Laroussi Merhbene, Anis Zouaghi
UTIC , Higher School of Techniques Sciences of Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia
Mounir Zrigui
Department of Computing, Faculy of sciences of Monastir, Monastir, Sousse, Tunisia
Keywords: Arabic ambiguous words, LSA, Harman, Okapi, Croft, Lesk algorithm, Signatures and stemmer.
Abstract: In this paper we propose an hybrid system of Arabic words
disambiguation. To achieve this goal we use the
employed in the domain of information retrieval: Latent semantic analysis, Harman, Croft, Okapi,
combined to the lesk
algorithm. These methods are used to estimate the most relevant sense of the
ambiguous word. This estimation is based on the calculation of the proximity between the current context
(Context of the ambiguous word), and the different contexts of use of each meaning of the word. The Lesk
algorithm is used to
assign the correct sense of those proposed by the LSA, Harman, Croft and Okapi. The
results found by the proposed system are satisfactory, we obtained a rate of disambiguation equal to 76%.
This work is part of the understanding of the Arabic
s p e e c h ( Z o u a g h i a n d a l . , 2 0 0 8 ) . I n t h i s p a p e r w e a r e
interested in determining the meaning of Arabic
ambiguous words that we can meet in the messages
transcribed by the module of speech recognition.
The word sense disambiguation (WSD) involves
the association of a given word in a text or discourse
with a definition or meaning (sense) which is
distinguishable from other meanings potentially
attributable to that word ( Ide and Verronis, 1998 ) .
To assign the correct meaning, our method starts
with the application of several pre-treatment (rooting
(Al-Shalabi and al., 2003) and the tf × idf ( Salton
and Buckley, 1988 ) ) on words belonging to the
context of the ambiguous word, subsequently we
have applied the measures of similarities (Latent
Semantic Analysis (Drewster, 1990) , Harman
( Harman, 1986 ) , Croft (Croft, 1983) and Okapi
( Robertson and al., 1994 ) ) which will allow the
system to choose the context of using the most
closer to the current context of the ambiguous word,
and we have applied Lesk algorithm ( Lesk, 1986 ) to
distinguish the exact sense of the different senses
given by this measures of similarity.
This paper is structured as follows, we describe
in section 2 we describe the proposed method for
disambiguation of ambiguous Arabic words later in
section 3, we present the results of tests of our
2.1 Principe of the Method
We use and test a non-supervised method. The
Principe of our method is as follows: First, we
started by collecting, from the web, various Arabic
texts to build a corpus (Section 3, Table1 ).
We have applied several pre-treatments
( paragraph 2.2) to the words belonging to different
contexts of use of the ambiguous word, to improve
the performance of the proposed system. We mean
by context of use of an ambiguous word all
sentences or texts in which the word has the same
From the Arabic WordNet (Black and al., 1990)
(lexical database of electronic Arabic words), we
extract the synonyms of each word considered
ambiguous. We collect the contexts of use of these
synonyms, this step enhances the number of contexts
of use of each ambiguous word.
Using the algorithm of Al-shalabi (Al-Shalabi
and al., 2003) we extract the root of each word, after
Merhbene L., Zouaghi A. and Zrigui M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 652-655
DOI: 10.5220/0002762106520655
that, we used the tf × idf measure ( Salton and
Buckley, 1988 ) to extract the different signatures,
(the words that affect the meaning of each
ambiguous word).
Following these pre-treatment steps, we have
implemented and tested several methods used in
information retrieval: the latent semantic analysis
(Drewster, 1990) , Harman ( Harman, 1986 ) , Croft
(Croft, 1983) and Okapi ( Robertson and al., 1994 ) ,
to measure the similarity between the current context
of occurrence of the ambiguous word and the
different possible contexts of use (possible meaning)
of the word to disambiguate. The context then has
the great similarity score with the current context is
the most likely sense of the ambiguous word.
In the following sub-paragraphs, we detail the
different steps of the proposed disambiguation
2.2 Pre-processing
2.2.1 Word Rooting
(Sawalha and al., 2008) compared three stemming
algorithms, the experimental results show that the
Al-Shalabi, Kanaan, and Al-Serhan algorithm was in
the second place, his advantage is that he does not
use any resource.
This algorithm extracts word roots by assigning
weights to word’s letters (The weights are real
numbers between 0 and 5) multiplied by the rank
which depends of the letters position.
The three letters with the lowest weights are
selected. This algorithm achieves accuracy in the
average of 90%.
2.2.2 Extraction of the Signatures
Several methods have been proposed to find for each
given word the other words that appear generally
next to him. In this experience, we have used the tf ×
idf measure ( Salton and Buckley, 1988 ) , it allow to
assess the importance of a word in relation to a
document, which varies depending on the frequency
of the word in the corpus. This encoding allows us to
eliminate the few informative words such as:
      
 ...
(he was, to him, on, to, from, then, with, … )
These signatures represent the most basic part of
our model because they represent the words that
affect the meaning of each ambiguous word. If we
don’t find these signatures in the current context, in
this case we extract from this context all the words
that affect the meaning of ambiguous word and we
add them to our database, this will ameliorate the
performance of our system.
2.3 Estimation of the Most Relevant
Sense using LSA, Okapi, Harman
and Croft
Let CC = m
…, m
the context where the
ambiguous word m appear. Suppose that S
, S
, …,
are the possible senses of m out of context. And
, CU
, …, CU
are the possible contexts of use
of m for which the meanings of m are respectively:
, S
, …, S
To determine the appropriate sense of m in the
current context CC we have used the information
retrieval methods (LSA, Okapi, Harman and Croft),
which allow the system to calculate the proximity
between the current context (context of the
ambiguous word), and the different use contexts of
each possible sense of this word.
The results of each comparison are a score
indicating the degree of semantic similarity between
the CC and CU given. This allows our system to
infer the exact meaning of the ambiguous word. The
following equation (1) describes the method used to
calculate the score of similarity between two
(CC, CU) = (Σ
) + Σ
)) /
) + Σ
Where, and are respectively the sums of weights
of all words belonging at the same time, the current
context CC and the context of use CU. FE(m
correspond to the first member of E(m
), or E (m
can be replaced by one of the information retrieval
methods : Croft, Harman or Okapi, whose equations
are respectively:
2.3.1 Harman Measure ( Harman, 1986 )
H(m) = W
(m, CU(t)) = - log (n(m) / N)
× [ log(n
(m) + 1) / log(T(cu))]
Where, WH(m, CU(t)) is the weight attributed to m
in the use contexts CU of the ambiguous word t by
the Harman measure ; n(m) is the number of the use
contexts of t containing the word m ; N is the total
number of the use contexts of t ; n
(m) is the
occurrence number of m in the use context CU ; and
T(cu) is the total number of words belonging to CU.
2.3.2 Croft Measure C(m) (Croft, 1983)
C (m) = W
(m, CU (t)) = - log (n(m) / N) ×
[k + (1-k) × (n
(m) / Max
Where, W
(m, CU (t)) is the weight attributed to m
in the context of use CU of t by the Croft measure;
k is a constant that determines the importance of the
second member of C(m) (k = 0,5) and Max
(x)) is the maximal number of occurrences of
word m in CU.
2.3.3 Okapi Measure ( Robertson and al.,
1994 )
O(m) = W
(m, CU(t)) =
log [(N - n(m) + 0,5) / n(m) + 0.5] × [n
(m) /
(m) + (T (cu) / T
Where, W
(m, CU(t)) is the weight attributed to m
in CU of t by the Okapi measure ; and T
(B) is the
average of the collected use contexts lengths.
2.3.4 Latent Semantic Analysis (Drewster,
After the construction of the matrix A (term ×
documents), LSA find an approximation of the
lowest rank of this matrix, by using the singular
value decomposition which reduce obtains N
singular values, where N = min (number of terms,
number of docs). After that, the K highest singular
values are selected and produces an approximation
of k-dimension to the original matrix (It’s the
semantic space). In our experiments we used the
Cosine to compare the similarities in the semantic
space and k = 8.
2.4 Applying the Lesk Algorithm
We adapted lesk algorithm simplified (Vasilescu,
) that adapt the lesk algorithm (Lesk, 1986), to
calculate the number of words that appear in the
current context of ambiguous word and the different
contexts of use, which was considered as
semantically closer to the results of methods used
previously. The input of the algorithm is the word t
and S = (s
, ..., s
), are the candidates senses
corresponding to the different contexts of use
achieved by applying methods of information
retrieval. The output is the index of s in the sense
The lesk algorithm simplified:
Score 0
Sens 1 // Choose the sense
C context(t)//Contexte of the
word t
For all I [1, N]
D description (si)
Sup 0
For all w C do
w description (w)
sup sup + score (D, w)
if sup > score then
Score sup
Sens i
The choice of the description and context varies for
each word tested by this algorithm.
The function Context (t) is obtained by the
application of the input context. The function
description (s
) finds all the candidate senses
obtained by the information retrieval methods. The
function score return the index of the candidate
sense: score (D, w) = Score (description (s), w).
The application of this algorithm allowed us to
obtain a rate of disambiguation up to 76%.
The table 1 below describes the size of the corpus
collected representing all contexts of use (texts) of
ambiguous words considered in our experiments.
Table 1: Characteristics of the collected corpus.
Total size of the corpus 1900 texts
Number of ambiguous words 10 words
Average number of synonyms of
each ambiguous word
Number of the possible senses 5
Total number of contexts of uses 300 texts
Average size of each context of use 560 words, 40
Table 2 below shows the rates of disambiguation
obtained corresponding to ten Arabic ambiguous
words. We note that we used the following metric to
measure the rate of disambiguation:
Exact rate = (Number of senses obtained
correctly / Number of senses assigned) × 100
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Rate of disambiguation of Arabic ambiguous
words after pre-
Methods applied The rate of disambiguation
LSA 72.3%
Harman 64.2%
Croft 64.5%
Okapi 59.4%
Lesk 76%
From our experiments we conclude that the
lowest rate of disambiguation is mainly due to the
insufficient number of contexts of use, which result
in the failure to meet all possible events. We also
note that LSA provides the best results. Comparing
these results with the various works is a difficult
task, because we do not work on the same corpus, or
the same language, or with the same methods:
The method created by lesk (Lesk, 1986) used a
list of words appearing in the definition of each
sense of the ambiguous word achieved 50% - 70%
correct disambiguation; our system achieved 76%
correct disambiguation. Karov and Edelman (Karov
and al., 1998) (in this issue), propose an extension to
similarity-based methods, which gives 92% accurate
results on four test words.
We have proposed a system for disambiguation of
words in Arabic. This system is based
simultaneously on the methods of information
retrieval and the algorithm of Lesk used to calculate
the proximity between the current context (i.e. the
occurrence of ambiguous word) and the different
contexts of use of the possible meanings of the
word. While Lesk algorithm is used to help the
system to choose the most appropriate sense
proposed by previous methods.
The results founded are satisfactory. For a small
sample of 10 ambiguous words, the proposed system
allows to determine correctly 76% of ambiguous
words. We have tried to establish a sufficiently
robust system based on methods that have improved
their success in many system of word
disambiguation. On the other hand, during the pre-
processing we tried to make the ambiguous Arabic
words known by the system we proposed a database
containing the possible contexts of use for each
sense of an ambiguous word, synonyms, signatures
identifying the meaning of each one .
We propose that in the future works we can use
the syntactic level to disambiguate words.
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