Michele Missikoff
LEKS - Lab for Enterprise Knowledge and Systems, IASI-CNR, Italy
Keywords: Knowledge Economy, Ontology, Semantic Annotation, Semantic Business Process, Semantic Business
Services, Mapping Discovery, Enterprise Model, Model Driven Architecture.
Abstract: Many say that Knowledge is the oil of the Third Millennium. The European Council, in the Year 2000,
launched the Lisbon Strategy
, aiming at building in Europe the major Knowledge Economy in the world.
Then we had the 9/11 and the “subprimes” (the future is rarely as we expect) and an epochal economic
slowdown, without an equivalent since 80 years. Nevertheless, the knowledge economy, pushed by the
consistent evolution of the information technologies, is steadily progressing and further expansion is
foreseeable in the near future. We believe that for a renewed sustainable growth, semantic technologies will
play an important role. In this paper we briefly draw the main lines of a possible future evolution of the
application of semantic technologies to the business world.
The knowledge moves the World. The human beings
are not among the fastest or the strongest animals on
the Planet, nor they are protected by a special fur or
by a hard carapace. However, they acquired the
leadership on the Planet thanks to the knowledge,
and the capacity to use it for practical purposes.
With the advent of ICT there has been a
tremendous impulse on how humankind deals with
knowledge. Since the first wave of computers, in the
social and industrial realities of the 60s, the
knowledge managed by a computer can be seen
divided in two different sorts: knowledge for
computers, e.g., software programs, and knowledge
for humans, e.g., digital representation of paper
documents. In the former case, the computer is able
to execute the software, without “understanding”
(this term will be better clarified later) it, while in
the second case the computer is just a container (i.e.,
incapable of execution nor understanding). In
parallel, Artificial Intelligence, and in particular
Knowledge Representation methods and systems,
started to develop solutions, including languages and
reasoners, to provide the computer with some forms
“understanding” and execution of knowledge.
This represents a third sort of knowledge, somehow
positioned between the two above.
To better clarify the different perspectives,
human- and computer-oriented, with respect to
knowledge understanding and processing, at an
intuitive level we may draw a diagram where on the
x-axis we place the three knowledge environments
corresponding to the three different sorts of
knowledge: (i) document and content management
systems (CMS), (ii) semantics representation and
processing systems (SRS), (iii) programming and
execution systems (PES). Then we draw three lines.
One concerning the ease of access for humans to the
knowledge represented in the three environments,
the second represents how easy is for the computer
to execute (or interpret, if you prefer) the
knowledge, and the third how much the computer
“understands” the knowledge
Time passes, and the basic issues of
programming and content management did not
change much. Conversely, knowledge and semantics
representation methods and tools have evolved,
thanks to the energies spent in research and
development, with the objective, among others, to
achieve a unified knowledge space: same knowledge
(possibly, in different digital formats) for humans
and computers, and similar “understanding” and pro-
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisbon_Strategy, visited on
April 2009
For “understanding" we intend here the capacity of an
active entity to acquire knowledge and be able to modify
its behavior on the bases of to the acquired knowledge
(we disregard here the pure speculative knowledge).
Matsumoto M.
DOI: 10.5220/0006811800010001
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2009), pages 5-15
ISBN: 978-989-8111-84-5
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: The KM effectiveness.
cessing capability. Today, the “Mission: Impossible”
is the progressive convergence towards such a
unified knowledge space.
May be, the Impossible Mission becomes more
possible if we restrict our world to enterprises.
Today, an enterprise produces every day an
incredible amount of documents, all of them in
digital form (from technical reports to meeting
minutes, from emails to field studies, to market
analysis). Therefore, we have a sort of Enterprise
Image in Digital Form (EIDiF) that reflects all the
possible knowledge, produced and/or acquired, that
traverses across the enterprise organization, the
production, the marketing, and all the other
departments of the company. The EIDiF primarily
consists in the whole set of human-oriented
knowledge (i.e., digital documents, but comprises
also the vast amount of information typically
maintained in the enterprise databases). The content
of the documents, as they are produced and
exchanged by humans, cannot be directly understood
by computers. To allow computers to access such a
content, there is the need of a significant pre-
processing: the semantic content of the documents
need to be extracted and represented in a formal
way. This is one of the primary goals of semantic
In recent years, semantic technologies are
proving to play a central role. New (and renewed)
solutions are spreading, by using formal knowledge
coding, ontologies, reasoners, and semantic
annotations, addressing both the static (e.g., business
objects) and the dynamic part (e.g., business
processes) of the enterprise. We are witnessing the
progressive evolution of such technologies towards
the achievement of the aforementioned Unified
Semantic Space. Indeed, we see that computers and
humans are increasingly cooperating, helping each
other in more sophisticated, knowledge-intensive
activities (naturally, having humans superordinated,
to avoid, e.g., an Asimov scenario).
As anticipated, a key issue in this scenario is the
possibility of (semi)automatically extracting the
semantic content of enterprise documents, encoding
it in a machine “understandable” form. In essence, it
means to develop a formal semantic theory of the
addressed matter, of the enterprise and the context it
operates in. This is today a clear trend, but how
much will it be possible to capture and model in
formal terms? There are various signs showing that
we are indeed proceeding along this line. From
enterprise ontologies, to formal business process
modelling, from automatic knowledge extraction to
business rules, the research is eagerly progressing in
the direction of developing new formal methods to
model and manage the business reality. Furthermore,
there are important theories that can be applied in
specific business sectors, such as chaos theory and
system dynamics (not to mention applied
mathematical theories that go from finances to
logistics, from market analysis to accounting).
Computer understanding
Computer executing
human understanding
Effectiveness level
Figure 2: The Enterprise Digital Image.
The target is a business world where a rich
collection of formal theories and precise models
allow the computer to meaningfully manage an
increasingly large fraction of the business
knowledge, covering the large majority of activities,
behaviours, objects, and actors that are involved in
business transactions.
In the current scenario the research and
innovation is proceeding in a very fragmented way.
New theories produced by different disciplines, may
be effective on specific problems, but are hard to
relate each other to achieve a coherent,
comprehensive solution. We still have a huge level
of fragmentation that, optimistically, yields to a sort
of federation of different theories, produced by
different communities, with very limited capacity of
But reality is one, so the goal is the construction
of a
holistic formal enterprise theory. There have
been scientists who anticipated a vision of this sort.
For instance, the work of Max Tegmark (Tegmark,
2008) whose visionary approach can be condensed
in the idea of a mathematical TOE (Theory Of
Everything) based on the notion of a Mathematical
Universe (MUH: Mathematical Universe
Hypothesis). While Tegmark is trying to build such
a vision in a top-down approach, there are several
other promising research lines that proceed bottom
up. It is worth citing the emerging field of
Econophysics (Rosser, 2006). Here the researchers
acquire all possible quantitative data representing
any possible business phenomena. Then, advanced
rigorous methods, mainly drawn from theoretical
physics, are applied to discover regularities. Very
promising results are obtained, for instance, by
applying statistical quantum mechanics.
Any mathematical theory, to be fully effective
and in order to relate a mathematical theory to the
real world (the enterprise world, in our case), needs
to be associated with a clear semantics. The latter
has the essential goal of creating a bridge between
symbols and expressions in a mathematical theory
and objects and events in the real world. In essence,
a mathematical theory always needs a semantic
apparatus connected to it, no matter how advanced,
sophisticated, accurate it is, to explains and predict
relevant phenomena in the modelled (business)
domain. Such a semantic apparatus can assume
different forms. It can be mainly intuitive (for
instance, simply using natural language, with words
connected to mathematical expressions, variable
symbols, quantities, and other elements of the
theory) or it can be a formal theory on its own part.
The idea is that a comprehensive, encompassing,
accurate, effective formal semantic infrastructure,
conceived for a given business sector, will be
capable of correctly positioning and cross-relating
all the specific theories of different sorts that are
proposed for modelling and explaining different
sectors and viewpoints in an enterprise. For this
reason, we will proceed in analysing the possibility
of building such a semantic infrastructure of an
enterprise based on a formal setting, achieving what
we refer to as the Semantic Enterprise.
In proceeding in the direction of the semantic
enterprise, it is useful to first sketch a layered
architecture where the various semantic services can
be placed in a rational way. We start to illustrate the
sketchy architecture reported in Figure 3 starting
from the bottom layer.
Figure 3: A semantics driven architecture.
2.1 Basic Semantic Services (BSS)
We start bottom up, with the aim of building a
supporting semantic infrastructure. Such an
infrastructure comprises three essential elements,
and the corresponding platforms and services.
Ontologies. When we talk about semantics, we
primarily intend, in accordance with (Ushold 1998),
a set of concepts with their relationships, internal
structure (e.g., represented by the associated
properties), and constraints (i.e., axioms to be
enforced). An ontology (a taxonomy of structured
concepts) can be formally represented by using some
sort of logic.
Given a complex reality, such as an enterprise or a
business domain, generally it is practical to develop
more than one ontology, each of which having a
clear focus. E.g., a marketing ontology, production
ontology, HR ontology. But the reality is one, and
humans tend to segment it to be able to cope with
the complexity, therefore the segmented ontologies
need to be related each other. This can be achieved
with an inter-ontology mapping infrastructure.
Semantic Annotation. The rich and articulated
collection of documents and (factual) data sets that
we can find in an enterprise always refer to real
business entities, representing therefore the EIDiF
(i.e., the digital image of the enterprise): the
products, the people, the markets, the competitors,
etc., where each element class has its own form of
digital representation, typically, to be presented to
and managed by humans.
A key step in the “semanticisation” of the reality is
the systematic creation of mappings between entities
and phenomena of the business reality and concepts
of one (or more) ontology. We refer to such
mappings as semantic annotations. In its simplest
form, a semantic annotation is a direct link between
a concept in an ontology and an element of the
enterprise. E.g.,: (Mario ÅÆ Employee). In general,
to provide an articulated account of a fragment of
the business reality, it is necessary to create an
ontology expression.
Reasoner & Truth Maintenance. The two above
structures, ontologies and semantic annotations, are
essentially repositories of knowledge. Then we need
to complete this layer with an engine capable of
processing the above structures to perform two basic
computations: (i) derivation of new knowledge and
(ii) verification that the existing structures do not
contain contradictions.
These functionalities are necessary for the very same
management and maintenance of the semantic
repositories. In fact, the reality continuously evolves
and the enterprise documents will reflect every
significant evolution, therefore the semantic
repositories, that reflect the state of the affaires,
must evolve accordingly. If we add a new piece of
semantic knowledge in an ontology that we know is
free of contradiction, a TMS (truth maintenance
system) is responsible to guarantee that also the new
version of the ontology will be released in a
consistent state, i.e., we did not introduce any
elements that invalidates what we already know
2.2 Semantic Service Utilities (SSU)
On top of the base semantic services we can build a
number of semantic service utilities. A service utility
is a software facility available to everybody,
accessible with a predefined universal protocol at
predefined published conditions (cost, SLA, etc.).
The proposed SSUs provide the key functions on top
of which any other possible semantically-enhanced
application can be built. In turn, to exist the SSUs
need the BSSs seen in the previous paragraph. The
key SSUs are listed below.
Here we touch a first limitation of the current semantic
technology: the limited capacity of representing
contradictions. While we know that the reality is full of
Base Semantic Services
Semantic Service Utilities
Semantic VAS
Semantically Enhanced
Application Services
Semantic Knowledge Mining. This service utility is
capable of accepting a human-oriented document
(from a plain text document to an XML file, from a
business process diagram to an email) and an
ontology, returning a set of semantic annotations. In
essence, this service utility is capable of extracting
the semantic content of a document, building an
explicit, formal ontology-based structure (therefore,
by using different ontologies it is possible to have
semantic annotations emerging from different
disciplines, different perspectives).
Semantic Matchmaking (SMM). This service utility
is based on some mapping discovery methods.
Mapping discovery is a very vast research area
aimed at solutions that, given two structures, are
able to derive a formal relationship that characterises
the correlation between the two structures as a whole
and among the individual elements of the two
structures (in case, considering also relevant sub-
structures). There is a wealth of available methods in
the literature, with a great variety of structures
considered (from graph stractures to logical theories,
from geometrical figures to natural language
sentences and paragraphs). Here we restrict our
focus to ontologies (or fragment of them). The
output of a SMM service utility can be of various
sorts from an algebraic condition, such as
equivalence, containment, of disjunction, to a
quantitative measure (e.g., a value between 0, in
case of disjunction, and 1, in case of identity).
Semantic Interoperability Service Utility (SISU).
This service utility is necessary when we have two
structures and, once we identified with the previous
SMM that there are divergencies, we intend to
reconcile such differences. This service is similar to
the previous SMM, but while in the previous case
we intend to identify the similarity degree, as a static
declarative parameter, here we intend to identify an
active mapping, that is the operations necessary to
transform one structure into the other. The SISU is
capable of transforming the messages exchanged
between different software applications that
interoperate by exchanging information, therefore
understanding each other messages despite the
difference in their respective data organizations.
2.3 Semantic Value Added Services
This third layer of semantic services is still of a
general nature, but the offered facilities are able to
concretely contribute in producing value for the
enterprises. We briefly list some of them.
- Semantic Search and Retrieval. This will be the
new frontier of search engines. The injection of
semantics in search engines will significantly
improve the performances, effectiveness, and
the user satisfaction. Especially when
developed jointly with user profiles (see the
next point).
- Semantic User Profiling and User-centred HCI
(Human-Computer Interaction). User profiling
is a very promising area. But the developed
solutions will be even more effective, if the
user profile will be enriched with semantic
annotations. In particular, when a semantic user
profile will be used for search purposes, the
semantic search engine will be able to consider
it, jointly with, for instance, contextual
information, to rewrite the user query and to
optimize its execution.
- Staffing and Experts Team Building. The
semantic profiles (including competences and
skills) can be used for the optimal composition
of working groups, where the gathered
competencies and skills are suitably blended
with respect to the activities to be performed.
- Enterprise Consortium Building. Here we
change scale, moving up to the level of a
consortium of enterprises. When a consortium
is built to respond to a business opportunity
(e.g., a public call for tender) it is necessary
that the gathered enterprises show a good
coverage of the capabilities required in the call.
A joint semantic analysis of the Call and the
enterprise profiles will provide important
elements to proceed in the formation of the
2.4 Semantically Enhanced
Applications Services (SEAS)
Here we address specific (vertical) enterprise
applications, such as Accounting, HR Management,
Production Planning, Sales and Distribution.
Semantic technologies can have a wide potential
impact, empowering all possible enterprise
applications. Some enterprise applications will
deeply change with the injection of semantic
capabilities, but some other will simply disappear to
be substituted by new integrated Business-IT
solutions, not conceivable without the use of the
semantics. The innovative solutions will emerge
from the joint use of semantics and Web 2.0, user-
centred social software, significantly impacting
different industrial sectors. Among the most
innovative vertical applications, we may cite:
- Intelligent autonomic logistics systems
- Disaster and emergency prevention and
- Advanced cross sectorial health care
- Cognitive economics
The full achievement of the knowledge enterprise,
based on the semantic technologies, cannot be
reached with the enterprises we know today.
3.1 In Search for New Enterprise
In parallel to the technological innovation, it is
necessary that the organization and operational
models of the enterprise undergo a deep change as a
precondition for the full deployment of the potential
of the knowledge infrastructures. In this perspective,
we may recall the vision of Stafford Beer, rephrasing
it in the perspective of the semantic enterprise:
asking how to use semantic technologies in the
enterprise is a wrong question, the right question is
what will be the transformations that semantic
technologies will induce on the enterprises. But,
even more correct is to ask what will be the
enterprise of the future once that semantic
technologies will be fully deployed. Then, let’s try
to depict the main lines of such a possible future.
In the previous section we presented a framework
for the development of enterprise wide software
applications based on the extensive use of semantic
services. In fact, Figure 2 represents the layers of a
Semantic SOA that will be realised in the next
decade or so. In this perspective, the semantics is
mainly involved in the achievement of the advanced
software services, but not in the production of the
available services: there is still a significant amount
of software to be developed, debugged, tested, and
3.2 From Software Programming to
Knowledge Representation
Pushing further our vision, we can envisage the
future knowledge enterprise network, where new
paradigms for service development will be totally
based on the enterprise semantics. The resulting
services will not be coded with the traditional
software techniques. Enterprise IT applications will
be characterised by a separation between business
logic and business operations, pushing the MDA
(Model Driven Architecture) to its full
accomplishment. Essentially, the business logic,
including strategies, rules, and high level best
practices, will be represented by Semantic Business
Processes (SemBP), while activities and operations
will be represented by Semantic Business Services
(SemBS). The latter, if necessary, will be recursively
expanded, showing the internal structure in the form
of more detailed SemBPs, while the components
will be lower level SemBSs, until atomic SemBSs
will be reached. The latter are SemBSs that can be
fully (and operationally) specified in one
unambiguous step (human or automatic), to be
executed either directly in the enterprise or by an
external entity.
SemBP and SemBS will be (semi)automatically
derived from the extensive repositories of enterprise
documents. They will be represented in a declarative
form, e.g., rule-based, with the support of reference
The supporting networked infrastructure will be the
evolution towards a semantic version of the FInES
(Future Internet Enterprise Systems) that we know
. A possible global architecture has been
suggested by W3C, with the Semantic Web “cake”.
3.3 The Unified Enterprise Knowledge
The key idea of the scenario reported above is a tight
integration of human and computer knowledge, with
synergic capabilities of understanding and
proactively using the available shared knowledge: a
symbiosis between natural and artificial intelligence.
We assume that the principles, rules, and operations,
according to which an enterprise functions and
produces value, are all represented in a form or
another in human-oriented documents. From
business processes to roles and positions of the
personnel, from marketing strategies to assets
management, more and more there is a consistent (or
supposed so) production of strategic, tactical, or
operational documents. We can imagine that the
semantic technologies will be able to extract the
knowledge therein reported and codify it in the
forms that can be interpreted by a computer system.
In essence, when the management of an enterprise
decides to introduce a change in the operations of
the organization, this intention is reported in one or
more documents. These documents will be
transmitted to the interested sectors and people
therein, who will modify organizations, operations,
and employees behaviour accordingly. But in
parallel, there is a need of changing the enterprise
application systems for the parts affected by the
above mentioned decisions. In the knowledge
enterprise, the management documents will be
semantically analysed, the knowledge mining
services will extract the new instructions to be
propagated to the operational knowledge repositories
(i.e., those containing the SemBP and the SemBS).
Semantic Matchmaking services will discover where
(i.e., on which processes and services) the new
directions will impact. Then, the updated operational
knowledge will be activated, to guarantee that the IT
enterprise applications will behave according to the
new directions (in this way, the well known
Business/IT alignment will be largely solved).
The progress towards the new Knowledge-centric
Enterprise Network (KEN) models, made possible
by the extensive use of knowledge and semantic
technologies, has been sought since long time. More
than a decade ago there have been the first important
results in this direction (see for instance (Fox et al.,
1998) and (Uschold et al., 1998). Similarly, the
Semantic Web has been proposed at the beginning
of this decade. The decade of the 90s has been
characterised by the explosion of the Web, the
current decade is characterised by the Social Web.
Many say that the upcoming decade will be finally
that of the Semantic Web and, as its natural
consequence on the business world, it will see the
advent of the Knowledge Enterprise Network. We
know that the technological innovation is
unstoppable, however there are several factors that
may delay the joint evolution of the technologies
and the enterprises along the lines described above.
Here we can briefly summarise a few of the
hindering factors. Some of them are real, some other
depend on the wariness of the majority of the
Knowledge Culture. We need that the enterprises
develop a diffused culture of semantics, a
better awareness of the advantages that a
diffusion of such technologies will bring to
enterprises, and to the society at large.
Semantic technologies are still considered as
research artefacts, far from the practical and
convenient level of maturity, in order to be
actually adopted by enterprises.
Semantic technologies are very demanding in terms
of processing power and storage systems. We
still need a great deal of research before their
extensive application in real industrial settings.
To adopt semantic solutions, and enterprise
needs a group of highly specialised experts,
such as ontology engineers or logicians.
Last but not least, costs and risks still appear high
with respect to the expected (but not concretely
proved) benefits.
In this paper we sketchily presented the main lines
of a possible future, where new technological
solutions will concur in the realization of a unified
semantic space. In this space humans and computers
will have access to the same knowledge, being
therefore able to tightly cooperate in different high
level activities. In such a reality, there will be a
parallel evolution of the business dimension, new
enterprise models will emerge and the notion of
value will be different from our understanding of
We are at the verge of a new decade witnessing an
acceleration of the progress towards the Knowledge
Economy. But we know that the progress hardly
follows a linear trajectory, and there is no positive
determinism in the technological evolution.
Therefore, as usual, we are the creators of our own
I wish to thank the colleagues Antonio De Nicola e
Francesco Taglino who helped me to better focus the
vision reported in this paper. Furthermore, I wish to
thank Sergio Gusmeroli for the long and open
discussions we had in digging the frame and mission
of the COIN European Project, that influenced the
layered service-oriented vision reported in Section 2.
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Michele Missikoff, Director of Research at IASI
(Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica) of
National Research Council, and Coordinator of
LEKS: Lab for Enterprise Knowledge and Systems
since 1999. Scientific Director of the European
laboratory on Enterprise Interoperability, Interop-
VLab, has a long experience in European projects,
both in eBusiness and eGovernment. Elected
member of the National Steering Committee for
Information Science and Technology, from 1992 to
1997. He has been member of the editorial Board of
VLDB Journal and co-founder of EDBT Conference
series. Past-president of EDBT Endowment, he has
organised numerous conferences and workshops. He
has pubblished more than 150 technical and
scientific papers, the majority of which on
international journals and conference proceedings.