Manel Palau, Luigi Ceccaroni
TMT Factory, C/ Moià 1, planta 1, E08006, Barcelona, Spain
Ignasi Gómez-Sebastià, Javier Vázquez-Salceda, Juan Carlos Nieves
Knowledge Engineering & Machine Learning Group, UPC, C/Jordi Girona 1-3, E08034, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Multi-agent systems, Coordination and organisational theory, Context awareness, Personalised
recommendation, Semantic Web services.
Abstract: A multi-agent system design-methodology is used to address the highly dynamic, regulated, complex,
distributed environment of interconnected services. A framework of three interconnected levels is applied to
tackle this issue relying on coordination and organisational techniques, as well as on Web-services and new
methodologies to design, deploy and maintain a distributed system. This paper presents results based on a
real use case: interactive community displays with touristic information and services, dynamically
personalised according to user context and preferences.
Urban information services are often provided in
ways which have not changed much in a century.
This scenario should inevitably evolve, bringing up
the opportunity to improve services provided to
people living in or visiting a city, with the novel
possibility of ubiquitously accessing personalised,
multimedia content (Greenfield, 2006).
On the one hand, this scenario presents
numerous, dynamic services that have to be
composed and coordinated in order to provide
higher-value services. For instance, an advanced
entertainment service can be provided by combining
information coming from cinema, restaurant and
museum services, along with transport and mapping
services. These services are not static, as existing
services can leave the system and new ones can
enter it; the service used in a given moment for a
given task might not be available later or it might
happen that a more suitable service becomes
suddenly available.
On the other hand, the scenario has to be able to
filter and adapt the incoming content, making it
compatible with user’s preferences and location, and
with existing regulations. For example, a
recommendation system should not suggest a pub to
an underage user if local laws do not allow it.
An additional challenge for systems in highly
dynamic environments, where unexpected events
can arise at any time (e.g., transport not in time due
to a traffic jam), is to be able to react and adapt to
these events.
We consider that this complex context can
benefit from the combination of multi-agent
techniques, semantic Web services and machine
learning (Comas et al., 1999) to enable dynamic,
context-aware service composition (Vallée et al.,
2005), thus providing users with relevant high-level
services depending on their current context.
Moreover, technologies concerning organisational
and coordination theories applied to (intelligent)
Web services (Luck et al., 2006) are also important
in order to effectively maintain a system operating in
such a constrained (due to user’s preferences and
local laws) and dynamic environment.
Additionally, the scenario presents the need of
integrating new functionalities, new services or new
actors (humans or AI systems) into an existing
running system. This integration is especially
difficult taking into account that the scenario
Palau M., Ceccaroni L., Gómez-Sebastià I., Vázquez-Salceda J. and Carlos Nieves J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Agents, pages 88-95
DOI: 10.5220/0002731600880095
presents a system formed by active, distributed and
interdependent processes.
In the ALIVE European project a new software-
engineering methodology is being explored
(Vázquez-Salceda et al., 2009). This approach has as
objective to bring together leading methods from
coordination technology, organisation theory and
model driven design (MDD) to create a framework
for software engineering addressing a new reality
composed of live, open systems of active services.
Examples of these services are the ones described in
this paper or the ones involved in the crisis
management scenario described in Quillinan et al.
(2009). The ALIVE’s framework is a multi-level
architecture composed of three levels:
the organisational level, which provides
context for the other levels, supporting an
explicit representation of the organisational
structure (composed by patterns and rules) of
the system, and effectively allowing a
structural adaptation of distributed systems
over time;
the coordination level, which provides the
means to specify, at a high level, the patterns
of interaction among services, transforming
the organisational representation (including
information flows, constraints, tasks and
agents) coming from Organisational Level
into coordination plans; and
the service level, which allows the semantic
description of services and the selection of the
most appropriate services for a given task
(based on the semantic information contained
in the service description), effectively
supporting high-level, dynamic service
In this paper, results of the application of the
ALIVE’s approach (see section 3) to the design of
dynamic, adaptive systems are presented. In
particular, the design for each level is described (see
section 4). First, the complete design of the
organisational level of an interactive community
display (ICD) scenario (see section 2) is presented.
This design shows that the correct identification of
roles in the organisational level allows a dynamic
adaptation in the coordination level. Then, the
complete design of the coordination level of the ICD
scenario is outlined. This design shows how, given a
set of landmarks (which are states of special
interest), a system can be dynamically adaptable.
Finally, the specifications of the Web services
involved are presented. In Sections 5 and 6, a
discussion of related and future work is outlined.
We will use a personalised recommendation tool for
entertainment and cultural activities as the basis for
exemplifying the scenario. The personalisation is
offered via ICDs, which are multimedia information
points offering interactive services in public areas
(Ceccaroni et al., 2009; Gómez-Sebastià et al.,
2009). The aim is to bring city services closer to
people living in or visiting a city by interconnecting
people, service providers and locations. In the
scenario, it is taken into account that services and
information provided, and how user information is
stored, processed and distributed, are all subject of
various municipal, national and European
The starting point of the scenario is a user
interacting with the system’s interface (the ICD) in
search for entertainment or cultural activities around
the city. The user identifies herself. Then the system
accesses the user profile (if available) from a remote
repository, and adapts the interface format and the
interaction mode according to user preferences. If
the user requests a service, the system composes an
initial recommendation considering user preferences,
requirements and, above all, time and location. The
environmental context includes components such as
weather and traffic reports. Ratings and reviews
about venues (restaurants, cinemas, shops and
museums) are also taken into account, as well as
legislation. Finally, activities related to the service
requested are presented, located on a map together
with basic information, such as a brief description,
address and pictures.
When the user requests information about a
venue, for instance a cinema, the system shows its
detailed description (e.g., movies, sessions and
prices). Moreover, it informs on transportation (e.g.,
bus and metro) to reach the venue and, if time is
appropriate, it suggests a restaurant along the way,
thus composing information from different services
(cinemas, restaurants, maps and buses).
The ALIVE framework is being developed in
collaboration by several universities and enterprises
within the frame of European project ALIVE. It
combines MDD and agent-based system engineering
with coordination and organisational mechanisms,
providing support for “live” (that is, highly
and open systems of services. ALIVE’s
Figure 1: Main components of the ALIVE architecture.
multi-level approach (see Figure 1 and following
sections) helps to design, deploy and maintain
distributed systems by combining, reorganising and
adapting services. As shown in Section 4, this
framework is suitable for scenarios with new
services entering the system and existing services
leaving it at run-time.
3.1 Organisational Level
The organisational level provides an explicit
representation of the organisational structure of the
system. The organisational model is the main
component of the organisational level, representing
the organisation as a social system created by
autonomous actors (i.e. they have their own
interests) to achieve common goals. Stakeholders
and their relations are represented, together with
formal goals, requirements and restrictions. The
model is formalised according to the Opera
methodology (Dignum, 2004). The model includes
objectives, or goals, of the organisation (e.g. receive
personalised content, choose a suitable content
provider or provide content); the roles (e.g. user,
service broker or content provider) that are groups of
activity types played by actors (i.e. the agents, or
human users); and the landmarks (e.g. content
provider chosen and content provided).
Objectives are assigned to roles, among which
three kinds of relations exist: the hierarchical
relation, where a parent role can delegate an
objective to a child role; the market relation where a
child role can request the assignment of an objective
to the parent role; the network relation, where both
parent and child roles can request an objective to the
other one. Each relation is assigned according to
what interaction type the designer expects to happen.
For instance, in the presented scenario, there is a
market relation when the service broker looks for the
most suitable content provider. The set of all roles
and the relations among them is the social structure.
Landmarks are important states in the
achievement of a goal, and landmark patterns
impose an ordering over landmarks to be reached. A
set of landmarks and their relations is known as
scene (see
Figure 5). Relations between scenes (i.e.
scene transitions) can be modelled by organising
them in an interaction structure (see
Figure 4).
The organisational level supports the definition
of norms, rights and obligations of the actors
forming a normative structure. Norms are suitable
for highly regulated scenarios like the one presented
(e.g. deadlines on user-system interactions and strict
regulations applying to users’ personal data).
The social structure, the interaction structure
and the normative structure are the three
components of the organisational model.
The OperettA tool (Okouya and Dignum, 2008)
supports system designers in specifying and visually
analysing an organisational model, whereas, the
model checker verifies its consistency. The domain
ontology represents the shared understanding of the
domain, providing a common vocabulary about all
concepts and their properties, definitions, relations
and constraints, and can be defined using existing
ontology-editors (e.g., Noy et al., 2003; Ceccaroni
and Kendall, 2003).
The organisational model is used by the multi-
agent system (MAS) generator in the coordination
level to create the agents that populate the system.
For each role defined in the organisational model
one or more agents are generated. The plan
synthesiser uses information from the organisational
model and the domain ontology in order to generate
the plans the agents will enact. These plans are
stored in the plan repository where they are
retrieved when required.
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
3.2 Coordination Level
The coordination level provides the patterns of
interaction among actors, transforming the
organisational model into coordination plans, or
workflows. Workflows are defined using
(generalised) partial global planning (GPGP), a
framework for coordinating multiple AI systems that
are cooperating in a distributed network (Lesser et
al., 2004). Workflows bring the system from a
landmark state to the next one (see
Figure 2). Tasks
contain both pre- and post-conditions that describe
the state of the system before and after the task is
Figure 2: Workflow example, connecting two landmarks.
A set of intelligent agents (MAS) deployed on
the AgentScape platform (Overeinder and Brazier,
2004) enacts the workflows in a coordinated and
distributed fashion. Agents analyse and monitor
workflow execution, reacting to unexpected events,
either by enacting other workflows or by
communicating the incident to other levels.
Each agent includes the following components:
the brain module, implemented in 2APL (Dastani et
al., 2007), which provides reasoning and decision-
making capabilities; the normative plan analyser,
which scans the workflows in order to determine if
enacting them will violate any of the norms defined
in the organisational model; the ACL module, which
provides agents with the capability of
communicating with other agents in the system by
sending messages; the GPGP scheduler, which
provides an interface for the agents to coordinate
and distribute tasks; and the enactment component,
which facilitates the invocation of services.
3.3 Service Level
Appropriate services are selected for each abstract
task in the workflows, using the information
included in the service description and in the task
description. These descriptions are defined in terms
of OWL-S service profiles (Martin et al., 2004),
facilitating the process of composing services (Sirin
et al., 2004) and finding alternative services. The
reassignment of services to tasks, when a given
service is not available, is carried out on the fly.
The match maker component receives an
abstract task description from an agent and looks for
services that can fulfil this task. It queries the service
directory and selects the most appropriate one (if
several ones are available), based on the task’s
semantic description and on quality of service
parameters (such as average response time). The
service chosen is returned to the agent, and the task
is executed and monitored.
At the service level, service composition within
the scope of a task is carried out, too. For instance, if
a given task requires providing information of a
venue on a map, and there are two available
services, one to obtain venue information and
another to show information on a map, then the task
can be bound to the composition of these services.
This section describes how the ALIVE framework
has been applied to the scenario presented in Section
2, and how the system manages user’s petitions by
means of the defined roles, objectives, scenes,
norms, landmarks and workflows.
An organisational social structure is defined
using OperettA (see
Figure 3). It includes several
(external/internal) roles (e.g. content adaptor and
content provider) in the domain, and their
dependencies in terms of delegated sub-goals (e.g.
provide content). Roles are represented as nodes and
sub-objective dependencies as directional arrows.
The possible objectives or goals considered for the
user role (sign up, sign in, receive personalised
content, change profile, interests or requirements
and change the interface format or the interaction
mode) have been related with the petitions to be
managed by the system. Each user’s goal is
subdivided into sub-goals and delegated to other
roles. These roles can delegate sub-goals to other
roles, too.
Figure 3 shows how user’s objectives presented
above are delegated to the interface that collects the
petition (sub-objective collect_petitions) and the
interaction task manager that manages them (e.g.
sub-objective manage_sign_up_petition). Then, in
the case of sign up, the petition is managed by
subdividing and delegating it to the user modeller
(create_new_profile) and the authenticator
The sign in petition is delegated to roles
authenticator (validate_user), user modeller
(assign_session_preferences). Roles interface
(adapt_interface_format) and multimodal interaction
Figure 3: Operetta model of the social structure, showing roles (nodes) and their sub-objective dependencies (arrows).
manager (adapt_interaction mode) can also get
delegated objectives if the output is to be adapted to
user’s preferences and device features.
The objectives of the content adaptor role are
collect, personalise and filter (if necessary) the
content according to laws, user preferences/
requirements and context (information such as the
weather conditions). To this end, the role relies on
information provided by other roles: the interface
(providing information about the user context, such
as localisation), the user modeller (providing the
user’s interests and requirements gathered from the
user model) and external information-providers
(providing content, and information related to the
environmental context and the legislation). The
connection with these external information-
providers is performed by the service broker.
The interaction structure for the chosen scenario
Figure 4) is composed by four scenes
representing the petitions requested by the users.
The transitions among these scenes, starting on the
left circle and finalising on the right one, show
several sequences of interactions. The user model
creation scene contemplates the sign up petition,
while, within the user model adaptation scene, the
updating of user’s profile, interests and requirements
is managed.
The interaction interface adaption scene
contains the following petitions: sign in (just for
registered users), new interface format and new
interaction mode. From then on, the information
about the user can be either uploaded or not,
depending on her authentication status (either
authenticated or not authenticated). Finally, the
content adaption scene contemplates the content
petition, which happens in a state where the
interaction and interface preferences have been
loaded, so interface format and interaction mode are
already adapted.
Figure 4: Interaction structure.
Each scene can be defined by a landmark pattern
imposing an ordering over the important states
(landmarks) that should be reached in the
achievement of the goals in the scene. For instance,
within the content adaption scene, the system passes
from one landmark (state) to the next one as
depicted in
Figure 5.
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 5: Landmark pattern of the content adaption scene.
The plan repository within the coordination level
contains the workflows the agents must follow in
order to accomplish the landmarks defined in the
organisational model. Focusing now in the content
adaption scene (see
Figure 8), there is a distributed
plan where several agents coordinate performing
tasks in parallel, in order to maximise the
performance. For instance, the interface provides
user’s context and the user modeller provides user’s
interests and requirements (if available).
Figure 6: Norm example.
There are several norms applied to the
interaction among roles. For instance, as seen in
Figure 6, the content provider has the obligation of
performing his task before a deadline (10 slots time).
This norm has the objective of preventing the user
from having to wait too long before its petition is
Then, the content adaptor personalises the
petition and collects content taking into account the
gathered user interests and requirements. Meanwhile
legal body and environmental context manager will
provide external information such as legal info or
weather and traffic reports. Once all information has
been gathered, including content information
coming from content providers as well as users’ and
external information, the content adaptor role filters
and adapts the content according to laws, user’s
model and current state (weather forecast, traffic,
actual time…). The content is composed on a list
and on a map to finally provide it to the user through
the interface role.
Figure 7: Mapping task to service.
Some tasks are implemented as web services
which are semantically annotated; describing them
in terms of OWL-S service profiles (i.e. inputs,
outputs, preconditions and effects). In order to
perform the task “choose a suitable content
provider” the matchmaking component maps
“abstract content providers” to concrete ones (e.g.
“Google cinemas”). Doing it this way allows system
to readapt dynamically to failures of a “concrete
content provider” (e.g. remapping to “Yahoo
cinemas” if “Google cinemas” is not available).
Figure 7 shows an example of this mapping.
The modelling presented in this section covers
the levels presented in Section 3: organisational
level, coordination level, and service level.
Several tourism-related projects, such as E-travel
(Gordon and Paprzycki, 2005) and Deep Map
(Malaka and Zipf, 2000), take advantage of agent
technology integrated with the semantic Web. The
ALIVE project is also close to the Interactive
Collaborative Information Systems (ICIS) project
(Ghijsen et al., 2007), in which a MAS takes into
consideration unexpected events that happen in the
real world in order to obtain a steady and reliable
system in dynamic and changing environments, and
a higher level view is used to take advantage of the
service orchestration and the re-planning.
Future work will be on integrating further services,
such as booking, payment or planning routes.
Figure 8: Workflows to achieve the state “content provided”.
Considering the unexpected events of the real world,
for instance, it might happen that user does not
arrive on time to a booked cinema session because
of a traffic jam. In this case alternatives must be
provided to the user, for instance, booking a ticket in
a session that starts a couple of hours later, and
suggesting some nearby shops to kill some time
while the new session starts. Furthermore, work on
the integration of on-time reorganisation
mechanisms and Model Driven Design will be
performed to be able to promote reliability and
stability for services, enabling to keep slowly
changing elements separate from dynamic aspects of
the environment.
Users’ presence and context can be exploited to
provide personalised, dynamic and composed
services fulfilling their expectations, needs and
functional diversity. As seen on Section 3, this paper
presents the design of a multi-agent system that
adapts its behaviour according to the environment
and the user, and takes the initiative to make
suggestions and proactive choices.
Dynamic service-composition is an issue that has
been tackled via pre-defined workflow models
where nodes are not bound to concrete services, but
to abstract tasks at runtime. This work presents a
similar approach (through the mapping performed
by the matchmaker component) with the difference
that workflows used are not predefined, but
dynamically generated from the information
provided by an organisational level, and thus,
workflows evolve as the organisational information
evolves. Due to the connection among levels, a
change in the organisational level can trigger
changes both in the coordination level (via plan and
agent generators) and in the service level (new plans
will result in the execution of new tasks and,
possibly, the invocation of new services).
As outlined in Section 4, intelligent agents at the
coordination level present an option for providing
both exception handling and organisational-
normative awareness capabilities to the system.
Exception handling is common in other SOA
architectures. However, most approaches tend to
focus on low-level (i.e. service) exception handling.
The ALIVE approach enables managing of
exceptions at multiple levels either substituting
services (service level) looking for alternative
workflows to connect two landmarks (coordination
level) or even looking to achieve alternative
landmarks among the same scene (organisational
level). Agents at coordination level enable this
medium and high-level exception handling which
are not commonly seen in other SOA approaches.
Regarding organisational-normative awareness, to
the best of authors’ knowledge, no attempts have
been made to include normative information in
workflows. However, normative agents are common
in the literature (Castelfranchi et al., 1999). Making
normative agents reason about the workflows (and
the tasks included in them) before performing them,
and discarding the ones that do not comply with
organisational norms, adds organisational awareness
to the execution of the workflows.
This work has been partially supported by the FP7-
215890 ALIVE project. Javier Vázquez-Salceda's
work has been also partially funded by the Ramón y
Cajal program of the Spanish Ministry of Education
and Science. The authors would like to acknowledge
the contributions of their colleagues from the
ALIVE consortium ( The
views expressed in this paper are not necessarily
those of the ALIVE consortium.
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