A Report on Methods and Tools in a Distributed Content Production Project
Michael Clauß
Department of Factory Planning and Factory Management, Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany
Sandra Döring
Media Center, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany
Michael Gerth
AG E-Learning-Service, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Keywords: e-Learning, Development framework, Module production toolset, Standardization, Distributed content
production, Small and medium-sized enterprises, SME, European Social Fund, ESF, Creative Commons.
Abstract: The article summarizes the surrounding conditions and solutions for challenges in the so called
SECo-project, which was initiated by several German universities in order to strengthen the competitive
situation of small- and medium-sized enterprises by providing knowledge on e-learning. It focuses on
methods and tools for the development and production of standardized e-learning modules in distributed
teams of authors. It is a report on work in progress, outlining solutions for typical problems in content
production projects, which are generated through interdisciplinary expertise and based on the need for
The production of e-learning content is considered to
be cost-intensive and highly uncertain in terms of
revenue. Therefore the utilisation of e-learning in
on-the-job trainings in small- and medium-sized
enterprises [SME] hasn’t yet become common
practice. In order to strengthen the competitive
position of SMEs, which are in the focus of federal
employment politics in Germany, nine universities
in the German State of Saxony started a common
project named Saxon E-Competence Certificate, also
called SECo (SECo, 2009).
The aim of the project, which is managed by the
University of Leipzig and sponsored by the
European Social Fund (European Commission,
2009), is the provision of standardized e-learning
modules for continuing education of SMEs training-
staff by teaching them how to use e-learning for a
more cost-efficient staff training. By promoting the
knowledge transfer from science to industrial
practice, SECo actively involves Saxon SMEs, both
during content development and certification.
For that purpose the participating universities are
geographically dispersed over Saxony so that
communication with local SMEs is facilitated and
requirements are not limited to regional specifics.
The resulting diversity of authors and expertise
poses a couple of problems, which have to be coped
with to produce standardized learning modules.
Since learners may choose freely from the entire
range of modules that are not necessarily built by the
same author, standardization is seen as a basic
requirement for SECo learning modules. For
consistent appearance several measures have been
taken. This paper will give an overview of methods
and tools developed or chosen for SECo. They will
be presented in four dimensions of standardization.
These dimensions cover aspects of content,
didactics, technology and organisation. The modules
Clauß M., Döring S. and Gerth M. (2010).
Production Project.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 202-207
DOI: 10.5220/0002778802020207
will be provided under the CC License [CC-BY-SA]
(Creative Commons, 2009).
The declared aim of the project is the development
and production of e-learning modules to increase
competencies in media and e-learning for Saxon
companies. This first section will give an overview
of content-related aspects of standardization.
2.1 Topics
The cumulative study time for all modules was
estimated to be around 400 hours split into 50
different learning topics. These topics are derived
from the domains of didactics, technology and
Furthermore, these topics are grouped by roles,
which are typically involved in e-learning scenarios,
namely author, trainer, manager and expert of
technology. The topics were redefined during the
initial phase of the project.
2.2 Module Types
For each topic, a basic module with a study time of
two hours and a comprehensive module of four
hours are to be produced, each addressing different
learning profiles. A few topics were supplemented
with special courses that have a study time of seven
hours and contain applied knowledge of highly
practical relevance.
2.3 Certification
All the modules are designed to be applied in
blended learning settings. Like the different module
types, certification is also planned to be provided in
three stages: the basic, the standard and the special
The definite configuration of the certification
stages is still pending and the final solution will be
worked out based on practical experience and
requirements of Saxon SMEs later on, even though
there is an initial concept contained in the project
2.4 Content Classification
The content to be produced is classified according to
the ratio of production effort to study time. There are
three classes of content defined: lower, medium and
high qualitative content. The respective ratios are
defined with 20, 70 and 100, saying that a 10 minute
learning content of lower quality by definition
allows a production effort of 200 minutes.
The proportions of lower, medium and high
qualitative content are fixed at 20%, 35% and 30%.
The missing 15% are designated for tests. These
values are compulsory for the overall content.
The development of multimedia learning content is
usually very complicated. Therefore, it is useful and
appropriate to have a well-planned didactic approach
rather than a mere intuitive concept.
In order to build didactically sound modules, the
heterogeneous expertise among the authors in SECo
requires a high degree of standardization in this
3.1 Didactic Approach
In media didactics, the quality of a learning medium
can be rated by its contribution to solving an
educational issue. Therefore, an adequate
assignment of learning opportunities to a learning
situation is required.
Several steps of analysis and specification are
necessary, namely the definition of learning
objectives (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill and
Krathwohl, 1956), the choice of teaching methods
and media for the learning scenario, not to forget the
didactic design of the learning modules.
Therefore, a common didactic approach for the
modules is essential and includes several basic
educational issues such as the classification of
learning theory, the focus on educational models, the
preparation of the content, the use of teaching and
learning methods and aspects of learning control.
A didactic concept was needed, that can be used
as a template for the entire module development.
The basic concept is the Instructional Systems
Design (Issing and Klimsa, 2002). It relates to media
didactics and both learning and cognitive
The first step is to determine what the e-learning
program has to provide to satisfy the educational
needs. Therefore a description of the targets of the
educational program is needed. This relates to the
educational goals such as skills and learning
objectives as well as to general objectives such as
certification and training duration.
Methods and Tools in a Distributed Content Production Project
The second step involves the development of the
didactic approach. The approach chosen is based on
the Constructivist Learning Theory that corresponds
to the distinct individual learning character of the
SECo modules.
3.2 Didactic Template
The didactic approach will further be integrated into
a methodological framework for the e-learning
modules. This includes aspects of presentation,
performance, exercises, assessment, content and
reflection on learning time. In result a didactical
template is defined, which must be used for the
development of the modules in the SECo project.
The template is structured into basic components
such as knowledge units and content pages of
different types according to the elements of the
Learning Content Management System [LCMS]
which is used for module implementation and will
be introduced in the following section.
This methodological framework, containing the
module template, is the starting point for detailed
concept elaboration on individual module level.
The detailed concepts include the selection and
preparation of the learning content. Therefore, the
collection of potential learning content and its
modularization is based on the learning objectives
(Kerres, 2001).
The efforts are driven by the intention to produce
modules that are reusable in multiple e-learning
trainings. Therefore, as a first step, a Knowledge
Map based macrostructure of the module is set up.
In a second step this static structure is converted into
a sequence made up of a temporal order of actions
and events. Next, the content is divided into lectures,
units and learning steps. Furthermore, the type of
screen page is defined and, in addition, the types of
media and interaction is selected and planned.
All of the above information is compiled to a
detailed module concept. It includes a description of
the complete screen content, the structure of the
module as well as the learning objectives. After
evaluation, this document is binding for media
production and content creation.
Furthermore, authoring software and a platform for
course creation and content management had to be
chosen. This section provides information about the
solutions considered appropriate for the surrounding
conditions in SECo.
4.1 Media Production
Learning modules contain different types of media.
The range goes from simple text elements up to
complex interactive animations. Each media type is
assigned to a content class according to its ratio of
production effort to study time. Content
Classification was introduced in section 2.4.
The market offers a wide range of authoring
tools for media production. Not just commercial
solutions, but also open source and free software
programs were tested at the beginning of the project.
Finally the Adobe E-Learning Suite (Adobe,
2009) was chosen for reasons of usability, the wide
functional range and availability of documentation.
Another important criterion was the support of
standard web formats. On the long term,
maintenance of the media content is facilitated by a
limited variety of media formats.
4.2 Course Creation
There are a plenty of software solutions for course
creation and management. Concerning the software
architecture, they can be distinguished between
desktop-based and web-based systems. In summary,
the following selection criteria were taken into
Web-based system;
Flexible role model;
Cooperative course creation;
Separation of content and design;
Template-based course creation;
Multiple output formats (html, PDF etc.);
Flexible template modification;
Flexible combination of knowledge objects;
Media- and metadata management capa-bilities;
SCORM compliant learning modules;
SCORM compliant tests.
The system of choice was the state-of-the-art
Learning Content Management System [LCMS]
named KnowledgeWorker developed and distributed
by the Saxon e-learning specialist chemmedia AG.
It is a web-based solution, which provides
multitenancy, online editors for text entry and
flexible definition of didactical elements such as
citations or notes. These elements appear in a
specially set up style and can freely be generated by
defining an appropriate XML-structure (chemmedia,
Furthermore, the system strictly separates
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
content and design. This way authors don’t have to
take care of the look and feel during content
creation, they just have to pay attention to a correct
semantic markup. For this purpose the system
provides a so-called What You See Is What You
Mean [WYSIWYM] editor. Alternatively, content
can be created in XML-mode, showing that the
systems’ interface is flexible enough to address both
experienced and first-time users.
In addition the LCMS provides distinctive
features for content management. All the media files
transferred to the system are organized in a media
database. To use a media file in a course element,
the respective file in the database is referenced. Each
media file can be referenced several times. The
advantage of this solution is the easy replacement of
frequently used media files. At the same time,
planning of media use gets more demanding. It
needs to be considered that future changes to the
media elements still fit the context of the knowledge
The media files can be tagged and described via
various metadata elements. It is possible to deposit
the raw pictures, videos or animation elements in
addition to the published media file, making it easier
to enhance the media elements during maintenance
after the project is finished.
The organisational measures focus on the usage of
collaborative technologies such as web 2.0 tools or
learning management systems for project
organisation and cooperation.
Furthermore, the production process is described
via an event-driven process chain model that is
provided to all SECo authors via a simple web-
The determination of a valid media mix with
regard to production effort and study time is the
third organisational tool for working out the module
concept. It will be introduced in this section.
5.1 Cooperative Platforms
Two different open source learning platforms are
used for project communication: Moodle and OLAT
(Online Learning And Training / Zurich, 2009).
Moodle is the standard Learning Management
System [LMS] used by the University of Leipzig. It
is predominantly used for project organisation. In a
special course room all necessary documents, which
were created during the project, are provided to the
project members. It is the central platform for
document management and communication
(Moodle, 2009).
OLAT is the standard LMS of the Saxon
universities. It is used for mainly non-organisational,
content-related discussions.
Furthermore, the open source project
management tool dotProject is used for overall
project supervision and cooperation with external
stakeholders and promoters (dotProject, 2009).
The platforms contain various tools for online
communication. The most popular tool is the web
forum. After a posting is sent, it is additionally
pushed to all the project members via email.
Instant messaging clients and traditional email
can be used for individual communication in
addition to the tools within the learning platforms.
5.2 Process Model
For the purpose of creating a common understanding
of the production process an event-driven process
chain was modelled, using ARIS Toolset (Scheer,
1998). It is based both on experience and some
influences of the PAS 1032-1:2004-02 learning
reference model. The general structure of the
process model is shown in figure 1.
The model contains all the steps from the initial
idea to the completed learning module. The author
receives an orientation to all the steps and to the
tools to be used during module production. Figure 1
shows the three general stages of the process model.
First stage is reached when the general concept is
finished. If some of the formal requirements on the
concept are not met, the concept has to be revised.
If all aspects of stage one are completed
satisfactorily, production can be started. After
production is complete, the second stage is reached
and another evaluation is conducted. Again, once
this is completed satisfactorily, the module will be
field-tested with students. This testing occurs at
stage three. If the learning objectives are reached,
the module is considered finished. The model is
permanently examined and refined, in order to be a
valid reference for the authors.
5.3 Effort Calculation Scheme
Based on the general content classification described
in section 2.4, a tool for calculating the study time of
the learning module and the corresponding module
production effort was developed. This Microsoft
Excel based scheme ensures that the module concept
can be implemented within the scheduled time.
Methods and Tools in a Distributed Content Production Project
Figure 1: Summary of the event-driven process chain
describing the production process in SECo project.
Furthermore, it helps to estimate the study time of
the module.
The scheme is based on a classification of all
relevant media types that may be used within the
learning modules. Each media type is described by
its standard study time per unit and the
corresponding production effort. The mandatory
proportions of the content classes only allow such
module concepts that fulfil the requirements on both
production effort and target study time of the
planned module.
For example, a module concept for a four-hour
module could be a mix of the following media types:
6x text1 (orientation);
4.5x text2 (content);
4x picture;
4x diagram;
5.5x sound recording;
10x interactive animation;
6x non-interactive animation;
9x video;
29x self-test;
4x test.
This is a valid mix of media types concerning the
constraints described in section 2.4. For each media
type, the product of the number of media elements
and the standard learning time per unit is calculated.
Afterwards, the products are summed up. The same
is done concerning the standard production effort per
unit. As a result, these two sums indicate the degree
of conformance to the requirements defined for the
learning modules in SECo. To be valid, the planned
learning time has to fit exactly to the expected time.
On the other hand, the production effort has to be in
a range of 10 per cent to the expected value.
The effort calculation scheme supports the author
in planning a module that fits the rather formal
requirements. It is the second mandatory document
besides the detailed module concept at the end of the
first stage of the process model.
In summary, the tools and methods developed so far
in the SECo project are essential for the coordination
of activities on the way to produce standardized e-
learning modules.
The dimensions presented are provisional and
permanently refined during further project work.
Nevertheless, the templates, models and tools
developed, are raising remarkable public interest.
It’s still a long way to go before a generally accepted
concept for a multi-dimensional framework of
methods and tools for the production of standardized
e-learning modules can be established.
The presented results were gained during the first
six months of the project with another two years to
go. The practical background causes mainly
demand-driven solutions, which is important for
compliance with project targets. An accurate
definition of standardization and quality in the SECo
project is still pending, which was compensated by a
preliminary argumentation about the aspects of
When it comes to the production stage and the
modules, which are produced on the basis of the
templates, tools and methods, worked out so far, it
will quickly become evident, whether the
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
standardization, which was aimed at, is achieved.
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Methods and Tools in a Distributed Content Production Project