Alexander Smirnov, Nickolay Shilov and Alexey Kashevnik
St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy Science, 39, 14th Line, St.Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Knowledge management, Ontology, Context, User profile, Smart space.
Abstract: Such topics as smart home, smart car have become widespread recently. The paper presents an innovative
approach to context-oriented knowledge management in the smart space. The smart space consists of a set
of devices that can interact with each other, exchange information and services. Knowledge management in
such systems allows coordinating activities of a large amount of entities which can communicate within the
smart space.
Research efforts in the area of the smart spaces have
become very popular recently. Such topics of
research as smart home, smart car are widely
discussed in modern computer science. In such
systems all elements have to interact and coordinate
their behavior without any user intervention.
Mobile phones have insensibly transformed from
simple phones that allow users only to make calls
and write SMS to multifunctional devices that allow
them to connect to the Internet, take photos, use
embedded GPS, and so on. Such capabilities make it
possible for the user to use these devices as
assistants. In case of occurrence of a certain situation
(context), the device implements an automatic
solution (or action) search. The context is
formalization of a situation model embedding the
specification of problems to be solved in this
situation. The device takes into account the user
preferences which are kept in the user profile.
A mobile phone in the modern world is always
with its owner. This allows keeping and enlarging
the user profile in the device. When the user finds
him/herself in the smart space, it allows using this
information to automatically interact with other
mobile and fixed devices of the smart space.
Modern tendencies of information and
telecommunication technologies require
development of stable and reliable infrastructures to
extract and keep different kinds of information and
knowledge from various members of the smart
space. The smart space assumes more than one
device that uses common resources and services.
One of the most appropriate approaches to realize
such infrastructure is knowledge management
systems. This paper describes an innovative
approach to context-oriented knowledge
management for intelligent user assistance in the
smart space.
Different systems of mobile device use in the smart
space have been examined. A brief description of the
most essential approaches is presented below.
The authors of (Declan O., Vincent W., 2002)
examine the problem of the semantic interoperability
of several information systems. As a case study the
authors take the smart space which is determined as
a physical space rich in devices and software
services that is capable of interacting with people,
physical environment and external networked
services. The authors introduce the smart space
management as dynamic runtime adaptation of the
smart space devices and software services to provide
the necessary support for people's tasks and
Paper (Cuno S. et al., 2008) describes the
common architecture for a political management
platform which provides access from different
countries. This platform includes such technologies
as web-services, XML, SSL.
The purpose of the project described in (Persist,
2009) is to study and develop a personal smart space
Smirnov A., Shilov N. and Kashevnik A.
DOI: 10.5220/0002789903830386
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that provides a minimum set of functionalities which
can be extended and enhanced as users encounter
other smart spaces in their everyday activities. It is
capable of learning and reasoning about users, their
intentions, preferences and context. It is endowed
with proactive behaviors which enable users to share
context information with neighboring personal smart
spaces, resolve conflicts between the preferences of
multiple users, give recommendations and act
according to them, prioritize, share and balance
limited resources between users, services and
devices, reason about trustworthiness to protect
privacy and be sufficiently fault-tolerant to
guarantee their own robustness and dependability.
In (Zhang D. et al., 2005) a context-based
approach to the development of a future smart home
is described. The authors argue that services in
pervasive and mobile environments need to be
context-aware so that they can adapt themselves to
rapidly changing situations. The authors propose a
generic five-layer model for guiding the design and
implementation of context-aware systems. This
model abstracts the functional elements of context-
aware systems, i.e., context acquisition, context
representation, context aggregation, context
interpretation, and context utilization.
(CASCOM, 2007) is a Specific Targeted
Research or Innovation Project supported by the
European Union's IST program. The main objective
is to implement, validate, and trial a value-added
supportive infrastructure for Semantic Web based
business application services across mobile and
fixed networks. The project delivers a full proof-of-
concept implementation of the generic CASCOM
service coordination support infrastructure for
mobile business application service coordination for
mobile users and workers, and a field-trial
CASCOM demonstrator for selected pervasive
health care application services.
(Open, 2009) is a FP7 project which aims at
developing an environment that provides people
with the ability to continue performing their tasks
when they move around and change their interaction
device. The main goal of the OPEN project is to
provide a general and open migratory service
platform solution based on a sound and innovative
scientific approach.
The purpose of the approach to the
interoperability of different devices in network
environment (Miko et al., 2006) is to offer the user
the most appropriate terminal for handling incoming
transmission according to the user’s status and
enable optimal handover between devices.
In (Kett et al., 2008) the authors discuss the
problem of processes optimization in the sales
information system for a small and medium
mercantile agency based on mobile devices. The
authors present facts that most of such information
systems are developed for large companies.
The purpose of the Italian innovation center
Hewlett Packard (Mamelli A. et al., 2008) is to
develop a mobile caregiver information platform.
The authors developed an extensible set of services
that allow patients staying at home to get permanent
support. Mobile devices are used for the interaction
with the user and for the monitoring of the patient
The AMASE project (Kovacs E. et al., 1998) is
adapting an existing mobile agent system to the
requirements of a wireless computation
environment. The project based on the Siemens
SWARM platform in order to fit a wide range of
heterogeneous mobile devices and to meet the
requirements of wireless communication in an
optimized manner.
Detailed analysis of this related research allows
determining the following techniques for the user
assistant systems in the smart space:
semantic interoperability,
user profile,
An approach presented here also relies on the
ontological knowledge representation. The
conceptual model of the proposed ontology-based
knowledge management is based on the earlier
developed ideas of knowledge logistics. Ontologies
are used to describe knowledge in the smart space.
Different users and devices of the smart space
interact in the knowledge management system.
When the user registers in the system, his/her mobile
device creates a user profile that allows specifying
and enlarging user tasks in the smart space and
personifying the information and knowledge flow
from the system to the user.
The ontological approach to context-oriented
knowledge management in the smart space is
presented in Figure 1.
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Ontological approach to context-oriented knowledge management in the smart space.
In accordance with the conceptual model, the
context-oriented knowledge management system
following a scenario for users and devices
interaction support in the smart space is considered.
A user or device of the smart space generates a
task (1). Based on this task, domain ontology, and
current situation in the smart space context is built
(2). Context is the description of the task in terms of
ontology taking into consideration the current
situation. The ontology in the knowledge
management system describes the main terms used
for the smart space description and relations between
them. Then fragments of the ontology relevant to the
task are extracted and unified. It contains abstract
knowledge relevant to the task.
The knowledge map defines references between
the ontological model (3) and knowledge sources
(4). This makes it possible to use uncoordinated
sources as a single distributed knowledge base.
Based on the knowledge map and the formalized
user task, the knowledge and information required
for the user are acquired from appropriate sources
If a user who is a smart space member serves as
a knowledge source, it provides services for the
system to access the owned knowledge. Information
about the member is obtained from its user profile.
Using this information the knowledge management
system can provide it to other users and devices in
the smart space.
For these purposes, a user profile has to contain
personal information about the user, domain specific
information, information that describes user
preferences, feedback information and history that
contains previous user activities in the system.
Most of user profile models include such
information as: first name, last name, gender, date of
birth, languages, and contact information and user
position. It is proposed to keep this information in
the “Personal Information” module (Figure 2).
Since the knowledge management system is
context-oriented, it is necessary to determine tasks
that the user can solve at the moment, allow and
deny access to the knowledge of the system, allow
users to hide their profiles, track user location and
time, status of user accessibility. For feedback
estimations it is necessary to develop “System
Information” and “Feedback” modules (Figure 2).
User preferences need to be formalized and kept in
the user profile. Preferences include elements of the
domain ontology preferred by the user (for example,
in case of a presentation room that includes a big
plasma screen and a projector the user prefers to
make a presentation using the projector) and other
Figure 2: Conceptual model of user profile in the smart space.
preferences (for example, presentation time, amount
of light in the presentation room, etc.).
For the purposes of keeping the history of
interaction between the user and the knowledge
management system and its further analysis, it is
proposed to keep in the user profile his/her tasks,
task contexts and user contexts at the moment of
tasks generation. Based on this information, user
preferences can be semi-automatically identified
using ontology based clustering mechanisms
described in (Smirnov A. et al., 2008).
User profile based on the presented model of the
user profile has been implemented for mobile
devices which interoperate in the smart-space (see
Figure 2).
This paper presents an innovative approach to
context-oriented knowledge management for
intelligent user assistance in the smart space. This
approach allows different devices in the smart space
to interact with each other for the purpose of
interoperability. User profiles allow keeping
important information about the user and using it in
the smart space.
The paper is a part of the research carried out within
the project funded by grants # 09-07-00436-a, 08-
07-00264-a, and 10-07-00368-а of the Russian
Foundation for Basic Research, project # 213 of the
research program “Intelligent information
technologies, mathematical modeling, system
analysis and automation” of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, and St. Petersburg city government grant
for young researchers and PhD 2009 year.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies