Choosing the Proper Paradigm
Marco Remondino, Anna Maria Bruno and Nicola Miglietta
e-business L@B, University of Turin, Torino, Italy
Keywords: Simulation, Discrete Events, Agent Based, System Dynamics, Knowledge Transfer.
Abstract: Compared to analytical modelling, simulation has sometimes a greater expressive and computational power,
especially for a behavioural study of an activity, system, organisation and other topics from the Social
Sciences, which an analytic study cannot adequately achieve. In this paper simulation is discussed as a
support for teaching and knowledge transfer: a model can be built and used to dynamically show and
explain a particular phenomenon through direct experiments, though contributing to a “maieutical” way of
learning by the students (learning by doing). Also team work is triggered by using simulation models as a
educational tool. In particular, three simulation paradigms are described, along with their potential
applications and points of strength and weakness. Management and Finance are the focus of the work, but
the same considerations may be extended to other social disciplines and sciences. Note: Although the article
is the result of a joint research project, the paragraphs are divided among the authors as follows: paragraphs
1 and 5 are jointly written and equally divided among all the authors; paragraph 2 is by Nicola Miglietta;
paragraph 3 is by Anna Maria Bruno and Marco Remondino; paragraph 4 is by Marco Remondino.
This work presents an analysis of modelling and
simulation applied to the Social Sciences, as a
supporting methodology for teaching purposes. A
model is a scaled down representation of a target
system in the real world; it wouldn't be useful to
create a one-to-one representation of the reality, so
it's very important to identify which are the main
features of the studied system and bring them in the
model (this process is called abstraction). Modelling
is applied when prototyping or experimenting with
the real system is expensive or impossible, and thus
it seems a perfect tool for researching in the social
field. In Ostrom (1988), simulation is described as a
third way to represent social models, being a
powerful alternative to other two symbol systems:
the verbal argumentation and the mathematical one.
The former, which uses natural language, is a non
computable way of modelling though a highly
descriptive one; in the latter, while everything can be
done with equations, the complexity of differential
systems rises exponentially as the complexity of
behaviour grows, so that describing complex
individual behaviour with equations often becomes
an intractable task. Simulation has some advantages
over the other two: it can easily be run on a
computer, through a program or a particular tool;
besides it has a highly descriptive power, since it is
usually built using a high level computer language,
and, with few efforts, can even represent non-linear
relationships, which are tough problems for the
mathematical approach. According to Gilbert and
Terna (1999), the logic of developing models using
computer simulation is not very different from the
logic used for the more familiar statistical models. In
either case, there is some phenomenon that the
researchers want to understand better, that is the
target, and so a model is built, through a
theoretically motivated process of abstraction. The
model can be a set of mathematical equations, a
statistical equation, such as a regression equation, or
a computer program. The behaviour of the model is
then observed, and compared with observations of
the real world; this is used as evidence in favour of
the validity of the model or its rejection. Computer
programs can be used to model either quantitative
theories or qualitative ones; simulation has been
successfully applied to many fields, and in Social
Remondino M., Bruno A. and Miglietta N. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 464-468
Sciences it allows to verify theories and create
virtual societies. Three different approaches to
simulation are analyzed: System Dynamic (SD),
Discrete Events (DE) and Agent Based simulation
(AB). Qualitative and quantitative methodologies
are then examined, and points of strength and
weakness of each methodology, when used as a
teaching support, are analyzed.
SD deals mostly with continuous processes whereas
“DE” and AB work mostly in discrete time, i.e.
jump from one event to another. Consider how
approaches correspond to abstraction. SD dealing
with aggregates is located at the highest abstraction
level. DE modelling is used at low to middle
abstraction. As for AB modelling, this technology is
being used across all abstraction levels.
2.1 System Dynamics
In (Sterman, 2000) we read that: System dynamics is
a method to enhance learning in complex systems.
Just as an airline uses flight simulators to help pilots
learn, systems dynamics is, partly, a method for
developing management flight simulators, often
computer simulation models, to help us learn about
dynamic complexity, understand the sources of
policy resistance, and design more effective policies.
Developed by Jay W. Forrester, System Dynamics is
“the study of information-feedback characteristics of
industrial activity to show how organizational
structure, amplification (in policies), and time delays
(in decisions and actions) interact to influence the
success of the enterprise” (Forrester). In SD the real-
world processes are represented in terms of stocks
(e.g. of material, knowledge, people, money), flows
between these stocks, and information that
determines the values of the flows. SD abstracts
from single events and entities and takes an
aggregate view concentrating on policies. To
approach the problem in SD style one has to
describe the system behaviour as a number of
interacting feedback loops, balancing or reinforcing
and delay structures. Mathematically, an SD model
is a system of differential equations. The model
works with aggregates, the items in that same stock
are indistinguishable, they do not have individuality.
2.2 Discrete Event Modelling
The term “discrete event modelling” applies to the
modelling approach based on the concept of entities,
resources and block charts describing entity flow
and resource sharing. This approach roots to 1960s
when Geoffrey Gordon conceived and evolved the
idea for GPSS and brought about its IBM
implementations (Gordon 1961). Entities
(transactions in GPSS) are passive objects that
represent people, parts, documents, tasks, messages,
etc. They travel through the blocks of the flowchart
where they stay in queues, are delayed, processed,
seize and release resources, split, combined, etc.
For the purpose of this investigation we would
like to underline that DE modelling may be
considered as definition of a global entity processing
algorithm, typically with stochastic elements. DE
simulation is usually applied to process modelling.
2.3 Agent Based Simulation
The main feature of this approach, when compared
to the other two examined is that it's essentially
decentralized. The modeller defines behaviour at
individual level, and the global behaviour emerges
as a result of many individuals, each following its
own rules, living together in some environment and
communicating with each other and with the
environment. That is why AB modelling is also
called bottom-up modelling. Instead of creating a
mathematical model, the underlying model is based
on a system comprised of various interacting agents.
Therefore, its structure and behaviour have potential
to resemble the actual economic theory and reality
better than simple mathematical models. While in
DE the stress is on the function of the single parts,
that are deeply modelled as resembling the reality,
and is SD the focus is on the sole aggregate
behaviour (high abstraction) in agent based
simulation the most important side is interaction
among entities, which creates the aggregate
emergent behaviour. The single agents can be very
simple, with few rules and directives. For example, a
somewhat realistic artificial stock market can be
simulated by creating different types of intelligent
agents, which follow inner rules; some of them will
simply act randomly, while others will “study” the
trend before acting. Some of them, on the contrary,
could use advanced techniques, such as stop loss. By
observing the general trend of an artificial stock
market created with these rules, one can be amazed,
by seeing that it resembles in many ways a real one.
On the other side, agents can be modelled with inner
reasoning and learning capabilities, for example
using neural networks, genetic algorithms, classifier
systems or other learning paradigm (e.g.:
reinforcement learning), which create an
evolutionary environment. Each agent has the
capacity to reason on the global effects of local
actions, or even to create its own forecasts on the
actions that will be performed by other agents. The
agents built using this approach can decide on which
action to perform, according to the stimuli coming
from the environment, and not only according to
their internal rules.
Simulation, in its various forms, can be a great
support for teaching Social Sciences, and in
particular Management and Finance. No matter what
paradigm is used, the model is an operative and
dynamic example for the theories usually explained
with natural language or case study. While the
theoretical background is fundamental, sometimes
this is regarded as something far from applicability
or, even, something that can’t be applied in real
world. A simulation model could thus serve three
main purposes in the educational field:
1. It can be used to dynamically show theories
previously explained, with an increased
expressive power. A metaphor for this is the
following: theory is a picture of the real
situation. A simulation model is the movie for
this. A picture can be looked at, and the
dynamics behind it must be imagined by the
observer; the simulation model gives a clear
insight on this background dynamics, thus
helping the explanation of social interrelations
and theories.
2. It can serve as an experimental desk, a sort of
laboratory for the Social Sciences. Using a model
for this purpose, students can experiment cause-
effect relations among some parameters (the
input variables of the simulation) and the results
(the output, be it quantitative or qualitative). This
virtual laboratory allows for example to simulate
enterprises in business games, so that students
“learn by doing” and try to make decisions about
managing and driving a firm.
3. It can be used as a substitute (or a dynamic
assistance) for use cases. Use cases are
interesting and very useful, but often static. They
are synthetic examples for general situations and
they could generate theory. Simulation models, if
correctly built, can also be the basis of new
theories and explain the behaviour of a system.
Thanks to computational power of today’s
computers, simulation models can be used to test
social theories, such as individual perception,
diffusion issues, aggregation, segregation,
reputation and so on.
All these three modes require a big interactivity
among the users and the model. Interactivity is,
itself, something that trigger learning; something
which is directly tried (and not just listened to) is
surely easier to understand and remember. Besides,
in this way, group learning is also motivated. For
example, in business simulations, a group of
students can decide who’s managing a particular
enterprise function, needing a coordination among
them. Simulations can be the basis for learning team
collaboration and appreciating team work.
All the mentioned paradigms are efficient and
potentially interesting as an educational support;
though, they have particular features that make them
more or less effective, when used for simulating
Economical and Financial situations. Generally
speaking, it can be noted that DE simulation can be
used to model and dynamically show processes that
can be easily decomposed into basic activities,
acting as building blocks. This enables a micro-level
analysis for thus systems like plants, machineries, or
such processes defined by standards production,
informative systems and so on. SD, on the other
hand, allows to carry on an analysis at the system
level, i.e.: aggregate macro-level. Instead of
designing the single parts composing a process,
when dealing with SD it’s necessary to individuate
some macro-classes, and the interrelations among
them. For example, SD is optimal for carrying on
analyses of diffusion phenomena (e.g.: innovation,
new technologies) or the evolution of a network of
firms. AB simulation is possibly the more “general”
approach, in the sense of its potentially wider
application, when compared to the others. It’s
particularly powerful when the behaviour of the
system at a macro level is not known a priori, or at
least the roles and interrelations of the single parts
are not explicit or directly expressible through
equations. By creating the simulated world with a
bottom-up approach, the aggregate behaviour is an
emergent property of the individual actions of the
agents, i.e.: the micro parts composing the system.
This makes AB optimal for studying the human
factor in Management and Finance, or if cognitive
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
agents are employed, the adaptive behaviour of
societies. AB is for example the most used approach
for representing Game Theory, (e.g.: Power, 2009;
Remondino and Cappellini, 2005), spontaneous
aggregation phenomena, and so on.
4.1 Pros and Cons
Besides having different application fields, as
discussed, each of the reviewed paradigms has some
points of strength and weakness. DE modelling has,
as a first fundamental strength when used as a
teaching support, to be able to show, through a flow
chart (which is something very straightforward and
cognitively powerful) how a process works and
operates. Each activity can be explained in details,
through completion time, required resources,
preconditions, local outputs and so on. Besides, after
defining the framework defining each part of the
process, the output could be measured by means of
simulation; the average time for process completion
can be calculated, as well as the costs, possible
bottle necks, redundant resources. This is a very
strong way of showing how deterministic or
stochastic processes work, and can be the basis for
scenario and what-if analysis. Another point of
strength for DE modelling is the easiness of data
interpretation; if structural values are used correctly,
the results are directly comparable with the real
world situation that has been modelled. Besides, DE
models are not too difficult to build and modify,
thanks to well known and widespread standards
(e.g.: UML) and easy-to-use visual tools. Last but
not least, when building a DE model, the real world
situation has to be studied in detail and decomposed,
first. This requires a theoretical and deep pre-
modelling study, which is very useful for students.
On the other hand, DE modelling has some
weaknesses; first, it’s not always easy or even
possible to divide a process (especially if complex
and social) into basic activities, without severe
approximations: for example a Financial market.
Besides, the model has a deterministic or stochastic
nature, thus making it impossible to realistically
emulate human-like behaviour and human factor in
the most general extent. Another limitation is that
the whole schema is built a priori (the flow) and is
not subject to structural changes during the
simulation. Eventually, it’s worth mentioning that
it’s quite difficult to have more big processing to
cross interact among them, unless loosing detail or
expressive power, which is something fundamental
for educational purposes. As to SD, its biggest point
of strength for educational purposes is the easiness
to transmit the connections and interactions among
macro systems. This is a fundamental part for
Economic systems (markets) and Finance. Feedback
loops are highlighted and so cause/effect relations
among the components. Another important and
natural pro of SD is the fact that stock variables and
flow variables are identified and represented. This is
exactly the way in which many accounting and
Economic systems work; e.g.: the flow of new
investment (positive flow) and the depreciation or
depletion (negative flow) determine the stock of
capital. Last but not least, as for DE modelling, there
are many visual tools to build SD simulations, thus
overcoming possible technical difficulties. A first
drawback of SD technique is that it usually gives
general “average” results for the macro classes
represented. For example, in a market model, it will
represents the average investments for enterprises, or
the average value added for customers and so on.
The modeller has to think in terms of global
structural dependencies and has to provide accurate
quantitative data for them. Since SD is at an high
abreaction level, it’s difficult or even impossible
to explore lower levels, thus showing to students and
learners how individual sub-parts actually influence
the overall behaviour of the class that comprises it.
When building a SD model, it’s necessary to
define relations among the parts through
mathematical formalisms. This is not always
possible, especially in social and financial systems;
while a general and theoretical market can be well
described, some investment and negotiation
strategies based on perception cannot be represented.
The relations among the macro classes are then
static and immutable during the simulation process.
Essentially, as for DE simulation, the PC calculates
the overall result given a mathematical framework
and some initial parameters, but cannot change the
way in which these macro classes interact among
them. According to (Bonabeau, 2002), AB
modelling has three main benefits, over other
approaches: it captures emergent phenomena; it
provides a natural description of a system; and it is
flexible. In fact, as already noted, AB simulation is
the widest applicable approach, in the sense that it
can be used for exploring problems at different
levels (from an higher abstraction, like markets or
societies, to lower levels, like individual behaviours
for the agents). Besides this is possible in the same
model, making the different level interconnected
among them. The bottom-up approach used for
building AB models is most natural for educational
purposes, since it examine a situation from the
perspective of the single entities involved. The
overall behaviour is thus not prescribed or defined
by the designer of the system, but rather an emergent
property, coming out from the aggregation of many
individual possibly simple behaviours. As noted,
the agents can also be cognitive and this fact brings
in the possibility of studying human factor in
organizations, and to study consumer choices when
facing the market, or behavioural finance biases. As
a first counter altar to the wide applicability of this
paradigm, it must be noted that there is not a general
prescription for building an agent based model.
Usually, a base framework has to be built, with some
general rules (environment) and then the properties
at the agent level must be defined and implemented.
Since the aggregate behaviour is emergent,
quantitative results are often difficult to validate and
to directly compare to real situations. The results
gets more and more difficult to interpret when there
are many parameters and wide environments.
Anyway, especially as a teaching support,
sometimes qualitative results are more than enough,
especially when they are supported by graphical
views (e.g.: network representation, 2D/3D views of
the underlying environment and so on). Scaling
issues often arise in AB models, meaning that the
overall behaviour is influenced by the quantity of
agents involved, or better by the order of magnitude.
While for both DE and SD paradigms there are
many visual tools that can be used to build models,
in order to implement AB simulation some
programming skills should be possessed (e.g.: Java,
C++ or others). Some languages have been
conceived with the purpose of building AB models
(e.g.: Starlogo and others), which have some built in
primitives and routines to facilitate the
implementation of such simulations, and many
support libraries exist for high level languages (the
most known being Swarm, Ascape, Repast, Mason),
but even so building an AB model is much more
technically heavy than using the other paradigms.
A simulation model is essentially a set of rules that
define how the system being modelled will change
in the future, given its present state. In the paper
three simulation paradigms are explored and
reviewed in detail, in order to show their
applicability in the educational field, as a support for
teaching. After discussing the expressive power of
simulation in general when coming to knowledge
transfer and representation, each paradigm is
described, and so are the fields in which they could
be more naturally employed, with particular
attention to Management and Finance. As a
conclusion, in the paper it is debated and maintained
that all simulation models can be a perfect support
for teaching these subjects, since they can be used to
dynamically show theories previously explained,
they can serve as an experimental desk, a sort of
laboratory for the Social Sciences and can be used as
a substitute (or a dynamic assistance) for use cases.
If Discrete Event modelling is perfect for
describing and representing situations at a micro
level, System Dynamics is optimal for designing
markets and financial systems at an high abstraction
level, where the links among the macro classes can
be expressed through equations. Agent Based
modelling has a wider scope, and is optimal when
human factors and social issues must be taken into
accounts, thanks to its bottom-up modelling, but is
also the most technically difficult to implement, due
to the lack of visual tools, which exist for the other
paradigms. Though, when the system to be
simulated has a complex aggregate behaviour, not
easy to describe just studying and modelling the
single basic activities, and at the same time
impossible to describe formally through equations,
agent based simulation seems to be the best usable
approach. In complex systems the sum of the parts is
often not enough to describe the whole, and usually
from the interaction of many simple entities a
complex behaviour emerges.
The authors wish to thank prof. Gianpiero Bussolin,
their unforgivable mentor.
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Group Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-59904-522-1.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education