Angel Gam
on, Miguel
Angel Exp
Angel Rodr
Marta Pla-Castells and Rafael J. Mart
Instituto de Rob
otica, Universidad de Valencia, PO-Box 2085. 46071, Spain
Web-based Learning, Virtual simulation and training, e-Learning platforms, Games for education and training.
This paper shows a web browser-based simulation architecture for education and training. This architecture
integrates multimedia content with an interactive virtual environment. This is achieved combining the use
of OSG4Web, a plugin for managing a scene graph inside a web browser, with the Flash platform. This
architecture has been used to develop a training system focused on building and masonry, and enables students
to practice their skills and acquired knowledge in a 3D immersive environment. It also includes an instructional
design and an evaluation module by means of several didactic units and exams.
Nowadays, academic institutions related to Informa-
tion Technologies for communication in education
fields are progressively incorporating the use of web
browser-based applications (Hosmeier and Dicesare,
2000), including e-learning technologies for learn-
ing and training in different degrees and professional
areas (Garrison and Anderson, 2003) (Michael and
Chen, 2005).
These applications allow students to get access to
educational materials related to a particular course or
qualification, (e.g. professional modules of masonry),
and also typically include on-line exams to validate
the correct assimilation of the contents, leading to
self-learning and self-evaluation.
The main goal in these applications is to increase
the skills acquired by the user by means of an efficient
learning method (Holzinger and Ebner, 2003). In fact,
most of them are based on exercises implemented as
interactive 2D animations. However, the limitations
of 2D interactivity in most cases diminishes the effec-
tiveness of this technique (Virvou et al., 2005).
Recently, e-learning solutions, especially those re-
lated to games for education (Squire, 2003)(Amory
et al., 2002), tend to include features like simulation
and virtual reality via 3D interactive environments
(Elliott et al., 2002). This new concept allows the
implementation of real working methods in a realis-
tic way (e.g. placement of protective barriers, or the
removal of building partitions).
Thus, the functionality of the simulators enables
the user to freely navigate through a 3D scene, (e.g. a
building under construction), the selection of objects
like tools and construction materials, the use of work-
ing methods, and the completion of tasks or objec-
tives required in an exercise (Kim, 2005). In addition,
through an instructional design the simulator provides
a better use of the teaching-learning process.
In this context, this paper presents a web browser-
based 3D simulation architecture for education and
training. It shows the techniques that allows to prac-
tice real life tasks, through a realistic environment
based on virtual reality. This architecture has been
used to develop a training system focused on building
and masonry, wich improves the learning process en-
abling the students to practice their skills and acquired
knowledge in the same web page.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows:
section 2 describes the technical background of web
browser-based simulators; section 3 presents the pro-
posed architecture for education and training; section
4 exposes the instructional design of the developed
application; section 5 shows the results and usage of
the system; finally, section 6 draws some conclusions
and further work.
As technology evolves, e-learning systems are pro-
gressively moving towards web-based simulation,
Ángel Gamón M., Ángel Expósito M., Rodríguez-Cerro Á., Pla-Castells M. and J. Martínez-Durá R. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 307-312
DOI: 10.5220/0002800103070312
more powerful and didactic. This enables web pages
to display interactive 2D and 3D content as well as
other advanced capabilities such as immersive audio
and video, thus improving the user’s experience. A
brief description of the most commonly used tech-
nologies has been exposed in (Martnez-Dur, 2009).
For this purposes, Adobe Flash is an excellent
option since it’s a popular standard for rich inter-
net content (www.adobe.com) powered by the Ac-
tionScript scripting language (www.actionscript.org).
Flash files (.swf), also known as Flash movies,
run on a virtual machine that displays animations
and executes ActionScript code. This virtual ma-
chine, also called Flash Player, can be embedded
into a web page as a browser plugin. Adobe Flex
(www.adobe.com/products/flex) is a framework built
on top of the Flash API consisting of an XML-based
language and a set of libraries for building Flash-
based RIAs very quickly. In summary, it’s a really
well-suited development tool for building rich GUIs
and 2D content that runs on almost every browser.
Last versions of the Flash API allow raster op-
erations on 2D polygons, which has been the start-
ing point for emerging Flash-based 3D rendering en-
gines, like PaperVision (www.papervision3d.org) or
Away3D (away3d.com). However, Flash-based 3D
rendering engines can’t take full advantage of the
hardware graphics pipeline due to the lack of support
in the Flash API. That leads to the implementation of
most ”‘hardware”’ tasks in ActionScript, which is a
slow language for the extremely heavy load that these
calculations represent.
In order to find a technology capable of supporting
a real-time 3D interactive environment, the main re-
quirements was the ability of handling a scene graph
and OpenGL or DirectX graphics. This way, we have
found several alternatives to take into consideration.
Firstly, Java allows to build web-based simula-
tion applications. Hardware-accelerated 3D graph-
ics in Java are possible through native bind-
ings like jOGL (jogl.dev.java.net) or jMonkey
(www.jmonkeyengine.com), that export operating
system-dependent APIs such as the OpenGL imple-
mentation to the language.
Other alternative developed by Google is
O3D (code.google.com/apis/o3d), an open-source
JavaScript API for creating interactive 3D graphics
applications that run within a browser window, such
as games or virtual worlds. It uses OpenGL or
DirectX through scene graph data structures and API.
Another interesting possibility is OSG4Web
(Calori et al., 2009) (Pescarin et al., 2005), wich
provides an open-source framework for in-browser
OpenGL-based application wrapping. The frame-
work allows the development of OpenGL and Open-
SceneGraph (www.openscenegraph.org) based appli-
cations, that open windows within the browser, allow-
ing bidirectional interaction with page elements via
JavaScript. OSG4Web decouples the application code
from the rendering engine, therefore the same plu-
gin can run totally different applications, also called
cores. Cores are dynamic OS libraries that are loaded
and linked in run-time, making it very efficient but
absolutely dependent on the operating system.
The architecture that is presented in this paper sup-
ports both 2D and 3D contents. 2D graphics are used
to display interactive menus, interface controls and
theoretical content, while 3D graphics provide qual-
ity practice exercises. Our requirements for the 2D
part have been to make an usable, easy and intuitive
interface by means of clear and simple buttons and or-
ganized layouts without sacrificing compatibility. The
Adobe Flex IDE, based on Eclipse, provides an easy
way of designing layout-based GUIs with a visual ed-
itor. It also incorporates all the capabilities and versa-
tility of Flash and ActionScript. Due to this features,
the choice has been to use this tool for all the 2D-
related parts.
Regarding 3D content, the main goal has been to
display fast and neat graphics that supported the for-
mative goal of every e-Learning application. Unfortu-
nately, as mentioned before, Flash can’t provide qual-
ity 3D graphics at this moment. That implied two
main aspects: it would be necessary to choose a sep-
arate platform for rendering only the 3D part, and it
would be needed some kind of integration between
Flash and the former. Thus, OSG4Web has been the
choice for that task due to its high speed OpenScene-
Graph (OSG) infrastructure. It allows quick porting
of existing OSG applications. The fact that the plugin
implements JavaScript bidirectional communication,
as it does Flash, allows a JavaScript-based integration.
Thus, the architecture is composed of four basic
blocks (Figure 1):
HTML Container. Instantiates both browser plu-
gins. Contains the JavaScript bridge and some
other handy code to manage on-screen elements.
Flash Plugin. Displays 2D contents and incorpo-
rates the application logic.
JavaScript Bridge. Supports the communication
between Flash and OSG4Web.
OSG4Web Plugin. Displays 3D contents, and in-
corporates the 3D scene graph management code
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Osg plugin
Flash Virtual
Figure 1: Web simulator architecture.
and the exercises logic.
A detailed explanation of the internals follows:
3.1 HTML Container
When the user’s browser requests the HTML con-
tainer web page by accessing its URL, it (as defined
in its source code) instantiates the Flash Player into
a DIV layer and also the OSG4Web plugin into an-
other one. A JavaScript detection code triggers a pop-
up message in the case the user don’t have either the
OSG4Web plugin or the Flash Player plugin installed
on his machine, and the user is pointed to the right
place where he can download and install it.
3.2 Flash Plugin
The Flash plugin is loaded with a movie when the
page loads. The Flash movie implements the main
application code and logic. On the one hand, it is re-
sponsible for the GUI, the navigation through menus,
the 2D theoretical module management and display,
the multimedia content (images, videos, sounds) load-
ing and managing, and the self-checking tests. On the
other hand, it calls JavaScript for showing/hiding the
OSG4Web layer as necessary, sends commands to the
3D plugin and receives the events from it.
3.3 JavaScript Bridge
As mentioned before, both Flash and OSG4Web are
able of calling functions written in a foreign language
resident in web container. In this particular case,
JavaScript is used because it is a well-known lan-
guage that runs in many browsers. The communica-
tion between Flash and OSG consists of a JavaScript
bridge which sends messages from one to another in
both directions. We have implemented it with a pair
of functions. The first one is called by Flash which
calls a OSG4Web-JavaScript interface function, while
the other is called by OSG4Web and calls a Flash-
JavaScript interface function.
Flash can call any JavaScript function, with arbi-
trary name or arguments count and, even, get back
its return value in a transparent way. In the case of
OSG4Web this is more restricted. It only allows cores
to call a function named ”‘eventCatcher”’ which takes
a single argument: a text string. For this reason, we
had only the ability to interchange one text string in
each call.
That led us to design and implement a text based
protocol for communicating messages, consisting of
sub-strings separated by one special separator char-
acter. There are two types of messages: Commands
and Events. Commands are orders or requests that
usually flow from Flash to the 3D core, and events
are asynchronous situations that require a notification
from one side to the another, mainly for synchroniza-
tion or other purposes.
Typical tasks that the protocol implements are:
Request from OSG4Web to load a 3D scene
Request from Flash to play an MP3 sound.
Notify to OSG4Web the completion of the playing
of a sound.
Notify to Flash that the exercise has finished and
also its results.
3.4 OSG4Web Plugin
OSG4Web is based on two components (Figure 2):
the first is a browser plugin, and the other consists of
a communication interface to interact with the partic-
ular graphic application. In this way, as mentioned
before, it is possible load different graphics applica-
tion with the same plugin.
OSG application
Figure 2: OSG4Web components.
OSG4Web works on Microsoft Internet Explorer
and Mozilla Firefox under Windows. We have
improved bidirectional communication between the
OSG4Web plugin and JavaScript which only received
messages on the ”window refresh” events. We have
also implemented a queue for avoiding message leaks
that emerged randomly.
OSG Application Core
The OSG4Web plugin is loaded with a custom-
designed core. We have implemented a set of exer-
cises that consist of a typical work scene, where the
user has to pick some elements and interact with them
in a point-and-click fashion. Because of that, there is
a special event to notify Flash when the user picks an
object, receiving the name of the scene graph node
picked. This way, Flash can display it integrated in
the 2D GUI.
When a new exercise starts, Flash provides
OSG4Web with a command telling it to load a XML
file that contains the name of the exercise scene model
and also other information about the exercise. The
application core downloads the OSG model file (.ive)
hosted in the web server and attaches the scene model
to the root node.
The simulator logic is splitted across the Flash
movie and the OSG4Web application core. The most
elegant solution would have been extending our pro-
tocol to allow scene graph management directly from
Flash, but for the sake of simplicity, we adopted the
solution of having the main simulator logic in Ac-
tionScript, and keep the exercise-related scene graph
management code in our OSG4Web core, as a com-
promise between functionality and required effort.
As stated before, each exercise is described by us-
ing the XML language. We have also defined a DTD
that describes a pseudo-scripting language, allowing
to define several configurable aspects, like the mod-
els to load or the positions of the objects to show. It
also defines the implementation of the exercise logic
by means of select statements, jumps, loops or condi-
tional branches.
By using this XML scheme, developers can create
new exercises with very few changes and also debug
them with ease.
The objective of the developed training system is to
teach the procedures, materials and safety measures
needed to perform operations in the construction of
fences and brick walls, while behaving in a safe way.
For this purpose, an instructional design model has
been specified. This model allows properly to exploit
the teaching process and optimize the training time.
The instructional design for this training system
refers to the exercises that the user have to follow in
order to acquire the relevant skills. Their contents and
the evaluation criteria have been structured in a conve-
nient way, taking into account the age and formative
level of the students.
In first place, the instructional design includes a
set of skills related to masonry that the user must ac-
quire through the use of the simulator:
Prepare and maintain tools, equipment, materials
and aids.
Wall partitioning.
Prepare cement mortars.
Build walls and partitions.
Position and fix frames to brick structures.
The educational content of the application is di-
vided into five different units, so each one presents the
techniques and methodologies required to achieve the
skills described above. Each learning unit has been
divided into three parts: a theoretical part, which ex-
plains the theoretical concepts related to each skill;
a practical part in which students must perform a set
of masonry tasks in a 3D virtual environment; and
an evaluation part, where multiple choice questions
extracted from the didactical contents are asked and
then evaluated.
In addition, an evaluation system provides a mea-
surement of the theoretical concepts that are being as-
similited. Thus, it evaluates the right choice of appro-
priate security measures, the mistakes made, and the
correctness in the decisions made to solve the tasks.
The proposed instructional design provides sev-
eral advantages to the learning process. Particularly,
the obtained results are:
Provide a training tool, empowering the process
of building workers training.
Give knowledge, skills and abilites to workers,
which are necessary to develop safe behaviors.
Establish secure protocols for typical operations
and raise workers awareness of the importance of
security within the organization.
Assess individual workers and evaluate the level
of compliance of security protocols.
In this manner, the instructional system offers a
number of defined characteristics that allows a better
use of the teaching-learning process.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Theoretical module: The slide contains multi-
media elements related to learning content. It also contains
navigation buttons to browse between slides or to access to
the different sections and didactical units.
By means of using the proposed architecture defined
before we have developed a training system com-
posed of several units containing: a theoretical mod-
ule with the typical features of an e-learning website,
a practice or simulation 3D-based module, and a test
module in the form of questionnaires.
The operation details of each of the modules are
described below.
5.1 Theoretical Module
In the theorethical module, different multimedia con-
tent (like static pre-rendered images, movies and other
2D content) is shown using a presentation with Flash
(Figure 3). Navigation buttons allow to browse be-
tween slides or access the different sections and di-
dactical units, as well as consulting a glossary of
terms related to construction.
The slides of each module show the above men-
tioned text, images and videos. All the text strings are
defined and indexed in a localized XML file for multi-
language support. The contents are also supported by
a pre-recorded voice that reads them.
5.2 Practice Module
In the simulation or practice module, the user navi-
gates in a virtual environment similar to a building
site, where he must perform a set of particular actions
that lead to achieve the aim of the exercise (Figure 4).
At the beginning of the exercise, a voice, along
with some screen messages, explain the objectives to
Figure 4: Practice module: The virtual scene shows a build-
ing site. The user can navigate through the environment
using the keyboard and the mouse. Also, the user can select
and use different tools for complete the tasks.
accomplish and indicates the tasks to do in every mo-
The system provides a mechanism for navigating
through the environment and selecting objects, using
the keyboard and the mouse. The possible movements
are the classic ”first person shooter” ones: change
head/pitch with the mouse, and walk with the arrow
The experience with users has shown that it’s im-
portant to establish properly the camera view when
the exercise starts, focusing on the tools and the work-
place. In addition, a ”home key” has been imple-
mented to allow the user to return to the starting po-
sition when has moved to an undesired area. Another
suggestion has been to identify the selected objects in
the exercise with labels on the screen.
The decisions made by the student may not be
correct, but the implementation of the exercises al-
lows for situations that could become erroneous. This
helps the student to learn from his mistakes by means
of choosing another working methodology.
5.3 Test Module
The test module shows a series of questions spoken by
a voice and defined in an XML file, where the system
prompts the user for selecting one of up to six possible
answers (Figure 5).
When the student considers that the test is com-
pleted, a button allows the user to submit it. Then, a
summary window is shown, reporting the total taken
time, the number of hits and misses represented by
a pie chart and the qualification (test passed or test
Figure 5: Test module: In this module, the user answers
several questions about the theoretical content. The user
can freely navigate through the different questions using the
upper bar and change his answer at any time.
In this paper, a web browser-based simulator architec-
ture for learning and training has been presented. As
a result, a simulator to use in the educational field has
been implemented.
The proposed architecture combines the advan-
tages of Flash, which provides rich multimedia pre-
sentations with bright and usable interfaces, with the
advantages of OSG4Web, capable of loading and ex-
ecuting an OSG application for the displaying of fast
and high quality 3D graphics.
The developed application allow the students,
through a web page, to learn new theoretical concepts,
to practice their skills and acquired knowlege in a 3D
immersive environment, and finally to be evaluated.
The specification of an instructional design has al-
lowed to achieve a better use of the learning process.
As future work, we are planning to improve our
web-based simulator’s look and feel by using shaders
and physical simulation. The enhancement of the web
integration, extending its compatibility across differ-
ent browsers and platforms is also planned.
This work has been supported by Fundacin Laboral
de la Construccin (FLC), Ministerio de Educacin
Centro Nacional de Investigacin y Comunicacin Ed-
ucativa (CNICE) and European Commision — Euro-
pean Social Fund (ESF).
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education