Explorative Study of its Usability in Intelligence Augmentation
Irena Drašković, Maikel Couwenberg
RUNMC, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Janos Sarbo
ICIS, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Keywords: Intelligence Augmentation, Problem Solving, Knowledge Representation, Conceptual Representation and
Interpretation, Empirical Study.
Abstract: Intelligence augmentation (IA) is used in for improving the efficiency of human problem solving by making
use of computer support. To make it work, we need a ‘human-compatible’ formal model of knowledge
representation. Here we report on empirical test of one such model. The results show that the model can be
used to analyse concept formation in human problem solving. This means that the model is congruent with
human information processing system. Being a formal model, it can be used in a wide range of IA-
applications such as computer supported tutoring systems and human-computer interfaces.
The main goal of research on Intelligence
Augmentation (IA) is to develop tools and methods
to support and improve the effectiveness of human
intelligence in solving complex problems. However,
on one side, we do not have a full understanding of
human cognition and, on the other side, we do not
yet have at our disposal complex parsers to interface
with different informal representations employed in
human processing. According to Douglas C.
Engelbart (1962), the aim of IA tools is to optimize
sensory, motor, and cognitive human capacities. To
achieve better efficiency and effectiveness of
computer systems for knowledge representation,
‘human-compatible’ formal models of knowledge
representation are needed. In the present paper, we
report on an empirical study exploring the features
of such a formal model of human information
Recent empirical studies on human processing
suggest that e.g., syntactic and semantic information
processing is quasi-simultaneous (Hagoort, Hald,
Bastiaansen, & Petersson, 2004). This renders
translation between these representational formats
improbable. In addition, it underscores the
importance of developing a uniform knowledge
representation model in other modalities as well. As
far as we know, current computational models of
knowledge representation do not meet the demand of
a uniform representational format and interpretation
processes across different kinds and modalities of
information (Shadbolt, Hall & Berners-Lee, 2006).
Rather, those models use different representational
formats for the different knowledge domains. From
the computation point of view, translation between
different formats is inefficient. Moreover, the
development of translator programs is non-trivial
(Aho & Ullman. 1972).
The present paper introduces a uniform
knowledge representation model together with a
preliminary testing of its validity. So far, the
usability of this model has been tested in the
following knowledge domains: (morpho-)syntax,
naïve logic, reasoning, and mathematics (Sarbo,
Farkas & Bremen, 2006). In the present paper we
explore correspondence between the predicted and
the observed output, in different information
processing stages specified by our model.
c I., Couwenberg M. and Sarbo J. (2010).
NEW CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT MODEL - Explorative Study of its Usability in Intelligence Augmentation.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 288-293
DOI: 10.5220/0002797602880293
1.1 Model Description
1.1.1 Theoretical Background
In developing our model, we considered
developmental aspects of human cognition.
According to the Social Constructivist model of
Piaget, learning and cognitive processes are adaptive
‘tools’ aiding human interaction with the
surrounding. Focusing on cognitive development,
Piaget defined different stages in child development
(Rigter, 1996):
Sensory-motor Phase. Objects and object
characteristics are learned and recognized
through perception and motor manipulation; this
knowledge is stored as concepts or abstract
representations of object characteristics (e.g.,
Pre-operational Phase. Percepts are
explained through reasoning. It is assumed that
the most salient concept properties are included
into interpretations.
Concrete Operational Phase. Learning
that different points of view are possible.
Formal Operational Phase. Reasoning
without preceding perception, development of
abstract reasoning and hypothesizing (Delfos,
J.S. Bruner (e.g., 1966) describes cognition as a
cyclic process including hypothesizing, informative,
and confirmative phases. Similar to Piaget, Bruner
distinguishes 3 phases in child cognitive
Enactive Phase. Learning through physical
contact with the surrounding.
Iconic Phase. Decisions based on sensory-
motor perception.
Symbolic Phase. Meaning construction
through symbolic interpretation of information.
We will assume that a ‘fully developed’ cognitive
system incorporates an amalgam of processes and
operations specified by Piaget and Bruner and that
these are effective in concept formation. Our model
extends these notions and builds a bridge towards
1.1.2 The Model
In Farkas & Sarbo (2000) and, more recently, in
Breemen & Sarbo (2009), a novel formal
conceptualization model is presented (see Figure 1).
Conceptualisation is described through 3 processing
stages implementing 3 kinds of operations, ranging
from perceptual analysis (analysis of sensory input)
to meaningful response, such as predication or motor
response. For each stage, input and output are
specified alongside the concept types. The model is
interactive in that it takes into account both the
internal context as well as the stimulus
Stage 1- PERCEPTION: Sensory stimulus triggers
perceptual analysis and sorting; further processing
proceeds in two processing paths:
1. A, B: processing of the ‘raw’ perceptual data (A
objects in focus, B – events in the world or model
associated with these objects); a distinction is made
between the background and the stimulus;
2. ¬A, ¬B (not A, not B): activation of knowledge
on both the objects in focus and the associated
events (which are not(objects), and not(events) by
Output of the sorting operation performed in this
stage is identification of the important components
in the input and activation of knowledge on these
components. This stage is a ‘transition’ from the
‘world’ to a ‘model’ of the world. Hereby the notion
of contrast is important: perception is ‘perception of
Stage 2 - CONTEXTUALIZATION: Output from
stage 1 is abstracted into types through matching
with existing prototype concepts (Smith, Osherson,
Rips & Keane, 1988). Contextualization
incorporates: lexical access of the perceived
qualities (qualia) as types independent from each
other; completion of concept types (qualities) from
the previous stage by using internal context or
knowledge of the world per quality; matching of the
input with internal context. By sufficient
correspondence and context to relate the 2 types of
qualities with each other, the next stage is entered.
This stage is comparable to lexical access and
semantic interpretation (Margolis & Laurence,
A is B
[A,~B] [B,~A]
[A,B, ~A,~B]
Figure 1: Model of development of concept types.
Stage 3 – PREDICATION: Complements from the
two processing paths are related to each other. The
most plausible relation between the qualities is
NEW CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT MODEL - Explorative Study of its Usability in Intelligence Augmentation
established and the qualities are put together into a
proposition expressing a hypothesis on the state of
the world. This stage includes testing of the
hypothesis with relevant sensory information
whereupon a new cycle may start. If the hypothesis
is disconfirmed, either new complementation
context is searched for, or other focus is taken (cf.
polysemy - ‘bank’).
It is plausible to assume that with complex problems
the above outlined conceptualization process is
recursively used whereby the propositions formed at
the end of one cycle serve as input for the next
cycle. Per cycle, one proposition is generated. A
cycle is delimited by identification (naming) of a
relation (e.g., ‘Square A is larger than square B’).
The process is goal driven with the goal being the
formulation of a proposition. In solving a problem,
the number of embedded analyses (cf. recursion) can
be affected by three parameters:
1. What is in focus (always a contiguous segment of
input qualities).
2. Input complexity (number of propositions that
exhaustively describe a phenomenon in focus).
3. Internal context (relevant knowledge of the
These are the sources of inter- and intra variability in
interpretation. By a well defined problem (see Plato,
380 B.C.) with a generally accepted solution, it is
possible to determine in advance the goal governing
the entire conceptualization process. Exploiting the
thinking-out-loud method in the process of solving a
complex mathematical problem, it is possible to
gather verbal reports containing utterances reflecting
the interpretation process. Utterances can be coded
as types of concepts. The degree of match with the
concept types specified by our model can be
1.2 Research Question and Hypothesis
According to our model, concepts are formed
through 3 development stages. In each stage
different types of concepts or signs are generated.
We assume that the stages are sequentially ordered.
Advance to the next stage is determined by
completion of the previous stage. Generated
concepts are expected to be classifiable into concept
types specified by our model. The following
research question will be investigated: Can verbal
utterances produced during the solution of an
abstract task be classified into concept types
specified by our model?
Hypothesis: Our model specifies 3 processing
stages: perception, contextualization, and
predication, each having specific input and output.
The model assumes an ordering of the processing
stages; output of the earlier stages serves as input for
the later stages. We assume that knowing the output
i.e., verbal reports, can be used to infer the
underlying processing stages. In coding the verbal
utterances into concept types specified by our
model, we use the terminology from a Peircean
interpretation of our model (Peirce, 1931) as shown
in Figure 2 (see also, Breemen & Sarbo, 2009).
Below, these are given in small caps.
Stage 1 – Perception:
- signal or external trigger as qualia (
- spatial and temporal localization of the signal (
- knowledge on the signal (INDEX).
Stage 2 – Contextualization:
- prototype knowledge on A (
- prototype knowledge on B (LEGISIGN);
- prototypes in context (
Stage 3 – Predication output:
- concepts in a relation (
In order to test the hypothesis, we made use of a
complex task and a problem which is largely
unknown to the participants but which they should
be able to solve according to their developmental
stage, prior knowledge and familiarity with similar
tasks. In order to minimize variability in prior
knowledge a homogeneous group of participants
will be selected, namely primary school grade 8
pupils (age: 11-12 years). These pupils are normally
not familiar with the specific problem (see section
2.2) and the specific mathematical reasoning needed
to solve this problem. However, they do possess
sufficient knowledge to be able to perform the task.
The hypothesis was tested in an experiment
described below. Dependent variable is percentage
of concepts produced in order congruent with our
Figure 2: Concept type in problem solving.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
To test our hypothesis we made use of a method in
which participants solve a difficult geometrical
problem while thinking-out loud. Their
verbalizations were recorded and transcribed.
Subsequently, verbal utterances were coded into the
above specified nine output concepts. The use and
the order of the three above described processing
stages were determined on the basis of the prevailing
‘output concepts’. This way, we were able to
determine whether the observed conceptualization
unfolds according to the stages specified by our
model. This method is rather coarse in that
verbalizations need not be entirely synchronous with
the actual cognitive processing. We assume that the
nine types of output concepts are ‘tied’ to the
respective processing stages of Perception,
Contextualization and Predication (e.g., qualisign,
‘icon’ etc. – Perception; ‘rheme’, ‘dicent’, etc. –
2.1 Participants
Twenty-eight 8th graders from the primary school in
Nuland, The Netherlands, took part in this
experiment. Age range was 11-12 years. The
participants were assumed not to be familiar with the
problem since it is not a part of their Math course.
This was confirmed by the teachers who reported
that knowledge directly needed to solve this problem
individually has not been acquired. This sample was
chosen because many IA applications are targeting
the respective population. Regarding their cognitive
development, 8th graders are similar to the adults
(Delfos, 2000).
2.2 Task
Participants were presented a problem based on
Plato’s Meno (Plato, 1871). They were shown a
picture of a square and were to find out how to
determine the length of the sides of another square
which is half as large as the first one. We chose this
problem because its solution is straight forward, as
outlined in (Magnani, 2001). At the same time the
problem is complex enough to elicit sufficient
amount of verbal utterances to be analyzed, as
determined in a pilot study involving two
participants. The participants rated the problem as
difficult although at their school level they have
already learned to compute the area of geometrical
figures which is necessary to solve this problem.
2.3 Procedure and Materials
The experiment was conducted using a standard
protocol. All sessions were videotaped. The time
intervals needed to solve the problem were
registered by the experimenter using a stop watch.
The setting was an empty classroom; a familiar work
surrounding for 8th graders. The experiment was
conducted individually. The experimenter was
seated in an L-setting with respect to the pupil in
order to avoid a suggestion of a ‘leadership role’ to
the experimenter since this may affect the pupils’
level of commitment to solving the problem. The
experiment was conducted during regular school
time. The experimenter was instructed not to
interfere with the process of solving the problem
unless this is indicated in the protocol. Each session
started with experimenter giving an instruction about
the task and the procedure. The recordings contained
on average 75 verbal utterances.
Instruction: “First of all you will receive a card
with a drawing on it. The drawing ‘represents’ a
geometrical problem. Your task is to uncover the
problem and to find its solution. While doing this I
would like you to say loudly everything you’re
thinking about this problem.”
This is called ‘thinking-out-loud’ method.
Subsequently, the participants were handed over the
card with the drawing representing the Meno
problem (see Figure 3) and the session started. It
was determined in advance in which situations the
experimenter will interfere and how: If a participant
was stuck with a (part of) the problem
(operationalized as inactive for 20 seconds) or if
he/she made a mistake, the experimenter prompted
him/her to try again and solve the problem or to try
and correct the error. Few types of errors were
anticipated upon which were already described in
Plato’s Meno and which also occurred in the pilot
study. Additional material was developed to
facilitate the problem solving by providing clues to
shift the participants’ focus in problem
interpretation. This material was provided if needed
in 3 different orders assigned randomly. An
illustration of additional material is given in Figure
NEW CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT MODEL - Explorative Study of its Usability in Intelligence Augmentation
Figure 3: On the left side of the figure participants see a
square for which the method of computing the length of
the sides has to be determined. In those cases in which
participants were stuck with the problem, the square on the
right side of this figure was provided showing an
alternative way of slicing the square which allows for
refocusing and advancement to the solution.
Coding Procedure. All transcribed verbal
utterances were first assessed for their contribution
to the solution of the Meno problem. Two kinds of
codes were assigned: 1. contributes to the solution
of the problem; and 2. ‘side-tracking’ or ‘errors’ like
wrong perception/representation/interpretation of the
problem, wrong assumptions, and logical errors. For
the former kind of utterances a coding system was
developed with types of concepts and examples
Examples coding of the verbal utterances:
1. Prototype knowledge on a stimulus (
“like a square.”
2. Prototypes in context (
square on the left side..”
3. Concepts in a relation (
square is twice as big as the other one.”
In order to validate the coding system two experts
independently coded a sample of verbal protocols.
The degree in which the conceptualization process in
solving the Meno problem is congruent with the
conceptualization process as specified by our model
was determined on the basis of prevalence of
‘correctly’ formed ‘argument’ concept types i.e.,
‘arguments’ preceded by concept types from any of
the preceding processing stages in order specified by
our model.
2.4 Analyses
The inter-rater reliability of the coding system was
determined using Cohen’s Kappa, and means and
standard deviations (SD) were computed using
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version
14 (SPSS 14).
The inter-rater reliability for the coding criteria was
high (Cohen’s Kappa = 0,924). In total, 1690 verbal
utterances were coded. Average percentage of task
related utterances was M=79% (SD=17.07). Average
percentage of utterances classifiable into our concept
types was 84 (SD=10.5). Average percentage of
congruent ‘arguments’ was 42 (SD=37.81).
Our preliminary results show high level of
congruence of concepts comprising verbal reports
with the concept types specified in our model.
Moreover, also the order of concept formation as
inferred from verbal reports is congruent with the
order of processing stages specified in our model.
Human conceptualization can be fast. In order to get
hold of the unfolding interpretation process we
introduced a task that, by virtue of its complexity,
forces problem solving to be split into stages. In the
first stage, subjects are typically stuck at a trivial
interpretation of their input (e.g., ‘There is a
mathematical problem’). In this stage, concept types
from the lower part of the model schema (Figure 1)
are dominantly produced. Further stages are more
difficult and often re-focussing is needed in order to
proceed in solving the problem. Alongside, concept
types from higher levels of the model schema are
generated (see Figure 1). Note that additional
material provided to participants only served the
purpose of shifting attention, thus enabling
emergence of alternative interpretations of the
problem, rather than offering information necessary
to solve the problem.
The findings suggest that
solving the problem is effective if the interpretation
process proceeds as suggested in our model.
We have shown that our model can be used to
analyse concept formation in human problem
solving. This means that the model is highly
congruent with human information processing. We
believe that our formal model can contribute to a
further development of existing IA-applications such
as computer supported instruction and human-
computer interfacing as it may serve as an explicit
basis for building such applications. Computer
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
assisted studies reviewed in Seo & Bryant (2009)
did not show conclusive effectiveness despite the
relatively large effect sizes obtained in these studies.
However, more experiments tapping into on-line
processing are needed in order to explore the
features of the model more extensively.
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NEW CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT MODEL - Explorative Study of its Usability in Intelligence Augmentation