Lu´ıs S. Ribeiro, Lu´ıs Basti˜ao, Carlos Costa and Jos´e Lu´ıs Oliveira
University of Aveiro, IEETA/DETI, 3810-190 Aveiro, Portugal
PACS integration, Peer-to-peer, DICOM, Medical imaging, Telemedicine, Image communication.
For the healthcare professionals the importance of the medical imaging as a diagnostic tool is undeniable. For
this reason, industry and research organizations increased significantly their interest in the medical imaging
area, trying to deliver solutions for creating, storing, exchanging and displaying medical images. The raise
of hardware and software solutions drove the community of vendors to gradually decrease the price of his
solutions. As consequence, there was a rise of small imaging centres competing with bigger healthcare insti-
tutions. The market offers drives the patients to move across a wide range of healthcare institutions to undergo
all the necessary exams. Producing a great amount of medical data dispersed over several institutions. This
scenario of isolated islands of images repositories unable of interacting with each other is, in our opinion,
propitious to a peer-to-peer (P2P) archive solution. Until now, medical exams (images and studies) have been
exchanged through analogue films, media storage devices (CD, DVD, etc), virtual private networks or manual
email procedures. This paper describes the Dicoogle P2P system, a distributed PAC system where its users
may easily store, search and exchange DICOM files. However, potential peers of the Dicoogle system are
usually inside private networks, behind NATs and rewalls, disabling the inter-institutional peer interaction.
Therefore, we propose an Email-P2P gateway to Dicoogle that offers a way to exchange DICOM files through
these virtual barriers.
Nowadays, medical imaging is a valuable and indis-
pensable tool in the healthcare system. To the physi-
cians, they represent a key factor for delivery of high
quality decisions. Picture Archiving and Commu-
nication System (PACS) concept embraces a set of
technologies for the archiving, distribution, visualiza-
tion and acquisition of medical images over a com-
puter network. Compared with the traditional ana-
logue film, the PACS concept brings significant ben-
efits in the productivity, economy and management
of a healthcare institution (Huang, 2004). The PACS
concept was boosted by the introduction of the Dig-
ital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DI-
COM) standard (Mustra et al., 2008), allowing in-
teroperability between PAC systems from different
vendors. Moreover, medical imaging modalities and
archive solutions are successively becoming less ex-
pensive. The result is the proliferation of equipment
acquisition by imaging centres, even in small ones
(Carlos Costa, 2009). As consequence, the patient’s
medical data is stored in isolated repositories of the
respective healthcare institution. However, the ex-
change of the medical exams is still a coarse process.
Typically, the healthcare institution that performs ra-
diological exams sends the medical data via conven-
tional mail (analoguefilms, CD, DVD), virtual private
networks or manual email procedures. This paper de-
scribes a P2P structure built over the Internet Mes-
sage Access Protocol (IMAP), allowing the search,
exchange and store of medical images over a large
domain composed by several healthcare institutions.
One downside of the P2P architectures is the impossi-
bility of communicatingwith peers behindvirtual bar-
riers (e.g. closed firewalls, Network Address Transla-
tion) (Damiani et al., 2002). However, our P2P net-
work is built overIMAP - commonfirewall configura-
tions do not block the IMAP packages - turning possi-
ble communicating with peers behind virtual barriers.
Ribeiro L., Bastião L., Costa C. and Oliveira J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 310-315
DOI: 10.5220/0002744803100315
1.1 Related Work
Besides the manual exchanges by storage devices
(e.g. DVD), accessing from the outside of the insti-
tution’s firewall is usually possible by the creation
of Virtual Private Networks (VPN). This approach
may be appropriate for the institution members to
access the resources remotely. However, creating a
cross-institutional VPN connection is a bureaucratic
and a longstanding process. The Medical Image Ex-
change Platform (MIEP) (Chiu et al., 2007) is a cross-
institutional platform intended to replace the ad-hoc
and manual exchanges. Through dedicated web ser-
vices with watermarking mechanism they created a
secure system capable of exchanging medical data.
However, MIEP does not use the DICOM standard,
turning the integration the current healthcare systems
more difficult. Blanquer et al (Blanquer et al., 2005)
presented a P2P environment that assists image diag-
nosis apprenticeship and research, enabling radiolo-
gists to share DICOM studies and its corresponding
diagnosis located on their personal computers. The
platform promotes the collaboration within a virtual
community of radiologists, sharing anonymous DI-
COM studies and in this way exchanging knowledge
in the radiologicfield. Finally, there are many P2P ap-
plications for file sharing such as BitTorrent(Qiu and
Srikant, 2004), eDonkey(Ghosemajumder, 2002) or
Gnutella(Ivkovic, 2001), however they are not suit-
able for the medical data exchange, for instant, they
only allow file name search, in our opinion a content
base search is more useful.
The PAC system architecture began mainly on an ad
hoc basis, serving small subsets, called modules, of
the radiology department. Each module functioned as
an independent island, unable to communicate with
other modules (Huang, 2004). Later it evolved into
a PACS infrastructure solution, integrating the hospi-
tal information system and the radiology information
system, serving the entire hospital (figure 1). Nowa-
days, with the emerge of small imaging centres the
early PACS design is once again a reality. As a result,
a vast repository of images and studies remain stored
locally without being shared. In our opinion, the cur-
rent scenario is propitious to a P2P architecture.
2.1 Peer-to-peer Networks
The P2P networks may follow different topologies
that bring different advantages and disadvantages.
Figure 1: PACS traditional workflow.
The most usual approaches include the classic
decentralize structure (e.g. Gnutella v0.4) where
every peer is similar and self sufficient, the hybrid
approach (e.g. Gnutella v0.6), where some peers of
the structure have special responsibilities and, finally,
the structure completely centralized (e.g. eDonkey),
that relies in at least one central server executing
critical tasks for the correct function of the network,
keeping the rest of the communicationsin a P2P basis.
2.1.1 Jxta Framework
Jxta is a network programming and computing plat-
form designed to solve distributed computing prob-
lems, especially in the peer-to-peer area. Jxta was de-
signed to fulfil three major concerns (Gradecki and
Gradecki, 2002): interoperability, platform indepen-
dence and ubiquity. These concerns drove Jxta tech-
nology into a set of six major protocols: peer discov-
ery protocol, peer resolver protocol, peer information
protocol, peer membership protocol and pipe binding
protocol. Currently, Jxta is in its 2.5 version and there
is a release announced to the end of the year 2009.
2.2 Dicoogle
In 2009 was introduced Dicoogle (Carlos Costa,
2009), a novel approach to manage PAC systems.
The main idea of Dicoogle was the replacement or
the extension of the traditional relational database in
the PAC systems by an indexing and retrieving en-
gine. This approach turned the PACS management
more flexible, because it is possible to quickly in-
dex new text-based fields without the need of creating
new tables or relations like would be necessary in the
database supported approach. Furthermore, Dicoogle
automatically refreshes the indexes by monitoring the
file system events (create, delete or update) targeted
to the DICOM files.
The Dicoogle version 3 aims to an enterprise solution
enabling the exchange of DICOM objects (images
and studies) between healthcare institutions. Typi-
cally, the DICOM objects are stored locally in the
PACS of the healthcare institutions that operate over a
private network (intranet). Therefore, the most com-
mon scenario will be islands of DICOM object repos-
itories. As consequence, the bigger percentage of Di-
coogle peers will be delimitated by virtual barriers
such as NATs and firewalls (figure 3).
3.1 NATs and Firewalls
In order to a machine inside a private network access
the internet it requires a public IP address, however
the internal machine only holds a private IP address.
The NAT process allows the router to translate private
IP address into public IP addresses. When an internal
computer requests access to the Internet, the requests
private IP is placed by the router’s public IP address.
When the response from a request arrives it is for-
ward to the internal computer. This is only possible
when the internal computer starts the process, outside
responses with no request are discarded. Besides the
NAT there is also the firewall. The firewall job is to re-
strict traffic coming from the Internet into the private
network and many times also restrict the traffic go-
ing from the private network to the internet (Gradecki
and Gradecki, 2002), by closing all the ports to send
data. Only specific ports are commonly open such
as the email and the web server ports. These ports
are open to send data from the inside to the outside
of the intranet, but not the reverse. As result, peers
from different private networks cannot communicate
”directly”. The solution for this problem is the intro-
duction of a relay peer in the middle of the communi-
cation between peers in different intranets (figure 4).
The relay peer becomes a bridge, enabling the inter-
action of Dicoogle peers of different privatenetworks.
To implement the relay peer we looked which tech-
nology is more appropriate based on Dicoogle’s relay
peer requirements:
1. The relay peer has to be accessible to all peers;
2. The relay peer has to communicate through de-
fault open ports of the firewall;
3. The relay has to support secure data transition.
Analyzing the relay requisites and after some tests we
concluded that an email server would be suitable for
developing the relay peer, because:
1. Email servers are reliable in terms of access;
2. Email may be sent through firewalls without any
change in their set rules
3. Email already has encryption protocols for data
Furthermore, email accounts are free, trustworthy and
offer an acceptable storage capacity (e.g. Gmail over
7 Giga bytes of available space). But more impor-
tant the relay process is really similar to the email
paradigm: The peers send addressed messages to re-
lay peer and the relay peer holds the messages until
the addressed peer fetch them. Therefore, Dicoogle
P2P system implements the relay peer over an email
3.2 Components
Dicoogle is a Java open source project developed over
some open source libraries. Figure 2 show all the
software components used by the Dicoogle frame-
work. Dicoogle uses the Apache Lucene index en-
gine (Hatcher and Gospodnetic, 2004) to index the
DICOM files stored in each archive (Dicoogle peer).
The P2P functionalities are supported by the Jxta
framework (Sun Microsystems, 2004b; Gradecki and
Gradecki, 2002). Jxta allows firewall crossing, this is
achieved by communicating with a relay peer, outside
the intranet, through the port 80 or 8080 (HTTP/S).
The specifications of Jxta make it the ideal platform,
in theory, to fulfil the Dicoogle’s P2P requirements.
Although, in the paper, Jxta is a powerful and co-
hesive idea, the reality is that its implementation is
not stable enough for a P2P enterprise solution. In
spite of the fact some sources pointed Jxta version 2.5
as unstable (Ferrante, 2008) we analyzed anyway the
framework. Our conclusions were concordant with
the previous ones, Jxta version 2.5 has still to mature.
However, we were able to create a relative stable solu-
tion for the private network scenario. Therefore, Di-
coogle v3 only uses Jxta for treating the P2P issues
within the intranet. We designed a relay peer based in
IMAP - using the JavaMail API (Sun Microsystems,
2004a). With the IMAP protocol we created trans-
parent communication channels between the partici-
pant intranets enabling inter-institutional peer interac-
tion. Every message sent to the relay peer is encrypted
using the Advance Encryption Standard (AES). The
messages are encrypted using a private key present
in every Dicoogle peer and unreachable to the users.
The private key is created using the email password as
seed for a key generator algorithm. This way the mes-
sages are impossible to read by other entities besides
the Dicoogle peers. Finally, to carry the implementa-
tion of DICOM services and DICOM standard related
issues we used the dcm4che SDK (Zeilinger, 2006).
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 2: Dicoogle software components.
3.3 Architecture
Dicoogle’s P2P distributed system is formedby multi-
ple Dicoogle peers, located in different intranets, and
a relay peer. Inside each participant healthcare insti-
tution (intranet) it is at least one Dicoogle peer. One
may classify Dicoogle’s P2P topologyas hybrid, how-
ever we consider that Dicoogle’s topology as two dif-
ferent levels. At the intranet level the Dicoogle peers
have a totally decentralized topology. They automat-
ically discover each other and create the communi-
cation channels between them. While at the internet
level the Dicoogle peers interact with a centralize ap-
proach. The Dicoogle peers announce their existence
on the relay peer and all the communication between
peers in different intranets passes through the relay
peer. The main reason to use a P2P centralized ap-
proach is to fulfil one system requirement: Dicoogle
must pass through virtual barriers. Figure 3 shows the
overall architecture of the Dicoogle P2P distributed
Figure 3: Dicoogle’s common usage scenario. Several peers
disperse over several healthcare institutions (HI). Peers
within the HI communicate directly. Peers in different HIs
communicate through the relay peer.
3.3.1 Searching DICOM files
Each Dicoogle peer is responsible for managing a
PACS archive. To do so, it indexes every DICOM
file of the repository. The indexes are the founda-
tions of Dicoogle’s search mechanism. As soon as
the Dicoogle peer is initiated over a PACS archive it
starts by indexing the detected DICOM files. After
this phase, the Dicoogle peer monitors the file system
looking the system calls create, delete and update tar-
geting the DICOM files. When a relevant system call
is detected Dicoogle automatically refreshes the peer
Dicoogle search mechanism has three modes: local
search, private network search and entire network
search. Each mode represents a search domain, ac-
cording to its needs the peer user may define which
search mode it prefers. Also the peer administra-
tor may specify which search mode will be executed
when the peer is contacted by a non-Dicoogle station
- using the DICOM query service. The search modes
function over the peer, or peers, indexes executing the
queries entered by the user, as follows:
1. Local Search: The query is executed in the local
peer and the results are displayed on the peer to
the user.
2. Private Network Search: The queryis sent to the
peers in the same private network (using the Jxta’s
multicast mechanism). When the other Dicoogle
peers receive the search query, they execute it lo-
cally over their indexes then send the result to the
calling peer. Finally the calling peer merges the
received results and displays them to the user.
3. External Network Search: The query is sent to
every Dicoogle peer outside the private network.
The communication channel is built through the
relay peer. The calling Dicoogle peer sends the
search query to the relay peer, addressed to all
Dicoogle peers not present in its private network.
This is accomplished because every private net-
work has a unique identifier (cluster ID), therefore
if a search query arrives to the relay peer the Di-
coogle peers only fetch the query if the message
has a different cluster ID. This way, only the peers
outside private network of the calling peer will
receive the message. After this, the external Di-
coogle peers fetch the message, execute the query
locally and send a message with the result to the
relay peer - the message is addressed to the calling
peer. Finally, the calling peer fetches the results,
merges the multiple results and displays them to
the user.
Furthermore, it is also possible to combine the differ-
ent search modes, for instance to search the entire P2P
network the Dicoogle peer triggers the three search
modes at the same time.
3.3.2 Transfering DICOM Files
Being able of searching the resources of a P2P net-
work is important, but useless unless it is possible to
obtain the contents returned by the search. Therefore,
the Dicoogle system allows the exchange of DICOM
files between the participant peers. Typically, after a
search the peer user triggers a file transfer. At this
stage the Dicoogle peer has all the information re-
quired regarding the file location. Two different sce-
narios may occur, according to the file location:
If the wanted DICOM file is in the same private
network of the calling peer the file transfer is per-
formed through Jxta’s Bidipipes. A Bidipipe is
bidirectional communication channel created be-
tween two peers. The calling peer starts by send-
ing a file request message to the peer that holds
the DICOM file. Then the called peer sends the
file blocks until the file transfer succeeds.
If the file is located outside the privatenetwork the
file transfer is performed through the relay peer.
The transfer protocol is similar to the intranet sce-
nario althoughwith the relay peer abstraction (fig-
ure 4). The calling peer sends a file request mes-
sage to the relay peer, addressed to the peer that
holds the file. The called peer that periodically
checks the email account detects that has a mes-
sage addressed to it. As consequence, the called
peer fetches the message. Besides specifying the
file to transfer, the file request message contains a
session name. If the file transfer is accepted the
called peer creates a new folder in the email ac-
count with the received session name. The DI-
COM file is transferred to the session folder. In
the other side, the calling peer monitors the email
account waiting for the session folder creation. If
the session folder is created it means the file trans-
fer was accepted and the file will be sent, oth-
erwise the file transfer was denied and the file
exchange fails by timeout. Furthermore, the DI-
COM file cannot be sent directly to the session
folder. Because the relay peer is built over an
email account the DICOM file is usually bigger
than the maximum size allowed for the message
attachments. Therefore, the DICOM file is di-
vided into small blocks and sent, block by block,
to the session folder. Finally, the calling peer
fetches the file blocks, reassembles the file blocks
into the original DICOM file and saves it in its
Figure 4: Inter-institutional communication. Dicoogle peer
A wants to send a message to the peer B, the two peers are
in different private networks and between them there are
virtual barriers. Communication protocol through the relay
peer: (1) - Peer A sends the message(s) to the relay peer
addressing the peer B. (2) - The relay peer holds the mes-
sage in its file system. (3) - Peer B is periodically checking
the relay peer for messages addressed to it. (4) - Peer B de-
tects the message sent by the peer A, downloads message
and removes it from the relay.
We created an efficient P2P platform oriented to med-
ical imaging services, by reusing the available re-
sources in the healthcare institutions. The Dicoogle
peers are installed over the existent PACS archiveand,
besides functioning as a typical PACS archive man-
agement system, it also extends the contents of the
local PACS archive, by interacting with the other Di-
coogle peers. This way medical data exchange pro-
cess is facilitated and as consequence increasing the
productivity of healthcare procedure. Dicoogle also
provides to its users a way to cross the network’s vir-
tual barriers expanding the P2P potential users nor-
mally excluded from this type of networks.
From a simple email account a new virtual commu-
nity of data sharing is created. In other words, one
email account represents a new Dicoogle universe, to
belong to one of these universes the Dicoogle peer has
to know the respective email account. Otherwise, the
Dicoogle peer may only communicate at the intranet
The Dicoogle system expedites the modus operandi
of the healthcare institutions, for instance, a health-
care institution composed by several small imaging
centres, dispersed over a big geographical area. By
adoption the Dicoogle system the dispersed PACS
archives could easily connect as a global PACS
archive, serving the entire healthcare institution as a
whole. Dicoogle system offers a comfortable user in-
terface to manage the local Dicoogle peer and to ex-
plore the contents of the entire Dicoogle distributed
system. Figures 5 and 6 show some views of Di-
coogle’s interface.
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 5: Dicoogle’s control console
Figure 6: Dicoogle’s Advance search view
In this paper we present the Dicoogle distributed
PACS and its Email-P2P Gateway interface capable
of searching and sharing DICOM files over a wide
scenario. Dicoogle is a turn-key solution that may be
easily installed in a personal computer or in a central
server. And its integration with the existent medical
imaging repository of a healthcare institution is facil-
itated. Because, each Dicoogle peers is also a ser-
vice class provider of the DICOM services storage,
query and retrieve. This way the surrounding stations
of the healthcare institution may interact with the sys-
tem without any reconfiguration.
The system uses a P2P decentralize topology within
the private network and a centralize topology for re-
mote communications, maximizing this way the ben-
efits of each topology, turning Dicoogle in a scalable
system. Furthermore, the relay peer is built over an
email account and not a common web server. There-
fore, the cost of owning a web server to act as a re-
lay peer is eliminated and, because the email ports
are usually open, it also avoids the need to change
the firewall’s default configuration. Dicoogle offers to
his users an even more flexible P2P system than oth-
ers known P2P applications (e.g. eMule) because it
does not leave behind the peer inside the private net-
work incapable of communicating directly with the
P2P network due to the virtual barriers. As conse-
quence, Dicoogle extends the range of its potential
users increasing the resources available in the net-
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