James Cannady
Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, U.S.A.
Keywords: MANET, Intrusion detection, Self-organizing map, Learning vector quantization.
Abstract: Mobile ad hoc networks continue to be a difficult environment for effective intrusion detection. In an effort
to achieve reliable distributed attack detection in a resource-efficient manner a self-organizing neural
network-based intrusion detection system was developed. The approach, Distributed Self-organizing
Intrusion Response (DISIR), enables real-time detection in a decentralized manner that demonstrates a
distributed analysis functionality which facilitates the detection of complex attacks against MANETs. The
results of the evaluation of the approach and a discussion of additional areas of research is presented.
Because of the increasing dependence which
companies and government agencies have on their
computer networks the importance of protecting
these systems from attack is critical. A single
intrusion of a computer network can result in the
loss, unauthorized utilization, or modification of
large amounts of data and cause users to question
the reliability of all of the information on the
network. There are numerous methods of
responding to a network intrusion, but they all
require the accurate and timely identification of the
attack. The individual creativity of attackers, the
wide range of computer hardware and operating
systems, and the ever-changing nature of the overall
threat to targeted systems have contributed to the
difficulty in effectively identifying intrusions.
Intrusion detection has been an active area of
research for the last twenty years. However,
advances in information technology, especially in
the use of wireless systems, and the increasing
variety of vulnerable software applications have
made the accurate and timely detection of network-
based attacks a critical, but elusive goal.
This paper describes a research effort that
focused on the development of an effective intrusion
detection capability for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
(MANET). MANETs are peer-to-peer wireless
networks that rely upon the presence of other
network nodes in a limited geographical proximity
to communicate in an ad hoc manner. Unlike other
wireless network architectures a MANET does not
rely upon static wireless access points or dedicated
servers. Instead, individual components establish
dynamic connections with other MANET nodes
based on proximity at each point in time. The
inherent flexibility of MANETs has led to their
application in a wide range of applications,
including military and emergency response
situations. The potential for use as part of a critical
information infrastructure, and the distributed nature
of the connections, has increasingly made MANETs
the target of focused complex distributed attacks.
1.1 Complexity of MANET Intrusion
While the process of effective intrusion detection
continues to be difficult, as noted in Sterne (2005),
there are several inherent characteristics of
MANETs that further complicate the accurate
detection of attacks:
Lack of a Centralized Control
– Since the nodes
in a MANET are distributed independent entities
reliant on localized connectivity there is no
single node that is designed to act as a hub or
controller for other components in the MANET.
Cannady J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 229-234
DOI: 10.5220/0002712802290234
Limited Resources – There is typically far less
network bandwidth available in MANETs than
can be provided in traditional wired networks
and wireless local area networks.
Dynamic Connectivity
- As a peer-to-peer
network that consists of a variable number of
nodes that may be highly mobile an effective
intrusion detection approach cannot rely on the
presence of any particular node at any particular
point in time.
1.2 Mobile Intrusion Detection
To overcome the inherent challenges posed by the
detection of attacks in MANETs, an effective
approach must possess several characteristics
Enable the detection of a wide variety of
potential attacks. Particular attention should be
provided for distributed attacks that are
conducted across the network.
Minimize consumption of network resources.
Limitations in network bandwidth and
processing power of individual nodes must be
conserved for the primary function of the
MANET. Security functions, including intrusion
detection, must operate within the limited
resources that remain after the primary functions
of the network have been satisfied.
Provide autonomous detection. The approach
must not rely upon any external analysis engine
or controller. The variability in the connectivity
of individual nodes would eliminate reliable data
exchange with any external monitor or
centralized controllers/monitors.
Utilize data from a variety of sources. Some
types of attacks, particularly distributed attacks,
may only be detected through the use of data
from multiple sensors. As a result, the approach
should have the ability to leverage data from
throughout the MANET.
1.3 Prior Research
With the increasing application of MANETs in a
variety of applications the need for effective
intrusion detection is in these network is growing.
Numerous research efforts have been conducted to
address the requirements for effective MANET
intrusion detection. However, there are a limited
number of seminal research efforts that have formed
the basis for most of the current research in the field.
Zhang, et al (Zhang, 2004) developed a model in
which each node is responsible for independently
conducting localized intrusion detection and with
sharing data with neighboring nodes to provide
collaborative detective on a broader level. The
intrusion detection agents on the nodes
communicate via a secure communication channel
with cooperative detection engines. The resulting
multi-layered integrated intrusion detection system
demonstrated a scalable approach that provided both
local and global detection.
Sterne, et al, (Sterne, 2005), proposed a
comprehensive architecture designed to address the
unique requirements of a MANET-based detection
approach. In their proposed model detection occurs
through the use of a hierarchy in the MANET
formed by nodes that serve as clusterheads. These
nodes coordinate the identification of potential
attacks between nodes at lower levels in the
hierarchy. The paper describes how the approach
could be used to detect specific forms of MANET
A significant weakness among most current
approaches is the reliance on dedicated messages
that are disseminated throughout the network on a
continuous basis. While the data communicated
between the nodes provides valuable information for
intrusion detection, it also utilizes the limited
bandwidth available in a MANET. Further, the
reliance on dedicated detection nodes results in a
potential vulnerability to the entire process if those
nodes are dropped from the network topology.
The Distributed Self-organizing Intrusion Response
(DISIR) system attempts to overcome these inherent
limitations by leveraging the power and flexibility of
a modified Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)
neural network. LVQ neural networks combine
self-organizing maps (SOM) with a supervised
competitive layer that provides pattern recognition
2.1 Neural Processing
The LVQ is a combination of a SOM for
classification and a competitive multilayer neural
network that uses the output of a SOM as input for
to the competitive layer pattern recognition. The
LVQ architecture (Figure 1) contains one hidden
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
layer with Kohonen neurons, adjustable weights
between input and hidden layer and a winner takes it
all mechanism. This layer is a traditional SOM
neural network. The output from the SOM is then
provided to the linear layer, which is the supervised
learning layer of the architecture. LVQ algorithms
have been employed in the past for applications
ranging from speech recognition (Mäntysalo, 1992),
to radar image classification (Chang, 1994). They
are frequently used in supervised learning
applications that require efficient processing.
(Linde, 1980).
2.2 Modified LVQ Algorithm
While the use of a standard LVQ was shown to be
capable of detecting man-in-the-middle attacks in
(Cannady, 2009) that approach was unable to
identify more complex attacks that evolve over time.
A single snapshot of activity does not contain the
data necessary to evaluate trends and cumulative
effects that would provide evidence of more
complex attacks. To address this deficiency a
method was required that captured the dynamic
nature of network traffic over time. A temporal
approach would enable the system to identify
patterns that only emerge over time. The temporal
method chosen for inclusion in DISIR was the
recursive SOM. (Voegtlin, 2002)
The original SOM mandates that each unit i of
the map compare its weight vector M
to the input
vector X(t) at time t. However, in the recursive
SOM each unit i has associated with it two weight
vectors w
and w
. In the recursive SOM, the best
matching unit c is the node with the highest activity.
The learning rules used for the unit weights are
described as follows:
(t+1) = w
(t) + γ H
[x(t) - w
(t+1) = w
(t) + δ H
[y(t-1) - w
where γ and δ are the learning rates, and H
is a
Gaussian neighborhood function of the distance
between each node i and the winner node c. The
recursive SOM algorithm is essentially the original
SOM applied to both weight vectors. However, the
inclusion of the additional weight vector allows the
algorithm to consider past activity when evaluating
current data.
In DISIR the recursive SOM has replaced the
traditional SOM portion of the overall LVQ
algorithm. As shown in Figure 1, each recursive
SOM provides feedback, in the form of an
additional weight vector, to the subsequent map.
This additional weight vector represents the last
SOM (time t). By continually updating each new
SOM with the data in the previous SOM the maps
develop a cumulative view of activity being
processed by the SOMs over time. This cumulative
view further allows the enables to the LVQ to
identify changes in activity over time in the form of
dynamic patterns.
Figure 1: Recursive SOM-based LVQ Approach.
To manage the sum of vectors that would
eventually occur as data is accumulated at each new
time period, the modified LVQ architecture also
includes the use of leaky weight integrators. Leaky
integrators function by gradually degrading
connection weights over time. If no new data is
provided to increase the sum of a particular weight
value the weight will eventually decrease to zero.
Leaky integrators were originally included in a
modified SOM algorithm in (Choe, 1997) and the
approach is commonly used in other neural network
algorithms that attempt to emulate the neural
structure of biological systems. The inclusion of
leaky integrators in this application enables the
approach to more accurately track patterns of
activity that are distributed over time.
2.3 Distributed Architecture
In DISIR the LVQ is used to classify network
activity using a first-stage recursive SOM and then
identify patterns of activity representing attacks in
the MANET using the LVQs competitive layer.
While the LVQ, like many other host-based
intrusion detection approaches, can effectively
identify attacks targeting an individual MANET
node, the purpose of this research was to develop an
intrusion detection approach capable of detecting
distributed attacks that require data from multiple
nodes for accurate analysis.
To effectively identify activity in multiple
locations within the MANET each node is placed in
promiscuous node. This allows a node to monitor
activity on all other nodes within range. Each node
maintains a SOM that processes the activity of the
nodes contained within a spatial area of the node as
defined by the range of the node in promiscuous
mode. Each of these “area maps” allows each node
to monitor local activity within its range and classify
the activity vector into a class representing network
events on the two-dimensional SOM map. The
output from the area map held by each node is then
fed to the competitive layer of the LVQ which is
also on each node (Figure 2). If a pattern matching
a known attack is identified by the competitive layer
the node disseminates an alert throughout the
MANET. If a node identifies activity which is
suspicious, but short of the threshold necessary to
initiate an alert, it can disseminate the suspicious
results to other nodes in the network by utilizing
modified HELLO messages that are regularly
broadcast by nodes in the MANET. HELLO
messages are used in the AODV protocol to enable
nodes to monitor the presence and proximity of
nodes in their neighborhood. By extending the
HELLO message format to accept an additional 512
bytes (essentially doubling the size of the HELLO
message) the characteristics of a 64x64 SOM grid
could be disseminated through the MANET. This
extension could be modified based on processing
requirements and network bandwidth limitations.
When the LVQ indicates that an attack is
probable but the threshold of a “confirmed” attack
has not been achieved, the frequency of the
dissemination of HELLO messages is increased.
This facilitates the exchange of additional
information when the probability of an attack is
high. The HELLO_INTERVAL parameter of the
AODV protocol is directly associated with the
attack probability so that the time period between
messages between nodes was reduced to facilitate
additional data exchange between the nodes. The
frequency change is local, not global, and
disseminates the reduced HELLO_INTERVAL
through the network as the HELLO messages are
passed between nodes. As other nodes eventually
also increase their recognition of intrusive activity
they would similarly reduce the period between
HELLO messages that they initiate. As the threat
level, based on the current attack probability
decreases, the frequency of HELLO messages
similarly decreases. As a result, the overhead
imposed by the additional HELLO messages
throughout the MANET is limited to periods of
heightened network threats.
Figure 2: DISIR Structure.
By distributing the analysis of network activity
and the detection of network attacks among all the
nodes in the MANET the need for a centralized
processing node, or a limited number of processing
nodes in a hierarchy, is eliminated. The detection
process is evenly spread throughout the entre
MANET. This avoids the potential loss of a critical
detection component as a result of a physical loss of
the node or dynamic connectivity unrelated to a
network attack. Further, the lack of a centralized
detection manager greatly reduces the amount of
intrusion detection-related data that must be
disseminated throughout the MANET to support a
centralized analytical engine.
To evaluate the effectiveness of the approach a
DISIR simulation using Matlab/Simulink™ and ns-2
was developed. A MANET consisting of 36 nodes
was created with each node operating in
promiscuous mode.
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
The DISIR prototype was evaluated against three
scenarios that are realistic representatives of
distributed attacks that occur in MANETs
representative of the most common forms of threats
in the network.
3.1 Packet Dropping
Packet dropping is the process of discarding packets
that are being transmitted across the network. A
malicious node may specifically select the packets
that are dropped or the node may discard all packets
that are received. The attack not only results in the
loss of data destined for an intended recipient but
the practice also has negative impacts on the entire
network. Network delays can occur as applications
wait for data that is never received, and the
retransmission of packets can further consume
limited network bandwidth.
The detection of packet dropping in DISIR
involved the identification of patterns of lost packets
in the network. As data was identified as missing by
individual nodes the constituents in the current route
were noted. As additional instances of packet loss
were recorded the consistent presence of a particular
node in the route would increase the probability that
the node was in fact discarding the missing packets.
The more packets that were discarded the higher the
probability that the responsible node could be
As shown in Figure 3 the probability that DISIR
was able to identify a packet dropping attack
increased quickly as the number of missing packets
increased. The detection probability leveled off at
approximately 65 packets in the evaluation. This
indicated that DISIR could correctly identify packet
dropping reliably with a few as 65 packets lost and
any additional lost packets contributed little to the
Figure 3: Results of packet dropping detection evaluation.
3.2 Port Scans
A port scan attack is primarily a reconnaissance
techniques designed to allow attackers to discover
host and network services that are vulnerable. A
port scan typically involves interrogating ports
sequentially by sending a message to each port and
determining its status. Because of the nature of the
port scan it was selected for the evaluation to
validate the ability of DISIR to identify a more
distributed attack.
The detection of port scans was based on the
identification of patterns of scanning across the
network. While the process would be trivial if a
global view of network activity was available, the
distributed nature of DISIR requires an effective
data sharing process to provide a broader view of
the activity across the network. As a result, DISIR
was designed to increase the frequency of the
HELLO messages, which provided detection data,
when a port scan was detected on the network. The
increasing frequency of the HELLO messages
allowed data from distant portions of the MANET to
more quickly share relevant data.
As shown in Figure 4, the detection time varied
directly based on distance (number of drops) and the
frequency of the HELLO messages. However, even
in the worst-case scenario of 35 hops travelled and
30 seconds between HELLO messages the MANET-
wide port scan was detected in approximately 60
Figure 4: Results of port scan detection evaluation.
The scenarios used to evaluate the DISIR prototype
have determined that the approach is extremely
effective in meeting the stated requirements of a
mobile intrusion detection system:
DISIR facilitates the detection of a wide variety
of potential attacks. While the evaluation
scenarios were limited to common distributed
attacks the results of the evaluation process
indicates a significant potential for DISIR to
accurately identify other forms of distributed
Because of the overlapping nature of the “area
SOMs” used in DISIR all of the network traffic
on the MANET is capable of being monitored.
Nearby nodes are observed through promiscuous
monitoring and more distant nodes are included
in area evaluations as their localized analysis
results are disseminated throughout the MANET.
The overlapping nature of the detection process
also enables a layered defense structure.
By utilizing a de-centralized approach that
disseminates attack data only during periods of
increased threat DISIR is able to efficiently
detect attacks while minimizing resource
consumption. The de-centralized approach also
facilitates autonomous detection since there is no
reliance on any external analysis engine or
Since the attack recognition capability of DISIR
is distributed throughout all of the nodes on the
MANET the approach is capable of providing
continuous detection capabilities in the event of
the loss of individual nodes. As a result, DISIR
can maintain the same per capita level of
intrusion recognition regardless of network
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ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence