Ettore Bolisani
DTG, University of Padua, Stradella San Nicola 3, Vicenza, Italy
Keywords: Knowledge exchange, Economic transactions, Cognitive transactions, Abstract modelling.
Abstract: When knowledge is treated as a fundamental factor of economic activity, the development of methods
for assessing its economic value becomes essential. This issue has often been discussed both in the
scientific literature and for the managerial practice, but with controversial results. This position paper
argues that there is need to reflect on the foundational aspects of the problem, and suggests looking at
the way the exchange of knowledge between traders underpins economic transactions and enables the
production of economic value. A model of cognitive transaction, representing the way knowledge
exchanges have an economic significance per se, is proposed as a starting point of future research on
this issue. The critical and open questions of the application of this model, as well as the points of a
research agenda, are illustrated.
A puzzling problem brought about by the so-called
knowledge economy is the need to assess the
economic value of knowledge. When knowledge is
considered a key resource of people, companies and
nations, it becomes essential to evaluate its
contribution to the production and accumulation of
value. This issue has been the subject of intense
research, but with controversial results. At a macro
level, international institutions have analysed the
possibility to measure the contribution of
knowledge and knowledge workers to the wealth of
nations (WBI, 2008). At a company’s level, there
have been efforts to value the intellectual capital
embedded in staff, organisational routines, or
artefacts (Hand and Lev, 2003). More recently, the
Knowledge Management (KM) field has given
birth to approaches to assessing knowledge in KM
practices (Kankahalli & Tan, 2004). However, a
clear consensus on a specific method or conceptual
approach has not been reached (Grossman, 2006).
In this position paper it is argued that there is the
need to go back to the roots of the problem, with an
in-depth reflection on the mechanisms by which
knowledge generates economic value for companies,
and on the possible ways of modelling these
Here, it is proposed to consider the issue from a
micro perspective. As is assumed by the traditional
accounting approaches, an economic player (i.e. a
company) can be seen as a system of stocks and
flows. Stocks refer to wealth (cash, real estate,
accounts receivable, etc.) and flows refer to
expenditures or receipts between two specific
points in time. These two elements are observed
and recorded into the accounting charts, i.e. stocks
are shown on a balance sheet, and flows on an
income statement. The creation of economic value
– and its measurement – is therefore connected to
two main activities: a) the production of value by
means of operative activities over time (producing
goods, selling, delivering, etc.); and b) the
accumulation of value in appropriate repositories
(e.g.: goods bought; financial assets, etc.).
In addition, from an accounting perspective a
firm is not considered per se, for two main reasons:
first, it produces value by interacting with other
economic players (e.g. by trading with others);
second, the value of assets has a meaning that
depends on the external conditions, namely markets,
trading rules, etc. (Bolisani & Oltramari, 2009). In
practice, the economic value can be associated to the
economic transactions occurring between traders.
Bolisani E. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 242-247
DOI: 10.5220/0002332502420247
The notion of economic transaction is the
elementary element of many theories explaining the
functioning of markets, the inter-firm co-ordination
mechanisms, etc. An economic transaction is
defined as the activity of exchange between a seller
and a buyer: the seller transfers the property or
control of a physical object to the buyer, and obtains
a payment (fig. 1). A transaction involving the
supply of services can be defined in a similar way.
Figure 1: Economic transaction.
Although the act of exchange can be sometimes
treated as an indivisible activity, there are several
situations in which a transaction needs analysing in
terms of its elementary parts, for practical or
analytical purposes (Gebauer & Scharl, 1999; Sarkar
et al., 1995). There are two crucial aspects here:
a) trading is not only a flow of goods/services
and a flow of payments: there is a third important
flow, a flow of communications: To define the
trading conditions and execute the material transfers,
the parties need to exchange several messages;
b) a transaction can be split into subsequent steps
(for instance: initial contact, negotiation, contract,
and material execution of exchanges). Each step
involves different actions and decisions, and requires
the exchange of various messages.
Here, it is argued that these messages carry
valuable knowledge, which is transferred between
seller and buyer. Modelling these exchanges and
assessing their value can shed some light into the
meaning of knowledge as an economic resource.
A cognitive transaction is here intended as an
exchange of valuable knowledge between two
traders: these exchanges occur several times during
an economic transaction, and they are an essential
ingredient of it. As is well known, economic
transactions occur in an economy where each
player specialises in a particular activity. In a barter
market, the payment is another piece of goods or
service: the buyer needs a particular item or service
that she/he can not make on her/his own and vice
versa. When the payment is in the form of money
(which is, of course, the general situation), the
seller can use the received money to buy other
items or services from other sellers. The transaction
has an economic significance when the parties are
willing to accept the exchange because they expect
to gain an economic value or a personal utility.
Figure 2: Cognitive transaction.
By exploiting an analogy with this concept, a
cognitive transaction is defined as the act of
exchanging valuable pieces of knowledge (fig. 2): a
player “A”, that possesses some kind of knowledge,
transfers a piece of this knowledge to a player “B”,
and, as a payback, obtains another piece of
knowledge from B. Assuming that a player gives out
a piece of knowledge in the hope of receiving back
another one that she/he needs but does not possess
(for instance: something that completes the
understanding of a phenomenon, of the functioning
of a device, etc.), the situation becomes similar to
the classic notion of economic transaction
mentioned above, and especially a sort of barter
exchange of knowledge.
A cognitive transaction can be seen as kind of
communication, but with special characteristics
compared to other models proposed in the literature.
On the one hand, although the importance of
communication processes between traders has
already been highlighted by some economic theories
(just to recall some authoritative references, see e.g.
the theory of lemon markets Akerlof, 1970, or the
agency theory – Spence, 1973, and others), their
cognitive implications have often been neglected.
On the other hand, the notion of cognitive
transaction differs from that of “message
communication” or “information transfer” often
used in the Information Systems literature, or from
that of knowledge transfer usually defined in KM
(Boyd et al., 2007): in the model of cognitive
transaction there is an emphasis on the economic
value associated to the knowledge exchanged.
This also recalls a traditional distinction made in
the KM literature (Boisot, 1998): while data just
refer to measures of “facts” and phenomena, and
information is the meaning ascribed to those data,
we can talk of knowledge as data and information
Goods or services
which have value for taking decisions or performing
actions. Therefore, the exchange of knowledge is
linked to the purposes and intentions that the players
have. When it comes to trading, since this activity
requires the willing to exchange something with the
purpose to achieve some goal, the economic
evaluation of this goal implies a cognitive process
and not simply an exchange of “pure” information or
“simple” data. In other words, although the
communication process between traders is still based
on some form of messages that contain data and
information, the act of trading is not just the
automatic consequence of these messages, but is
mediated by a cognitive process that enables the
traders to evaluate the economic significance of
those messages. This is what a cognitive transaction
is intended to model.
To summarise, any economic transaction is not an
atomic and indivisible activity, but also implies a
number of communication processes before,
during, and after the material exchange. These
communications involve processes of knowledge
exchange that, in turn, imply economic evaluations.
It is easy to recognise that a number of cognitive
transactions occur even in the simplest economic
transaction. To explain the concept, we can apply it
to an exemplary situation (fig 3).
Let A be a potential seller of some kind of goods
(for instance, bread), and B a possible buyer (willing
to buy some bread). In traditional terms (fig. 1) the
interaction would be modelled just as a material
exchange of a quantity of bread from A to B, and a
sum of money from B to A. When we analyse the
interactions between the two traders, we can identify
the occurrence of a number of cognitive
transactions, as described below.
1 - Before B passes by the shop, the baker has
already hung a “bakery” sign out of the door, which
is indeed the first part of a cognitive transaction: B
passing by the shop can read the sign and de-code
the message, learning that there is a shop selling
bread. Supposing that B is looking for some bread,
this piece of knowledge has a value for B.
2 - Entering the shop, B asks for some kind of
bread. This is a piece of valuable knowledge flowing
from B to A, who can now learn that a) there is a
potential customer in the shop, and b) that customer
likes some kind of bread. In turn, A re-pays B by
picking an item from her/his knowledge (i.e. the
knowledge of the available bread and its price) and
gives it to B, who now learns that there is something
that may be worth buying; B can use this fresh
knowledge to decide whether or not to carry on the
transaction; again, the piece of knowledge
exchanged has a value for B;
3 - B informs A about the intention to buy the
bread, and communicates the quantity; this message
is useful knowledge for A, who can start the
practical actions to carry out the material transaction
(i.e. taking the bread, wrapping it, etc.); A then
calculates the total price and communicates it to the
buyer; this piece of knowledge is necessary to carry
out the payment, etc.
Piece of knowledge
Makes and hangs
up a sign
Checks available
bread and
Picks up and
wraps bread;
calculates price
Checks payment;
hands over
A seller
is available
A potential
customer is looking
for a product
Kinds of product
and prices
Price to be paid
Quantity of
money paid
Reads sign;
decides to get
into shop; asks
for bread
to buy
some bread
Collects and
hands over
Checks product;
Gets out from
Figure 3: Example of cognitive transactions.
The representation of this process can continue,
but what described is enough to make some
important points. First, every communication in this
process has a cognitive implication, which requires
reflecting on the way each message is produced,
received, and used: The delivery of any message
implies a selection and codification of knowledge,
and its reception involves a learning activity.
Secondly, each transfer of knowledge involves an
economic value. As the example illustrates, A and B
carefully select the knowledge that they want to give
or take, based on personal value judgements.
Thirdly, to serve its purpose, the exchange is bi-
directional: to complete the trading activity, A needs
to give some valuable piece of knowledge (e.g. who
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
A is, what bread sells, at what price, etc.) and B
repays this knowledge with other valuable contents
(i.e.: what B likes, what price B can afford, etc.).
Finally, we can say that the exchanges of knowledge
have a value before and even regardless that the
material transaction is finally carried out.
This last point is of special importance, because
we can consequently argue that a cognitive
transaction has an economic value itself: indeed, the
knowledge received by one of the players can be
used in other circumstances. It is therefore important
to represent and study the cognitive transactions as a
separate process from the material exchanges.
This can be clearer if we mention other
situations, beside the hypothetical and simple
example described before. Let us consider a firm
whose job consists of carrying out projects for other
companies (for instance: the implementation of a
new plant). This activity implies a complex
economic transaction, whose significance can’t be
restricted to the activity of delivering a product and
getting a payment. The seller and the buyer need to
exchange several valuable pieces of knowledge well
before the material exchange is performed:
customer’s requirements, technical specifications,
design proposals, bids, etc. These pieces of
knowledge have great value for the two companies.
For the seller, the experience made with a customer
can be of use for future projects or to design new
products, and this can happen even regardless that
this specific transaction will be completed.
Similarly, the buyer may use the knowledge
acquired in the initial stages of the interaction to
compare the offers of other suppliers. Again, we can
claim that knowledge exchanges have themselves a
A cognitive transaction can become the foundation
of a method for assessing the economic value of the
knowledge exchanged by traders. However, to
achieve this goal, there is the need to clarify some
open questions that derive from the recent
5.1 Accounting Knowledge Flows and
A possible reference for evaluating knowledge can
be the traditional accounting methods. As
mentioned before, accounting assumes a view of
the firm as a system of stocks and flows, that are
observed and recorded into the main accounting
charts. When a company trades with another one,
the accounting charts of the two companies
represent the effects of trade in terms of ongoing an
incoming flows of value, and of changes in the
companies’ stocks of value due to those flows. This
sufficiently well founded in the case of
manufacturing activities and trade of physical
Based on these assumptions, a first important
point in the development of the model of cognitive
transaction can be the exploration of the conditions
under which it this stock-and-flow model can be
transferred to the case of knowledge exchanged. To
do that, we need: a) to define the notions of
knowledge stock and knowledge flow; b) to clarify
their mutual relationship, and their link with the
notion of cognitive transaction, and c) to explore the
application of an accounting method similar to that
applied in traditional charts.
5.2 Economic Nature of Knowledge
A second important point is that, when we treat
knowledge as the matter of an economic exchange,
this requires new concepts and analytical tools, and
fresh managerial models as well. As mentioned,
although this issue is still puzzling, some recent
advancements in the studies of KM and knowledge
economy (KE) provide fresh perspectives that can be
of help for understanding how a cognitive
transaction works.
To evaluate the knowledge flowing from two
traders it is roughly possible to distinguish between
two kinds of situations: a) knowledge which is itself
the matter of an economic transaction (i.e.: a
company that provides training services or
consulting activities, a media company, etc.): in this
case, what is sold is directly knowledge; and b)
knowledge which is transferred before, during and
after the exchange of other goods, services, or
payments. A thorough analysis of this distinction is
Although it is the latter case that better
corresponds to the notion of cognitive transaction
previously illustrated, it is the former case which has
been analysed more thoroughly in the KM and KE
literature. With regard to this, let’s briefly examine
some important findings of this research. In the
economic view, knowledge has often been
considered as a product of the R&D departments or
of other activities, products that can assume tangible
aspects (e.g. patents) or are incorporated into an
artefact which is then sold (e.g. a software code, a
research report, etc.). In such cases, some of the
economic characteristics that knowledge assumes
have been identified (cfr. Lev, 2001). For instance,
the notion of replicability and increasing returns:
when a company acquires a valuable “piece of
knowledge” from an external source (for instance, a
report from a consulting company), this knowledge
becomes part of the “buyer’s property”, but does not
necessarily mean that the source has a “lower
quantity” of that particular knowledge. In these
specific cases, knowledge is something that can be
replicated and then delivered at low or zero cost, and
is not simply something whose property passes from
a seller to a buyer, but it may be difficult to impede
the copy or imitation by others.
Related to these issues is the important
distinction between public and private knowledge.
Once knowledge is discovered, coded and published,
it becomes a piece of public goods, whose use does
not consume it (Foray, 2004): there is essentially
zero marginal cost to adding more users, which,
therefore, do not have to compete for the use of it.
The attempts to exchange this kind of knowledge in
a market are problematic because, in accordance to
the classic economic models, its price (i.e.: its
market value) should be equal to zero. On the
contrary, it is the private (i.e.: appropriable) use of
knowledge that has a value, because it allows its
owner to have a competitive use of it. In summary,
the more a piece of knowledge is private at
appropriable, the more has a value, but at the same
time it is difficult to trade it because in doing this
knowledge tends to become public and then loses its
value. This can have implications for the modelling
of a cognitive transaction.
The aforesaid findings have improved our
understanding of knowledge as a matter of economic
exchange, but as Foray (2004) argues, they also
represent an attempt of economists to remain in a
“comfortable world” for their analysis, while the
reality is much more complex. For instance, their
view requires that it is possible to identify single
knowledge objects passing from a player to another,
but as Iandoli & Zollo (2007) argue, knowledge can
be intended as an object but also as a process. In the
former case, we have pieces of knowledge that can
be detached from the people that process them. In
the latter case, knowledge has no meaning when
detached from the individuals that process it. In the
former case, the identification and valuation of
knowledge assumes an objective nature. But in the
latter case, knowledge has no meaning when
detached from the individuals that process it.
Therefore, the focus necessarily shifts: measuring
the value of knowledge can require to measure the
effects on the people that process them (for instance:
the results of learning), which gives a subjective
meaning to both the process of measurement and the
value measured. Consequently, knowledge has only
a partial and incomplete tradability and it would be
difficult to ascribe a value to it without considering
its effect on the experiences
of the individuals (see
e.g. the notion of experience goods - Nelson, 1970).
The reflection on the real nature of knowledge
recalls the well known classification of explicit vs.
tacit knowledge (Polanyi 1967): the former is the
component of knowledge that can be more easily
codified and detached from its creator, the latter is
the component which can not be coded, and is
mostly embedded in people. As the KM literature
clearly shows, this concept is associated with the
degree of difficulty of knowledge transfer and the
possible tools (and even technologies) that can be
used for this: tacit knowledge, being embedded in
the mind of people and therefore less easy to transfer
as an independent object. It also tends to be more
appropriable and, consequently, more valuable for
the owner. Conversely, explicit knowledge is more
easy to transfer but, for this reason, can more easily
become public and therefore less valuable (or, at
least, less valuable in competitive terms). The notion
of cognitive transaction should take into account
these points.
In this position paper the notion of cognitive
transaction is proposed as a fundamental element of
economic transactions. According to this model, an
economic transaction is seen as (and requires) a
series of knowledge exchanges. Two traders need
to exchange pieces of knowledge, which implies an
exchange of economic value per se. Understanding
the value of the exchanged knowledge helps to see
the nature of economic transactions from a new
perspective, and can shed light on the cognitive
implications of economic activities.
The application of this concept needs a number
of advancements that, in turn, can represent the
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
points of a future research agenda. In particular, the
achievements of the studies of KM and KE about the
mechanisms of knowledge transfer and the nature of
knowledge as economic resource need to be
systematised to be fruitfully applied to this notion.
Here, some important issues have been
pinpointed. First, the nature of knowledge as the
matter of an exchange, which implies a reflection on
the ways the value of knowledge can be intended
and measured. This is also associated with the
identification of the different manifestations of
knowledge (for instance: knowledge as object or
process, tacit vs. explicit components, public or
private nature, etc.), the practical tools that can be
used to perform its transfer, and the way all these
influence the mechanism of a cognitive transaction.
Secondly, since the notion of cognitive transaction is
applied to the economic exchanges between firms
and, more generally, economic players, a more
direct connection with the functioning of markets
and with the nature of economic exchanges as they
are studied in the economic literature or considered
in the accounting practices is essential.
Another important point is directly associated
with the way the notion of cognitive transaction has
been explained here. In the example illustrated in
section 4, this notion was applied to individuals. In
that case, there is a perfect overlapping between
those who exchange knowledge and those who
trade. In practical situation, this may or may not
happen. For instance, in the economic models the
majority of business transactions are intended (and
modelled) as being performed between entire firms,
or at least parts of a company (for instance, the Sales
department, the procurement office, etc.). This
requires a reflection about the different subjects (or
levels) to which the notion of cognitive transaction
should be applied. Also, an identification of the
various cases of cognitive transactions that may
occur in the distinct cases is necessary.
All this gives the opportunity to draw an agenda
for future studies, which may include:
- the application of the notion of cognitive
transactions in distinct theoretical cases, to test its
validity and utility;
- the validation of the notion with specific empirical
situations, to test its plausibility as a model of
- a more thorough analysis of the utility of the notion
as a descriptive or prescriptive tool for the economic
or managerial studies. It should be therefore
explored what the understanding of the functioning
of cognitive transactions can really add to our
representations of economic activities.
This paper contributes to a FIRB 2003 project
funded by the Italian Ministry of University and
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