles structures.
Influential standards for defining the policies and the
roles have been developed by the OASIS
consortium. An important example is the access
control policy language XACML (OASIS, 2009).
In case of distributed environments, where the
stakeholders use XACML for defining their AC
polices, it can be convenient to generate a general
policy that would be consistent with the policies of
the stakeholders. For that purpose, an approach
similar to the one proposed in Mazzoleni et al.
(2008) could be considered.
5.3 Web Service Security
To satisfy the requirement for ensuring the
confidentiality and integrity of messages exchanged
between Aletheia components, Web Services-
Security (WSS) protocols can be used. WSS is a
generally accepted approach for ensuring end-to-end
security in a web service architecture (OASIS,
Alternatively, a more lightweight approach
based on the Transport Layer Security (TLS)
protocol can be implemented (see RFC 5246, Dierks
and Rescorla, 2008). Compared to WSS, TLS can
significantly reduce the performance overhead, but,
on the other hand, security options provided by the
protocol are limited and ensure only point-to-point
security. A decision about which approach will be
implemented in Aletheia will be made once the final
architecture of the system is released.
5.4 Ontology Access and Inference
А key functionality of Aletheia is the integration of
very heterogeneous information, also gathered from
RFID and the IoT. Further, Aletheia aims to
combine semantic reasoning with information
extracted from the Web (2.0). Information stored in
the Aletheia system will be provided with machine-
understandable annotations. These annotations
describe semantics and allow to perform reasoning
on the stored information. The domain, on which the
reasoning is performed, is defined by an ontology,
which defines objects, their properties and relations,
thus providing a vocabulary and semantics
describing the domain. In the Aletheia system, the
domain will describe a product lifecycle and the
repositories of the stakeholders will contain
statements about entities of this domain. Since, in
theory, parts of the ontology itself may be subject to
confidentiality requirements, it must be investigated
if AC for the ontology has to be developed.
Further, the requirements for the confidentiality
and integrity of the knowledge stored in the
repositories demand mechanisms that could control
access to the stored statements, prevent non-
authorized inferences, and define access rules for
newly generated statements. Existing work in this
area appears to be scant. An introduction and survey
on many aspects of semantic web security is
presented in (Thuraisingham, 2008). The
challenging topic of inference control has been
presented in Farkas and Jajodia (2002), but they
focus mainly on statistical inference.
Today, to our knowledge, no existing semantic
data store provides an appropriate AC covering all
of those aspects. Typically, the AC support is
restricted to the data store as a whole without a
possibility to define fine-grained rules covering also
inferences. Fortunately, in the recent years a number
of works discussing these issues have been
published, including Reddivari et al. (2005), Jain
and Farkas (2006), Abel et al. (2007), Knechtel and
Hladik (2008) – some of which support the AC
policies and decision procedure itself by semantic
However, although these works describe
approaches that could enable a comprehensive
access control for semantic repositories, currently
there is no off-the-shelf solution that could be
adopted for the needs of the Aletheia system.
5.5 Anonymity
As was mentioned earlier, Aletheia can process
personal and personally identifiable information,
which due to national regulations or for the sake of
protecting the identities of the customer should be
stored or presented in an anonymized form. K-
anonymity (Sweeney, 2002) and l-diversity
(Machanavajjhala et al., 2007) are established
principles in database theory to describe the degree
of anonymity a person has in a given data set,
though they do not offer perfect protection. Their
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
application to the field of semantic data integration
can pose new challenges and require additional
Aletheia has started in 2008 as part of a research
alliance on federating and integrating knowledge in
a future IoT and IoS, together with the partner
projects SemProM and ADiWa. At the time of this
writing, the Aletheia system architecture is not
finalized, yet. Important current discussions include
the construction of a single, system-wide ontology
vs. a loosely coupled federation of local ontologies,
the existence of central entities like the global
Aletheia registry, and possible distribution
mechanisms. Many of those choices will affect the
security mechanisms we can deploy.
Starting out from a prototype on federated
identity and web-service access control that is
consisting of just a few partners, we will investigate
how existing mechanisms can be extended to cover
semantic-aware access control and anonymization.
Special emphasis will be placed on the best locations
for these mechanisms within the information flow,
and their impact on scalability and performance,
especially comparing online vs. offline processing
for inference protection and anonymity control.
In parallel, we will apply Neumann’s and
Strembeck’s (2002) approach for modelling RBAC
policies using their toolset, and investigate legal
requirements on data protection.
In this paper, we presented the main challenges we
encountered so far during ongoing work on
providing access control solutions for Aletheia, and
provided an outlook on current and future work in
that area.
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