Acquisition Biosignals Module for a Mobile Telemedicine System
Ediana Sutjiredjeki
Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Desa Ciwaruga, Bandung, Indonesia
Kastam Astami, Soegijardjo Soegijoko, Tati R. Mengko, Suhartono Tjondronegoro
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10,Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Interface array, Concentrator, Low-cost medical instrumentation, Mobile telemedicine system.
Abstract: This paper describes the development of medical information concentrator to be used for a telemedicine unit
in a mobile telemedicine system. The concentrator contains of an interface array which function to obtain
biosignals coming from several medical instruments, such as ECG monitor, NIBP device, etc. The number
of medical instruments connected to the concentrator can vary, though there must be a swap between the
user’s requirement and the design complexity to optimize the design implementation. This concentrator
provides connection of low-priced medical instruments which previously are incapable of directly link up to
the necessary computer in a telemedicine unit. Hence, the cost for building a mobile telemedicine can be
more economically. Comprehensively test of the concentrator has been conducted in a whole mobile
telemedicine system. Results show recorded biosignals can be displayed by parts or collected beforehand as
a medical record which may be sent to the doctor who stays alert in the hospital as the base unit.
Community healthcare services in rural areas are
often impeded by the scarcity in transportation
infrastructure, inadequate service facilities,
insufficient number of medical experts, and limited
availability of communication means. To alleviate
these problems, a mobile telemedicine system is
believed to be an alternative solution (Martinez
et.al., 2004) (Satyamurthy, 2007). Unfortunately, to
extend the system will involve high-priced
investment to procure medical devices and
supporting equipments both hardware and software
(Norris, 2002).
This paper presents the development of a
medical information concentrator as a module to
acquire various biosignals in the telemedicine unit of
a mobile telemedicine system. The medical
information concentrator is an interface array for
various medical instruments used within a mobile
telemedicine system, such as an ECG monitor,
NIBP, and oxygen saturation SpO2. For each of
medical instruments we have developed a dedicated
interface, since the medical instrument selected are
incapable of direct connectivity to the necessary
computer, also each of the devices must be operated
individually according to a previously decided set of
procedures. So, we apply a multiprotocol interface
within the concentrator.
In designing of the medical information
concentrator, the compatibility between hardware
and software is very important, and needs special
consideration. To cope with this, the hardware-
software co-design method is used on the design by
considering the complexity that the system has.
This concentrator provides different medical
instrument with relatively inexpensive may be
applied for building a mobile telemedicine system.
Therefore, it may reduce the venture to get hold of
medical devices. The rest of the paper is organized
as follows. In the section two, the method and the
implementation of the medical information
concentrator is explained. The test of the
concentrator that has been integrated into a mobile
telemedicine unit is also discussed in this section.
Finnaly, section three is a summary of the paper,
and it also presents the future works as the closing
Sutjiredjeki E., Astami K., Soegijoko S., R. Mengko T. and Tjondronegoro S. (2010).
A MEDICAL INFORMATION CONCENTRATOR - Acquisition Biosignals Module for A Mobile Telemedicine System.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, pages 59-63
DOI: 10.5220/0002697000590063
For monitoring a patient in a mobile telemedicine
system we need the measurements of biosignals,
including vital sign for instance ECG signal, blood
pressure, etc. (Jung et al., 2005). In general to
conduct the vital sign measurement, the mobile
telemedicine system applies medical devices which
already has a digital output for instance a continuous
one channel ECG, plus another biosignals, viz.
NIBP, SpO2, HR etc., in one package. Also, such
kind of equipment is costly. Usually, user has no
flexibility to choose a medical device that may suit
her/his ability. In addition, since the devices are
already in one compact package, it is difficult to be
The medical information concentrator offers a
user to select and to use a low-cost individual
medical device to be linked up with a mobile
telemedicine system. The kind and the number of
medical instruments to be connected to the system
can be decided by the user according to her/his
financial ability, and a clinical situation.
Figure 1 depicts the block diagram of the
medical information concentrator. Each of medical
instrument is served by a dedicated interface that is
connected to the data buffer which stores measured
biosignal to be processed and transmitted to the
communication manager. The communication
manager is a module to manage data transaction and
communication within units in a mobile
telemedicine system.
Figure 1: Block diagram of the medical informational
Every instrument is operated and controlled by
the interface program controller that is a specific
software which has been developed during this
The number of medical instruments may be
attached to the medical information concentrator is
flexible, depends on the user’s need to cover a
certain clinical situation. Although, there must be a
trade off between the user requirement and the
design complexity to optimize the realization. It is
suggested that the number of the medical instrument
is less than 16. If the number of medical devices is
bigger will degrade the performance of the whole
system dramatically.
Since all instruments have unique characteristics
according to its measured biosignal feature,
therefore the medical information concentrator is
developed in a modular way both hardware and
software. Each interface is designed specifically that
includes the data transfer rate, the format of the file,
and the assembler programming.
2.1 Design Implementation
In this research, the design of the medical interface
concentrator has been implemented to serve four
medical instruments, i.e. ECG monitor 12 leads,
NIBP, temperature, SpO2, and FHR monitor. The
block diagram of realized concentrator is shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: A realized medical information concentrator
block diagram.
Functionally, the medical information
concentrator can be divided into two sections, i.e.
interface array section, and the interface
concentrator section. The number of interface within
the interface array section depends on the number of
medical devices will be related to the system. In the
interface concentrator, the software is developed
using plug-in concept, to solve the problem of
flexible functionality in many applications (Stapic
et.al., 2008).
BIODEVICES 2010 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
Every instrument is supported by one interface
which is microcontroller based. Hence, the medical
information concentrator consists of four interfaces,
viz. ECG interface, BP and temperature interface,
SpO2 interface, and FHR interface.
2.1.1 ECG Interface
The ECG interface is specialized design for ECG 12
leads Cardimax 2111. As the core of the interface is
a microcontroller PIC16F87A from Microchip. The
interface has specification as following:
Input: serial data format;
Clock data transfer: 500 KHz;
Output: 8-bit parallel data format;
Data transfer rate: 500 Kbit/second;
Power supply: 5.3 volts.
2.1.2 BP and Temperature Interface
The BP interface is designed to a universal interface
that means the interface can be connected to any
digital blood pressure without regarding the product
manufacture (Sutjiredjeki and Soegijoko, 2006). The
microcontroller PIC16F87A from Microchip is still
used as the core of the interface. The temperature
interface is designed to be integrated with the BP
interface by using A/D converter within the
microcontroller. The specification of the interface is
as following:
Range of measurement: (0 – 280) mmHg;
Accuracy: ± 3 mmHg;
Power supply: 5 volts.
2.1.3 SpO2 Interface
The core of SpO2 interface is a microcontroller
ATMega8 from ATMEL. It is specialized design for
common oximeter, and the interface has
specification as following:
Range of measurement: (0 – 100)%;
Resolution: 8 bit;
Output: 8-bit parallel data format.
2.1.4 FHR Interface
To simplify the design, we used a sound card as the
FHR interface. The interface connects an
inexpensive FHR doppler monitor to a PC. The
range of measurement is for typical ultrasonic
frequency of 2 Mhz.
2.1.5 Biosignals Display on the Concentrator
To prevent a conflict between the various medical
instruments which may cause a reading error, each
time only one instrument is allowed to detect a
biosignal according to its function.
The measured vital signs can be displayed by
parts or collected and presented as a medical record
which can be sent to the doctor in the hospital or
health centre. An example of displays on the
medical information concentrator is showed in
Figure 3. This figure describes the result of BP
measurement, temperature, and oxygen saturation
SpO2. In addition, the patient’s data demographic is
also included in the medical record.
Figure 3: Example of measured vital signs display on the
medical information concentrator.
If the biosignals are aimed to display partly or
individually, it can be done as illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Recorded ECG biosignal from lead V4.
2.2 Test Results
The medical information concentrator is integrated
into a mobile telemedicine unit of a mobile
telemedicine system. Figure 5 depicts the block
diagram of the mobile telemedicine unit. This unit
is located at a patient’s site, and comprises of the
Medical instruments: ECG, NIBP, SpO2, FHR,
and thermometer;
Medical information concentrator;
Data processing unit;
A MEDICAL INFORMATION CONCENTRATOR - Acquisition Biosignals Module for A Mobile Telemedicine System
Communication manager module;
Communication devices: GSM/GPRS and
Figure 5: A mobile telemedicine unit block diagram.
The mobile telemedicine unit is realized in the
form of a portable telemedicine unit which can be
easily carried and placed in an ambulance or a
remote community healthcare centre (Sutjiredjeki
et.al., 2008). The unit is equipped with a Core 2
Duo CPU, 1 GB memory, and 120 GB hard disk. All
components are placed in a water-proof case which
also protects it from impact and vibration as shown
in Figure 6.
By having the medical information concentrator
inside, the portable telemedicine unit is able to
acquire a number of vital signs coming from various
inexpensive medical devices which formerly have
no links up to the computer. These signals are
directed into the computer via a standard RS232.
In the computer, the measured biosignals are
processed to find the parameter values and
displayed. Figures 7 describes the recorded
biosignals using the medical information
concentrator that has been realized.
As illustrated in Figure 7, all the measured vital
signs, i.e. 12 leads ECG, NIBP (systolic and
diastolic values), SpO2, HR, temperature, and
patient’s data can be exhibited at once.
Figure 6: A portable telemedicine unit.
Figure 7: Recorded biosignals as a result of the medical
information concentrator.
Currently, the mobile telemedicine system
included the medical information concentrator is
operated at local general hospital, RSUD Syamsudin
in Sukabumi, West Java. The system is applied for
recording and reporting patient’s medical record,
and teleconsultation. The portable telemedicine unit
is placed in a moving ambulance. The recorded
biosignals from the ambulance is transmitted via
multi communication links, viz. GSM/GPRS and
CDMA to the base unit which is located in the
hospital. In addition, the tests also have been
conducted in three community health centres in
Sukabumi, i.e. Parungkuda, Cikembar, and Surade.
Most of times, the system is used for
teleconsultation in particular.
Based on the user evaluation, the acquired
biosignals from the medical information
concentrator are clear, and they can be applied for
supporting patient’s diagnose. Specially, for health
centres in a rural area the mobile telemedicine
system has been very demanding to improve
healthcare services.
The development of a medical information
concentrator has been presented. The concentrator
is applied to acquire biosignals coming from several
medical devices that works individually. By
providing the concentrator in the mobile
telemedicine unit leads to low-priced medical
instruments may be connected into a mobile
telemedicine system. As a result, the cost of
investment on medical instruments for building a
mobile telemedicine system may be reduced.
At present each one of medical instruments is
provided with one dedicated interface by using
BIODEVICES 2010 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
individual microcontroller. For future works, the
interface array need to be redesigned and
implemented in a single board in order to further
reduce the size and the cost. Plug and play
approach should also be considered to improve
flexible functionality of the concentrator, so the
system may be up-gradeable.
The authors would like to thank Engineers at System
Application Laboratory of Microelectronics Centre ITB
for their support, and Biomedical Engineering Research
Group ITB. We also very grateful to the Director and
staffs of RSUD Syamsudin Sukabumi, for their
cooperation while conducting this research.
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A MEDICAL INFORMATION CONCENTRATOR - Acquisition Biosignals Module for A Mobile Telemedicine System