Daniel Slamanig and Christian Stingl
Department of Medical Information Technology, Healthcare IT & Information Security Group
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Primoschgasse 10, 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria
Clinical document architecture, Secondary use, k-anonymity, Digital signatures, Generalized redactable sig-
natures, Privacy, Anonymization.
If medical data are provided to third parties for secondary use, the protection of the patients privacy is an
essential issue. In general this is accomplished by removing identifying and quasi-identifying information to
provide k-anonymity for a given data set. This means, that one patient cannot be distinguished from at least
k 1 other individuals. However, if the single records of the data set are digitally signed, the modification of
the respective records destroys their integrity as well as their authenticity. Hence, digital signatures, which are
an invaluable tool for verifying the integrity and authenticity of digital medical data, seem to be inadequate in
this scenario. But, especially in context of secondary use, malicious manipulations and processing errors may
lead to serious failures in a subsequent medical (treatment) process.
In this paper we propose a novel approach based on generalized redactable signatures that realizes k-anonymity
for sets of digitally signed records. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work that combines these seem-
ingly contradictory topics very efficiently. In particular, the proposed solution allows any party to verify the
original digital signatures for medical data, although these data are modified during the process of achieving
k-anonymity. The main advantage of this approach is that all parties involved in the aforementioned process
are able to verify the integrity and authenticity based on the original digital signatures.
One major drawback in context of digital signatures
is, that the validity of a signature can solely be veri-
fied if the entire document is available. Usually, this
is desirable and reasonable, but in some scenarios this
aspect of digital signatures is counterproductive. A
major aspect, that is in our opinion highly interesting,
is that only a specific part of a medical document need
to be given to other parties, e.g. de-identified medical
data for a second opinion. Another example, that will
be discussed below is a patient who removes results
resp. diagnoses from a medical report to obtain an in-
dependent second opinion from another expert. But,
in this scenario the receiving party is not able to verify
the integrity and authenticity of these data anymore.
Clearly, one possibility to overcome this problem is
to contact the original signer to provide another dig-
ital signature for the modified medical report. How-
ever, in the majority of treatment processes this is ab-
solutely impractical. Consequently, this means that
the receiving party needs to absolutely trust the re-
ceived information. For instance, errors that occur
during the removal of parts or during the transmis-
sion or even result from malicious manipulation can-
not be identified. This may lead to serious failures in
the subsequent process. Thereby, it is essential that
the patient can only remove information of a medical
document that were specified by the original signer.
Subsequently, we will provide an overview of exam-
ples which can benefit from the method introduced in
this paper. It should be noted, that this work focuses
on Extensible Markup Language (XML) data and in
particular the Clinical Document Architecture (CDA),
which is in our opinion the most promising standard
for the exchange of clinical documents. Furthermore,
digital signatures are explicitly considered in this ar-
Verifiable disclosure of parts of a CDA document,
e.g. for second opinions.
Verification of anonymized CDA documents, e.g.
Slamanig D. and Stingl C. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 62-69
DOI: 10.5220/0002731700620069
for clinical studies.
Signatures on partial information of CDA docu-
Verification of medical data that is stored in
an anonymized (pseudonymized) fashion in elec-
tronic or personal health record architectures
(Huda et al., 2008; Riedl et al., 2008).
Verifying signatures on CDA documents without
having access to XML Schema files and/or Exten-
sible Stylesheet Language (XSL) information for
the layout of the content.
In these examples conventional digital signatures can-
not be used to provide the integrity and authenticity of
the modified parts. However, in our opinion these two
aspects are essential when dealing with highly sensi-
tive data. When considering a set of documents that
is given to another party, e.g. for a clinical study, in-
stead of a single document, the situation turns to be
much more complex. Then, the entire set needs to
be taken into consideration to protect the privacy of
the individuals, i.e. to prevent unique identification
of patients. This can be accomplished by means of
techniques that are based on k-anonymity (Li et al.,
2007; Machanavajjhala et al., 2007; Samarati, 2001;
Sweeney, 2002). Roughly spoken, this means that
relevant attributes of all documents are modified to
such an extent that one patient cannot be distinguished
from at least k 1 other individuals. It is seemingly a
paradox, that a digital signature stays valid although
the corresponding document is modified. However,
in this paper we will show that the main methods that
are applied to obtain k-anonymity do not negatively
influence the original signature, when using general-
ized redactable signatures.
The HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA)
(Dolin et al., 2001) is a document markup standard
that specifies the structure and semantics of “clini-
cal documents” for the purpose of exchange. CDA
Release 2.0 became an ANSI-approved HL7 standard
in May 2005. The content of CDA documents are
derived from the HL7 Reference Information Model
(RIM) and are encoded in XML.
A CDA document contains a header, which provides
for instance information on the patient, the author of
the document, the custodian, the recipient and the au-
thenticator of the document. Additionally, it is pos-
sible to provide a participant who has legally authen-
ticated the document, e.g. digitally signed the doc-
ument. The body of a CDA document contains the
clinical report and can either be unstructured (level 1),
semi-structured (level 2) or highly structured (level
3). The structuring of a CDA document can be im-
plemented by using so called CDA body entries, e.g.
observation, procedure, encounter, substance admin-
istration, supply, observation media, etc. The basic
principles of CDA are briefly discussed subsequently.
Persistence: A clinical document continues to ex-
ist in an unaltered state for a time period, defined
by local and regulatory requirements.
Stewardship: A clinical document is maintained
by an organization entrusted with its care.
Potential for Authentication: A clinical docu-
ment is an assemblage of information that is in-
tended to be legally authenticated.
Context: A clinical document establishes the de-
fault context for its contents.
Wholeness: Authentication of a clinical docu-
ment applies to the whole and does not apply to
portions of the document without the full context
of the document.
Human Readability: A clinical document is hu-
man readable.
One important principle and a necessity regarding le-
gal requirements is the (legal) authentication of docu-
ments. This aspect is one of the motivating factors of
this work, i.e. the (legal) authenticator signs the doc-
ument such that every receiving party is able to check
the integrity and authenticity of the document. Fur-
thermore, the originator is not able to repudiate that
the document was created by him.
Person related health data are in general very sensitive
information and consequently must be protected ap-
propriately. Especially, when using these data for sec-
ondary use, which includes medical research, clinical
studies and second opinions, the protection of the pri-
vacy of patients is obligatory. Hence, it is necessary to
prepare data before passing it to another party for sec-
ondary use, such that the patients cannot be identified
uniquely anymore. This process of preparation fo-
cuses primarily on attributes that directly identify the
patients and secondarily on attributes that indirectly
identify the patients. The latter class of attributes is
often denoted as quasi-identifying information. CDA
documents contain directly identifying attributes, e.g.
the social security number, as well as several indi-
rectly identifying attributes, e.g. name, gender, date
of birth, geographic information, demographic data,
etc. Furthermore, there are also document related at-
tributes, e.g. unique document identifier, which can
be used in combination with external sources to iden-
tify the respective patient. Subsequently, we will dis-
cuss two different approaches, which focus on a sin-
gle CDA document and a set of CDA documents re-
3.1 Anonymization
In general, anonymization means to remove all patient
related information from medical data. This includes
all directly identifying attributes as well as a subset of
the indirectly identifying attributes, e.g. the surname,
but probably not the date of birth. For instance, there
are heuristics like the Safe Harbor Rule, which is part
of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountabil-
ity Act (HIPPA) that provides among others a precise
set of 18 specific categories of data that need to be
removed (Emam, 2008).
3.2 k-Anonymity
When passing a set of data that contains person re-
lated health data to another party for secondary use,
e.g. a clinical study, then it is necessary that the
individuals contained in this set cannot be uniquely
identified. However, the naive approach of remov-
ing solely the directly identifying attributes is unfor-
tunately not sufficient. This is also reflected in a
study (Sweeney, 2000), which estimates that 87% of
the population of the United States can be uniquely
identified based only on the seemingly harmless at-
tributes gender, date of birth, and 5-digit zip code.
Consequently, data that contains these attributes can-
not be considered as anonymous. The concept of k-
anonymity, introduced in (Samarati, 2001; Sweeney,
2002) provides methods to anonymize data sets by
also taking into account indirectly identifying at-
tributes and thus prevent unique identification of in-
dividuals. More precisely, a data set provides k-
anonymity protection, if each person contained in
the data set cannot be distinguished from at least
k 1 individuals whose information also appear in
this data set. Recent results showed, that k-anonymity
may not be sufficient in specific scenarios and there
have been proposed enhancements of this approach
which are denoted as l-diversity (Machanavajjhala
et al., 2007) and more recently t-closeness (Li et al.,
2007). Thereby, the latter two concepts are based on
3.3 Methods
In order to establish anonymization for a single doc-
ument or k-anonymity for a set of documents, the
subsequent methods have been proposed (Emam,
2008; Samarati, 2001; Samarati and Sweeney, 1998;
Sweeney, 2002).
Record Suppression: An entire record is re-
moved from the data set.
Attribute Suppression: One ore more attributes
are removed from records of the data set.
Generalization: This can be accomplished by
attribute suppression, or by removing or replac-
ing certain parts of attributes. For instance, the
geographic information comprises city and re-
gion. The suppression of the city will result
in a geographic area aggregation. An exam-
ple for the second case based on the attribute
birthTime value="19970924"
(see figure 3) is
the removal of day and month, which results in
birthTime value="1997****"
. Another exam-
ple using the same attribute is a replacement of the
last digit of the year, which results in
. The last example can be
seen as grouping individuals after their year of
birth in intervals of 5 years.
Sampling, Swapping Attributes and adding
Noise: These operations can be applied to the
data set, while maintaining some overall statisti-
cal properties of the data set (Bakken et al., 2004;
Ciriani et al., 2007).
The methods “record suppression”, “attribute sup-
pression” and “generalization” are mainly used in
context of anonymization and k-anonymity. Hence,
in this paper we are focusing on these methods and
propose techniques to apply them to sets of digitally
signed medical documents.
As mentioned in the introduction, the main target of
our approach is that the integrity as well as the authen-
ticity of the data need to be guaranteed in every single
step of the process (see figure 1). More precisely, the
initial digital signature created in the first step of the
process need to be usable in every subsequent step
to verify the integrity and determine the authenticity
of every document. Consequently, this leads to the
paradox situation that, although documents are mod-
ified during the preparation step, the original signa-
tures need to stay valid. The process illustrated in fig-
ure 1 can be divided into three steps:
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: The process of achieving k-anonymity for a set of documents.
1. Document and Signature Creation: A CDA
document is created and digitally signed by a (le-
gal) authenticator.
2. Data Preparation: This is the process of
anonymizing a single CDA document or to
achieve k-anonymity for a set of CDA documents.
3. Secondary Use: Based on the modified docu-
ments a third party conducts the secondary use,
e.g. a clinical study.
In the following, we describe properties which are
used to evaluate three available variants of digital sig-
natures discussed in section 4.2, with respect to their
applicability in context of anonymization. Thereby, it
should be noted that record suppression is only con-
sidered for the sake of completeness, since omitting
entire documents is always possible during the prepa-
ration step. The first four properties are directly taken
from section 3 and the property “controlled removal”
means that the original signer is able to control which
information can be removed during data preparation.
Record suppression
Attribute suppression
Generalization by aggregation
Generalization by removal of parts
Generalization by replacement of parts
Controlled removal
Before we are going into details, we provide a brief
introduction to digital signatures based on the hash-
then-sign paradigm, with a special emphasis on the
construction of the hash value of the message prior to
4.1 Basic Principles of Digital
Digital Signatures are a widely used cryptographic
method to provide authenticity, integrity and non-
repudiation of electronic documents. In order to be
able to sign documents, a user generates a secret sign-
ing key SK and a corresponding public verification
key PK, which is certified together with the user’s
identity by a so called certification authority (CA).
To efficiently generate a digital signature for a doc-
ument D, the user computes the hash value of the
document h = H(D) by means of a publicly known
collision resistant cryptographic hash function, e.g.
the SHA-2 family, and computes the signature σ by
means of the signing algorithm S and his secret key
SK, i.e. σ = S
(h). Every person who is in pos-
session of (PK, D, σ) is able to use the verification
algorithm V to check whether the signature σ repre-
sents a valid signature for the document D and was
generated by the owner of PK, i.e. V
(H(D), σ)
{accept, re ject}. An alternative to compute the hash
value h = H(D) is to build a Merkle-tree (hash tree)
(Merkle, 1989) of the document D and finally sign the
hash value of the root node of the Merkle-tree. This
construction is very useful in context of redactable
signature schemes, which are discussed in section
4.2.3, and also long-term archiving of documents.
4.2 Variants of Digital Signatures
In this section we compare three variants of digital
signatures regarding their applicability in context of
anonymization and k-anonymity.
4.2.1 XML Digital Signatures
The XML-DSig recommendation of the W3C (East-
lake et al., 2002) defines an XML syntax and process-
ing rules for creating and representing digital signa-
tures. It can be conveniently used to sign arbitrary
XML or non-XML data using one of the following
signing types:
Enveloped: The XML signature is included in the
XML document. It is contained within a child el-
ement of the XML document.
Enveloping: The XML document is included in
the XML signature. It is contained within a a child
element of the XML signature.
Detached: The XML signature is included in
a separate document from the signed document.
The location of the signed document is referenced
in the XML signature. This type of signature is
used for non-XML documents.
It is important to note, that when signing XML
documents, one needs to serialize it prior to sign-
ing. Thereby, this process needs to guarantee that
logically-identical documents produce exactly identi-
cal serialized representations, which do not depend on
the actual encoding, white spaces, etc. This process
is usually denoted as normalization (canonicalization)
and one representative of canonicalization methods is
Since every modification of the document invali-
dates the digital signature, none of the above men-
tioned properties (except record suppression) can be
4.2.2 Partial Signatures based on XML-DSig
A partial signature is a signature on an arbitrary
subdocument of an XML document. This means,
that using this approach it is possible to append
several independent signatures for subdocuments to
the XML document. Although attribute suppression
and generalization cannot be applied to partially
signed documents without invalidating the original
signature, the original signer is able to produce ad-
ditional partial signatures for specific subdocuments
that do not contain identifying attributes. This could
be used in scenarios which require the anonymization
medical documents. However, k-anonymity can
practically not be achieved, since the parts that need
to be removed from the document during the prepa-
ration depend on the actual set of CDA documents
for a specific secondary use. Clearly, the attributes
that need to be removed must have been known to
the original signer at the time of creating partial
signatures, which is usually not the case in practice.
One can conclude that the above two variants of
digital signatures cannot be reasonably used to
accomplish the before mentioned properties. The
third variant, which represents a generalization of
redactable signatures can surprisingly be used to
realize nearly all of the above mentioned properties.
But before we are going into details, we provide a
brief introduction to redactable signatures.
4.2.3 Generalized Redactable Signatures
The concept of a redactable signature scheme was
introduced in (Johnson et al., 2002) and allows any
party to remove parts of a signed document D to ob-
tain a redacted document D
such that a signature for
can be derived from the signature of D without co-
operation with the original signer. Consequently, it
is possible to remove certain parts of a document and
pass the remaining document to another party, who
is able to verify the integrity and authenticity of the
resulting document D
. It must be noted, that sev-
eral variants of signature schemes realizing compara-
ble ideas have been proposed (Ateniese et al., 2005;
Miyazaki et al., 2006; Steinfeld et al., 2001).
Redactable signatures (Johnson et al., 2002) orga-
nize the content of a document as leafs of a com-
plete binary tree. This is absolutely sufficient for un-
structured documents. However, when using a struc-
tured document like an XML document, which itself
represents a tree, then splitting up a document into
blocks of fixed size and organizing these blocks in
a binary tree is not desirable. The redactable signa-
ture of (Johnson et al., 2002) also works with vari-
able block length, however, the rule for splitting up
the document needs to be available to the redactor
(anonymizer) as well as the verifier and consequently
must be appended to the document. Thus, it is more
natural to use the existing tree structure of a struc-
tured document and thereby use inner nodes as well
as leaf nodes to hold parts of the document, instead of
organizing the parts as leafs of a binary tree. This ap-
proach is denoted as generalized redactable signatures
(Slamanig and Stingl, 2009). Subsequently, we will
present additional transformation rules for the gener-
alized redactable signature proposed in (Slamanig and
Stingl, 2009).
When representing an XML document with its inher-
ent tree structure, the resulting tree is in general nei-
ther binary nor complete. In the following we will
define a unique transformation T which maps an ar-
bitrary XML document uniquely to a N-ary tree. But,
we want to emphasize that there exist other mappings
which can also be used for this purpose. For the sake
of simplicity of the presentation we are focusing on
XML elements, attributes, attribute- and element-data
and will present the transformation rules informally:
: Element
: The label of the
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 2: Applying the rules to a single XML element.
root node is
and has one child node with label
: Element
Again, the label of the root node is
and for
each attribute i a sub-tree with root labeled A
one child labeled V
is constructed.
: Element
: The label of the root node is
and for each subtag a sub-tree with root la-
and child node representing the value
is constructed.
<id extension="12345" root="2.16.840.1.113883.3.933" />
<suffix>the 7th</suffix>
<administrativeGenderCode code="M"
codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1" />
<birthTime value="19970924" />
Figure 3: A fragment of the header of a CDA document.
It should be noted, that in all above transformation
rules the attributes are transferred prior to values.
Since an arbitrary XML document cannot be usefully
transformed into a binary tree, the standard Merkle-
tree cannot be applied in this scenario. Considering
this transformation, it must be noted that in addition
to leaf nodes also the inner nodes contain valuable
information, e.g. names of elements and attributes.
Consequently, the Merkle-tree construction has to be
adapted to fit these needs. Therefore, an adapted as-
signment φ for the label of the nodes is proposed in
(Slamanig and Stingl, 2009), which is recursively de-
fined in (1). Thereby, x is the value of the parent node
p and c
, . . . , c
are the respective child nodes, where
0 k < N.
φ(p) =
)||. . . ||φ(c
)) if p has k + 1 children,
H(x) if p is a leaf.
Due to the construction of the Merkle-tree, it is possi-
ble to reconstruct certain (small) redacted parts of the
document by brute-force attacks. Hence, it is neces-
sary to randomize the Merkle-tree construction by ap-
plying a so called GGM-tree (Goldreich et al., 1986)
resp. a modified GGM-tree (Slamanig and Stingl,
2009). The key issue of this construction is, that the
original signer is able to determine the granularity of
redactable information and any other party is able to
remove these parts and can “adapt” the original sig-
nature such that the signature is valid for the redacted
document. The details of the two above mentioned
aspects are omitted here, since they do not influence
the concept proposed in this paper and details can be
found in (Johnson et al., 2002; Slamanig and Stingl,
When applying the transformation T and subse-
quently signing the document using the generalized
redactable signature scheme, the properties “attribute
suppression”, “generalization by aggregation” can be
realized completely and “controlled removal” par-
tially. However, “generalization by removal of parts”
cannot be achieved at all. Subsequently, we will pro-
pose an extended transformation T
. This transforma-
tion uses two additional rules, which are introduced
: Element
: The label of the
root node is
and has a child nodes with label
, . . . ,
where these new values are a
unique and complete representation of the original
: Element
: The
label of the root node is
and for each attribute
i a sub-tree with root labeled A
and a child nodes
labeled V
, . . . ,V
is constructed as in R
When applying transformation T or T
, the result
does not represent a valid XML-document, which is
however not necessary for the generalized redactable
signature scheme. It should be noted, that the trans-
formation could easily be adapted by adding addi-
tional tags such that the result represents a valid XML
Based on an example, we will now demonstrate the
potential as well as the limitations of the rules R
(see figure 2). Obviously, it is possible to remove
certain parts of the
, e.g. the day and/or
the month, which realizes exactly the “generalization
by removal of parts”. However, the property “gener-
alization by replacement of parts” cannot be achieved,
since this concept somewhat contradicts the idea be-
hind generalized redactable signatures.
Efficiency Analysis. The costs of a single gen-
eralized redactable signature consists of exactly n
calls to the hash function H, the computation of the
(modified) GGM tree and one digital signature, where
n is the number of elements, attributes and values
or the corresponding split values of the transformed
XML document.
The results of this section are summarized in ta-
ble 1. As a consequence, in the subsequent section
we solely consider generalized redactable signatures
to achieve k-anonymity, since it is the only approach
that is applicable.
In this section we will discuss the workflow as well as
the parties introduced in section 4 more detailed. Re-
call, these parties are the creator and original signer,
the anonymizer and the party conducting the sec-
ondary use. For the sake of simplicity, we are omit-
ting details on the normalization (canonicalization)
and the encoding of the XML document prior to sign-
ing. This is clearly essential, but does not influence
the concept.
5.1 Creator and Original Signer
The creator and original signer proceed as follows:
1. Definition of the granularity of the redaction and
splitting of values according to a common agreed
policy, which defines the values that are allowed
to split and the rules to split.
2. Applying transformation T
to the CDA docu-
3. Computation of the hash value of the root node by
means of the adapted Merkle-tree.
4. Signing of the hash value using the private key
of a conventional digital signature scheme, e.g.
The resulting signature can be verified by any party
who is in possession of the document and the signers
public key.
5.2 Anonymizer
The anonymizer proceeds as follows, when given a
set of signed CDA documents.
1. According to the specification of the secondary
use, the anonymizer identifies all documents that
are relevant for the specific clinical study.
2. Removal of all directly identifying attributes.
3. Identification of the set of indirectly identifying
attributes (quasi-identifiers).
4. Achieving k-anonymity by applying the meth-
ods of section 3.3 to the indirectly identifying
attributes, by taking into account the common
agreed policy.
5. Adapting the digital signature of each redacted
5.3 Party Conducting the Secondary
1. After receiving the set of redacted documents, the
integrity and authenticity is verified by means of
the (adapted) digital signatures. Thereby, the pub-
lic keys of the original signers are used.
2. If the signature verification succeeds, the set of
redacted documents can be used for the intended
clinical study.
In this paper we have introduced a novel approach that
covers the concept of k-anonymity in context of dig-
itally signed medical documents. To the best of our
knowledge this is the first work that combines these
seemingly contradictory topics. As we have shown,
generalized redactable signatures provide an efficient
and practical solution to realize nearly all methods
to achieve k-anonymity. With respect to the proper-
ties illustrated in table 1, generalized redactable sig-
natures solely fail to support “generalization by re-
placement of parts”, whereas there is no way to re-
alize this property solely by redacting information.
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 1: Overview of properties provided by the discussed variants of digital signatures ( means partial support).
Property XML-DSig Partial Sig Generalized Redactable Sig
Record suppression X X X
Attribute suppression × × X
Generalization by aggregation × × X
Generalization by removal of parts × × X
Generalization by replacement of parts × × ×
Controlled removal × × X
Anonymization × X
k-anonymity × × X
Nevertheless, one future research direction is to use
so called Bloom filters (Bloom, 1970) to efficiently
“store” the set of possible replacements to realize
the open method “generalization by replacement of
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