Hitoshi Okada
National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda 101-8430 Tokyo, Japan
Hideaki Sone
Information Synergy Center, Tohoku University, Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-Ku, 980-8578, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Masaru Ogawa
Kobe Gakuin University, Arise, Ikawadani, Nishi-ku, 651-2180, Kobe, Japan
Keywords: Information security, Security policy, e-Learning, Interactive education material.
Abstract: Nowadays it is becoming more and more important to inform everyone about the potential dangers of this
means of communication. Especially it is most important for universities to teach the risk of internet society.
This material is designed to develop these abilities through interactive engagement by presenting the
information in a dialogue form. We have created a text with CD and a three-choice quiz to bring freshness
to the educational materials.
Information security management is a huge
challenge for higher education institutions, even
more so than for other large institutions or
companies. Professors and students cannot be
prohibited from bringing their own private
computers to campus, and universities generally
have a lot of traffic in people who are not students or
instructors. Knowledge and skill levels are likewise
varied, and some students end up accessing and
downloading attractive but dangerous software.
Universities are also easy practice targets for
external attack if they house insufficiently protected
PCs and servers.
Information security policies have been put in place
at universities and other higher education
institutions. Training for professors and students is
underway, but materials that discuss the legal and
technical aspects of information security tend to be a
hard sell for most students. Educational video
“dramas” have had some success as a learning tool
for professors. Professors, however, are from the TV
generation. Students today grew up on the internet
and video games. We need to teach about internet
risk and safety with materials that appeal to the
thinking patterns of the interactive generation—
games. Today, I would like to introduce “Hikari &
Tsubasa’s Information Security Game,” a textbook
and CD published in March 2008 by our Working
Group for Information Security Policy Promotion
for National Universities and Institutions.
This textbook and accompanying CD were created
specifically for students. Anyone who uses the
internet at home, at school, or on their mobile phone,
is vulnerable to many different risks. “Information
security” is about protecting people and their
computers from this danger. But so many people
move in and out of universities, use all kinds of
different computers and systems, and learn so many
ways of using them from their friends, that campus
usage policies are not enough to protect everyone. In
fact, we often hear about schools that have victims
of the internet. In this textbook, we try to avoid
Okada H., Sone H. and Ogawa M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 431-433
DOI: 10.5220/0002787504310433
complicated legal and technical topics and focus just
on the problem and solution. Please take a look, and
if you have access to a computer, test your
knowledge of information security using the
interactive multiple choice quizzes we put together
on the CD. We hope the materials help you learn to
ask yourself the right questions and practice “good
behaviors” as members of internet society.
(From the Foreword)
2.1 Target Audiences
The textbook and CD were distributed for free to
national, prefectural, and municipal universities and
technical colleges. A number of universities are
using the materials as part of information security
training for their students. Some schools have
uploaded the CD contents to their campus servers or
authentication servers so that students have access
from on and off campus. In addition, we continue to
introduce the materials to university instructors at
information security seminars around the country.
2.2 Emphasis on Interactive Learning
It is difficult to teach students about information
security. We need to cater to the needs of kids who
were raised on the internet and video games.
Working with the cooperation of members of the NII
Information Security Measures Policy Team, we
have developed an interactive game to teach the
latest knowledge about internet risk and safety in an
entertaining way.
Following are the sample of the scenarios from the
materials. The dialogue is intended to appeal to
freshmen students.
2.2.1 Beware of Phishing!
Scenario 2: Beware of Phishing!
Keita and Tsubasa are talking at the bus stop. Let’s
listen in.
It sounds like Tsubasa got an email from a credit
card company asking him to re-register his card
number and expiration date as a safety precaution.
The instructions say to click on a link that will take
him to the registration page. Tsubasa thinks
something smells fishy, but at the same time he
wants to make sure his credit card isn’t cancelled.
He asks Keita about it.
2.2.2 Question
What should Tsubasa do?
A: Try entering his card information.
B: Call the phone number listed in the email.
C: Ignore the email.
The right answer is:
C: Ignore the email.
Why is it C?
Banks and credit card companies will never send
you an email asking for your card information or
telling you to enter it online. You can be sure it’s a
scam. If you enter your information on a fake
website, it will probably be sent to fraudsters. That’s
called phishing. You shouldn’t reply to the email
either. Whoever sent it got your email address from
some kind of mass list, and if you reply or click on
link, it is likely that you will be put on yet another
one as a person who is likely to be tricked. The best
policy is to ignore these kinds of emails.
How dangerous is A?
If you send your card information to fraudsters, they
can use it to make purchases that you could be held
responsible for. Some of them even arrange for the
credit card company’s real website to pop up after
you enter your data. They try very hard to keep you
from realizing that you’ve been scammed.
Isn’t B okay too?
The phone number is probably fake, but if it does
connect to the fraudsters, you’ve be giving them
your phone number. In the case of fake bills, you
might be threatened or harassed. If you have
questions, you should call the customer service
number listed on the back of your credit card.
2.2.3 Lecture Part
What should Tsubasa have done?
Always ignore phishing and fake bills. If you
respond, you’ll make yourself prone to more attacks.
Emails can be faked, so don’t carelessly click on
whatever links you see in them. Another good
security measure is to set up your email so that it
doesn’t show HTML.
Thanks to the popularity of online services, a lot of
internet auction and shopping merchants, banks,
credit card companies, and payment agent
companies are falling prey to phishing fraud
schemes. When you access their websites, manually
enter the URL and bookmark it on your computer
for future use instead of following links from the
email you receive. It is also risky to access the links
using search engines since the search results can be
fraudulently manipulated. Even portal sites are prone
to cross-site scripting and can be dangerous.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Question and Lecture.
Things to keep in mind about phishing are following.
Ignore emails about your card number because they
are scams.
If you are worried, call the customer service number
listed on the back of your card or on official
documents instead of any numbers listed in the
2.2.4 Words and Columns
What does “phishing” mean?
Phishing is pronounced the same way as “fishing”
and comes from the idea of fishing for victims using
email and other sophisticated bait. Recently “spear
phishing” has been targeted at small groups of
What if you want to make absolutely sure that the
email isn’t legitimate?
First, remember that important notices like that
would not be delivered to you by email. They are
sent by postal mail so that there is record. If you do
get an email, it would be in conjunction with postal
mail. If you’re not sure about the authenticity of the
notice, you should contact the number listed on your
agreement or registration papers, not the number
listed in the notice.
What if a shopping site doesn’t have a key symbol?
Do not trust the site. Even if you don’t have any
monetary trouble, the company may not be very
careful with your personal information.
What is my 3-digit security code?
A credit card has a 3-digit security code on the back.
If someone gets a hold of this code, it serves as the
proof of cardholder.
This concludes my introduction of “Hikari &
Tsubasa’s Information Security Game.” Instructors
who have used the materials in class reported that
they effectively motivated students to learn. The
textbook is arranged in the same order as the CD
content and provides more detailed explanations for
the scenario problems and answers along with
summary points and additional factoids at the end of
each chapter.
The combination of textbook and interactive
FLASH media is ideal for appealing to the interests
of young students while at the same time accurately
conveying the latest technological information
available. It is also makes it possible for students to
learn about information security effectively and
accurately on their own, something that was difficult
for the average student to do in the past. Our next
task is to provide translated versions for the many
foreign students studying at schools in Japan.
Okada, H. ed,: Hikari and Tsubasa’s Tutorial for “Putting
Our Heads Together” about In-formation Security (In
Japanese), National Institute of Informatics, Japan