Experiences and Thoughts
Martina Weicht, Frank Zenker, Ilvio Bruder and Andreas Heuer
IT Science Center Ruegen gGmbH, Circus 14, 18581 Putbus/Ruegen, Germany
Open source software development, Community, eHealth, Screen reader.
Developing open source software offers great potential for sustainable software evolution and for software
product distribution, holding particular advantages in financial, psychological, security, and other aspects.
However, lots of effort and fortunate circumstances are needed to enforce them.
This paper will take a look at open source software development and its success factors using the example of
the SUE screen reader project. This project deals with supporting blind and visually impaired users on Linux
by providing alternative access to the graphical user interface. The development of SUE is an interesting
example of FLOSS development in the eHealth area.
We will introduce SUE and provide an overview of our open source development experiences discussing a
special factor in the success of open source development: communities.
Open source software development provides an inter-
esting way for sustainable software evolution and for
distributing software products. It offers advantages in
various aspects such as in economy (efficient produc-
tion of software based on available resources, better
market position among competitors with similar, but
non-free products, shorter time to market thanks to
code reuse), in security (quick identification of po-
tential security problems and their correction), and in
personal psychology (peer recognition, engagement
into a rewarding task) just to name a few. For a more
detailed discussion cf. (Working group on Libre Soft-
ware, 2000). However, to enforce these aspects lots
of effort and also fortunate circumstances are needed.
This paper will take a look at open source software
development and its success factors using the example
of the SUE screen reader project. This project deals
with supporting blind and visually impaired users on
Linux by providing alternative access to the graphical
user interface. The development of SUE is an interest-
ing example of FLOSS
development in general and
in the health care area in particular.
In order to describe open source software develop-
Open Source Software; free/libre/open
in terms of source code access and reuse
ment in SUE along with its success factors and chal-
lenges, we will introduce the SUE project in section
2 and provide an overview of our open source devel-
opment experiences in section 3. In section 4 we will
discuss a special factor in the success of open source
development: communities. Section 5 summarizes
and discusses our experiences.
The project SUE: Screenreader & Usability Exten-
has been funded by the German Federal Min-
istry for Labor and Social Affairs for a period of 3
years (2007 2009). Its goal was to support blind and
visually impaired computer users on Linux using the
most important applications: desktop environment in-
teraction, e-mail and text processing, spreadsheet cal-
culation and a basic web browser support.
Development for SUE is based on the former
Linux Screen Reader (LSR) project
. LSR was meant
to be a “reusable development platform for building
alternative and supplemental user interfaces in sup-
port of people with diverse disabilities” (Parente and
Weicht M., Zenker F., Bruder I. and Heuer A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 525-531
DOI: 10.5220/0002787905250531
Clippingdale, 2006). Its development was funded by
IBM until a change in their accessibility support strat-
egy (Parente, 2007b) led to the LSR project going dor-
mant after one last release of version 0.5.3.
Looking carefully into the LSR project and all the
work that had been done up to then, the decision was
made to base screen reader development within SUE
upon the LSR project made possible by generous
licensing of LSR.
For the SUE project, building upon LSR meant
that we did not have to start from scratch. The LSR
code base was carefully laid out as a sustainable, ex-
tensible architecture for assistive applications and al-
lowed us to continue its development both along our
ideas and a retrospect document provided by the LSR
project lead (Parente, 2007a). Most of its architecture
is still recognizable in SUE, especially the strategy of
abstracting dependencies which was even improved
in SUE. The code has been adapted to a more recent
version of the used accessibility interface and restruc-
tured for better handling. Some of the actual screen
reading functionality was only implemented in very
basic ways in LSR, such as Braille support, which we
integrated into a holistic output concept for all out-
put capabilities in SUE: Braille, speech, and magni-
fication. These are represented by both virtual and
physical devices: a Braille display and a Braille moni-
tor, magnification, and speech output (text-to-speech).
Application support – both for the requested applica-
tions and a few small other ones had to be updated
and extended in some parts and newly created in oth-
Today, SUE’s base called AccessEngine is this en-
visioned platform for assistive applications and the
screen reader SUE is the first of them; others are cer-
tainly possible. In general, the AccessEngine pro-
vides an event-based information processing to any
input and output devices connected to it. It takes care
of all data and device management tasks including re-
ceiving information from the accessibility interface
(AT-SPI, part of Gnome Accessibility project
) and
delivering it to the proper recipients.
Both the AccessEngine and SUE are published
under BSD license
, so anyone may either support our
work, develop their own open source screen reader
based on SUE or develop another open source assis-
tive application based on the AccessEngine. One idea
may be to integrate it into an AAL scenario by turning
the TV into an easy-to-use in-home information basis
with speech output and sound icons.
There are quite a few information sources available on
criterias for a successful open source project. Some of
them provide rather practical guidelines such as “Use
a version control system” or “Get free hosing for your
. Others describe more abstract success fac-
tors like pursuing a clear goal, maintaining focus on
the project’s mission, or choosing a business model
With our background in software development, we
have chosen four main success criteria and will apply
them to the screen reader project.
3.1 Resources in Terms of Time,
Knowledge, and Money
When the SUE project started, resources seemed
plenty. The project was laid out for four full-time de-
velopers over a period of three years. None of them
had any experience in either open source software de-
velopment (though all have been using open source
software before) or screen reader software, but had
different levels of experience in software development
in general (on Windows and Linux) and in project
management. In order to gain insight into both of the
new fields, a community of open source / accessibil-
ity / screen reader experts was brought together in a
3.2 A Clear Goal and a Goal-pursuing
After the workshop, the project team retreated to eval-
uating and interpreting this gathering, unifying its re-
sults with their project description while going into
further research where necessary, into requirements
analysis and project specification. This behavior has
been criticized by the above-mentioned community as
they did not feel involved into the decision-making
process. They expected a more bazaar-like project or-
ganization (many contributors loosely organized via
the Internet) whereas the project team – coming from
closed source software development adopted the
cathedral style (code developed by small group and
released to the public) (Raymond, 1999). This ap-
proach seemed natural to the project team as they
were funded by the Ministry as opposed to the group
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
of volunteers spending their free time on open source
projects. Unfortunately, this misconception signif-
icantly harmed the parties’ trust into one another,
which for the remainder of the project did not recover.
Meanwhile with respect to their project descrip-
tion the development team made decisions for their
development, defined a road map and milestones for
their work and dove into screen reader development
preparing first releases. When in doubt, the project
description was used as a reference. At different
stages during the project it differed from the com-
munity’s opinion. However, it was decided to rely
upon the official project description while at the same
time respecting the community’s interests and wishes
as much as possible.
3.3 Marketing
For a long time SUE was too immature to be actively
tested by volunteers. Disseminators were hesitant to
approach possible users as testers as long as the screen
reader only provided limited functionality obviously
it is difficult for a blind user to test a piece of soft-
ware that he/she absolutely needs to rely upon. At the
same time, others (namely the community mentioned
in sections 3.1 and 3.2) kept asking for the source
code to be published for them to take a look at and to
be integrated into discussion and decision making – a
contradiction between members of the community or
even between two communities (a stable screen reader
vs. early source code releases, screen reader users vs.
open source community members / developers).
Our decision on publishing the source code pre-
sented a compromise to those two sides. Halfway
through the project we chose to move our activities to
, an online platform for open source
developments. Up to then we have maintained a
project wiki (in German), but did not offer our source
code on the web. Two platforms have previously been
considered on which to publish our development ef-
seemed to be a good choice, since
for now SUE has been developed for the Gnome desk-
top environment as it provides the accessibility infras-
tructure that SUE relies upon. On the other hand,
once SUE is no longer limited to Gnome desktops,
this platform’s label will be too restricting. We would
mislead potential users or have to move again. There-
fore, was chosen as our platform of
choice. Here it is a matter of adding a new keyword
to the project’s trove list when needed. proved to be a very useful plat-
form for our project development as it provides a mul-
titude of tools for open source software development:
web hosting, forums, blogs, mailing lists, trackers for
bugs, feature requests, and patches, code control sys-
tems like SVN, Bazaar, Git, a file release system,
project, content and task management tools, a wiki
and more. is well-established among
OSS developers and only requires one registration for
all activities within one or more projects. All infor-
mation at is provided in English in
order not to limit ourselves to German contributions,
but to find as many users as possible.
3.4 Sustainability
One of the biggest problems in open source develop-
ment, especially with those projects that are funded
for a certain period of time, is sustainability. After
funding ends, development needs to continue in or-
der for the software product to be used - even more
with a screen reader that always depends upon an ac-
cessibility infrastructure on the one hand and on the
applications to be supported on the other. As soon
as development stops, the screen reader is out-of-date
and next to useless.
In general, screen reader development cannot be
done in projects. Other concepts and business mod-
els on how to permantently fund this work are neces-
sary in order to ensure continuous development even
more as the implementation delivered after the funded
project period is only a small part of the application
support that is needed by screen reader users.
One of the crucial factors for open source software
projects is their community of users, testers, bug re-
porters and fixers, and developers. This section takes
a look at different types of communities, their estab-
lishment and difficulties related to open source com-
munities from the viewpoint of the SUE project.
4.1 Autonomous and Sponsored
Communities - How do They fit
West and O’Mahony (West and O’Mahony, 2008)
distinguish two different types of communities:
autonomous (community-managed) and sponsored
communities. As far as the SUE project is concerned,
Figure 1: The SUE screen reader project at
the project team can be seen as a sponsored com-
munity with funding provided for a certain period of
On the other side, there is an autonomous com-
munity of people interested in Linux accessibility. In
this particular setting, this community was the one
holding the information needed by the SUE project
team during their early project phase (cf. section
3.1). Serious mistakes in communication have been
made in this phase; to a certain degree due to how
the project team interpreted their own role: the cathe-
dral “a small group of core developers who control
the architecture and direction of development” (Scac-
chi, 2007). The group decided to work on the screen
reader basis and main concepts first before putting it
up on the web for everyone to look at and start con-
tributing. Speaking in terms of West and O’Mahony
and their two types of openness in communities, the
project team decided against accessibility, meaning
the direct influence of external participants on the
project’s direction, while lacking transparency in the
sense of letting the community know what was hap-
pening in the project. As described in section 3.2, this
policy of non-communication caused irritation within
that community and led to a few counterproductive re-
actions on their side. At this stage, both communities
did not regard each other as partners.
This situation influenced the project’s standing
when roles where about to change. By moving all
development efforts to (cf. section
3.3), the team offered more transparency in terms
of project activities. The software gradually became
more and more elaborated and the need for testers
grew. The community that was supposed to be the
screen reader’s target group still suffered from what
they perceived as ill-treatment in the first phase of the
project, ignored the development work or eyed – and
mouthed – it very critically.
Questions arose on why they should spend their
time on a project that others were paid to work on.
4.2 From a Sponsored to an
Autonomous Community
Despite this unfortunate start, what is desirable for
this particular project and any project receiving
only initial funding is to be transformed into an
autonomous community project. In order for this to
work, volunteers need to be acquired and encouraged
to go through the various stages of community mem-
bership. Nakakoij et al. (Nakakoji et al., 2002) men-
tion eight different roles of community membership
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
(passive user, reader, bug reporter, bug fixer, periph-
eral developer, active developer, core member, and
project leader). These may not all be present in each
and every open source software project, but the gen-
eral classification holds true. Those categories, how-
ever, are not static. As opposed to traditional soft-
ware development, community members may change
their roles as they gain more insights into the soft-
ware and acquire more skills. Nakakoij et al. iden-
tify two factors for a successful evolution of an open
source software community: “the existence of moti-
vated members who aspire to play roles with larger
influence, and the social mechanism of the commu-
nity that encourages and enables those individual role
changes. What motivates people to get engaged in
an open source project? Numerous reasons exist.
Scacchi names “self-determination, peer recognition,
project affiliation or identification and self-promotion,
as well as the belief in the inherent value of free soft-
This did not hold true for the community of Linux
accessibility enthusiasts mentioned before as they did
not find a way to overcome their prejudices nor did
they identify with the project.
At this point it was clear to the development team
that their community of interested users needed to
be found somewhere else. The community of visu-
ally impaired people, however, is not a large one.
Their fraction of people interested in Linux is even
smaller. Apart from this small number of poten-
tial new community members, what are the difficul-
ties people face when considering joining as open
source software project? Shibuya and Tamai (Shibuya
and Tamai, 2009) identified a number of obstacles
such as selecting “a suitable task according to his/her
skills, lack of up-to-date development documents,
constraints imposed by contributor licensing agree-
ment, no response from core developers for their
doubts and support requests, and need to learn a new
This clearly shows responsibilities both on the
newcomer’s and the community’s side that need to
be taken care of in order to successfully integrate the
newcomer into the open source project community.
Something that worked well already in the tiny
SUE community was localization. As the project is
still very young, we have decided not (yet) to rely on
global translation projects such as the Gnome local-
ization team. Again, this would have meant a close
coupling to Gnome, plus we needed in-time localiza-
tion and flexibility for our work.
Also we were hoping to keep translators beyond
that task, engaging them in testing and/or develop-
ment as well. provides a “Help
Figure 2: The status of internationalization for the SUE
screen reader.
wanted” section as a nice feature to actively ask peo-
ple to participate. A little note in that section asking
for help in localizing SUE lead to four inquiries by in-
terested users, two of whom actively translated it into
their mother tongue. Translating SUE is a clearly de-
fined task with manageable effort (about 1.100 words
and strings). Little expertise is needed, i.e. no spe-
cial programming skills are required. Neither of them
was a screen reader user or had any previous experi-
ence with assistive software. Both of them were in-
volved in the project on a very low level and even
though translations need to be updated as develop-
ment progresses, to them their contribution did not
mean a long-term commitment to the project.
4.3 What are the Difficulties in
Establishing an Autonomous
With a small target group like ours, establishing a
community takes time. Users will not pour in by
themselves as in our case people are used to and de-
pendent upon their (Windows) screen readers. Mov-
ing over to Linux is a big step for a lot of them, one
they do not necessarily perform by themselves. In-
stead, it needs external forces such as their workplace
moving to Linux and therefore creating the need to
learn Linux and a screen reader on Linux. If this does
not happen, lots of marketing effort is needed such
as presenting the screen reader at assistive technology
exhibitions and conferences and directly approaching
disseminators like our project partner, the Study Cen-
tre for Visually Impaired Students (SZS) Karlsruhe
has done with their teaching concept on SUE screen
reader and Linux usage. By providing hands-on in-
troductory sessions, visually impaired people got to
test both the screen reader and the Linux OS, namely
Ubuntu, in order to get an idea of what using Linux
with a screen reader feels like.
In return, the development team received valuable
feedback on their work from participants, who over
the better part of the second project phase were the
only testers of the screen reader. Unfortunately, only
very few kept using the screen reader. This is partially
due to the early development stages the screen reader
was in during their teaching sessions.
Still, little by little, people are getting interested
in the project like one person who looked into screen
reading software for his blind friend. He used the
forum provided at to ask questions
about the screen reader and interaction with him has
been very pleasant and constructive.
On the other hand a few issues arose during
project work that need to be considered as well.
Competing Projects. When starting the project,
another Linux screen reader, Orca
, existed. This
project is funded by SUN Microsystems, Inc. and
relies upon a large community of users, testers,
bug reporters and fixers, and developers. While
competing products are a healthy mechanism in
economy, in open source software development they
are often regarded as waste of time and development
powers. “Instead of creating a second cripple, why
don’t you put your efforts into helping that first
cripple improving?” (Comment given by one of the
community members).
Resource Management within the Core Develop-
ment Group. While trying to establish a community,
there is a constant weighing up of the actual develop-
ment tasks against the efforts of communicating with
potential community members. Even though talking
about the software and explaining it to outsiders might
provide new insights to the developers themselves, it
is nonetheless time-consuming and requires patience.
If available, a broker might help in this situation (cf.
section 5).
A number of obstacles have complicated project
development within SUE. The various communica-
tion problems might have been preventable, had the
project team known more about how open source soft-
ware projects work and had roles been clearly defined.
More transparency along with a strategy on how to in-
tegrate the community of Linux accessibility enthusi-
asts into the project and at which stages of the project
might have prevented some of these issues.
It would be interesting to see if a broker mediat-
ing between the two groups as described by Wenger
(Wenger, 1998) could improve communication and
how such a broker gets to be accepted by both groups.
Finding the right broker would be crucial though
as much of the communication success depends on
his/her skills. Should the broker be sent by one com-
munity? Should he/she be completely independent
from both groups? Involving this extra person re-
quires even more sophisticated communication struc-
tures as this person needs to know exactly what both
groups do and what they want to do in order to pro-
vide a satisfying assistance to both.
Without a broker, all project members need to be
willing to interact with their community (of which
they are a part) and the time needed to do so must
be included in their work packages. This procedure is
even more important with the usually different area of
expertise within the development team.
Without FLOSS, the SUE project would not have
been as successful as it now is. Being able to build
upon the LSR project saved a lot of time and allowed
to progress faster than with an implementation from
scratch. SUE also uses existing open source projects
to extend its functionality, i.e. Braille support and
screen magnification.
Its success, however, does not only depend on its
source code and the functionality it provides, but on
its community of users, testers, and developers. In
order for it to grow, source code accessibility and
project development transparency are of great impor-
tance. They require rethinking from non-open source
projects where development takes place within the de-
velopment team and a final product is released.
However, with sufficient knowledge on the mech-
anisms of open source software development in com-
munities, engaging into one can be a very rewarding
task with large potential for the software and a great
personal experience.
The SUE project team would like to thank the Ger-
man Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs
for funding this project and expresses their gratitude
towards everyone who helped SUE along the way.
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Thank you very much for your constructive feedback,
help, and support!
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S. and Harper, S., editors, ASSETS, pages 261–262.
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foundations of software engineering, pages 459–468,
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