Marina V. Sokolova
Kursk State Technical University, Russia
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Department of Computing Systems, Spain
Instituto de Investigaci
on en Inform
atica de Albacete, Spain
Antonio Fern
andez-Caballero, Francisco J. G
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Department of Computing Systems, Spain
Instituto de Investigaci
on en Inform
atica de Albacete, Spain
Decision support system, Agents, Complex system, Framework.
We offer a framework for the creation of decision support and expert systems for complex natural domains.
This is due, on the one hand, to the numerous advantages of intelligent methods of data manipulation and,
on the other hand, to the abilities of the computational agents to make decentralized decisions, which are
crucial for complex systems modeling and simulation.In our approach, the qualitative improvement in decision
making is obtained by using computational agents and interdisciplinary approach. The frameworks combines,
on the one hand, the numerous advantages of intelligent methods for data manipulation and, on the other hand,
the abilities of the computational agents to make decentralized decisions, which is crucial for complex system
modeling and simulation. The approach contributes to decentralization and local decision making within the
standard workflow. We demonstrate our framework in a case study and discuss obtained results.
When the idea of creating a symbiotic human-
computer system to increment accessible knowledge
for decision making in complex problems appeared,
it was firstly applied for managerial and business do-
mains. Later, the initial domains of decision sup-
port systems (DSS) application were widened, and the
concept of DSS was spread out to manifold spheres
and fields of human activities, extending not only to
technical but also to complex ill-determined domains
(environmental, medical, social issues, etc). With
time diverse DSS have appeared, which enhanced a
number of models for use such as preprocessing, op-
timization, hybrid and simulation models.
The use of DSS is of great importance now for
complex natural phenomena studies, because they
allow specialists to quickly gather information and
analyze it in order to understand the real nature
of the processes, their internal and external de-
pendencies, and the possible outcomes while mak-
ing actions and correcting decisions. The tech-
nical areas where these systems could help vary
from the storing and retrieving of necessary records
and key factors, examination of real-time data gath-
ered from sensors, analysis of tendencies of com-
plex natural processes, retrospective time series, mak-
ing short and long-term forecasting, and in many
other cases (Ria
no et al., 2001),(Athanasiadis and
Mitkas, 2004),(Sokolova and Fern
2008), (Sokolova and Fern
andez-Caballero, 2009).
In this article we will present our framework for
creation of agent-based decision support and expert
systems, focusing firstly on its principal formalisms
and phases of decision making process for a com-
plex natural domain (part 2) and revise related works
(part 3), then presenting our approach for creation a
framework for complex system design in complex do-
mains (part 4) and demonstrating an application of the
framework for the case study and discuss obtained re-
sults (part 5) and, lastly, we will comment directions
of future work (part6).
V. Sokolova M., Fernández-Caballero A. and J. Gómez F. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Agents, pages 96-103
DOI: 10.5220/0002732000960103
Human activity increases constantly, and both the
scale and speed of the human influence upon the nat-
ural, social, economical, and other processes grows
significantly, so, it is impossible now not to take it
into account as one of the motive forces in ”human -
nature - technology” arena.
The science of today has reached significant re-
sults in modeling and control over man-made tech-
nical systems. Notwithstanding, effective managing
natural complex phenomena often lies beyond of our
Generally speaking, a complex systems (CS) is a
composite object, which consists of many heteroge-
neous (and on many occasions complex as well) sub-
systems, and has emergent features, which arise from
interactions within the different levels. Such systems
behave in non-trivial ways, originated in composite
functional internal flows and structures of the CS. As
a rule, researchers encounter difficulties when trying
to model, simulate and control complex systems.
Due to this, it would be correct to say that to puz-
zle out the natural complex systems paradigm is one
of the crucial issues of modern science. Because of
high complexity of CS, traditional approaches fail in
developing theories and formalisms for their analy-
sis. Such study can only be realized by a cross-
sectoral approach, which uses knowledge and theo-
retical backgrounds from various disciplines as well
as collaborative efforts of research groups and inter-
ested institutions.
The term ”system” has a number of definitions and
one of them sounds like ”a set of interdependent or
temporally interacting parts”, where parts are gener-
ally systems themselves, and are composed of other
parts in their turn (Levin, 2006). If any part is being
extracted from the system, it looses its particular char-
acteristics (emergency), and converts into an array of
components or units.
Thus, an effective approach to CS study is to fol-
low the principles of the system analysis (Rechtin,
1999), when we have to switch over to the abstract
view of the system and perform the following flow of
Description of a system. Identification of its main
properties and parameters.
Study of interconnections amongst parts of the
Study of external system interactions with the en-
vironment and with other systems, etc.
System decomposition and partitioning.
Study of each subsystem or system part.
Integration of results obtained on the previous
However, it is obvious that it is impossible to cre-
ate an overall tool, which would play a role of a
”magic wand” to study any complex adaptive prob-
lem. The process of DSS and expert system (ES)
design is laborious, and has many requirements, the
crucial one are: collaboration of the specialists from
various domains (experts, developers, analysts, math-
ematics, programmers, etc.). The discussed peculiari-
ties and difficulties of CS study constrain multiple re-
quirements on experts and developers, those have to
do not with the problem in question, but with theories
and formalisms from different disciplines.
Thus, the process of decision making and expert
systems design should be facilitated, and a portfolio
of methods and tools have to be offered to specialists
working with complex adaptive systems.
Recognition that a complex natural phenomenon has
to be studied using the principles of the system ap-
proach, induced some theoretical insights and their
practical realization. But, it should be said, that
many researchers still tend to use mono-discipline ap-
proaches and do not zoom in the complex emergent
behavior of CS and their causal-effect relations with
the environment.
Having revised a number of research works and
publications, we can mark out some general tenden-
cies for complex systems study.
Some research group offer ”island solutions”,
which, as a rule, are oriented to evaluation or as-
sessment of a few parameters or indicators, in other
words, they are dedicated to resolve specific goals.
For example, a system which provides indicator as-
sessment for a particular case study or for a limited
area. Domain ontologies for such systems are lim-
ited though may suffer from possible heterogeneity.
As a rule, such systems are effective when working
within the application domain and very sensitive to
any unforeseen changes (Karaca et al., 2009),(Urbani
and Delhom, 2005).
Multi-functional systems provide multiple analy-
sis of input information, can be based upon hybrid
techniques, possess tools and methods of data pre-
and post-processing, modelling, simulation. They are
less sensitive to changes in application domain, as
they have tools to deal with uncertainty and hetero-
geneity (Nastar and Wallman, 2009), (Terry Bosso-
maier and Thompson, 2005).
Methodologies for software applications develop-
ment may support the mayor part of the system life
cycle phases, starting with the initial system planning,
which include system analysis and domain (prob-
lem) analysis phases, and then assist and provide EIS
design, coding, testing, implementation, deployment
and maintenance. In this case, consolidate cooper-
ation of specialists from various domains and with
various backgrounds is necessary (Gorodetski et al.,
2004), (Rotmans, 2006).
Basically, in spite of the diversity of existing ap-
proaches of DSS creation, obtained and reviewed out-
comes, it is not possible to elaborate a uniform overall
tool, capable of dealing with various domains and cre-
ate adequate solutions. However, the quality of solu-
tions and multi-function tools upsurges, because they
perform better results when these tools are oriented to
limited and specific domains.
Even then, exists a necessity to elaborate a general
methodology for DSS design oriented to distributed
heterogeneous domains, and powerful enough to fa-
cilitate work not only for small, but also for dis-
tributed and numerous research groups.
4.1 Interdisciplinary Approach
In general terms, a framework facilitates development
of an informational system, as it offers a consequence
of goals and works to do. In our case the informa-
tional system in the concept definition given above
(see part 2), represents a CS or a natural phenomenon.
Following the stages, determined in a framework,
developers and programmers will have more possibil-
ities to specialize in the domain of interest, meet soft-
ware requirements for the problem in term, thereby
reducing overall development time.
An effective framework should, on the one hand,
be general enough to be applicable for various do-
mains and, on the other hand, be adaptable for spe-
cific situations and problem areas. Moreover, the
framework should be based of the interdisciplinary
approach, which results from the melding of two or
more disciplines. Being applied to a complex sys-
tem, the approach includes the principal works: (1)
the complex system is decomposed into components
if necessary, the process of decomposition is repeated;
(2) then, each of the subsystems is studied by means
of the ”proper” techniques, belonging to the respected
discipline, or/and of hybrid methods; (3) managerial
process of decision making is realized, with feedback
and possible solutions generation.
As we have accentuated in the previous part, the
most important principles of CS is that they can not
be studies from a mono-discipline viewpoint, and it is
necessary to provide a complex hybrid application of
methods and techniques from various disciplines. Us-
ing intelligent agents seems to be an optimal solution
in this case (Weiss, 1999).
Actually, MAS helps to create cross-disciplinary
approaches for data processing, and, hence, for CS
study. An agent may include nontraditional instru-
ments to bear from different domains. Roles played
by an agent depend on the system (or subsystem)
functions and aims. There are no restrictions or limi-
tations put on knowledge and rule base, used by each
agent (Sokolova and Fern
andez-Caballero, 2009).
4.2 The Main Phases of The Framework
The purpose of our framework is to provide and fa-
cilitate complex systems analysis, simulation, and,
hence, their understanding and managing. From this
standpoint, and taking into account results and in-
sights, given in the previous parts, we implement the
principles of system approach.
The overall approach we use is straightforward:
we decompose the system into subsystems, and ap-
ply intelligent agents to study them, then we pool to-
gether obtained fragments of knowledge, and model
general patterns of the system behavioral tenden-
cies (Sokolova and Fern
andez-Caballero, 2007). The
framework consists of the three principal phases:
Preliminary Domain and System Analysis. This
is the initial and preparation phase when an analyst in
collaboration with experts study the domain of inter-
est, extract entities and discover their properties and
relations. Then, they state main and additional goal of
the research, possible scenarios and functions of the
system. During this exploration analysis, they search
answer to the questions: what the system has to do
and how it has to do it. As a result of this collabora-
tion it appears meta-ontology and knowledge base.
This phase is supported by the Protege Knowl-
edge editor, that implements the meta-ontology, and
by the Prometheus Design Kit, which we use to de-
sign multi-agent system and generate skeleton code
for further implementation of the DSS.
System Design and Codification. The active ”el-
ement” of this phase is a developer. As supporting
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
software at this phase, we used the Jack
Agents and Jack
Development Environment. Once
the codification is finished and the system is tested, th
second phase is completed.
Simulation and Decision Making. This is the last
phase of the framework and it has a special mission.
During this phase the final users - decision makers -
can interact with the system, constructing solutions
and policies, estimating consequences of possible ac-
tions on the basis of simulation models.
5.1 Intelligent Agents
The general system organization is coherent to the
principal phases,described above.
Data search, retrieval, fusion and pre-processing
are realized by two intelligent agents: the Data Ag-
gregation agent (DAA) and the Data Preprocessing
agent (DPA), which do a number of tasks, following
the workflow:
Information Search - Data Source Classification -
Data Fusion - Data Preprocessing - Believes Creation
Data mining procedures are based on the Func-
tion Approximation agent (FAA) and its team of
agents. The principal tasks to be solved here are:
to state the environmental pollutants that impact on
every age and gender group and determine if they are
associated with examined diseases groups; to cre-
ate the models which explain dependencies between
diseases, pollutants and groups of pollutants.
Here we are aimed to discover the knowledge in
form of models, dependencies and associations from
the pre-processed information which comes from the
previous logical layer. The workflow of this level in-
cludes the following tasks:
State Input and Output Information Flows - Cre-
ate models - Assess Impact - Evaluate models - Select
Models - Display The Results
Decision generation, simulation and human-
computer interaction are realized by the Computer
Simulation agent (CSA). The system works in a co-
operative mode, and it allows the decision maker to
modify, refine or complete decision suggestions, pro-
vided by the system and validate them. This process
of decision improvement is repeated until the consol-
idated solution is generated. The workflow is repre-
sented below:
State Factors for Simulation - State the Values of
Factors - Simulate - Evaluate Results - Check Possible
Risk - Display The Results - Receive Decision Maker
Response - Simulate - Evaluate Results - Check Pos-
sible Risk - Display The Results
Agents communicate to each other and are trig-
gered by events and messages that they send. Agents
also share common data. Preliminary system design
was realized in the Prometheus Development Kit.
5.2 Methods used by Agents
The DAA has a number of subordinate agents un-
der its control; these are the Domain Ontology agent
and the fusion agents: the Water Data Fusion agent,
the Petroleum Data Fusion agent, the Mining Data
Fusion agent, the Traffic Pollution Fusion agent, the
Waste Data Fusion agent and the Morbidity Data Fu-
sion agent. At the beginning of the execution the
DAA firstly send a message to the Domain Ontol-
ogy agent, which reads information from metaontol-
ogy, and returns in to the DAA. Then, the DAA starts
to searches for information sources and reviews them
trying to find if there was a key ontological concept
there. If the file contains the concept, the Data Ag-
gregation agent sends an internal event to start data
retrieval to the specialized fusion agent. The plan
responsible for execution with the identified concept
starts reading the information file and searching for
terms of interest.
The DPA provides data preprocessing and has a
number of subordinate agents which specialize in dif-
ferent data clearing techniques: the Normalization
agent,the Correlation agent, the Data Smoothing
agent,the Gaps and Artifacts Check agent. They
perform all data preprocessing procedures, including
outliers and anomalies detection, dealing with miss-
ing values, smoothing, normalization, etc.
The FAA has a hierarchical team of subordinate
agents, which serve to support the roles: ”Impact As-
sessment”, ”Decomposition” and ”Function Approxi-
mation”. FAA has under its control a number of data
mining agents: the Regression agent, the ANN agent,
and the GMDH agent, which work in a concurrent
mode, reading input information and creating models.
Then, if any agent from this group finishes model-
ing, it calls for the Evaluation agent, which evaluates
obtained models, and return the list of the accepted
ones, while the others are banned and deleted. The
FAA pools the output of the agents work, creates the
list with the accepted models and then, once the Re-
gression agent, the ANN agent, and the GMDH agent
finished their execution, calls for the Committee Ma-
chine agent, which creates the final models in form of
committees for each of the dependent variables, and
validates them.
The methods which execute agents of the FAA
team are the following:
Statistical modelling - include linear, non-linear
simple and multiple models and their evaluation.
Artificial Networks modelling - include feed-
forward neural networks, trained by back-
propagation algorithm, genetic algorithms, radial-
based function networks.
Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH),
which is one of the powerful methods of self-
organization. We used the combinatorial algo-
rithm of GMDH (Madala, 1994).
Committee Machines, which provide creation of
weighted hybrid models with the condition that
the best models selected for the committee have
more impact on the final result (Haykin, 1998).
The CSA interacts with user and performs a set of
tasks within ”Computer Simulation”, ”Decision Mak-
ing” and ”Data Distribution” roles. It has the agent
team, which includes Forecasting agent, Alarm agent
and View agent.
The process of simulation and generation of pos-
sible solutions is interactive. The human-computer
interaction sessions are organized by the View agent,
which offer window -forms, graphical and textual
documentation as supporting tools. The Forecasting
agent calculated predicting values for the CSA, and
the Alarm agent checks if these values satisfy permit-
ted standards. Figure 1 gives a look at agent teams.
5.3 Simulation Results
The MAS has an open agent-based architecture,
which would allow us an easy incorporation of addi-
tional modules and tools, enlarging a number of func-
tions of the system. The system belongs to the orga-
nizational type, where every agent obtains a class of
tools and knows how and when to use them. Actually,
such types of systems have a planning agent, which
plans the orders of the agents’ executions. In our case,
the main module of the JACK
program carries out
these functions.
The View agent displays the outputs of the system
functionality and realize interaction with the system
Table 1: Part of the Table with the outputs of impact assess-
N Disease Pollutant
1 Neoplasm Nitrites
in water;
Miner products;
DBO5; Asphalts;
chemical wastes;
Fuel-oil; Petroleum
liquid gases;
Water: solids
in suspension;
chemical wastes;
2 Diseases of DBO5;
Miner products;
the blood and Fuel-oil;
blood- forming Nitrites in water;
organs, Solids in
the immune suspension;
mechanism Dangerous
metallic wastes
Miner products;
3 Pregnancy, Kerosene;
childbirth and Petroleum
the puerperium liquid gases;
Solids in suspension;
Petroleum; DQO;
Fuel-oil; Asphalts;
Gasohol; DBO5;
Water: Nitrites.
Petroleum autos;
user. As the system is autonomous and all the calcu-
lations are executed by it, the user has only access to
the result outputs and the simulation window.
To evaluate the impact of environmental param-
eters upon human health in Castilla-La Mancha, in
general, and in the city of Albacete in particular, we
have collected retrospective data since year 1989, us-
ing open information resources offered by the Spanish
Institute of Statistics and by the Institute of Statistics
of Castilla-La Mancha.
As indicators of human health and the influencing
factors of the a environment, which can cause nega-
tive effect upon the noted above indicators of human
health, the levels of contamination of potable water,
air, soil, and indicators of traffic activity, hazardous
wastes, energy and used annually, etc.
The DSS has recovered data from plain files,
which contained the information about the factors of
interest and pollutants, and fused in agreement with
the ontology of the problem area. It has supposed
some necessary changes of data properties (scalabil-
ity, etc.) and their pre-processing. After these proce-
dures, the number of pollutants valid for further pro-
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: The agent teams created for the case study.
cessing has decreased from 65 to 52. This significant
change was caused by many blanks related to several
time series, as some factors have started to be regis-
tered recently.
After considering this as an important drawback,
it was not possible to include them into the analysis.
The human health indicators, being more homoge-
neous, have been fused and cleared successfully. The
impact assessment has shown the dependencies be-
tween water characteristics and neoplasm, complica-
tions of pregnancy, childbirth and congenital malfor-
mations, deformations and chromosomal abnormali-
The MAS has a wide range of methods and tools
Figure 2: (a) The final model for one of the diseases of the case study. (b) The outcomes of the impact assessment for one of
the diseases of the case study.
for modeling, including regression, neural networks,
GMDH, and hybrid models, based on committee ma-
chines. The function approximation agent selected
the best models, which were: simple regression -
4381 models; multiple regression - 24 models; neu-
ral networks - 1329 models; GMDH - 2435 models.
The selected models were included into the commit-
tee machines. We have foretasted diseases and pollu-
tants values for the period of four years, with a six
month step, and visualized their tendencies, which
are going to overcome the critical levels. Control un-
der the ”significant” factors, which cause impact upon
health indicators, could lead to decrease of some types
of diseases.
Committee machines provide universal approxi-
mation, as the responses of several predictors (ex-
perts) are combined by means of a mechanism that
does not involve the input signal, and the ensemble
average value is received. As predictors we used re-
gression and neural network based models.
An example of the final model, received by com-
mittee machine for the ”‘Neoplasms”’ for the region
of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, is given on Figure 2a,
and the results of the impact assessment are shown on
Figure 2b.
Complex system analysis and modelling is still a com-
plicated problem, and an efficient framework which
supports decision making and expert systems creation
facilitates research efforts for various research groups.
The framework we have demonstrated in the article, is
one of the approximations to solve this complicated
task. And, to conclude with, we should note some
essential advantages we have reached, and some di-
rections for future research.
First, the framework is interdisciplinary and is
flexible for changes: it can be adapted to comply with
specific features of the domain of interest. The pro-
totype of the DSS, created in accordance with the
framework, supports decision makers in choosing the
behaviour line (set of actions) in such a general case,
which is potentially difficult to analyze and foresee.
As for any complex system,the human choice is deci-
Second, in spite of our time consuming modeling
work, we are looking forward to both revising and im-
proving the system and deepening our research.
Third, we consider making more experiments
varying as with data structure, trying to apply the sys-
tem to the other.
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
The framework supports all the necessary steps for
standard decision making procedure by utilizing intel-
ligent agents. The teams of intelligent agents, that are
logically and functionally connected, have been pre-
sented. Real-time interaction with the user provides
a range of possibilities in choosing one course of ac-
tion from among several alternatives, which are gen-
erated by the system through guided data mining and
computer simulation. The system is aimed to regular
usage for adequate and effective management by re-
sponsible municipal and state government authorities.
We used both traditional data mining techniques,
hybrid and specific methods, with respect to data na-
ture (incomplete data, short data sets, etc.). Combina-
tion of different tools let us gain in quality and preci-
sion of the reached models, and, hence, in recommen-
dations, which are based on these models. Received
dependencies of interconnections and associations be-
tween the factors and dependent variables help to cor-
rect recommendations and avoid errors.
This work was partially supported by Spanish Min-
isterio de Ciencia e Innovacion TIN2007-67586-C02-
02, and Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha
PII2I09-0069-0994 and PEII09-0054-9581 grants.
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