Chun-Nian Fan
1, 2
and Fu-Yan Zhang
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
Computer and Software Institute, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, China
Keywords: Face Recognition, Wavelet Analysis, Illumination Normalization, Histogram Equalization.
Abstract: Recent research on face recognition shows that the illumination change is one of the key issues remaining to
be addressed. To recognize faces under varying illuminations with single training image per person
conditions, we propose an improved wavelet-based normalization method. We use wavelet transform to
decompose an image into its low frequency and high frequency components. Then, we apply histogram
equalization to the low frequency coefficients and de-noise the high frequency coefficients adaptively.
Lastly, the high frequency coefficients are accentuated by multiplying by a scalar so as to enhance edges. A
normalized image is obtained from the modified coefficients by inverse wavelet transform. Among others,
the proposed method has the following advantages: (1) it does not need any prior information of 3D shape
or light sources, and it aims at addressing illumination issue for face recognition from only one training
image per person; (2) due to the multiscale nature of wavelet transform, it has better edge-preserving ability
in low frequency illumination fields; and (3) it is computationally feasible and fast. We use PCA method to
recognize normalized image with only one training image. The experimental results obtained by testing on
the Yale face database B demonstrate the effectiveness of our method with significant improvement in the
face recognition system.
Related research on face recognition in recent years
has made great progress (Zhao et al., 2003), a
number of FR systems achieved good performance
in the latest report of Face Recognition Vendor Test
(FRVT 2006), yet many issues still remain to be
addressed. Illumination changes are one of the key
issues (Adini et al., 1997). To deal with the
illumination variation problem, many methods have
been proposed, which can be roughly classified into
three categories. (1) illumination normalization:
these methods use image processing techniques such
as histogram equalization (HE), Gamma correction,
and logarithmic transformation (Shan et al., 2003;
Savvides and Kumar, 2003), to normalize human
face image in order to obtain face image’s stability
under illumination changes. However, these methods
have limited success in handling arbitrary
illumination changes. (2)invariant feature extraction:
this approach attempts to extract facial features
which are invariant to illumination variations, such
as edge maps, derivatives of the gray-level,
Gabor-like filters methods, and wavelet-based
method (Adini et al., 1997; Zhang et al., 2009).
Empirical studies, however, show that none of these
representations are sufficient to overcome image
variations due to changes in the direction of
illumination. (3)face modeling: some researchers
attempt to construct a generative 3-D face model that
can be used to render face images with different
poses and under varying lighting conditions . A
generative model called illumination cone is
presented in (Belhumeur et al., 1998; Georghiades
and Belhumeur, 2001). One of the drawbacks of the
model-based approaches is that a number of images
of the same object under varying lighting conditions
or 3-D shape information are needed during the
training phase. This drawback limits its applications
in practical face recognition systems. In addition,
Fan C. and Zhang F. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 473-476
DOI: 10.5220/0002785304730476
existing model-based approaches assume that the
human face is a convex object, i.e. the casting
shadows are not considered. The specularity problem
is also ignored even though the human face is not a
perfect Lambertian surface.
Du and Ward present a wavelet-based
illumination normalization method(Du and Ward,
2005). In their work, an image is decomposed into its
low frequency and high frequency components, then
apply histogram equalization to the approximation
coefficients and at the same time accentuate the detail
coefficients by multiplying by a scalar so as to
enhance edges. A normalized image is obtained from
the modified coefficients by inverse wavelet
transform. However, the obtained high frequency
components using wavelet transform are mixed with
noise, if we directly enlarge the high frequency
components, the noise will also be enlarged, and that
will hinder the face recognition process. Therefore, if
we de-noise the high frequency components before
accentuating, that will remove noise and enhance the
edges. In addition, Du and Ward select 1-level
wavelet decomposition, which is not the optimal
decomposition level. In this paper, an improved
wavelet-based illumination normalization method is
proposed. Firstly, we decompose an image into its
low frequency and high frequency components using
3-level wavelet decomposition. Secondly, we apply
histogram equalization to the approximation (low
frequency) coefficients. Thirdly, we de-noise the
detail (high frequency) coefficients adaptively and
accentuate them by multiplying a scalar so as to
enhance edges. Lastly, a normalized image is
obtained from the modified coefficients by inverse
wavelet transform. The resulted image not only
enhances contrast, but also enhances edges and
details that will facilitate the further face recognition
task. The proposed illumination normalization
method do not need many traning images per person
and then can be apply to face recognition from only
one training image per person conditions. That will
benefit the practical face recognition system since the
current face recognition techniques lies in the
difficulties of collecting samples (Tan et al., 2006).
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 describes the proposed approach in
detail; Sections 3 and 4 show the experimental results
and our conclusions.
The illumination changes mainly affect the low
frequency components, and the high frequency
components represent detail information such as the
location and shape information of the key facial
features which is essential to further face recognition
(Wei, 2006). Therefore, in this work, we firstly
decompose the face image use wavelet transform.
different band coefficients are manipulated
separately. Lastly, we reconstruct the face image
using inverse wavelet transform. The resulting image
will not only contain the most essential information
for pattern recognition, but also greatly reduce the
influence of illumination changes.
2.1 Wavelet Decomposition
Wavelet transform is a representation of a signal in
terms of a set of basis functions, which is obtained
by dilation and translation of a basis wavelet. Since
wavelets are short-time oscillatory functions having
finite support length (limited duration both in time
and frequency), they are localized in both time
(spatial) and frequency domains. The joint
spatial-frequency resolution obtained by wavelet
transform makes it a good candidate for the
extraction of details as well as approximations of the
images (Li, 2003). For 2D discrete wavelet
transform (DWT), an image is represented in terms
of translations and dilations of a scaling function and
a wavelet function. The scaling and wavelet
coefficients can be easily computed using a 2D filter
bank consisting of low-pass and high-pass
filters.According to (Feng et al., 2000), we choose
3-level db1 wavelets in our work. After applying a
3-level of 2D decomposition, an image is
decomposed into subbands of different frequency
components as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
Figure 1: Multi-resolution
structure of wavelet
decomposition of an image.
Figure 2: Wavelet
decomposition of a face
2.2 Histogram Equalization of the
Approximation Coefficients
The histogram of an image is usually used to
determine which particular gray scale transformation
is required to enhance the image contrast. Histogram
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
equalization (HE) is one of the most useful contrast
enhancement schemes. When an image’s histogram
is equalized, image pixel values are mapped to
uniformly distributed pixel values, as much as
possible. In this paper, we apply histogram
equalization to the approximation coefficients, after
that, the illumination of the approximation image is
also normalized.
2.3 De-noising and Highlighting the
Detail Coefficients
There are two thresholding schemes for general
wavelet-based image de-noising: hard thresholding
and soft thresholding (Donoho, 1995). Soft
thresholding eliminates the discontinuity (at the
threshold) that is inherent in hard thresholding. In
this paper, we employ a soft thresholding operation
on the detail coefficients. The de-noising procedure
removes the "noise” signal by thresholding only the
wavelet coefficients of the detail subbands, while
keeping the low resolution coefficients unaltered.
Thus, it is able to keep sharp edges information in
low frequency illumination fields.
After de-noising, we multiply each element in the
detail coefficient matrix with a scale factor (>1) to
enhance edges. Different scale factors will lead to
different results. Figure 3 shows the face recognition
rates using different scale factor, and we can see that
the optimal scale factor is near 3.
scale factor
average Top1 recognition rate(%)
Figure 3: Face recognition rate using different scale factor.
a (b) (c) (d)
Figure 4: Reconstructed images comparison (a) original;
(b) histogram equalized; c wavelet-based method
normalized; (d) the proposed method normalized.
2.4 Image Reconstruction
The enhanced image is reconstructed from the
histogram equalized approximation coefficients and
the enlarged detail coefficients in all three directions
using inverse wavelet transform. The results of
applying the proposed method on two different
images of two different persons are shown in Figure
4. The enhanced images using the proposed method
are sharper and have more details and more suitable
for face recognition intuitively.
To evaluate the performance of the proposed
illumination normalization method, we test it on the
Yale face database B (Lee et al., 2005). The Yale
face database B contains 5760 single light source
images of 10 subjects. Each subject has 9 poses and
each pose has 64 different illumination conditions.
Since this paper mainly deals with the illumination
problem, we only choose the 64 frontal pose images
captured under 64 different lighting conditions for
each of the ten persons. The images are divided into
five subsets according to the light-source directions
(azimuth and elevation): Subset 1 (angle < 12
degrees from optical axis), Subset 2 (20 < angle < 25
degrees), Subset 3 (35 < angle < 50 degrees), Subset
4 (60 < angle < 77 degrees), and Subset 5 (others).
subset1 subset2 subset3 subset4 subset5 average
Top1 recognition rate(%)
Figure 5: Top 1 recognition rate comparisons.
In our experiment, we directly use PCA method
for face recognition with only single training sample.
The face image with normal illumination in subset 1
(only one image for each person) is chosen as the
gallery and each of the images in the 5 subsets is
matched to the images in the gallery so as to find a
best match. All test image data are manually aligned,
cropped, and re-sized to 168x192 images. The
recognition rates use the Euclidean distance
nearest-neighbor classifier. We compare the face
recognition performance of different methods
including histogram equalization, the wavelet-based
method (Du and Ward, 2005), and our method.
Conforming to the FERET test rules (Phillips et al.,
1998), we have not only tested the Top 1 recognition
rate, but also tested the Top 3 recognition rate.
The recognition rates are illustrated in Figure 5
and Figure 6. It is shown from Figure 5 and Figure 6
that our proposed method outperforms the histogram
equalization method and the wavelet-based method
at every single subset.
subset1 subset2 subset3 subset4 subset5 average
Top3 recognition rate(%)
Figure 6: Top 3 recognition rate comparisons.
This paper presents an improved wavelet-based
illumination normalization method for face
recognition from only one training image per person.
The proposed approach has not only enhanced
contrast, but also enhanced edges and details that will
facilitate the further face recognition task. There is no
need to any prior information of 3D shape and light
sources. Moreover, due to the multiscale nature of
wavelet transform, it has better edge-preserving
ability in low frequency illumination fields. In
addition, it is computationally feasible and fast. The
experimental results obtained by testing on the Yale
face database B demonstrate the effectiveness of our
method with significant improvement in the face
recognition system.
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications