María T. París and Mariano J. Cabrero
Department of Computer Science, University of A Coruña
Campus de Elviña s/n,15071 A Coruña, Spain
Keywords: e-Learning, Multi-agent systems, User profile.
Abstract: The European Higher Education Area, an agreement by 29 countries to unite and harmonise qualifications
and Universities’ rapprochement to the real demands of the labour market, will make a significant change in
the traditional model of teaching. The lecturer will have to adapt his methods, techniques and teaching tools
to carry out more personalised monitoring of the student’s work, leading to the possibility of continuous
evaluation. The suitable use of ICT can make a contribution to improving the quality of teaching and
learning. In this context, a self-evaluation platform is developed using the technology of Intelligent Agents.
This system can be adaptable as it adjusts the various self-evaluation tests to the student’s level of
knowledge. Each student has a profile and, depending on this, timing and interaction is set by the agents.
In June 1999, the Education Ministers from 29
European countries met in the Italian city of
Bologna to approve the declaration for the
convergence process towards the European Higher
Education Area (EHEA). 2010 was set as a final
deadline to finalise this process. Among other
things, it brings new teaching and evaluation models
based on the student’s continuous work. In this
situation, it will be the student himself who is the
protagonist of his own learning by using, at the right
time and place, the contents and resources provided
specifically for him by the lecturer. With this
methodology, it is far easier to adapt and personalise
teaching to the student’s concrete needs and
Traditional teaching methods measure the
student’s learning by using objective processes –
both written and oral – which cannot evaluate the
student’s continuous effort and have no clearly
formative objective. In this new educational
scenario, the student’s continuous evaluation and the
absence of a teacher are the main axes of the
formative process. The lecturer will assist and guide,
designing various activities focused on acquiring the
desired level of competence. One technique which
has formative characteristics is a self-evaluation test.
However, this type of assessment is not very useful
as it cannot adapt to different students’ profiles.
Most software tools built to date which incorporate
this type of assessment are not adapted to the
student’s individual characteristics nor do they allow
the extraction of information on student behaviour
when sitting the assessment. Thus, the lecturer must
be given new software tools to allow him to evaluate
the student’s continuous work in a personalised way.
A student’s profile could be set up by uniting a piece
of data which reflects the student’s competencies as
regards concepts, procedures and aptitudes for a
subject. Such information can be obtained easily
from evaluating various objective assessments, such
as examinations or tests and from the lecturer’s
subjective evaluations such as the learner’s
participation in the classroom or in tutorials. This
information, clearly symbolical, could be used to
personalise any type of student evaluation
assessment, adapting it to the level of acquired
knowledge and aptitude.
A computational model of a student’s profile
which is dynamically adaptable and up-to-date can
be set up by evaluating various self-evaluation tests
T. París M. and Cabrero M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Agents, pages 319-322
DOI: 10.5220/0002726003190322
and analysing how this is confronted and how to
solve the problem (París, 2007). Taking this into
consideration, a student’s profile would be made up
of two components: (1) a particular component,
which is obtained from the student’s knowledge and
aptitude for a concrete topic; and (2) a general
component, which is the calculation of all the
particular components of the student’s profile.
The rationale behind considering this double
component stems from the fact that the student may
be very able in a concrete topic (as he has been
successful in tests) whereas he lacks knowledge in
other areas. Considering purely the general
component of his profile, his knowledge would be
low and consequently, further tests would not be
difficult. Thus challenges would not increase and he
could become demotivated. In the same way, if the
successful result of a test raises the general
component of his profile considerably, later tests
would be more challenging even when the student
has not shown a high level of competence. Thus, the
general component of a student’s profile measures
his general competence in the subject and the
particular component measures his level of
knowledge and aptitude in each topic. The former is
updated when the student logout the system and its
value is calculated as the average value of all
profiles in each topic. The latter is updated after
answering any test belonging to a given topic. The
score of a test is a linguistic label representing the
number of correct/incorrect questions answered and
the student’s behaviour whilst sitting the test. Table
1 shows how the student’s current profile is updated
by this score.
To obtain an initial student´s profile in each area,
one can consider the mandatory realisation of a
number of non adapted tests. This initial profile
would be constantly modified depending on results
obtained in adapted tests. This type of test would be
set up automatically by selecting questions whose
level of difficulty suits the student’s profile:
depending on his particular level of knowledge and
errors committed when doing previous tests on the
same topic.
To facilitate the evaluation process task, we have
mentioned the use of self-evaluation assessments as
a means of evaluating acquired knowledge and
helping study. In order to be really useful, these
assessments must adapt the difficulty of the
questions to the student’s level of qualification. This
solution has been implemented in a self-evaluation
software tool which can automatically generate a test
and a personalised profile (París, 2007). Due to the
complexity to handle symbolical knowledge, the
possibility to break down the global task into small
sub-tasks, the distributed vision of the problem
solving process over Internet, and the consequent
reduction of development and maintenance costs, we
considered a distributed solution using agent
Table 1: Updating student’s current profile by a test score.
Score of self-evaluation test
High Medium Low
High High High Medium Low
High High Medium Low Low
High Medium Low Low Low
The multi-agent system developed uses a host of
agents to manage the self-evaluation process, from
the moment when the system is accessed, passing
through the process of generating the test, to the
moment when results are given. Figure 1 show the
organization of agents which carry out these tasks.
Figure 1: Organization of the Multi-agent system.
3.1 Description of Agents
The Interface Agents allow the student’s interaction
with the tool. Two types can be distinguished:
Generic Interface Agent, for students who have not
been authenticated, and Student Interface Agent, for
authenticated users.
The Intermediate Agents carry out the tasks
requested through the interface. They are classified
as follows:
Student Agent: maintains the student’s profile
during the interaction with the system. Its
aims are to inform and design the student’s
Authentication Agent: controls a student’s
access to the tool and ensures he is identified
until he has finished the interaction. When the
Authentication Agent authorises access, a
Student Agent is created.
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Correction Agent corrects self-evaluation tests.
For this, it analyses and compares the
information received from each of the
student’s answers, and the information stored
in the database. It must correct and obtain the
test result.
Adaptor Agent generates self-evaluation tests
adapted to the student’s profile. It endeavours
to choose a host of questions and create the
self-evaluation test.
Monitoring Agent supervises the student’s
activity when he does the self-evaluation test.
One of its aims is to obtain the parameters of
monitoring which depend on the difficulty and
complexity of the topic of the test, i.e. the
maximum time to do the test, the time for each
question, etc. Another aim is to measure these
parameters and give information on the
student’s behaviour whilst sitting the test.
The Information Agent, or Database Agent,
manages and centralises the access to information
which is stored in the database. It must provide
information on the user or on the test which will be
created: questions available, configuration of the test
and parameters to measure.
3.2 Interactions between Agents
In order to satisfy the functionality of the self-
evaluation tool, main interactions established
between agents are defined below:
3.2.1 Asking for Access
The following interactions are established when the
student wishes to access to the system:
Request to access: the Generic Interface Agent
receives the request to access the tool and
sends it to the Authentication Agent.
Check to access: the Authentication Agent ask
the Database Agent for information about the
user. A Student Interface Agent and Student
Agent are enforced in order to interact directly
with the registered user.
3.2.2 Creating Self-evaluation Test
The following interactions are established when the
student wants to do a test:
Request to create a test: The Student Interface
Agent receives the user request and sends it to
the Adaptor Agent and the Monitoring Agent.
Obtain test characteristics: the Adaptor Agent
interacts with the Database Agent and the
Student Agent to obtain the characteristics of
the self-evaluation test (number of mandatory
concepts, maximum time to answer each
question, level of test, etc.). These
characteristics depend on the chosen topic and
the student’s profile.
Obtain test questions: the Adaptor Agent asks
the Database Agent for the questions to create
the test in line with previously obtained
3.2.3 Correcting Self-evaluation Test
The following interactions are set up to obtain the
result of a self-evaluation test:
Ask for correction: the Student Interface Agent
receives the request and sends it to the
Corrector Agent.
Ask for information on the questions: the
Corrector Agent asks the Database Agent for
the data necessary to correct the test, and
when the test is corrected, the Corrector Agent
sends the results to the Database Agent so that
these are stored in the database.
Carry out a correction (Figure 2): the Corrector
Agent sends the test results to the Student
Agent, charged with maintaining the particular
component of student’s profile belongs to a
current topic. Also sends them to the Interface
Student Agent, charged with showing the
mistakes and giving the feedback to improve
level of student.
Figure 2: Interaction diagram to carry out a correction.
3.2.4 Monitoring Self-evaluation Test
This interaction is established to obtain data on how
the student completes the test:
Consultation of time taken: the Monitoring
Agent sends the information on the way the
test is done to the Database Agent.
3.2.5 Asking for Logout
The following interactions are established when the
student wishes to exit to the system (Figure 3):
Request to exit: the Student Interface Agent
receives the request to exit the tool and sends
it to the Student Agent.
Collect particular components of profile: the
Student Agent ask the Database Agent for
information about the particular profile in
each topic.
Update general profile: The Student Agent
compute the new general profile from
particular profiles and send it to the Database
Agent (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Interaction diagram to update student’s profile.
The global architecture of the system is composed of
a Web client (a browser with which the student
interacts), a Web server, and a database, as the
multi-agent system is an extra component of this
architecture as shown in Figure 4. Through the Web
interface, students interact transparently with the
multi-agent system. The server collects information
generated by interactions of the multi-agent system
and database, from agents and from students. It
processes it and presents it in the form of dynamic
Web pages.
Figure 4: Global architecture.
The implementation of this architecture implies
the integration of different technologies. Firstly, the
multi-agent system is modelled with the IDK tool of
INGENIAS (Pavón Mestras & Gómez Sanz, 2002).
This tool uses the Agents’ platform JADE (JADE,
2009) compliant with the FIPA standard (FIPA,
2009). Secondly, the Web application is developed
in J2EE. Finally, information on the students and the
process of self-evaluation is stored and managed in a
database implemented with MySQL.
Self-evaluation is a process which starts with an
assessment in the form of a test and ends with
information on errors committed. This type of
assessment is beneficial both for the student and
lecturer. For the student, a test result is an objective
evaluation of the level of knowledge, understanding,
mastery and progress reached in the subject, which
allows him to direct his learning. In turn, the lecturer
can gather significant information on the degree of
satisfaction of the initially set aims, which will
evidently depend on teaching strategies and
A self-evaluation tool has been developed which
allows the student to evaluate his learning process,
helping him to check and consolidate his acquired
knowledge and motivating him in his search for
further knowledge. The tool can be adapted for each
student through the use of Intelligent Agents
technology. The agents build a student’s profile
based on the results of the self-evaluation test.
Moreover, they register student interaction with the
tool, generate adapted tests, and choose questions
(and level of difficulty) which will be part of the
By using this tool, the student will be able to
control, verify and improve learning through the
self-evaluation tests adapted to his profile and from
the information of feedback generated by the agents
once the test is corrected.
This work has been supported by Project
2007/000134-0 of Xunta de Galicia, Spain.
JADE: Java Agent Development Framework. (2009).
Retrieved from
París, M. T. (2007). Plataforma de agentes para la
autoevaluacion personalizada de alumnos. Master’s
thesis. Universidade da Coruña. Spain.
Pavón, J., & Gómez-Sanz, J. (2003). Agent oriented
software engineering with ingenias. In Marik, V.,
Müller, J., and Pechoucek, M. (Eds.), 3rd
International Central and Eastern European
Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, LNAI, vol. 2691
(pp. 394-403). Springer-Verlag.
FIPA: The foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents.
(2009). Retrieved from
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence