Lightweight Service Descriptions for REST Architectural Style
e Ignacio Fern
andez-Villamor, Carlos
A. Iglesias and Mercedes Garijo
Departamento de Ingenier
ıa de Sistemas Telem
aticos, Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid, Spain
REST, Service description, Semantic web, Mashups, Web applications.
Current web has a vast number of applications available that offer users a wide domain of services. Most
services, however, cannot be machine processed, which limits service composition for application and mashup
development. Research on Semantic Web Services contributes to the improvement of interoperability and
composition of applications and services. Many approaches cover service description by following paradigms
such as Web Services and REST architectural style, allowing describing any kind of service for its use by an
automatic agent, but sometimes using these solutions can be a time-consuming task.
This paper introduces Microservices, a lightweight service classification framework for REST architectural
style. Microservices do not attempt to describe every possible service, but to provide a way to describe a
set of services in a simple way. Microservice descriptions consist of a set of terms that represent service
features. After describing features semantically, microservices framework allows generating detailed service
descriptions, which allows reusing common feature descriptions across different services. A use case that
adapts heterogeneous search services to produce a standard interface using microservices is described.
The web has an increasing number of applications
and services that cover different domains and fields.
Users can enjoy a wide range of applications, from
e-commerce to blogging, media or social network-
ing. The possibilities of the current web are only lim-
ited by the interoperability between applications. In-
ternet versatility would increase if applications could
be arbitrarily composed and automatically executed
to fulfil a user’s goal. This approach of building a
programmable web has led to research in several ar-
eas, such as semantic web services (Zhou et al., 2006)
or mashups (Yu et al., 2008). Many approaches have
been successful from a research point of view without
having reached wide adoption. The effort of describ-
ing services in web applications can be too big and
too often web developers do not perform that task.
This paper introduces microservices, a framework
that attempts to simplify service description, and its
application on a use case. With microservices frame-
work, service descriptions can be generated out of
simple service feature lists, enabling services in web
applications to be consumed by automatic agents.
This paper is organized as follows. First, a review
of previous related approaches is done and the back-
ground of the problem is summarized. Second, our
approach to service description is described. Third, a
use case that employs microservices to adapt hetero-
geneous search services is outlined. Finally, the main
conclusions of this research work are summarized.
Current web has applications with plenty of services
available, which are of many different kinds. Ap-
proaches to describe services semantically allow au-
tomatic agents to execute and compose services au-
tomatically. Some approaches follow the Web Ser-
vices Architecture, such as OWL-S (World Wide Web
Consortium, 2004), WSMO (Roman et al., 2005),
METEOR-S (Patil et al., 2004) or WSDL-S (World
Wide Web Consortium, 2005). To favour the inte-
gration with Internet’s architecture, RESTful services
started to be employed in web applications, which
caused RESTful alternatives to semantic web services
to appear. SA-REST (Sheth et al., 2007) or hRESTs
(Wright State University, 2008) are approaches that
provide languages to describe RESTful APIs specifi-
cations. Similarly, Web Application Description Lan-
Ignacio Fernández-Villamor J., Á. Iglesias C. and Garijo M. (2010).
MICROSERVICES - Lightweight Service Descriptions for REST Architectural Style.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 576-579
DOI: 10.5220/0002720105760579
Figure 1: Microservice description framework.
guage (Hadley, 2006) proposes describing RESTful
APIS by defining a WADL, XML-based, file.
All these approaches provide means to describe
every kind of service and process the respective de-
scriptions to automate tasks such as execution or com-
position. They are abstract and flexible enough to al-
low describing every possible service. Whenever a
new service is deployed, a description has to be built
in order to make the service available for automatic
agents to process it. Usually, this implies describing
service’s inputs and outputs semantically, as well as
defining the precise operation the service performs,
which can be a time-consuming task that is sometimes
not carried out.
Microservices framework attempts to simplify the
process of defining service descriptions to push auto-
matic service consumption in the semantic web. In
this framework, the description task attempts to be
improved by enabling reusability accross service de-
A microservice description is a list of terms. Each
term represents a feature that the service has. Exam-
ples of features can be the service performs a re-
trieval operation”, “the service requires user authen-
tication”, “the service performs a storage operation”,
the service has an image as input”, or the service
outputs a set of resources”. By describing features
semantically, feature descriptions can be combined to
produce a semantic service description. This allows
reusing feature descriptions in services that are differ-
ent but have one or more features in common. This
feature-based approach is shown in figure 1, and has
four elements of interest:
A microservice description, which consists of a
list of terms. Each term represents a feature that
the service has.
An extended service description, which is defined
as a textual description and a set of preconditions
and postconditions that define the operation that
is performed by the service.
A transformation function that transforms a mi-
croservice description into an extended service
A set of term definitions that define the semantics
of terms and thus describe service features.
An example of microservice description is
keyword-filtered multiple picture get,
which describes a search service of pictures that are
filtered by keywords. Four terms are used in order
to define the microservice: keyword-filtered,
multiple, picture, and get. Because of following
REST architectural style, at least a term that repre-
sents the underlying HTTP method used has to be
included in the description.
An extended service description is built by com-
bining the appropriate term definitions. Definitions
can be tied to more than one term. For example, there
can be a definition for get, a definition for picture,
but also a definition for altogether picture and get.
The need for definitions that involve sets of terms
can be easily noticed. Term picture should set a
postcondition (i.e. outputting a picture”) when used
with term get, but should set a precondition (i.e. a
picture has to be provided as parameter”) when used
with term post. This can be achieved by setting def-
initions for picture and get and for picture and
In this case, the extended microservice description
for the previous example is built by combining the
definition for keyword-filtered, the definition for
multiple and get, the definition for picture and
get, and the definition for get by grouping their re-
spective preconditions, postconditions and textual de-
scriptions. This service’s extended description can be
seen in figure 2.
As a feature-based description framework, the mi-
croservice approach has several advantages over man-
ually defining a service description: (i) it allows the
reuse of feature descriptions among different services,
and (ii) it reduces the description task to selecting a
set of features that describes the considered service,
given a vocabulary of terms.
An environment for the creation of microservices
through the definition of microservice proxies to other
MICROSERVICES - Lightweight Service Descriptions for REST Architectural Style
Figure 2: Sample use case scenario.
external services has been developed
. This envi-
ronment allows wrapping an already existing service
into a proxy that exposes an interface that can be de-
scribed with a microservice description. Microservice
proxies are defined by specifying a preadapter, which
adapts service inputs, and a postadapter, which adapts
the output format. This environment is used in this
use case to wrap Google and Flickr search services.
In order to describe the proxies to these services,
terms keyword-filtered, picture, multiple, and
get, and their associated term definitions as shown in
table 1, are defined.
The result of wrapping these search services as
microservice proxies, as shown in figure 2, is:
The described microservices share most of their
terms in their descriptions, which allows reutiliza-
tion of the semantic descriptions.
Both services share the same interface. Sam-
ple searches can be tried at Google’s proxy
Flickr’s proxy
. All of them accept a set of key-
words in input keywords and have the same out-
put format. As Flickr’s proxy searches pictures, it
additionally includes an image field in its results.
Services are advertised in an HTML form at a
URI. This HTML form allows the execution of the
service by a human user.
Automated validation. Preconditions and post-
conditions are checked when executing a service,
which allows checking the service’s correct exe-
Automated discovery. Microservice descriptions
are advertised as Linked Data in the HTML form,
which allows processing by an automatic agent.
Some ongoing research works focus on HTML form
description. RDForms (Baker, 2005) attempt to “add
to the Semantic Web capabilities similar to HTML
forms”. Schemas for indexable, container and set-
table operations are defined, which represent HTTP
GET, POST, and PUT methods, respectively.
OpenSearch (A9.com, inc., 2005) is an approach
to modelling search services. It is aimed at a very
specific kind of service, which allows building fine-
grained specifications.
However, these and other already mentioned al-
ternatives such as WSMO, SA-REST or WADL are
heavy-weight approaches that provide means to de-
scribe every possible service from scratch. On the
contrary, microservices framework attempts to allow
reusing other service’s descriptions.
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Term definitions for search services.
Terms picture, get
Description Output representation is a picture
Postconditions output.resources.checkAll(’i.image != null’)
Terms keyword-filtered
Description Keywords are used to filter the output
Preconditions params.keywords
params.keywords.length > 0
Postconditions output.resources.checkAll(’i.keywords != null’)
output.resources.checkAll(’i.keywords.contains(params.keywords.split(" "))’)
Terms get
Description Executing this service will retrieve a representation given by the Request-URI
Postconditions response.status == 200
Terms multiple, get
Description Multiple resources may be returned in the form of a list
Postconditions output.resources.length() >= 1
In this paper, current service automation approaches
have been reviewed. In general, these approaches are
focused on providing flexible ways to describe every
possible service. However, this flexibility occasion-
ally makes service description a time-consuming task.
In this paper, we have introduced microservices
as an alternative to simplify service description. Mi-
croservice descriptions are simple and allow automat-
ing various tasks in order to push service automation
in the semantic web. A use case that adapts a set
of heterogeneous search services has been described,
offering a uniform interface, discoverability, and au-
tomating documentation and validation.
Future work involves analyzing other case studies
and considering automatic wrapper induction to sim-
plify the task of building microservice proxies.
This research project is funded by the European Com-
mission under the R&D project ROMULUS (FP7-
ICT-2007-1) and by the Spanish Government under
the R&D project Java sobre Ruedas (FIT-350401-
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CSCWD ’06. 10th International Conference on, pages
MICROSERVICES - Lightweight Service Descriptions for REST Architectural Style