Hyungjong Noh, Minwoo Jeong, Sungjin Lee, Jonghoon Lee and Gary Geunbae Lee
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea
Keywords: Text extraction, ESL.
Abstract: One of the best effective way to learn a language is having a conversation with a native speaker. However it
is often very expensive way. A good alternative way is using Dialog-Based Computer Assisted Language
Learning (DB-CALL) systems. The feedback quality in DB-CALL systems is very important. Therefore, to
provide various expressions as feedback information, we propose a method which extracts script and their
description sentence pairs from English as a Second Language (ESL) podcast web site. A linear CRFs
classifier is used to find the corresponding description sentences and several features are selected according
to the characteristics of the ESL text documents. The experimental results show that the performance of our
system is acceptable.
The importance of English education increases with
the needs of conversation ability in English.
Especially, many students learn English not as a
foreign language, but as a second language. One of
the best way to learn English as a Second Language
(ESL) is talking with a native speaker. One can learn
abilities to listen and speak practical expressions by
having a conversation in English. However, the most
serious problem of this approach is that the
conversational education is very expensive.
Although the conversational education is one of the
most effective way to learn languages, the cost can
be a obstacle to take this approach. Therefore some
alternative ways are needed to take the advantage of
conversational education with reducing costs.
To do this, many researchers develop
Dialog-Based Computer Assisted Language
Learning (DB-CALL) systems. These systems can
talk with a user and the user learns the speaking and
listening skills through the conversational practice.
The system SPELL (Hazel, 2005) is one of the
famous DB-CALL systems. Some technologies such
as virtual environment, speech recognition and
synthesis are used in this system. Another DB-
CALL system, ISLAND (Ian, 2007), is developed
based on the spoken dialog system of MIT. This
system shows the recognition results including
misrecognized utterances because they can be used
to improve the user’s pronunciation. The system
DEAL (Wik, 2007) combines the concept of
computer games and dialog systems. The user tries
to complete the mission given by the system.
One of the essential issues of DB-CALL systems
is giving feedback information to promote learners'
comprehension. When the system responses to the
user, the user may not understand the exact meaning
of the response sentence or some expressions in the
utterance. Then some additional information need to
be presented to the user to help comprehension. The
additional information can include descriptions for
the expressions or some example sentences which
have the expressions. With these feedback
information, the user can acquire better
comprehension ability. Therefore, if the system does
not provide these operations, the users will not be
effectively able to improve their conversational skill.
As a resource of feedback information, we
concentrate on ESL podcast web sites. On these sites,
many useful scripts and descriptions are provided for
ESL education (Figure 1). Scripts can be a simple
dialog or a short newspaper article.
A native speaker explains the scripts in following
description part.
Noh H., Jeong M., Lee S., Lee J. and Geunbae Lee G. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 5-10
DOI: 10.5220/0002773000050010
Dr. Slope: <S4> Good morning! How are you today?
Simon: <S5> I'm fine, Dr. Slope. </S5> <S6> My GP,
Dr. Harding, referred me to you. </S6> <S7> He thought
that you might be able to diagnose the problem with my
leg. </S7>
Dr. Slope: <S8> Well, let's take a look. </S8> <S9>
Hmm, I want to order some tests, but I think you may need
surgery. </S9> <S10> It's a simple procedure and it will
relieve your pain. </S10>
Simon: <S11> So, it's not a high risk operation?
Dr. Slope: <S12> No, not at all. It's quite routine.
Simon: <S13>Are there any other treatment options?
Dr. Slope: <S14> Not that I'd recommend. </S14>
<S15> This is the best course of treatment, in my opinion.
<D11> Simon says to the doctor, “So, it's not a high
risk operation?” A “high risk” (two words) means that it
could be dangerous. When we say that something is “high
risk,” that means that the surgery or the operation could
cause more problems. Of course, an operation is the noun
that means the same as surgery. </D11> <D12> Dr. Slope
says, “Not at all,” meaning not even a little bit; it's not high
risk. We say, “not at all” means “no,” “not in any way.” Dr.
Slope says, “It's quite routine.” And again, “routine” we
know means it's common, it's quite normal. Notice that the
use of the word “quite;” it's basically the same as it's
“very” routine, very common. It's a little more formal,
when someone says, “It's quite routine,” but they're used
similarly—very and quite—in this case. </D12>
<D13>Simon says, “Are there any other treatment
options?” “Treatment” is another word for what the doctor
gives you or does to you to help you. That's called the
treatment. So you go to the doctor, and the doctor
diagnoses you, and then, he or she gives you a treatment,
maybe some pills or drugs to take. It may be surgery, it
may be changing your exercise or your diet, what you eat.
(“Stop smoking,” for example; that's good advice.) So,
Simon asks what the other treatment options or choices are.
</D13> <D14>Dr. Slope says that there are no other good
treatment options. He says, “Not that I'd recommend,”
meaning there are no other ones that I'd recommend.
Figure 1: An example of an ESL podcast document. The
description sentence <Di>_</Di> explains the script
sentence <Si>_</Si>.
Basically scripts and descriptions are given as
speech audio files, but the transcription text files are
also provided. Though these files are good sources
for ESL education for their own good, we can
extract more valuable information from the files for
DB-CALL systems. In ESL podcast files, the
speaker explains each sentence used in the script
part and many phrases in detail. If these descriptions
can be extracted with corresponding script sentences
or phrases, the extracted pairs can be used as a
database for feedback information. When the user
who uses a DB-CALL system wants to know the
meaning of the sentence or the phrase generated by
the system, the system can present similar
expressions and their descriptions that are gathered
from ESL podcast files. These descriptions can help
the user’s understanding better than simple word
dictionary explanations, because the descriptions can
give practical usage examples and alternative
expressions which are used in real world
conversations. For example, a user may not
understand the meaning of a sentence: “It was quite
great”. If the system detected the word ‘quite’ is the
point of understanding, it searches the script and
description parts related to ‘quite’, <S12>_</S12>
and <D12>_</D12> in Figure 1. With these
explanations, the user can learn the detailed meaning
of the word ‘quite’.
To construct these resources as a database for DB-
CALL systems, we propose a method which extracts
each script sentence and its description from the
ESL podcast text files. The method must be semi-
automatic to reduce the construction cost. For each
sentence in the script part, the corresponding
description sentences are classified by a linear
Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) (Lafferty, 2001)
classifier. Using the classifier, we can reduce human
effort. Several features are selected to train the
classifier. The experimental results show that the
proposed method can extract each pair of a script
sentence and corresponding descriptions
The remainder of this paper is as follows:
Section 2 presents related work. Section 3 describes
our proposed method and features. Section 4
explains the experimental environments. Section 5
shows the evaluation results of our method. Finally,
we conclude this paper.
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Figure 2: Extracting the script-description pair by binary
Some researchers studied for extracting information
or knowledge from texts, though their researches are
not directly related to ESL education. Barbara et al.
classified documents into two classes, relevant or
not relevant, given a topic of interest. Rege et al.
presented an approach that co-clusters document-
word. Sindhwani et al. proposed an algorithm about
document-word co-regularization for sentiment
analysis. Their works are related to our work in
terms of pair extraction from documents. However
our goal is not exactly the same with these
researches because we want to extract descriptions
for all script sentences, not a given topic.
We found another research that is similar to our
study. Sun et al. proposed a method that conducts
topic segmentation and alignment with shared topics
on multiple documents.
The most similar work is the one applied on
online forums. Cong et al. proposed a method to
detect a question in a forum thread, and detect the
answer. Ding et al. proposed a framework which is
based on various CRFs to detect contexts and the
answers of questions. They used various algorithms
that are used for natural language processing to
extract questions and corresponding answers and
contexts from online forum documents.
Even though there are many researches to extract
documents with given topics, to our best knowledge,
none of the previous works were conducted on ESL
education domain. We think that our attempt to
extract valuable knowledge from ESL podcast
documents would be the first trial to contribute to
language learning.
3.1 CRF as a Classifier
To extract information from documents, we need to
know the characteristics of the documents. The ESL
podcast documents have script part and in
subsequent parts the native speaker explains them
sequentially according to the order of the script
sentences. This means that to which script sentence a
description sentence corresponds highly correlates
with the correspondences of the adjacent
descriptions. Within a description block (Figure 1),
the corresponding script sentence of the first
description sentence should be the one that the
subsequent description sentences correspond to.
Considering these characteristics of the
documents, we select CRF as a classifier. CRF has
strength in using sequential context information to
predict labels of nodes. In our problem, the
description sentences can be treated as nodes and the
corresponding script sentence can be treated as the
label of each description sentence. We use a linear
CRF to match the script and description sentences.
The following part explains the problem definition
in detail with notations.
3.2 Problem Definition
Given the m script sentences, each sentence is
labeled as S
, S
, …, S
, sequentially. The task is to
classify the all n description sentences, d
, d
, …, d
into the class D
, D
, …, D
. Each description
sentence has its own label, one of D
, D
, …, D
Description sentences which have the class D
considered as the description part of the ith script
sentence, S
. This is basically a multi-class sequence
labeling problem because the script sentences are
treated as labeled classes.
We changed the problem to binary class
prediction problem (Figure 2.). In other words, we
consider only one script sentence at a time. Given a
script sentence S
at each time, we classify all the
description sentences into positive (D
) or negative
(not D
). Positive means that the description sentence
is explaining the script sentence S
, while negative
means that it is not. The classification process is
repeated m times with each script sentence S
, S
, …,
. Because the features for classification, to be
explained below, are related to similarity between
the description sentences and corresponding script
sentence, we must consider only one script sentence
at each classification process. We want to build the
model that considers relation between a script
sentence and description sentences.
3.3 Features Selected
We selected some features to build the model which
reflects the essential relation between the script part
and description part. Our feature selection can be
justified with statistics acquired from the ESL
podcast documents.
First feature is the lexical similarity between the
script sentence and the description sentence. This
selection is reasonable because the description
sentence uses the words which occur in the script
sentence as a necessity. The duplicated words will
increase the lexical similarity. We computed the
measure like Term Frequency – Inverse Document
Frequency (TF-IDF) value for each word which
occurs in all documents and formed TF-IDF vectors
of the script sentence and the description sentence.
The measure is defined as in the following equation:
Calculating the cosine similarity between two
vectors, we can measure how similar the two
sentences are. From training data, we got the mean
similarity of 0.13589 between the script sentence (a
sentence S
) and their actual description sentences
(sentences which have the label D
), and 0.00620
between the script sentence (a sentence S
) and
description sentences which explain another script
sentence (sentences which have the label D
, i
This result shows that the similarity feature between
the script and description sentences is useful to
improve the classification performance.
Second feature is the same similarity value
between two adjacent sentences in description part.
We assume that the similarity may be relatively low
when the label changes and high when it does not.
The statistics from the training data show that our
assumption is acceptable (Table 1). The similarity is
highest (0.06357) when two adjacent description
sentences explain the same script sentence. The
similarity is relatively low (0.01429, 0.01279) when
two sentences explain different sentences.
These similarity differences according to the
label change can be clues to the label classification.
We also used the semantic similarity feature.
This feature is also measured for two cases; between
script sentence and description sentences, and
two adjacent description sentences.
Table 1: The mean similarity values according to the
labels of adjacent description sentences.
Current Sentence (d
not D
Sentence (d
0.06357 0.01429
not D
0.01279 0.05903
To calculate semantic similarities, we expand each
word to its three hypernym levels with WordNet
(Fellbaum, 1998). For example, the word “pencil”
has hypernyms “writing implement”-“implement”-
“instrumentality, instrumentation”. All hypernyms
are counted for a sentence and we construct a
semantic vector that represents which hypernym
occurs in the sentence. The cosine similarity of the
semantic vectors of two sentences means the
semantic similarity. We found that the mean
semantic similarity between the script sentence and
their actual description sentences is 0.28955, which
is higher than the similarity between the script
sentence and other description sentences (0.07084).
The last feature we used is that the difference
between relative positions of the script sentence and
the description sentence within each part. When a
script sentence occurs early in script part, its
description may occur early too because the
structure of the description part is sequential
according to the script part in ESL podcast
documents (Figure 1). To use this characteristic, we
defined the relative position (RP) measure. A script
sentence S
has RP value of i/n, and a description
sentence d
has value of j/m. All RP values are
between 0 < RP < 1. We used the difference of two
RP values: |RP(s
) – RP(d
)|. The statistics from
training data give us the value of 0.13820 for the
actual description sentences and the value of
0.35026 for description sentences which explain
another script sentence. This means that the RP of
the script sentence and its corresponding description
sentence is similar.
4.1 Evaluation Measure
We used precision, recall, and F1-score as
performance measures. F1-score is the harmonic
mean of precision and recall. They are widely used
in information retrieval researches. Higher value
means higher performance. The equations of the
measures are as below:
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
. (4)
4.2 Corpus Information
We acquired 100 documents that have their own
script and description part from ESL podcast web
site. Eight annotators tagged the documents for
matching each script sentence to the corresponding
sentences. The agreements between annotators for
tagging classes is 94.6%. The documents (24267
sentences) are divided into two corpora: training
data (80 documents, 18906 sentences) and test data
(20 documents, 5361 sentences). A set of linear
CRFs classifier is trained using the training data, and
test data is used to validate the model.
We conducted the experiment using a set of linear
CRFs with changing features (Table 2). We
classified features as three categories: lexical
similarity (F1), semantic similarity (F2), and
difference of relative position (F3). In experiments
conducted with each category individually, F1, F2
and F3 showed the F-1 score as 0.629, 0.467, and
less than 0.05, respectively. This result shows the
influence of each feature briefly. The lexical
similarity feature between the script sentence and the
description sentences is the most effective feature.
Table 2 shows the incremental results with the
additional features according to the influence order.
As expected, the performance which uses full
features shows the highest performance (0.698). The
interesting thing is the effect of F3. F3 shows very
low performance with itself, but it helps improving
the performance with combining other two feature
categories. In general, precisions are higher than
recalls. It means that once the system found some
sentences, then they are actually positive with high
accuracy. However some positive sentences were
not found by the system. We think that it occurs
because the system predicts only the sentences
which satisfy all three features as positive, but many
positive sentences are satisfying only one or two
features in the real corpus. Considering another
similar experimental results (Ding et al.), we think
that our performance (F1-score: 0.698) is acceptable.
Table 2: The performance result with changing features.
Recall F1-score
F1 0.685 0.582 0.629
F1 + F2 0.731 0.608 0.663
F1 + F2 +
0.750 0.652 0.698
F1: The similarity features;
F2: The semantic features;
F3: The difference of relative positions of the script sentence and
the description sentences
We proposed a method which extracts the script
sentence and its corresponding description sentences.
We think that the performance is good in
considering that this study is our first attempt on
ESL domain. The pair extraction problem was
converted to binary classification and the linear CRF
model was a proper choice to conduct the
classification process. However there is some room
for improvement. Any linguistic information
including POS(part-of-speech)-tag was not used to
represent the sentences. Our classifier can be also
modified to improve the performance. Another
limitation was that we extract information from only
text documents. There are huge audio resources for
ESL education. We need to access these audio files
so that more various expressions can be gathered
easily. Once we transcribe audio files to text files,
then we can apply our method directly to that files.
Therefore our future work includes expanding
features, improving classification models, and
developing a method to extract information from
various sources including audio files.
This research (paper) was performed for the
Intelligent Robotics Development Program, one of
the 21st Century Frontier R&D Programs funded by
the Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE).
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education