Johannes Schmid, Lukasz Niestoruk, Stefan Lamparth, Wilhelm Stork
Institut f
ur Technik der Informationsverarbeitung, Universit
at Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Elena Pancera, Xuyang Li, Thomas Zwick
Institut f
ur Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektronik, Universit
at Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Ultra-wideband (UWB), Water detection, Signal processing, Water accumulations, Medical UWB.
In this paper, the concept for an Ultra-wideband (UWB) radar system for the detection and quantification of
water accumulations in the human body is presented. With this system, the amount of water in human organs
(e.g. the bladder or the lung) can be estimated by processing reflected UWB signals. A simulation-based prove
of concept of this approach is presented and it is shown that the system promises a feasible way to implement
a mobile on-body water detection system for medical applications. Based on the simulation results, it can be
concluded that UWB technology is a very promising opportunity for the realization of a mobile and continuous
on-body water detection system that can drastically reduce the costs in different areas in the fields of urology
and cardiology.
The continuous detection and quantification of wa-
ter accumulations in the human body is an important
topic in various medical fields. In urology, neurolog-
ical diseases can cause a loss of the ability to detect
the fluid level in the bladder (eg. paraplegic patients)
which makes an external determination of the urina-
tion intervals necessary and often causes a perma-
nent catheterization. Also, these therapies often cause
complications due to infections and lead to immense
follow-up costs for the health care system (Hohenfell-
ner, 2009), (GBE, 2009). Another use is the monitor-
ing of the fluid level in the bladder of senior persons
that suffer from dehydration because they regularly
don’t drink enough (DGE, 2007).
In cardiology, heart failure (HF) is one of the top
three most common causes of death (Destatis, 2009),
(GBE, 2009) and a pulmonary edema is an indication
of an insufficient heart functionality (GBE, 2009),
(Fromm et al., 1995). Being able to continuously
monitor the patients lungs could help to instantly no-
tice decompensation and react with an adapted treat-
In both fields, a mobile detection and monitor-
ing of the amount of water in human tissue or or-
gans could prevent patients from being hospitalized
and save resources. In this paper, a new approach to
measuring the amount of water inside the human body
based on Ultra-wideband technology is presented.
The reflections of UWB pulses impinging on the
human body are used to deduce the fluid concentra-
tion in the reflecting organ or tissue. In Fig. 1 the
concept scheme of the proposed method is shown.
Figure 1: Concept of the on-body water detection system.
In section 2, an analysis of the state of the art in the
fields of UWB radar systems and medical applications
Schmid J., Niestoruk L., Lamparth S., Stork W., Pancera E., Li X. and Zwick T. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, pages 397-400
DOI: 10.5220/0002694003970400
of UWB technology is presented. In section 3, results
of a simulated setup are shown to prove the feasibility
of this approach. In the last sections conclusions and
an outline of planned future research on this topic is
2.1 Definitions and Terminology
Ultra-wideband describes a radio pulse technology
with a signal bandwidth greater than 500 MHz or
the fractional bandwidth of 20 %. In Germany, the
Federal Network Agency (”Bundesnetzagentur”) has
adopted the regulations of the European Conference
of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations
(CEPT) for UWB signals (Bundesnetzagentur, 2008).
It is important to be noticed that a maximum spectral
density of -41.3 dBm/MHz is allowed for all UWB
The main application areas for the technology in-
clude imaging, radar and communication systems and
the field is currently under very intensive research.
For low power communication, first commercial chips
will be available in the near future (Decawave, 2008).
2.2 Ultra-wideband Radar
One of the most interesting research areas is the us-
age of UWB pulses for radar applications. Different
objects and their positions can be detected by inter-
preting reflected UWB signals. The short pulses (typ-
ical time domain duration of Full Width at Half Max-
imum of 100 ps) provide a very high range resolu-
tion and the large bandwidth (more than 500 MHz)
allows a fine radar resolution of closely spaced ob-
jects (Rahayu et al., 2008). So far, the main appli-
cations are in the fields of automotive (e.g. park-
ing assistance, pre-crash sensing, blind spot detection,
stop&go (Dominik, 2007)) and of through-wall detec-
tion (Chamma, 2007), (Lubecke et al., 2007).
2.3 Medical Applications
Also in medical imaging, UWB signals can be used
as radar. A scan of the part of the body under exami-
nation results in an image of the underlying structure.
A precise analysis of the reflected signal can deliver
information about the substances in the body and their
amounts (Tan and Chia, 2004). Depending on the fre-
quency range used, further possible applications in-
clude cardiac biomechanics and chest movements as-
sessments, obstructive sleep apnoea monitoring, soft-
tissue biomechanics research, heart and chest imag-
ing, and also cardiac and respiratory monitoring, sud-
den infant death syndrome monitor and vocal tract
studying (Staderini, 2002). A feasibility study on us-
ing one UWB device for communication and radar is
presented in (Bilich, 2006). In (Gupta et al., 2008) a
FM-UWB system for sensing purposes in biomedical
applications is proposed and implemented in a Heart
Rate Monitoring application.
So far, not much work has been done concerning
measurements of water accumulations in the body. To
our knowledge only one other group did also iden-
tify water blobs in the human body in the course of
work on an imaging systems for breast cancer detec-
tion (Khor and Bialkowski, 2007).
Goal of the simulation is to show the feasibility of the
system concept. The reflections of UWB pulses im-
pinging on a realistic model of a section of the human
body are recorded. All parameters are adjusted and
tuned to obtain a realistic simulation of the bladder in
the human body.
3.1 Setup
The developed model of the human bladder is based
on the anatomical drawings from (R.Pabst, 2009),
Fig. 2.
Figure 2: Anatomical drawings of the human bladder,
empty and full.
For the simulation, multiple dielectric layers (skin,
fat, muscle, bladder and bone) are used as a repre-
sentation of the bladder (Fig. 3). The thicknesses
of the different layers were chosen in accordance to
the anatomical model from (R.Pabst, 2009) for an ex-
emplary human body, the thickness of the layer that
represents the bladder is changed in accordance to the
state (empty or full).
According to (C. Gabriel and Corthout, 1996),
(S. Gabriel and Gabriel, 1996), the frequency depen-
dency of the dielectric properties of the biological tis-
BIOSIGNALS 2010 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Figure 3: Model of the bladder with multiple dielectric lay-
ers for simulation (E
: incident electric field, E
: reflected
electric field).
sues are considered. An approximation of the fre-
quency dependency of the dielectrics is applied. The
direction of an incident wave (E
) is orientated per-
pendicularly to the left surface skin (Fig. 3). A plane
wave is applied at a distance shortly before the layer
of skin to generate the UWB pulse. Due to this im-
pinging wave penetrations and reflections of UWB
pulses in the multiple dielectric layers are performed.
The reflected signal (E
) is received by a probe at a
distance of 0.5 m.
3.2 Results
Two simulations of the proposed model are taken. A
full bladder with urine and an empty bladder are mod-
eled. The differences between these two cases are the
thickness of the bladder muscle (thinner for the ”full”
case) and the amount of urine (larger amount for the
”full” case i.e. thicker bladder). The reflected UWB
pulses are recorded, the results are shown in Fig. 4
with a solid line for the full bladder and dotted line
for the empty bladder.
Three strong reflections marked with numbers are
identified from the received electric field E
in both
cases (the peak of the transmitted pulse is 1 V/m). The
skin and urine in the bladder have an increased per-
mittivity in comparison to the fat, muscle and bone.
The strong reflections r
and r
occur on the bound-
ary between air and skin. r
and r
are the reflec-
tions from the boundary between bladder muscle and
urine, while r
and r
are caused by the boundary be-
tween urine and right bladder muscle. A time differ-
ence between r
and r
in the two simulation results
(full case, empty case) is noticed. This is due to the
expansion of the bladder and the displacement of the
reflection point which results in a different propaga-
tion time of the electromagnetic waves through the
bladder in the two cases. Thus, the reflection proper-
ties can be utilized for the recognition of water in the
body and its amount in the bladder can be estimated.
Figure 4: Received electric field E
of the UWB pulses by
the probe: full (solid) vs. empty (dotted) bladder. (full case:
, r
and r
; empty case: r
, r
and r
For the detection and the measurement of water
accumulations in other human organs like the lung,
an evaluation of the amplitudes has to be added to the
signal processing in addition to the propagation time
analysis. The measuring principle remains the same.
The results of the simulations show that the proposed
concept is a feasible way to detect water accumula-
tions in human organs. In the presented example the
detection of water in the bladder is simulated. To ap-
ply the concept to the lung or other organs, the signal
processing has to be adapted and the different attenu-
ation properties and the velocity of propagation have
to be evaluated. This approach allows to develop a
mobile on-body prevention system for various medi-
cal problems that require a continuous monitoring of
the fluid level in a human organ.
The next steps include the continuation of the simu-
lations by verifying, crosschecking and refining the
introduced model of the human bladder to obtain re-
sults as realistic as possible. It is then planned to also
model the human lung and to develop signal process-
ing algorithms to evaluate not only the signal offset
but also the amplitude changes of a reflected signal in
dependency of the water amount or concentration in
the measured organ. After that, a prototype will be
developed for experimental testing and evaluation of
the signal processing algorithms.
This work was carried out in the framework program
”Mikrosystemtechnik f
ur die Lebenswissenschaften”
of the foundation of Baden W
urttemberg (Landess-
tiftung BaW
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BIOSIGNALS 2010 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing