Maria Biryukov
MINE group, University of Luxembourg, 6, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, L-1359, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Topic detection, Topic clustering, Graph properties, Knowledge discovery in data bases.
Detection of research topics in scientific publications has attracted a lot of attention in the past few years. In
this paper we introduce and compare various metrics of topic ranking, which allow to distinguish between
general and focused topic terms. We use DBLP as a testbed for our experiments.
Topic detection in scientific publications is an active
research area in text mining and knowledge discov-
ery in databases. Various techniques have been pro-
posed for this purpose and range from language mod-
eling (Wang et al., 2007; Jo et al., 2007; Diederich
and Balke, 2007) to graph-based approaches and bib-
liometrics (Mann et al., 2006; Bird et al., 2009;
Lars Backstrom et al., 2006; Mei et al., 2008). In this
paper we study several metrics for ranking research
topics. Our metrics are based on the topic distribution
in publications and venues, and on the co-authorship
relation. Using these metrics we show how to differ-
entiate between general and specific topics. We also
propose a way of grouping topics into semantically
related clusters.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 de-
scribes the process of topic generation. In Section 3
the various ways of topic ranking are introduced. Sec-
tion 4 outlines the approach for finding related topics.
Section 5 presents the experiments and discusses the
results. Paper’s summary and synopsis of the future
work are given in Section 6.
The goal of the current paper is to extract topics
and build topic clusters via the combination of three
sources of information: text, co-authorship graph, and
time. We start from extracting topic using publication
titles which constitute the textual component for the
purpose of this paper.
2.1 Extracting Topics
In this paper a topic is defined as a collocation com-
posed of n consecutive words, where 2 n 3. Re-
quiring the topic components to be a collocation im-
plies that they are semantically related, together con-
vey a certain meaning which is different from the
meaning of individual words, and the probability of
their co-occurrence is higher than it would be ex-
pected if the words were independent (Manning and
H.Schutze, 1999). In this context, expressions like
”data mining” or ”disjunctive logic programming” are
examples of topics. To determine whether or not a se-
quence forms a collocation we apply a likelihood ratio
test for binomial distribution (Dunning, 1993). This
test belongs to the class of hypothesis tests where one
formulates two hypotheses: null hypothesis which ex-
presses the word independence, and not-null hypoth-
esis under which the words are semantically related
and their co-occurrence is not a chance event. The
equations 1 and 2 formalize these hypotheses for the
case of testing two words but can be extended for
longer expressions.
: P(w
) = p = P(w
) (1)
: P(w
) = p
6= p
= P(w
) (2)
By taking the ratio of the likelihoods of the two
hypotheses λ one can say how much more likely one
hypothesis is than the other. The null hypothesis H
rejected if p
. It has been shown in (Dunning,
1993) that the quantity 2logλ is asymptotically χ
distributed. Hence we can use the χ
distribution ta-
ble to determine for each word sequence the confi-
dence level of its 2logλ value, and compare it to the
Biryukov M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, pages 236-242
DOI: 10.5220/0002332702360242
treshold value required for a collocation which is set
tp 10.83 with confidence level p = 0.001. All candi-
dates which satisfy the treshold are considered valid
collocations and make up the resulting list of prelim-
inary topics.
We discuss the topic lists in Section 5.
2.2 Topic Terms Refinement
As mentioned above we allow topic terms composed
of two and three words (bi- and tri-grams further in
this text). Any trigram can be seen as an extension
of some bigram by one word. Presumably there are
cases when 2logλ values are sufficiently high to re-
tain both - a bigram and its corresponding trigram(s)
as topic terms. Thus we obtain terms like ”generative
model” as well as ”discriminative generative model”
and ”probabilistic generative model”. However in
some other cases selecting a trigram along with its
bigrams may yield false positives. For example in
”world wide web” only the trigram itself makes sense
but neither world wide nor wide web are valid by
themselves. To minimize such cases we complete the
process of topic generation by applying subsumption
approach proposed in (Sanderson and Croft, 1999)
for the deriving of concept hierarchies from text. The
original idea is the following: given two terms x and y,
x subsumes y if the documents which y occurs in are
a subset of the documents which x occurs in. Since x
subsumes y and because it is more frequent, x is the
parent of y. We adopt this idea and modify it in such
a way that it serves in two different scenarios.
Cleaning Topic List from Meaningless Colloca-
tions. Given a bigram x and its extension, trigram
y, we eliminate x as having no stand alone mean-
ing if it occurs in 80% of the documents (i.e. pub-
lication titles) which y occurs in. In other words,
x is removed from the list of topics if it occurs as
part of y in at least 80% of the cases. Note that
we do not require a complete overlap between the
occurrences of x and y. Doing so would lead to
preserving a high number of meaningless bigrams
just because of a few cases in which x did occur
without y.
Defining Clusters of Lexically Related Terms.
Given a bigram x and its multiple extensions
Y = {y
}, the cluster is formed with
the central term being x, and the member terms
Y .
After the refinement we can proceed with studying
some of the topic properties.
Since collocations are semantically meaningful units,
the ranked list obtained in the way described above
could already serve as a final ranked list of topics.
However we consider the re-ranking due to the fol-
lowing observations. First of all, the two and three
word collocations are generated separately, which re-
sults in two independent topic lists. Because bi- and
tri-grams have different ranges of weights there is no
straightforward way to compile them into one ranked
list of topics without recurring to any external infor-
mation. Second remark addresses the meaning of the
collocation weight in general. The 2logλ value of
a topic reflects its relevance to the corpus as a whole.
However it fails to capture the information about topic
generality or specificity. Neither it sheds light on the
topic relatedness. To overcome the lack of such infor-
mation we define additional metrics for topic ranking.
They are described in the following subsections.
3.1 Ranking of Topics by Citation
It is common to measure citations as an evidence
of importance of an object or event. To decide on
salience of a topic we define two types of citations:
citation by title and citation by conference. The idea
behind it is to consider every apparition of the given
topic after its first occurrence as a reference (or cita-
tion) of the original topic. Note that at this point we
incorporate time dimension into the analysis. To com-
pute the new weight weight
of a topic t
T where T
denotes the list of topics produced via the collocation
extraction as described in subsection 2.1, we define:
Citation by title cite
as a number of titles which
topic t
occurs in after the first apparition.
Citation by conference cite
as a number of dif-
ferent conferences which topic t
occurs in after
its first apparition.
Then the resulting topic weight is given by the product
of the two types of citations:
= cite
× cite
This metric favors topics which have high coun-
ters for both, titles and conferences. Consequently we
expect topics that reflect broad trends to outrank the
more locally focused ones.
3.2 Ranking Topics by Co-authoship
So far only the textual and temporal informations
have been used to create, refine, and re-rank the top-
ics. The metric described in this subsection aims
at distinguishing between broad and focused topics
as well, but it uses co-author graph properties to do
so. Intuitively more general topics will be spread
among many not necessarily related to each other au-
thors. More specific topics are expected to demon-
strate an opposite behavior revealing tight co-author
clusters behind themselves. The measure of co-author
connectivity is captured by the clustering coefficient
which quantifies how close the direct neighbors of a
vertex are to form a complete graph (clique) (Watts
and Strogatz, 1998).
To compute the topic weight in this graph-based
metric we build a co-authorship graph G
for each
topic t
T , with vertices {V
} being the authors of
all the papers which t
occurs in, and edges {E
} de-
fined by the co-authorship relation between the au-
thors in G
. The topic weight weight
is given by the
clustering coefficient of G
, cc
, and is computed as
= cc
| × (|V
| 1))/2
where the nominator is the number of edges in G
and the denominator is the maximal number of edges
that would have been in G
if it was a complete clique.
We observe that such graphs are sparse: they
represent a set of typically unrelated cliques. That is,
the edges in G
are mainly the ones which connect
the authors of every given paper, but there are almost
no edges between the authors of the different papers.
However one may assume that some v
connected to each other but not necessarily via par-
ticular t
. It follows that G
might not fully reflect the
co-authorship relations between the authors related to
. To remedy the situation we complete the G
information from the global graph G = {V,E}, where
{V } are the authors of all publications listed in the
bibliographical database, and there is an edge e
i, j
between some v
and v
V if they co-authored
at least one paper. The process of building G
is now modified in the following way: after the
authors of all papers containing t
are introduced
and appropriately connected in G
, every pair of
unconnected vertices v
is checked for having an
edge in the global graph G. Should there be one, an
edge e
i, j
is added to the G
. After all the vertices
} G
have been checked a new clustering co-
efficient cc
is computed with the updated number
of edges {E
} G
. It makes sense now to check
whether or not information from the graph G has
changed the author connectivity in G
. We do so by
computing a new weight of t
, weight
, which is the
ratio of the two clustering coefficients, cc
and cc
We expect that the closer weight
value is to 1 the
more general is the term.
3.3 Ranking of Topics by t f .id f Value
Term frequency - inverse document frequency (t f .id f )
is another way of separating terms into general and
specific. Introduced in (Spark, 1972) it has been
widely used in the field of information retrieval. We
use it here as a benchmark for the two other metrics
introduced in subsections 3.1 and 3.2. The metric
combines the term salience for the collection of doc-
uments (t f ) with its informativeness (id f ) presuming
that the more focused terms will be concentrated in a
fewer number of documents than more general ones
which would be spread throughout the collection. We
apply this metric as follows:
term t
= topic t
T ;
document d
= c
, where c
is a conference from
the list of all conferences C in the database;
t f
i, j
is the number of titles which t
occurs in;
c f
is the number of different conferences which
occurs in.
The weight of each topic t
,t T is given by (6):
weight(i, j) =
(1 + log(t f
i, j
c f
i f t f
i, j
0 i f t f
i, j
= 0
where f (t f ) = (1+log(t f
i, j
)),t f > 0 is the damp-
ening function. (See page 542 of (Manning and
H.Schutze, 1999) for the details). We expect that
more general topics will be featured not only by the
high number of hosting titles but also by the high
number of conferences which they occur in, as op-
posed to the more specific ones, grouped in relatively
small number of venues.
In Section 5 we compare the results of all the three
different metrics.
The question we did not deal with yet is how to iden-
tify semantically related topics. In subsection 2.2
we have briefly shown how to group them lexically.
However this approach has left out semantic similar-
ity of topics being strongly restricted to their word-
ing. In this section we describe how we plan to extend
the graph analysis suggested above to enable semantic
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
The underlying assumption is that authors which
share some topic t
belong to the same community and
thus other topics T
they may share are possibly re-
lated to t
. To check whether or not a topic t
related to a topic t
we use the updated graph G
the global graph G (as described in 3.2) and perform
the following steps:
1. count how many authors in G
share t
links, which we call i links);
2. count how many authors in G share t
links, e links);
3. define score
as a ratio of
The higher proportion of the internal links is the
stronger t
and t
are related.
Note that this metric is straightforward and sim-
ple. Alternatively we can compute the strength of the
topic relatedness using hypothesis testing, as a ratio
of two likelihoods: L(H
) which expresses that t
are related, and L
) which says that they are not.
(Likelihoods relation was used in (Jo et al., 2007) to
compute the probability of a token to be a term, using
citation graph built from the CiteSeer data).
Thus we may detect the following relationship:
text summarization: {multidocument text summa-
rization, automatic summarization, information re-
trieval, text processing, ... }, where ”text summariza-
tion” is a topic in question t
, and ”multidocument text
summarization”, ”text processing”, etc., constitute a
set of related topics T
By taking clustering coefficient into account
(equation (5)) we may transform such clusters of re-
lated topics in some kind of hierarchy with more gen-
eral topics being parent nodes of the more specific
ones. We may combine this information with time to
capture the dynamic development of a broader topic
as a whole or trace the evolution of its subtopics.
In this section we discuss experiments that have been
performed to test the methods described above. We
focus on conference publications and use computer
science bibliographic database DBLP as a test bed.
Our experiments are run on the DBLP release from
February 2008
The up-to-date versions of DBLP are available for
download from in xml format.
5.1 Data Collection and Preparation
The xml file is parsed and the data is stored in a
database. Then it is organized into two independent
sets. One is intended for the collocation extraction
and contains titles of conference papers. The ini-
tial list consisting of 610895 items is further prepro-
cessed by converting to the low case, removing stop
words (we use a list provided by the Lingua pack-
age (Potencier and Humphrey, )), punctuation, and ti-
tles which contain non-ASCII symbols. These consti-
tute 2% of the total number, and are mostly French
and German ones with a few occurrences of the math-
ematical notation. The resulting list contains 599456
titles. In the second set we store complete information
about the publications, including author names, title,
year, and venue. It counts 610895 titles, 609053 au-
thors, and 3996 conferences in the range of 49 years,
from 1959 to 2008.
5.2 Evaluation of Topics on DBLP
The preprocessed list of titles serves as the input to
the program which generates topics. (We use the NLP
package for collocation extraction (Banerjee and Ped-
ersen, 2003), with loglikehood ratio test λ as a statistic
metric, and 10.83 as a cutoff weight for the 2logλ
value.) The process yields 392994 bi- and 3150332
tri-grams. Since the titles were modified during the
preparation stage, not all the collocations are valid.
We then conduct a post-processing which amounts to:
1. matching collocations to the original titles. Col-
locations that contain punctuation marks and/or
stopwords, or which components fail to represent
a sequence, are eliminated.
2. merging singular and plural cases into one entry;
3. subsumption, as described in subsection 2.2.
At the end of the post-processing we obtain a
structure known in information retrieval as inverted
file where for each entry the number of occurrences
and an array of hosting titles are stored. The number
of retained topics is reduced to 124480.
Table 1 shows some examples of the subsump-
tion process. The first row illustrates elimination of
a meaningless bigram ”adaptable user”. The second
row is an example of a cluster which is formed around
the bigram ”ada programming”. It is covered by the
corresponding trigrams but is not eliminated. Anal-
ysis of the list of such clusters shows that many bi-
grams while covered by some set of trigrams have a
meaning of their own and could potentially serve for
topic labeling. The last row is an example of a cluster
built around the bigram ”application software”. The
Table 1: Examples of subsumption procedure.
Bigram Frequency Trigram Frequency Covered
adaptable user 9 adaptable user interface 8 Yes
ada programming 9 ada programming environment 2
ada programming language 2
ada programming support 3
advanced ada programming 2 Yes
application software 39 application software development 3
application software systems 2
embedded application software 2
mobile application software 2
generic application software 2 No
topic designated by the bigram is broad enough and is
not covered by the cluster members.
5.3 Experiments with Topic Re-ranking
As mentioned above the data stored in DBLP spans
49 years, from 1959 to 2008. However it can be seen
from the Figure 1, that scientific activity starts to grow
toward mid eighties. That is the reason why we re-
strict our experiments to topics which appeared no
earlier than 1988. (The sharp fall of the curve to-
ward the end of 2010 is explained by the fact that
the data from 2007 2008 had not been completely
introduced into the database by the time we down-
loaded the file.). Additionally we restrict the minimal
topic frequency to 5 for the bi-grams, and 2 for the
Table 1: Examples of subsumption procedure.
Bigram Frequency Trigram Frequency Covered
adaptable user 9 adaptable user interface 8 Yes
ada programming 9 ada programming environment 2
ada programming language 2
ada programming support 3
advanced ada programming 2 Yes
application software 39 application software development 3
application software systems 2
embedded application software 2
mobile application software 2
generic application software 2 No
row is an example of a cluster which is formed around
the bigram ”ada programming”. It is covered by the
corresponding trigrams but is not eliminated. Anal-
ysis of the list of such clusters shows that many bi-
grams while covered by some set of trigrams have a
meaning of their own and could potentially serve for
topic labeling. The last row is an example of a cluster
built around the bigram ”application software”. The
topic designated by the bigram is broad enough and is
not covered by the cluster members.
5.3 Experiments with topic re-ranking
As mentioned above the data stored in DBLP spans
49 years, from 1959 to 2008. However it can be seen
from the Figure 1, that scientific activity starts to grow
toward mid eighties. That is the reason why we re-
strict our experiments to topics which appeared no
earlier than 1988. (The sharp fall of the curve to-
ward the end of 2010 is explained by the fact that
the data from 2007 2008 had not been completely
introduced into the database by the time we down-
loaded the file.). Additionally we restrict the minimal
topic frequency to 5 for the bi-grams, and 2 for the
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
# of Publications
Publication number distribution by year
Figure 1: Paper distribution in DBLP from 1959 to 2008.
5.3.1 Results of the ranking by citation
Table 2 lists 20 top ranked topics according to the ci-
tation ranking computed using the equation (3).
We observe that the ranking results agree with our
expectations, as almost all twenty topics designate
broad areas of computer science. They are featured
by high numbers of both - conferences and papers,
and reflect ”trendy” research directions of the last
15years. The metric captures a high interest in rela-
tively new topic - ”semantic web”: despite its shortest
span (8 years), and relatively recent emergence (2001)
it scores seventh on the total list of topics.
As we descend toward the lower ranked topics we
notice that they gradually become more focused. Ta-
ble 3 shows more specific topics, which may also
be multi-disciplinary technical terms, like ”distance
measure”. Note that the number of papers the topics
occur in is still quite high while the number of confer-
ences changes to moderate.
5.3.2 Results of the ranking by the clustering
Let us now look at the topic list ranked according to
the clustering coefficient cc
described in subsection
3.2. Table 4 shows 5 topics from the top, and 5 top-
ics from the bottom of the list. The top ranked topics
represent quite specific research fields such as theo-
rem proving or cryptography. On the contrary the
last five topics do not only represent the broad ar-
eas of computer science, they correspond exactly to
the top most ranked topics according to the citation
metric. This experiment proves our expectations that
the clustering coefficient may serve to distinguish be-
tween broad and focused topics and gives priority to
the more specific ones. We do not discuss here the
ranking results yielded by the ratio of two clustering
coefficients defined by equation (5). Analysis of the
topic list has shown that the results do not support our
predictions. Why it is so remains an open problem so
Figure 1: Paper distribution in DBLP from 1959 to 2008.
5.3.1 Results of the Ranking by Citation
Table 2 lists 20 top ranked topics according to the ci-
tation ranking computed using the equation (3).
We observe that the ranking results agree with our
expectations, as almost all twenty topics designate
broad areas of computer science. They are featured
by high numbers of both - conferences and papers,
and reflect ”trendy” research directions of the last
15years. The metric captures a high interest in rela-
tively new topic - ”semantic web”: despite its shortest
span (8 years), and relatively recent emergence (2001)
it scores seventh on the total list of topics.
As we descend toward the lower ranked topics we
notice that they gradually become more focused. Ta-
ble 3 shows more specific topics, which may also
be multi-disciplinary technical terms, like ”distance
measure”. Note that the number of papers the topics
occur in is still quite high while the number of confer-
ences changes to moderate.
5.3.2 Results of the Ranking by the Clustering
Let us now look at the topic list ranked according to
the clustering coefficient cc
described in subsection
3.2. Table 4 shows 5 topics from the top, and 5 top-
ics from the bottom of the list. The top ranked topics
represent quite specific research fields such as theo-
rem proving or cryptography. On the contrary the
last five topics do not only represent the broad ar-
eas of computer science, they correspond exactly to
the top most ranked topics according to the citation
metric. This experiment proves our expectations that
the clustering coefficient may serve to distinguish be-
tween broad and focused topics and gives priority to
the more specific ones. We do not discuss here the
ranking results yielded by the ratio of two clustering
coefficients defined by equation (5). Analysis of the
topic list has shown that the results do not support our
predictions. Why it is so remains an open problem so
5.3.3 Results of the Ranking by t f .id f
Table 5 presents the 10 top entries from the topic
list ranked according to the t f . Since this met-
ric gives the maximal weight to items which occur
in 1 document we set the minimal number of doc-
uments (i.e. conferences in our case) to 3. We do
so after the manual check of the results on an unre-
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: The 20 top ranked topics by the citation metric.
topic weight # of conferences # of titles year span
web service 2039826 654 3119 1994 13
sensor network 1777047 501 3547 1993 12
data mining 1045044 572 1827 1993 16
ad hoc network 1004598 441 2278 1995 13
wireless sensor network 648999 351 1849 1999 10
mobile agent 622362 474 1313 1994 15
wireless network 563178 371 1518 1992 17
semantic web 495624 386 1284 2001 8
multi agent system 492063 403 1221 1991 18
support vector machine 379874 341 1114 1996 13
mobile ad hoc 363025 325 1117 1998 11
virtual environment 359755 341 1055 1990 18
digital library 293112 236 1242 1991 17
association rule 261318 291 898 1993 16
face recognition 256522 251 1022 1990 18
context aware 241696 332 728 1996 12
web application 238924 322 742 1996 13
reinforcement learning 218240 248 880 1988 20
evolutionary algorithm 195487 233 839 1993 15
virtual reality 185472 288 644 1990 18
Table 3: Topics on the 500th
topic weight # of conferences # of titles year span
distance measure 6688 76 88 1990 15
heterogeneous computing 6649 61 109 1989 17
online game 6608 59 112 2001 7
aspect oriented programming 6528 64 102 1997 11
predictive control 6510 62 105 1995 11
Table 4: 5 top and 5 bottom ranked topics according to the clustering coefficient.
topic vertices edges (local) edges (global) cc
spiral architecture 19 40 43 0.25146
face authentication 112 913 1030 0.16570
blue gene 209 3059 3523 0.16208
proof planning 39 53 114 0.15385
proof carrying code 21 30 32 0.15238
wireless network 3311 4945 6737 0.00123
data mining 3641 5779 7563 0.00114
ad hoc network 4254 6183 8482 0.00094
web service 5732 10561 14698 0.00089
sensor network 6475 12883 16730 0.00080
Table 5: 10 top most ranked topics by the t f .id f .
topic weight by t f .id f # of conferences # of papers rank by citation rank by clustering coefficient
research note 40.05 4 128 4289 4680
interactive presentation 34.97 4 61 7293 8121
co chair 33.92 12 135 1745 1251
output analysis 33.75 4 51 8344 2000
parallel manipulator 33.16 10 99 2581 8759
poster abstract 32.80 7 68 4536 9119
workshop chair 32.74 4 44 9229 1579
simulation optimization 32.70 7 67 4557 7423
digital government 32.16 9 76 3431 5765
low voltage 31.68 36 337 288 5568
stricted set, which put forward dozens of terms like
”session chair”, ”extended abstract”, etc. Despite this
measure, we immediately notice that among the se-
lected items there is a high number of non-topic terms
such as ”research note” or ”interactive presentation”.
The mixture of topic and non-topics terms happens
everywhere throughout the list. Note also that the
figures in the last two columns which correspond to
the topic rank assigned by the citation and cluster-
ing coefficient metrics respectively, do not allow to
establish dependency between this and the two other
metrics. We explain such a behavior by the fact that
t f .id f is the less informed of all and clearly prefers
items with the high paper-to-conference ratio which
does not model the topic properties correctly.
In this paper we have described the way of research
topic extraction based on the titles of scientific publi-
cations. We have introduced and compared the three
different methods of topic ranking aiming at distin-
guishing between general and specific topics. The
rankings by citation and clustering coefficient have
yielded topic lists which corresponded to our expec-
tations: the first metric put forward the broader top-
ics, while the second favored the more focused ones.
On the contrary, the t f .id f weighting has failed to
generate a coherent list, mixing up topic and non-
topic terms. Such an outcome shows that paper-to-
conference relationship alone does not provide suffi-
cient ground for the topic ranking.
So far the topic extraction is based on the publica-
tion titles only. One of the limitations of this approach
is that it does not allow to capture semantic relations
between the topic terms treating them as atomic. Ex-
tending textual information with the paper abstracts
will alleviate this problem. It will also contribute
to the process of finding related topics via the graph
analysis that we have sketched in this paper.
I would like to thank Professor Christoph Schommer
for his attention, valuable comments and useful sug-
gestions while writing this paper.
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KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval