Multiple Applications and Implications of an Ontology Framework in the Mental
Health Domain
Ehsan Nasiri Khoozani and Maja Hadzic
Digital Ecosystems and Business Intelligence Institute (DEBII),Curtin University of Technology
De Laeter Way, Technology Park, Perth, Australia
Keywords: Human Stress, Ontology, Human Stress Ontology (HSO).
Abstract: A large number of articles exist that discuss and define various concepts, terms, and theories relating to
human stress. The heterogeneous and dynamic nature of this knowledge, and the growing research,
highlight the need and significance of designing a coherent and sharable ontology framework for human
stress domain. In response to this need, we design Human Stress Ontology (HSO) to capture stress-related
concepts and their relationships in an agreed and machine readable framework. This ontology is organized
according to the following five sub-ontologies: causes, mediators, effects, treatments and measurements.
Development of an ontology in this field will facilitate interoperability between different information
systems and enable the design of ontology-driven software programs tools and semantic web engines for
intelligent access, management, retrieval and analysis of stress-related information. The derived knowledge
will help identify important relationships between different concepts, and facilitate invention of more valid
and consensual psychological tests and development of effective prevention and treatment strategies.
In a recent Newspoll Omnibus Survey, about 91% of
adult Australians reported feelings of stress in at
least one significant aspect of their lives. In this
study, worries about work, finances, future, health,
and personal relationships have been identified as
the main stressors (Lifeline Australia, 2008).
Stress can engage a wide range of psychological
and physiological mechanisms and have transient or
lasting effects on different cognitive, emotional or
physiological functions. The detrimental effects of
chronic and intense stress on physical and mental
health have been demonstrated in various studies
(Harris, 1991). For example, it can interfere with the
secretion of insulin resulting in susceptibility to
diabetes. Stress also underpins the hypersensitivity
of the limbic system resulting in subsequent arousal
disorders (Everly and Lating, 2002).
Various theories have been proposed and
experiments have been conducted in order to study
the effects of stress as a main or mediating factor in
different mental, neurophysiological, or
physiological conditions. A huge range of
information and data about such theories and their
relevant diverse studies are stored in various data
resources, yet there are ongoing controversies and
arguments over conceptualization, measurement
(Monroe, 2008), and classification of stress-related
An extended range of concepts, categories,
theories, and findings from stress-related studies can
be found in different texts and electronic journals
across various information resources. However,
there are a number of issues and problems regarding
effective analysis, integration, retrieval, and
application of these data.
Firstly, there is a lack of shared, consensual, and
precise definitions of stress-related terms and
concepts in some cases which have resulted in the
same concepts having different meanings in
different studies, or one concept being represented
by different terms across various research works.
For instance, the lack of a uniform definition of the
stress concept has made it difficult to integrate
stress-related findings and results. There are even
studies where researchers have equated stress with
specific emotional states such as anxiety, fear, or
anger (Lobel and Duknel-Schetter, 1990). Such
Nasiri Khoozani E. and Hadzic M. (2010).
HUMAN STRESS ONTOLOGY - Multiple Applications and Implications of an Ontology Framework in the Mental Health Domain.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 228-234
DOI: 10.5220/0002710402280234
inconsistencies in the definition of stress have
culminated in ambiguous and inconsistent results in
terms of measurement of stress causes and effects, as
different researchers have adopted different
definitions for stress (Monroe, 2008). Therefore,
there is a fundamental need to clearly define
differential components of each definition within
their specified contexts and reach a consensual
conceptualization for stress-related concepts and
Secondly, there is a need to obtain a
comprehensive and cohesive view of all related
phenomena within our specified domain of
knowledge i.e. human stress, so that we can obtain a
better understanding of this phenomenon as well as a
perspective of gaps and issues observed in its
research field.
Thirdly, most current information resources
function autonomously. It means that contents in
certain information resources are developed, stored
and processed independently of other information
resources, making it difficult to elicit, in a precise
and integrative manner, all desirable information
embedded within various databases. Hence, there is
a need for the information resources to be equipped
with search engines with the capacity to look for the
meaning of information, and not merely be limited
to the appearance of a specific word in the text.
Current search engines perform keyword-based
searches which make the process of information
retrieval difficult and hinder the establishment of a
comprehensive and inclusive view of all related
phenomena within our specified domain of
knowledge. For example, a search for the term stress
theories in OvidSP database brings up more than
12900 results. This enormous number of results may
also include a large amount of data about unrelated
works and studies. Such a scattered collection of
data about stress theories would by no means offer
associations, interrelations, similarities, and
differences of related concepts and theories despite
the fact that all studies have elaborated on the same
phenomenon, have adopted or borrowed many
theory elements from one another, or are
explanatory, or contradictory to each other. In order
to introduce meaning and context into our search, we
firstly need to design an ontology. The search engine
will then use this ontology to provide meaning and
context for its searches.
Despite such issues and problems within its
research field, to the best of our knowledge, there is
no established ontology or ontology-based search
engine for the topic of human stress and its related
concepts. In this paper, we put forward the
significance of establishing Human Stress Ontology
(HSO) as a potential tool to address the
abovementioned issues. We will present a top-layer
model for the HSO which aims to capture and
represent all information related to stress, its causes,
mediators, effects, treatments, and measurements.
Ontology is defined as the formal and explicit
specification of a domain conceptualization (Gruber,
1993). In an ontology framework, formal refers to
knowledge representation that is mathematically
described and machine readable. A domain
conceptualization is an abstract model of a
phenomenon, i.e. an abstract view of domain
concepts and relationships among them, and explicit
expresses clear and precise definitions of concepts
and their relationships.
Ontologies were basically designed to facilitate
communication and interoperation between different
information systems by providing a formal, agreed
and shared framework for semantics of knowledge
domains used by those systems. The application of
ontologies within various communities such as
health and biomedical areas has proved effective and
operational (Ceusters et al., 2001).
It has been suggested that ontology building is
more a craft than a strict engineering design (Beck
and Pinto, 2002). There are different ontology
building methods which can be adopted for solving
different data management problems.
For the design of the HSO, we have chosen the
DOGMA method. The DOGMA methodology
(Spyns et al., 2008) represents a special paradigm
for separating the domain axiomatization (the
ontology base) from the application axiomatization
(the commitment layer) in order to solve the trade-
off problem observed between the usability and
reusability of an ontology. The DOGMA tool has the
capability to store basic concepts and their
application-specific constraints in two separate
layers: the ontology base and the commitment layer.
By means of the DOGMA tool, we will be able to
convert the elementary facts of concepts and their
relationships into the lexons which will be placed in
the ontology base. Lexons are formal binary facts
with the formal description of <Y: trem1 role1 co-
role2 term2>. The ontology commitment layer will
contain additional rules, restrictions and constraints
specified for the defined lexons. This advantage in
HUMAN STRESS ONTOLOGY - Multiple Applications and Implications of an Ontology Framework in the Mental Health
DOGMA allows domain experts and users to have
multiple views and requirements for different
applications while using the same stored meaning-
independent conceptualization (Spyns et al., 2008).
The DOGMA also offers the notion of the context as
an identifier to confine the interpretation of each
term to certain concepts within the context of that
term (Jarrar and Meersman, 2008).
The notion of context is of significance
particularly with regards to the maintenance of rules
and lexons. It has been argued that in the
maintenance phase of expert systems, the context
influences the rules provided by the experts. For
example, in the cases where there are inconsistent
interpretations of a set of data, it is the existence of
different rules in different contexts that create such
inconsistencies. Respectively, the context defines to
a large extent the way we answer a particular
question. This statement derives from the notion that
knowledge cannot be separated from the context and
efforts to reach context-free fundamentals of
knowledge are philosophically implausible
(Compton and Jansen, 1990).
However, there are some opposite views
maintaining that concepts should correspond to
reality and ontology relations such as Is-a or Part-of
can be established in a way that introduce real
physical relations in reality. According to this view,
high-quality ontologies are representations of reality
and they must incorporate universals that exist in the
real world of space and time (Smith, 2004).
This perspective though might be applicable in
scientific domains such as physics and biology
(where there are established scientific laws) its
application in abstract domains such as human stress
seems not to be realistic. In our work, we face a big
variety of theory-based definitions and explanations
for similar concepts where the extent to which they
represent real entities in the world is unknown and
arguable. For example, there are different theories to
explain how stressful life events contribute to states
of depression or other mental disorders, each
highlighting one particular aspect of those
phenomena. Or, it has been shown that during
different stages of development, the individual is
challenged by different types of stressors (Seiffge-
Krenke et al., 2009).
For this reason we have selected the DOGMA
methodology as it is important to provide a context
for the HSO concepts and their relationships. This
will be particularly appropriate for resolving the
abovementioned inconsistencies by classifying
concepts within the context of their relevant
theories, where a specified context identifier can
represent specific theories or explanations of the
same concepts. For example, stressful life events can
be classified according to the different contexts of
childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and elderly,
where each context is characterized by its own
instances of stressful life events.
In this section, we present a graphical illustration of
the top-layer structure of the HSO plus a brief
explanation of its sub-ontologies and the observable
interrelationships existing among them.
The HSO consists of five sub-ontologies
including: 1. Stress Causes, 2. Stress Mediators, 3.
Stress Effects, 4. Stress Treatments, and 5. Stress
Measurements. All concepts which can be found
within the domain knowledge of human stress will
be placed under their related categories which fall
under the above sub-ontologies. Each sub-ontology
encapsulates its related categories and concepts;
however, the categories and concepts are not
mutually exclusive and there might be some
interrelations among them in certain contexts in
which they appear. Following, is a brief explanation
of each sub-ontology branch and some of their
defined categories. We will extend this ontology
model to incorporate all stress-related concepts and
3.1 Stress Causes (Stressors)
Overall, there are three general classifications for
stress-inducing factors regarding their relativity,
objectivity, and duration:
I. One classification system (Lupien et al., 2007)
classifies stressors into two groups based on their
relativity: a) Psychological (relative), and b)
Biogenic (absolute).
II. Another classification system (Pervin, 1978)
classifies stressors into two groups based on their
objectivity: a) Objective, and b) Subjective.
III. In one more popular division (Baum, 1990)
stressors are categorized into two groups according
to their duration: a) Acute, and b) Chronic.
3.2 Stress Mediators
The path from exposure to the stressor to stress
experience is not a direct path. In fact, a combination
of neurophysiological, psychological, and situational
factors mediates the link between stress causes stress
feelings, and consequent stress effects. We,
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: The top-level hierarchy of Human Stress Ontology (HSO) and its five sub-ontologies.
HUMAN STRESS ONTOLOGY - Multiple Applications and Implications of an Ontology Framework in the Mental Health
classify the stress mediators into the following three
categories with their corresponding sub-concepts:
I. Psychological mediators: a) Coping patterns,
b) Personality factors, c) Developmental factors, d)
Gender-related factors (Seiffge-Krenke et al., 2009),
and e) Cognitive factors (Sarafino, 1998).
II. Neurophysiological mediators: a) The HPA
axis, b) Limbic system reactions, c) Stress
hormones, and d) Stress-hormone receptors (Lupien
et al., 2007).
III. Situational mediators: a) Socioeconomic
factors, b) Cultural factors (Kopp et al., 1998a).
3.3 Stress Effects
The HSO classifies all functional and structural
stress-related alterations in the organism under seven
subclasses of: a) Stress-related disorders, b)
Neurophysiological alterations, c) Cognition
alterations, d) Emotion alterations (Lupien et al.,
2007), e) Learning and Memory (working,
declarative, emotional, long-term) alterations
(Lupein and McEwen, 1997), f) Attention alterations
(Ritter et al., 2007), and g) Effects on Interpersonal
relationships (Lindy, 1985).
3.4 Stress Treatments
Treatment of stress-related disorders draws on many
psychotherapy techniques, psychiatric interventions,
physiological techniques, and a wide range of
complementary therapies. These include: a)
Psychotherapy, b) Pharmacotherapy, c)
Physiological techniques, and d) Alternative
therapies (Everly and Lating, 2002).
3.5 Stress Measurements
If we are to effectively evaluate stress and its effects
on health, we need to correctly define the
fundamental variables of stress. Definition and
designation of such variables, as well as
experimental research on stress, necessitate the
design or creation of efficient measurement tools.
However, due to the existence of various
definitions for stress, inconsistent and superfluous
measurement tools for quantification of this
phenomenon have been created that consequently
resulted in phenomenological and methodological
mistakes. For example, some frequently used
instruments such as The Life Stressor Checklist-
Revised (Wolfe and Kimerling, 1998) focus more on
evaluating the stressors, not specifically addressing
other mediating factors which might affect the stress
response. Therefore, such measures do not measure
the stress response accurately (Everly and Lating,
In general, stress measurement tools can be
classified into three categories: a) Measurement of
stressors, b) Measurement of stress feelings, and c)
Measurement of physiology of stress response
(Everly and Lating, 2002).
For the evaluation of the HSO we will use the
conceptual coverage technique (Hartmann et al.,
2005) as follows: a test set (for example a set of 30
article abstracts randomly selected from various
psychology databases) will be used to evaluate the
designed ontology. The knowledge abstracted from
this test set will be encoded by means of the
designed ontology. Then, we will calculate the
percentage of sentences within this test set that can
be represented by the developed ontology.
Depending on the percentage of the covered text,
new concepts will be added and the created concepts
then will be further refined to ensure the HSO meet
criteria such as consistency, coherence, and
Additionally, we have mapped the HSO to the
MeSH (Medical Subject Headings, 2008), the
National Library of Medicine's controlled
vocabulary thesaurus, to examine the degree to
which concepts in the HSO match the MeSH’s
stress-related concepts. Our mapping evaluation
demonstrated that for most concepts in the HSO,
there is no equal or even synonymous concept in the
MeSH as the MeSH is a generic medical thesaurus
and is not detailed enough to capture specific
knowledge domains such as human stress.
The HSO sub-ontologies have the potential to offer a
cohesive and coherent view of various stress-related
concepts. By considering the illustrated HSO figure,
some formerly unseen relationships among different
aspects of this phenomenon may be revealed,
motivating researchers to carry out additional studies
on these interesting and important topics.
Researchers can observe the interconnectedness of
different categories of stressors with multiple
aspects of stress response or stress mediators. For
example, the HSO suggests that there can be specific
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
links between biogenic stressors and cognitive
alterations which might be different from
associations between psychological stressors and
subsequent cognitive processes.
The HSO will potentially help identify and unify
the existing differences observed in definitions of
stress-related terms and concepts, representing
formal, elaborated, precise, and consensual
definitions for them, and thereby, facilitating
communication and interoperation across different
It will have the potential to provide an overview
of prominent research subjects such that different
subjects and concepts can be placed under their
appropriate categories and viewed as interrelated
and interwoven manifestations of one phenomenon,
i.e. human stress. Therefore, through the cohesive
and coherent structure of the HSO, some hitherto
unseen relationships among different aspects of
human stress may be revealed, motivating
researchers to carry out additional studies on
perceived gaps or other latent issues across entities
and theories. The HSO will also be a motivation for
the establishment of other ontologies in psychology
and psychiatry.
The HSO can be used to integrate heterogonous
information resources within the human stress
domain and manage contents of different databases
in relation to each other. It will facilitate
interoperability between different information
systems and enable the design of ontology-driven
software programs tools and semantic web engines
for intelligent access, management, retrieval, and
analysis of stress-related information.
The subsequently derived knowledge may also
help in the development of effective prevention and
intervention strategies in the field of mental heath.
Representation and description of various stress
causes, mediators, and their mechanisms in the form
of classified binary facts can facilitate the process of
formulating more evidence-based and effective
intervention strategies. Experts can store and
organize knowledge and scientific explanations of
the factors and mechanisms contributing to
causation and precipitation of stress-related
disorders in distinctive contexts according to their
underling theories. Different intervention and
treatment strategies, therefore, in the same fashion,
can be structured in their relevant contexts where
links between them, their underpinning theories, and
related pathological explanations can be
recognizable in an effective way. Given that
intervention strategies apply their effects differently
from situation to situation and individual to
individual, an HSO-based agent system is likely to
play an important role in defining the best treatment
technique for a specific situation or individual. This
will be possible by considering different situations
or personality characteristics as distinctive contexts
for which there are suggested or prescribed
treatment techniques available.
Another intriguing application of the HSO in the
mental health domain relates to its potential for
facilitating the establishment and implementation of
various stress-related psychometric tests and
inventories. By obtaining consensual and shared
definitions of stress-related concepts and terms,
researchers and clinicians will gain a more coherent
and realistic understanding of what exactly they aim
to measure. For example, current differences and
disagreements on whether a certain test measures
stress responses, stress feelings, or stress-inducing
factors are likely to be resolved by linking each item
of the test to their relevant conceptualizations
embedded in the ontology framework. The context-
based binary facts in the HSO can be used as a basis
for development of more valid stress-related
psychological tests and inventories. For example,
test inventors aiming to capture specific test-items
for measurement of stress-response will acquire a
more accurate and consensual view of relevant items
by mapping those items to their formal definitions in
their related contexts within the HSO. In this way,
obscure, intrusive, or irrelevant items such as stress-
stimuli measuring items can be recognized and
separated out by juxtaposing them with items in
targeted contexts. This application of the HSO can
be an intriguing progress in the process of test
invention and validation in psychology, psychiatry,
and mental health domains in general. On this
ground, we will also be able to develop specific
intelligent agents to practise the process of test
invention and validation in an automated way. For
instance, an automated agent as such may have the
potential to help researchers calculate the degree to
which a certain test is related to a specified concept.
In this paper, we explained the significance, possible
applications, and implications of the Human Stress
Ontology (HSO) for the mental health domain. The
HSO will facilitate intelligent retrieval and analysis
of stress-related information. This ontology
framework is likely to help researchers increase their
understanding of the related concepts, their
definitions and possible associations in various areas
HUMAN STRESS ONTOLOGY - Multiple Applications and Implications of an Ontology Framework in the Mental Health
of stress-related research by discovering some
formerly unseen relationships among different
aspects of this phenomenon.
We also highlighted the significant role of
context-based conceptualization and classification of
stress-related phenomena for various psychological
test invention and validation purposes, as well as
intervention and prevention strategies. It was
suggested that the notion of context in the HSO
framework may resolve the problem of having
different theories, definitions, and explanations for
similar concepts within the domain of human stress.
We are in the process of introducing ontology as
an auxiliary and complementary method to mental
health research and study. The HSO project can be
considered as the emergence of a new method in
psychology and psychiatry research, inspiring
researchers to consider ontology as an effective tool
for studying various topics of those areas of science
and art. Our future work on the application of the
HSO in psychometrics and intervention strategies is
expected to have significant implications for mental
health researchers and clinicians.
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HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics