Edmundo Tovar
Language and Computer Science Systems and Software Engineering Department, Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Accreditation, Quality policies, Engineering Higher Education.
Abstract: The European Higher Education Area is an example of diversity of political systems, higher education
systems, socio-cultural and educational traditions, languages, aspirations and expectations. In the light of
this diversity and variety, technical universities set its face to develop their internal quality assurance
systems according to the European standards and the guidelines, focusing more on what should be done than
how they should be achieved, but also to different factors and sources. This presentation explains the
definition of quality policies in a Spanish Engineering school, including engineering accreditation,
programs, funding programs or improvement plans.
The issue of quality assurance has risen very high on
the Bologna agenda and is seen now as one of the
key instruments to promote the attractiveness of
European higher education. It was made clear that
when defining common criteria and methodologies
in the European Higher Education is necessary to
take into account the diversity of the various systems
and traditions that will go into the construction of a
comparable framework.
Harmonization should be the result of the
conjunction of these traditions and should, under no
circumstances, mean their reduction to a common
pattern. For the implementation of an effective
culture of quality, it is essential that governments,
Higher Education Institutions (HEI), quality
agencies, teachers and students all participate, in
view of the expectation that this process will benefit
not only all agents involved but also society at large.
The Berlin Communiqué - while recognizing the
role of HEIs in promoting quality invites the Quality
Assurance (QA) and Higher Education communities
to develop an agreed set of standards, procedures
and guidelines on quality assurance (Roselló, 2004).
Institutions and agencies are achieved on a basis
of greater transparency in accreditation processes.
To that end it is essential to promote a peer
review process among agencies. But this proposal
had a risk. The Institutional Evaluation Programme
has given Europe a solid experience in transnational
evaluation, evaluating close to 120 universities in 35
different countries. This ten-year experience,
combined with the outcomes of the Quality Culture
project, points to the fact that it is impossible to
reach an agreement on quality standards when
dealing with a diversity of institutions across a
whole continent. On the other side, evaluation
approaches -based on standards, quantitative
methods, sets of criteria or checklists will not
improve quality meaningfully and may not even
control it significantly because they will not capture
the complexity of the educational enterprise.
So, the Graz Declaration claims that "the
universities are responsible for developing internal
quality culture" and the Berlin Communiqué says
that "the primary responsibility for quality assurance
in higher education lies with the institution itself and
this provides the basis for the real accountability of
the academic system within the national quality
network." As discussed at the Graz Convention
(May 2003), among the policy goals for an
appropriate European QA dimension are to achieve
greater compatibility while managing diversity of
QA procedures, to achieve trust and to preserve and
extend institutional autonomy while meeting the
demands for accountability. Autonomy is a
precondition for a capacity to respond to change.
Thus, university autonomy requires that each
Tovar E.
DOI: 10.5220/0006811400010001
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2009), pages 24-28
ISBN: 978-989-8111-82-1
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
institution decides on its standards in the context of
its mission and goals (Wilson, 2004).
Increasing autonomy of HEI is the primary
responsibility for quality. It is essential that the
development of a European QA dimension
accompanies and extends institutional autonomy in
order to ensure that QA is not merely window-
dressing and a compliance exercise. Quality
assurance systems need to be flexible and embrace
this diversity in order to ensure that higher education
serves effectively society (Erichsen, 2004).
The statement of Quality Policy in HEI documents
the authority for the implementation of a quality
management system in the form signed by the dean
or director in charge of the institution implementing
the quality management system. It must express the
intentions of the institution concerning the quality of
the academic offer and the rest of services and
products it supplies. It is a way to guarantee the
coherence of the processes, products and services
covered by the quality management system.
According to ISO (ISO, 2005) with respect to the
capabilities enclosed in the quality policy for which
the organization is seeking certification, top
management should ensure that:
It is appropriate to the purpose of the
It includes a commitment to comply with
requirements and improvement the
effectiveness of the quality management
It is understood and communicated a within the
organization and
It is reviewed for continuing suitability
It provides a framework for establishing and
reviewing quality objectives
Quality Management System, authorized and
conformance by the existence of a Quality system,
defines the policies, procedures, methods and
standards for the management of the HEI. The
policies for developing, implementing and
maintaining the quality management system, first
element of this Quality System, must be designed to
ensure that stakeholders’ requirements are met.
This paper proposes to identify these policies in
European Engineering Higher Education, and its
application in a Spanish Engineering School.
The statement of quality policy in HEI
documents the authority for the implementation of a
quality management system in the form signed by
the dean or director in charge of the institution
implementing the quality management system. It
must express the intentions of the institution
concerning the quality of the academic offer and the
rest of services and products it supplies. It is a way
to guarantee the coherence of the processes,
products and services covered by the quality
management system.
Which are the stakeholders that provide sources
for the desired quality deployment of the institution?
Herein it is proposed a three-phase process to
identify the Quality Policy (Tovar, 2009). These are
the following:
Phase I. Which are the stakeholders that
provide sources for the desired quality
deployment of the institution? In the case of
European Engineering HEI and according to
our experience, we have selected the following
stakeholders, as providers of policies: Strategic
plans of the institution, Guidelines from
National Quality Agencies, and funding
programs for the institutions.
Phase II. Elicitation of policies from the sources
Phase III. Specification of a consistent Quality
Policy. A Quality Policy is specified trying to
gather all the policies extracted from the
different sources or stakeholders. This is a sub
process to be defined by each HEI that will
require the prioritization of each set of policies
and an effort of synthesis to express in an only
statement maybe several redundant policies.
Strategic Plans. Leadership systems (Miller, 2007)
are the systems within an organization that provide-
direction and support. The leadership system directs
an institution trough mission, vision, guiding
principles, strategic goals and organizational
Many European universities combine these
elements of leadership system and Strategic
Planning from a perspective of continuous
improvement. This process scarcely differs from
those elaborated in the corporate setting in terms of
who needs to be involved and in the relative
emphasis on financial issues. The strategic planning
process is usually generated from a self-assessment
process or a more detailed evaluation using the
corresponding national or European standards for
quality in education. A tool that is widely used to
stimulate the reflection in preparation for the
strategic plan is SWOT (standing for strengths,
weaknesses, threats and then on opportunities). It
provides useful information building a common
perspective about the current state of the institution
to consider the future. Finally, once the politics and
strategies goals have been defined, the organization
moves in the desired direction thanks to the actions
plans defined.
Guidelines of European Networks of Quality
Agencies. HIE themselves have sought external
benchmarks to sanction and justify their conclusions
(Marcellán, 2005). Those responsible for higher
education policy in Europe have pressed
determinedly for the establishment of entities and
organizations that will facilitate assessment
initiatives for their improvement. In a further step
forward, the establishment of networks of assessing
entities was sponsored by the European Commission
in exercise of its competences in respect of
promoting the European dimension and
incorporating added value to Member States'
initiatives. The supreme such entity is the ENQA
(ENQA’s General Assembly confirmed on 4
November 2004 the change of the former European
Network into the European Association) which was
recognized by the conference of ministers at Berlin
in September 2003 as the preferred interlocutor in
matters of quality assurance in the European
Convergence process. The Ministers of the Bologna
Process signatory states invited ENQA through its
members, to develop an agreed set of standards,
procedures and guidelines on quality assurance and
to explore ways of ensuring an adequate peer review
system for quality assurance and/or accreditation
agencies or bodies. The standards and guidelines
were designed to be applicable to all HEI and quality
assurance agencies in Europe, irrespective of their
structure, function and size, and the national system
in which they are located. It will be for the
institutions and agencies themselves, cooperating
within their individual contexts, to decide the
procedural consequences of adopting the standards
contained in this report (ENQA, 2004). (Table 1)
Table 1: European standards and guidelines for internal
quality assurance within higher education institutions.
1.1 Policy and procedures for quality
assurance: Institutions should have a policy and
procedures for the assurance of the quality
and standards of their programmes and awards
1.2 Approval, monitoring and periodic review
of programmes and awards: Institutions should
have formal mechanisms for the approval,
periodic review and monitoring of their
programmes and awards
1.3 Assessment of students: Students should be
assessed using published criteria, regulations
and procedures which are consistently applied
1.4 Quality assurance of teaching staff:
Institutions should have ways of satisfying
themselves that staff involved with the teaching
of students are qualified and competent to do so
1.5 Learning resources and student support:
Institutions should ensure that the resources
available for the support of student learning are
adequate and appropriate for each programme
1.6 Information systems: Institutions should
ensure that they collect, analyse and use
relevant information for the effective
management of their programmes of study and
other activities
1.7 Public information: Institutions should
regularly publish up to date, impartial and
objective information, both quantitative and
qualitative, about the programmes and awards
they are offering
Further, these guidelines reflect the statement of
Ministers in the Berlin communiqué that 'consistent
with the principle of institutional autonomy, the
primary responsibility for quality assurance in
higher education lies with each institution itself and
this provides the basis for real accountability of the
academic system within the national quality
framework'. In these standards and guidelines,
therefore, an appropriate balance has been sought
between the creation and development of internal
quality cultures, and the role which external quality
assurance procedures may play (Puirséil, 2004). In
this way, the purpose of these standards and
guidelines is to provide a source of assistance and
guidance to HEIs in developing their own culture of
quality assurance, and to contribute to a common
frame of reference for the provision of higher
education and the assurance of quality in the EHEA.
The Thematic Network in Engineering Education
has worked developing a tool fully compatible with
ENQA requirements and, in general the European
trends toward internal Quality Assurance of
Programmes (M. Gola, 2007). The tool developed is
named: “Tool for Quality Assurance And
Assessment of Engineering Education”. The Q.A.
FRAMEWORK is designed to be maintained on an
ongoing basis rather than as a periodic reporting
structure. For this reason it is recommended that the
ongoing maintenance could be controlled and
delivered by internal Faculty;
Taking into account basic Quality Assurance
requirements and European guidelines, the
Framework has been wrapped around Learning
Outcomes and/or Academic Competences, which are
now the most interesting development under way at
the international level. During design of the Q.A.
FRAMEWORK, this line of thought has been
deployed into the following set of hierarchical core
The Programme must be clearly designed
around external Requisites and related
Competencies which are in agreement with the
needs of the employers and the labour market;
such relations should be present already at the
design phase, and not only (as it often happens)
at the moment of the Stage or of the final
The Programme must be clearly deployed with
up-to-date Learning Outcomes, which are in
agreement (content, amount, level) with the
target competencies.
The Programme must expose the students to an
appropriate learning environment, with
appropriate and up-to-date equipment.
The Programme appropriately certifies that
Learning Outcomes have been reached, the
exams have a certifying value
The Q.A. FRAMEWORK captures the critical
information which is required by stakeholders such
as employers, the labour market, students,
educational policy makers, educational
establishments. It collects all the details which are
strictly necessary.
In the absence of any current prescribed model,
this Framework can be adopted as a Programme
design tool as a checklist for its evaluation and as a
guideline for the implementation of internal Quality
Meeting all three of these needs calls for an
approach based on permanent monitoring: the
degree program must be asked to produce and
maintain the Q.A. FRAMEWORK that contains all
the qualitative and quantitative parameters needed to
arrive at an informed judgment about the degree
program's aims, methods and the learning
environment provided to the student.
While this Q.A. FRAMEWORK is necessarily a
public document, it can be flanked by a periodic
“Selfevaluation Report” prepared exclusively for
parties inside and outside the institution who are
involved in any form of evaluation and
accreditation. This “Report” would describe quality
factors and the actions involved in control,
highlighting the degree program's strengths and
weaknesses, corrective measures, review activities
and follow-up, and their effects over time.
The Q.A. FRAMEWORK is thus the foundation
for all future evaluation/accreditation processes. It
must satisfy minimum requirements for content and
form so that degree programs of the same or similar
type offered by different institutions can be readily
compared. (figure 1)
Funds. Concerns about money and accountability in
public services do exist in several European
countries. These concerns have led to the rise of
previous evaluative activities and a posteriori
evaluation which seeks to discover how far goals
have been met. The HEI in many countries in this
context have moved towards expenditure-driven as
opposed to demand-related budgeting. This shift has
promoted performance related funding and
encouraged Performance Indicators or Quality
Indicators which permit finer targeting of resources
(Cave 1994). Despite the existence of this fact,
systems of HEI vary in many ways including the
degree of autonomy in institutions and individual
academics. Furthermore within any country different
policies might be pursued for different sectors of
Higher Education.
We show the application of the previous process to
obtain the Quality Policy of an Engineering School
of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in the
context of the development of its Quality Assurance
Figure 1: The Quality Assurance Framework Matrix (M. Gola, 2007).
System. In ahead, we comment the results each
phase of the process.
The definition of the quality policy in the
Computer Engineering School of the Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid has required the selection of
the following stakeholders of the general providers
of policies: Strategic plans of the institution,
Guidelines from National Quality Agencies, and
funding programs for the institutions.
Figure 2 shows these results.
ENQA: European
Spanish Quality
Figure 2: Quality Policy sources for a Spanish engineering
school in a public university.
Strategic Plans. Strategic plans must distinguish
those ones referred to the school and the university
to which belongs. Although the Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) has currently an
Institutional Quality Program (PIC), it has no
strategic plan yet.
The UPM, (www.upm.es), approved in the year
2005 a quality program named “Programa
Institucional de Calidad” (PIC, Institutional Quality
Program) (UPM, 2005), with the following key
objective: to measure the quality and to foster and to
assist the initiatives of continuous improvement in
the different Schools, departments and units of the
The Mission and Vision Statements of the
Computer Engineering School were approved last
October (www.fi.upm.es). These are the basis too
for the quality policy. As it says concerning to the
accreditation: “… the academic offer shall be
conformed to the European guidelines accreditation
and others internationally recognized in the
engineering sector…”
By this reason to establish a comprehensive
quality policy and strategy, the criteria for quality
certification and accreditation of different
organizations in the USA and Europe have been
taken into consideration, particularly ABET,
Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology (ABET, 2007), and Baldrige (Baldrige,
2007) in the USA, and EFQM (European
Foundation for Quality Management, 2007) in
Europe. Table 2 shows criteria for ABET
Table 2: ABET accreditation criteria.
Students: Admissions & Graduation
Requirements, Evaluating Student Performance,
Transfer Credit, Advising & Career Guidance
Program Educational Objectives:
Consistency with Mission, Constituency
Involvement, Achievement of Objectives
Table 2: ABET accreditation criteria (cont.).
Program Outcomes: List the outcomes that
have been established for the program, Describe
how the program outcomes encompass and
relate to the outcome requirements of Criterion
3. State how each of the outcomes lead to the
achievement of the Criterion 2 objectives.
Describe the process used to achieve each of the
program outcomes.
4 Continuous improvement
Curriculum: Evidence that the minimum
credit hours and distribution are met.
Information on capstone or other integrated
6 Faculty competencies and size
Facilities: Describe program classrooms,
laboratory, facilities & equipment, computing
equipment, and information infrastructure.
Budget and Financial Resources.
Support: Program Industrial Advisory
Program Criteria: Describe how the
program satisfies any applicable
The preliminary conclusion is that, in general
terms, the policy and strategy elements defined in
the above mentioned criteria are quite similar to
those covered by other sources: ENQA and ANECA
guidelines, and the Institutional Quality Program,
PIC, of the UPM. On the other hand, the
certification criteria usually provide with more
detailed quality requirements, since they focus on
“how the organization does” kind of questions to
evaluate the performance of the organizations. For
this reason, the certification or award criteria are
very useful as a guidance to identify the key
processes in the organizations.
Guidelines of Quality Agencies. In Spain, the
Agency ANECA (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación
de Calidad y Acreditación: Nacional Agency for
Quality Evaluation and Accreditation), member of
ENQA, has adapted the ENQA guidelines to the
Spanish context and has published a document
(ANECA, 2007) with a set of guidelines for the
systems of internal quality guarantee within HEI.
These ones should become in part of the quality
policy of any institution conformed to these
Funds. The PIC protocol establishes the need of a
Program Agreement to be subscribed by the
Chancellor and the directors of every HE institution.
The aim of this program is to align the objectives of
the Schools that form the University to a unique
UPM policy and strategy, and to provide - the
stakeholders with reliable information on the
fulfilment of the agreed objectives.
With the above scope, the University has defined
a “Framework of Program Agreement” (UPM, 2005)
that will assure a common focus of improvement
objectives, goals and indicators, with the flexibility
required to adapt every Program Agreement to the
particular improvement needs of the different
Schools. The results of the Program Agreements will
allow - the Schools to get an additional funding over
the fix budget.
The structure of the Framework of Program
Agreement is based on these three action lines:
Line 1: Budgetary distribution of the operating
and overhead expenses
Line 2: Assistance to the implementation of
improvements plans
Line 3: Continuous improvement processes at
the Schools
In table 3 are represented some of the most
significant objectives of - line 2, assistance to the
implementation of improvements plans, since they
will be used, along with the line 3 objectives, in
order to compare the strategic objectives of the
different sources taken into consideration in this
Table 3: Line 2 Program Agreement Framework
objectives by areas.
Area Objectives
Increment the number of new
Educational profile taken into
account the social and
stakeholders needs
Curriculum and educational
programs review
Implementation of mechanisms
to track and – steer the
development of the plan
learning and
Improve and update the
contents of the courses
Update and improve of the
teaching-learning methods
Support to and
with the
Facilitate the integration of new
Design and implement tutorial
Funding assistance
Students placement and
Table 3: Line 2 Program Agreement Framework
objectives by areas (cont.).
Resources and
Planning, evaluation and review
of the library resources
Update the classrooms and labs
to the current and future needs
Update and improve the ICT
resources to the current and
future needs
Foster the external presence
Strength the relationships with
Post graduate courses
Programs for knowledge and
technology transfer
Structure and
Faculty and Staff needs focus
Improve the Human Resources
policies and management
Faculty and
Staff training
and support
Promote and support the
professional development
Encourage the participation in
educational, research and
innovation activities
Acknowledgement of the
excellence in educational and
research activities
Put in place systems to capture,
analyze and disseminate the
Finally, we broach the specification of well-written
policies, conformed to properties as precision, non
ambiguity, relevance or non redundant. Because we
start from statements elicited from several sources
we had to make several actions to assure not only
the previous properties mentioned but also other
ones as consequence of the gathering process:
coherence, integrity and coverage of the policies
These were the actions taken:
Matching of the terminology used in each
source, in order to assure.
Distinguishing the priority of the different
sources. In Spanish context Audit’s policies are
mandatory and they must be embedded in the
final policy declaration. ANECA will verify
the Internal Quality Assurance System of the
School according to their guidelines.
Defining quality policies with partial
contributions of policies from all the sources
matched by common areas. An example of how
a policy is defined through the contribution of
several policies from different sources can be
seen in table 4.
Validating the coverage of the quality policies
defined with respect to all the strategic goals
expressed in the sources considered.
Table 4: Example of elaboration of a Policy from multiple
Example of final
Source’s Policy Source
The school shall
control the
efficiency and
effectiveness of
mechanisms to
assure the access,
management, and
training of its
academic staff
according to the
functions assigned
as well as the
of its merits.
1.3 The University
must implement
mechanisms that
assure the access,
management and
training of Faculty
and Staff should
be done with the
guarantees to
fulfill their duties.
3.10 Improvement
of the scientifist
acknowledge of
academic staff in
its knowledge area
incrementing the
number of
L4. Promotion of
the academic staff
in teaching quality
projects in the
L3. Linking
training plans to
the needs of
services delivering
… …
The issue of QA has risen as one of the key
instruments to promote the attractiveness of
European higher education Area. The Berlin
Communiqué recognized the role of HEIs in
promoting quality to develop an agreed set of
standards, procedures and guidelines on quality
assurance. HEI’s autonomy is, by this reason, a
precondition for a capacity to respond to the change.
Thus, university autonomy requires that each
institution decides on its standards and in the
definition of the quality policies in the context of
several sources. This paper has presented the process
followed by the Computer Engineering School of the
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid to elaborate the
Quality Policy of the School, according to the
different elements, strategic elements, national
quality agency and funds program of the HEI,
concerned to this school This practical case is an
example of how an European Engineering school
develops its autonomy.
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M. Cave, S. Hanney, M. Henkel and M. Kogan, The use of
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M. Gola, TREE – Teaching and Research in Engineering
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Edmundo Tovar, Computer Engineering educator,
has a Ph. D. (1994) and a Bachelor’s degree (1986)
in Computer Engineering from the Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He is Certified
Software Development Professional (CSDP) from
the IEEE Computer Society and he has worked for
five years in private companies as a knowledge
engineer and in Public Administration as a Software
Engineer. Expert evaluator in Accreditation
processes with the Spanish Agency for Quality
Assessment and Accreditation, ANECA, he has been
involved as a researcher in software quality
management tasks in international projects since
1988, managing several innovative projects in
education in the context of the European Higher
Education Area. He is Associate Dean for Quality
and Strategic Planning in the Computing School of
the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Leader of a
Innovation Group in Education in the Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid is author of more 40 papers in
Engineering Education, and member of several
Program Committees in Congresses of this area, he
is cochair for Europe of Frontiers Education
Conference (FIE) and member of IEEE RITA
Editorial Committee. He is IEEE Senior Member,
and, as at-large member of the Administrative
Committee of the IEEE Education Society.