Building Theory from Case Study Research and Simulation Models
Paola Pisano
University of Torino, Svizzera 185, Torino, Italy
Keywords: Multi Agent System, Case Study, Collaboration.
Abstract: The purpose of this work is to introduce a methodology known as “multi agent systems” (MAS) and show
how it could serve not only a similar purpose when compared to cases by using virtual artefacts instead of
real world observations, but also overcome the limitation of case study process. Besides being used for
creating new theory, this approach is also effective for teaching and transmitting knowledge in a
“maieutical” way, through experimentation on the model and cause-effect analysis of results. After
describing the paradigm itself, and how it, along with simulation, can be used in social domains, it will be
shown how it could interface the conceptual flow typical of case study analysis. Particular attention will be
devoted to the interactivity deriving from the way in which this methodology is conceived, allowing
researchers to perform “scenario analysis”, i.e.: a process of analyzing future occurrences by considering
alternative possible outcomes, after the baseline experiments obtained through the model have given
positive results. In the second part of the paper a case study is presented, obtained by employing MAS
methodology. It aims to study enterprise collaboration formation and modification: the goal is to study how
innovation management and sharing could bring to non-equity link formation among them. The model is
introduced in detail and qualitative results are analyzed, by deriving general concepts from them. Last, some
points of strength and weaknesses of this methodology are briefly underlined.
Case data represent one of many possible form of
inquiry for inductive theory building; other forms of
data include participant observation, document
analysis, in-depth interviews, field notes, etc. Many
authors have described the process for creating
theory using case approach. Glaser and Strauss
(1967) described the process giving importance to
the ideas of theoretical sampling, theoretical
saturation, overlapped coding, data collection, and
analysis. Yin (1984) structured the process analysing
the notions of case study design, replication logic,
and concern for internal validity. Miles and
Huberman (1984) concentrate their research on the
tools of tabular display of evidence particularly
helpful in the discussion of building evidence for
constructs. Miles (1979), Miles & Huberman (1984),
Kirk & Miller (1986), centred their work on topics
such as qualitative data analysis; Yin (1981, 1984)
and Mc- Clintock et al. (1979), on case study design
and Van Maanen (1988) on ethnography. The
creation of process for building theory from case
study research has been developed from Kathleen
M. Eisenhardt (1989) in contrast with Strauss (1987)
and Van Maanen (1988), more concerned on a rich,
complex description of the specific cases under
study evolve and less on generalizable theory.
According to Eisenhardt (1989, p.532-549),the steps
for building theory from case studies are
summarized in next lines.
First of all it is important to fix the research question
since it is easy to get overwhelmed by the volume of
data. The research question can shift or modify
Pisano P. (2010).
INNOVATION BY COLLABORATION AMONG FIRMS. A NEW METHODOLOGY - Building Theory from Case Study Research and Simulation Models.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 106-113
Figure1: Building theory from case study: a traditional approach.
during the research thanks to the observation and
data analysis. Another element for building theory
from case studies is the selection of cases. For the
data collection it can be useful to employ multiple
investigators (e.g., Pettigrew, 1988). This allows the
case to be viewed from the different perspectives of
multiple observers. Analyzing data is the heart of
building theory from case studies, but it is both the
most difficult and the least codified part of the
process. However, there is no standard format for
such analysis. Quinn (1980) developed teaching
cases for each of the firms in his study of strategic
decision making in six major corporations as a
prelude to his theoretical work. Mintzberg and
McHugh (1985) compiled a 383 page case history of
the National Film Board of Canada. These authors
coupled narrative description with extensive use of
longitudinal graphs tracking revenue, film
sponsorship, staffing, film subjects, and so on.
Gersick (1988) prepared transcripts of team
meetings. Leonard-Barton (1988) used tabular
displays and graphs of information about each case.
Abbott (1988) suggested using sequence analysis to
organize longitudinal data. Next step for building a
theory is searching for case patterns. The tactic is
driven by the reality that people are notoriously poor
processors of information. They leap to conclusions
based on limited data (Kahneman & Tversky, 1973),
they are overly influenced by the vividness (Nisbett
& Ross, 1980) or by more elite respondents (Miles
& Huberman, 1984), they ignore basic statistical
properties (Kahneman & Tversky, 1973), or they
sometimes inadvertently drop disconfirming
evidence (Nisbett & Ross, 1980). The risk is that
investigators reach premature and even false
conclusions as a result of these information-
processing biases. Thus, the key to good cross-case
comparison is counteracting these tendencies by
looking at the data in many divergent ways. Shaping
hypotheses consists in systematically comparing the
emergent frame with the evidence from each case in
order to assess how well or poorly it fits with case
data. This is a two-part process involving refining
the definition of the construct and building evidence
which measures the construct in each case. This
occurs through constant comparison between data
and constructs so that accumulating evidence from
diverse sources converges on a single, well defined
construct. The central idea is that researchers
constantly compare theory and data-iterating toward
a theory which closely fits the data. A close fit is
important for building a strong theory since it takes
advantage from the new insights made possible by
data and yields to an empirically valid theory. One
step in shaping hypotheses is the sharpening of
constructs. An essential feature of theory building is
a comparison of the emergent concepts, theory, or
hypotheses with the literature. This involves asking
what is this similar to, what does it contradict, and
why. A key to this process is to consider a broad
range of literature. Examining literature which
conflicts with the emergent theory is important for
two reasons. First, if researchers ignore conflicting
findings, then confidence in the findings is reduced.
Second and perhaps more importantly, conflicting
literature represents an opportunity. The
juxtaposition of conflicting results forces researchers
into a more creative, frame breaking mode of
thinking than they might otherwise be able to
achieve. The last step for building a theory from
case study is reaching closure. Two issues are
important in reaching closure: when to stop adding
cases, and when to stop iterating between theory and
data. All the process of building theory from case
study is described in figure number 1.
From 1995 to 2007, the MAS was use for
developing different practice case in different
subjects: Tomlin, Pappas and Sastry in (1995) use
multi-agent hybrid system for analyzing a conflict
resolution for Air Traffic Management; lygeros,
Godbol and Sastry (1996) used Hybrid system for
automated vehicles; Vassileva at al. (1999)
presented a multi agent approach to design of
adaptive distributed collaborative and peer help
environments; Bonabeau (2001) used agent-based
for simulating human systems; Bonabeau (2002)
applied Agent Based Modeling for understanding
the Business Complexity; Joanna J Bryson, Yasushi
Ando, and Hagen Lehmann (2007) used Agent base
modeling to develop a case study on social
behaviors, Vagnani (2009) used MAS for studing
financial market. The construction of theory from
MAS approach usually undergoes several phases,
ranging from analytical to more practical and
technical ones. MAS „s phases are listed as follow
(fig. n 2): 0- Real world analysis and reduction; 1-
Logical framework design (interactions at a micro
level and general environmental rules. Metaphors
Study Research and Simulation Models
Figure 2: Building theory from case study: a “MAS” approach.
Figure 3: Building theory from case study: logical steps of a “MAS” approach.
building); 2- Parameters definition (qualitative and
quantitative); 3- Simulation run and scenarios
selection and 4- Analysis of results.
The step “zero” is about studying the real
problem that is going to be represented and modeled.
Since a model is a scaled down representation of the
real world, it‟s important to identify which parts of
the system could be scarified without losing the
general behavior of the system at an aggregate level.
The first phase of modeling regards the design of
the logical framework, that will constitute the
formal project” to be used as the basis for the next
steps. In this phase the agents must be defined, along
with the interaction rules at the micro level (agent
level) and the general environmental rules, i.e.: those
which all the agents must face. This phase is crucial,
since MAS modeling is “bottom up”, meaning that
the aggregate level is an emergent feature and
derives strictly from the premises, or better, from the
interaction among the agents, and with the
environment. Phases two is about formally defining
which parameters will be considered in the model,
and is a derivation of the previous step. After the
model is implemented, through repeated executions
and confrontation of the behavior with the real
modeled system, the numerical parameters are tuned
so that the “baseline scenario” maps exactly the
reference one. The third step is actually the most
operative and practical one; the model, in this phase,
is to be considered an artifact, in the meaning given
by H. Simon. This allows users to employ it as a tool
for social experiments, exactly how a laboratory
would be for natural sciences. In this phase the
different scenarios are defined, and simulations are
run. The last phase is analytical: the results, be them
quantitative or qualitative, are gathered and linked
with the premises through cause-effect relations. The
importance and influence of individual parameters is
tracked by means of “multi-run analysis”, i.e.: a
ceteris paribus approach consisting of changing one
parameter at a time, by leaving the others
unchanged. Besides, the aggregate behavior is
considered and analyzed at different time steps,
allowing the researcher to understand the evolution
of the system over time. The comparison of the two
methodology is represented in the figure number 3.
3.1 Introduction to the Practice Case
and Structure
A model in the field of enterprise management is
described in this work. Its main goal is to represent
and analyze the dynamics and interrelations among
the complex phenomenon of innovation diffusion
and firms clusters formation and modifications.
After formal description of the model, along that of
its main parameters a qualitative results are
described. The conclusion is a comparison between
case methodology and MAS methodology underline
the weakness and strength of each methodology.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.2 Research Question
The research question is to demonstrate how the
innovation diffusion impacts on the collaboration
among business enterprises, by creating and
changing qualitatively and quantitatively ties and
partners. For analyzing this issue, it is useful, first of
all, to define some concepts used in case
3.3 Collaboration Among Firms:
Nodes and Ties
The literature on collaboration clearly demonstrates
that whilst firms collaborate for many different
reasons the most common reason to do so is to gain
access to new or complementary competencies and
technologies.The nodes can be similar or different
depending on the organizations are competitors or
works in different position the value chain. The
types of partner‟s firms engaged in collaboration
appears to be related to the type of innovation
occurring: incremental innovators rely more
frequently on their customers as innovation partners
whereas firms that have products new to a market
are more likely to collaborate with suppliers and
consultants. Advanced innovators and the
development of radical innovations tends to demand
more interaction with universities. The ties
represents the type of relationship among the actors‟;
ties could be different in structure, type and number.
The type and the number of ties could affect
collaboration‟s efficiency: for example, a
collaboration composed of relationships with
partners comprising few ties among them would
enable control for the principle partner. A
collaboration of many non-overlapping ties would
provide information benefits: in “Interfirm
cooperation and startup innovation in the
biotechnology industry” (1994), the authors Shan,
Walker, and Kogut, suggest that the number of
collaborative relationships a firm is involved in, is
positively related to innovation output while,
conversely, closed networks have been found to
foster innovation more than open ones (Coleman,
1988). Numerous other measures of strength have
also been used or proposed. These include frequency
of contact (Granovetter, Lin et al.) with strong ties
assumed to be more frequent ones; and (in research
conducted in closed populations, where perceived
relationships are studied from both sides) by mutual
acknowledgement of contact (Friedkin), with strong
ties assumed to be those acknowledged by both
parties. Other plausible indicators of tie strength
include the extent of multiplexity within a tie (noted
by Granovetter,1973), the duration of the contact,
the provision of emotional support and aid within
the relationship (Wellman), the social homogeneity
of those joined by a tie (indexed in terms of
occupational status by Lin et al.), the overlap of
memberships in organizations between the parties to
a tie, and (for closed populations) the overlap of
social circles (Kadushin). When the innovation start
to circulate, it can affect the collaboration efficiency:
firms can decide to cooperate inside the network by
developing an external exploration behavior,
meaning that a firm decides to be related to other
organizations in order to exchange competences and
innovations. Otherwise if the firm considers its
internal capability to create innovation as a point of
strength, or if the cost of external exploration is
perceived as higher than that of internal research,
then it could prefer to assume an internally
explorative behavior in which it tries to create new
competences (and possibly innovations) inside the
organization itself. During the process of innovation
diffusion the collaborations can change in the
number of actors (exit and entry), and in numbers
and patterns of link information (Steinke, 2006). The
collaborations can expand, churn, strengthen or
shrink. Each collaboration‟s change is brought about
by specific combination of changes in tie creation,
tie deletion, and by changes in an actor's portfolio
size (number of link) and portfolio range (numbers
of partners) (Steinke, 2006). Also the propensity to
collaborate affects innovation diffusion. When firms
has a highly collaborative attitude, the innovation
tends to diffuse more quickly, if the ties are dense,
non redundant, strong and reciprocal. If the firms are
collaborative, but the ties are weak or unidirectional,
the innovation spreads slowly and could not reach
all the nodes in the collaboration. To explore and
analyze these complex social dynamics, an agent
based model is described in the following
paragraphs, that keeps into account most network
and enterprise variables.
3.4 Logical Framework Design
Agent based simulation is an effective paradigm for
studying complex systems. It allows the creation of
virtual societies, in which each agent can interact
with others basing on certain rules. The agents are
basic entities, endowed with the capacity of
performing certain actions, and with certain
variables defining their state. In the model presented
here, the agents are reactive, meaning that they
simply react to the stimuli coming from the
Study Research and Simulation Models
environment and from other agents, without
elaborating their own strategies. Agents have
traditionally been categorized as one of the
following types (Grandori, 1997): Reactive;
Cognitive/Deliberative; Hybrid. The agents used in
this paper are reactive, but organized in the form of a
MAS (Multi Agent System), which can be thought
of as a group of interacting agents working together
or communicating among each other. To maximize
the efficiency of the system, each agent must be able
to reason about other agents' actions in addition to its
own. A dynamic and unpredictable environment
creates a need for an agent to employ flexible
strategies. Many simulation paradigms exist; agent-
based simulation is probably the one that best
captures the human factor behind decisions. This is
because the model is not organized with explicit
equations, but is made up of many different entities
with their own behavior. The macro results emerge
naturally through the interaction of these micro
behaviors and are often more than the algebraic sum
of them. This is why this paradigm is optimal for the
purposes of modeling complex systems and of
capturing the human factor. The model presented in
this paper strictly follows the agent based paradigm
and employs reactive agents, as detailed in the
following paragraph.
3.5 The Model
The model is built in Java, thus following the Object
Oriented philosophy and has been engineered and
built at the e-business L@B, University of Turin. All
the numerical parameters can be decided at the
beginning of each simulation (e.g.: number of
enterprises, and so on). Everything in the model is
seen as an agent; thus we have three kinds of agents:
Environment, Enterprises and Emissaries (E³). This
is done since each of them, even the environment, is
endowed with some actions to perform.
3.6 Heat Metaphor and the Agents
In order to represent the advantage of an enterprise
in owning different competences, the “heat”
metaphor is introduced. In agent based models for
Economics, the metaphor based approach
(Remondino, 2003) is an established way of
representing real phenomena through computational
and physical metaphors. In this case, a quantum of
heat is assigned for each competence at each
simulation turn. If the competence is internal (i.e.:
developed by the enterprise) this value is higher. If
the competence is external (i.e.: borrowed from
another enterprise) this value is lower. Heat is also
expendable in the process of creating new internal
competences (exploitation) and of looking for
partner with whom to share them in exchange of
external competences (exploration). At each time-
step, a part of the heat is scattered (this can be
regarded as a set of costs for the enterprise). If the
individual heat gets under a threshold, the enterprise
ceases its activity and disappears from the
environment. At an aggregate level, average
environmental heat is a good and synthetic measure
to monitor the state of the system. In order to
formally describe the model, a set of equations is
described in the following. The multi agent system
at time is defined as:
=< E
, e, ε
, link
> (1)
Where E
represents the environment and is
formed by a grid n m, and a set k
=< , k
n, m > 0
. (2)
Where the set k
definines the heat for each cell, e
is the set of enterprises with cohordinates on the
grid, and ε
is the set of the emissaries, also scattered
on the grid:
=< k
e=< e
=< ε
0 < , i
, i
0 < , j
, j
. (3)
Each enterprise is composed by a vector c, and
an emissary (ε
). The vector c defines the owned
competences, with a length L and competences C
represented by a boolean variable (where 1 means
that the l
competence is owned, while 0 means that
it‟s lacking):
c, ε
L, C
0 l L
= Boolean
In T = t > 0 , k
that‟s the heat of each cell on
the grid, depends on the heat produced by the
enterprises (K
) and the dispersion effect ( d). The
heat of each enterprise is function of the
competences it possesses and of the behavior it
carried on in the last turns (b
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
= f(K
, d)
= f
, b
b b
=<   >
In particular, a certain behavior can be
successful, meaning that at the end of a phase of
internal or external exploration, a new competence
(internal or outsourced, respectively) will be
possessed. Otherwise, a it‟s unsuccessful when, after
some steps of research and development (internal
exploration) or external market research to find a
partner, nothing new is found, and thus the l
competence remains zero.
b = success
then C
= 1
else C
= 0
b b
At each time-step the set of links (connecting
two enterprises together) is updated basing on the
competences of the enterprises.
=< e
, e
link e
, e
= f(c
, c
Specifically, when an enterprise does external
exploration, it looks for a good partner, i.e.: an
enterprise with a number of competences to share.
So, if an enterprise with a vector like
1 0 0 0 1 meets one with a vector like
0 1 1 1 0 then there is a perfect match and the
two enterprises will create a link among them, to
share the reciprocally missing competences. This is
the perfect situation, but not the only one in which
two enterprise can create a link; in fact, it‟s enough
that there is at least one competence to reciprocally
share. The strength of the link is directly
proportional to the exchanged competences. This set
of equations and rules is enough to explore the
effects on the network of the behaviors of the
enterprises, namely the way in which the firms are
managed (externally or internally focused). Though
the model allows also to explore the effects on
innovation (i.e.: a competence that‟s possessed only
by one enterprise). In T = t
> a radical innovation
can be metaphorically introduced in the system (this
is called “shock mode”, since this is decided by the
user, at an arbitrary step) by means of increasing the
length of the vector of competences of a specific
L L + 1
= 1
= 0
. (8)
Meaning that the competence C
will be
possessed by only one enterprise, at that time, while
the same competence will be lacking to all the
others; though, all the enterprises‟ vectors will
increase in length, meaning that potentially all of
them will be able to internally develop that new
competence through R&D, from then on. The vector
length metaphorically represents the complexity of
the sector (industry) in which the enterprises
operate; an highly technological sector has many
more potential competences than a non-
technological one. So, another kind of “shock effect”
to the system is that of increasing the length of the
vector by more than one component, and by leaving
all the new components to zero for all the
enterprises. In this way, they‟ll have to develop
themselves the new competences by means of
internal exploration. The analysis phase is carried on
after several steps after t
, in order to see how the
introduction of the innovation impacted the network
and the enterprise in which the innovation was first
introduced. So we have an analysis phase in
T = t
> t
defined as:
vs MAS
I dθ link; dθ e; dθ k
Namely, the comparison among the system at
time t
and the same system at time t
, since the
innovation has differential effects on the number
(and nature) of the links, on the number of
enterprises and the heat of the cells composing the
environment, always depending on the managerial
behavior of the involved enterprises. At the
beginning of a simulation, the user can change the
core parameters, in order to create a particular
scenario to study and analyze.
At the beginning of a simulation, the user can
change the core parameters, in order to create a
particular scenario to study. Some of the parameters
are constituted by a scalar value, others are in
percentage, others are used to define stochastic
(normal) distributions, given their mean value and
their variance.
3.7 Analysis of Results
The impact of innovation diffusion on the network
depends on the collaboration degree of the system. If
the network is collaborative the diffusion of
Study Research and Simulation Models
innovation strengthens the ties and increases the
number of the links among organizations (figure 4).
Figure 4: A sample of quantitative output simulation
As for every methodology, creating and developing
a theory by using case study features points of
strength and weaknesses. One point of strength of
theory building from cases is its likelihood of
generating novel theory. The likelihood of valid
theory could be high because the theory-building
process is so intimately tied with evidence that it is
very likely that the resultant theory will be
consistent with empirical observation. Besides it's
possible to create more theories starting from the
same case, and a case can be analyzed under
different viewpoints. Obviously this is made
possible thanks to the many acquired underlying
data. Regarding the points of weakness, an
important one is that the intensive use of empirical
evidence can yield to theory which is overly
complex. The result can be a theory which is very
rich in details, but lacks the simplicity of an overall
perspective. Another weakness of cases is the
impossibility of repeating the case if the first
analysis is not coherent with the research question.
Another point of weakness is that building theory
from cases may result in narrow and idiosyncratic
theory. Case study theory building is a bottom up
approach such that the specifics of data produce the
generalizations of theory. The risks are that the
theory describes a very idiosyncratic phenomenon or
that the theorist is unable to raise the level of
generality of the theory. For example, Gersick
(1988) presented a model of group development for
teams with project deadlines, Eisenhardt and
Bourgeois (1988) developed a mid-range theory of
politics in high velocity environments, and
Burgelman (1983) proposed a model of new product
ventures in large corporations. Such theories are
likely to be testable, novel, and empirically valid,
but they do lack the sweep of theories like resource
dependence, population ecology, and transaction
cost. Perhaps "grand" theory requires multiple
studies-an accumulation of both theory-building and
theory-testing empirical studies. Finally the case
study will be linked always to the practice case that
develop, soak in the context and scenario that
describe. The use of MAS as a methodology for
analyzing real world situations and creating new
theory, thus moving from the particular scenario to
the general case. First of all, since the model has to
represent a scaled down situation, and not the whole
reference system, it‟s quite easy to track down the
data necessary to build the reference scenario. This
reflects also on the fact that a limited range of real
world data is used, thus preventing misleading
aggregate results deriving from too many data,
contributing to create white noise during the
traditional analysis. Since the agent based
methodology relies on metaphors, it‟s potentially
possible to represent any social situation, if the
proper computational transitional function is found
and implemented. For example, in the model
presented in this work, the heat metaphor is used to
evaluate the general health of the system, and is the
unity of measurement, the payoff and the cost that
the enterprises must face during their own business.
This is easily translatable into formal programming
language, since it‟s based on physics and thus on
mathematical functions. So it‟s up to the
creativeness of the designer and any case study
could be potentially recreated in a dynamic and
interactive way. The most important feature of a
model based on agent is the possibility of repeating
the experiment several time, by changing one or few
variables at a time, by leaving the other ones
unchanged. This is referred to as “what if” analysis
or “ceteris paribus” methodology. This has a double
worthiness: on the one side, this can be used to track
the cause-effect relationships among variables and
results. On the other, it can be used to fine tune the
results in order to make it as reliable as possible,
when compared to real world ones. In social
observations, this kind of approach would be
impossible. Human factor and changing context
would simply make it unworthy to replicate
experiments or measurements, unless the confidence
interval is kept at a very large range. This leads to
the fact that from one base scenario, other scenarios
can be created, if the right parameters are changed.
This allows different case study, by starting from the
same model. Another interesting possibility, when
using MAS to represent social systems, is to create
qualitative situations that have not been directly
studied in the real world, through data harvesting.
This means that, when observing a trend in a real
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
scenario, this could be represented in the
computational model; after that, data can be
collected from the model itself and studied, as if
they came from the real situation, if the overall trend
has been respected. This is the case of such
situations heavily dependent from randomness or,
simply, from too many variables to be tracked in the
real world case. Last but not least, models based on
MAS have an important educational power; ranging
from simple models, that could be perceived as
games (e.g. business games) to be used into schools
and universities, all the way up to complex models
to be used for implicit knowledge formalization,
knowledge transfer and management within
enterprises. The “maieutilcal” approach allowed by a
model of this kind is evident when dealing with
organizational theories about Management and
Economics: students can “learn by doing” using the
model as an artifact on which carrying on their own
experiments, thus directly discovering theories,
without simply studying them by heart, and taking
them as “dogmas” coming from books. In this way,
the model becomes a virtual laboratory and the
experiments can be done in a supervised (by
teachers) or unsupervised way by the learners.
This approach doesn‟t want to substitute the
practice case but just to integrate and overcome the
limitation of practice case approach for supporting
the creation of new economic theory.
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