Maider Zamalloa, Mikel Penagarikano, Luis Javier Rodríguez-Fuentes, Germán Bordel
GTTS, Department of Electricity and Electronics, University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Spain
Juan Pedro Uribe
Ikerlan - Technological Research Centre, Mondragón, Spain
Keywords: Speaker tracking, Ambient intelligence, AMI Corpus.
Abstract: Ambient intelligence is an interdisciplinary paradigm which envisages smart spaces that provide services
and adapt transparently to the user. As the most natural interface for human interaction, speech can be ex-
ploited for adaptation purposes in such scenarios. Low latency is required, since adaptation must be conti-
nuous. Most speaker tracking approaches found in the literature work offline, fully processing pre-recorded
audio files by a two-stage procedure: (1) performing acoustic segmentation and (2) assigning each segment
a speaker label. In this work a real-time low-latency speaker tracking system is presented, which deals with
continuous audio streams. Experimental results are reported on the AMI Corpus of meeting conversations,
revealing the effectiveness of the proposed approach when compared to an offline speaker tracking system
developed for reference.
Ambient Intelligence (AmI) is an interdisciplinary
applied research field, aiming to create smart spaces
which provide services featuring user and context
adaptation capabilities (ISTAG, 2001) (Cook, 2009).
It was originally devised as Ubiquitous Computing
in (Weiser, 1991) where it was suggested the
interaction of consumer electronics,
telecommunications and computing devices to
support people carrying out everyday life activities
in a natural way. In such environment, daily objects
feature computing and telecommunication
capabilities. Transparency is critical, so natural and
intelligent interfaces are needed for human-computer
interaction (Abowd, 2005). Speech is a natural
interface for human interaction and the most suitable
means to support user interaction and adaptation.
Speech streams can be exploited to extract user
related information such as location, identity, etc.
But in such environments, user adaptation must be
continuous, and low-latency online processing is
Speaker diarization and speaker tracking are well
known tasks which aim to answer the question Who
spokes when?. Speaker tracking aims to detect
segments corresponding to a known set of target
speakers (Martin, 2001). Speaker diarization consists
of detecting speaker turns without any prior
knowledge about the target speakers (Tranter, 2006)
(Meignier, 2006). Speaker diarization and tracking
primary applications domains assume that audio
recordings are fully available before processing.
Common approaches to these tasks consist of two
uncoupled steps: (1) audio segmentation and (2)
speaker detection. In speaker diarization, segments
hypothetically uttered by the same speaker are
clustered together. In speaker tracking, however,
once the audio stream is segmented, speaker
detection is carried out through classical speaker
recognition techniques (Moraru, 2005) (Istrate,
2005) (Bonastre, 2000). In any case, these
methodologies are not suitable for low-latency
online speaker detection.
Few works related to real-time speaker
segmentation and tracking can be found in the
literature (Wu, 2003) (Lu, 2005) (Liu, 2005). Most
of the speaker segmentation approaches are based on
Zamalloa M., Penagarikano M., Javier Rodríguez-Fuentes L., Bordel G. and Pedro Uribe J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 343-349
DOI: 10.5220/0002734803430349
metrics measuring spectral changes, such as
Bayesian Information Criterion (Chen, 1998) and
Generalized Likelihood Ratio (Bonastre, 2000) (Liu,
2005). These procedures are robust but
computationally expensive since two or three
Gaussian models must be estimated for scoring each
possible change point in each analysis window, and
there can be between 100 and 1000 analysis
windows per second. In (Wu, 2003), a real-time
model-based speaker change detection system is
proposed, where a Universal Background Model
(UBM) is taken as reference to classify speech
segments, and a distance between two adjacent
windows is computed which accounts for the
spectral change. In (Lu, 2005), an unsupervised
speaker segmentation and tracking algorithm is
presented. Once the speaker change boundaries are
determined, each segment is scored with a set of
incremental quasi Gaussian Mixture Models
corresponding to unknown target speakers. In (Liu,
2005), an online speaker adaptation methodology is
applied for real-time speaker tracking, with
unknown target speakers. This approach combines a
phonotactic speaker change detection module with
an online speaker clustering algorithm. Speaker
adaptation is based on feature transformation. The
transformation matrix is incrementally adapted as
labeled segments become available.
In this paper, a real-time low-latency online
speaker tracking approach is presented, designed for
an AmI scenario (for example, an intelligent home
environment), where the system continuously tracks
known speakers. The expected number of target
speakers is low (i.e. the members of a family). This
scenario requires taking almost instantaneous (low
latency) speaker tracking decisions. A very simple
speaker tracking algorithm is proposed, where audio
segmentation and speaker detection are jointly
accomplished by defining and processing fixed-
length audio segments and scoring each of them to
decide whether it belongs to a target speaker or to an
impostor. Audio segments are scored by means of
acoustic models (corresponding to target speakers)
estimated via Maximum a Posteriori (MAP)
adaptation of a UBM (Reynolds, 2000). The MAP-
UBM methodology yields good speaker recognition
performance and allows for a fast scoring technique
which speeds up the score computation. Finally,
detection scores are calibrated (i.e linearly mapped
to likelihood ratios) and then, based on the scores
obtained for a development corpus, an optimal
application-dependent decision threshold (that
minimizes the expected error cost) is established
(Brummer, 2006). The performance of the proposed
approach is compared to that of an offline system
developed for reference, which follows the classical
two-stage approach: audio segmentation is done
over the whole input stream, and MAP-UBM
speaker detection is performed on the resulting
segments. Speaker tracking experiments applying
both systems were carried out on the AMI Corpus
(Carletta, 2007), which contains human
conversations in the context of smart meeting rooms,
close to the AmI scenario described above.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
section 2 the main features of the speaker tracking
systems are described, including the acoustic front-
end, the audio segmentation (required for the offline
reference system) and the speaker detection and
calibration stages. Section 3 gives details about the
experimental corpus and the UBM estimation.
Speaker tracking results using the proposed and the
reference systems are presented in section 4. Finally,
conclusions and guidelines for future work are given
in Section 5.
2.1 Acoustic Front-End
In this work, 16 kHz audio streams are analyzed in
frames of 20 milliseconds, at intervals of 10
milliseconds. A Hamming window is applied and a
512-point FFT computed. The FFT amplitudes are
then averaged in 24 overlapped triangular filters,
with central frequencies and bandwidths defined
according to the Mel scale. A Discrete Cosine
Transform is finally applied to the logarithm of the
filter amplitudes, obtaining 12 Mel-Frequency
Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC). To increase
robustness against channel distortion, Cepstral Mean
Normalization (CMN) is applied. When the audio
stream is processed on-the-fly, a dynamic CMN
approach is applied, the cepstral mean being updated
at each time t as follows:
where α is a time constant, C(t) is the vector of
cepstral coefficients at time t and µ
is the dynamic
cepstral mean at time t-1. After CMN, the first
derivatives of the MFCC are also computed,
yielding a 24-dimensional feature vector.
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2.2 Audio Segmentation
Audio segmentation, also known as acoustic change
detection, is required by most speaker tracking
systems as a previous step to the detection of target
speakers. A simple algorithm is applied in this work,
which segments the audio signal in a fully
unsupervised way, by locating the most likely
change points from a purely acoustic point of view.
The algorithm considers a sliding window W of N
acoustic vectors and computes the likelihood of
change at the center of that window, then moves the
window K vectors ahead and repeats the process
until the end of the vector sequence. To compute the
likelihood of change, each window is divided in two
halves, W
and W
, then a Gaussian distribution
(with diagonal covariance matrix) is estimated for
each half and finally the cross-likelihood ratio is
computed and stored as likelihood of change. This
yields a sequence of cross-likelihood ratios which
must be post-processed to get the hypothesized
segment boundaries. This involves applying a
threshold τ and forcing a minimum segment size δ.
In practice, a boundary t is validated when its cross-
likelihood ratio exceeds τ and there is no candidate
boundary with greater ratio in the interval [t-δ,t+δ]
(see (Rodriguez, 2007) for details).
2.3 Speaker Detection
The real-time speaker tracking system proposed in
this work computes a detection score per target
speaker and outputs a speaker identification decision
at fixed-length intervals. That length has been
empirically set to one second, which provides
relatively good time resolution and spectral richness,
and a reasonably small latency for most online
speaker tracking scenarios. The offline system
developed for reference does the same computation,
but using the segments produced by the algorithm
described in Section 2.2. Regardless the way audio
segments are obtained, they are scored with the same
set of MAP-UBM target speaker models (Reynolds,
In the adaptation of a speaker model from the
UBM, only non-overlapped training segments (i.e.
those segments containing only speech from that
speaker, according to the time references of manual
annotations) are used. This way, component
densities related to the acoustic classes strongly
observed in training data will change, whereas
component densities that correspond to weaker or
missing acoustic units (such as silence or impostors)
will remain un-adapted. Therefore, it is assumed that
the resulting MAP-UBM system should be able to
detect speech from target speakers and reject silence,
noise and speech from impostors.
Given the acoustic model λ
for the target
speaker s and λ
for the UBM, the detection score
(X) is computed as follows:
(X)= L(X|λ
) - L(X|λ
where L(X|λ) is the log-likelihood of X given λ.
Once the detection scores are computed for all the
target speakers, a unique identification decision is
made per segment: X is marked as coming from the
most likely target speaker s*=arg max
(X) > θ. Otherwise X is marked as coming from
an impostor. The decision threshold θ can be
heuristically established to optimize the
discrimination. Note that, for any given segment X,
there could actually be two or more speakers
speaking at the same time. However, the detection
approach described above cannot inform of speaker
overlaps, because only the most likely speaker can
be detected.
2.4 Calibration of Scores
Calibration maps detection scores {
| s [1,S]} to
likelihood ratios {C(
| s [1,S]} without any
specific application in mind. The scaling parameters
are computed over a development corpus by
maximizing Mutual Information, which is equivalent
to minimizing the so called C
(a metric defined in
(Brummer, 2006)), which integrates the expected
cost over a wide range of operation points
(representing specific applications) in the Detection
Error Tradeoff (DET) curve (Martin, 1997). The
final decision is taken by applying the minimum
expected cost Bayes decision threshold to calibrated
scores C(). The target speaker is accepted only if
the following inequality holds:
 ln
where C
and C
are miss and false-acceptance
error costs, and P
the prior probability of target
speakers. Scores are calibrated by means of the
FoCal toolkit, applying a linear mapping strategy
3.1 The AMI Corpus
Experiments are carried out over the AMI Corpus of
meeting conversations, available as a public resource
(see The AMI Corpus
is a multimodal dataset concerned with real-time
human interaction in the context of smart meeting
rooms. Data, collected in three instrumented meeting
rooms, include a range of synchronized audio and
video recordings. Meetings contain speech in
English, mostly from non native speakers.
In this work, the development and evaluation of
speaker tracking systems is based on a subset of the
AMI Corpus, the Edinburgh scenario meetings,
including 15 sessions: ES2002-ES2016, with four
meetings per session, each meeting being half an
hour long on average. Training data are taken from
meetings recorded at the three AMI sites. The audio
stream is obtained by mixing the signals from the
headset microphones of the participating speakers.
Three of the four speakers participating in each
session are taken as target speakers, the remaining
one being assigned the role of impostor. Careful
impostor selection –not random– is made to account
for gender unbalanced sessions. In sessions
containing just one female speaker, the impostor is
forced to be male (and vice versa), in order to avoid
that gender favors impostor discrimination.
In order to assess the speaker tracking
performance in realistic conditions, two independent
subsets are defined, consisting of different sessions
(and therefore different speakers), for development
and evaluation purposes, respectively. The
development set, consisting of 8 sessions (32
meetings), is used to tune the configuration
parameters of the speaker tracking systems. The
evaluation set, including the remaining 7 sessions
(28 meetings), is used only to evaluate the
performance of the previously tuned speaker
tracking systems.
Both the development and evaluation subsets are
further divided into train and test datasets. Two
meetings per session are randomly selected for
training speaker models, and the remaining two are
left for testing purposes. Time references are based
on manual annotations provided in the AMI Corpus.
3.2 UBM Estimation
Two speaker detection systems have been developed
based on the MAP-UBM approach. They only differ
in the data used to estimate the UBM: UBM-g uses
15 gender-balanced AMI meetings from all sites
except Edinburgh (so, a kind of room mismatch may
be expected), whereas UBM-t uses only speech from
target speakers in training meetings. UBM-g is
estimated once and can be applied to whatever
evaluation data and target speakers, whereas UBM-t
must be estimated specifically for each set of target
3.3 Performance Measures
The performance of speaker tracking systems is
commonly analyzed by means of Detection Error
Tradeoff (DET) plots (Martin, 1997). Performance is
measured in terms of time that is correctly or
incorrectly classified as belonging to a target.
Therefore, miss and false alarm rates are computed
as a function of time (Martin, 2001) and not as a
function of trial number, like in speaker detection
DET performance can be summarized in a single
figure by means of the Equal Error Rate (EER), the
point of the DET curve at which miss and false
alarm rates are equal. Obviously, the lower the EER,
the higher the accuracy of a speaker tracking system.
Another way to summarize in a single figure the
performance of a speaker tracking system is the so
called F-measure, defined as follows:
where precision (PRC) and recall (RCL) are related
to false alarm and miss rates respectively. PRC
measures the correctly detected target time from the
total target time detected. RCL computes the
correctly detected target time from the actual target
time. The F-measure ranges from 0 to 1, with higher
values indicating better performance. Collar periods
of 250 milliseconds at the end of speaker turns are
ignored for scoring purposes. Thus, speaker turns of
less than 0.5 seconds are not scored.
Figures 1 and 2 show the performance of the online
and offline speaker tracking systems, using UBM-g
and UBM-t as background models, for the
development and evaluation sets, respectively. Since
the speaker detection strategy followed in this work
cannot detect speaker overlaps, all the segments
containing speech from two or more speakers are
removed when scoring test meetings.
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: DET performance of speaker tracking systems
on the development set defined on the AMI corpus.
Figure 2: DET performance of speaker tracking systems
on the evaluation set defined on the AMI corpus.
As expected, the classical offline system
outperforms the proposed low-latency online
system, but the performance of the latter is quite
good. Taking the performance of the offline system
as reference, in speaker tracking experiments over
the evaluation set, the EER increases from 25.80 to
26.20 (1.55% relative degradation) when using
UBM-g, and from 19.07 to 21.14 (10.85% relative
degradation) when using UBM-t. On the other hand,
UBM-t systems outperform UBM-g systems, maybe
due to the aforementioned room mismatch in UBM-
g and the limited amount of training data.
In addition, performance degradation from
development to evaluation is small (from around
20% to 21% EER) in MAP-UBM-t, which means
that system configuration (based on the development
set) was also suitable for the evaluation set. The
MAP-UBM-g system suffers a bigger degradation
from development to evaluation. It seems that
estimating the UBM from unknown speakers in
mismatched conditions (different rooms) degrades
acoustic coverage and reduces the robustness of
system configuration with regard to using a room-
specific UBM estimated from target speakers. The
UBM-t system might be getting advantage not only
from matching the room, but also from the
consistency between the speakers in the UBM and
the target speakers. In fact, 100% of the target
speakers appearing in the test corpus contribute data
to the UBM-t, increasing the consistency of speaker
models estimated through MAP adaptation (because
a perfect match exists between the adaptation data
corresponding to any target speaker and some of the
component densities of the UBM).
Table 1 shows precision (PRC), recall (RCL) and
F-measure performance of the speaker tracking
systems, for both the calibrated and uncalibrated
speaker detection scores. These results correspond to
the operation point (threshold) considered optimal in
the DET curve. The threshold used for calibrated
scores is based on application-dependent costs and
target priors, adjusted on the development corpus.
For uncalibrated scores, the threshold is fixed to
zero, i.e. a target speaker is detected if the likelihood
of the null hypothesis is higher than that of the
alternative hypothesis.
Table 1: Precision (PRC), Recall (RCL) and F-measure
performance of the real-time (rt) and reference (ref)
speaker tracking systems, using UBM-g and UBM-t, on
the development (Dev) and evaluation (Eval) sets.
Uncalibrated Calibrated
0.66 0.92 0.77 0.81 0.8 0.81
0.67 0.93 0.78 0.82 0.82 0.82
0.67 0.91 0.77 0.82 0.83 0.82
0.69 0.92 0.79 0.84 0.86 0.85
0.69 0.92 0.78 0.78 0.85 0.8
0.69 0.93 0.79 0.78 0.84 0.81
0.71 0.91 0.8 0.81 0.85 0.83
0.72 0.92 0.81 0.81 0.87 0.84
Results in Table 1 demonstrate the usefulness of
the calibration stage, which leads to better
performance in all cases. Finally, note that the real-
time (online, low-latency) system provides only
slightly worse performance than the reference
(offline) system: 1.7% average relative degradation
in F-measure. Though speaker tracking actually
takes advantage from an offline acoustic
segmentation of the audio stream, depending on the
scenario and the required latency, offline audio
segmentation would not be feasible. In such a
situation, the proposed approach provides real-time
low-latency online speaker tracking at the cost of
little performance degradation.
In this paper, an online speaker tracking system,
designed for an Ambient Intelligence scenario, is
presented an evaluated. The system processes
continuous audio streams and outputs a speaker
identification decision for fixed-length (one second)
segments. Speaker detection is done by means of a
MAP-UBM speaker verification backend. A
calibration stage is applied which linearly maps
detection scores to likelihood ratios. Calibration
parameters are estimated beforehand based on
development data, yielding significant performance
improvements without increasing the computational
cost, which is crucial for a real-time low-latency
system. An alternative speaker tracking system,
based on an offline segmentation of the audio stream
has been developed and evaluated for reference.
Experiments have been carried out on a subset of
the AMI Corpus of meeting conversations. Results
demonstrate that better results can be attained when
the UBM is estimated from data matching test
conditions (same room, same speakers), instead of
using general but unrelated data. The calibration
stage provides performance improvements in all
cases. Finally, offline segmentation of audio streams
actually improves speaker tracking performance
with regard to using fixed-length segments.
However, depending on the scenario and the
required latency, offline audio segmentation would
not be feasible. The proposed system provides real-
time low-latency online speaker tracking with little
performance degradation.
Current work involves increasing the robustness
of detection scores (and decisions) by using
information from past segments. Future work
includes using detection scores in a speaker
verification framework (thus allowing the detection
of multiple speakers), and making a smart use of all
the available data through new UBM estimation
This work has been partially funded by the
Government of the Basque Country, under program
SAIOTEK, project S-PE07IK03; and the Spanish
MICINN, under Plan Nacional de I+D+i, project
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