Ra´ul Alcaraz
Innovation in Bioengineering Research Group, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca, Spain
Jos´e Joaqu´ın Rieta
Biomedical Synergy, Electronic Engineering Dept., Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia, Spain
Atrial fibrillation, Electrical cardioversion, Sample entropy, Wavelet family, Wavelet transform.
Wavelet Sample Entropy (WSE) has been previously introduced as a successful methodology to predict electri-
cal cardioversion (ECV) outcome of persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). The method estimates AF organization
based on the combination of Wavelet decomposition and non-linear regularity metrics, such as Sample En-
tropy (SampEn). However, WSE has been only computed by applying a specific wavelet function, such as the
fourth-order biorthogonal wavelet. In the present work, with the objective of improving WSE robustness and
its diagnostic ability in ECV outcome prediction, several orthogonal wavelet families were tested, and their
performances were compared. Results indicated that, for all the functions of the same wavelet family, the same
sensitivity and specificity were obtained. Additionally, all the wavelet families reached the same diagnostic
ability (80.95% sensitivity and 85.71% specificity), being the same patients incorrectly classified by all the
families. These results suggest that any wavelet family could be indistinctly used to estimate successfully
AF organization with the WSE methodology. As a consequence, the design of a customized wavelet function
adapted to the specific characteristics of AA would not improve the WSE diagnostic ability in the prediction
of ECV outcome in AF.
For patients in persistent atrial fibrillation (AF),
restoration and maintenance of normal sinus rhythm
(NSR) is the main therapeutic goal because symp-
toms, cardiac output, and exercise tolerance are im-
proved whereas the risk of stroke is reduced (Fuster
et al., 2006). Thus, the first step in the rhythm control
strategy is generally cardioversion. While chemical-
induced cardioversion is sometimes possible, particu-
larly with amiodarone (Gall and Murgatroyd, 2007),
it is generally more unsuccessful than electrical car-
dioversion (ECV), specially if the arrhythmia has
been present for more than 24 hours (Gall and Mur-
gatroyd, 2007). However, although the ECV suc-
cess rate is high, AF recurrence is common, espe-
cially during the first 2 weeks following the proce-
dure (Tieleman et al., 1998). Moreover, ECV also
has the potential of causing severe collateral effects,
such as post-shock bradycardia, malignant ventricular
arrhythmias, arterial thromboembolism and compli-
cations related to anaesthesia (Gall and Murgatroyd,
2007). Hence, it would be clinically very useful to
predict NSR maintenance after ECV, before it is at-
tempted. In this way, the risks of cardioversion could
be avoided for those patients with high risk of short-
term recurrence and, for the health care provider,
clinical costs could be reduced because unproductive
treatment time and bed usage could be reduced.
Recently, a strategy defined as Wavelet Sample
Entropy (WSE) has been introduced as a success-
ful methodology to predict ECV outcome (Alcaraz
and Rieta, 2008). The method estimates AF organi-
zation based on the combination of Wavelet decom-
position and non-linear regularity metrics, such as
Sample Entropy (SampEn), showing that in patients
with a more organized AF, the arrhythmia recurrence
likelihood was lower after ECV (Alcaraz and Rieta,
2008). However, WSE was only computed by apply-
ing a specific wavelet function, such as the fourth-
order biorthogonal wavelet. Thereby, in the present
work, with the objective of improving the robustness
Alcaraz R. and Joaquín Rieta J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, pages 389-392
DOI: 10.5220/0002692003890392
of WSE and its diagnostic ability in ECV outcome
prediction, several orthogonal wavelet families were
tested, and their performances were compared.
2.1 Study Population
Thirty-five patients (12 men and 23 women) with per-
sistent AF lasting more than 30 days, undergoing
the first attempt of ECV were followed during four
weeks. All patients were in drug treatment with amio-
darone. A standard 12-lead ECG was acquired prior
to cardioversion. All signals were digitized at a sam-
pling rate of 1024 Hz and 16-bit resolution with a
Cardiolab System in the electrophysiology laboratory
during ECV protocol. In order to process these sig-
nals, a 30 seconds-length AF segment preceding the
ECV was extracted for each patient. After the ECV,
in 21 patients (60%) NSR duration was below one
month, whereas en the remaining 14 patients (40%)
NSR was maintained.
2.2 Data Preprocessing
Lead V
was chosen for the analysis because previous
works have shown that atrial activity (AA) is domi-
nant in this lead (Petrutiu et al., 2006). The signal
was preprocessed in order to improve later analysis.
Firstly, baseline wander was removed making use of
bidirectional high pass filtering with 0.5 Hz cutt-off
frequency(Dotsinsky and Stoyanov, 2004). Secondly,
high frequency noise was reduced with an eight order
bidirectional IIR Chebyshev low pass filtering, whose
cut-off frequency was 70 Hz (Sun et al., 2002). Fi-
nally, powerline interference was removed through
adaptive notch filtering, which preserves the ECG
spectral information (Ferdjallah and Barr, 1994).
3.1 Wavelet Sample Entropy
The WSE methodology has shown an ability to de-
tect regularity variations in the AA signal that would
be left masked in other cases (Alcaraz and Rieta,
2008). However, this strategy requires the combina-
tion of Wavelet decomposition and SampEn together
with some additional previous steps, such as it will be
next described.
The analysis of the AA from the surface ECG
is complicated by the simultaneous presence of ven-
tricular activity, which is of much greater amplitude.
Whereby, the AA signal has to be firstly extracted be-
fore the application of any other analysis. Although
a variety of different techniques exist for this pur-
pose, a QRST cancellation method was used. Thus,
the highest variance eigenvector of all the ECG beats
was considered as the ventricular template for the
cancellation. This QRST template was selected be-
cause it provided a more accurate ventricular activity
representation and, hence, higher quality AA extrac-
tion in short AF recordings, such as the analyzed in
this work, than those obtained by averaging all the
beats (Alcaraz and Rieta, 2007).
Next, eight levels of wavelet decomposition were
applied to the AA signals because the seventh detail
scale (sub-band corresponding to 4 8 Hz) covers the
most typical AA frequency range (Bollmann et al.,
2006). The wavelet coefficients vector corresponding
to the scale containing the dominant atrial frequency,
those with the largest amplitude within the AA fre-
quency range (Bollmann et al., 2006), was linearly
interpolated by the factor 2
, being m the discrete
wavelet scale. Hence, a vector of wavelet coefficients
with a number of samples equal to the original sig-
nal was obtained for the chosen scale. Considering
that different scales present wavelet coefficients vec-
tors with different number of samples, this interpo-
lation was necessary. Moreover, unsuccessful results
were obtained when non-interpolated wavelet coeffi-
cients vectors were analyzed. Finally, the regularity
of this vector was estimated making use of SampEn
to discern between ECVs relapsing to AF and result-
ing in NSR.
3.2 Wavelet Family Selection
Given that there are no established rules for the choice
of a specific wavelet family for each particular ap-
plication, several orthogonal wavelet families were
tested in this work. Only experiments with orthogonal
families were developed because only in an orthogo-
nal basis any signal can be uniquely decomposed and
the decomposition can be inverted without loosing in-
formation (Mallat, 1999). Concretely, all the different
functions from Haar, Daubechies, Coiflet, Biorthogo-
nal, Reverse Biorthogonal and Symlet wavelet fami-
lies were tested.
3.3 Statistical Analysis
The obtained SampEn values were expressed as mean
± standard deviation, because ECVs relapsing to AF
BIOSIGNALS 2010 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Table 1: Mean and standard deviation SampEn values for ECVs relaping to AF and resulting in NSR, statistical significance
(p value), sensitivity and specificity for each tested wavelet family.
Wavelet family (order) ECVs relapsing AF ECVs maintaining NSR p-value Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
Haar 0.030 ± 0.006 0.026 ± 0.005 0.0100 80.95 (17/21) 85.71 (12/14)
Daubechies (5) 0.031 ± 0.006 0.027 ± 0.006 0.0112 80.95 (17/21) 85.71 (12/14)
Coiflet (3) 0.030 ± 0.007 0.025 ± 0.006 0.0098 80.95 (17/21) 85.71 (12/14)
Biorthogonal (4.4) 0.032 ± 0.005 0.027 ± 0.004 0.0072 80.95 (17/21) 85.71 (12/14)
Reverse Biorthogonal (4.4) 0.033 ± 0.006 0.029 ± 0.004 0.0115 80.95 (17/21) 85.71 (12/14)
Symlets (5) 0.031 ± 0.006 0.026 ± 0.005 0.0086 80.95 (17/21) 85.71 (12/14)
Figure 1: Results obtained with the third-order Coiflet wavelet family. (a) ROC curve constructed with the obtained SampEn
values for persistent AF patients. The closest point to 100% sensitivity and specificity is selected as optimum SampEn
threshold. Symbol indicates the optimum threshold. (b) Classification into patients resulting in NSR and relapsing to AF
after 4 weeks following ECV.
and resulting in NSR had a normal and homoscedastic
distribution as the Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Levene
tests proved, respectively. Thereby, The t Student test
was also used to determine whether there was any sig-
nificant difference between the groups. A two-tailed
value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically signifi-
In order to evaluate the predictive ability for
the NSR maintenance reached through each wavelet
function, receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
curves were constructed. Different thresholds or cut-
off points (SampEn values) were selected and the sen-
sitivity/specificity pair for each one of them was cal-
culated. Sensitivity (the true positive rate) was con-
sidered as the ECVs relapsing to AF proportion cor-
rectly classified (SampEn value higher than the cutoff
point), whereas specificity (the true negativerate) rep-
resented the ECVs resulting in NSR percentage cor-
rectly recognized (SampEn value lower than the cut-
off point). The closest point to 100% sensitivity and
specificity was selected as optimum SampEn thresh-
For all the functions of the same wavelet family, the
same sensitivity and specificity values were obtained.
Thereby, only the function that showed lower p value
is presented in Table 1 for each wavelet family.
As can be appreciated in the table, all the wavelet
families reached the same efficiency, i.e. a sensi-
tivity of 80.95% (17 out of 21) and a specificity of
85.71% (12 out of 14), being the same patients incor-
rectly classified by all the families. Additionally, for
all the cases, the ROC curves provided an optimum
SampEn discrimination threshold between 0.029 and
0.030. Similarly, for all the wavelet families, the pa-
tients relapsing to AF presented higher SampEn val-
ues than those resulting in NSR after one month, and
both groups were statistically distinguishable, since a
statistical significance lower than 0.001 was obtained.
Fig. 1 shows the ROC curve and the classification
into patients resulting in NSR and relapsing to AF ob-
tained with the third-order Coiflet family as an exam-
The wavelet coefficients vector organization analysis
checks the regularity of a time series. This time se-
ries is constituted by the correlation coefficients be-
tween the scaled mother wavelet and consecutive and
non-overlapping signal segments. In this respect, re-
sults provided by all the tested wavelet families can
be considered as coherent and prove that the dis-
crete Wavelet transform translation variance has no
effect in this application. Additionally, a high regular-
ity value in this time series indicates constant wave-
form across the studied time period. On the contrary,
low regularity implies variable waveforms. Thus, the
presence of more structured f waves in organized
atrial activities (Petrutiu et al., 2006) could justify
the obtained results, which show that patients who
relapsed to AF presented lower wavelet coefficients
vector regularity than those who remained in NSR.
Hence, the obtained results suggest that the de-
sign of a customized wavelet function adapted to
the atrial activity waveform characteristics would not
considerably improve prediction of ECV result. In
fact, in other studies, where different ECG problems
were solved making use of WT, a new wavelet func-
tion adapted to the analyzed signal characteristics was
considered but, finally, discarded (Addison, 2005).
This work was supported by the projects TEC2007-
64884 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Innovation, PII2C09-0224-5983 and PII1C09-0036-
3237 from Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Man-
cha and PAID-05-08 from Universidad Polit´ecnica de
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BIOSIGNALS 2010 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing