Harumi Murakami
, Hiroshi Ueda
, Shin’ichi Kataoka
, Yuya Takamori
and Shoji Tatsumi
Graduate School for Creative Cities, Osaka City University, Japan
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University, Japan
Keywords: Web people search, Summarization, Visualization, Interface.
Abstract: People search is one major search activity on the Web. If the list of people search results is merely “person
1, person 2, . . . and so on,” users have difficulty determining which person clusters they should select. In
this paper, we present a project that summarizes and visualizes Web people search results to help users
select person clusters more easily. We explore three ways of summarizing people: (a) selecting terms from
the extracted information, (b) combining the extracted information, and (c) obtaining information from
external databases referring to the extracted information. To visualize people, we present three types of
interfaces: (a) tables, (b) two-dimensional space, and (c) map interfaces. We report the two results of the
project. (1) We investigated algorithms for distinguishing individuals with identical names and three ways
of summarizing people: extracting keywords, prefectures and vocations; combining vocation-related
information; and obtaining locations. (2) We developed prototypes to display separated individuals by three
types of interfaces.
People search is one major search activity on the
Web. According to (Guha and Garg, 2004), 30% of
queries in Web searches include person names.
Person name disambiguation, or distinguishing
people with identical names, is becoming more and
more important in Web searches. If the list of search
results is merely “person 1, person 2, …, and so on,”
users have difficulty determining which person
clusters they should select.
This research helps users select person clusters
that are separated into different people from the
results of person searches on the Web.
Below, in Section 2 we explain the overview of
our project and describe the developed algorithms
and prototypes in Sections 3-6. Related work is
discussed in Section 7.
The aim of this project is to develop interfaces to
select and understand people on the Web.
First, we create person clusters by distinguishing
individuals from Web people search results. Second,
we present interfaces to help users select and
understand people.
The main feature of this research is summarizing
people. We extract various kinds of attribute
information related to people. Instead of displaying
all extracted information like traditional information
extraction research, we present one representative
piece of information by referring to the extracted
For example for the first author, from the
following list, which is the one representative piece
of information?: faculty staff, researcher, professor,
Osaka City University professor, or computer
scientist? We explore three ways to summarize
people: (a) selecting terms from the extracted
information, (b) combining the extracted
information, and (c) obtaining information from
external databases that refer to the extracted
We present three types of interfaces to visualize
people: (a) tables, (b) two-dimensional space in
which similar individuals are displayed close
together, and (c) map interfaces. See Figure 1.
Murakami H., Ueda H., Kataoka S., Takamori Y. and Tatsumi S. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 640-643
DOI: 10.5220/0002760706400643
Overview Occupation Address Keyword
Professor of
OsakaCi ty
researcher 33138,
Author of“…” housewife
村上晴美4 司法書士
(a) Table interface
(c) Map
Information retrieval;
Professor of Osaka City…
Harumi Mu rakami 1
Osaka; researcher
Office of …; Sapporo…
Harumi Mu rakami 4
Hokkaido; Lawyer
(b) Two-dimensional space interface
Figure 1: Project overview.
We developed initial prototypes of a table and a two-
dimensional-space interface (Ueda et al. 2007) that
separate individuals from Google people search
results and automatically extract attribute
information (keywords, prefectures, and vocations).
The table interface displays a list of people with
attribute information (Figure 2), and the two-
dimensional-space interface displays person icons
with part of the extracted attribute information
(Figure 3).
3.1 Algorithms
The algorithms that extract keywords, prefectures,
and vocations are described here. They are based on
the type of summarization: (a) selecting terms from
the extracted information.
3.1.1 Extracting Keywords
We extracted nouns near person names using
morphological analysis, collocated, and ranked them
with TermExtract. For example, for the first author,
information retrieval was the top ranked keyword.
3.1.2 Extracting Prefectures
We extracted prefecture names by pattern-matching
using prefecture dictionaries from texts near the
person names. One of the most frequent prefectures
is displayed. For example, for the first author, Osaka
Prefecture was the answer.
Figure 2: Table interface.
Figure 3: Two-dimensional space interface.
3.1.3 Extracting Vocations
We extracted vocations by pattern-matching using
dictionaries from texts near the person names. The
vocation dictionaries were created from Wikipedia.
One of the most frequent vocations is displayed. For
example, for the first author, professor was the
Preliminary experiments suggested that
vocations and keywords were useful to select people.
We investigated two approaches to separate different
people: non-hierarchical clustering and hierarchical
First in the initial prototype, to simulate how
people separate Web pages, non-hierarchical
clustering (single path method) was examined. We
checked Web pages from the top of the search
results and added similar pages to the existing
clusters. Since this approach produced too many
clusters (Ueda et al. 2007), we need to group them in
the future.
As an alternative, we examined a two-step
clustering method using person names to distinguish
individuals (Kataoka et al. 2008). The key idea was
to use person names to create initial clusters by
combining mechanisms. Our method was comprised
of two processes: (1) first step clustering based on
the co-occurrence of person names and (2) second
step clustering based on hierarchical clustering using
keywords. Overall, our method outperformed two
baselines and was ranked 2nd in the WePS (Artiles
et al. 2007) systems.
In seeking state-of-the art person name
disambiguation, since we have found it difficult to
automatically distinguish different people, we
decided to abandon person name disambiguation and
concentrate on summarizing and visualizing
manually separated person clusters. In the following
sections, we investigate two important bits of
attribute information: vocations (Section 5) and
locations (Section 6).
Although vocations are the most informative ways to
select people, defining vocations and obtaining good
vocation dictionaries was difficult (Ueda et al. 2007).
We therefore proposed a method to extract vocation-
related information (VRI) from Web pages in person
clusters. VRI is information related to vocation,
which is more useful for identifying people (Ueda et
al. 2009). We selected three types of VRI: (1)
vocation, (2) organization and position, and (3)
publication title and role.
The method is comprised of two processes: (1)
extraction of VRI candidates using HTML structure
and heuristics, and (2) VRI generation using term
frequency, clustering synonyms, and calculation
using a Web search engine. The method is based on
the type of summarization: (b) combining the
extracted information.
For example, two pieces of extracted information,
Tozai newspaper and Cultural Affairs Department
journalist, are combined, and Cultural Affairs
Department journalist, Tozai newspaper is
generated as a VRI.
The main advantage of our method is to label
VRIs to person clusters based on the context, not
vocations based on term frequencies.
VRI can be used as one bit of attribute
information (e.g., vocations, titles, occupations, or
companies) and as one good source of an overview
of people.
This research (Murakami et al. 2009) aims to display
person icons on a map to help users select person
clusters that are separated into different people from
the results of person searches on the Web. We
proposed a method to assign person clusters with
one piece of location information.
Our method is comprised of two processes: (1)
extracting location candidates from Web pages and
(2) assigning location information using a local
search engine. The method is based on the type of
summarization: (c) obtaining information from
external database referring to the extracted
For example, the location information of Arise
Campus, Kobe Gakuin University, is obtained from
Yahoo! Local search using one of the extracted
terms: Kobe Gakuin University.
Our main idea exploits search engine rankings
and character distance to obtain good location
information among location candidates.
Figure 4: Map interface prototype system.
Figure 4 shows the prototype interface. When a
person name is input as a query, Web pages are
classified into person clusters, and individual icons
that express appropriate locations are displayed on a
map. Users can select icons to display their location
information to access searched Web pages.
Experimental results revealed the usefulness of
our proposed method.
Most people search services (e.g., MyLife) provide
manually constructed database input by users or
operators. When a user types a person name as a
query, a list or table is displayed to select a person.
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Person name disambiguation is manually solved.
Ages, locations (usually states in US), titles, and
companies are often displayed as attribute
Some services and research automatically
execute Web people search and display a list or a
table. Zoominfo extracts and displays such attribute
information as titles and companies. Wan et al.
(2005) also separated Web people search results and
assigned titles to person clusters to provide a list
interface to select people.
We present three kinds of interfaces and explore
three types of summarization methods.
Even though much work (Artiles et al., 2007)
separates Web pages into person clusters, it seldom
assigns labels to person clusters. The WWW2009
WePS-2 workshop evaluated a technique to extract
attribute information. Although it aims to extract all
attribute information related to people, we assign
representative attribute information to person
clusters and call this summarization.
Concerning the visualization of people search,
Matsuo et al. (2006) visualizes a human network to
select people. Mori et al. (2008) presents an
interface design for people search that includes a
human network and two-dimensional space. Our
work is different; we concentrate on summarizing
We showed a scenario for people search by
names; however, our proposal can be applied to
other types of people search such as by keywords.
For example, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and
Barack Obama are summarized and visualized by an
input query: president of US.
We presented a project that summarizes and
visualizes Web people search results to help users
select person clusters more easily. We explored
three ways to summarize people: (a) selecting terms
from the extracted information, (b) combining the
extracted information, and (c) obtaining information
from external databases referring to the extracted
information. We present three types of interfaces to
visualize people: (a) tables, (b) two-dimensional
space, and (c) map interfaces. We reported the
project results.
Guha, V., and Garg, A., 2004. Disambiguating People in
Search. Stanford University.
Ueda, H., Murakami, H., and Tatsumi, S., 2007. A system
that distinguishes different people with identical
names on the Web and displays a list by attribute
information. In The 21st Annual Conference of the
Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. (CD-
Kataoka, S., Ueda, H., Murakami, H., and Tatsumi, S.,
2008. Two-step Clustering based on Person Names to
Identify Different People with Identical Names on the
Web. In The 22nd Annual Conference of the Japanese
Society for Artificial Intelligence. (CD-ROM).
Artiles, J., Gonzalo, J., and Sekine, S., 2007. The
SemEval-2007 WePS Evaluation: Establishing a
Benchmark for the Web People Search Task. In
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on
Semantic Evaluations, 64-69.
Ueda, H., Murakami, H., and Tatsumi, S., 2009. A
ssigning Vocation-Related Information to Person
Clusters for Web People Search Results. In
Proceedings of the 2009 Global Congress on
Intelligent Systems (GCIS 2009), 4, 248-253.
Murakami, H., Takamori, Y., Ueda, H., and Tatsumi, S.,
2009. Assigning Location Information to Display
Individuals on a Map for Web People Search Results.
In Proceedings of The Fifth Asia Information Retrieval
Symposium (AIRS 2009), 26-37.
Wan, X., Gao, J., Li, M., Ding, B., 2005. Person resolution
in person search results: WebHawk. In CIKM2005,
Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management, 163-170.
Matsuo, Y., Mori, J., Hamasaki, M., Ishida, K.,
Nishimura, T., Takeda, H., Hashida, K., Ishiduka, M.,
2006. Polyphonet: An advanced social network
extraction system, In WWW2006, 397-406.
Mori, J., Basselin, A. Kroner, and A. Jameson, 2008. Find
me if you can: Disigning Interfaces for People Search,
In Proceedings of the 13th international conference on
Intelligent user interfaces, 377-380.